Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family: Huffington

Herland Report: Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family: Stephen Baskerville, a writer I have followed for many years, explains in the June 2021 issue of Chronicles that it is the US welfare system constructed by the “Great Society” programs, not racism, that explains the plight of many black Americans.

Democrat US Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned at the time that the welfare system Democrats were putting in place would destroy the black family.

As Moynihan predicted, the “war on poverty” decimated the African-American family and created a self-perpetuating underclass of single mothers and fatherless children, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, and a well known author of many books. He is also a regular contributor to The Herland Report. (Feature photo: Huffington post.)

Moynihan spelled it out for his colleagues:

“A community that allows a large number of young men to grow up in broken families, dominated by women, never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, that community asks for and gets chaos.”

But the welfare bureaucracies set in place were not about to let go of what was valuable to them.

Read Hanne Herland’s examination of feminism and its consequences bolsters Baskerville’s. The ease with which ideologies prevail over facts is an unheeded lesson.

How Marxist Feminism Destroyed the Family:


Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family: Baskerville says the real problem was not waste and “Welfare Queens” living extravagantly at public expense as conservatives complain, but money spent on turning black children into criminals, addicts, dropouts, and rioters, thus creating more problems requiring more government intrusion.

The appearance of radical feminism exacerbated welfare’s destruction of the black family by glorifying female independence and single-mother homes.

Barbara Ehrenreich, for example, declared that “Independence, even in straitened and penurious forms still offers more sexual freedom than affluence gained through marriage and dependence on one man.”

Having driven away black fathers with financial bribes to women, the welfare system then shifted costs to fathers. “Deadbeat Dads” were criminalized and imprisoned under child support laws.

Next feminists used “no fault” divorce laws to extend the destruction of the family into the white component of society. “No fault” divorce destroyed marriage as a legally enforceable contract and replaced it with the ability of one spouse to unilaterally end a marriage without any grounds.

Baskerville says that this feminist achievement extended family destruction into white middle class ranks. The resulting bitterness among women created more hatred of men and gave rise to the #MeToo movement which has spread chaos and bitterness.

Democrats have succeeded in shifting the blame for the consequences of their work to “white racism,” and feminists have succeeded in demonizing men.

Curiously, feminists blame men for taking advantage of the sexual promiscuity of women that feminists advocated. With the relations between races and the relations between the sexes so badly damaged, what hope is there for society?

Welfare and Feminism Destroyed the American Family: Hanne Herland’s examination of feminism and its consequences bolsters Baskerville’s. The ease with which ideologies prevail over facts is an unheeded lesson.

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October 10, 2022 7:37 am

Almost all problems facing the west are rooted in the welfare system, which by its very nature steals from the productive to give to the parasitic. The parasites then develop a sense of entitlement, and look for ever more theft to be undertaken on their behalf. Then of course you have hordes with enough to survive without working, who are idle, and who turn to crime, drugs, and all manner of antisocial behavior to fill the void. The welfare largesse encourages mass illegal immigration, and its destruction of culture.

The govt should have no place in granting welfare. It should entirely be a familial and private matter.

October 10, 2022 7:45 am

Hiya Loop…a small bone needs picking. How can you say, manufacturing is never coming back and shouldn’t because muh free market, then declare no one should be directly responsible for feeding , housing and clothing the unemployed ? You really want to see cities burn, don’t you? I’m not defending welfare as policy, only necessity, because the alternative is much worse.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 8:26 am

There exists a chasm between those who wish to work and cannot find employment and those who have no interest in labor of any kind and insist on being supported.

In the absence of industry there are a multitude of ways by which one can earn a living. I have seen a family I know that went through what could only be described as a personal economic disaster alter their course within days using little more than some cleaning supplies and a beater car turn themselves into a wealth generating business that now employs dozens in a matter of two years.

The key component is the individual and their capacity to adapt, not the number of available industries they can work for.

Teach a man to fish and all that jazz.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 8:46 am

Total bullshit and spoken like a true trust fund baby. A beater car and a few dollars in cleaning supplies isn’t going to support tens of millions of families across America and there are millions of average IQ people, who can and will work, if jobs are available, but do not understand the mechanics or possess the start-up to begin and run their own. This is why it was such a one sided deal to ship as much manufacturing capacity out of this country, because people need to work and if they don’t , they still have to fucking eat. What will you do with these people…declare them fake and gay like the nuclear bomb and claim they don’t and never did exist …it’s just people spreading fear ?

You remind me of an old born with a gold spoon up his ass, multimillionaire, I used to work for who like to tell people he started his business in a barn, with hard work and sacrifice, and everyone should be able to live on $5 an hour, because it’s not how much money you amke , but how you manage it. You don’t really know any poor people do you?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 9:13 am

You are one of the most depressing people on this site. There’s something you excel at.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 9:21 am

If the truth is depressing, it’s because you don’t have the guts to accept it.

I’ve seen hundred of textiles mills shut down and entire towns impoverished and turned into ghettoes. but hey. if those recent employees, turned useless eaters, just get a nickels worth of cleaning supplies and an old beater car, that never needs a $7,000 transmission or engine work, plus $2,000 worth of car insurance, a $200 business license, and $10,0000 workmen’s comp and liability , shiiiiit, they can make it in the business world, just like I did…reeeeee

October 11, 2022 12:01 am

The Rainbow Hair coalition is allergic to work.

October 10, 2022 9:14 am

Very little manufacturing has been shipped out of the US. Lots has been shipped in via extra consumption, financed via debt. I have shown that to be true time and again. Check mfg as a percentage of gdp over history as proof.

The reason mfg isn’t coming back is 1) it never left, and 2) the jobs have disappeared owing to automation, and that will continue. Mfg will never again be a generator of middle class lifestyles.

If people cannot produce enough to live a middle class life, then they won’t, and shouldn’t. That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t work for whatever they do earn.

The middle class is, and has been, living far above its means. I have said this, and I predicted inflation would be the likely means used to lower that standard of living to a more sustainable level. And lo, it seems to be happening.

Most people simply do not generate enough product or services to live the middle class lifestyle. So, in the end, they will not. It really is that simple.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 9:21 am

So what are the three machine shops in my area that are successfully operating considered? Illusions? Dreams?

There exists a need for their services, there is an adequate customer base to support them and they are both staffed and supplied adequately to complete their work.

It may not be GM level, but they exist.

The issue isn’t one of being but rather scale.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 9:36 am

Did they start those up on $34 dollars worth of savings too , after losing their job at Starbucks?

  hardscrabble farmer
October 10, 2022 11:42 am

I worked a CNC machine at A shop.in Bohemia Ny
Basically all we made were missile components and medical components. As far as anything else I’m assuming most is made overseas.

October 10, 2022 11:56 am

When Ja’quon got laid off at Laquesha’s Fried Chicken, Grape Drink and Hair Weave Emporium, he learnt CNC and started-up a machinist shop too, cause he got a can-do attitude and a lottery ticket worth 15 million.

October 10, 2022 4:04 pm

Actually, he got his start-up capital by trading the “Purple Drank” recipe to St. Trayvon for the jewelry the latter stole from old white womens folk houses.

He then parlayed that into some cash, and — emulating (sucessfully though) John DeLorean — he leveraged it via a fentanyl deal with St. Floyd and WALA !! — he done got his $15 mil for the CNC shop. Finna be easy, dawg…

October 10, 2022 4:03 pm

You assume wrong.

October 10, 2022 9:34 am

“The reason mfg isn’t coming back is 1) it never left, ”

That’s total bullshit. I’ve seen hundreds of textile mills across the south dismantled and shipped to Asia. And, these jobs were not union, so they were low wage to begin with, thus these mill towns weren’t flush with cash to weather the economic ass fuck, the banker class laid on them.

These people never were middle class and according to your no-one-even-owed-them the paycheck to paycheck existence they lived, they all should have just killed themselves after the jobs disappeared.
Although, I guess if they hadn’t been born Scot-Irish and Native Red Ass instead, they could have captured a free taxpayer ride to some Ivy league school and escaped the impoverishment from the fake and gay jobs that never existed?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
October 10, 2022 12:23 pm

Suggest you tour the Carolinas, GA & AL. Abandoned textile mills everywhere, dying towns…and every piece of clothing is made in Asia.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  lamont cranston
October 10, 2022 1:11 pm

Paper mills, too, but they demolish them so nobody can buy them and compete with lower labor costs.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 1:20 pm
  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 4:08 pm

TN – mfg did not disappear. It only seems so as it now takes 20% as muc h labor to make a widget as it did in 1960, and that trend will continue.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 8:59 pm

My point was that I-P closes a mill and then razes it so nobody can use it to compete. At the same time, they are enlarging some mills and incorporating automation to make them more productive. They are making the same amount of paper with fewer mills and fewer employees.

  lamont cranston
October 10, 2022 4:06 pm

Lamont -I was in textiles once upon a time. Yes, textiles largely left. That doesn’t mean manufacturing did. Cause and correlation are not the same things. Just because one thing left doesn’t mean it wasn’t replaced by another. The US is a mighty mfg binational, it just doesn’t take workers anymore. The US still makes a lot of textiles, it just doesn’t need many workers to do it. But yes, a lot of textiles left.

Laura ann
Laura ann
  lamont cranston
October 10, 2022 8:41 pm

And guess what, me and hubby are wearing these clothes incl some made in S.E. Asian countries and places like Jordan, some small Muslim countries and west Africans countries. This incl shoes because that’s all they sell nowdays.

  Laura ann
October 11, 2022 12:33 am

Laura – ask yourself why clothes in particular were shipped overseas. The answer is this – clothes are hard to automate. Sewing is labor intensive. Women’s clothes especially change design, a fabric, style, etc., every season. So they get a Bangladeshi to do it, as they cannot automate it. When US labor plus labor related costs are around $40 an hr, in a non-auto factory, and they cannot automate, at least not easily, the Bangladeshi labor at $0.25 an hr is taken up. Textiles are an outlier as they cannot be automated. And the mills went with them, as why bear the cost of shipping? Mills haven’t changed much in a century -there is little left to automate once they developed a reliable shuttle loom.

But metal fabrication is a fish of a different color. It is easy to automate, cost of automation is largely the same no matter where in the world it occurs, and you do not want little Bangladeshis screwing with your multimillion dollar robots. So that type work tends to stay where it is, but without many workers.

And no, you can still buy US made clothes. You aren’t looking very hard, and it is not all they sell nowadays. ButUS made clothes are going to be expensive. This partial list took me 10 seconds to find:

10 American Made Clothing Brands For Women (2024)

And here are some USA made shoes:

Made in USA Shoes: 31 American Brands Worth Your Support

New balance has a line of USA made sneakers I believe.

So stop the bullshit. I know better. There are American made just about anything you want. But either you don’t want to look, or you don’t want to pay the US price.

October 10, 2022 11:59 pm

Try to find a product in Walmart not made in China.

October 11, 2022 12:34 am

Then don’t buy at fucking Walmart. That is entirely on you. Almost anything you want can be found USA made.

Seriously, what a load of shit.

October 10, 2022 10:41 am

Great song and artist, but generalizing like you are doing here is not helpful, nor is it accurate. Personal integrity and learned work ethic will always drive the man who wants to contribute and provide and has just enough personal pride to refuse to take handouts, but that teaching is lacking in “modern” families- a point the article is making. I’d absolutely clean toilets or dig ditches at my advanced age than sit on my duff waiting for a check in the mail. Even if I had to do it ‘under the table’. A man who will not work shall not eat. I could respect that guy in the mirror who lays it out, not the one who just lays down.

October 10, 2022 11:01 am

Reality ain’t about you and your feelz or experiences, bubba. The reality is the manufacturing jobs shipped out of America, at the behest of Deep Capitals clothed, fed and housed American blue collar families, while service jobs do not. If we are going to allow the money lenders who control our government to create a two class( rich vs poor) nation, then we will not be a nation for very much longer.

Try paying for a car, 4 digit apartment rent, food, clothing and insurance on your minimum wage salary and your boomer cuck feels will rise up to bite you in the ass.

We elect and pay taxes for a government to serve We the People , and not foreign capital .
Are we not our brothers keeper ?

October 10, 2022 4:13 pm

The reality is the jobs did not ship out of America. That is some ignorant bullshit right there, flash. It really is. Mfg jobs have dropped by the equivalent of around 70 million jobs since 1950. Mfg used to employ half the people, which would be something like 80 million people at today’s population. Despite mfg % of gdp being relatively unchanged, it now employs like 10 million people. 70 million jobs were not shipped overseas. That is total lunacy. And you should stop lying about it. It didn’t fucking happen.

70 million jobs were lost to automation. Do the calculations. Take 80 million and reduce it by 2.5% each year over 70 years and see what you get. Mfg gets around 2.5% more efficient each year. That is just how it is. And that is where the jobs went.

October 10, 2022 4:15 pm

Nobody is entitled to a car, apartment, food, clothing. If you can earn them, you should get them. If not, not. Welcome to the real world, my socialist friend.

October 10, 2022 9:27 am

It isn’t a necessity. The reality is that the US population is living vastly beyond its means. What cannot continue will not. And it cannot continue indefinitely. Just the fed debt is $100k per person. Add in all other debt and promises, and it is hundreds of thousands per person – every person in the US on average has lived hundreds of thousands of dollars beyond their means. It is crazy.

Divide say 100 trillion total debt (very low estimate) by 330 million = $300,000 more or less per person. Divide that by say average age of 50 years. That means on average every person has lived $6000 a year beyond their means. A family of 4 is living $24k a year beyond their means. That means standard of living is 50% higher than it should be, or needs to drop by 1/3. The math is easy. And unavoidable.

Wanting to see cities burn is neither here nor there. It is what it is. The standard of living must come down, and it will. It will also require an overshoot on the way down as all the debt is written off or inflated away. It will be ugly. The only question is whether it will be slow ugly or fast ugly.

October 10, 2022 9:46 am

You don’t have to convince me that it’s all going down in flames, but it didn’t have to be this way. The US government, which should have been securing the future for US and ours was too busy getting in bed with Deep Capital to bother to prevent the nation from becoming a third world shithole.

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October 10, 2022 4:48 pm

The US government, which should have been securing the future for US and ours was too busy getting in bed with Deep Capital to bother to prevent the nation from becoming a third world shithole.

Followed by the Preamble.
It starts with “We the people”
Nowhere does it say anything about the government.
Your government is a leach.
A parasite.
It all starts with “We the people”.
And it will end with “We the people”.
When your government can no longer pay money of any value to the promises it made, those that bought into those promises will be in for a rude awakening.
C’est la vie.
What to do with all those people that can’t find a job?
Why, they’ll starve.
Just like they have throughout history.
It’s a self solving problem, Mr. Flash.
If Deagel is correct, should be a reduction of some 260 million in the US alone.
Certainly nothing to clutch pearls about.
And I’m no trust fund baby.
But I did take the opportunity to let your government train me in skills that will have definite value in the world coming down.

October 10, 2022 4:24 pm

every person in the US on average has lived hundreds of thousands of dollars beyond their means

Just because the Fed and congress have worked hand-in-glove to print fiat fedbux with impunity, for the MIC, big pharma, and other insider grifting — and most especially because that’s what’s required to keep the ponzi afloat — doesn’t mean that the average american has benefitted to the tune of $100k. If that money had actually gone into productive ivestments, such as repaired and new infrastructure (roads, clean coal/nat. gas plants, etc.), then sure some benefits would have accrued to citizens. But all that debt was wasted (think TARP) and stolen (Solyndra and other “green” grifting), because why would TLPTB be investing in infrastructure when they want to de-populate and “rewild” amerika for Agenda 2030?

Your argument might make sense if you’re talking about ‘muricans taking on too much personal debt — but you referenced public debt (as if we really have a say) vs. private sector debt — which I agree with you is unsustainable and will bring a rude awakening to many.

October 10, 2022 6:20 pm

DS – Take a gander at where all the fed money goes and get back to me. Welfare payments make up a huge percentage of the spend, and hence a huge percentage of the spend flows directly into people’s pockets. Directly. Then there is the benefit of working in the industrial military complex. Then there is the multiplier effect. Take out the welfare portion of the fed deficit and the multiplier effect of it and get back to me. Then look at the private debt levels. Then look at the govt pensions and promises.

That $300k per person amount living beyond their means is an underestimate.

October 10, 2022 8:55 pm

Welfare payments make up a huge percentage of the spend, and hence a huge percentage of the spend flows directly into people’s pockets.

Yes — that’s a good example of unproductive debt. Given the welfare system we have, it’s even worse than unproductive — it is fueling destruction of the productive; in fact, that is one of the points of this article.

Take out the welfare portion of the fed deficit and the multiplier effect of it and get back to me.

You can’t take them out without collapsing the Fed ponzi. That’s one big reason why they create “crises” (covid-bs, ukraine) so they can spend piles of money necessary to keep kicking the can down the road, all the while skimming off the top (and middle, and bottom).

It is the system we’re stuck living in, and so sure we benefit from the multiplier and $ being the reserve currency. But I guess what I’m trying to say is the welfare whores and the super rich are the ones benefitting the most, not the middle- and upper-middle class. Sure, there are many in those categories living way beyond their means, but that is more the case of too much private debt for the most part. Overall, though, I agree with you that a large majority are living beyond their means and are oblivious.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:15 am

The world was a much better place for children before welfare and no fault divorce. I know because I lived in that world.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 9:19 am

Almost all problems facing the west are rooted in government actions/programs.

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 9:38 am

If you can’t offer you nation economic security, you want be a secure nation for very long.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 9:42 am

The U S Constitution clearly defines the functions of the central government and they have been exceeded by power hungry politicians for the past 100+ years. They have created TRILLION$ in debt which will lead to the destruction of our economic security.

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 9:55 am

No doubt.
comment image

October 10, 2022 9:57 am

Remember when half-trillion seemed a lot ? ha ha ha…those were the days.

October 10, 2022 2:13 pm

We’ll have them niggers voting for us the next 100 years…..

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 10:26 am

Almost all problems facing the west are rooted in government actions/programs.

That right there is the root of ALL the problems facing the country….regulations, taxes, welfare, you name it, All created by the Big Nanny Government, ignorant bureaucrats, greedy politicians and it is ALL government, local to federal that has created this shitshow and the central bankers rub their hands, as does big Pharma and a host of other lobbying corporations.

October 10, 2022 10:45 am

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October 10, 2022 10:50 am
October 10, 2022 11:06 am
TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 1:22 pm

The more money government spends, the more money there is to be had by the firms who lobby the most and the more money the firms have to “invest” in their favorite politicians. It’s a nice positive feedback loop where THEY always win and the taxpayer always loses.

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 1:30 pm

That muh capitalism, bruh. Hard work and sacrifice. If you can’t compete, get out of muh free market.


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 8:04 pm

There has not been a free market in my entire lifetime. Government controls the market through taxes and subsidies.

October 11, 2022 12:44 am

This is an ignorant question, but why isn’t this called muh corporatism? Corporations and the government make the bedfellows, not Becky’s Best Smelling Herbs sold on this street. Thanks Flash.

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 4:28 pm

That, and to supress the Karen-minded, is why limited goverment is necessary. The more limited, the better.

October 10, 2022 9:59 am

All made possible by limitless fiat.

October 10, 2022 4:25 pm

Abolish the Fed.

Laura ann
Laura ann
October 10, 2022 11:58 am

This is why voting is useless, both parties push welfare programs 24/7. Also, both push aid to most countries that hate us and use us.

  Laura ann
October 10, 2022 1:33 pm

Laquesha, da communist welfare ho gotz some food stamps. smh.


A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 8:41 am

Yeah they blamed it on the men.

The problem is women can make more money by divorcing there husbands. They get half of the assets half of his income and child support.

Then people say to them “you go girl”or praising single motherhood. When she was the one who destroyed the marriage.

These women do not care about their own children.

  A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:40 am

Y – and the propaganda is everywhere. I hear commercials, psa’s etc. that always feature a woman and her kids…

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 8:51 am

No one is safe

  A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 9:08 am

Feminism was never Not Rotten

Feminism and welfare didn’t just wreck one family, PCR – and it REALLY wrecked the black family.

October 10, 2022 10:00 am

Black families wrecked themselves. It’s a cultural thing.

October 10, 2022 10:02 am
October 10, 2022 2:18 pm

She’s wrong, there’s 7. It as in what is IT.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 10, 2022 8:52 am

The destruction of the family was needed in order to destroy the foundation of the US. They (Bolsheviks) were almost completely successful.
If the US is not completely destroyed it will take a pendulum swing that probably will go too far (think Franco) to turn it around.

  Mary Christine
October 10, 2022 9:12 am


You forgot a couple of parentheses.

October 10, 2022 8:53 am

I have many female friends that I’ve known for 35 ,forty years. They are now retired,.lonely and miserable. They constantly bemoan that they had a career and didn’t get married or have kids.I have no sympathy . After being fucked over ,dragged through courts drained of resources . I’m never falling for it again .

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:18 am

MGTOW is the way!

  A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 4:27 pm

Sort of, but only for now. We have to fix this. No one is happy with it. Feminism and welfare (and .gov education, etc.) have to be abolished.

October 10, 2022 12:37 pm

Don’t get married while women have rights. It is a dead end street. Unless you like living in an old car on a Walmart parking lot or worse.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 8:54 am

This man has saved many marriages including mine.

October 10, 2022 9:07 am

Bankers created welfare for bankers. They could give a rats ass about anyone else. This is muh capitalism too.


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 9:26 am

This quote has been attributed to LBJ regarding the ’64 voting rights act and it sounds exactly like something this old bastard would have said.

“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years“. Lyndon Johnson 1963

  TN Patriot
October 10, 2022 2:20 pm

While Biden,Obama, and Carter were terrible presidents. LBJ was bad but also a terrible person.

October 10, 2022 9:39 am
October 10, 2022 9:58 am

I’m so sick about having to hear about the poor Jews.Where do they keep digging up all these supposed survivors of the Holocaust? Lol you would think there would be less of them to control everything we hear ,buy or sell or trade thanks to the “final solution “

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 10, 2022 9:44 am

This is what Feminism has led to:

October 10, 2022 11:29 am

This sabotage of the family by the welfare system was social engineering starting in the 60s. At first it was to sabotage the black family unit as revenge for the passage of the civil rights act, as an attempt to keep as many black people out of the universities and professional employment as possible. The powers that be at the time (who also set up illegal drug trades in black neighborhoods for the same reason) didn’t know, or most likely didn’t care about the long term colossal negative impact that it would have on the country as a whole. That plus the counter culture movement of the 60s put this country on course for the issues we’re dealing with today.

Laura ann
Laura ann
October 10, 2022 11:55 am

There never will be hope for the family ongoing, churches are full of divorced people some remarried several times. Family dysfuction is the norm incl some grandparents raising g’kids. Kids rule the house, don’t have chores, and parents allow most anything, buy them anything and spoil them beyond my generation whose parents used the word “no “often. A sorry mess, which is why we home church, not involved in group activities, and no longer want friends unless they meet our standards (few).

October 10, 2022 12:23 pm

What about the influence of Hugh Hefner and his international magazine Playboy ? The men who were encouraged to throw away their responsibilities and considering their wife at home and the children a useless burden? What respect could you get for your father fearing old age who is getting a divorce and showing up with a trophy wife (a Barbie bimbo) and asking you to call her “Mommy”? The bitterness of young men and women created cynism and had deep roots; do you know the expression Reciprocity: Setting up a good example if you want to reap respect and credibility?

October 10, 2022 4:30 pm

Feminism and the pill made it a lot easier to walk away from women. Make yourselves back into women. Men will stay.

October 10, 2022 5:41 pm

Very true. Most marriages are built on a huge misunderstanding fueled by blinding desires of men and economic and status expectations of women.

October 10, 2022 5:46 pm

But keep in mind that the damage women have done to Mens perception of women cannot be undone. A whole generation of males already gave up on women and most aren’t even old enough to remember what a woman is. Even if all women lost legal status and started wearing dresses again tomorrow, there’s no way to fix this.

October 10, 2022 6:15 pm

I am not an American , you are talking about the American women? Expand your wings guys, avoid the Cactus psychopath, choose the sweet peach!

October 10, 2022 7:15 pm

Ok Edith, I’ll bite on the bait. Do you believe that women should have the right to vote? American women or otherwise?

October 10, 2022 9:09 pm

giving women the vote was the worst mistake our forefathers ever made,even worse than allowing slavery —

October 10, 2022 9:21 pm

Giving women the right to vote has made slaves of us all.

October 10, 2022 9:53 pm

Yes, in the province of Quebec, women got the right to vote in 1940. Right now, ONE BIG CONDITION should be required; all men and women should prove the sense of responsability and good mental health to have the right to vote; in other words; do you still behave like a teenager or a mature adult? ALSO, ALL CANDIDATES to politics needs a brain scan to prove they are not psychopaths! The place in the brain that proves empathy never glow with the scanner; this is their dead zone, they are born with atrophied at the brain zone of empathy SO never trust what they say, these psychopaths men and women cheat and lie with the sweetest smile! I suggest you read the book PONEROLOGY; the science of Evil, it may help you survive the coming years when you are not praying the Holy Spirit to get Wisdom and Discernment (like King Solomon).

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:09 pm

Edy read it over and over. Now she uses it like an expert.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:07 pm

Edy is trolling for an American future ex husband.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:05 pm

What the influence of feminism on women. The women who are encouraged to throw away their children and husbands to become sluts and experience sexual immorality. Instead of settings good example for their daughters and getting respect from Society.

I am guessing Edy wasn’t a virgin when she got married. Got bored divorced her husband. Husband got a younger wife. Her children don’t speak to her and now she blames her misery on her ex.

  A cruel accountant
October 10, 2022 10:46 pm

Poor you, I lost my beloved husband afer 14 years because he died of cancer and I stayed with him until the end. We never got the chance to have children. I will never marry an American man. When I see your country full of Karen and Johnny Boy addicted to stupidity and immaturity, this country is going down the drain… What happened to the USA who went from the most beloved country in 1946 to th e most hated nation with his rogue and warring attitude? MAGA??? To succeed , you will need more than a President, all the American people should look at themselves in the mirror if they really want to become GREAT and GOOD to Make America Great Again? It will require humility, repentance (acknowledgment and learning from your mistakes) and a good dose of self-discipline. You remind me of the videoclip: “We are on the Road to Nowhere”.

A cruel accountant
A cruel accountant
October 11, 2022 8:48 am

But were you a virgin when you got married?

October 10, 2022 12:25 pm

If a man gets married in a society where the government gives women rights, the man is not the head of his household. He is totally at the mercy of a huge system that is hell bent on destroying him.

Dad use to say, “Always be wary of modern man who claims to be the head of his household, because he may lie about other things too.”

There was a time within the last century in America when a woman’s testimony could not be used as admissible evidence in a court of law. And there was a very good reason for it.

October 10, 2022 1:02 pm

With all due respect, male authority is an illusion. God has authority, but to suggest male authority or lack thereof and a need to bond with it as the cause of societal breakdown is simplistic and plain wrong. Love freely given in a loving parental structure can add stability, but that isn’t male authority.
God’s speed all.

October 10, 2022 1:10 pm

The homosexuals would love for society to believe that we are all equal. But God placed man in charge of the woman and feminists were used by homosexuals to mess that up.

Beer Buddy
Beer Buddy
October 10, 2022 1:46 pm

And if you think about it, blacks are hardcore Democrats because they get “free stuff” from Dems. Instead of voting for the party that freed them in the Civil War, they vote for the party that enslaved them because that party now gives “free stuff” to them. Doesn’t say much for the black community. They sold their souls for some free cans of soup and bread from the same party that had them picking cotton 175 years ago.

Beer Buddy
Beer Buddy
October 10, 2022 1:52 pm

Also, notice how we keep hearing about how Social Security won’t be around in another 10 or so years? We keep hearing that Social Security will be out of money. However, we never hear welfare will run out of money. Why? Because they know cities will burn down if they cut off their welfare. Old people aren’t going to burn down cities. Old people who worked all their lives aren’t going to burn everything to the ground. But welfare recipients will. So as we say goodbye to Social Security that you paid into each paycheck, don’t expect to ever say goodbye to the welfare system. They don’t need “mostly peaceful protests” burning down every big city in this country.

October 10, 2022 3:35 pm

You cannot let those that produce noting but poverty and crime tell those that work and pay taxes how it’s gonna be. Many of their generations have proven that what ever is done to help them is not enough and they expect more. They say they will burn cities, they have already done that. You cannot let parasites tell the rest of this country what to do, look at what you have gotten now from them and it’s time for a change, work or starve.

October 10, 2022 6:31 pm

loretta lynn died last week on oct.4–
she was considered a feminist b/c she stood up 4 herself but she was always 1st a wife/mother–

October 10, 2022 7:08 pm

Your smelly booty ruins America

October 10, 2022 9:03 pm

There was a time when American soldiers could have a chance meeting with enemy soldiers in time of war without fighting them as happened today with the Russians. When this has happened in the past, the soldiers couldn’t speak the same language, so they would often resort to pulling out pictures of their wives and girlfriends to show to their newly acquired combatant friends. With the advent of feminism, American soldiers must avoid this practice lest the good will among soldiers rapidly fade and fighting resume on the spot.

October 10, 2022 10:06 pm

AMERICA has nothing to worry about,ITS ALL ENDING SHORTLY,the government has STOLEN TRILLIONS of dollars from every single family,AND THE MSM hid the truth from everyone,WARS,GOVERNMENT BRIBES,GAS PRICES,GOVERNMENT BRIBES,WELFARE,GOVERNMENT BRIBES,ITS ALL CONNECTED TO THOSE IN POWER TAKING BRIBES ,..AND IT CAN”T BE FIXED TILL THEIR ALL DEAD,and we know you’d rather see your family die or STARVE to death then stand UP like our LORD commanded the men to do..YOU FAT WHORES turned their sons into queers and homo’s and COWARDS,now america will be attacked by 11 nations and they ‘ll kill all of you,THEY KNOW ITS THEM OR NOTHING,get close to the LORD ,you’ll all meet him FACE TO FACE ,shortly,and it won’t end well for any of you…