“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World. Within the next generation I believe that the world’s rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.” – Aldous Huxley – Letter to George Orwell about 1984 in 1949

The Truman Show (1998) - Posters — The Movie Database (TMDB)

“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution” ― Aldous Huxley

When I step back from the day-to-day minutia and trivialities flooding my senses from all directions and media devices, it almost appears as if I’m living in a highly scripted reality TV program where the characters and plots are designed to create passions and reactions to support whatever narrative is being weaved by those directing the show. Huxley really did foresee the future as clearly and concisely as anyone could, decades before his dystopian vision came to fruition.

Orwell’s boot on the face vision is only now being initiated because a few too many critical thinkers have awoken from their pharmaceutically induced stupor and begun to question the plotline of this spectacle masquerading as our reality. The mass formation psychosis infecting the weak-minded masses; relentless mass propaganda designed to mislead, misinform, and brainwash a dumbed down and government indoctrinated populace; and complete control of the story line through media manipulation, regulation, and censorship of the truth; has run its course. As Charles Mackay stated 180 years ago, the masses go mad as a herd, but only regain their senses slowly, and one by one.

My recognition that the world seems to be scripted and directed by Machiavellian managers, working behind a dark shroud, representing an invisible governing authority, molding our minds, suggesting our ideas, dictating our tastes, and creating fear, triggered a recollection of the 1998 Jim Carrey movie – The Truman Show. The movie, directed by Peter Weir (Gallipoli, Witness, Dead Poet’s Society), had the surreal feel of Forest Gump, while beckoning the horrendous introduction of reality TV (Big Brother, Survivor), which poisons our shallow unserious society to this day. The plot of the movie focuses on individuality versus conformity, consumerism, voyeurism, reality versus manipulation, false narratives, the truth about the American Dream, and the dangers of surveillance in a technologically advanced society.

Ed Harris in The Truman Show | Ed Harris in The Truman Show | Flickr

Truman Burbank is the unsuspecting star of The Truman Show, a reality television program filmed 24/7 through thousands of hidden cameras and broadcast to a worldwide audience. Christof, the show’s creator seeks to capture Truman’s authentic emotions and give audiences a relatable every man. Truman has been the unsuspecting star of the show since he was born 30 years prior. Truman’s hometown of Seahaven Island is a complete set built within an enormous dome, populated by crew members and actors who highlight the product placements that generate revenue for the show. The elaborate set allows Christof to control almost every aspect of Truman’s life, including the weather. The picture-perfect home, with picket fence and plastic people, is an attempt to convince Truman he is living the American Dream rather than in an inescapable dystopian techno-prison.

Christof's Dream - The American Dream

To prevent Truman from discovering his false reality, Christof manufactures scenarios that dissuade Truman’s desire for exploration, such as the “death” of his father in a sea storm to instill aquaphobia, and by constantly broadcasting and printing messages of the dangers of traveling and the virtues of staying home. One cannot but acknowledge the plotline to keep Truman under control, obedient, and locked down in his controlled environment, with no escape hatch visible, as exactly the plotline used by our overlords during the Covid scam. Using fear to regulate your subjects is a familiar theme used by those controlling the narrative and pulling the strings behind the scenes of our glorious democracy of dystopia.

The first task was to instill fear into the masses through fake videos, fake medical experts spewing fake “facts”, denying the reality masks, social distancing, and locking down the world did not stop a microscopic virus, while suppressing treatments which were clearly safe and effective (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine) and forcing Fauci’s remdesivir and ventilators on patients – insuring their deaths. Truman’s life was built upon lies, deception, and fake narratives, controlled by a tyrannical director putting on a show to please his bosses and maximize profits. We are experiencing the same reality today.

Since March 2020 we have been trapped in a dystopian reality show based on lies, deception, and fake narratives about a weaponized virus created in a lab funded by Anthony Fauci and utilized to further the totalitarian Great Reset agenda of Schwab, Gates and their ilk, while maximizing the profits of Pfizer, TV networks and filling the pockets of politicians, shills, and apparatchiks willing to sellout the people of our country for thirty pieces of silver.

How 'The Truman Show' Predicted the Future

As the Truman Show approached its 30th anniversary, Truman began discovering unusual elements, such as a spotlight falling out of the sky in front of his house and a radio channel that precisely described his movements. He began to awaken to the fact he was nothing but a peculiarity trapped in a cage and constantly deterred from escaping at every turn, for the good of the show. He lived in a scripted world of conformity, where questioning the plot was not allowed, and the masses just played their parts.

This is exactly how a dictatorship without tears uses technology, pharmaceuticals, and psychological manipulation to convince the masses to love their servitude. This is the reality show we have been living in during this 21st Century dictatorship dystopia of dunces. But this psychological phenomenon is not new to mankind, as Plato described an ancient Truman Show analog in the 4th Century BC with his Allegory of the Cave. The nature of human beings has not changed across the trials and tribulations of history.

Allegory of the cave - Wikipedia

In the allegory, Plato describes a group of people who have lived chained in a cave all their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall from objects passing in front of a fire behind them and give names to these shadows. The shadows are the prisoners’ reality but are not an accurate representation of the real world. An enlightened man is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand the shadows on the wall are not reality.

The ignorant inmates do not desire to leave their prison/cave, for it is the only life they know, and they fear reality. The fire and the puppets, used to create shadows, are controlled by artists. Plato indicates the fire is also the political doctrine taught by a nation state. The artists use light and shadows to indoctrinate the masses with the dominant doctrines of the times. Few humans ever escape the cave. Most humans will remain at the bottom of the cave, with a small few elevated as major artists, to project the shadows keeping the masses disoriented, confused and fearful.

“Whereas the truth is that the State in which the rulers are most reluctant to govern is always the best and most quietly governed, and the State in which they are most eager, the worst.”Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

Home Depot response to Biden vaccine policy | 11alive.com

“Most people are not just comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.”Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

Prashant Bhushan on Twitter: "Dr Robert Malone the inventor of the mRna vaccines tweeted a video explaining from the data about the harms from the Pfizer vaccine, & the problems with its The cost of being unvaccinated is rising — will people be willing to pay the price? | AAMC


The State is run by an eager group of psychopaths who are hell bent on destroying our civil society and common culture on behalf of globalists attempting to implement their Great Reset agenda, and enforcing it through technological surveillance, mind control through propaganda messaging, and strict management of the daily plot via mainstream media and social media censorship of the truth. As Plato contemplated twenty four centuries ago, most men will remain in their cave, believing shadows presented by their overlords is reality, never questioning their servitude or seeking the truth.

Never has this fact been truer than during this covid pandemic reality show directed by our Christof – mass murderer Anthony Fauci. The willful ignorance of the masses was assumed by the covid controllers who cast shadows of fear and death on the cave walls of the locked down extras in this well-orchestrated reality show. Using a purposefully misleading PCR test to vastly overestimate “cases”, paying hospitals to classify all deaths as covid, and having the propaganda professionals at CNN, MSNBC and Fox showing Covid Death Counters on their screens 24/7 to terrify the masses into compliance was the Covid Show.


Once the fear level was ramped to eleven on the control dial, the producers of this show introduced the miraculous Big Pharma vaccine antidote to save the day. Their script was so believable they were able to convince over 5 billion members of their captive audience to inject themselves with an untested, unproven genetic therapy, that didn’t prevent you from catching, transmitting, getting sick, being hospitalized, or dying from the Fauci funded Wuhan lab produced virus. But, as a dramatic twist to the tale, it seems the “vaccine” causes myocarditis, blood clots, infertility, miscarriages, heart attacks, cancer, and sudden death.

Here's the original 'Two Minutes Hate' - Intellectual Takeout

Despite the obvious dangers and failures of these “vaccines”, those bullied into getting jabbed became so comfortable in their ignorance, they were easily persuaded to hate the unjabbed and wish for their deaths. Orwell’s “Two Minutes of Hate” was extended for over a year and continues to this day. Rather than think critically and question why annual flu cases averaged 35 million per year prior to 2020 but dropped to near ZERO during the covid “emergency”, the cave dwellers lashed out in anger at anyone questioning the plot, because to admit they were duped would destroy their self-esteem and decrease their virtue signal credits.

The annual flu didn’t disappear. Covid was the annual flu, with a multi-billion-dollar marketing campaign. This wasn’t a pandemic, but an IQ test, and most people failed miserably. But the critical thinking unvaxxed are still considered the enemy of the state, especially since they have been proven right.


Whether we are trapped in an artificial world produced in a dome, cave, or our current technologically advanced surveillance propaganda state, the goal of those controlling our false reality is to take away our freedoms, crush dissent, keep us ignorant of the truth, and treat us as plebs to be taxed and molded. Christof, whose name is supposed to invoke him being a god-like figure ruling over Truman’s world, declares Truman could discover the truth and leave at any time, while using every diabolical trick to keep that from ever happening, because his show generated revenues exceeding the GDP of a small country.

Truman and ourselves are essentially prisoners in a vast production, and our overlords believe it is their duty to convince us to love our servitude and prefer our cells, because it is financially beneficial to the overlords and their crew.


Our world is not fake, but it is tightly controlled by those running the show. Seemingly random events, plots, and subplots are manipulated to generate specific emotions and reactions by the public in order to achieve the objectives of those benefiting from the various storylines. They are molding our minds and forming our tastes through psychological and technological manipulation of our daily existence. Christof explained why most rarely discover the truth or question the world they live in – “We accept the reality of the world with which we’re presented. It’s as simple as that.”

We have allowed men we have never seen to dictate how we live our lives, the choices we make, and which politicians and “experts” to believe, without ever putting in the effort to understand why we are being prodded to do so. We are locked in a self-imposed prison of desires, emotions, and needs through mass media messaging and a constant barrage of advertisements. Conformity and obedience are the desired traits sought by the ruling class, while individuality and skepticism are frowned upon and punished through social ostracism.

We are conditioned from birth to believe what they tell us to believe. Government school indoctrination and mass media misinformation does the trick. Distracted by our techno-gadgets and ignorant of truth is how the globalist oligarchs methodically implement their Great Reset agenda. They are so convinced of the ignorance of the masses they openly proclaim their depopulation and techno-prison schemes with no fear of push back or retribution.


The ending of the Truman Show is a lesson in resistance, persistence, and the strength of the individual, even in the face of a technologically advanced Big Brother state. It offers a message of hope, no matter how powerful our overlords appear to be. Refusing to obey or conform by one individual can inspire others to do likewise. Once Truman ‘awoke’ to his plight as a lab rat in a scripted show, he began to plot his escape. Using a makeshift tunnel in his basement, out of view of Christof’s cameras, he disappeared and forced the suspension of the broadcast for the first time in thirty years.

Psyche and The Truman Show. Truman Burbank, played by nineties'… | by Travis Weedon | Medium

Christof discovers Truman sailing away from Seahaven in a small boat, as he has overcome the fake conditioning of fear instilled in him by the man who supposedly loves him but traumatized him about the sea by faking his father’s death while at sea. Christof chooses to almost drown Truman by creating a violent storm to deter him from discovering the truth. Ultimately the storm ceases and his boat strikes the wall of the dome.

This is exactly how our controllers treat the ignorant masses. They feed us stories designed to make us fearful and compliant to the exhortations of their paid experts. Paid to lie. Paid to misinform. Paid to persuade people a dangerous concoction is “safe and effective”. The evilness of using Sesame Street characters to convince four-year-old children they need this Big Pharma gene altering toxic brew, even though essentially ZERO children on earth died from covid, is a testament to the greed and malevolent impulses of those in power. Vast amounts of ever-increasing advertising revenue are what kept The Truman Show on the air for thirty years.

Local Sports Stars "Join the Team" to Encourage Vaccination | NBA.com

The covid advertising campaign will never be topped, as Hollywood stars, top athletes, famous writers, rock legends, supposedly impartial journalists, and all the major networks said SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!! Everyone was for sale, and all they had to do was lie and say the jabs were “safe and effective”. Product placement was the money-making formula for the Truman Show, while hard selling a Big Pharma phony cure over the airwaves 24/7 using the tax dollars of the victims was the final solution of the Great Reset Cabal.

The grand finale is a clash of the philosophies of reality versus false reality, as Truman discovers a staircase leading to an exit door. Christof speaks to Truman, claiming there was no more truth in the real world than in his artificial world, and he would be safe, with nothing to fear, in a world controlled by men invisible to him assuring him they have his best interests at heart. Truman chooses individuality, truth, risk, living a real meaningful life, and seeking honest relationships over a safe existence in a bubble where all decisions were made by others. Truman bows to the audience and exits, leaving Chistof to mourn the loss of his star and the revenue he generated. The ignorant masses watching the show cheer his escape and then ask, “what’s on next?” Plato captured the uncertainty and bewilderment Truman must have felt as he walked into the light.

What happened after Truman left The Show? | by Rosario Ferrari | Medium

“Anyone who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eyes are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light” ― Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

This world of manufactured dystopian pleasure harkens more towards Huxley’s Brave New World, where pharmaceuticals and conditioning would keep the public seeking pleasure, pre-occupied with trivialities, distracted by materialism, unable to think critically, and reduced to passivity and egoism through the control of messaging by their controllers. Our efficient totalitarian state has gained complete control by convincing the masses to love their servitude and beg for more rules, restrictions, and reduction of liberties in the name of safety and security.

Smartphones are making us stupid – and may be a 'gateway drug' | The Lighthouse

Smart phones, smart cities, and smart streets are nothing more than code for spying on you and controlling you. Truman finally understood his liberty was his to choose and not Christof’s to give. There is a small minority of Americans who are realizing the same thing after two years of totalitarian measures designed to take away our freedoms and liberty. The question is whether enough will exit this tyrannical government produced show to make a difference. The future of mankind literally depends on the answer to this question.

“Liberties aren’t given, they are taken.” ― Aldous Huxley

Sheep masks Blank Template - Imgflip

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

Just as those controlling the Truman Show were not doing it for Truman’s benefit, but for their enrichment, those controlling the puppet strings of our society today had no interest in our health over the last two years, our financial well-being, our psychological well-being, or the peaceful rational functioning of our civilization. They have no interest in securing our border, reducing crime, holding fair elections, promoting peaceful solutions to global conflict, or allowing the truth to reach the masses. Their agenda has been and continues to be, the destruction of our civilized society, obliteration of our core standards and norms, depopulation of the planet, confiscation of our wealth, and ultimately our enslavement through technological shackles and chains.

As Huxley noted decades ago, technology has just provided our civilization with a more efficient means of going backwards. Technology is being used by our controllers to monitor our movements, communications, and to surveil, distract, and amuse us to death. It is no longer a force for good, but a means to control us. They plan to use technology to disarm their citizens through increasingly authoritarian regulations, sold as keeping us safe from mass shooters.

Their climate agenda isn’t about the climate, but about complete control of the masses. When government and their social media attack dogs monitor the citizens for “hate speech and misinformation”, and dole out retribution at their whim, our system is profoundly broken and extremely warped. They are supposed to answer to us. But these megalomaniacs have much bigger agenda.

We’ve lost all sense of reality, reason, and truth in a profoundly abnormal world, created by those we allowed to ascend to power through the control and influence of shadowy globalist billionaires operating as an invisible government, with Deep State apparatchiks doing the dirty work. Schwab, Gates, Soros, the World Economic Forum, and whoever hides in the shadows behind these psychopaths, intend to control the entire world and steal all the wealth because they believe they are smarter, more ruthless, and know what’s best for the lowly peasants polluting their satanic playground planet.

They know facts can be ignored when they’ve conditioned the masses to be willfully ignorant. They know they can lie without implications, but even more powerful, they can stay silent about the truth through censorship, suppression, and cancellation of truth tellers. The adaptation of the masses to this abnormal society, created by evil power-seeking men, is a form of mental illness – or as documented by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism – Mass Formation Psychosis.

Amazon.com: The Psychology of Totalitarianism: 9781645021728: Desmet, Mattias: Books

 “The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

I know I will never adapt or adjust to this abnormal society. We certainly can’t change a system, so thoroughly rigged and controlled (e.g., 2022 Arizona election and the 2020 presidential election), through traditional means. Those in control can easily buy-off our politicians, scientists, doctors, academics, TV personalities, and journalists to spin whatever web they choose, enabling their despicable anti-human agenda of deviancy. The only viable solution is the individual solution of walking away from this phony world like Truman.

Are we making ourselves sitting ducks?' Local drag performers voice safety concerns amid increase in threats. - The Boston Globe

Armed revolution is a non-starter, as the oligarchs have far more firepower, and the dissenters are unorganized and scattered. A form of ‘Irish Democracy’ where a silent dogged resistance, marked by the withdrawal from society, belligerence to authority and non-compliance with government dictates by millions of ordinary people would accomplish far more than rioting and armed revolution. Millions have already practiced a form of Irish Democracy by not masking, not social distancing, not getting jabbed, and taking control of their own health decisions.

They have almost sealed the escape hatch in this dystopian paradise of pleasure and pain. They know their techniques of control through fear work like a charm. Their final task to achieve total control is central bank digital currencies (CBDC), where everything we buy and sell is tracked digitally, so taxes can be levied, your life tracked, and if you choose to dissent from government directives, your ability to utilize CBDCs will be turned off. Micro-chipping us is next on the agenda.

We need to reduce our tax and digital footprint now. It might seem hopeless in going to battle against these vile, vindictive vermin, but the solution is to not play. Many have already walked away from the modern world, taking to the country – farming, homesteading, bartering, and only giving to Caesar the bare minimum. They’ve chosen a hard, but a far more fulfilling life.

The more people who disassociate from their fake world, the weaker they get. As their hold on our lives weakens, they will lash out. This is why it is important to be armed. Direct armed confrontation with the establishment’s forces is foolish, but guerrilla tactics on land you know would start to eat away at the morale of the paid police thugs sent to enforce their dictates. The beast isn’t as strong as it portrays. It’s broke and its empire of debt is crumbling.

If millions walk out the exit door, the beast will begin to starve and eventually die. Maybe a new, less complex, smaller, more community-oriented society could be born from the ashes. Tribe up with like-minded individuals with different skills, if possible. There is hope if enough patriots decide to regain their senses and walk away from this abnormal society, leaving our totalitarian Christofs to wallow in their failure to control the truly awoken.

The Truman Show Ending Scene - Furniture took the spotlight - Elemental Spot

“Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration, for the life you deserved but never have been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.” ― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

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i forget
i forget
December 2, 2022 10:22 pm

Liberties are not given. They are taken. Then they are licensed out to high bid. Or to connected low-no bid. And then it ain’t liberty at all. The mask comes off: It was license-wolves, in liberty-sheep costume, all along.

Liberty’s the bait that switches to license the minute those other anti-liberty bastards are run out.

Stills used to be still. Now they’s on wheels cuz ravenous revenuer-scavengers. Whiskey rebs started missing ol’ kang George, real quick. Cuz he was across the pond. The new kang George was just down the road.

You got a license for this soft lemonade stand, little girl? Show me.
See the stand’s sign?
“Liberty Lemonade.”
Last thing he ever saw.

Liberty shot License’s Valence off. And some Jimmy Stewart politician realized he was heroic. And then he spent years in congress getting bills of licensure passed.

There’s always gonna be another valence behind the valence, another wiz behind another curtain … it’s valences & snake oil sellers/buyers all the way down. Pretty Jimmies or plug-ugly Lees, all the same.

Which is why the one-by-one regains of the Mackay bumper sticker will never net positive, even with anyall force multipliers, versus the valences herd.
Some games are numbers.

Quality is Alamoutnumbered by quantity.

Human wave/s bye-bye humanity, hello master masstyranny, call me double-slit slave. Rage all ya want against the dyin of the light particle, the wave’s most all the rage among chargin’ light brigaders.

Surf’s up. Always. If each particle could hang ten, that’d be a sight, but it wouldn’t even make a dent.

And “all the world’s a stage” was mostly true ~ 96% say ~ before it was described in writing that was writ a ways before the Truman Show recapped that fact yet again. Cue the Barry Corbin scene. Yyou know the one. “What you got ain’t nuthin’ new….”

Camus’s boulder-roller was happy, he said, too.

‘bout that spielunker thing:

“Socrates urges men not to let what is out of their control to affect their action. They should separate out their hopes & fears from their understanding & manfully follow the prescriptions of what true knowledge they possess. They must not let their passionate aspirations corrupt that knowledge.

But such a solution is not satisfactory to most men; they must see the world in such a way that their personal ambitions have a cosmic status.

The fate of an individual man is no more significant to the knower of man than is the fate of a particular leaf to the botanist.

The way of the knower is unacceptable for the life of men & cities. They must see a world governed by providence & the gods, a world in which art & science are inexplicable, a world which confuses general & particular, nature & chance. This is the world of poetry to which man clings to intensely, for it consoles & flatters him.

As long as human wishes for the significance of particular existences dominate, it remains impossible to discover nature, the intelligible & permanent order, for nature cannot satisfy those wishes.

Ion cannot imagine an art of the whole because, as rhapsode, he most of all serves the longing for individual immortality, & he uses his poetry to that end.

The effect of this longing for immortality on the soul is illuminated by Socrates’ comparison of the enthusiastic diviners & rhapsodes with the Bacchic or Corybantic dancers.

The fear of death, the most profound kind of fear & the most powerful of passions, moves them until they are out of their minds, & they can be healed only in the fanatic religious practice.

In the Ion, Socrates points to the most important source of religious fanaticism & suggests that the function of that kind of poetry which is taken most seriously is to heal this fear & console man in his awareness of his threatened existence.

This poetry irrationally soothes the madness in all of us. It is a useful remedy but a dangerous one.

Fanaticism is often the result. The man who most believes the poet’s stories is likely to be most intolerant of those who do not.

Socrates, the philosopher who tests the stories as well as those who tell them, is a menace to the sense of security provided by them.

It is precisely overcoming this concern with oneself, in all its subtle & pervasive forms, that is *the* precondition of philosophy & a rational account of one’s own life.

Poetry, as Ion administers it to suffering man, gives a spurious sense of knowledge while really serving & watering the passions hostile to true knowledge.

While a philosopher is truly a citizen of the world, in that his pursuit is essentially independent of the opinions or consent of any group of men, the political man needs a country & a people to serve. Ion has no satisfactions which are not dependent on the approval of his spectators. He needs the city as they need him.

For political men the accident of where they are born is decisive in limiting their possibilities of fulfillment.

The philosopher, of course, begins, as do all men, in the cave; & he pays the strictest attention not only to particular or individual things but to their shadows.

But the difference between him & other men is that he learns that they are only shadows – shadows which give us access to the truth – whereas they believe the shadows are the real things & are passionately committed to that belief.

That is what cave-dwelling means.

The cave must always remain cave, so the philosopher is the enemy of the prisoners since he cannot take the non-philosophers’ most cherished beliefs seriously.

Similarly, Socrates does care for other men; but only to the extent that they, too, are capable of philosophy, which only a few are. Only they are capable of true virtue.

To the extent that the philosopher turns some men to the light, he robs the cave-dwellers of allies.

It is not because he lives in the sun, out of the cave, that I say that the philosopher is at tension with the city; his problem is due precisely to the fact that he is in it, but in a way different from that of other men.” ~ Allan Bloom, Giants & Dwarfs (maybe … this was all one passage – I broke it up so it wouldn’t seem all shadowy-cavey to some)

Bloom says it ain’t possible, but I think getting out of that cave & into my own would go a long way toward improving the shadows. So long as it’s secluded & private enough. Remember the cave in First Blood? Not that cave. Or was that a mine? Guy brought a mine to a rocket launcher fight … well, the stage, the script, all that.

  i forget
December 3, 2022 5:36 am

Just call me gympie-gympie.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 6:36 am

Satan not man is the great orchestrator, tempter, of men who covet power and control over others to satiate their fleshy desires without Godly boundaries in this mortal life.
We alone make our choices of who we will serve and how we will live and will ultimately stand before God in full account for them.
Before God there will be nowhere to run or hide from our sins.
In God we won’t have to.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 6:59 am

It would seem that God has left us to our own devices.

December 3, 2022 7:18 am

HE does that, it is why reading the Old Testament is important. Sin always has a payday, one reaps what they sow, one seed produces many seeds, it is the way nature works. And there is always a harvest time.
I enjoyed the article, very well written. The power to overcome this onslaught is not carnal power, but spiritual. One might think they are losing due to the enormity of this onslaught, but those thoughts are from the enemies side, sort of like the warden in Cool Hand Luke saying about getting Luke’s mind right.
God The Father’s grace is sufficient, just ask HIM for it.
‘But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.’
Amos 5:24

December 3, 2022 10:42 am

It’s important to read the New Testament. You know, about the One who came and saved us from death. There is no “judeo” in my faith.

December 3, 2022 1:56 pm

You do realize that any Scripture quoted in the New Testament, even quotes from Jesus Christ Himself, are from the Old Testament?
An understanding of Grace can not be even considered without first knowing of the law, which no one could fulfill except God Himself, making Himself the perfect sacrifice.
It would make absolutely no sense.

December 3, 2022 4:53 pm

In brainwashed minds only. The whole idea of god needing a sacrifice is preposterous. Ancient sacrifices were nothing but barbeques. The bible says that god loved the smell of flesh burning, especially the fatty tissues. And then he/they would consume it. What kind of god would enjoy that? Certainly not a spiritual one. The god of the bible is not who he’s purported to be. Do your homework and wake up from your slumber.

December 3, 2022 7:36 pm

There is no free lunch, either in the physical OR in the spiritual realm. Economics matter. Debts must be paid, in the spiritual realm those debts are offenses against God, sins. God’s ways are not our ways. Probably the fatted calf was considered of great value by the worshippers, and was not wrought by human hands, and was thus pleasing to God. It was also a great improvement over child sacrifice. Ultimately, God sent his own son to be sacrificed to pay our debt of sin. The Traditional Latin Mass is the offering up Christ as sacrifice for our sin.

Brad Kumar
Brad Kumar
December 4, 2022 5:00 pm

I see that a substitution of the realites of physical and spiritual realms for the Religion of Economics is being gaslit. Random and unexplained events in the spiritual and physical do not matter compared to an arbitrary and fully abstract notion of “Economics”! That a completely biased and human manufactured abstraction such as Economincs is being used to equate connection to the unknowable… such self-delusion.

  Brad Kumar
December 4, 2022 6:41 pm

Nonsense! 2+2=4. Economics is merely human action. Keynesianism is not economics. Read some Mises.

December 3, 2022 7:57 pm


Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 2:12 pm

“…The whole idea of god needing a sacrifice is preposterous…”

Thus betraying an utter ignorance of what is written in God’s Word. If you read it once, you paid no attention to what you read.

God needs nothing. He certainly needs no sacrifice.

Man is found wanting and needs the sacrifice of atonement for his wickedness.

As even a surface level reading of the Book would make clear to anyone who actually read it.

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 5:38 pm

The idea of atonement is pure unadulterated BS. You have been brainwashed!

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 7:02 pm

And YOU have been warned.

Rejecting your Maker does not come without consequences.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
  Red River D
December 5, 2022 2:35 am

Omniscient, all-knowing God gave Man free will thinking we would obey, then got mad when Gen One Adam ate the apple so He cursed the rest of humanity.

Jesus died (ie returned to heaven where he knew he had a free pass, being God’s son) for your sins – before you were even born and committed them.

None of that is sensible. I don’t care how long ago which testament was written, it was the work of man, not some bizarre god.

  Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 12:17 pm

100%. Only minds incapable of thinking for themselves would believe that nonsense.

  Red River D
December 5, 2022 12:15 pm

Your maker is not the god that you have been led to believe in. Therefore, unlike you I have no fear.

December 5, 2022 12:13 pm

The whole idea of sin is nothing but a psychological operation to make you feel guilty. Once you accept the lie they own your mind and your entire being. You’ll just become another zombie to be easily controlled and manipulated. The people that become indoctrinated with this lie then become supportive of any evil perpetrated by the so called deity and are even willing to participate in it. That has been the history of religions including christianity.

December 6, 2022 3:12 pm

A lot on the topic can be found freemansperspective.com.

December 10, 2022 1:35 pm

The whole idea of sin is nothing but a psychological operation to make you feel guilty

Says the pervert Satanist with slaves in his self made dungeon drinking the blood of children.

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 8:27 pm

If humans are sinful and wicked, it’s god’s fault not ours. According to the story, two people disobeyed and as a result God condemned the entire human race. Wow, that is some sense of justice, isn’t it? If you really think that is justice, please go see a psychiatrist immediately. A perfect, almighty and all knowing god would have made a perfect and incorruptible world. What’s more, he would not have allowed anyone to mess with his creation. The Elohim mentioned in the bible were not God/gods. They were flesh and blood like us, though much more advanced in matters of science and technology. That’s why the Bible says THEY made us in their image and likeness. When you read the bible from this point of view, then your eyes will open and you will understand it like never before.

December 5, 2022 10:59 am

“A perfect, almighty and all knowing god would have made a perfect and incorruptible world.”

And JUST WHERE woulda all the ‘Fun’ (That i thought i was having) ‘Fit’ into THAT ‘Equation’?

Admittedly, kinda suspicious of seeing the VERY Young, (Especially the ‘men’ 🤣) Sooo knowledgeable to the point of quoting Scripture.

AND, EXTREMELY grateful God looked the other way. While i was making a COMPLETE ASS outta myself, DARING him to PROVE to me HE existed.

“Luke 12:47 “And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not [himself], neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many [stripes].”

The degree of punishment is commensurate with the extent to which the unfaithful behavior was willful. Note that ignorance is nonetheless no excuse (verse 48). That there will be varying degrees of punishment in hell is clearly taught (in Matt. 10:15; 11:22, 24; Mark 6:11; Hebrews 10:29).

To know to do good and not do it is a terrible sin. Many people believe that all there is to Christianity is receiving Jesus as Savior. Jesus must be Lord of our lives; and we, like Jesus, must say, Lord, not my will but thine be done. We must live by His will and not ours.

Christians will be judged even harder than the world, because they know the will of the Lord. Judgment begins at the house of God. Great punishment comes to those who knows better and still sin.

Luke 12:48 “But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few [stripes]. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”

Just as there are degrees of rewards in heaven, there seems to be degrees of punishment. If God has revealed great truths to you, you are responsible to live at whatever level of understanding He has given you.

From this sense, the apostles would have been held more responsible for their actions, because they were in the very presence of the Truth (Jesus Christ).”

December 5, 2022 12:26 pm

Please don’t make me laugh. A loving god would never send any of his children to be tortured in hell for eternity. Just like a loving human parent would never torture his children because they misbehaved. Just because it’s in the bible doesn’t make it so. The bible isn’t the word of god. It isn’t a holy book. That is pure propaganda.
You have a twisted mind product of brainwashing and indoctrination.

December 5, 2022 2:08 pm

“Please don’t make me laugh”


Has been about the best resource as far as Verbatim KJV Converted into everyday language i can understand, IMHO.

‘Interpretation/Explanation’ pretty good, ‘Opinion’ i’m not always on board with.

Short & Sweet?

You die. “The Dead Know Nothing”.

When Jesus comes back, “The dead in Christ will rise first. Those still alive will rise up to meet him in the air” Paraphrased prolly.

1ooo yrs. transpires…MUCH conjecture, what THAT entails.

THEN the evil dead are raised as well. Marshaling of forces for the FINAL Big Brouhaha, culminating in fire from above.

Burned to a crisp. Done. For Eternity.

Personally? (pray it’s not me for fantasizing such)

Like the lake O’ Fire concept. Head First. Feet First. Some lowered at varying rates. Feet First. Contingent, but NOT my bailiwick.

‘Father, i KNOW that i have BROKEN Your Laws and my SINS have separated me from You…’

(You can look up the subtle variants based on this string)

Then? “A new Heaven and a New Earth”

Too many NDE’s, (and reasonable facsimiles) NOT to believe in The Word. You can BELIEVE THAT.

Pragmatically, though i try at every opportunity to “tell Somebody about Jesus”? Just my ultimate fate that concerns me. Selfish, eye know. NOT very christian, but i’m a neophyte. ALWAYS room for improvement.

ONLY ONE ‘Unpardonable Sin’ with a guarantee.

Believe what You will, When You will, If You will.

Sincerely, Free Will

P.S. If Ya don’t hear anything when ya ‘come to’?

Too Late. Your time is short. Too.

Prayed for Carnage, Death, & Destruction of my enemies.

Pray for ’em to see the Light now.

EVEN old what’s her name. (A burgeoning ‘Name Field’)

December 5, 2022 3:55 pm

Mumbo jumbo

December 5, 2022 5:40 pm

“Mumbo jumbo”

Soooo Sorry! Typed as slow as i could.

But i do appreciate Your willingness to learn!

You shall be rewarded. Stay Tuned.

MANY will help!

December 6, 2022 3:16 pm

I would vote it both up and down if I could.

December 5, 2022 10:00 am

Popular Misunderstanding. The Actual sinner had to do the KILLING.
WOULD leave a LASTING impression, No?

December 10, 2022 1:30 pm

The bible says that god loved the smell of flesh burning, especially the fatty tissues.

Where exactly does the Bible say this?
The hypocrisy and cognitive insanity is obvious. You don’t believe in the God of the Bible and what it says but you use it to make your argument. It’s amazing people who don’t even read it and claim to know what it says. The arrogance of stupidity has no bounds.

I have more than enough of burnt offerings, of rams and the fat of fattened animals; I have no pleasure in the blood of bulls and lambs and goats’ (Isa 1:11).

January 5, 2023 2:51 pm

bingo, not hard plenty of references in the bible,eddas, vedas, and
various other writings yahweh is satan,hence synagogue of satan

December 3, 2022 7:57 pm

Thanks Ginger!

December 4, 2022 7:54 am

ahh religion is the creator of the ultimate stupidity in humans.

December 5, 2022 3:50 pm

Exactly! And you fell for the fraudulent misapplication of scripture.

Pastor Hobie Damico Jr
Pastor Hobie Damico Jr
December 9, 2022 11:51 am

The faithful puritan Samuel Bolten (1605-1654) stated once and called it Scriptural Balance. “The law sends us to the Gospel for Justification and then the Gospel sends us to the Law to frame our way of life”. Adam’s sin was obeying another law system. In James 4:12 “There is one Law giver who is able to save and destroy who art thou that judgest another”. That verse tells us that mankind is not to make law ,but to establish the law of YHWH. We are not to judge any one by another law system except by the perfect just and holy laws that the One and true living God gave us.

December 4, 2022 7:54 am

no one “saved” you, you still die. lol and your christianity is judaism 2,0.

December 4, 2022 5:46 pm

Exactly, it’s been over 2,000 years since Jesus was supposedly here and the brainwashed masses are still waiting for their salvation. What the uneducated don’t realize is that those predictions were meant for his disciples back then in the first century. Most of them haven’t even read their bibles, so every generation of Christians is fooled into thinking that their salvation is coming during their time. It’s really sad. They don’t realize that they’re being controlled and manipulated.

December 4, 2022 6:44 pm

You surely realize the Old Testament foreshadows the New? The New fulfills the Old? Lord, save us from the “educated”.

December 5, 2022 12:29 pm

The old testament has nothing to do with god. Do your homework.

December 5, 2022 2:26 pm

“The old testament has nothing to do with god. Do your homework.”

🤣 X carl sagan.

December 10, 2022 1:40 pm

The old testament has nothing to do with god. Do your homework.

Hilarious!!!! Please tell us what the assignment is and obviously you have done the homework so tell us exactly what the old testament is about.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2022 10:44 am


Russian Long-range Aviation Command operates three bomber bases. Overnight, it now appears that “Ukraine” struck two of them.

Engels Air Base, home to Tu-160 and Tu-95MS bombers. Preliminary reports are that two TU-95s were destroyed.

Ryazan it Base, home to Il-78 refueling tankers. Reports that one of the tankers was destroyed, and three servicemen killed.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2022 10:54 am



“Strike on the Russian nuclear triad in Engels: dangerous consequences”

“The attack on the Russian strategic nuclear deterrent in Engels showed that the Kyiv regime is ready for the most radical measures and will not calm down. Therefore, the Russian people are waiting for a response to the terrorist attack “

December 3, 2022 12:22 pm

That monster in the old testament was God?

December 3, 2022 12:53 pm

Scripture is a series of covenants between God and his chosen people. The people are taught in stages, in terms they could understand in their times. Proper catechesis is important. Christ is the culmination of that, the New Covenant.

December 4, 2022 7:56 am

“scripture” is the writings after the fact of desert schizophrenics being taught to write by persia. lol

December 4, 2022 6:13 pm

Scripture has been mistranslated, misrepresented and corrupted in many different ways throughout history in order to create a BS story to deceive and pacify the masses, by offering an explanation for their misery and provide them with a false hope for a future that’s never going to materialize. A carrot on a stick to hide the fact that their short and meaningless lives are just that. Nothing else. You arrive in the world without asking, and then you’re indoctrinated into a system for which you’re going to slave all your life. Sex exists for the sole purpose of bringing a new generation of slaves to the farm. After you raise the new slaves, you are eliminated by a process of self destruction with which you have been genetically programmed. That’s it. Even the bible says that we’re dust and to dust we will return. Period.
It’s so simple that most people fail to see it. Most prefer not to face reality, and instead like to believe in fantasies such as the Santa Claus in the sky that is going to save them from oblivion.
Yes, the earth is a farm and we are the crop.

December 4, 2022 6:46 pm

And yet, the satanic psycho self appointed NWO overlords despise Christians and white Western Civilization, built by the Catholic Church. Kind of odd.

December 5, 2022 12:31 pm

Ever heard of reverse psychology? That’s exactly how they fool you.

December 4, 2022 1:56 am

But only when he’s drunk.

December 4, 2022 7:53 am

you realize you follow judaism? lol

December 3, 2022 10:03 am

Because he doesn’t exist. If he did he would have to be an evil god.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 11:10 am

Lack of scriptural understanding is so often the problem.
Satan is currently the god of this world.
He has been given authority over it by God to steal, kill and destroy.
God will take back this world after Jesus returns in great judgement at Armageddon when He will bind Satan in the bottomless pit for 1000 years during His millennial reign.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 11:17 am

In the meantime it is the church’s commission to proclaim God’s love for mankind by both word and deed so that our eyes may be spiritually opened and we may see beyond our current worldly state and God’s eternal plan for those that will truly believe.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 12:48 pm

2 Corinthians 4:4
King James Version
4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 2:01 pm

2 Corinthians 4:17-18
New American Standard Bible
17 For our momentary, (A)light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, 18 while we (B)look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 6:22 pm

The things or beings that are not seen are the ones responsible for all human and animal suffering. They have been deceiving humanity since the beginning. The old testament call them the Elohim (plural) which was mistranslated as god by the corrupt Catholic Church in order to fool humanity. Do your homework please!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 7:59 am

ah yes a “version” heavily edited to benefit those in control.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 6:19 pm

Quoting BS only serves to reinforce your brainwashing. It’s called self hypnosis.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 1:05 pm

Wow God’s eternal plan eh? For a perfect god it has sure taken him an eternity to implement his plan. Meanwhile, after waiting for thousands of years his children keep suffering. Not what you would expect for a perfect god. Where’s the love?

December 3, 2022 7:46 pm

Sin has caused the suffering in the world. Adam and Eve’s disobedience led to humanity having a fallen nature and having to live in a fallen world.
God created man with free will, what he does with that will is a large part of the cause of suffering. It is about souls. You spend your time on earth meaningfully and trying to become a better person, or you do whatever you want, no matter the consequences or who you hurt. What you do with your time here determines where your soul ends up. God wants our souls, and our suffering on earth makes us more like Christ, who suffered terribly. So suffering can be a great gift. We sometimes only learn through pain, and many only come to God when their pain overwhelms them.

December 4, 2022 8:01 am

wrong the concept of “free will” which does not exist came about in the 17th century. the hypocrisy of the mythical god is exposed in the dogma’s of those following the nonsense.

December 4, 2022 6:48 pm

Well, we all have our dogmas, don’t we? Yours is the dogma of hating dogma?

December 4, 2022 7:09 pm

Nothing could ever be “wrong” in the first place if free will did not exist . I dont know how something so obvious simply evades so many people ?

December 4, 2022 6:41 pm

Sure, clever BS story in order to make you a willing slave.
Besides, the bible says in Ecclesiastes that we ARE Souls, not that we have a soul. It also states that animals ARE also souls. Big difference! It also states that when it come to death, there’s no superiority of humans over animals. They all go to the same place, where there is no thought and no activity whatsoever. Read it for yourself!

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 3:03 am

Besides, the bible says in Ecclesiastes that we ARE Souls, not that we have a soul.

Did you even read it?
It actually says beware of arse-holes.
It was a prophecy.
And hundreds of years later, in the koran, the mohammedans welcome each other with, “Arse-holes, I like ’em” to which the response is, “I like’em, arse-holes.”
That’s where it all began to go downhill.

December 5, 2022 2:47 pm

“Besides, the bible says in Ecclesiastes ”

Don’t forget to mention…

Ecclesiastes 3:8 “A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.”

If ya really wanna ‘Specialize’. There are entire groups that specialize in Snake Handling/Poison based on brief mention. Primarily Mark 16:18.

To What You were speaking ? Presumptuous of me.

3:19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all [is] vanity.

https://bible-studys.org/ecclesiastes/ if ya wanna get it in context. Chapter 3 is in 2 parts. Good analysis/interpretation, IMHO.

December 5, 2022 4:06 pm

Quote from a good literal translation please.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 2:58 am

God created man with free will, what he does with that will is a large part of the cause of suffering.

So God, who is perfect, created Man who disobeyed in the first generation.
That doesn’t sound perfect to me.
Sounds like your god is an imperfect, man-made fairytale and yet, astoundingly, the cause of most of our grief.

  Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 12:35 pm

Very well stated

December 4, 2022 2:01 am

What was the article about?
All this bible thumping is as bad a the regular trolls hijacking any hope of an actual dialogue or exchange of ideas.
Instead, it’s more of the same blah blah blah that means less than nothing.

December 5, 2022 3:03 pm

“means less than nothing.”

Prolly right. After all…

2 Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:”

“God shall send them strong delusion”: shows that the judgment of God will already have fallen on them (see Matt. 13:10-17 for a similar instance).

People who prefer to love sin and lies rather than gospel truth will receive severe, divine recompense, as do all sinners. God Himself will send judgment that insures their fate in the form of a “deluding influence.” So that they continue to believe what is false. They accept evil as good and a lie as the truth. Thus, does God use Satan and Antichrist as His instruments of judgment.

Since they are not interested in the Truth of God, they will fall for a lie. Temptation is always around us to sin and to believe a lie. The protection we have is the Truth of God. God sent the Truth to those who will accept Him. Those who rejected Him will be sent strong delusion as punishment.”

Has ABSOLUTELY NO RELEVANCE to this article in general. Nor the world today in particular.

December 5, 2022 4:12 pm

I personally prefer the story of the three little pigs. Do you know that one?

December 5, 2022 5:49 pm

“Do you know that one?”

Why Yes, Yes i do!

The punchline: compliments of LRR (Little Red Riding-hood)

“Ummmmm No. You’re gonna EAT ME just like it says in the Book!”

Hope that clears THAT up for ya?

December 5, 2022 4:09 pm

Wow a god that lies and deceives people is certainly worthy of worship. Lol! The insanity.

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 2:17 pm

“…Where’s the love?…”

How about in His taking the time to explain the narrative and the timeline, so that anyone with open eyes while they read the Book can see that this thing has a schedule, according to God’s will.

He even told us how to understand the schedule. But then bitter complainers like you can’t be bothered to actually read anything He wrote.

You have plenty of time to accuse Him though, don’t you always?

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 5:12 pm

“Him”? This is why it gets ridiculous.
“God created us in ‘his’ image”?
No. Humans created God it their own image, and manufactured consent for all the trivialities that also were exercised.
“The Unknowable” can only be “known” when a person leaves its attachments behind, and that can only be from gained, but inexplainable self-knowledge.
Apples are one of my favourite fruits, and I don’t fear snakes.

william gilkerson
william gilkerson
December 4, 2022 6:40 pm

Would seem there are more than a few vewy vewy smart people here who know for certain how stupid the masses are to believe in something other than Klaus.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
  william gilkerson
December 5, 2022 3:04 am

Santa Klaus?

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 7:04 pm

Bow down before the one you serve, fella.

In your case, you know not what you serve because you’re a rebellious ship without a keel.

Enjoy outer darkness.

  Red River D
December 5, 2022 12:54 pm

It’s much better to live with your feet firmly planted on the ground than from fantasies designed to appease your fear of the unknown.

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 6:44 pm


  Red River D
December 4, 2022 6:47 pm

I have my reasons. It’s my revenge for having been snared by all that garbage when I was young and stupid. But some people never learn. They remain dumb throughout their entire lives.

December 10, 2022 1:46 pm

Your still dumb and dumber than when you started being dumb. HaHa

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 8:00 pm

For your information, I have read the bible several times. And the more I read it the more I realized that it could not be the word of god. Reading and studying the Bible CONVINCED ME that it’s not a Holy book. Simply because it’s full of inconsistencies and contradictions. A god that contradicts himself makes sense to you? If it does, the you need to go check your head.
Furthermore, a loving god could not have committed the atrocities contained in the old testament. That was no god almighty. Read Mauro Biglino, a translator of ancient scriptures who used to work for the Vatican, and was fired when he publicly revealed how the Bible had been mistranslated by the church in order to hide the truth.

  Red River D
December 5, 2022 12:45 pm

First of all, it’s not a book. It’s a compilation of scriptures put together by the historically murderous and corrupt Catholic Church. The irony of it all is that all protestant churcfhes which consider the Catholic Church to be Babylon the Great, hold the “book” they assembled in the highest esteem, the actual word of god. The contradiction and insanity of it all is without limits. What a joke!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 1:36 pm

Which church is that? The corrupt one that has been responsible for deceiving humanity and causing all kinds of suffering, including torture, murder and sexual exploitation of innocent children?

December 3, 2022 7:52 pm

You must understand that what has happened to all governments, the skools, medicine, sports, etc., has also happened in the institutional churches. The Gramscian infiltration has been completed. Klaus Schwab brags about inserting his agents everywhere. The Catholic Church has schismed into a faux religious subsidiary of the NWO, complete with installed pedo-protecting antipope, while the actual pope (Benedict) is carefully tended and under control.

December 4, 2022 6:49 pm

But isn’t it supposed to be God’s Church?

December 5, 2022 12:58 pm

The church has been part of the problem from the very beginning.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 7:58 am


December 4, 2022 7:52 pm

You forgot raping little children.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 6:16 pm

God’s love? Please with a loving god like that, who needs enemies?

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 12:59 pm

Wow that is some loving god isn’t he? Allowing his creatures to suffer for thousands of years. Choosing a group of them over the others, even having them kill their brothers and sisters. Men, women, children and even their animals. Allowing them to keep at times the little girls (virgins) to satisfy their sexual lust. If you really think that your Jehovah is God, you have been totally misled, deceived and brainwashed. I know, because I used to belong to that cult. I fell in their trap when I was young and stupid. But the more I read the bible, I realized that it couldn’t be the word of God. It is full of inconsistencies and contradictions. Could God contradict himself? Jehovah was just one of many Elohim (plural word deliberately mistranslated as God by the Catholic Church). It’s the same with all religions and spirituality. All designed to deceive, control and manipulate the innocent masses. The same evil beings are behind all of them.
I thought I had found the truth that led to eternal life, only to find that the truth kept changing. That’s why it was changed to the information that leads to eternal life. Nothing but lies upon lies. The bible rightly states that Jehovah was a “man of war”. Far from God he was a genocidal maniac.
Don’t waste the only life you’re going to have by believing and living a fantasy.
If you really want to understand the world, read books by Mauro Biglino and John A. Keel. Unfortunately, reality isn’t as pretty as you have been led to believe.

December 3, 2022 11:21 pm

Wow , who knew understanding the neccesity for the possiblility to make the wrong choice being essential in creating choice itself was just so hard to get ? Not me . Yin /Yang in other words bro .

December 4, 2022 7:51 pm

Yin /Yang…Ding/Dong.

December 4, 2022 1:11 am

“reality isn’t as pretty as you have been led to believe.”

Spend a minute or 2 every morning looking in a mirror.

December 4, 2022 2:06 am

Bro! Trust the plan!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 1:34 pm

This is merely the end of the Age., Not the end of the world. The God of all Love will reign in our hearts, our wills united to His Holy Will; for a thousand years. Satan is then released to tempt humanity one last time, and then comes the end of the world. Study the last book of the New Testament, the Church Fathers and the saints. Fast and pray.

December 3, 2022 6:07 pm

Ha ha ha! Please don’t make me laugh with your delusions.

December 4, 2022 8:03 am

kumbyya. lol

December 4, 2022 6:52 pm

Fasting every other day, praying for mercy for the deceived people of this overthrown, occupied country.

December 4, 2022 7:50 pm

And then the wolf came in and ate the grandma!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 1:46 pm

It is obvious that you have no idea. Some folks cannot be saved from themselves. Holy shit.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 2:16 pm

And who was the god of this world before Satan? Humanity has been suffering from the beginning. Like the scripture says, there’s nothing new under the sun.
Do you really believe that the Almighty would relinquish his throne for thousands of years allowing his children to suffer during all that time? What kind of god does that? Not a loving god for sure. Would you allow that to happen to your children if you had the power to prevent it?
The bible doesn’t make any sense simply becaus it is not the word of any god. Just a tool for control and manipulation of the masses.

December 4, 2022 1:03 am

Your kids have to learn from their own mistakes if they are ever going to mature . What happens when you continue to bail them out and insulate them from the natural consequences of their actions ?

December 4, 2022 7:49 pm

you’re talking about two completely different things. A loving god would never put us in a cruel and evil world where all the cards are stacked up against us. Which has always been the case.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 7:57 am


December 4, 2022 7:39 pm

Nah , our” prime mover” ( hat tip to Aristotle “, or” uncaused cause” , whom not being constrained by the temporal limitations of its creation because it ,or He as I beleive, is not a mere aspect of His creation any more than an author would live inside the pages of his writings , would have an intentional purpose behind introducing free will , in the form of sin into the equation so that the garden of Eden ,Adam and Eve , serpant story wasn’t an ” oops ” on the part of The Creator but part of an overall process of “creating “something , and I believe that” something” is” real love ” . Sure he could have created (and did create some creatures) that would just be automatically programmed to do whatever he wanted them to do . But let me ask you this , if you just brainwashed or hypnotized or ” programmed someone to love you would you have created real love ?First thing you have to do is define what ” real love ” actually is and that may be a quite counter intuitive process the more you begin to meditate or contemplate logically and reasonably rather than emotionally what exactly that is .
What is the point of all of this ? The point is that Christian theology is a heck of a lot more sound a philosophy ( it can be ascertained via reason and found sufficient ) than most of its critics really care to think about , preferring instead to present simple strawman arguements that are easy for them to knock down . We could have a debate, but you’d first have to agree to or be capable of playing by the rules of philosophy ala the Greeks in order for that tpo be productive and for my knock out punches that any honest critical thinking person would cede to have there effect on you and I am willing to bet although you’ll claim to consent , you are unprepared to actually follow thru .Heck , even the super smart tech geeks I know think we live in some kind of a” simulation “, because thats where the evidence points to , plain and simple . Although “simulation” isnt quite the right term as its more of a “constructed reality “for our intents and purposes . I mean, you step in front of a speeding semi truck and then come back and tell me its a” simulation” lol.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2022 2:55 am

He will bind Satan in the bottomless pit for 1000 years during His millennial reign

What would be the point of that?

  Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 1:03 pm

Lol. He should have destroyed him from the very beginning.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 5, 2022 7:18 pm

Scriptural understanding like that of Jehovah’s Witnesses who for over 100 years have been misleading people with their failed predictions?
First they con the innocent, they brainwash them and then take their money. It’s a completely evil and fraudulent organization.
And full of hypocrites too!

December 5, 2022 12:31 pm

Evil and cruel

December 3, 2022 10:35 am

But He always leaves us a way out, repentance, humility and an offer of forgiveness.

December 3, 2022 1:07 pm

He sure does. Old age and death awaits you. Nothing else. It’s all a scam. The greatest psyop ever perpetrated on humanity. Much greater and evil than the covid scamdemic.

December 4, 2022 1:11 am

Please illiterate your “original sourcing “for this conception of good and evil you keep appealing to in a random meaningless” deterministic reality ? why not just eat your neighbors children in such a reality . i dont get it , it doesnt pass the logic test for me ?

December 4, 2022 7:09 pm
December 5, 2022 1:04 pm

Then you must be completely illogical.

December 4, 2022 1:16 am

“It’s all a scam.”

The Differences Between The Pharisees and Sadducees

December 4, 2022 10:41 am

You keep pointing at some form of conduct that ,,,,, oh never mind , your logic is circular and Ive had enough of these kinds of conversation to know that you will keep dancing around the real issue , Its presuppositional .

December 4, 2022 12:24 pm

Early on, i found guided meditation to be VERY beneficial. Once i learned to NOT put myself to sleep. GREAT for that as well, IF You are having trouble sleeping, i suppose.

Generally speaking? NOT tired because You have NOT done ANY Actual ‘Work’. EZPZ.

‘Til i moved on? THIS ⬇️

December 4, 2022 7:00 pm

Your brainwashing has been complete!

December 3, 2022 12:50 pm

Yes. We are told, time and time again, what are the consequences of sin. And too many have been deceived into accepting sin as righteous, and what is righteous as wrong. Satan is the Great Deceiver. We are reaping the consequences of sin, there can be little doubt of that at this point. It’s really very simple. See the rise of formerly godless and communist Russia as she becomes more Christian, and rejects “Western” diabolic disorientation. The world has rules.

December 3, 2022 6:10 pm

No, you have it backwards. There is no Satan and your god who’s not really God is the great deceiver.

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 2:19 pm

Tell Him to His face when you meet Him.

He’ll be impressed, I’m sure.

  Red River D
December 4, 2022 7:43 pm

I cannot meet someone who’s a figment of your imagination (indoctrination).

December 4, 2022 2:16 am

Stop blaming ‘Satan’ for your inability to understand or recognize the tight thing to do. You already know what is right and what is wrong. If you choose to do wrong don’t pretend that you didn’t know. You did know. You are your own Satan.
Do the right thing.
And shut up about it.

December 4, 2022 7:12 pm

But, but, the devil made me do it!

December 4, 2022 5:52 am

Halting the Age of Plunder

As if all that was not game-changing enough, Russian President Vladimir Putin is raising the stakes by calling for a new international payment system based on blockchain and digital currencies.

Yes this looks very Godly.


December 4, 2022 7:11 pm

Your “Christian” nation is the most evil of all lol!

December 4, 2022 9:00 pm

You think the US is Christian??

December 5, 2022 1:07 pm

Nobody really is

The END is here
The END is here
December 3, 2022 3:31 pm

Indeed, just as He promised He would.

  The END is here
December 3, 2022 6:10 pm

Yeah right lol!

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 10:00 am

Your brainwashing goes deep

December 3, 2022 11:46 am

You are completely deluded. Start using your brain instead of allowing others to control you through your emotions.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 3, 2022 2:12 pm

Sure, Satan, the preferred boogeyman of religions. Just like Osama Bin Laden and Sadam Hussein with his invisible weapons of mass destruction. Ever heard of reverse psychology, psyops and false flag events?
You may want to look them up. You never know, it may end opening your mind and help you stop believing in fantasy.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 7:52 am

that means that the oft cited “free will” does not exist.

December 4, 2022 7:16 pm

We are just biological robots with an illusion of freedom.

  Eyes Wide Shut
December 4, 2022 5:35 pm

Right, the devil made me do it!

i forget
i forget
December 3, 2022 11:10 am

I see dead people – inliers –everywhere. ~ The Sixth Sense

Kang G’s wooden teeth cast a shadow certain numerous cavewo/men are sure is real authority. And those shadow-knows ones ~ your neighbors, probably ~ are thrilled to Schadenfreude joy to see your distillate tax-slapped. “Take that, bitch! Who do you think you are to disrespect the shadow?”

Then some of those go check the shadow-jones industrial averages ticker that serves as their heart, too. “Vitals good!”

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 7, 2022 6:00 pm

A coyote grabbed and tried to run off with our one small dog two nights ago but couldn’t since it was harnessed to a run lead but he did manage a deep canine puncture wound to it’s abdomen.
Isn’t nature all cute and cuddly?

  i forget
December 3, 2022 10:20 am

Admin’s article with the “Shadow Cave” Where prisoners could only interpret the outside world through shadows, is the modern day Black Mirror Shadow Box. People are left to interpret the world thru just as archaic means now as then. If not made worse and misinterpreted by intentional manipulation. Imagine the shadow of the shop teacher with the prosthetics. I wonder what the cave prisoners would’ve seen on the wall. Happy thoughts! Oh yeah, Thanks for breaking it up, it was easy to read. 😉

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 2:21 pm

“…People are left to interpret the world thru just as archaic means now as then…”

The archaic means, rightly understood and applied, are the superior means to thick modern confusion and blindness.

  Red River D
December 10, 2022 2:12 pm

Wow. Some supremely arrogant self delusion.

Your belief that you have superior understanding is why you understand nothing. Fools fool themselves.

Mark Reynolds
Mark Reynolds
  i forget
December 4, 2022 7:40 pm

Oh so true. We that use critical thinking are the 3% that will take the world back from those who have stolen it from all of us. Who with their monetary machinations have bought the very souls of the slavish psychopaths that we allow to rule us with their edicts making us criminals for non crimes. Fourth generation warfare is going to erupt world wide and the Cristos will be vanquished at the end of the sword they wield.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
  i forget
December 5, 2022 4:28 am

That’s wak.

  i forget
January 5, 2023 2:47 pm

write a book

December 3, 2022 3:28 am

Another reason as to why armed rebellion is a non-starter is because almost all means of communication is controlled and monitored by those that are needed to be rebelled against. Organization is nearly impossible to gain for any level that can actually prove to be positively impactful. At best, a group will be allowed to grow only as large as needed to make a nice headline to further aid the represser, much like what was allowed and promoted through the Michigan kidnapping plot. Right now the battle needs to focus only sharing thought and information with one another in order to help awaken people to the danger we are all in. Over the past few years there has been a massive awakening spreading in comparison to the sleep that came before it. Sure it’s not enough but it’s trending in the right direction which is why there are powerful attacks against the means of communication and information sharing. We need to defend this first and foremost.

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 3, 2022 9:27 am

Perhaps another strategy is to convince our military to join us in regaining the Republic as it was intended to be, then revoke the 14th Amendment.

Brazil is on this path after their stolen election.

Could it be done here?

  Rise Up
December 3, 2022 9:45 am

I’m going to say nope, no way, never. It would mean the slush fund would get trimmed off and they’d have to revert back to having a measure of morality, albeit small, but a measure. And the demoncrap generals wouldn’t be allowed to lose several hundred billion dollars in laundered and stolen tax payers monies.

December 3, 2022 12:55 pm

Patriots have been purged.

December 4, 2022 7:18 pm

Patriotism is just another form of programming to control and manipulate you.

December 4, 2022 9:01 pm

Non-globohomos have been purged.

  Rise Up
December 3, 2022 2:34 pm

In Haig’s presence, Kissinger referred pointedly to military men as “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.
There’s your answer.

December 4, 2022 7:01 pm

LOL. They think we are all dumb, stupid animals. But they are evil comprachicos who had to take our minds as children to make us stupid. Just like Western Civ. is not falling, they are destroying it, Europe and America were not “conquered by invaders, our countries have been GIVEN to the invaders by people we harbored who hated us but pretended to just want “a better life”. Christianity is not a “taqqyia” religion/ethnicity. We played fair, and they did not.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
December 8, 2022 6:44 pm

Yes, Humpty Dumpty did not just fall; he was pushed.

December 8, 2022 6:48 pm

They think we are all dumb, stupid animals.

Spare an extremely marginal fringe, most are.

December 3, 2022 6:42 am

Quality is Alamoutnumbered by quantity.


December 3, 2022 7:05 am


Alamo. Outnumbered.

It’s where the aliens crash-land-ed. Or close in tuit.

528 miles is nothing.

December 3, 2022 6:43 am

“the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

I’m not convinced Huxley was entirely right about this. I’ve seen too many persons in positions of authority taking obvious pleasure in the unnecessary application of violence. And for some at least the servitude of others is just the precursor to flogging and kicking.

December 3, 2022 5:41 pm


December 3, 2022 6:48 am

This has got to be one of the finest pieces ever written about this current world we all find ourselves seemingly trapped in. I had to make a donation to Burning Platform, as this knocked it out of the park for me, and i believe if enough others shared this post in particular, with just 2 or 3 people and asked them to do the same, there would be a Butterfly Effect. BELIEVE

Red River D
Red River D
December 4, 2022 2:26 pm

Admin’s article was syndicated over at Zero Hedge.

It’ll get a significant audience.

But don’t underestimate the meticulously crafted and cultured cognitive dissonance woven into Western society as the ultimate psychological warfare weapon.

Modern Western man is a master at simultaneous knowing and not knowing. His mind has become mingled seed mush and he’s been neutered and (for the most part) rendered incapable of meaningful thought or action.

December 3, 2022 6:55 am

Great article but there’s just one problem. You’re still holding on to the illusion of the Fauci, Wuhan lab created virus. There is no Covid-19 virus and there never was. If people truly want to wake up and break free, then you can’t hold on to any part of the illusion they’re trying to sell you. You rightly called it the “Covid scam” in your article because that is what it was. It was a 100% hoax and all they did was take other illnesses which have the exact same symptoms as their hoax Covid virus and convinced people that what they were seeing was some brand new pathogen that had never been seen before.

December 3, 2022 8:09 am

” There is no Covid-19 virus and there never was”

Of course not. Zerohedge©, and quite a few others were just summarily BANNED. Everywhere. For reporting about how Dr. Plummer did it via Rotterdam with the nice Chinese Candlestick in Canada.

To say nothing of TONS of other Trails.

ALL a figment of our PLANNED conspiracy minds.

You should run for MMFIC.

December 3, 2022 9:34 am

All I ever tell people is to post the study that proves that this Covid-19 virus is real and has been isolated and sequenced. Every time somebody takes me up on my offer, and posts a study, I easily point out how the study doesn’t even come close to proving the existence of this virus or that it has been isolated or sequenced. For some reason, everybody still believes, without proof, that this virus exists or in this ridiculous lab leak theory.

Of course, people can believe whatever the hell they want.

December 3, 2022 9:52 am

“Of course, people can believe whatever the hell they want.”

Precisely. Think it’s called’Free Will’, or something like that.

Sincerely, Furin Cleavage Site

December 3, 2022 11:25 am


December 3, 2022 1:45 pm

That has been the case with all other so called viruses. The word virus means poison in latin. Toxic poisons yes, there are plenty of those, including in vaccines.
Pathogenic viruses, no. They don’t exist. It’s all a scam to get you to take the vaccines. It’s time for humanity to wake up. But will it? I doubt it. It’s not by accident that the masses are being dummed down by the evil forces that own the world. It’s nothin new really.

December 3, 2022 11:27 am

And you swallowed hook, line and sinker. Wow congratulations for falling for the psyop! You still haven’t learned how they use psychology to fool you. Banning means nothing. That’s just one of their ways to deceive you and keeping you believing in fantasies. You’re just being controlled and manipulated.

December 3, 2022 12:04 pm

They ban in order to get you to believe their lies. It’s called reverse psychology. You were duped. But of course, like a very wise man once said : It’s easy to fool people. But it’s not easy to convince them that they have been fooled.

December 10, 2022 2:14 pm

Never mind easy to fool people. Most are busy fooling themselves, outside influence not required!

December 3, 2022 11:19 am

Unfortunately you’re in the minority. Many think it was jus a plandemic when in reality it was and is a complete SCAMDEMIC!

December 4, 2022 7:41 pm

That’s why the Flu almost completely disappeared. They just changed the name to covid and the indoctrinated masses fell for it. Now they’re dying like flies.

December 5, 2022 1:13 pm

And now that “Covid” is disappearing, all of a sudden the Flu is making a comback. Another trick for the dumb masses to allow themselves to be injected with more poison.

December 3, 2022 8:01 am

The caged from birth are condition to love their servitude.

My wife recently adopted a full grown stray from a Facebook group. The dog is 100+ pounds of loving gentleness, and let people bath, wash , clip his toenails and pretty much handle him at will, all which were prerequisites of he was going to live in the house. Also, we didn’t know if he would shred the furniture, so my wife bought a big cage to put him into when we leave for whatever. I told her not to waste money on a cage, because I doubted the dog would allow himself to be placed in cage, if he wasn’t conditioned to being confined as a pup.
And lo and behold, when I tried to put him in the cage , he became a ferocious beast and would have been me if I had tried to physically shove him in the cage. Sometimes I hate being right all the time.

People admonish kids for lack of critical thinking skills, but never look in the mirror for the real person to blame. Kids are placed in one collective lobotomizing institution, from day care to corporate/government employment, so it could as no surprise to any critical thinker that people refuse their cage. It’s born and bred into them.

We the free thinkers are the minority, and thus the enemy of the borg. This is no Truman Show. This is reality. Expect to be targeted for eventual elimination . There can be no outliers.

December 3, 2022 9:49 am

Bread and circus…this is muh capitalism…hard work and sacrifice, bruh… that’s how you make it in muh free market.

If you liked “a day in the life of a Twitter employee,” you’re going to love “a day in the life of a big four consultancy employee.”

These management consulting firms (Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, Ernst & Young) along with their “boutique” competitors (McKinsey, BCG and Bain) are responsible for hollowing out middle America. Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital famously destroyed numerous American steel manufacturers, making hundreds of millions of dollars along the way.

These companies act as hatchet men, announcing the mass layoffs that management doesn’t want to be demonized for. They also act as accounting consultants, arranging huge financing deals that result in big conflicts of interest.

But mostly they act as daycares & playgrounds for the children of the elite, paying high salaries and bonuses for dubious results that mostly involve PowerPoint presentations. Pete Buttigieg worked for McKinsey in “government consulting” until he became Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and then Secretary of Transportation. Hundreds of millions of dollars of government money are filtered through these companies and then back into politician’s coffers.

And the really sad part is that these companies are positioned in such a way that in the next Great Recession, they’ll make a killing laying off real workers.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2022 12:25 pm

I thought robots would be doing all the jobs?

No roughneck robots yet?


  hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2022 2:36 pm

There are. I watched a show the other day where the drilling deck was run by two men. One in the control room and the other basically just watching the deck as the sections were retrieved from storage by a machine, clamped and connected. No man touched the sections or clamp during drilling.

Not fully automated as their is a man at the controls but close. I doubt the operator will be required soon as it is a repetitive task of just pushing a button or two every five or ten minutes. The show was several years old, so he may be gone already.

Even big pipe welding is going automated. An acquaintance owns a pipeline installation company and was showing off his new toy in the shop the other day, an automated joint welder. It still requires two men to place it on the joint, but then the entire weld is done by the machine. Again, the two men will likely be eliminated soon too as it is not a complex operation.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 4, 2022 7:24 pm

No, in my neck of the woods only rednecks!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 3, 2022 12:22 pm

She appears to be insane. Not like strait jacket crazy, but really unhinged. I wouldn’t leave her alone around kids or vulnerable people.

I’m not joking either. She appears to have lost her mooring, yet most people would look at her as being something to emulate, a productive member of society. Go back and read the notes from her brainstorming session. It’s the kind of thing a lunatic would scribble on a wall.

I was counting the number of things she consumed during her work day and noticed we produce about half of it on the farm. I wonder how many she could come up with if the dollar went to zero.

This false world is coming apart at the seams and if it weren’t for the Internet I don’t thing we’d be able to fully understand just how far out of whack everything has become. There’s no hiding the crazy now.

  hardscrabble farmer
December 10, 2022 2:17 pm

There’s no hiding the crazy now.

Hiding it? They celebrate it.

i forget
i forget
December 3, 2022 10:20 am

From birth, which is to say conception, is the condition that propagates servitude-love. Blaming, or offering as explanation, later onset cages puts the cart ahead of the horse. Examples familiar to you of born into bondage but broke out anyway may not be many, but those exemplars exist – & they were born/conceived that way.

“Conditioning” is a crutch-excuse. Same as “the devil.”

Its also a blatant, tho attempted backdoor, argument for equality most fundamental: “we are all the same.” Servo-mech sameness … nonsense.

“There’s trained, & there’s untrained.” Creasey, Man on Fire … was a piece of shit on fire for most of his life – because he was trainable – he was born/conceived trainable – & those b/c’d trainers ran a train on him : symbiosis.

Anybody can be broken.

“Foolin’ them, huh? You can’t fool them about somethin’ like that. They broke me. But they didn’t get my mind right, not with no stick.” ~ Cool Hand Luke

Or, worse by far, the Theon Greyjoy/Reek character in GOT.

Don’t take “stick” literally. Nor make Huxley’s kinder-gentler pharmaceutical-etc a bigger, omnipotent stick, either. Unless you in fact do like being wrong.

If its already there, the broken can ~ & will – no choice ~ mend, return once more to the fray. Or split to Zihuatanejo to hand-sand an old hull.

But the born already broken are just that way.

There will always be outliers. Those will always be surrounded by inliers. Which ones lie about the other ones?

That may be a trick question.

  i forget
December 3, 2022 10:28 am

The sleeping masses are The Langoliers. Or am I the Langolier?

i forget
i forget
December 3, 2022 12:19 pm

“monsters … (he was afraid of as a child) who go after those who waste time.”

Sleeping? Or maybe steeping.

“Bob begins to theorize that they have flown through a time rip, resembling the aurora borealis, that the airline spotted over the Mojave Desert.”

Aurora morals. But it’s be a dry heat compass in the Mojave. (In Denver that region is called Saudi Aurora. House o’ Saud’s another dry-heat morality tale.)

“Brian describes them in horror as large dark beach ball-like monsters expanding and contracting with semicircular caves as mouths and gnashing blurring teeth leaving trails of black nothingness in their wake.”

Is “Langolier” Plato’s middle, or (u)sur(er)name? It ain’t just cave – it’s company cave.

“In the plane, Bob theorizes that the Langoliers are the timekeepers of eternity, and that their purpose is to clean up what is left of the past by eating it.”

And eating means digesting & eliminating. Latter starts to look a lot like birth as the eternal recurrence vinyl spins ~ like flushing coriolis ~ round & round.

After the plane takes off, the cast goes Oprah tell-all (cuz King has lost his touch – it’s show, not tell), before cabin pressure drop induced sleep saves them all save one (whose wooden teeth, well, fillings are all that survive) from the death that results from being awake when transiting the “rip.”

Rest In Peace ye restless wicked.

  i forget
December 4, 2022 10:45 pm

Seems to me there were some cavernous references some day ago. Perhaps I am wrong, or there were different shadows.

December 3, 2022 8:06 am

Thank you Admin. Another powerful read. Going to have to watch The Truman Show all the way through. It always gave me the creeps. I could never finish it and now I know why. Another instance of the psychopaths telling us what they are going to do.

December 3, 2022 8:35 am

Great essay. Exactly how I feel being one of those that walked away.

December 3, 2022 8:48 am

of Jesus it’s written:
““I am the Lord, I have called You in righteousness, I will also hold You by the hand and watch over You, And I will appoint You as a covenant to the people, As a light to the nations, To open blind eyes, To bring out prisoners from the dungeon And those who dwell in darkness from the prison.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭42‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭

December 3, 2022 11:37 am

All religion is a psyop. Time to wake up!

December 3, 2022 1:05 pm

Sorry, but it’s all religion. It is just a matter of who or what you worship. Sports? Trump? “I believe in me”?, “medicine”?, “followers”?, Kim Kardashian?, the “right” government???? People are simply wired that way…for a reason.

December 4, 2022 7:26 pm

Exactly, they choose their own slavery.

Jake 33952
Jake 33952
December 3, 2022 8:58 am

The complete “Trust the government” mentality has created a populous that is lazy and robotic. It has produced people who can not comprehend the fact they’ve been conditioned to perform like circus animals. The gradual removal of liberties slowly and calculated will eliminate any resistance and continue the lazy robotics into the oblivion. The second coming needs to happen.

  Jake 33952
December 4, 2022 7:28 pm

But I can’t wait for the new I phone to come out!

December 3, 2022 9:13 am

Speaking of being surrounded by actors playing parts in the Truman Show, Makow has a dandy expose (today) of Candace Owens, Lauren Boebert and many others coming from a Israeli pornographers stable at his “Talent” agency. CONgress is a joke, conservative influencers are a joke, people are fools for believing.

December 3, 2022 1:22 pm

Agree. Anyone who is visible in the “media”, not blacked out or banned, is part of the created reality. I first noticed this when Ron Paul ran for president, he was carefully blacked out of nearly all media coverage, and only mentioned in hostile terms on FOX. Trump, on the other hand, dominated the “media”.

December 4, 2022 6:12 am
December 4, 2022 7:29 pm

Because he was to become the father of the vaccine!

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 3, 2022 9:16 am

Excellent write-up and the comparison of American life to the Truman Show movie is brilliant.

I do take issue with this statement, however:

“Their script was so believable they were able to convince over 5 billion members of their captive audience to inject themselves with an untested, unproven genetic therapy…”

Don’t know where that 5 billion reference came from but it seems highly inflated. That would be over 1/2 of the population of Earth, and most children under 12 have not been vaxxed. I’d suspect the number is more in the hundreds of millions vaxed, with many of those boosted which would inflate the total number of people vaxed.

I could believe that 5 billion DOSES were produced, however. But most of those went unused and/or expired.

Lastly, your article has some solutions in the closing paragraphs, unlike so many pieces I’ve read here on TBP that simply point out the dire financial/political/social situation we face as Americans and offer no hope (and to be realistic, there is no hope for many of those problems).

Hats off to ya, Mr. Quinn.

December 3, 2022 11:19 am

If you have a smart phone, you are part of the overarching problem…

December 3, 2022 2:08 pm

Sad Chinese brought to their knees. Line up by the threes thousand deep. Their phones clutched tightly as the fight is mighty. Against the virus humanity. They succumb to fear and stare like deer, at the phone not left at home. It brings them joy to play with a toy, that has a sinister ploy. They were warned and now will feel gods scorn. For they have given over to evil by the apple iPhone.

December 5, 2022 1:18 pm

The same would have to apply to all the other gadgets created by society in order to enslave you. It’s extremely hard to live completely outside of the matrix.

December 5, 2022 4:06 pm

So, you comply and have a smart phone…

December 3, 2022 12:38 pm

This is a brilliant essay. You have explained the real reality of the world’s current state beautifully, especially comparing Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and “The Truman Show”. Nothing new under the sun, except the technology to be more pervasive with evil control.

Arthur Danu
Arthur Danu
December 3, 2022 12:55 pm

Bravo! What a beautifully written and lucid presentation of the human situation! While many people are waking up due to the Covid-Scam, I woke up 21 years earlier, after the false-flag known as 9/11.

If you’re an American reading this, I strongly urge and recommend that you visit http://www.losthorizons.com and get on Peter’s list. You will learn the most important things that can really FREE you from the snares of Big Brother with courage and dignity.

I have lived truly free now for the past two decades of my life, experiencing unbelievable joys and rewards that I never would have gained had I remained unawakened, or fearful of the consequences of breaking free.

If I can help any of my fellow brothers and sisters of the human race to reach the state of freedom I enjoy, I am at your service! I wish you well on your journey and also great SUCCESS!

  Arthur Danu
December 3, 2022 6:46 pm

visit http://www.losthorizons.com 

I just took a quick look, skimmed a little, looks great! Thank you.

  Arthur Danu
December 9, 2022 1:28 am


Thank You for the link. Bookmarked for further research, time permitting.

December 3, 2022 3:10 pm

Satan IS the prince of this world. he and his minions rule whetther the people involved are conscious of their master or not. Jesus Christ is the only other Way. IC XC NI KA.

December 4, 2022 7:31 pm

Another poor soul victim of the religious psyop.

December 3, 2022 3:51 pm
December 3, 2022 6:09 pm

Nicholas Tesla-
Anti-social behavior is a trait of intelligence in a world full of conformists

December 5, 2022 1:20 pm

A real genius. But then he said the information was revealed to him by aliens. Now let that sink in.

December 3, 2022 8:01 pm

This is just an awesome article in every way possible. Nuff said.

December 3, 2022 8:23 pm


December 4, 2022 10:41 am

I had a nasty cough and hack until I started using a aloe hack bar. Cleared the demon voice right outta me.

December 3, 2022 11:08 pm

Bravo Admin , as crazy as it sounds this is basically my exact take on the ongoing psyop that are the times we live in . I’d only add perhaps one other possibility , and probably a possibility that you are already aware of , being that thru “esoteric Hollywood ” they pretend to seek our consent by basically telling us, by way of movies like The Truman Show and many others ( think Kubric ) what they think , what they do and what they plan to do . Its actually ritualistic symbolism or something to that effect . Anyway , in that way , they can say to themselves , “hey we told you exactly what we were about and you didn’t object .”

But really ,excellent essay . That the people i’d want to send it to the most are the ones who would most assuredly dismiss it as kookery is the sad truth of it .
I assume you either prayed or sought wisdom and understanding, discernment , well you got it, now bear the burden eh ?

December 4, 2022 10:10 am

I agree that this is brilliant and would add another author who wrote on the subject: James Baldwin in his “Fahrenheit 451” (1953) a world where words have opposite meanings from what they originally meant, ie., a fireman no longer puts out fires but burns books and other printed material/media that challenges the status quo.

May Hemm
May Hemm
December 5, 2022 2:29 pm

Janes Baldwin??? Is that the revamped woke version of RAY BRADBURY’s Fahrenheit 451?

December 4, 2022 7:17 pm

I think there is a bit of “look what WE did to you, you stupid peons” going on. Narcissists, and that NWO mafia is loaded with some extreme cases, HAVE to have attention, AND to gloat to their targets how they have screwed them over. I’m still scratching my head over the fact that they apparently consider wealth, murderousness and willingness to do any evil as qualifications to murder billions and steal everything on the planet. We are supposed to consider these psychos as “leaders”?????

December 4, 2022 5:36 am

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.”
― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited

That’s some good copy pasta.

The flea that no longer feels an urge to jump is a trainable flea. And a flea that jumps into a clear lid over and over and over, after awhile, no longer feels the urge to jump. Not even when the lid is lifted.

That’s the story that got 3-time New York State Teacher of the Year winner — decades ago, when it meant something — John Taylor Gatto — to quit teaching, because he realized he, as a teacher, was the lid.

December 4, 2022 7:18 pm

JTG’s “Underground History of American Education” red-pilled me, big time.

December 4, 2022 7:34 pm

It Is No Measure of Health to be Well-Adjusted to a Profoundly Sick Society.

December 5, 2022 1:26 am

Tis good etiquette to cite the author of a quote if known 😉
That happens to be one of my favorites…by Jiddu Krishnamurti.

December 5, 2022 1:22 pm

My bad. Eventhough I don’t agree with everything he said.

December 4, 2022 7:51 am

rather the truman show has devolved into idiocracy.

December 4, 2022 8:33 pm

China. What’s really going on there? Poor people.

December 5, 2022 4:29 pm

It’s the model for the new world order.

December 4, 2022 12:33 pm

This is a great analogy that was explored a few years back in a video by the incomparable couple at Truthstream Media. If you enjoyed this article nd aren’t aware of Truthstream Media you need to seek them out on Bitchute or Rumble. The video followed up their acclaimed documentary The Minds of Men that goes deep into the psychology used to put us all in our own personal Truman shows through media and social engineering. But I love that Jim takes it a step further by offering the antidote in the form of the question “what is a man without a nation or principles or party or narrative to serve?” What can/does he become when he serves nothing Rbut the substAnce within him, directed only by him? Do we even know this answer? Because it seems like this is the thing we should be doing or knowing. Have you ever known such a person despite the fact that such a person should and could exist. Sure there are many rules and best practices for maintaining a civilized society that ask men to compromise his individuality in exchange for order, but the issue is which comes first? There would seem to be a vast difference between a society that from birth is raised to defer their own self development for the sake of the social order. Parents know this is the challenge of raising children, because they don’t take to it naturally. But what of the society that starts from fully self realized individuals who then decide what concessions are necessary to best maintain societal order. I suspect such a society would be vastly different from what we see today. Possibly the closest analogue would be the United States around the time of it’s founding. And while it seems like on paper this would be the right way to do it, it seems this is the exact society we are prevented from having or even talking about much. So kudos to Jim and all of you for talking about it. We should never stop talking about it. The Truman world is just a metaphor for Walmart and Hollywood and social media and the all encompassing feedback loop that so many are stuck in and will never escape nor even seek to escape. I got the f#$@ out long ago and it’s been nothing but amazing.

Mann Friedmann
Mann Friedmann
December 4, 2022 5:25 pm

It is true.
Religion is an opiate of the masses.
I have never in my life read so many declarations of abrogation of personal responsibility as I have this afternoon.
The pilpul that has been written below could be also used with a change of a few items to support the CoVid1984, its illegal measures and support of “experimental Gene Therapeutics.

Mark Reynolds
Mark Reynolds
December 4, 2022 7:32 pm

I would like to make this observation added to this discussion…https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/problem-psychopathic-control-freaks PROBLEM…Psychopathic control freaks rule us.

December 4, 2022 9:33 pm

good one man

December 4, 2022 9:58 pm

The mention of CBDC prompted me to post this:
Funny how everyone on the”conservative side” seems to love Elon Musk now, due to being presented with the narrative of him being the savior of free speech with his purchase of and antics with twatter.

But take note of this: Who owns Star Link, the future omnipresent connection to the net? (https://www.starlink.com/)

Who owns Neuralink, the physical device to connect you to the net? (https://neuralink.com)

What is patent # WO2020060606? (https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606)

Looks to me like he’s got a bit invested in helping set up the infrastructure for “own nothing and be happy” and controlling everything about people’s daily lives. Not to mention the largest remotely controlled auto maker in the world.

Ever think about why all the reCaptcha image games you have to play to “prove you’re a human” have you select traffic lights, buses, bikes, and other things on the roadway, like you’re helping train AI vision systems for cars?

Surely the richest man in the world (that we know of) couldn’t be purely motivated by money and lack an authentic morality, right?

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 3:58 am


December 5, 2022 1:23 pm

The masses are easy to fool.

December 5, 2022 1:25 pm

No one becomes a billionare unless he’s a member of the club.

Here's hoping
Here's hoping
December 5, 2022 2:55 am

I want a bumper sticker with the masked sheep on it. Maybe the dopes wearing it alone in their car will get the message.

Jim Jones
Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 4:26 am

Sorry to take it back to the religious discussion but if God loved us all, wouldn’t he be okay with it if we didn’t love him back?

If you love something, set it free – if it doesn’t come back, condemn it to hell for the rest of eternity, curse their lives with plague and pestilence and period-pain, cause floods and destroy a city or two.

Your god is a bitter, jealous, vengeful and petty god. My God is Good Times.

  Jim Jones
December 5, 2022 1:26 pm

They love their brainwashing.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
December 5, 2022 7:00 am

I had been searching for an article that describes perfectly the times we live in and summarizes what a rather substantial segment of the population actually FEELS about it, so that I can print it and show it to our children in 20 years from now so that they might get a glimpse of it, because even though they live through the same time, they are shielded from the outside world and don’t feel it.

This article is it. A masterpiece of weaving together the present, the past and the little we can do about the future.


Austrian Peter
Austrian Peter
December 5, 2022 7:15 am

Brilliant Jim – thank you very much, sorry I’m late to the party (pun intended). Your encouragement to move into our local communities is well taken – we are doing this here in SW England and I try to encourage others to act through my Letters. I would point to four significant articles on your theme of local economies:

Non- Violent Action (NVA): https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-special-36e?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

Localisation: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/the-financial-jigsaw-part-2-localisation?s=w

Plan B: https://austrianpeter.substack.com/p/progressing-plan-b-a-quarterly-review?s=w

A live example of how it works: https://www.thoughtco.com/traditional-economy-definition-and-examples-5180499

One objection I often get is: “What do we use for money if my income is delivered by programmable CBDCs?” I can only point to how we lived in 1754 England – read it – and especially the Appendix which explains how the money system worked without using banks or cash!

December 5, 2022 8:22 am

In my BOOM newsletter this morning: Nice shout out!


BOOM readers should turn to The Burning Platform to read the article there by its founder, Jim Quinn, titled “We Are Trapped By Psychopaths”. It is a tour de force of observation about the world we all live in today.

Jeff the Beast
Jeff the Beast
December 5, 2022 9:41 am

Talk for yourself…if you let yourself capture in those idiotic MAGA/antivaxxer/rashist propaganda bullshit that fucks up your brain you have a severe problem with your mind, go see a psychiatrist!!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Jeff the Beast
December 5, 2022 9:46 am

You okay Jeff? You need a hug?

  hardscrabble farmer
December 5, 2022 1:27 pm

He’s the one in need of a psychiatrist. Lol!

December 5, 2022 9:52 am

“Armed revolution is a non-starter, as the oligarchs have far more firepower, and the dissenters are unorganized and scattered.” Quinn that is nonsensical drivel. Oppressors submit only to superior force. We rise up and kill them, or we remain their slaves.
However, there is nothing wrong with the idea that our revolt starts small. “This is why it is important to be armed. …. guerrilla tactics on land you know would start to eat away at the morale of the paid police thugs sent to enforce their dictates.”

December 5, 2022 3:36 pm


December 6, 2022 10:41 pm

Well. @ least tomorrow will probably bring a whole spate of Pearl Harbor “TRUMAN SHOW DIRECTED BY PSYCHOPATHS” parallels.

December 8, 2022 8:13 am


That number seems to be a harbinger of bad Karma/Luck/Whatever.

The Truth About Country 404’s “Victorious” Counterattack

405 should fix it.

December 10, 2022 6:20 pm

” Maybe a new, less complex, smaller, more community-oriented society could be born from the ashes. Tribe up with like-minded individuals with different skills, if possible.”

Should we plan for a return to a completely tribal world? I think not. Shouldn’t we plan to help those who are even now (and always have been) working to reign in our governments?
Anyway, what do you envision a “community-oriented society” to be?

January 4, 2023 5:37 am

Very good essay. In a similar vein, this could also be of interest – – –

Expressed further under the Decline of The West, vectored via that failed, longest of the long LongShots, this engineered US-NATO-UK Ukrainian Proxy War over the lives of the poor Ukrainian people to weaken Russia, tip out its government and possess its considerable resources.

Judgment shall be by outcomes. Thus far, it is the EU and NATO that will disintegrate. Paradoxically, the present winners are simultaneously the United States and Russia. Those in the way of superpower aspirations invariably are ground up in the geo-political machinery.

Discussed here in lengthy, abstruse and eclectic prose across several essays that will leave the reader visibly aged, yet possibly far wiser although admittedly that is entirely speculative . . .
