NEW YEAR EDITION- 2022 Redux– CAF Report – Where to Housing? More Strikes – BIG ‘D’ Looms – Inflation Dying – Intent to Harm – MP Calls to Ban Vaxx – Petition – Letter from Great Britain [12-31-22]

The British weather is being its usual cantankerous self – uncommonly wet and windy but at least mild – sorry I can’t say the same for the economy

WHAT A YEAR!  Probably the most eventful year I have known for multiple events, with HMG missing in action and so many changes, I have lost count – here’s a reminder:

  • Five education secretaries
  • Four chancellors
  • Three prime ministers
  • Two Tory leadership coups
  • One European war
  • And the greatest economic mega-crash:

We’re all poor now and nothing has changed in 14 years:

But there’s more:

  • Massive energy crisis
  • Inflation gone mad
  • NHS moves from crisis to collapse (so they say)
  • Coordinated winter strikes, aka General Strike
  • Millions of workers MIA, some almost certainly KIA
  • Excess deaths due to SADS – Yeah – we know why
  • Royal family quiet as renegade Prince and his uncle create mayhem
  • Oh, and I almost forgot: ‘The Queen is dead, Long Live the King’

I guess this is why I haven’t stopped writing and researching all year and haven’t yet found any answers.

HAPPY NEW YEAR PREDICTION!  Others are predicting an economic depression in 2023/4.  Some very well qualified insiders already know what I believe is good news.  Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF) talks about the importance of physical gold and silver in the not-so-distant future.

CAF also talks about using cash, growing clean food, paying down debts, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDCs), places to live to weather the coming storm, taxes and the strength of binding together for sovereignty against the machine.

In closing, CAF says: “Get out of fear and stay out of fear. You think a snowflake is weak and fragile until enough of them get together, and then they can shut down New York City. If we can face it, God can fix it.  Don’t go to fear.”  There is much more in the 1-hour and 5-minute interview.  Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report,  here’s the detail:

THOUGHT FOR 2023: So where goes the most important market in Britain this coming year – ‘where housing goes; so goes the economy’?  Some 65% of the 30m households in Britain own their own home with 58% of those having a mortgage. Capital Exploits have a good idea of the trend in what appears to be a rapidly deteriorating housing market:

“Just had a conversation with someone I know. They work for one of the largest new home builders in the UK. Early this year they had buyers on waiting lists for the houses. They said in the past month or two, 1 in 3 house sales have pulled out of the deals.”  And “my sister’s house is up for sale and they haven’t had any views for two months.”

The feedback from my own local contacts says they have had no bites for several months. Britain appears to be in Step 1 right now:

Step 1: We’ll see volume dry up. Many sellers will mistakenly believe that they just need to “sit it out,” and wait when “things will get back to normal.” They won’t, but anyway, that’s the first step.

Step 2: Those with rolling fixed-term debt will roll it from about 2.5% to something exceeding 5%.  That will hurt. Maybe no more £5 cappuccinos and as for that Netflix subscription: and… it’s gone. There will be negative ramifications for multiple businesses well beyond the housing market shake-out. Think about where discretionary consumer spending will go in the coming year.

Step 3: Within a few months, sales will be closed at substantial discounts, setting new price levels. Many will shut their eyes and tell themselves they just have to wait it out saying: “It’ll come back – it always does.”  Remember, the vast majority of folks haven’t the foggiest idea how bond markets function and as such will just be relying on ringing local real estate agents in order to ‘feel’ the market and they will talk their book.

This won’t work because most estate agents, for the most part, are clueless. They are aware of price signals but can’t tell you why the yield curve inversion  is bad news.  Historically, an inverted yield curve has been viewed as an indicator of a pending economic recession and is a terrible sign for the economy and what it means for mortgage rates. So in essence, folks will be fumbling about hoping for some miracle. Meanwhile, some won’t be able to wait.

Step 4: All the abnormal gains made during the scamdemic (free money does that) will rapidly be given back and the real results of the lockdowns will now be felt.  This will be visible in diminished balance sheets of corporations which are now dealing with a multitude of issues. Supply chain inflation, waning demand (credit driven consumerism being the final stages of a crack-up boom), intensifying stagflation, and rising input costs.

All this will be tossed into the cauldron, only to have rising interest rates sprinkled on top, further biting into disposable income:

BREAKING NEWS:  Rishi Sunak appears on a mock-up of a missing person poster on the front of the Daily Star, which says that: “as the whole country goes on strike and our NHS crumbles before our very eyes”, we seem to have lost our prime minister”. There is “deadly silence” from the Tories who are “crippling the NHS”, says The Daily Mirror. The tabloid quotes unions saying the government could have ended the strikes but “chose not to,” however the health minister countered accusing NHS unions of making a “conscious decision” to inflict harm” on patients.

BUT the crucial point about the nurses’ claim is that their wage award by the ‘independent’ committee was based on out-of-date information by at least a year. I believe that HMG is using their well-known tactic of merely off-loading their responsibility and sitting tight.  This is unforgivable, yet the MSM have made little mention of it.  Therefore I support the nurses on this and on my own experiences at their dedicated hands in the past.

MAJOR ECONOMIC CONTRACTION in 2023:  The signs are already present and obvious, but the overall economic picture probably won’t be acknowledged in the mainstream until the situation becomes much worse (as if it’s not bad enough). It’s a problem that arises at the onset of every historic financial crisis.  Mainstream Economists and commentators lie to the public about the chances of recovery, constantly giving false reassurances and lulling people back to sleep. Even now with price inflation pummelling the average consumer they tell us that there is nothing to worry about. Even our Chancellor claims it will get better.

I remember in 2007 right before the epic derivatives collapse when media pundits were applauding the housing markets and predicting even greater highs in sales and in valuations.  If the system is out of balance, collapse will set its ugly foot down somewhere and there’s nothing anyone including central banks can do about it. In fact, there are times when they deliberately ENGINEER collapse.

This is the situation we are currently in today as 2022 comes to a close. The Fed, BoE and other CBs are invoking aggressive rate hikes in a “fight” against the stagflationary crisis that they created through years of [QE] stimulus measures. Easy money has been too entrenched for far too long, which means a hard landing is the most likely scenario. In 2008 the world witnessed an exponential implosion of credit, setting off the biggest money printing bonanza in world history in order to save the banking sector, at least for a while.

The central bankers have a global agenda to eclipse nationalism, and allow the decline of the western economies in order to introduce Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) enabled through the IMF. So far they are getting exactly what they want and they are perfectly aware of what they are doing.

By the February meeting of 2023 the Fed will be at or very near 5% interest rates, which will help trigger a considerable plunge in markets and mass lay-offs.  Here are the American details:  You may remember that: “when America sneezes, the world catches a cold.” What the phrase means, of course, is that as a global leader, other nations tend to follow America. What happens in America affects the rest of the world, be it for good or bad.

DEPRESSION AHEADI have been warning of the very real possibility that the West will experience years of negative real growth during this decade and Brandon Smith, together with others, supports my assessment.  As the world bifurcates, into the failing global north and rising global south, a major shift in geopolitical power games is taking place. Here is a précis of Brandon’s essay explaining how and why this is happening.

“With [the West] hovering in a precarious netherworld between stagflationary crisis and deflationary crisis depending on which poison the Federal Reserve chooses to give the country, the stage has been set for an economic disaster similar to the Great Depression or worse (read my analysis on this situation HERE). In two years or less, our system, which is already dealing with a number of threats including high prices and supply chain instability, will not remain functional in the manner most people are accustomed.

If we accept this inevitability, we must then ask a logical question: Who is going to rebuild?  Whoever inherits the mantle will either bring America back to freedom and prosperity, or plunge society into perpetual tyranny. It all depends on who survives the crisis.

One thing that gives me some hope is the fact that leftists, as a sub-group of our population, are completely incapable of surviving a major economic crisis event. This is not to say that I wish them all to die; I’m only pointing out the reality that most of them won’t make it because they are ill equipped to handle a calamity.  There is one factor that constantly stands out as absolutely essential to a person’s chances of surviving a crisis event, and that factor is mind-set.

Mental toughness is something that can be taught, to a point.  The Pentagon currently estimates that 77% of young Americans are unfit for recruitment without a waiver for obesity, drug use and mental health problems. Meaning, Gen Z is so unfit physically and mentally, if there was a major war, almost 80% of them would be erased from existence.

There are a number of reasons for this development, but I would suggest that the spread of leftist ideology among 63% of Americans age 18-29 according to polls has created a survival vacuum – a generation of mental weaklings.  The leftists of today are full-bore Marxists, both economically and culturally. They support establishment centralisation, they support economic centralisation, they support corporate centralisation, they support authoritarianism and censorship, they support moral relativism and they applaud the concept of an all pervasive welfare state.

Here are the reasons why a post-collapse world would probably be devoid of common leftists:

  • Leftists Thrive On Crisis, But Die Out During Collapse
  • Leftists Are Anti-Preparedness
  • Leftists Have An Aversion To Hardship
  • Leftists Have No Practical Skill Sets
  • Leftists Rely On Government To Fix Their Problems
  • Leftists Value Feelings Over Reason

It’s not my purpose here to revel in the erasure of the political left. I am only pointing out that modern leftist ideology is a product of extremely safe and controlled environments where people have the privilege to engage in frivolity. They THINK they want deconstruction. They THINK they want chaos as a means to break the system and rebuild it in their image. What they don’t realise is that, if they get what they want, most of them will die in the process and they will not be around to see their naive Utopia come to fruition.  Here is Brandon’s essay:

INFLATION WATCH:  Be joyous in the New Year because inflation will slowly die as the global financial systems shifts to its new paradigm – disinflation then deflation.  Your money will buy more and price bargaining will favour the buyer.  After 40 years of magical money trees the worm has turned. Keeping an eye on the markets will give you early warning of the trend but don’t forget that: “the early bird might get the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese”. So wait, watch and be circumspect.  CHS has some good advice about this method of gauging the next shoe to drop:

SURVIVAL MONITOR:  The New Year is going to be more about surviving than prospering (which comes later).  Here are some things to watch for besides money and budgets.  Yes, health in body and mind is the first priority for me, so please don’t be an ostrich hoping it will all go away – it won’t – all acts have consequences.  We will need strong minds and bodies to face the onslaught coming in months and years. My colleague at  BOOM  has some observations:

Intent To Harm — What they did at the US Department of Defense:

This story tears the Band-Aid off the Covid Wound:

It Reveals the Truth about WHAT REALLY HAPPENED:

How they Manipulate the Data to Hide the Truth:

THE NARRATIVE BATTLE:  This could be Good News – at least it’s got to one MP in Parliament:  British Member of Parliament, Andrew Bridgen, has called for an “immediate and complete suspension” of the mRNA COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, alleging that a senior health official is covering up a report showing how these ‘vaccines’ increase inflammation of the heart arteries.

Bridgen called the mRNA ‘vaccines’ “not safe, not effective and not necessary,” pointing out that MPs have received “almost half a million reports of adverse effects from the public” since the Pfizer (and others) experimental genetically engineered mRNA therapies (aka ‘vaccines’) were first distributed in the UK.

According to Bridgen MP, a leading member of the British Heart Foundation deliberately suppressed a report providing strong evidence that the mRNA COVID-19 toxic shots can cause heart damage.

“It has also been brought to my attention by a whistleblower from a very reliable source that one of these institutions is covering up clear data that reveals that the mRNA ‘vaccine’ increases inflammation of the heart arteries; they are covering this up in fear that they may lose funding from the pharmaceutical industry.” [as well as their jobs!]

Without providing a specific name, Bridgen claimed that this person has a “prominent leadership role” in the Heart Foundation and is “the leader” of a cardiology research department. Furthermore, he noted that this person forced his research team to sign non-disclosure agreements “to ensure that this important data never sees the light of day.”

Shadow Health Minister, Andrew Gwynne of the Labour Party, said Bridgen is spreading “anti-vaccine misinformation,” THIS IS AT LEAST ONE IDIOT IDENTIFIED WHO NEEDS TO BE JAILED!

JUST IN: A week to the day after Mr. Bridgen courageously gave his speech calling for the suspension of Covid injections; he was given a 5-day suspension from Parliament!  Talk about corruption:

FINALLY:  This is what we are up against with Vaxx damage versus HMG entrenched policy:   This is how our criminal government deal with vital public petitions, especially this one. “Conservative MP and Petitions Committee member Elliot Colburn was already throwing his toys out of the pram.”

“All I had asked for was an inquiry into COVID-19 vaccine safety, as might be the case with any other new technology being unleashed upon the mass population.  Colburn’s outbursts came across as a kneejerk reaction to any criticism of any Government policy.” An 18 min. extract from the video of this debate was published online by Dr. John Campbell, with over 1.3 million views

“The key positive is that my petition opened the forbidden door into debating COVID-19 vaccine safety. The Government will never succeed in closing this door again. More new evidence is coming in as every week passes and sooner or later this issue may well bubble up to levels that will require a political response that cannot be a whitewash. We earnestly await and continue to campaign until it does. We will ensure that truth, openness, transparency and justice prevail.”   I have emailed the Foreign Office to ask for their reasons for denying a referendum on this matter.  I will report their reply (if any).


For more, read: “The Financial Jigsaw”: Scroll:   including regular updates.  For a  free PDF copy e-Books, Parts 1 & 2,  email; [email protected]


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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 31, 2022 10:00 am

I think of Charles as your new queen.

  Iska Waran
December 31, 2022 10:42 am

I think any nation that plays the royalty game is pathetic.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
December 31, 2022 11:15 am

Then we’re all pathetic. One day your knee will bend. You simply won’t have any choice.

December 31, 2022 6:40 pm

Nothing is more vile and pathetic than a Republic. They just lead to Leviathan and empire.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 1, 2023 10:05 am

I’ll raise you a Communist Coup because of democrat’s Vote Fraud which leads to tyranny, economic & moral collapse, crimes & Chaos, lackey injustices , wars and deaths. I think the Republic lasted longer and was better for Americans than this Communist Coup will prosper and last.

Simi Go
Simi Go
December 31, 2022 2:14 pm

Happy New Year! A toast to being the second mouse!

December 31, 2022 2:25 pm

Many blessings to you this New Year, and thanks for the wonderful reports.

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 31, 2022 6:51 pm

FYI: I’m pretty sure that three of my posts recently have been erased by someone; I do not suspect TBP or Peter of doing it. Is anyone else posting serious info (mine was about the CBDC, UFO/Aliens, and Anthropology) and experiencing the same?

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
January 1, 2023 10:18 pm

I think it is computer hacking experts at NSA/CIA/FBI and/or some layer of the Internet/SiliconValley (Yahoo for sure); they have destroyed many of my writings/documents even in my computer storage ; and eventually even one computer’s booting could not be restored even by the Computer Doctors I use, so they had to erase everything and reprogram it. They switched me from Microsoft to Apple and that helped a lot. When I write a long paragraph and they just up and wipe it out, I don’t have all day to redo it; but I will start saving TBP stuff someplace else as I compose. The Leftist Tyrants running the West and censoring people in numerous ways (in my case writing info that other people would like to know on social media) need to be exposed, tried and jailed longer than the J6 Victims. Julian Assuage & Elon Musk are heroes in my book. Some sweet day the Leftist and CV-19 Shot Genocide murders will get the Justice they deserve. Have a Blessed day.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Austrian Peter
January 3, 2023 5:30 pm

Ditto & Amen. Gird your loins wise friend: it might become the year of a historic Economic Crash, natural disasters (esp earthquakes and volcanoes), great drought & cold, global famine & manmade plagues, the Ukraine become a very hot and expansive war, corruption revelations, and shocking CV-19 death numbers. I’ve long been a fan of Nigel too. The NT might be full of Myths but Jesus lives and is taking names to reward the good, and God have mercy on the bad. Vaya con Dios.