How The “Unvaccinated” Got It Right

Authored by Robin Koerner via The Brownstone Institute,

Scott Adams is the creator of the famous cartoon strip, Dilbert. It is a strip whose brilliance derives from close observation and understanding of human behavior. Some time ago, Scott turned those skills to commenting insightfully and with notable intellectual humility on the politics and culture of our country.

Like many other commentators, and based on his own analysis of evidence available to him, he opted to take the Covid “vaccine.”

Recently, however, he posted a video on the topic that has been circulating on social media. It was a mea culpa in which he declared, “The unvaccinated were the winners,” and, to his great credit, “I want to find out how so many of [my viewers] got the right answer about the “vaccine” and I didn’t.” 

“Winners” was perhaps a little tongue-in-cheek: he seemingly means that the “unvaccinated” do not have to worry about the long-term consequences of having the “vaccine” in their bodies since enough data concerning the lack of safety of the “vaccines” have now appeared to demonstrate that, on the balance of risks, the choice not to be “vaccinated” has been vindicated for individuals without comorbidities.

What follows is a personal response to Scott, which explains how consideration of the information that was available at the time led one person – me – to decline the “vaccine.” It is not meant to imply that all who accepted the “vaccine” made the wrong decision or, indeed, that everyone who declined it did so for good reasons.

  1. Some people have said that the “vaccine” was created in a hurry. That may or may not be true. Much of the research for mRNA “vaccines” had already been done over many years, and corona-viruses as a class are well understood so it was at least feasible that only a small fraction of the “vaccine” development had been hurried.The much more important point was that the “vaccine” was rolled out without long-term testing. Therefore one of two conditions applied. Either no claim could be made with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine” or there was some amazing scientific argument for a once-in-a-lifetime theoretical certainty concerning the long-term safety of this “vaccine.” The latter would be so extraordinary that it might (for all I know) even be a first in the history of medicine. If that were the case, it would have been all that was being talked about by the scientists; it was not. Therefore, the more obvious, first state of affairs, obtained: nothing could be claimed with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine.”Given, then, that the long-term safety of the “vaccine” was a theoretical crapshoot, the unquantifiable long-term risk of taking it could only be justified by an extremely high certain risk of not taking it. Accordingly, a moral and scientific argument could only be made for its use by those at high risk of severe illness if exposed to COVID. Even the very earliest data immediately showed that I (and the overwhelming majority of the population) was not in the group.The continued insistence on rolling out the “vaccine” to the entire population when the data revealed that those with no comorbidities were at low risk of severe illness or death from COVID was therefore immoral and ascientific on its face. The argument that reduced transmission from the non-vulnerable to the vulnerable as a result of mass “vaccination” could only stand if the long-term safety of the “vaccine” had been established, which it had not. Given the lack of proof of long-term safety, the mass-“vaccination” policy was clearly putting at risk young or healthy lives to save old and unhealthy ones. The policy makers did not even acknowledge this, express any concern about the grave responsibility they were taking on for knowingly putting people at risk, or indicate how they had weighed the risks before reaching their policy positions. Altogether, this was a very strong reason not to trust the policy or the people setting it.At the very least, if the gamble with people’s health and lives represented by the coercive “vaccination” policy had been taken following an adequate cost-benefit benefit, that decision would have been a tough judgment call. Any honest presentation of it would have involved the equivocal language of risk-balancing and the public availability of information about how the risks were weighed and the decision was made. In fact, the language of policy-makers was dishonestly unequivocal and the advice they offered suggested no risk whatsoever of taking the “vaccine.” This advice was simply false (or if you prefer, misleading,) on the evidence of the time inasmuch as it was unqualified.
  1. Data that did not support COVID policies were actively and massively suppressed. This raised the bar of sufficient evidence for certainty that the “vaccine” was safe and efficacious. Per the foregoing, the bar was not met.
  1. Simple analyses of even the early available data showed that the establishment was prepared to do much more harm in terms of human rights and spending public resources to prevent a COVID death than any other kind of death. Why this disproportionality? An explanation of this overreaction was required. The kindest guess as to what was driving it was “good-old, honest panic.” But if a policy is being driven by panic, then the bar for going along with it moves up even higher. A less kind guess is that there were undeclared reasons for the policy, in which case, obviously, the “vaccine” could not be trusted.
  1. Fear had clearly generated a health panic and a moral panic, or mass formation psychosis. That brought into play many very strong cognitive biases and natural human tendencies against rationality and proportionality. Evidence of those biases was everywhere; it included the severing of close kin and kith relationships, the ill-treatment of people by others who used to be perfectly decent, the willingness of parents to cause developmental harm to their children, calls for large-scale rights violations that were made by large numbers of citizens of previously free countries without any apparent concern for the horrific implications of those calls, and the straight-faced, even anxious, compliance with policies that should have warranted responses of laughter from psychologically healthy individuals (even if they had been necessary or just helpful). In the grip of such panic or mass formation psychosis the evidential bar for extreme claims (such as the safety and moral necessity of injecting oneself with a form of gene therapy that has not undergone long-term testing) rises yet further.
  1. The companies responsible for manufacturing and ultimately profiting from the “vaccination” were given legal immunity. Why would a government do that if it really believed that the “vaccine” was safe and wanted to instill confidence in it? And why would I put something in my body that the government has decided can harm me without my having any legal redress?
  1. If the “vaccine”-sceptical were wrong, there would still have been two good reasons not to suppress their data or views. First, we are a liberal democracy that values free speech as a fundamental right and second, their data and arguments could be shown to be fallacious. The fact that the powers-that-be decided to violate our fundamental values and suppress discussion invites the question of “Why?” That was not satisfactorily answered beyond, “It’s easier for them to impose their mandates in a world where people do not dissent:” but that is an argument against compliance, rather than for it. Suppressing information a priori suggests that the information has persuasive force. I distrust anyone who distrusts me to determine which information and arguments are good and which are bad when it is my health that is at stake – especially when the people who are promoting censorship are hypocritically acting against their declared beliefs in informed consent and bodily autonomy.
  1. The PCR test was held up as the “gold standard” diagnostic test for COVID. A moment’s reading about how the PCR test works indicates that it is no such thing. Its use for diagnostic purposes is more of an art than a science, to put it kindly. Kary Mullis, who in 1993 won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for inventing the PCR technique risked his career to say as much when people tried to use it as a diagnostic test for HIV to justify a mass program of pushing experimental anti-retroviral drugs on early AIDS patients, which ultimately killed tens of thousands of people. This raises the question, “How do the people who are generating the data that we saw on the news every night and were being used to justify the mass “vaccination” policy handle the uncertainty around PCR-based diagnoses?” If you don’t have a satisfactory answer to this question, your bar for taking the risk of “vaccination” should once again go up. (On a personal note, to get the answer before making my decision about whether to undergo “vaccination,” I sent exactly this question, via a friend, to an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins. That epidemiologist, who was personally involved in generating the up-to-date data on the spread of pandemic globally, replied merely that s/he works with the data s/he’s given and does not question its accuracy or means of generation. In other words, the pandemic response was largely based on data generated by processes that were not understood or even questioned by the generators of that data.)
  1. To generalize the last point, a supposedly conclusive claim by someone who demonstrably cannot justify their claim should be discounted. In the case of the COVID pandemic, almost all people who acted as if the “vaccine” was safe and effective had no physical or informational evidence for the claims of safety and efficacy beyond the supposed authority of other people who made them. This includes many medical professionals – a problem that was being raised by some of their number (who, in many cases, were censored on social media and even lost their jobs or licenses). Anyone could read the CDC infographics on mRNA “vaccines” and, without being a scientist, generate obvious “But what if..?” questions that could be asked of experts to check for themselves whether the pushers of the “vaccines” would personally vouch for their safety. For example, the CDC put out an infographic that stated the following.“How does the vaccine work?The mRNA in the vaccine teaches your cells how to make copies of the spike protein. If you are exposed to the real virus later, your body will recognize it and know how to fight it off. After the mRNA delivers the instructions, your cells break it down and get rid of it.”All right. Here are some obvious questions to ask, then. “What happens if the instructions delivered to cells to generate the spike protein are not eliminated from the body as intended? How can we be sure that such a situation will never arise?” If someone cannot answer those questions, and he is in a position of political or medical authority, then he shows himself to be willing to push potentially harmful policies without considering the risks involved.
  2. Given all of the above, a serious person at least had to keep an eye out for published safety and efficacy data as the pandemic proceeded. Pfizer’s Six-month Safety and Efficacy Study was notable. The very large number of its authors was remarkable and their summary claim was that the tested vaccine was effective and safe. The data in the paper showed more deaths per head in the “vaccinated” group than “unvaccinated” group.

While this difference does not statistically establish that the shot is dangerous or ineffective, the generated data were clearly compatible with (let us put it kindly) the incomplete safety of the “vaccine” – at odds with the front-page summary. (It’s almost as if even professional scientists and clinicians exhibit bias and motivated reasoning when their work becomes politicized.) At the very least, a lay reader could see that the “summary findings” stretched, or at least showed a remarkable lack of curiosity about, the data – especially given what was at stake and the awesome responsibility of getting someone to put something untested inside their body.

  1. As time went on, it became very clear that some of the informational claims that had been made to convince people to get “vaccinated,” especially by politicians and media commentators, were false. If those policies had been genuinely justified by the previously claimed “facts,” then determination of the falsity of those “facts” should have resulted in a change in policy or, at the very least, expressions of clarification and regret by people who had previously made those incorrect but pivotal claims. Basic moral and scientific standards demand that individuals put clearly on the record the requisite corrections and retractions of statements that might influence decisions that affect health. If they don’t, they should not be trusted – especially given the huge potential consequences of their informational errors for an increasingly “vaccinated” population. That, however, never happened. If the “vaccine”-pushers had acted in good faith, then in the wake of the publication of new data throughout the pandemic, we would have been hearing (and perhaps even accepting) multiple mea culpas. We heard no such thing from political officials, revealing an almost across-the-board lack of integrity, moral seriousness, or concern with accuracy. The consequently necessary discounting of the claims previously made by officials left no trustworthy case on the pro-lockdown, pro-“vaccine” side at all.To offer some examples of statements that were proven false by data but not explicitly walked back:“You’re not going to get COVID if you get these vaccinations… We are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” – Joe Biden;“The vaccines are safe. I promise you…” – Joe Biden;“The vaccines are safe and effective.” – Anthony Fauci.“Our data from the CDC suggest that vaccinated people do not carry the virus, do not get sick – and it’s not just in the clinical trials but it’s also in real world data.” – Dr. Rochelle Walensky.“We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in… in serious condition and many on ventilators.” – Justice Sotomayer (during a case to determine legality of Federal “vaccine” mandates)…

    … and so on and so on.

    The last one is particularly interesting because it was made by a judge in a Supreme Court case to determine the legality of the federal mandates. Subsequently, the aforementioned Dr. Walensky, head of the CDC, who had previously made a false statement about the efficacy of the “vaccine,” confirmed under questioning that the number of children in hospital was only 3,500 – not 100,000.

    To make more strongly the point about prior claims and policies’ being contradicted by subsequent findings but not, as a result, being reversed, the same Dr. Walensky, head of the CDC, said, “the overwhelming number of deaths – over 75% – occurred in people that had at least four comorbidities. So really these were people who were unwell to begin with.” That statement so completely undermined the entire justification for the policies of mass-“vaccination” and lockdowns that any intellectually honest person who supported them would at that point have to reassess their position. Whereas the average Joe might well have missed that piece of information from the CDC, it was the government’s own information so the presidential Joe (and his agents) certainly could not have missed it. Where was the sea change in policy to match the sea change in our understanding of the risks associated with COVID, and therefore the cost-benefit balance of the untested (long-term) “vaccine” vs. the risk associated with being infected with COVID? It never came. Clearly, neither the policy positions nor their supposed factual basis could be trusted.

  1. What was the new science that explained why, for the first time in history, a “vaccine” would be more effective than natural exposure and consequent immunity? Why the urgency to get a person who has had COVID and now has some immunity to get “vaccinated” after the fact?
  1. The overall political and cultural context in which the entire discourse on “vaccination” was being conducted was such that the evidential bar for the safety and efficacy of the “vaccine” was raised yet further while our ability to determine whether that bar had been met was reduced. Any conversation with an “unvaccinated” person (and as an educator and teacher, I was involved in very many), always involved the “unvaccinated” person being put into a defensive posture of having to justify himself to the “vaccine”-supporter as if his position was de facto more harmful than the contrary one. In such a context, accurate determination of facts is almost impossible: moral judgment always inhibits objective empirical analysis. When dispassionate discussion of an issue is impossible because judgment has saturated discourse, drawing conclusions of sufficient accuracy and with sufficient certainty to promote rights violations and the coercion of medical treatment, is next to impossible.
  1. Regarding analytics (and Scott’s point about “our” heuristics beating “their” analytics), precision is not accuracy. Indeed, in contexts of great uncertainty and complexity, precision is negatively correlated with accuracy. (A more precise claim is less likely to be correct.) Much of the COVID panic began with modeling. Modeling is dangerous inasmuch as it puts numbers on things; numbers are precise; and precision gives an illusion of accuracy – but under great uncertainty and complexity, model outputs are dominated by the uncertainties on the input variables that have very wide (and unknown) ranges and the multiple assumptions that themselves warrant only low confidence. Therefore, any claimed precision of a model’s output is bogus and the apparent accuracy is only and entirely that – apparent.

We saw the same thing with HIV in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Models at that time determined that up to one-third of the heterosexual population could contract HIV. Oprah Winfrey offered that statistic on one of her shows, alarming a nation. The first industry to know that this was absurdly wide of the mark was the insurance industry when all of the bankruptcies that they were expecting on account of payouts on life insurance policies did not happen. When the reality did not match the outputs of their models, they knew that the assumptions on which those models were based were false – and that the pattern of the disease was very different from what had been declared.

For reasons beyond the scope of this article, the falseness of those assumptions could have been determined at the time. Of relevance to us today, however, is the fact that those models helped to create an entire AIDS industry, which pushed experimental antiretroviral drugs on people with HIV no doubt in the sincere belief that the drugs might help them. Those drugs killed hundreds of thousands of people.

(By the way, the man who announced the “discovery” of HIV from the White House – not in a peer-reviewed journal – and then pioneered the huge and deadly reaction to it was the very same Anthony Fauci who has been gracing our television screens over the last few years.)

  1. An honest approach to data on COVID and policy development would have driven the urgent development of a system to collect accurate data on COVID infections and the outcomes of COVID patients. Instead, the powers that be did the very opposite, making policy decisions that knowingly reduced the accuracy of collected data in a way that would serve their political purposes. Specifically, they 1) stopped distinguishing between dying of COVID and dying with COVID and 2) incentivized medical institutions to identify deaths as caused by COVID when there was no clinical data to support that conclusion. (This also happened during the aforementioned HIV panic three decades ago.)
  1. The dishonesty of the pro-“vaccine” side was revealed by the repeated changes of official definitions of clinical terms like “vaccine” whose (scientific) definitions have been fixed for generations (as they must be if science is to do its work accurately: definitions of scientific terms can change, but only when our understanding of their referents changes). Why was the government changing the meanings of words rather than simply telling the truth using the same words they had been using from the beginning? Their actions in this regard were entirely disingenuous and anti-science. The evidential bar moves up again and our ability to trust the evidence slides down.

In his video (which I mentioned at the top of this article), Scott Adams asked, “How could I have determined that the data that [“vaccine”-sceptics] sent me was the good data?” He did not have to. Those of us who got it right or “won” (to use his word) needed only to accept the data of those who were pushing the “vaccination” mandates. Since they had the greatest interest in the data pointing their way, we could put an upper bound of confidence in their claims by testing those claims against their own data. For someone without comorbidities, that upper bound was still too low to take the risk of “vaccination” given the very low risk of severe harm from contracting COVID-19.

In this relation, it is also worth mentioning that under the right contextual conditions, absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Those conditions definitely applied in the pandemic: there was a massive incentive for all of the outlets who were pushing the “vaccine” to provide sufficient evidence to support their unequivocal claims for the vaccine and lockdown policies and to denigrate, as they did, those who disagreed. They simply did not provide that evidence, obviously because it did not exist. Given that they would have provided it if it had existed, the lack of evidence presented was evidence of its absence.

For all of the above reasons, I moved from initially considering enrolling in a vaccine trial to doing some open-minded due diligence to becoming COVID-“vaccine”-sceptical. I generally believe in never saying “never” so I was waiting until such time as the questions and issues raised above were answered and resolved. Then, I would be potentially willing to get “vaccinated,” at least in principle. Fortunately, not subjecting oneself to a treatment leaves one with the option to do so in the future. (Since the reverse is not the case, by the way, the option value of “not acting yet” weighs somewhat in favor of the cautious approach.)

However, I remember the day when my decision not to take the “vaccine” became a firm one. A conclusive point brought me to deciding that I would not be taking the “vaccine” under prevailing conditions. A few days later, I told my mother on a phone call, “They will have to strap me to a table.”

  1. Whatever the risks associated with a COVID infection on the one hand, and the “vaccine” on the other, the “vaccination” policy enabled massive human rights violations. Those who were “vaccinated” were happy to see the “unvaccinated” have basic freedoms removed (the freedom to speak freely, work, travel, be with loved ones at important moments such as births, deaths, funerals etc.) because their status as “vaccinated” allowed them to accept back as privileges-for-the-“vaccinated” the rights that had been removed from everyone else. Indeed, many people grudgingly admitted that they got “vaccinated” for that very reason, e.g. to keep their job or go out with their friends. For me, that would have been to be complicit in the destruction, by precedent and participation, of the most basic rights on which our peaceful society depends.People have died to secure those rights for me and my compatriots. As a teenager, my Austrian grandfather fled to England from Vienna and promptly joined Churchill’s army to defeat Hitler. Hitler was the man who murdered his father, my great-grandfather, in Dachau for being a Jew. The camps began as a way to quarantine the Jews who were regarded as vectors of disease that had to have their rights removed for the protection of the wider population. In 2020, all I had to do in defense of such rights was to put up with limited travel and being barred from my favorite restaurants, etc., for a few months.

Even if I were some weird statistical outlier such that COVID might hospitalize me despite my age and good health, then so be it: if it were going to take me, I would not let it take my principles and rights in the meanwhile.

And what if I were wrong? What if the massive abrogation of rights that was the response of governments around the world to a pandemic with a tiny fatality rate among those who were not “unwell to begin with” (to use the expression of the Director of the CDC) was not going to end in a few months?

What if it were going to go on forever? In that case, the risk to my life from COVID would be nothing next to the risk to all of our lives as we take to the streets in the last, desperate hope of wresting back the most basic freedoms of all from a State that has long forgotten that it legitimately exists only to protect them and, instead, sees them now as inconvenient obstacles to be worked around or even destroyed.

It is my sincere desire to provide readers of this site with the best unbiased information available, and a forum where it can be discussed openly, as our Founders intended. But it is not easy nor inexpensive to do so, especially when those who wish to prevent us from making the truth known, attack us without mercy on all fronts on a daily basis. So each time you visit the site, I would ask that you consider the value that you receive and have received from The Burning Platform and the community of which you are a vital part. I can't do it all alone, and I need your help and support to keep it alive. Please consider contributing an amount commensurate to the value that you receive from this site and community, or even by becoming a sustaining supporter through periodic contributions. [Burning Platform LLC - PO Box 1520 Kulpsville, PA 19443] or Paypal

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Todd Packer's Mentor
Todd Packer's Mentor
February 6, 2023 7:21 am

Narcissists like Scott Adams need to be in the center of the web at all times.
Stop taking their bait.
He has all of the explaining to do.
We’ll be asking all of the questions.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Todd Packer's Mentor
February 6, 2023 7:51 am

That’s just it. I have no questions about this entire Covid farce. Never did. Common sense and being in God’s service preserved me.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 8:38 am

One does not need to believe in God to find out it’s a farce. The whole thing stinks of bullshit right at the start, just like many flu crises before it. And the cattle class just loves a good crisis to give their worthless lives meaning. My rule is never to trust the government and never to run along with the herd. You may not come out rich, but you will stay out of the massacre center.

  Let the world burn
February 6, 2023 10:57 am

It takes some people longer to accept the notion that the government cares about you in any way except as a taxpayer. It took me way too long, but I am fully reformed now.

February 7, 2023 7:45 am

Unvaccinated Are the Only Oppressed Minority: Time for Reparations and Affirmative Action

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Let the world burn
February 8, 2023 8:20 am

I never mentioned “belief in GOD”. I said “I serve God”. BIG difference!

Even Satan “believes” in God.

The difference is service. We are what we do.

teo toon
teo toon
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 7, 2023 11:05 am

Having developed a lifelong healthy skepticism and wariness of white coats helped considerably; and the murderous scamdemic greatly reinforced the skepticism.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
  teo toon
February 7, 2023 11:38 am

I smell a rat any time I am pushed or bribed to make a vital decision. You have to be a true imbecile to allow others do your thinking for you.

  The Central Scrutinizer
February 7, 2023 11:46 am

Funny thing is, those who go around demanding everyone else worship the same diety that only exists between their ears are in the same boat as those big-failure government types who use mass-panic of the sheeple to demand everyone else worship the socialist elites. Both groups of charlatans have zero reality-based evidence of effectiveness.

  Todd Packer's Mentor
February 6, 2023 4:49 pm

A look at Scott’s twitter page….

Scott Adams

Coping and clotting and wrong about everything.

I imagine he means this as mockery of his critics, but to me it suggests he’s beginning to internalize his mistakes.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 7, 2023 8:16 am

Scott lost a lot these last few years; a much younger and attractive wife, his health due to the hoax shot, and his reputation.

I feel sorry for him. So many miscalculations based on faulty data.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  hardscrabble farmer
February 8, 2023 8:25 am

Jesus wept. I didn’t know he had lost his wife! To the Covid scam?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 8, 2023 8:28 am

To a body builder.

  Todd Packer's Mentor
February 7, 2023 11:22 am

This is a riot, reparations for the unvaxxed.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 8, 2023 8:27 am

I’m all for that! Besides…isn’t “take from the many and give to the few” a Government sacrament?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 7:23 am

“It’s not just the one thing” – No Country For Old Men


February 6, 2023 7:35 am

This guy has diarrhea of the mouth. All vaccines are damaging to health. No vaccine has ever been useful. That is what is in the literature and has been for many years. And now babies get scores of shots and the result is that while one in many thousands were autistic, now one in fifty is.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 7:44 am

Think of it this way…the poor guy spent a huge potion of his life in a cubicle setting. How else would he come by all his inspiration for Dilbert? That lifestyle rots you body, mind and soul.

I see him as a casualty of war. The War against Humanity.

February 6, 2023 11:37 am

Seen any smallpox infections recently?

February 6, 2023 4:11 pm

Nope, but it looks like many tens of millions who took their shot will be dying many years before they should have, all stemming from lie after lie told by our governments and the people who are supposed to help the sick get healthy.

This country will never recover from this break in trust, and I suspect that once everyone knows the truth, this country in its current united form will be collapsed and gone in a few years. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton, “Does it matter anymore?”

February 6, 2023 5:11 pm

This country will never recover from this break in trust

I don’t know why you would think that. A tiny minority will remember, the vast majority have already forgotten/blocked/rewritten the last three years.

and I suspect that once everyone knows the truth

Everyone? The majority will do ANYTHING to avoid the truth. They will rewrite their own history, lie about their past behavior and learn NOTHING.

February 6, 2023 6:01 pm

That’s what some said after Chernobyl, and it did indeed lead to the Collapse of the Soviet Union.

Seems suspect. ESPECIALLY...#1
Seems suspect. ESPECIALLY...#1
February 6, 2023 4:28 pm

” Seen any smallpox infections recently?”

…Near Miss?


‘Additional’ “finds” in russia, etc.*

What’s behind Door #2?


And of course, feel FREE! to ask algore to substantiate Your WAG’s.

Plenty on both counts.

Wonder What’s behind Door #3?

* Yet nary a SINGLE video of ANY Bio-Weapons facility, from vlad poot’n the savior of the White Race, The Nuclear (No Pun Intended) Family AND…Christianty!!!

Michael Meek
Michael Meek
February 6, 2023 6:40 pm


Let the EVIDENCE speak: Did Vaccines Save Us?
There is a perception out there that vaccines saved us from the deadly diseases of the 19th and 20th centuries. But did they?

Please review the evidence below.

You will see that in developed nations, mortality from these diseases declined dramatically before vaccines came in, with the trend heading downward (smallpox and polio excepted, they have different stories). This was largely even before antibiotics were widely used.

Vaccine protagonists argue we can see the worth of vaccines better by looking at graphs showing disease incidence (morbidity), rather than by looking at mortality. However death rates give us the most accurate picture of what is going on—incidence data only includes reported cases, and many cases of disease are never reported, but deaths usually are.

Also, although incidence data show declining disease rates after introduction of some vaccines, this is not significant if those diseases had become mild in the vast majority of cases anyway, due to improvements in the health of populations.

If the slope of a mortality graph is pointing downwards for a long time with no vaccine, it’s reasonable to expect it would continue to go down if not interfered with, and that serious side effects of the disease would be declining too.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
  Michael Meek
February 7, 2023 1:46 pm

Many “diseases” and conditions declined and/or disappeared altogether once people were exposed to clean drinking water, sanitation systems and better personal and collective hygiene not because of vaccines. On the other hand we have to look at how with the rise of highly processed foods, additives, “preservatives” and Frankenfoods there has been a concomitant rise in poor health. I was looking a a documentary that used archival footage from the 1960’s- 70’s and I was amazed at how slender and slim most of the people were.

Billy The Kid
Billy The Kid
  Junious Ricardo Stanton
February 8, 2023 8:22 am

I’ve noticed the same thing, even into the early and mid 80s footage shows attractive,fit young people,even older people. But especially normal folks in the 70s and prior. Wtf happened? Attacks on all fronts,via food,healthcare, jabbs,intentionally polluted environment and aquifers,etc,etc.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
February 6, 2023 8:38 pm

I had the smallpox vaccine as a child. I neither got the disease nor got ill from the shot (I think). My autistic tendencies come from my relatives!

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
February 7, 2023 12:49 pm

Seen any smallpox infections recently?


I bought a rock from Lisa that keeeps smallpox away.

The Players:
Lisa Simpson plays: “big pharma”
Homer Simpson plays: “public dupes”

Key learning words: “specious reasoning”

February 6, 2023 5:16 pm

Exactly, I am an old school antivaxxer. Have had a tetanus shot on occasion (PREVENTS TETANUS) Otherwise I have not had any since childhood when it took 4 adults to hold me and administer.

February 6, 2023 6:32 pm

You got that right Bigfoot. There is no good vaccines. Just good vaccine propaganda.

February 7, 2023 10:55 am


February 6, 2023 7:36 am

First paragraph describes this guy as…..brilliant……..intellectual……..haha……….spare me.
Hes just another sheepnigger devoid of any critical thinking skills.
The signs that this was a FAKE VIRUS CRISIS began in the first few weeks and then grew and grew.
How anyone who isnt captured by the teevee couldnt have seen it is beyond me.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 7:45 am

See my comment to bigfoot above.

February 6, 2023 9:01 am

Word of The Day: Sheepnigger.

Salty Old Cracker
Salty Old Cracker
February 6, 2023 7:46 am

I just defaulted to my default position on most everything…
If it’s on TV, It’s a lie.
If it’s on faceplant and twatter, it’s a lie.
If it’s on the radio, it’s a lie.
If a politician says it, it’s a lie.
And most especially, if it’s everywhere, constantly repeated every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day, it’s a damned big lie.
But that’s just me.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Salty Old Cracker
February 6, 2023 8:10 am

Jeremiah 17:
9: The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Given the facts, your position is a wise one. It always amused me in an ironic way that George Carlin rejected God and His Word so publicly and so often, only to agree with it on so many points. And as I read down a verse or two looking for the proper attribution to my quote, I found the reason for that as well!
10: I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
11: As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

  Salty Old Cracker
February 6, 2023 9:04 am

Yep, this. Many of us don’t need the facts to come in to see the red flags. Their tells are so obvious these days

  Salty Old Cracker
February 6, 2023 4:13 pm

We’re at the point that if you want to know the truth based on what the press tells us, assume that the opposite of what they tell us is true. It really is that bad.

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
  Salty Old Cracker
February 6, 2023 11:21 pm

Nothing more complicated than that. They all lie. I was a nope from the very beginning.

  Salty Old Cracker
February 7, 2023 8:34 am

The old adage I live by; “Don’t believe anything you hear and only half what you see.” It’s done me well.

  Salty Old Cracker
February 8, 2023 12:25 pm

comment image

February 6, 2023 7:48 am

All these words to simply express this: ” vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability”.
Why would any person in their right mind, need more warning signals?
This over educated country has far more idiots than it has people with common sense.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 7:59 am

But we don’t have an “educated” society. We have an indoctrinated society. The difference is astronomic.

And the first thing they lie to you about is that education is the responsibility of the State.

Your personal education is no one’s responsibility but your own. I know we agree on that much.

Everything that follows (all the error) is built upon that one lie.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 9:18 am

A child’s education is the responsibility of the parent. The state can fuck off where the sun does not shine. 

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
February 8, 2023 8:34 am

What makes a country educated though? It’s colleges and universities? How many educated individuals do you know personally from any of those places? I don’t know many,and none of them are recent or even distant past graduates. Most are ancient from a time they actually taught logic and critical thinking. Not just selective book smarts, and math. Our country by and large, doesn’t produce educated people anymore,just lemmings and followers.

February 6, 2023 7:59 am

Very nice compilation of the observances, I may even read it someday. I didn’t take the jabs because my default setting is that government is corrupt to its core and my mortal enemy. Why would anyone take a Big Pharma poison developed and hyped by Eugenists who want us dead?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 8:14 am

and tell you in advance they’re not taking responsibility for whatever happens as a result!

How stupid do they think we are? Pretty fuckin’ stoopid! And in the main, they are not wrong at all.

They proved that much.

February 6, 2023 8:01 am

Ok, I’m convinced. Now, when are billions going to die?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
February 6, 2023 8:17 am

As always, in God’s Own Good Time…and yet we never seem to be ready for it, do we?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 8:19 am

I think that you are missing the forest through the trees.

This isn’t really an either/or proposition. What was done was wrong, that should be enough.

The essay simly reinforces a lot of the fugazi, so I dismiss it altogether. The author still seems to think that this drug was a benefit to the old and those with comorbidities and that science has a firm grasp on viruses and their origins/cause/spread. Both of those conclusions seem completely misguided based on the evidence of the past three years.

Seems like another one of those stealth versions of can’t we just find a way to rebuild trust? articles that are spreading around in lockstep these days.

No, we can’t. We don’t trust you because you lied, didn’t own the lies, failed to show contrition, and haven’t asked for forgiveness. Those steps are the baseline for any attempt to seek forgiveness.

Let’s see some of those articles, then we’ll consider it.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 9:16 am

The author still seems to think that this drug was a benefit to the old and those with comorbidities and that science has a firm grasp on viruses and their origins/cause/spread. Both of those conclusions seem completely misguided based on the evidence of the past three years.

Whenever I see someone go down that road I stop reading. The reason so many elderly died was because they withheld treatment that was working. I thank God I that I was treated for my cancer long before this debacle. I know the oncologist would have pushed me heavily to take the shot. KU was all about pushing the vents and Remdesivir. I wonder how many people they killed? If I had known then what I know now, I may have completely changed the way I treated my cancer.

  Mary Christine
February 7, 2023 8:44 am

‘The author still seems to think that this drug was a benefit to the old and those with comorbidities…”
Hell’s bells. They are the targeted group. I’ve been reading about “useless eaters” for 50 years. Follow the $$$ trail. Think, social security, medicare, medicaid, etc.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
February 7, 2023 1:53 pm

Add pensions to your list also. The plutocrats are culling the human herd big time!

  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 10:12 am


I agree that the harm done is bad/criminal enough but, I’m still hitting the other side’s insanities. And there are many.

February 6, 2023 10:54 am

Especially considering the many insanities that came true over the last two decades!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 10:56 am

I think you and I are closer on that than most people, but it doesn’t require billions dead. I don’t think that was ever the intention nor is it a possibility considering the nature of the human species.

We know what they did, that’s enough.

February 6, 2023 4:17 pm

Here’s another take on ” the other side’s insanities”. My take is that they are just pure evil, and they can still walk down the street with nary a worry. And nothing has been done to date to deal with them.

February 6, 2023 6:48 pm

I was talking about the anti-jabbed side (Which I am one of btw). There are some insanities there as well.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 10:29 am

Here’s and article deconstructing the most recent plea for CONvid amnesty. A little long but worth reading if you have time. The author goes too easy on Trump and the Republicans but other than that, I think he’s on target.

I do not believe this is a genuine apology; rather, it’s a forced apology and an attempt to minimize the losses of the vaccine pushers who have discredited themselves to the general public. Throughout this essay, he attempts to say we had “valid concerns” (that I must emphasize were not political in nature) but nonetheless, in a backhanded way dismisses all the actual objections (e.g., the alleged “conspiracy theories” that all proved themselves true).

One of the things I have come to appreciate from researching my series on the Pfizer whistleblowers is just how sales oriented many of these companies are, and how completely unacceptable it is to them to lose a long-term source of revenue. Vaccines complications require a lifetime of treatment, and this is one of the best examples of a guaranteed source of recurring revenue. This is why we always see new vaccines getting added to the immunization schedule that are rubber-stamped by the FDA and CDC.

Although the data is still preliminary, there are a lot of signs that because of COVID-19, general vaccine use is beginning to drop globally. This is completely unacceptable to the pharmaceutical industry and medical establishment (as it will cost them a lot of money and create a control group that allows the public to recognize the harm of vaccination—we are so habituated to the harms they create that many don’t realize they are abnormal). Because of this drop, I am beginning to see pleas essentially stating that “we are sorry we messed up here, but please trust us on the other vaccines.” I do not believe they should be allowed to have their cake and eat it here.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 11:15 am

They haven’t lied to us about anything for at least a minute or two. They’re saving it all up for The State of the Confusion speech tomorrow night.
A wise man will not endeavor to take part in any drinking game based on downing one every time Biden lies.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Harrington Richardson
February 6, 2023 11:57 am

I wonder how they’re going to top the 3rd Reich backdrop from the last one. Guess I’ll have to tune in to find out.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
February 6, 2023 9:22 am

How many jabs already? 

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
February 7, 2023 10:07 am

GnL, It’s merely millions, and they are hidden by hospitals, Drs., clinics, news papers, and every mouth piece in society. They all died from “a one in a million” unlucky, coincident, climate change, egg yoke protein, reading crime-think TBP, etc(the next thing).
It’s proven there are thousands of variations on ingredients, formula, strengths and distribution based on geography, politics, ethnicity.
Your, to me, excessive skepticism, indicates that you have ignored every bread crumb and rabbit hole presented over the last 3 years. You haven’t noticed the forest of planks, protruding from .Gov, Med. Ind. Complex, Media eyes?

February 8, 2023 5:12 am

Should there be a sarc tag somewhere in there? Maybe after the convinced part?

February 6, 2023 8:09 am

“Experts” of all kinds are still claiming that just because the Covid vaxx is completely useless is NOT a valid reason to not get it…

February 6, 2023 9:10 am

Because they are still unwilling to acknowledge that it is actually worse than useless, but is actually causing death, serious long term injuries, and possibly complete destruction of the immune system, and there is no way known to shut it off or remove it once injected.

Pat H. Bowman
Pat H. Bowman
February 6, 2023 8:23 am

The challenge for pseudo-intellectuals like Adams is that they are educated beyond their ability to see patterns and draw conclusions. An average person of average intelligence who maintains an open mind would have easily spotted any number of signals and quickly developed a heuristic model of the pattern. They would have concluded that something is fishy and waiting out the jab would be a good idea. They may not even be aware of why or how they came to the conclusion (at least until after the fact, when it all became fairly obvious), but it was easy for them to spot. Others of us spent a ton of time seeking additional data points, dug into what was going on, listened to a wide variety of (mostly censored) voices and came to the same conclusion, albeit with more supportive arguments.

But for sheep and pseudo-intellectuals, they simply committed to the narrative and never wavered. They invested so much emotional energy into believing they were right, and thus–based on their own moral and intellectual superiority–everyone who disagreed with them was not only wrong, but morally evil. As Mark Twain famously noted, “It’s easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled.”

Adams is looking for more woke doggy treats by admitting he was “wrong,” but in his admission it was more of a, “one side was going to be right, and one was wrong; I guessed wrong, and you guessed right” kind of an admission. He is likely not capable of understanding that we didn’t “guess” about this. We knew it was bad, we knew the whole thing was a setup. And many times, our reasons for that belief morphed over time as new data became available.

So, don’t give Adams too much credit. Like Jordan Peterson, he’s capable of stringing a bunch of big words together into a sentence (with varying degrees of coherency), but neither are the intellectual giants they are touted as being.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Pat H. Bowman
February 6, 2023 8:50 am

For myself, it has become clear that the single most important thing that anyone can do to live a long and healthy life is to maintain fitness through a combination of diet, physical activity, rest, productive labor, pair bonding, close familial ties, and a life lived in close association with the natural world and the people, plants, and animals that inhabit it. You can tweak it further by exercising caution in daily activities, minimizing risk, etc- but beyond that the constant application of remedial treatments and chemical additives seems to do nothing but compromise health long term.

Of course that’s my take and I’m neither a doctor nor a scientist, but I definitely recognize the difference between a healthy and a sickly organism and the current population appears far more sickly than at any time in the last 60 years. Maybe there’s no connection and maybe it is precisely the desired outcome of those who control the narratives. It is up to each of us to determine the best course of action for ourselves and those we care for and love.


  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 9:59 am

My grandfather, who live to 2 months shot of his 100th birthday, would agree.

(Francis Here)

  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 1:01 pm

Beautiful list. I would add contemplation upon the spiritual truths. This is easily done on your nature walks.

February 6, 2023 2:13 pm

It goes with seek ye first the kingdom of heaven.

  Pat H. Bowman
February 6, 2023 10:15 am

They spread F.E.A.R. because it works.

February 7, 2023 11:06 am

FUD is profitable.

  Pat H. Bowman
February 6, 2023 10:58 am

You never found a profound utterance from Jordan Peterson?
That’s a sad statement, but more about you.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 12:14 pm

comment image

Clean your room.

Night At The Museum Film GIF by 20th Century Studios - Find & Share on GIPHY

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 2:00 pm

That monkey needs a name. He’s a regular around here.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Mary Christine
February 6, 2023 6:17 pm


  Mary Christine
February 6, 2023 6:22 pm

My first thought was “Felonious”

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 7, 2023 5:35 am

I like that one.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 2:09 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 10:51 pm

He, a clinical psychologist, got himself hooked on Benzodiazepine.

  Iska Waran
February 7, 2023 3:42 am

And that’s it?
No mention he almost died from it, and (seems to) have gotten clean now.
No mention of all the good he did to 10’000s of people.

You are no better than the “unprovoked Russian invasion” folks.

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
  Iska Waran
February 7, 2023 10:24 am

Western medical doctors got him hooked on it. He had to go to Russia or eastern europe to get clean.

February 6, 2023 12:32 pm

He made no such statement, so that actually speaks moar volumes about you… perhaps “you” are a bot ?

February 6, 2023 2:11 pm

We take your word for it.

February 6, 2023 8:24 am

based on his own analysis of evidence available to him, he opted to take the Covid “vaccine.”

BS, we all had access to the same information. Some just ignored it and let big daddy fed do the thinking for them.

February 6, 2023 9:12 am

Analysis still involves bias, and some of us were biased to not trust bigPharma or the government, and some are the opposite.

February 6, 2023 9:56 am

You’re assuming there was room for interpretation, there wasn’t and to suggest so is an excuse for stupidity.
It was clear all of the masking, etc was theater. It was clear the survival rate was extremely high.

February 6, 2023 8:42 am

God gives you instincts, that is, the Holy Spirit, to discern events like this. Given the climate of this filth-ridden government, it took no effort to determine this was a put up job from the first news bit out there. A lot of words spent to establish what many of us knew instinctively.

February 6, 2023 11:59 am

Yes. My intuition, bs, meter went off right away. I was sure it was bs on the first day. Positive at the end of the first week. Intuition gave the insight, logic confirmed it. All are gifts of the holy spirit. But the drugged out masses lose their sense of spiritual insight. The biggest problem with drugs and alcohol abuse are they destroy the physical, and also make us lose our connection to God.

February 6, 2023 12:25 pm

Too add to your last comment…it has been proven that an altered state of mind – drugs, alcohol, even gambling – lower one’s resistance to change. Look at the uptick in in state pot laws, home delivery of alcohol, state gambling on apps – all designed to distract from reality and provide relief from the everyday gloom of life. It’s easy to see how this ends up, and why the good guys have very little support. God bless my friend.

February 6, 2023 12:58 pm

Agree 100%. Wanted to add that any overindulgence in the passions of the mind: lust, greed, anger, attachment, and vanity, also disconnect oneself from the divine. One category has many vices. Lust can be for drugs, sex, food etc.. Practice of the virtues reconnect us. Kind, forgiving, tolerant, contentment, detatchment, and humility.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
February 7, 2023 11:52 am

As a critical drinker I resemble that remark!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 8:56 am
Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  hardscrabble farmer
February 6, 2023 9:46 am

“Who want’s to go to the ballgame?” – Seal sounds and flipper slapping – ” Here’s your shot!”
The guy nailed it: how not funny is very funny in a sick-demented sort of way.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  hardscrabble farmer
February 8, 2023 8:39 am

We need to maintain THAT level of ridicule from now until…well, basically forever.

That level of stupidity will always be worthy of eternal ridicule…and condemnation.

And let us never forget that stupidity is the bush that evil hides behind, waiting to pounce on the unwary.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  The Central Scrutinizer
February 8, 2023 8:52 am

I posted it because A) it was scathingly funny and B) that’s the way you get through to people.

Gloom and doom is for losers, make someone laugh and you win their hearts.

It is the single weapon they cannot seem to master because humor is founded upon truth.

And Jim has been steadfast since this thing began that he was not going to cave to their demands even when it nearly cost him his career.

February 6, 2023 9:04 am

The question isn’t how we knew the obvious. It’s how you didn’t.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
February 6, 2023 9:47 am

Koan of the Day, Remo. You have officially confused Auntie.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 10:05 am

I’m betting that if you did a test re: personality traits of people posting here and compared it to the general population you’d find that the folks here score VERY HIGH in intuition in comparison to the rest of the planet. It’s part of what separates the sheep dogs from the sheep. And it’s why so many outside of this place got conned.

  Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 11:28 am

Good to see ya, FM. Where you been, man?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 11:40 am

Working my ass off and trying to stay focussed on managing it all.

  Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 12:32 pm

Yep. I can understand that.

comment image

Ant, not Grasshopper
Ant, not Grasshopper
  Francis Marion
February 7, 2023 11:15 am

I would suspect a large number of TBP contributors are INTJ personalities who severely dislike inequalities and hypocrisy.

Andy Texan
Andy Texan
February 6, 2023 10:54 pm

Nailed it.

February 6, 2023 9:12 am

My main warning was there was NO GLOBAL PANDEMIC. The death rate was small and the flu went away. That was enough.
Hardly anyone mentions this except Jim/admin.
Since this debacle began, I’ve really been educated on vaxxxes in general (though I was beginning to suspect- health was not a topic of special interest to me). If this guy still thinks any are okay he’s still asleep.

February 6, 2023 12:40 pm

Also the Diamond Princess… the media couldn’t wait to report on hundreds of covid deaths — but they’re still waiting. All of a sudden, that ship just disappeared as if it capsized and sank without a trace. Talk about absence of evidence being solid evidence…

Visayas Outpost
Visayas Outpost
February 6, 2023 6:57 pm

Diamond Princess was my redpill on Covid. Because we are in Philippines with no good medical access, it was up to us to figure out the risk, and Diamond Princess was the perfect test case IMO. Full of old people, stuck on a ship, unprepared for quarantine, and without hospital-level care or supplies. Roughly 1/4 of the population got sick, and of those (mostly elderly), only 1 in 10 succumbed. Out in the real world, percentages were much better, but at 90+% survivability for even the aged, I’ll take my chances as a healthy 50-something.

February 6, 2023 9:26 am

The shots could have been as safe as saline and I still would not have gotten one.
If the shots worked and created immunity, the only people vulnerable to infection would be those who likewise chose not to get the shots.
That the shots don’t work is not a sane argument for forcing them on others.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
February 6, 2023 11:31 am

The question is no longer whether or not the experimental gene therapy pushed by eugenicists prevents Covid flu. The real question is, just what the hell is this shit and what will it ultimately do to people and is there a remedy or restorative treatment for the damage done by this?

  Harrington Richardson
February 6, 2023 8:43 pm

Hmmm. Saline solution in most of the vials…particularly in and around the Beltway.
And of the “tainted batches?” Spread them around in low percentage within the saline solutions, so a mass die-off isn’t immediately recognized by the lumpen sheep.
Maybe the tainted ones get shipped to the red states in a higher percentage of the total lot, along with saline, eh?

Could explain why the majority of those who took the jabs weren’t immediately hit with adverse reactions or sudden death.
And yet, the numbers are stacking up, like cordwood, of those who are suffering with horrific health issues, and the died suddenly body counts are accumulating in numbers far in excess of previous ‘vaccines’ that were pulled off the market in short order when it became obvious there was a major risk to health and life.
But, some keep going with that “I haven’t seen proof of it, in my circle, and I have a BIG circle, besides a hot wife, a macho persona, and a pistol.

James Applefaus
James Applefaus
February 6, 2023 9:34 am

The much more important point was that the “vaccine” was rolled out without long-term testing. Therefore one of two conditions applied. Either no claim could be made with confidence about the long-term safety of the “vaccine” or there was some amazing scientific argument for a once-in-a-lifetime theoretical certainty concerning the long-term safety of this “vaccine.” 

This is all a history repeat;

Excerpts from:The Poisoned Needle.

Dr. (later Sir) William Osler, one of the most highly respected medical authorities, although an advocate of vaccination was forced, by factual evidence to admit the dangers attending this practice. He did not endorse Jenner’s exaggerated promises of lifetime immunity without danger. In his “Principles and Practice of Medicine”, p. 330, 8th Edition, he wrote:

“With the greatest care (in vaccinating) certain risks are present . . . A quiescent malady may be lighted into activity by vaccination. This has happened with congenital syphilis, also with tuberculosis.” (emphasis supplied)


When Jenner promised the world that his cowpox vaccinations would give lifetime immunity “with no dangerous results” as with the usual inoculations, he admitted that inoculation had always been accompanied with danger that all recognized. It was not long, however, before Jenner’s cowpox vaccinations were followed by death and disease and that practice was also branded as dangerous and deadly.

Regarding the increased death-rate due to vaccination, Herbert Spencer states in his Facts and Comments:

“Jenner and his disciples have assumed that when the vaccine has passed through the patient’s system he is safe against smallpox, and there the matter ends . . . I propose to show that there the matter does not end. The interference with the order of Nature has various sequences other than those counted upon. Some have been made known.

“A Parliamentary Return issued in 1880 (No. 392) shows. . . that there was a decrease of 6,600 (per million births) in the deaths of infants from all causes; while the deaths caused by eight specified diseases, either directly communicable or exacerbated by the effects of vaccination, increased from 20,524 to 41,353 per million births per annum — more than double. It is clear that far more were killed by these other diseases than were saved from smallpox.”

Vaccination was made compulsory in England in 1853. Judging by the data from the above quoted Parliamentary Return, it would appear that after 27 years of enforced vaccination, the death rate increased only among the vaccinated diseases. The decline in deaths from other causes was, no doubt, brought about by the improvement in sanitation and nutrition that came into prominence about that time. It was around 1840 that Sylvester Graham, Dr. Trall and other pioneers of the new health movement emphasized the importance of correct nutrition and through this teaching they helped raise the health standards that saved many lives. If vaccination had not been persisted in, the great improvements in sanitation and nutrition would have had a better chance to eliminate disease. But as it is, we now have a greater scourge of killer diseases than at any other time in recorded history; and much of it is traceable to vaccination.


Dr. W. R. Hadwin who had considerable experience with smallpox patients in the hospitals of England and had seen the tragic results of vaccination, gave lecture in Liverpool where he discussed the typical excuses and evasions made by Jenner regarding the complaints and failures of his vaccinations. Excerpts from this lecture are as follows:

“Now, after Jenner had written a paper on this wonderful legend of the dairymaids, there came forward on every hand no end of cow-doctors who had a large experience in the matter, and had literally flooded him with evidence of people who had had cowpox vaccinations and later contracted smallpox.

“Here was proof that he could not ignore . . . But Jenner was one of the most resourceful men in excuse making that ever lived; let anyone read his and there will be no difficulty in coming to that conclusion.

“‘Ay’, said Jenner, ‘There are two kinds of smallpox; there is a genuine kind and a spurious kind, (laughter from the audience) and those who have been vaccinated and had smallpox afterwards, they have been vaccinated with spurious cowpox, but those who have been vaccinated and have not had smallpox afterwards, they have been inoculated with the genuine variety.’” (laughter)

Jenner had no answer when asked how to tell the difference between spurious and genuine cowpox. Neither he nor anyone else was able to find a safe vaccine, yet the vaccinations were continued without interruption with the same questionable vaccines that had no proof of purity or assurance of safety. The people reminded Jenner that a person is just as dead whether he died of spurious or genuine smallpox and it was little comfort to know that he and the government approved of the vaccine used.

When Jenner was confronted with the evidence that a group of people had been vaccinated with the same batch of vaccine but some had developed smallpox and others did not, he told them that those who were unfortunate enough to get smallpox must have been vaccinated too soon or too late after exposure to smallpox. But he never was able to determine just when was the right time to vaccinate. As many of the casualties were among his own patients it was clear that the whole procedure was operated on a basis of guesswork.

The Poisoned Needle.

Seems this merry go round has been spinning for centuries.

February 6, 2023 9:36 am

How they say ” We Got Caught ” , without saying ” we got caught ” .

Australia scraps 50 Million doses of the Univ. of Queensland vaccine because as they spin it
” it causes ‘ false positive ‘ for H.I.V. ”

Stew Peters on Twitter

@Jikkyleaks – areosolized vaccine spraying research ?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 9:56 am

Yes to all of this. But more importantly, the majority of the people pushing the ‘vaccine’ at the top level were not trustworthy.

If Justin Trudeau tells me to do something there’s a good chance it’s not good for me.

Intuition matters.

  Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 10:29 am

If Justin Trudeau tells me to do something there’s a good chance guaranteed it’s not good for me.

FIFY – no charge

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 10:33 am


Common Cents
Common Cents
  Francis Marion
February 6, 2023 11:35 pm

That was my reasoning exactly. Why is Joe Biden so determined that I get this vax? Joe Biden hates me with every fiber of his being. Ergo, no vax for me. Easy decision.

Nelson Muntz
Nelson Muntz
  Common Cents
February 7, 2023 11:56 am

Yeah, but Trump loves you and he also was determined that you take it.

Common Cents
Common Cents
  Nelson Muntz
February 7, 2023 11:33 pm

I’ve always recognized Trump for what he is.

February 6, 2023 9:58 am

Ask Scott Adams what he thinks about bird flu.

February 6, 2023 10:50 am

Ask Scott Adams why he did not see the obvious?

February 6, 2023 10:02 am

“I want to find out how so many of [my viewers] got the right answer about the “vaccine” and I didn’t.” …even with my limited intellect I know better than to trust the MSM pushing a government mandate…but I’m a deplorable, so there’s that.

February 6, 2023 10:25 am

The run on of the post is quite the trail of tears or the trip in the box car in 1939/40 !
There were numerous well respected research PHD’s , MD’s one Nobel laureate screaming from the rooftops because they were threatened with legal action by governments silenced by media especially the Internet services like google , Twitter , YouTube and Facebook all following “THE PARTY LINE”!
The only way you could have missed all the common sense criticism and warnings about the dangers of this series of mRNA genetic therapeutic shoots is you failed to look and listen in earnest . Then failed to think for yourself with the common sense GOD gave you !
The entire program was propagandized from the start , they even altered the definition of what a vaccine actually is !
One common sense theme should arise immediately and be questioned : WHEN HAS BIG GOVERNMENT, BIG PHARMACEUTICAL, BIG MEDIA & BIG TECH all got behind anything with such power and control promoting fear and panic on a global basis while making and controlling $TRILLLONS$ in the process and average people truly benefited

February 6, 2023 11:05 am

And the hits keep coming.

URGENT/BREAKING: UPDATED SUMMATION: The Spike Protein of SARS-CoV-2 is “Delivered” to All Organs via the Endothelium and Induces Systemic Nonsense mRNA Translations Resulting in Hyperaccelerated Aging
The Spike Protein, in Essence, Acts as a Progeria Drug

February 6, 2023 11:20 am

Look on the bright side … studies now say the vaxx may cause the human form of Mad Cow Disease ( CJD ) so you’ll forget about being sick rather quickly.

February 6, 2023 12:10 pm

When? How many? Everyone?

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
February 6, 2023 12:59 pm


Currently dealing with my mother in law in the hospital that is declining quickly mentally. CT scan of the brain showing stuff that wasn’t there a few months ago.

Sister in law also multiple jabbed, is having issues with bone health that is found usually in 80 year olds. She is in her 50s.

February 7, 2023 9:05 am

Thanks Klingon. I was wondering if anyone besides me noticed how “mad cow disease” had completely disappeared from the “news.”

February 6, 2023 12:09 pm

Uh huh, sure.

February 6, 2023 12:20 pm

Delores Cahill virologist from Ireland announced early in the Plandemic that the mRNA spike proteins will create havoc to your immune system turning it against you affecting every system in your body and crossing the blood brain barrier. This was Called a cytokines storm turning your organs and brain into liquid shit . This doesn’t happen instantly and all organs in the same time frame . Consequently some hearts fail some kidneys some liver some brain some cancer arises or returns with a vengeance . Everyone’s tolerance to toxicity varies greatly and that’s the final point .
The vaccines were stage 2 of the BioWarfare to reduce the population and take note after all the negative effects and deaths it’s still pushed by media 24/7/365 and the current worry is our blood supply is tainted with mRNA spike proteins which can fuck you up even after avoiding the kill shot vaccine

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
February 6, 2023 11:11 am

Clott Adams can eat a vax dick.

ZFG, out.

P.S. fuck off Adams

Anonymous White Male
Anonymous White Male
February 6, 2023 12:05 pm

Well, Scott, here’s the deal: You made the mistake of trusting the government, the media, and the health professions. You believed they were “telling the truth” and would never lie about something this important. Guess what? They lie just to stay in practice. Now you know. Go and don’t be stupid anymore.

February 6, 2023 1:12 pm

I did not take the jab. I got COVID pneumonia. I picked it up while working as a substitute teacher. Because of my age(74) and a compromised immune system(psoriatic arthritis) I ended up in ICU for four days and the COVID ward in a North Idaho hospital for another four. I have antibodies but I am still a pureblood and will remain so. It is regrettable so many sheeple, normies, and cucks drank the Trump-Biden Kool-Aid and have either died, become seriously ill or will in the future.
However, it does not take a rocket scientist to realize this has been a planned culling of the world population by the likes of international banksters, the Davos Cabal, Bilderbergers, and their useful idiots in the federal, state, and local governments of the American Leviathan and the European Union. It is my sincere and prayerful hope the Remnant wakes up soon. I am reminded of the line from the film: THE OUTLAW JOSEY WALES – “…time to set things right.” Bleib ubrig.

February 6, 2023 2:02 pm


You may have liquid shit coming out of your ass because no one’s organs are turning into liquid shit.

But then again, there’s the question about autopsies. Why the dearth of autopsies and their results? Could it be that autopsies aren’t showing any abnormalities?

Asking for a friend so anonyfag won’t cry too many tears over me asking too many questions.

February 6, 2023 7:55 pm

GNL: There is a dearth of autopsies. However, the embalmers(sic) funeral industry is seeing all kinds of horrific things in their deceased clients. If you can, watch the video: DIED SUDDENLY. It will scare the peanuts out of your M&Ms.
FWIW, I had no liquid shit or any other anomalies coming out of my ass. I survived due to expert medical care and the prayerful support of many people. But sooner or later, the masses will have had enough. While I was in the hospital, the local CDA school board wanted to bring back masking and the parents showed up in large numbers and violently furious. The Karens, Beta Males, Cucks, and CDA PD backed off immediately. It was local news.

February 7, 2023 3:06 pm

“Died Suddenly” has some proven falsity in it.

February 7, 2023 3:32 pm

Everyone dies suddenly.

February 6, 2023 10:04 pm

Some clearly spend more time asking questions and for proofs than they do researching on the tons of available evidence for anyone who bothers to learn it and earn the awareness, instead of constantly asking it be provided. it’s a pattern. repetitious. tiresome. not worthy of consideration anymore.

February 7, 2023 3:24 pm

Stop the bullshit. Are people’s organs turning to liquid shit or not? Not.

February 6, 2023 1:32 pm

I think the bar for brilliance is a bit low. Adams is a prick best know for obvious and snide commentary on the ridiculousness of corporate life.
If this is brilliance than the author is just as the 80% of morons who couldnt figure out not to take a jab when it is pushed for free with prizes and money.

February 6, 2023 1:43 pm

Once it was discovered that the jab didn’t stay in shoulder muscle and instead migrated throughout the body via the blood stream the whole thing, that being the vaxx campaign, should have been shut down..

February 6, 2023 1:56 pm

Depending on aspiration?

Prkchps n Appleffaus
Prkchps n Appleffaus
February 6, 2023 2:43 pm


intransitive verb~

“How the wealthy expel intestinal gas through the anus; break wind.”
Do not do what the 99% do;

Thought Criminal
Thought Criminal
February 6, 2023 2:12 pm

Why didn’t I take the jab?
My ‘wait and see’ was replaced by my ‘when in doubt dont’ when i saw that Fauchi was involved.
That lying rat faced bastard.
I remember the AIDS Epiphany.
Yes Epiphany.

February 6, 2023 4:03 pm

It’s really uncomfortable watching these people trying to squirm their way out of their beliefs and justify why they thought they way they did. It’s as though I’m in China in 1953 listening to teenagers explain why they were not wrong turning their own parents in. You guys need to stop this. We will not listen. You were WRONG. That’s all you need to say. Asking for forgiveness will have to come from God. We were RIGHT, and we told you for years and will continue to tell you until you are dead.

February 6, 2023 4:48 pm

How dumb would you have to be not to get it right?

If you couldn’t see that this whole Covid thing was a hoax from the beginning then you’re probably looking up at the sky right now and wondering if there’s a Chinese spy balloon up there.

You know why you’re doing that? Because you’re stupid and you’ll believe anything the government and media tells you.

February 6, 2023 6:46 pm

I want to thank the person who posted [ early on ] a picture of some 5G equipment he was installing which had the letters COV19 inside it. This was enough to get me to dig in and find the truth. Again, thank you.

Fits The Facts on Ground
Fits The Facts on Ground
February 8, 2023 9:39 am

RE: COV19 5G Antenna claims:

1. The fact checkers claim that the
COV19 component on the circuit
board is from a cable TV box,
as if TV technology can not be used to generate very specific light, sound
and rf frequency patterns which
can entrain a human biome.

2. The effective range of these affects
from cable TV box entrainment
technology is potentially a home’s
entire interior.

3. Entrainment using a human
shedding frequency can trigger
toxic load shedding that the
medical industrial complex will
call a virus.

4. People being within 6 feet of each
other can cause the spread of toxic
load shedding via entrainment.

5. Entrainment of toxic shedding
would logically only pass forward
to other persons with a similar
toxic load to be shed.

PS: The reason I think that
this theory will never be pursued?
There is no profit angle. I mean,
you can’t vax people to stay six
feet apart.

PPS: If there is any real value of
“vaccines”, it may lie in their
parasite killing powers.

Many, many people have
undiagnosed parasite infections.

The heavy metals in vaxxes can be
like a nuke for blood borne [and other] parasites.

PPPS: The long term ‘side affect’ of
heavy metals injection is a future
heavy metals toxic load shedding
event which the medical cartel will
claim is caused by……………………..
wait for it……………………….a virus.
(And you just know, they’ll have a
vaccine to treat your vaccine induced
heavy metals poisining)

February 6, 2023 7:16 pm

There was sufficient crazy behavior to justify caution.

When someone orders me to do something, there had better be a good reason and not just repeating talking-head crap.

February 6, 2023 7:49 pm

Be the frog!

comment image

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
February 6, 2023 8:36 pm

I caught one of Fauci’s early press conferences, and his persona screamed “Deceptive practices! Unethical salesman!” so loudly I was deafened. A stint as a buyer / purchasing agent should be part of every practical education.

Common Cents
Common Cents
February 6, 2023 11:46 pm

Right after falling hook, line & sinker for the Vax scam, the same gullible idiots fell hook, line & sinker for the Ukraine scam. They’ll fall for the next one too!

February 6, 2023 11:52 pm

It was Fauci promoting AZT back in the 80’s. Millions of gay men died as the result.

February 7, 2023 9:44 pm


February 7, 2023 6:57 am

What did it for me was seeing that all the top spots of the CDC, FDA, and Trump and now Biden cabinets are filled with jews, and given the long history of jews genociding Whites when given the ability to do so was quite enough to not get the kill shot.

February 7, 2023 6:59 am

I do not get much satisfaction out of saying I told you so when people are dying everyday as a result of the “covid” poison shots.

February 7, 2023 3:14 pm

Depends which people

February 7, 2023 9:38 am

The gaslighting continues. NO ONE should have taken this toxin, no matter what co-morbidities they had. Off-label, inexpensive, safe and effective treatments/prophylaxis, e.g. ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, should have been widely employed. Over half of Congress was taking ivermectin from an early stage. The so called vaccine induced NO mucosal blocking antibodies, which renders it useless against an airborne pathogen. The jab directs our own cells to produce only the spike protein, not the nucleocapsid of the virus. This leads to autoimmune attacks on our own cells. The spike is a proven endothelial toxin, hence the clots, myocardial infarctions, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc. Any “protection” afforded by the jab disappears in 3 months, and then goes negative, rendering the recipient more susceptible to covid and other infections. The jab mRNA does not remain at the injection site, but travels throughout the body, and damages every organ it reaches. One of the several genetic sequences lifted from the AIDS virus, reverse transcriptase, allows the mRNA to be incorporated into the host DNA, particularly in the liver. The number of deleterious effects, and level of malfeasance, associated with the “pandemic” and it’s true intent, forcing people to take the deadly jab, are truly stunning and nearly endless. That TPTB continue to push this poison, in the face of overwhelming evidence and data on morbidity and mortality, is beyond evil. Those responsible for this first run at global genocide (removing “useless eaters”) must be charged, tried, convicted, and punished for their deeds. They must not be allowed to continue in their pursuits, as they bioengineer and release ever more virulent pathogens and promote their “cures”.

February 7, 2023 11:33 am

When I die from whatever cause, I will die as a NON-GMO, CAGE FREE , FREE RANGE HUMAN.

February 7, 2023 12:50 pm

Initially, it was only the following two words that had me balk at ever considering to take the so-called “COVID vaccine”. And those two words were, “Bill Gates”. Having watched his TED Talk video many years earlier, had alerted me enough to question everything that came out of whatever this man was connected with. Every Bill Gates interview I saw, with his wildly flailing hands, told me that there is something wrong with this guy.

As I watched how things unfolded, it became ever more clear to me that the same people who were promoting the COVID vaccine were the same people who were promoting de-population of the planet.

Cutting through the propaganda & going directly to the CDC website, it became even more clear that it was important to note the differences made between the words “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) & FDA “approved”. The CDC noted that the FDA approved Comirnaty® Vaccine would not be made available until all the EUA supplies were exhausted.

Knowing how nefarious the past history of the medical establishment has been like over the past 100 years, it made it not so easy to drop my skepticism. I was settled with the notion that I don’t make for a very good Guinea Pig. Instead, I chose to take a seat in the back row of the theater & watch how things would go from there.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
February 7, 2023 1:34 pm

“For reasons beyond the scope of this article, the falseness of those assumptions could have been determined at the time. Of relevance to us today, however, is the fact that those models helped to create an entire AIDS industry, which pushed experimental antiretroviral drugs on people with HIV no doubt in the sincere belief that the drugs might help them. Those drugs killed hundreds of thousands of people.”
Bingo! AIDS/HIV was the model, the test case to roll out a concoction for a condition (AIDS) that had not been thoroughly scientifically investigated and still has not been to this very day. The resulting AIDS treatment modality named Zidovudine aka AZT is an extremely toxic drug that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds thousands of souls who took the drug thinking it would save their lives. It didn’t!
From my perspective Fauci is the common denominator; he was involved in both AIDS/HIV and COVID. COVID is merely a replay of the AIDS scam which: fits the globalists depopulation agenda, is a huge moneymaker for Big Pharma and another psy-op to create fear and panic to easily manipulate the masses to fall for a massive fascistic social reengineering agenda. The good news is: their mixed and contradictory messages, the realization masks, social distancing and the COVID shots and boosters don’t work are making them look like the grifters, miscreants and psychopaths they are.

February 7, 2023 8:43 pm

At first, I didn’t take the jab because I was quite busy, and did not have the spare time to wait in line.

Then, I didn’t take it because I read the FDA still had yet to approve it. The “fast-tracking” seemed odd because you can’t “fast-track” two to three years of waiting into a few months.

Then, I refused to take it when the politicians started really pushing an un-proven jab for everyone, then threatened those who refused. They began acting the same as the 1930s Nazi Germany, and that spoke volumes to me.

The more they threatened, the more I realized this was a scam.

Now, I am glad I lost friends and family because they thought I was being dangerous to them. They showed their true colours and the quality of their character. Perhaps it is best I find out now instead of when SHTF.

Now, I can never afford to trust the Government again. They lied because of a hidden agenda and money under the table. If I see any politician dying in the street, I will calmly walk by.

February 7, 2023 9:00 pm

Adams shilled for Trump and multi-dimensional chess long past the expiration date. He is either a paid mouthpiece or delusional.

North of 45
North of 45
February 7, 2023 10:34 pm

Like many of you commenting here, I determined very early on in the “pandemic” that it was bogus: way too coordinated, way too quickly, just as if it was following a script. It was easy to see that it was not at all about health, but about CONTROL. It was obvious to me that tyrants were attempting a collectivist power grab under the cover of an “emergency”. Nothing in the Constitution allows for our natural rights, as recognized by the Bill of Rights, to be in any way compromised by an emergency, and most certainly not a contrived one. My stance from the beginning was that these people had no such authority over me/us so therefore NONE of their edicts, declarations , mandates etc. were to be obeyed. The elected political figures all took an oath to uphold the Constitution but were obviously trying to destroy it. They are LIARS, undeserving of their office.

As for the quaccine, I will not take it. Why? For the simple reason that I CHOOSE NOT TO. No need to argue science, safety, efficacy, etc. JUST BECAUSE I CHOOSE NOT TO. The simple question is: Who owns my body? If each and every human being is not afforded the same basic right to choose what does/does not go into their body, then they do not own their body, they are a SLAVE to others. This condition is wholly unacceptable to me, even to the point that it could be the “hill I die on”.

The same right works both ways: take it if you want it, but you have no right to force it on others, just as I have no right to stop you from taking it.


February 8, 2023 3:06 am

The Scott Clott Adams of the world don’t give a rats ass about your opinions nor empirical data. Let them deal with the poor choices and give them no attention.

February 8, 2023 7:22 am

Scott’s problem is that bought into the Great Covid Panic. If he hadn’t lost his shit, he would have seen no reason to get the untested jab.

February 8, 2023 9:28 am

Adams went on about how ‘you won’. He repeated this formulation and never said ‘you were right’ at all. In fact there are no winners in this debacle. Adams and the pro-shots people lost and those who passed on the shots broke even (less the harassment from the shots now shots tomorrow, shots forever crowd).

February 8, 2023 9:55 pm

Blah blah Blah!

I only had 3 hueristics:

1. no vaccine for coronavirus has ever been successful.
2. no MRNA virus had ever been tried.
3. By the time the vaccines was out, we still had plenty of homeless and retail check-out clerks, so I concluded the pandemic was a scam.
