It’s the trust in the authority, stupid!

Guest Post by Iain Davis

The world is apparently descending into chaos. With events such as the recent collapse of SVB bank adding to the problems allegedly caused by the pseudopandemic and the war in Ukraine, it is easy to feel overwhelmed.

Only a few years ago it was widely recognised that, by nearly every measure, global life outcomes were all improving. Suddenly, we’re all haunted by the spectres of conquest, war, famine and death.

From the cost of living, energy and food crisis, to the threat of a widening international conflict, a climate disaster and now global financial collapse, we seem to be gripped by a global polycrisis. If there is a polycrisis it is entirely man-made.

The good news is we can build something better if we have the will. We are many and we are powerful, while those who seek to exploit crisis to control us are neither.

We just need to understand the problem: our trust in authority.

The Alleged Polycrisis

The world’s economy and its society were not thrown into disarray by a “pandemic disease,” but rather by the global policy response to an alleged pandemic disease. Similarly, the war in Ukraine isn’t causing a complete realignment of the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS), the “regionalisation” of supply chains, an energy crisis or giving rise to a multipolar world order. Once again, it is the “sanctions” and the geopolitical policy response to the war that is throwing the planet, and all of us, deeper into turmoil.

There is no doubt that international chaos is the result of the deliberate actions of policy makers. The only question is if chaos is the intended outcome of their decisions? All the evidence suggests that it is.

We can reasonably ask what purpose these so-called “leaders” serve? It seems those we mistakenly trust to make decisions for us are either useless or mendacious.

As pointed out by John Titus, there is no honesty about the true nature of the real global risks we face. The so-called World “Economic” Forum (WEF) released its farcically named Global Risks Report 2023 in which it listed every single risk it could imagine apart from the banking and financial risks—about which it is supposedly “expert”—that really does threaten to destabilise the planet. This risk too is entirely man-made and is the result of the monetary policies of private central banks, notably the Fed and the Bank For International Settlements (BIS).

The WEF, which describes itself as “the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation,” is among the stalwarts of the Establishment that will never disclose the true “risks.” Prattling on about the “polycrisis” it want’s us all to fear, the WEF, acting as saviour, offers its proposed solution:

The sheer scale of humanitarian and environmental crises showcases broader paralysis and ineffectiveness of key multilateral mechanisms in addressing crises facing the global order, spiralling downwards into a self-perpetuating and compounding polycrises. [. . .] As global risks become more intertwined, preparedness also needs to become more of a shared responsibility between sectors, with local and national governments, business and civil society each playing to their strengths, rather than traditional models of governments addressing market failures when they occur. For example, private-public partnerships can help close key gaps in innovation, financing, governance and implementation of preparedness measures for emerging and well established risks. [. . .] [M]ost global risks are ‘owned’ by no one and sit outside the direct control of any one public or private sector entity – meaning many global risks are most effectively tackled through coordinated, global action. Respondents to the GRPS [the WEF’s own “risk” report] shared their views. [. . .] The majority consider national governments, multi-country efforts and international organizations to be the most relevant stakeholders for governing these global risks. [. . .]

Unsurprisingly perhaps, the WEF has concluded that the polycrisis it has made up means that “traditional models of government” are no longer of any use. Instead, multilateral mechanisms, via organisation like the UN and its various agencies, such as the WHO and the Wold Bank, must hand global governance over to a global public-private partnership (G3P). The G3P thus affords global authority to banks and other private corporations which, the WEF tells us, will “govern these global risks.”

The good news for the WEF is that every one of its government “partners” agrees. For example, as acknowledged by Presidents Putin and Xi:

The sides [Russian and Chinese governments] call on all States [. . .] to protect the United Nations-driven international architecture and the international law-based world order, seek genuine multipolarity with the United Nations and its Security Council playing a central and coordinating role. [. . .] The G20 format as an important forum for discussing international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures, [. . .] in such areas as the international fight against epidemics, world economic recovery, inclusive sustainable development, improving the global economic governance system in a fair and rational manner to collectively address global challenges.

It seems the Russian and Chinese governments also believe in the polycrisis. They too assert that “international economic cooperation” is essential to combat the multifaceted, crisis of everything.

The G20’s discussion of “international economic cooperation issues and anti-crisis response measures” led to the 2022 Bali Leaders Declaration, which states:

We designated the G20 the premier forum for global economic cooperation, and today we reaffirm our commitment to cooperate as we, once again, address serious global economic challenges. [. . .] We met in Bali [. . .] at a time of unparalleled multidimensional crises. We have experienced the devastation brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, and other challenges including climate change, which has caused economic downturn, increased poverty, slowed global recovery, and hindered the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. [. . .] We will make public investments and structural reforms, promote private investments, and strengthen multilateral trade and resilience of global supply chains, to support long-term growth, sustainable and inclusive, green and just transitions [. . .] through a greater variety of innovative financing sources and instruments, including to catalyze private investment, to support the achievement of the SDGs.

The Bali Declaration notes the G20 commitment “to accelerate achievement of the SDGs [Sustainable Develoipment Goals].” The purpose of the WEF’s strategic partnership with the UN is to “accelerate implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

A lot was made of the WEF’s decision to exclude Russian delegates from its meetings and formally cut ties with Russian corporations. This was essentially a PR exercise to convince people that there was some sort of disagreement between the WEF’s stakeholder capitalists and Russia’s. In truth, there is no practical “split.”

The G20’s Declaration, just like the WEF’s risk report, contends that “unparalleled multidimensional crises”—polycrisis—justifies transitioning the world to a system of public-private global governance. The Russian government played a key role in drawing up the Bali Declaration. There is absolute agreement between East and West in this regard.

This is not to suggest that there isn’t genuine disagreement between nations states, or between other G3P stakeholders for that matter. But the conflict arises as they jostle for position within one, proposed global governance system.

The G20’s Declaration enthusiastically promotes Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC):

We support continued implementation of the G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-Border Payments. [. . .] We encourage central banks, other public authorities and the payments industry to continue to work collaboratively on these important initiatives. [. . .] We also welcome the joint report by the BIS [Bank for International Settlements] CPMI, BISIH [BIS Inovation Hubs], IMF, and World Bank on options for access to and interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for cross-border payments. [. . .] We welcome continued exploration of how CBDCs could potentially be designed to facilitate cross-border payments, while preserving the stability and integrity of the international monetary and financial system.

Unlike the entirely fabricated “multidimensional” – “polycrisis,” CBDC presents a  real risk to humanity. The solution to the concocted problem is the actual threat.

Interoperable CBDC “cross border payments” will ensure a single, centrally controlled system of programmable money. Able to determine every aspect of our use of CBDC, if we adopt it, the global network of international bankers that steers the G3P will control our lives.

Our best bet appears to be to protest, lobby or press for reform as best we can. Unfortunately, as we are seeing in France at the moment, public anger at politicians, who continue to make policy decisions in the interests of no one but the parasite class, threatens to boil over. Our only other seemingly available option is to elect another bunch of idiot puppets who will also serve the parasite class and the G3P.

Like the cave dwellers watching shadows on the wall, we are transfixed by controlled illusions leaving us blind to reality. We will never see what is in front of our eyes unless we look in the right direction.

Did you ever know that you’re our heroes…apparently

The Real threat

In 1998, then UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, delivered the keynote Davos address to the WEF. Describing what he called a “quiet revolution,” Annan said that a “fundamental shift” had occurred as the UN had undergone a “complete overhaul”:

[. . .] peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society. [. . .] The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world.

In 2005, the UN specialist agency, the WHO, published its Connecting For Health strategy document. It described the impact of the Millennium Development Goals—subsequently re-branded Sustainable Development Goals—on the international policy framework for public health provision:

These changes occurred in a world of revised expectations about the role of government: that the public sector has neither the financial nor the institutional resources to meet their challenges, and that a mix of public and private resources is required. [. . .] Governments can create an enabling environment, and invest in equity, access and innovation.

The revised role of governments, decreed at the global governance level by the UN, meant that they were no longer leading anything. The traditional policy-makers weren’t making policy anymore; other G3P partners were. These new policy makers were called “stakeholders.”

Stakeholder capitalism was pioneered by the current executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, in the 1970s. It was promoted as so-called responsible capitalism suggesting that multinational corporations, such as international banks, should be empowered to act as “trustees” of society.

In “What Kind of Capitalism Do We Want,” Schwab outlined the WEF’s crazy idea:

Stakeholder capitalism, a model I first proposed a half-century ago, positions private corporations as trustees of society, and is clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.

Schwab’s conspicuous use of the word “trustee” implies a specific legal interpretation:

The person appointed, or required by law, to execute a trust; one in whom an estate, interest, or power is vested, under an express or implied agreement to administer or exercise it for the benefit or to the use of another.”

While we are all distracted the never ending tripe we are force-fed about the polycrisis, global governance has firmly pivoted towards “stakeholder capitalism.” Government are merely the subservient “partners” in this model.

As evidenced by the Bali declaration—alongside numerous other documents and high profile political statements—all governments are willing to be relegated to the role of G3P “enablers.” They all embrace the new model of global governance, no matter what ludicrous claptrap we are told about the promise of a “multipolar world order.”

Faced with this problem, what are we to do? Are we destined simply to be cattle on the G3P’s tax farm?

Perhaps not: if there is one overriding fear that fills the nightmares of the parasite class, its stakeholders and political minions, it is the loss of our “trust.”

The theme of the the WEF’s 2022 Davos soirée was “Working Together, Restoring Trust.” At the gathering, the German Chancellor Olaf Sholz, speaking on behalf of the G3P rather than the German people, said that “restoring trust is our goal.”

The leading globalist thinks tanks are obsessed with the issue of our “trust.” The UK branch of the Carneigie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), which once opined that war was the best way to alter the lives of an entire people, bemoaning the loss of public trust, said:

Trust is the foundation of a functioning democratic system. [. . .] [I]n order for people to feel positive about participating in democratic processes and decision making, it is essential to have public trust at all levels.

Governments too are terrified that we will no longer “trust” them. The reason they are desperate to censor the internet is that they fear the public’s ability to openly share information. Any information that questions the state—or the ruling parasite establishment—is labelled “misinformation” or “disinformation.”

Freedom of speech has become “information pollution” as intergovernmental organisations, such as the EU, seek to shut down the free and open exchange of ideas and information. Nothing could be less “democratic,” but these dangerous toadies are perfectly willing to defy all democratic ideals while having the temerity to claim they are defending democracy.

It is a sick joke:

Democracies around the world are facing a proliferation of false information, which may have the potential to destabilise their democratic institutions, and undermine the trust of citizens. To address misinformation, disinformation and foreign interference, different policy responses are required.

These lunatics seriously want us to believe that we should allow our representative governments to define the truth. They will decree what information is false and what isn’t.

All of this bilge about “disinformation” is itself “dezinformatsiya.” Democracy has absolutely nothing to do with our trust in “democratic institutions.” Democracy has everything to do with our control of the decision making process.

Alleged “representative democracy” has always been based upon the idea that we hand that control over to those who lead these “institutions.” Representative democracy is the antithesis of “democracy.”

It’s the Trust In Authority, Stupid!

Etienne de La Boétie

We are being farmed by a parasitic bunch of robber barons and grifters whose whole empire is built upon one underlying premise: we trust their authority.

Perhaps it is fairer to say that most of us trust our “representative’s” alleged authority. As long as we continue to labour under the illusion that we can elect “new leaders” we will remain lost. In reality we can’t. The parasite establishment of stakeholders (G3P), that actually defines policy, isn’t elected by anyone.

In 1992, the media commentator and Clinton election campaign manager, James Carville, came up with the sound-bite “the economy, stupid.” This has become the widely paraphrased saying, ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’

Carville’s truism is now used to illustrate that, regardless of other domestic and foreign policy concerns, what really matter to people—us—is the economy. It is the wellspring of our polity.

For the parasite class led G3P, the facade of their power is maintained only as long as we trust it. Without any condescension, we must equally recognise the wellspring of that power.

It’s the trust in authority, stupid!

The whole point of CBDC, Digital ID, biosecurity and censorship is to entrap us in a system that has tangible power. Should the G3P succeed then our “trust” will matter less. We will face very real limitations once the global digital surveillance state is installed.

We are not quite at that point yet, and there is no reason why we should ever be. In order to avert enslavement the change we need to make is first and foremost psychological.

We have to wake up and realise that nothing any government ever does is for our benefit. We have no reason at all to trust anything governments say and we need to stop believing their propaganda.

G3P power only exists because we imagine that it does. Based upon this misapprehension, we consequently behave as instructed by its representatives. The moment we realise, en masse, that its claimed authority is a charade, that alleged “power” evaporates in an instant.

All the G3P is left with then is violence and simple mathematics dictates that it cannot succeed. This is the real reason why the parasites are so fearful of loosing our “trust.” The G3P is frantically exploiting the fabled polycrisis in a desperate effort to lock us up before we come to see its “authority” scam.

Despite apparent animosities, all governments agree upon one, single model of global governance. And it is this which represents the greatest “risk” to humanity. No “authority” will ever provide us with a solution because “authority” is the problem.

Forget about the polycrisis. It’s a propaganda device.

Millions of us protested against the Iraq War, millions more later protested against the imposition of lockdown restrictions. The only difference between the two mass uprisings is that the Iraq War protests received relatively accurate news coverage. These protests didn’t make any difference because the parasite class don’t get killed in wars and don’t endure poverty.

While we should use all peaceable means at our disposal to maintain what pressure we can, it is hopelessly unrealistic to expect the political process or protests to deliver any real change. Whenever protests become violent all it achieves is to give the state an opportunity to claim legitimacy for its crack downs and impositions of martial law.

We don’t need to engage in bloody revolution to build a better future. We just need to realise the true nature of our immense power.

There is no single solution but if we, for example, understand the true meaning of democracy and exercise the power of jury annulment; if we grasp the real intention of our constitutions and establish our own common law courts if necessary; if we exercise consumer choice and abandon convenience in favour of actively pursuing ethical choices, such as insisting upon cash only payment, and if we consciously focus upon the decisions we make every day, consistently moving towards freedom and away from state control, we can stop G3P plans in their tracks.

To do this we will have to finally accept that obedience is not a virtue. Obedience to authority is not a new problem, but the scale of ambition and the technological capability of the parasite class is.

Approximately 500 years ago, Etienne de La Boétie explored the “Politics of Obedience” in his Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. Speaking about our obedience to authority, he wrote:

To see an endless multitude of people not merely obeying, but driven to servility? [. . .] They suffer plundering, wantonness, cruelty, not from an army, not from a barbarian horde [. . .], but from a single little man. [. . .] Shall we say that those who serve him are cowardly and faint-hearted? [. . .] [S]uch an attitude indicates indifference rather than cowardice? [. . .]  What monstrous vice, then, is this which does not even deserve to be called cowardice, a vice for which no term can be found vile enough, which nature herself disavows and our tongues refuse to name?

Obedience is a truly “monstrous vice.” It allows us to indulge in the luxury of convenience and to renege on our duty to take responsibility for our own lives and actions. “obedience” prefers instead to devolve rights, and thus decision making, to others.

We are going to have to make sacrifices if we want to avoid living under the yoke of a G3P global governance tyranny. But we have long suffered the destructive rule of government. We can and we must construct a better society based upon the principles of Natural Law and spontaneous order. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Etienne de La Boétie solution was as true then as it is now:

Resolve to serve no more, and you are at once freed.

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March 23, 2023 6:59 am

Fascinating how a flu virus was used to destroy billons of lives and multiple countries. Make no mistake the who whu flu was the excuse and still is. Now climate change is being piled on top. The forced failure of damn near everything is in the offing.

March 23, 2023 11:40 am

Ron Paul’s Vindication Is Complete

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
March 23, 2023 12:20 pm

Climate Change was the original bugaboo that was brought about by extreme propaganda to cause folks to submit. Even the Club of Rome realized more than 50 years ago that it was a climate scare that would get folks around the world to submit to their draconian agenda … 

The FauciFlu was just another log in their fire …

  Anthony Aaron
March 24, 2023 11:24 pm

Edward Jenner in ~1790 had a bright idea that Smallpox in humans arose from a disease called The Grease (not to be confused with the Olivia Newton-John movie) on horses’ heels.  He embellished this fancy with the notion that farmhands working on the horses without washing their hands would then milk the cows thus transmitting this Smallpox precursor to cattle as Cow Pox and thus, if one was to get Cow Pox as it was contracted from animals or ingrafted by humans it supposedly would protect you from Small Pox that is a HU-MAN ONLY DISEASE.  Keep that in mind.  We will see in Volume 2 that
Robert Ceely in his zeal tried to FORCE SMALL POX INTO COWS BUT IT WOULDN’T TAKE BECAUSE JENNER WAS WRONG.  Ceely ended up suck seeding, but that is a testament to genetic mutation not Nature.

Armed with this brilliant superstition made up of whole cloth (hole cloth?) Fast Eddy then did what Ferdinand Waldo Demara, the Great Imposter, did: filled a power vacuum with a word and practice that he pulled out of his ass: Variolae Vaccinae. 

Variola was Small Pox.  They had been catching and releasing this plague on people since…well…1600 B.C. when the FOUNDER OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE VARIOLATED HIS FELLOW HINDIS.  By 700 A.D. the Taoists were huffing Small Pox scabs to try to catch it before they caught it.  How any of this makes sense is…well…it doesn’t make sense.

Any whey…

Small Pox was called that because it had to be distinguished from the Great Pox (aka The French Pox) that we know as Syphilis.  No, that isn’t a girl’s name.  It is the sexually transmitted disease endemic to sheep (makes you wonder how the first man got Syphilis —- doesn’t it?) and other herd animals.  Telling the two apart was hard back then because they didn’t have modern laboratories and the only difference was that the sores were different sizes.  Charles Creighton a contemporary of Edgar Crookshank said that what was being called Cow Pox was really the genital scrapings of Syphilis from animals that was then grafted into Hu-Mans.

So much background just to get to what Fast Eddy did with these CLINICALLY UNDETERMINABLE PUS SCRAPINGS!


March 23, 2023 7:11 am

So, truthtellers and the awakened are saying, ” we need to realize that the government/media apparatchiks are authoritarian and are pushing an elite .1% to rule over the 99.9% of serfs.”

The governments response is ” we need to regulate/censor/silence those who would spread dis/misinformation or even prosecute the offenders who threaten our “democracy.”

Is the irony lost on these mini dictators or do they thrive on it?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 23, 2023 7:51 am

I ain’t seein them droppin dead, so I’m guessing “thriving”?

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 23, 2023 7:33 am

Been sayin this since the beginning of this uber weirdness…

Trust No One.

March 23, 2023 7:58 am

There is no Government worthy of our trust. Never has been, never will be. Seems to me that cognitive dissonance is where were at in this fourth turning. I shun the idea that any Government has my interest at heart. By default, they are all my enemy and it matters not to me from whence they come nor the flag they wave, they’re motives are not that different. They all desire to rule over me. and bend me to their will.

Hard Times Create Strong Men, Strong Men Create Good Times, Good Times Create Weak Men, Weak Men Create Hard Time

March 23, 2023 1:34 pm

I think you have to change it from men to they them lol.

March 23, 2023 8:06 am

“We just need to understand the problem: our trust in authority.”

Calling Larkin Rose.

Great article. The one great result of this obviously preplanned scandemic is that it will pry loose the trust of people who otherwise would remain in their self-imposed mental prison.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
March 23, 2023 9:13 am

This guys good but Gary Barnet comes out swinging with every sentence.

  Ben Lurken
March 23, 2023 9:36 am

Barnett is relentlessly negative. I don’t mind being told how bad things are – they are – but I won’t some positive solutions. Barnett isn’t the guy for that.

March 23, 2023 9:47 am

I agree, Steve. I’m tired of all the negativity. Yeah, we’re in a storm so adjust the sails and carry on.

March 23, 2023 9:59 am

Steve,try this,has helped me in trying times mentally.

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anon a moos
anon a moos
March 23, 2023 12:07 pm

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🤣 "We met in Bali"
🤣 "We met in Bali"
March 23, 2023 9:08 pm

“We designated the G20 the premier forum for global economic cooperation, and today we reaffirm our commitment to cooperate as we, once again, address serious global economic challenges. [. . .] We met in Bali [. . .] at a time of unparalleled multidimensional crises…”

Let ‘Them’ Meet at/in…

…AND, Leave ‘Them’ ALL there.

P.S. Sorry, Ate too many ‘cookies’ already. Thanks for the opportunity to eat only the ‘necessary’ ones, but no thanks.

All ‘off’ guardian is definitely OFF now. More b.s.? EZPZ.

The story about the Pencil?

Entertaing, @ least.

But fret not. before it’s all OVER? (And it will be. Sooner or Later)

Charcoal Drawings on cave walls. Replete with various ‘organic’ pigments!


March 23, 2023 8:09 am

Another failed attempt to suggest a better approach towards ‘authority.’

When the parent tells the child “do not touch the stove top, you’ll burn yourself”, he does that out of which position? One of authority. And the child still can decide if it obediently follows that direction or not.
If you -as an adult- read a history book and take it seriously, it tells you by its authority which things your society better not try out.

So what would the situation be without any authority and/or obedience to it: we would have a world where everybody would need to make each mistake for themselves, to learn from it.

March 23, 2023 8:26 am

That’s quite a stretch your pushing there, sorts of spits in the face of common sense.

March 23, 2023 8:31 am

That any teacher exerts authority while teaching “spits in the face of common sense”?

You must be brain damaged.

March 23, 2023 8:54 am

Sort of depends on the motive of the teacher. You needn’t look any further than the current education system. Trust as you see fit.

March 23, 2023 9:05 am

There are many things in there to quibble about however it’s written in as plain speech as possible (although will be over some heads) and the overall message is sound with a general call most can understand.

I myself wish even plainer speaking of just don’t consent or participate and if you’re working for the government, in any capacity (this includes education and medicine) be apathetic and obstructive about enforcement.
I think one thing that we have going for us is that there haven’t been futile protests. Mass protests. They do want violence.
They probably can’t decide (either) whether this means we’re all captured or cogitating on the situation. I think they are surprised we, in the US, haven’t blown up and thus they push harder.
However the more time passes the more people see.

March 23, 2023 1:51 pm

Are we reading the same article?
Show me where the author describes, after “removing trust”, how to carry on.

Dying Sun
Dying Sun
March 23, 2023 5:26 pm

… we would have a world where everybody would need to make each mistake for themselves, to learn from it.

I believe that is what we have already. You can read about it in numerous books that discuss people and governments repeating the same mistakes of previous generations. If you’re observant, you can see the same mistakes being made over and over again by people around you.

March 23, 2023 8:57 am

Ayn Rand described this false trusted authority as the witchdoctor. In combination with Attila, they make a powerful and dangerous force.

March 25, 2023 9:33 am

Was that in her unpublished work
“African Shrugged”?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 23, 2023 9:36 am


No seems to know how to spell lose or losing. It drives me crazy. The article was entirely too long to make the point that trust is the issue. He’s right that trust won’t matter if they get the CBDC ball rolling. Trying to warn other people is like trying to convince them that the Covid scam was a scam.

We are doomed.

Btw, we already know CONgress won’t stop this. They are in on it. Oh they will make some noise as usual but that’s all they will do.

  Mary Christine
March 23, 2023 11:43 am

And when you care, they dismiss you as a grammar nazi. Keep the faith, sistah. The degradation of language has everything to do with the dissolution of the West.

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Eats, Shoots, & Leaves:



Common Errors in English Usage

Grammar, Style, and Usage

Not grammar, but useful:

March 23, 2023 10:08 pm

Sucks syntax.

No, really, Auntie agrees that the destruction of the collective mind is (non) articulated through and by language.

March 23, 2023 9:57 am

With all the shit going on recently was considering veganism.

I with more thought realized times so far though challenging do not call for cannibalism and a vegan probably not good for stew meat ect.

How I want to be remembered:

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Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
March 23, 2023 12:52 pm

Live in such a way that the gods tremble and your enemies fear you.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
  Billy the Kid
March 23, 2023 10:16 pm

This is the solution to the “trust” issue with the B3RG*.
Make them fear …

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 24, 2023 9:15 am

“Remembered”? Shit, son. That’s how I’m KNOWN! And apparently so are you.

I say that’s a very good thing.

Change my mind.

March 23, 2023 10:10 am

Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.
And the devil said to Him, “All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.
Therefore, if You will worship before me, all will be Yours.”
And Jesus answered and said to him, “Fuck off and Die, Satan! You’ll never be the boss of me!”
Luke 4:5-8 (amended)

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
March 23, 2023 11:56 am

Then the devil, taking Him up on a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

Did satan literally or figuratively show Jesus the kingdoms of the earth?

Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
  Euddolen ap Afallach
March 23, 2023 12:57 pm

What does it matter? Jesus failed to return with his Kingdom during his disciples, or apostles lives. Do you really think he’s coming back for any of us? Find God, he isn’t it. Stop living your lives for someone or something else. Live it in this reality, not some made up one.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
  Billy the Kid
March 23, 2023 4:25 pm

What does it matter? 

I have learned tons from many of the various ancients texts by peering at them through the lens of allegory.

March 23, 2023 11:13 pm

Fornicate Under Consent (of the) King?

March 23, 2023 10:27 am

In Retribution We Trust

They say they’ve eradicated Polio…and then they admit that the vaccine causes Polio. They admit it. Wake the Hell up.

March 23, 2023 10:30 am
Billy the Kid
Billy the Kid
March 23, 2023 1:01 pm

A free man that has to watch his back everywhere he goes. He lives in a Medina Compound the size of a small city wity security out the ying yang. He and his family are rich ,sociopathic prisoners of their own crimes, and delusions. True he and his wife should be America’s most wanted though.

March 23, 2023 10:49 am

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@BlackForest posts: “So. Understand this folks. What we are seeing in the financial system IS THE PLAN. The fed is doing exactly what they gamed out to crash the system. Is FDIC going to backstop the small and medium banks? HELL NO! Yellen-stein said unless the bank was a systemic risk…no. The treasury and the fed can act AS IF they don’t understand but that is a ruse. They will save their political buddies who are not us! They’ll save the coastal elites period. Do not get distracted by the noise. The plan is to crash the current system so they can replace it with CBDC’s. All stop! Keep your eye on the ball.

When you think that CBDC’s are a good idea…so convenient, remember their end game!“
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Here are six vids:

WEF, BoA & Pilgrims Society Babylonian banker DIGITAL PASSPORT fraud on the US Patent Office

They are planning on only 5 BANKS left standing explained in detail in the first vid.

James Nelson
James Nelson
March 23, 2023 11:26 am

One person’s negativity is another person’s reality. The world has embraced the power of stupid and it can’t be negotiated with or turned aside. Those who are doing the plotting and planning aren’t smart enough to figure out the inevitable end of their schemes. They think they’ll be in charge after.
As far as Russia and China getting together, remember that it was the Soviet Union that enabled Hitler’s rise and how that turned out. Both of those countries has autocratic rule which means nobody dares to tell the leaders the truth, and they operate in fantasy land.

anon a moos
anon a moos
  James Nelson
March 23, 2023 11:48 am

Hello JN, have you met my friend killary.

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
March 23, 2023 12:03 pm

How to steal everything at once.

1. Sow fear of traditional money.

2. Switch everything over to digital currency.
“For safety”

3. “Accidently” lose power.

4. Banker problems solved.

5. Fortunately for the bankers, the data center holding all the debts owed to the bank files, didn’t crash; late fees and penalties have accrued.

  Euddolen ap Afallach
March 23, 2023 2:18 pm

When virus hit I remembered a Batman episode where Penguin did something to make people think the cash was contaminated. All dumped money out their windows as he went down the street vacuming it all up.

‘ They ‘ have wanted cashless a long time.

March 23, 2023 4:12 pm

Curious, so, what kind of mark do you think the mark will be, mark?

March 23, 2023 10:36 pm


This came out just before the Jab…

Whatever the Mark of the LEAST really is…it will have to have 5 Characteristics:

Explained here…and done much better than I ever could!

Euddolen ap Afallach
Euddolen ap Afallach
March 24, 2023 1:14 pm

I think “the mark of the beast” just
maybe, indicates all who can not
survive without “the system”.

Graffiti carved into ancient Roman wall near Jerusalem:

Duo cents mea,
vectigalia solvere non possum,
Pro tribus cents mo,
templum ho scindere possum!

English Interpretation:

My two cents,
Can’t pay the rents,
For three cents mo,
I can rent a temple ho!

Nancy Tannenbaum
Nancy Tannenbaum
March 23, 2023 11:47 am

All government is evil. Some governments are more evil than others. Government produces nothing. Its only job is to acquire power and once power is acquired, it does not relinquish it without a fight. The majority of Americans believe that their government cares about their welfare and that it is the government’s job to take care of them. The last three years have revealed that the majority of Americans are not critical thinkers but compliant tribal members and cowards who can be herded and corralled with fear applied by their masters. Our decline as a Republic, decades in the making, shifted into high gear over the last three years with the implementation of a created crisis aka “pandemic” which was in reality a test of intelligence, critical thinking ability, character, courage, knowledge, self-determination, independence, and faith. It was implemented in order to ascertain how compliant the citizenry is and how much of their freedom they are willing to surrender “for the common good.” It also continues to reveal how many Americans are not herd animals but fighters for truth.

March 23, 2023 12:57 pm

As the world falls apart/goes to pieces I hope to have this babies enthusiasm at all the destruction!

March 23, 2023 1:15 pm

The globalists want to save , protect and ‘ manage ‘ your water. Do you trust them not to weaponize it ?

” Your social credit score is to low for any water use today ….. ”

The UN 2023 Water Conference in March must result in a bold Water Action Agenda that gives our world’s lifeblood the commitment it deserves.

March 22-25

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
March 23, 2023 1:52 pm

Your social credit score is to low for any water use today …..

Too. It’s too low.

I think EC has taken possession.

March 23, 2023 1:32 pm

I miss the days when we called it weather. Everything today is treated as an existential threat, except actual existential threats lol.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
March 24, 2023 9:18 am

Funny how that works, ain’t it?

March 23, 2023 4:20 pm

If we think that trust n authority is collapsing now just wait a couple of years it will be completely gone. Not just from old fashioned lies, propaganda, censorship, programing, drugging, and opinion molding, but from the supposed rulers of the world dream tool of ultimate control–AI. Within a couple of years (if we last that long) there will be absolutely no way a person will be able to tell the difference between truth/reality and the fake fabrications that AI will enable. Ai can produce sight, sound, documents, literature, movies, voice, damning evidence and whatever else is needed to delude, manipulate, control, and eliminate the masses. Fact checking will become an obsolete word–if it’s not already. People will lose trust in everything save what is self-verifiable and close at hand. Trust in authority and remote information will be passe, and only the dumbest of the dumb will accept any information at face value. TPTB’s newest pet tool will likely cause the whole Satanic system of lies to collapse. In time, thinking people may even destroy the technology base right down to the last surveillance camera. Well, I can at least dream! But one thing for sure–there will be no trust in anything left in this world. AI will cause the whole matrix to self destruct, whether the people ever rebel or not, an advanced world cannot function without trust.

March 23, 2023 4:22 pm

Sorry I just posted on a different computer (under anonymous), but this is Daddy Joe’s post.

March 23, 2023 9:32 pm

“There is no doubt that international chaos is the result of the deliberate actions of (((policy makers))).”
There – fixed it for ya.

March 24, 2023 1:26 am

“While we should use all peaceable means at our disposal to maintain what pressure we can, it is hopelessly unrealistic to expect the political process or protests to deliver any real change. Whenever protests become violent all it achieves is to give the state an opportunity to claim legitimacy for its crack downs and impositions of martial law.”

Make no mistake, martial law is coming regardless of what the general public does. Most likely under the guise of medical martial law, in my opinion.

The polycrises is man made, but it isn’t. It’s a preemptive attempt to control what’s coming down the pike. The end of petroleum growth, aka the end of all energy growth, aka the end of modern industrial society. It’s been a good run. The government scientists are hot on the case, lying about everything once again. ” Every scientist on earth agrees, we must end fossil fuels now, or humans are dead.”

Just wait until the death of shale a year from now, no more swing producer for the world, permanent declining energy globally from a geologic standpoint. This is when the big push comes from “the scientists”, “the scientists worldwide agree, we are now weening off fossil fuel year after year forever. Absolutely not because of depletion. Depletion is a conspiracy theory.”

Yes, climate change from FF use likely, but the immediate existential problem is depletion.

Nothings going to work with a permanently shrinking economic pie. There have been good discussions for decades on how to manage the long energy decent at our doorstep. None of those discussions matter anymore, in my opinion. Considering over the last three years, the major governments and institutions around the world have made their intent clear on how they’re going to manage this predicament.

Once the economy switches to negative growth for the rest of our lives, if the “authorities” were out of the picture, we’d have more and more people losing everything, year after year for a long long time. The only way that ends is with catastrophe.

So with the intent that they’ve already shown, to poison humans en mass via molecular biology, this is the route that likely will continue.

If you have a country with 400,000,000 people that have guns, and everyone starts losing everything year after year, everything starts burning to the ground. How would you control that?

My guess, based on the last 3 years, is drones flying overhead dusting entire cities with aerosolized man made viruses at night. Then civil unrest is tamped down for a period of time, a lowering of the population occurs, the government scientists jump back in with the same covid playbook once again, lying about absolutely everything. This time with 100x deaths, and medical martial law.

Some kind of filtering process likely to occur to determine how many humans are needed to run the machines, everyone else exterminated.

Then, with the energy that remains under the ground, a new society could emerge for a period of time, building on the complexity that got us this far, likely at as slow of growth rate as possible since this new society would also eventually hit limits to growth, again.

That seems like what they’re planning anyway, to me. Most likely doomed to fail in the long run, all the big players are human and will be back stabbing each other every step of the way.

Just going to take a wild guess that they kill most of us over the next 10 years, their plan eventually fails for them, and there’s some lone surviving humans living like hunter gatherers in the woods or in toxic megacity ghost towns.

Or maybe they get rid of us and put their new hell on earth system in place for a few centuries, and go through something similar once again, x hundred years later.

Or maybe humanity locks the mad scientists in cages, and navigates the biggest collapse in human history themselves.