You’re Buying the Government?

You’re Buying the Government?

Corrupt businessmen shaking hands while exchanging bribe - corrupt - You’re Buying the Government? - Miller on the MoneyGuest Post by Dennis Miller at Miller On The Money

Trillions for bank bailouts, secret loans, exorbitant inflation, negative interest rates; middle class struggles while the rich get richer….

How did we get into this mess?

Frontline on PBS outlines, “The Long Demise of Glass-Steagall.” (Emphasis mine)


Following the Great Crash of 1929,…politicians, see market speculation…by banks during the 1920s as a cause of the crash.

In 1933, Senator Carter Glass (D-Va.) and Congressman Henry Steagall (D-Ala.) introduce the historic legislation that bears their name, seeking to limit the conflicts of interest created when commercial banks are permitted to underwrite stocks or bonds. …. The new law bans commercial banks from underwriting securities, forcing banks to choose between being a simple lender or an underwriter (brokerage).


Beginning in the 1960s,…a lobbying subculture springs up around Glass-Steagall. Some lobbyists even brag about how the bill put their kids through college.


Fed begins reinterpreting Glass-Steagall. …. The Federal Reserve Board votes 3-2 in favor of easing regulations under Glass-Steagall Act, overriding the opposition of Chairman Paul Volcker.

The vote comes after the Fed Board hears proposals from Citicorp, J.P. Morgan and Bankers Trust advocating the loosening of Glass-Steagall restrictions to allow banks to handle several underwriting businesses, including commercial paper, municipal revenue bonds, and mortgage-backed securities.

…. Volcker…expresses his fear that lenders will recklessly lower loan standards in pursuit of lucrative securities offerings and market bad loans to the public.

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June 8, 2023 12:20 pm

Every government “solution” is just a new fix for the problems their last fix created. The root of the entire discussion is the Federal Reserve, its fraudulent fractional reserve banking mechanism, the fiat currency of the dollar, and the government violence and force behind legal tender laws. The government is ONLY a desirable PRIZE for big business BECAUSE it has the power it has. Imagine a federal government that was 99% smaller, unable to pick winners and losers, unable to STEAL from the citizens, unable to FORCE the purchase of products, unable to decide who could do business with whom, etc. What would be the point in controlling it? Nobody ever wants to face the ROOT CAUSE because nobody has the courage to face the OBVIOUS solution if we want our freedoms and liberties back.

June 8, 2023 7:22 pm

Every government “solution” is angling to make some rich at the expense of others. This has never been about competence and wisdom, but wickedness and greed.

June 8, 2023 12:42 pm

How did we get into this mess?

How indeed…..

The Hall of Cost….priceless!

June 8, 2023 10:39 pm

Why would any country or company or business bother to make sex dolls or robots? There seem to be a plethora of these “entities”. As an amazing feature, they seem to be, from what I’m observing on the notnewsinternet connections, they seem to be self maintained, kind-of? Perhaps not really, maybe, I cannot be sure. However, I’m imagine that they have a characteristic of homeostasis? I dunno.
It was extraordinary cost, but, ‘America’ (the West) paid it.
My only question now is when the mules are all dead, what are the fucking kazarians gonna use to carry the loads now?
Unleavened bread and wine?

June 9, 2023 2:56 am

only question now is when the mules are all dead, what are the fucking kazarians gonna use to carry the loads 

The Who: “We Don’t Get Fooled Again”
“Meet the new serfs*”
“Same as the old serfs.”


Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
June 8, 2023 12:44 pm

I am totally shocked PBS Frontline is addressing something that has to do with common sense conservative American patriots

  Bear Claw Chris Lapp
June 8, 2023 12:46 pm

ps End the Fed just like Andrew Jackson did

June 8, 2023 1:00 pm

For him it was a bit easier. There was an EXPIRATION date on the Charter for the Second Bank of the US. All he had to do was NOT RENEW IT. There were also lots of state banks and other financial entities, along with a gold and/or silver standard backing most money. I like Ron Paul’s idea of auditing so everyone knows what abject criminals they are, how truly in debt we really are, auditing Ft. Knox and ALL the gold reserves for the same reason, and then allowing ANY AND ALL currencies to circulate and be accepted as money. Gresham’s law will drive the Federal Reserve Note into the dustbin of history where it belongs. A much more “palatable” solution versus an overnight shutdown.

June 8, 2023 4:30 pm

Andrew Jackson eliminated the 2nd Bank of the US years before the charter expired. He also paid off the national debt for the only time in history. It helped because Rothschild manager Biddle was caught telling the truth about the control plan.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
June 8, 2023 3:48 pm

Bought and paid for since 1913? 1865? 1789?

Someone does have the unencumbered title and it aint Unkle Shmuel. Maybe one of his cuzzinz?

  Aunt Acid
June 8, 2023 10:46 pm

I “voted” 1789, day damn one.
Thieves Liars and Cheats and Power mongers, one and all.