Most of my 30 Blocks of Squalor articles were accidentally deleted in 2019. Avalon stumbled upon this classic from 2017. She read it to me out loud and I laughed at a number of pithy observations. West Philly did bring out my creative side. If anything, Philly is worse seven years later. Enjoy this throwback to the good old days of TBP

“The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.”Thomas Sowell

Over the last few weeks there have been a couple mornings where the Schuylkill Expressway was jammed and I had to take my alternative route through the 30 Blocks of Squalor. I hadn’t had this inspiring dystopian experience all summer. There is nothing like West Philly when the punks, punkettes, and future prison convicts finish a summer of not working, not reading, and not picking up the trash in their neighborhoods, go back to West Philly High and not learn again. The observations will be rehashed in a stream of consciousness format, as West Philly is a smorgasbord of squalor, sordidness, filth, apathy, crime and epic government incompetence.

As I inched my way down West Chester Pike in heavy traffic towards the 30 Blocks of Squalor I was seeking signs of the economic revival I keep hearing about from the mainstream media talking heads and our Make America Great Again president. Despite my efforts to see signs of an improving economic situation I witnessed a further deterioration of the suburban landscape.

More businesses have closed. More bars and restaurants are shuttered. More space available signs have sprung up on commercial properties. More unfilled potholes are proliferating on the highways. A once thriving Dairy Queen sits empty, slowly putrefying, just like the neighborhood surrounding it. The lights are mistimed at 69th Street, causing unnecessary traffic gridlock. Exasperated drivers trying to survive another commute to their soul crushing office jobs either fume silently or check the twitter feed on their iGadget. The people on the streets shuffling toward the ancient decrepit subway trains, smelling of urine and BO, look like they could be extras on The Walking Dead.

It is interesting the largest commercial footprint at 69th Street is occupied by our beloved Federal government. It seems putting  Army, Navy, and Marine recruitment centers all next to each other in the heart of one of the poorest areas in Pennsylvania is good for business. Nothing like luring low IQ boys with no job prospects into the military as cannon fodder for the military industrial complex. They’ve reduced the mental and physical requirements for recruits to such an extent, any mouth breather can make the grade. It does make you wonder how well our military would really perform against the Russians and/or Chinese.

Once I made it through the Milbourne speed trap and crossed the county line into Filthadelphia, the low-lights began to proliferate at a breakneck pace. As you navigate the 30 Blocks of Squalor beneath the Market/Frankfort El you can’t help wondering whether this is actually America or some third world hell hole city in Iraq or Syria. Along this boulevard of broken dreams, decay, debris, dilapidation and delusion rule the day. You are more likely to see a cop car than you are a woman with a wedding ring or a kid being walked to school by his father.

Words can’t possibly describe the level of foulness you experience driving from Cobbs Creek Parkway to 40th Street along Market St. The filth and squalor is rampant on every block. The few businesses operating must barely scrape by or are subsidized by taxpayer dollars extracted by the government. The employees must fear for their lives on a daily basis, as gunfire rings out on these blocks regularly. You look at the collapsing boarded hovels along this stretch of squalor and are convinced no one could possibly live there, and then you see the Direct TV satellite dish on the roof.

At 7:15 am on a weekday morning every business has their roll down metal gates fully engaged. In a civilized community where citizens abide by social mores of behavior, there is no need for roll down gates, barbed wire on fences, bars on windows, or an overwhelming police presence. West Philly has descended into a lawless, disgusting shithole where young male thugs and gangbangers operate outside the law like savages. The people who live here don’t care about there community as garbage piles up on their sidewalks, bullet holes are common in plate glass windows, and they somehow manage to all have the latest iPhone and Lebron sneakers.

It’s hard to comprehend the degradation of this community without seeing it in person. The putrification of this community continues unabated. Obama campaigned under the Market Frankford El in 2008, promising revitalization. The Obama 2009 porkulus plan poured millions into building low income housing and unnecessary zoo parking garages in order to keep his union vote firmly in hand.

In 2014 he declared the Mantua section a “Promise Zone”, promising more of your tax dollars to people unwilling and incapable of pulling themselves out of squalor. I’ve driven through these mean streets every day during this entire timeframe. I can guarantee you there has been absolutely no revitalization. Phony promises from a phony president and he got 103% of the votes in Mantua.

The poverty rate and true unemployment rate in these West Philly neighborhoods exceed 50%. Over 80% of the children are born out of wedlock. The crime rate is off the charts. The residents are functionally illiterate and completely dependent on the state for their sustenance. Drug dealing is the main form of commerce. There are as many vacant boarded up, dilapidated, crumbling fleapits as there are occupied eyesores. I’ve witnessed some of these pigsties fall down after a heavy rain. The steady deterioration of West Philly continues unabated as Democrat welfare policies encourage dependency, ignorance, sloth, and depravity.

Sink holes appear and are ignored for months by the less than pro-active government drones. They dig holes to fix whatever sewer or water line has broken underground, but feel no obligation to refill the holes. Gaping chasms in the middle of streets remain for months, as incompetent, uncaring, union government workers and their bureaucrat paper pushing apparatchik bosses care more about their gold plated pension plans and retaining their bennies than serving the public. Exploding water mains flood entire neighborhoods on a regular basis as city taxes are funneled to corrupt politicians and their cronies, rather than basic infrastructure needs.

On a recent morning trek, as I approached 49th street, I started to see high school students shuffling towards the six year old 170,000 square foot West Philly High School. With a cost exceeding $20 million, high tech labs, two gyms, all of the latest teaching accoutrements, and a low 15 to 1 student to teacher ratio, it surely must be a shining example of liberal educational excellence in action. Even that shining beacon of liberalism, Hillary Clinton, held a rally at this school last year. At least they made a good decision in making all the students wear a uniform – white shirts, tan pants, and ties. But, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it doesn’t make it a runway model.

You have a brand new school, modern computers, top notch science labs, and a low student to teacher ratio, but the ghetto culture and complete lack of fatherly responsibility keep these students ignorant and trapped in squalor. Does this sound like an educational success story?

  1. Enrollment has dropped from 893 when the school opened to 575 today.
  2. Less than 20% of the students meet the minimum standards for math and science, with less than 40% meeting minimum standards for reading.
  3. There are 659 public high schools in Pennsylvania and West Philly ranks 606. Trophies for everyone.
  4. 95% of the students are black, with 2.1% Hispanic. I wonder how welcome the 5 white students feel? Brawls, drugs and violence plague the hallways.
  5. 99.5% of the students get free breakfast and lunch.
  6. Taxpayers foot the $13,800 cost per student per year.
  7. Of the 300 or so urban scholars at West Philly High eligible to take the SAT exam in 2016, only 52 took the exam. These represent the “Rhodes Squalors” of the class. This cream of the crop averaged 1,057 on the three parts, well below the level which would predict they could score a C+ in college.

How is it that every student I saw had an iPhone in their hand, despite being desperately poor? Epic failure doesn’t sufficiently describe West Philly High. All the money in the world will not cure cultural degradation, political corruption and learned ignorance. Based on the latest national SAT results, our public educational system is a continued failure, despite spending over $15,000 per student per year. The more we spend educating our children the dumber they get. It almost appears like the goal of the government is to matriculate functionally illiterate, socially programmed, materialistic, consumer automatons into society.

Despite denials by black leaders, Democrat politicians, social justice warriors, and delusional deniers, there is a a direct correlation between educational success and fatherless families. The SAT scores by race tell the story. Only 20% of blacks and 31% of Latinos reach the already pitifully low averages for SAT scores. Do you think the fact 73% of black children are born out of wedlock versus 17% of Asian children has anything to do with these results? Two parent families provide an environment more conducive to educational achievement and higher lifetime earnings. That is an unequivocal fact.

2017 Mean SAT Scores, and Percentage Meeting Benchmarks, by Race and Ethnicity

Group Reading and Writing Mathematics Met Both Benchmarks
American Indian/Alaska Native 486 477 27%
Asian 569 612 70%
Black 479 462 20%
Latino 500 487 31%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 498 488 32%
White 565 553 59%

The black community is solely responsible for perpetuating this cycle of failure and welfare enslavement in conjunction with Democrat politicians in West Philly and hundreds of other urban shitholes throughout the country. In today’s hyper-political atmosphere it’s racist to blame the black community for their own immoral, reckless, unaccountable behavior, which has led to entrapment in squalor and poverty. The Democrat party has no intention of helping blacks succeed. Keeping them chained on a welfare plantation ensures their votes to keep their free shit coming. So they are left living in neighborhoods like this:

This is what 50 years of Great Society welfare programs and rule by Democrat politicians has wrought. Bombed out German cities after World War II looked better.

When the main businesses in the ghetto are bars, nail salons, fast food joints, and rodent exterminators, you understand why every revitalization plan rolled out by Democrat politicians with taxpayer dollars is a complete failure. No legitimate business will ever risk their own capital to open a business in West Philly. Rampant crime, a non-existent capable workforce, no disposable income, high wage and real estate taxes, and an aging declining population are not exactly a magnet for new businesses.

The most shocking observation when driving through the mean streets of West Philly is the overwhelming level of filth, garbage and debris rampant on every block. I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood and currently live in suburban neighborhood. My neighbors do not throw garbage on their lawns or in the street. Only people with no sense of community or basic sense of human decency would treat their neighborhood as if it was a garbage dump. Every day is trash day in West Philly. What self respecting human being just throws trash and garbage on the street where they live?

With a 50% unemployment rate and 90% on some form of government assistance, you would think some able bodied residents of West Philly could be put to work cleaning their community, repairing porches, painting homes, and generally improving the quality of life in their neighborhoods. Instead, they have been programmed by the liberal politicians in this city to wait for the government to solve all their problems, provide their housing, feed them, cloth them, clean their streets, insuring never ending dependency on the state. But somehow, half the automobiles on the streets are far more expensive than mine. Fascinating.

There is no exaggeration necessary to convey the level of degradation, dilapidation, and deprivation existent in West Philly, and particularly Obama’s “Promise Zone” of Mantua. I make a right turn onto Fairmount Avenue at 34th Street every morning on my way to work. I pass Freddy Grocery on this block at 7:30 am when its roll down steel gates are down. It is one of the very very few black owned businesses in the community. It seems a young black punk in a hoody shot the 48 year old lady owner last night at 8:30 in a robbery attempt. She is in critical condition and this misunderstood youth is still at large. He didn’t even take the money. Only a feral dog would do such a thing.

This store is on the same block as the infamous $28 million, gated, low income housing townhouse complex called Mantua Square, built with your tax dollars through Obama’s $800 billion porkulus plan. The wonderfully muraled MacMichel grade school for future inmates is also on this block. Mantua Square was built with eight retail store units on the ground floor. Mayor Nutter declared they would revitalize the neighborhood as commerce flourished. That was 2011. Six years later, not a single store has an operating business. Not one. I wonder why. Maybe entrepreneurs don’t want to be murdered in cold blood by one of the neighborhood einsteins.

The mural above was also on my daily route going home from work on 37th Street. The one truth I can guarantee is – the more murals in the neighborhood the more dangerous the neighborhood. This mural portrays a complete falsehood. The kids in this neighborhood aren’t reaching for the stars. They’re reaching for their guns and drugs. There are no fathers in their lives. They have no worthy role models in their lives.

Obama declared their community a “Promise Zone” years ago. Nothing has changed. Murder, drugs and learned ignorance continue to be the culture. Meanwhile, Obama their black savior, is giving speeches on Wall Street for $400,000. The blatant hypocrisy of liberal politicians is awe inspiring. It’s fitting the building with that mural was knocked down as part of the Mantua redevelopment plan and is now an empty, garbage strewn, vacant lot, just like most of this forlorn wasteland of squalor. At the end of this block is another example of worthless liberal ideas and government waste.

I pass the ironically named Mantua Urban Peace Garden every night on the way home. First off, only a community garden in West Philly would need to have locked gates surrounding it. Secondly, the residents of Mantua have nothing to do with this supposed garden. It is 100% funded with taxpayer dollars and run by the horticultural society.

I can honestly attest to never seeing one black person working in that garden in all the years I’ve been working in West Philly. I’ve seen some older white women, but I’m guessing they were employees of the horticultural society. This is nothing but virtue signaling by the corrupt politicians of Philadelphia. This is what a community garden would really look like if created by the fine people of West Philly.

I have some miscellaneous observations which may give some further insight into the culture of West Philly. On one particularly annoying morning, the traffic on Market Street was jammed more than normal. Dozens of cars in front of me crawled slowly from stoplight to stoplight. As I sat in line at 42nd street I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a 30ish black woman with big hair and no wedding ring in a brand new Lexus SUV yapping loudly on her iGadget.

As all the drivers waited patiently for the light, she suddenly accelerated into a non-existent left lane to a left turning lane ten cars ahead. But she had no intention of turning left. When the light turned green she accelerate back into the right lane. I just smiled and made my standard comment to myself regarding black drivers in West Philly.

I’ve seen too many black drivers recklessly, illegally, and without consideration for others do whatever they feel like on the streets of West Philly. A culture of not following social norms or respecting the rights of others is ingrained in the squalorites. Impulse control appears to be a problem for many of the residents of West Philly.

Some of the stuff I see just can’t be conjured up. At the corner of Mantua Ave and 34th Street, where I make a left to go home, a black dude with a white van parks, sets up wood planks, and puts out dozens of watermelons for sale on a regular basis. Sometimes stereotypes are true. Last week I saw a black woman get out of her red Cadillac Escalade and buy a big old watermelon. I doubt the dude has a license to sell watermelons on a street corner. I do appreciate his entrepreneurial spirit, compared to the other 99% of West Philly residents.

Last week I witnessed something I never expected at the corner of 34th & Girard Ave. as I waited to make my left turn. There is usually a beggar at this intersection walking among the four lanes of traffic. This time I had to look twice as a large black man carried six or seven plastic containers among the traffic. I did a double take as I realized he was trying to sell baby turtles to commuters. I’m not sure about his marketing plan, but I give him credit for trying to make money, just as some guys who buy a couple cases of water on 90 degree days and sell bottles to drivers.

Finally, on Friday I got out of my car in my parking garage and got in the elevator. When the doors opened in the lobby, there was a soiled, homeless black man sleeping on the bench in the lobby. This is supposed to be the safe part of West Philly. But safety is relative. He may have been a harmless guy or he could have been an angry, drug crazed, mentally deranged man seeking a victim. This is representative of Philadelphia in general. The politicians have been promoting gentrification of Center City and other formerly dangerous neighborhoods.

The politicians and moneyed white people who think they can live in the “nice” upper class neighborhoods of high rises and doormen safe from the undesirables (aka black people) are badly mistaken. The criminals know where they live. They know they have the money. Upper class white liberals are always shocked when one of their own is mugged, raped or shot. They will reap what they have sowed. Liberal welfare policies implemented over decades have created a grand canyon level gap between the haves and have nots in Philly and other urban enclaves around the country.

There is no implementable solution which would be willingly agreed to by corrupt, liberal, feeble minded, politician plantation owners and their slaves on the welfare plantation. Decades of dependency, ignorance, and fatherless households have created an unfixable culture. Forcing the residents of West Philly to value education, get jobs, and pay for their own food and housing is simply not in the cards. Until our unsustainable debt based welfare/warfare state experiences its inevitable implosion, there will be no improvement or positive change on the 30 Blocks of Squalor. So remember to duck.

Image result for welcome to philadelphia duck mutha

“One of the consequences of such notions as ‘entitlements’ is that people who have contributed nothing to society feel that society owes them something, apparently just for being nice enough to grace us with their presence.”Thomas Sowell

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Notify of
October 9, 2017 3:00 pm

Retroactive eugenics

May 6, 2024 7:31 pm

4th trimester abortion

October 9, 2017 3:09 pm

Admin., there has to be several black churches along the 30 Blocks Of Squalor. What are they doing to reverse the decline in their neighborhood? Perhaps you could interview the Pastors and ask them that question? The pictures you posted of the neighborhood are very disturbing and sad. I just got done reading William Forstchen’s book “One Second After”. If our enemies ever hit us with a EMP weapon, the residents of West Philly will be the first to die off.

October 9, 2017 3:12 pm

Don’t even THINK about parking in the 30 blocks..Just keep driving

[imgcomment image[/img]

May 7, 2024 3:01 pm

Its genetic.

October 9, 2017 3:30 pm

Values not culture

October 9, 2017 4:04 pm

Ghost Busters?

October 9, 2017 4:12 pm

Because they are smarter and work harder and value education?

Nah, could not be that. A disproportionate are Jewish, too. Smarter. Work harder. Value education. Bingo, the lifetime jackpot is the result.

But, shhhh, do not tell the “others”. They may catch on that it is not a conspiracy, but is related to personal responsibility.

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
October 9, 2017 5:27 pm

Such an ridiculous overrepresention could never simply be “hard-work.” 2% of the overall population, yet 25% of Yale and Harvard’s student body? That’s not the least bit suspicious? because statistically, that’s extremely suspicious.


  Mr. Frosty
October 9, 2017 9:36 pm

Mr Frosty – given a recent study shows Jews have an IQ average of 115, which is a massive advantage over whites,with an average of 100, and given that they are more like 6% of the population in the NE, and given students do not tend to go far away to school, given their work ethic and belief in education, that they are 25% of the student body at say Harvard is not at all surprising.

Check out Stanford Jewish %. Not nearly so high. Why? Less Jews on the west coast. They are primarily on the east coast.

A fifteen point IQ difference puts the average Jew smarter than 84% of whites. That means in the NE, 20 percent of the top 15% of IQs are Jews. (6% of the population, average is 115, = 3 percent of the population (Jews) in top 15% of IQs, = Jews are 20% of the top 15%.). Easy peasy to explain. No conspiracy theory needed. Same thing would go for Asians, who are the most remarkable workers you have ever seen when it comes to education.

And then add in work ethic, etc. It is clear why they are 25 percent of the best qualified students at precstigious NE schools.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 7, 2024 7:42 am

And yet, with all that intelligence, they still killed Messiah.

And so we SEE that intelligence is in no way related to morality. That your intelligence can be totally blinded by evil and your immoral passions inflamed.

This is what has happened to the vast majority of those supporting Hamas. Most people simply lack the strength and will to resist temptation every minute of every day. The rest simply do not care or refuse to accept the very concept of morality. At least THAT sort is easy to spot…and they are all over this board.

May 7, 2024 3:04 pm

Mr Frosty – given a recent study shows Jews have an IQ average of 115, which is a massive advantage over whites,

A study by Weinstein and Jewbert?

The Chinese publish studies which claim they all have high iqs…..

Science still have that 70% study replication crisis?

May 8, 2024 9:05 pm

Nope. That 115 score goes back to 1957 and is based on a small sample from 38 percent of the 5494 students in private schools. The average IQ of Israel is 95, hence their reliance on handouts from the US and German.

Simplicus Carpenterius / framius stupidicus
Simplicus Carpenterius / framius stupidicus
May 6, 2024 10:42 pm

Its more complicated than that . We have too many over educated ,over payed , under productive( in any real sense of the word ,like producing goods and services that people need to live/ ” commodities “if you like )people in this country .Its even been given names ,so I”m not the only one to be of this opinion , one that I can think of off the top of my head is ” elite over production ” . Yeah , everything is far too top heavyin America currently , like an inverted pyramid ,so its inherently unstable . A lot of those people you think ” worked so hard ” to be successful are in reality just gaming a flawed system . Hey your right though in that it still does take a certain level of intelligence and dilligence to game a system well . People tell me I’m biased for this opinion about the state of things, and they of course are entitled to that opinion . All I know is if we had more of the stuff we need and less fake money and bureaucrats , human resource people , and general all around button pushers and paper shufflers we’d probably be better off .

g lundgren
g lundgren
October 9, 2017 4:14 pm

The title caught my attention, then the content was about about one speific neighborhood while I waiting for all the porno ads to surface and tried to read. This is the MOST AOYING web site I have ever been to and will never return.

My comment is that the well educated are exactly the same as the title eludes to. A New York City Fine Art educated woman of early-mid thirties talks all the time, all day long. Regardless of the fact that she is the owner of the business, she begins every other sentence with I feel….I feel….I feel. No ‘thoughts’ only emotions. My seven year old, second granddaughter is also saying I feel, when she actually has an opinion or a fact to share. She attends a fine public school in a well to do neighborhood, that is know for the gifted children. Difficult program with homework on the first day of kindergarten and every day since.

This reply section I completely difficult to use. Please find another place to publish you thoughtful work.

Miles Long
Miles Long
  g lundgren
October 9, 2017 4:57 pm

AdBlock works wonders.


  g lundgren
October 9, 2017 6:35 pm

“MOST AOYING web site”


The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 7, 2024 7:46 am

Smell that, Bill? Smells like someone died.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  g lundgren
October 9, 2017 10:37 pm

The porno ads are the best part.

Harrington Richardson-Biden Swirls The Shitter
Harrington Richardson-Biden Swirls The Shitter
  Iska Waran
May 7, 2024 8:54 am

DANG! I don’t get any porno ads!

  g lundgren
May 6, 2024 7:27 pm

To What are You alluding ?

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 9, 2017 4:51 pm

TJF, Same symptoms, different causes?

  Miles Long
October 10, 2017 11:19 am

Could very well be different causes as they are certainly very different locations and people. I was just trying to point out that the rot is not contained only to the large inner city ghettos.

October 9, 2017 5:04 pm

Kick the damn door in and the whole rotten structure will collapse.

October 9, 2017 5:36 pm


It was first image I found. Wouldn’ta thought though hella would be the word that got the cackles. Anyways Nova Scotia is long way from NorCal. If I offended someone without the intention. Great! That is why I come here in first place.

Must google “hella” in urban dictionary….

Will get back to you…

Cheers Varmit for the heads up,


October 10, 2017 11:38 am

Hella is an American slang term that originated in East Oakland, California, but has since spread to become native slang to all of northern California.[1] It is used as an adverb such as in “hella bad” or “hella good” and was eventually added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2002.[1][2] It is possibly a contraction of the phrase “hell of a” or “hell of a lot [of]”, in turn reduced to “hell of”,[2] though some scholars doubt this etymology since its grammatical usage does not align with those phrases.[1] It often appears in place of the words “really”, “a lot”, “totally”, “very”, and in some cases, “yes”. Whereas hell of a is generally used with a noun, according to linguist Pamela Munro, hella is primarily used to modify an adjective such as “good”.[3]
According to lexicographer Allan A. Metcalf, the word is a marker of northern California dialect.[4] According to Colleen Cotter, “Southern Californians know the term … but rarely use it.” Sometimes the term grippa is used to mock “NorCal” dialect, with the actual meaning being the opposite of hella.[5]

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 7, 2024 7:55 am

Great. More nigger slang. No wonder America is an open air toilet.

It’s true what they say…familiarity breeds contempt.

October 9, 2017 6:07 pm

Every couple of years Darby gets flooded out and in effect has to start all over again on the depravity cycle. West Philly, being on higher ground, never gets a reset

October 9, 2017 6:11 pm

I know this area well also. I graduated from Saint Joseph’s University in 1987, and though the area was not great then, it has plunged deeper into squalor every year. I haven’t ridden the thirty blocks in years, and have no intention of doing so now. My grandmother grew up at 41st and Girard Ave., where my first generation German immigrant great grandparents owned a bakery. She took me by the former location when I was a kid, and even then I couldn’t believe how bad it was vs. pictures she had shown me of the neighborhood before it’s demise. You can still get a sense of that previous glory, when you look at the remnants of the turn of the 20th century architecture that remain; it was a beautiful section of the city.

October 9, 2017 6:28 pm

Who will I call if sick,perhaps if not too bad/painful/infected with say red streaks going towards me heart,probably no one.I have a true emergency then will call a ambulance or have a friend take me to a ER,a mild but irritant ect. that won’t go away,may check in with a doc(non ER) to make sure nothing that could get worse or if something could get worse get treatment and nip in bud!

October 9, 2017 7:45 pm

That guy was wearing an employee badge. He is obviously on the clock. The company name is likely on the badge if you want to take names in case of watermelon poisoning.

Ms. Ciscero
Ms. Ciscero
October 9, 2017 10:05 pm

Grit, authentic landscapes and coolness won’t overcome this;

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 9, 2017 10:30 pm

Yup. James Baldwin – the black Marty Feldman – was too.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 9, 2017 10:56 pm

Vouchers have the potential of tearing down their evil empire and building a functioning education system.

October 9, 2017 11:01 pm

Hello Bilco!

Welcome to commenting on a top ten website.
I love it here, and it is the best.

October 9, 2017 11:07 pm

That can not happen. Should some try your plan?
Beat to a pulp/or shot. Punishment for “acting white.”

Though I am sure everybody likes to see the smiling
watermelon man. Everyone loves melons. I wonder
if he is armed?

October 9, 2017 11:15 pm

Actually Pyrrhus, I vote the South side of Chi-town is worse.
I was there. My own eyes. Apt. with a filthy bare mattress,
and hypos all over the floor. Babies screaming, then given cola
and a bag of unrefrigerated hot dogs from the plastic wrapper.

Don’t ask.

October 9, 2017 11:37 pm

Teachers abandon their “career” goals and do
something else to earn some dough. That, or have
a broken hearted nervous breakdown.

October 9, 2017 11:40 pm

I agree Maggie, the beast will be partially eaten,
then abandoned. No poncho.

October 9, 2017 11:42 pm

Pretty sweet “solution” there my dear.

October 9, 2017 11:44 pm


I'll Never Tell
I'll Never Tell
October 9, 2017 11:47 pm

I had a Black sweetheart once and we were well matched until suddenly like political matter and anti-matter an explosion occurred when I praised the Martin Luther movie I’d just watched and she became incensed when I didn’t agree that Martin Luther King Jr was a greater man. Black Racism is stronger than Love; had to let that bird go.

October 10, 2017 12:06 am

everyone in on the plan to destroy America…we are not
finished being looted yet tho…there is still private pension $
and 401Ks etc. to be ripped off.

The $ spent by gov to support the “entitled” that shit on their
own lawn? It isn’t really “tax” $. Gov creates it by borrowing/
printing into existence. Really bad.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 6, 2024 9:41 pm

…not finished looting…


October 10, 2017 12:54 am

True to an extent. I left the city for a teeny town. Working types
have 2 and 3 jobs actually. Yet people are cheerful and kind, even
if I am an “outsider.” What I have learned is that most of the people
went to grade school together and/are related to each other.
It is a gas.

It is fabulous to live in the middle of nowhere, relaxing my mind,
doing my thing, and no shootings…big robberies, constant sirens,
violence. It is quiet. I love it. But it is not for everyone. One
horse town…there is no stop light here…one stop light in
the bigger tiny town 12 mi. away. Big difference from the shake-
rattle-and roll of <1 million city I was used to.

God/The Power of Good/Bless you all fair TBP'ers.
Thanks for the excellent writing and word pictures Admin.!!


Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron
May 7, 2024 5:06 pm

Enjoy the remoteness while you can … it might not last.

We lived on the Oregon Coast for 9 years … and after just 3 years the wetbacks began to appear in sizable numbers. The local community was rather wealthy … and, out of the blue one weekend, more than a dozen very high end houses were looted. Two weeks later, 19 were looted … and it repeated again and again.

The local law enforcement, with outside help (the 75 square mile area had about 1500 full-time residents), discovered the truth: the mexican ‘cleaning people’ were from Portland, and would go home and tell their homies about the fancy and expensive stuff in the rich, White enclave. Well … it’s no great leap to see what happened: the homies decided to utilize the ‘intelligence reports’ from their fellows in the cleaning end, and rob unattended/unoccupied houses on weekends.

And, of course, the whole rest of mexican culture came along with it … the welfare, the Section 8 housing, the crime and the grime … 

October 10, 2017 2:43 am

what a fucking sodomite.

October 10, 2017 3:58 am


I didn’t take your “fantasy” remark as an insult. Thanks for being gracious.

October 10, 2017 4:14 am


“….my solution is a Revolution.”

I would remark that my 10 points is, in essence, a Revolution. However, I have longgggg believed the only solution to the feral government is hemp and lead.

In short, “Revolution” ala Lexington Green and Concord Bridge, is the only way to return to Freedom and Liberty. Stuck….we see eye-to-eye on this.

October 10, 2017 5:04 am

Mix birth control chemicals with opiates, let anyone have as many pills as they want. Free.
You’d need male & female versions, different hormones.
Pink & blue pills, maybe some other colors for the confused.

Tom S.
Tom S.
October 10, 2017 8:06 am

Your “blocks of squalor” updates cause me one of two emotions. 1) you have my sincere sadness that you – who seems to be a good guy- are stuck living in that area, or 2) astonishment that you would voluntarily choose to live there. I spent some time there 30 years back with my ne’er do well cousin who lived in that area, and even then it was a hell hole well on its way to total desolation. Your updates serve to prove my suspicions right.

But you hit on a very valid point – well lots of them – but the one about lack of fathers is the most critical, I think. My kids go to a charter school that is roughly 60% black, 20% foreign-born, and 20% white. While it is not perfect by any means, the academic performance is damn good, and the discipline is pretty good as well. But, when you go to school functions, you see … mother/father/children nuclear families, mostly working & middle class. Yeah, there are cultural differences, but that’s actually pretty minor, and far outweighed by the things we have in common, i.e. trying to pay the bills, and keep your family and your kids straight and good in this screwed up world. THAT, more than economics, genetics, or anything else, makes the difference.

Tom S
Tom S
October 11, 2017 9:29 am

Good to know that Admin. My faith is restored! BTW I have 1.5 siblings in that general area, but they are lucky enough to not have to go into the Pit of Darkness every day.

Two if by sea.
Two if by sea.
  Tom S
May 7, 2024 10:28 pm

1.5 siblings?

October 10, 2017 1:33 pm

Awww get me one of those baby turtles next time.

October 10, 2017 6:18 pm

These are easily among my favorite ( and most forwarded) essays on TBP. There is nothing more insightful than the genuine and heartfelt sadness and disgust purveyed by your observations of the squalor you occasionally trek through.

If we could only somehow elicit some grad epiphany from these people that the liberal, welfare state and its subsequent dependency is the dems slick, modern form of slavery and control of them.

From Dem owned plantations, to 100 years of fighting against civil rights, from Jim Crowe to the KKK–they are all instruments to control and create a permanent dependent black populace in these plantation ghettos. All are Dem machinations–and the non-thinking ghetto-ites will continue to vote democrat as they are instilled with a learned helplessness and victim mentality. Only some grand epiphany or collapse of the welfare entitlements will end this travesty.

October 10, 2017 8:11 pm

“And how can that be done, on a mass scale, except by an economy that creates vastly more wealth”

Sowell is misguided here. An economy does not “create more wealth” – it is merely the sum of its inputs – productive labor and capital investment. When such a large percentage of the population is unwilling or unable to engage in productive labor and capital misallocation is tucked under the rug, even rewarded, what economy can create wealth on a mass scale?

Our economy has Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
October 10, 2017 9:29 pm

Ironically they are well built houses, once lived in by hard working people, who maintained them out of pride. Built with a craftsmanship you no longer see today. My grandfather, who fought in WWI, owned a bar at 17th and Gerard. During WWII he took a good look around and knew he had to get the fuck out of there. You can’t stop progress, even when it’s all downhill…down to the lowest common denominator. Now here we are, rock bottom.

October 11, 2017 10:39 am

I worked (played sheepshead) at the US post office a few years back and before direct deposit. I sorted mail for one zip code and my buddy another. On the 3rd day of the month I would always get 5 checks to sort for my zip code. I knew their names and adresses. My buddy got thousands of checks to sort for his zip code. I played cards while my buddy worked. I quit that job.

bart simpsonson
bart simpsonson
October 11, 2017 2:17 pm

We (I use the term loosely here, as a white senior citizen Michigan Yooper) did not get to this point quickly. It took several generations, ramping up with, or about the time of, LBJ’s “Great Society”. The point is that fathers at home will not do ANY good for these generations, because they are no better than their fatherless (and often motherless) progeny. It will take future generations of fathers to assimilate themselves and by entension, their families, and demonstrate good impulse control, as well as future generations of mothers doing the same. It seems more and more, that wherever too many africans are, Africa IS……..to everyone’s detriment.

October 11, 2017 9:35 pm

I have a solution. A modest proposal, really. Let’s take the incarcerated ones and feed them to the merely lazy ones.
And pour as much saltpeter as possible into the water and food there.

October 11, 2017 10:51 pm

Google Street View 4200 Woodland Ave Phila Pa. The Gateway to Snow Flake City. The snowflakes have gate keepers.

March 2, 2020 5:24 am

I will email Admin as well as comment here, but I was looking for a link to one of Admin’s 30 Blocks of Squalor articles and I discovered I can only FIND two of them here. And, that the link provided in this one above is broken.

Now, if Admin has decided to compile them into a book and sell those books, count me in. But if information is being misfiled for the purpose of misdirecting our searches on the site, please let TMWNN know and tell me how to offer a link to one of your pieces from Philadelphia.


Can anyone else give me a link to 30 Blocks of Ho Ho Hoes?

  M G
March 2, 2020 5:41 am
March 2, 2020 6:01 am

Those are the only ones… and I can’t get to the ones linked. I get “Page Not Found”

Look in the search box and look what I got back?

comment image

Where are the Master’s Pieces?

May 6, 2024 7:33 pm

24 Time Zones of Squalor

May 6, 2024 8:32 pm

I use the term NIGGERHOLE from time to time here.
This piece is the very definition of a niggerhole.

May 6, 2024 8:42 pm

I remember that one from years ago.

You are more likely to see a cop car than you are a woman with a wedding ring or a kid being walked to school by his father.

Lol ouch!

May 6, 2024 9:50 pm

When raised with those odds, no wonder the problem simply grows.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
May 6, 2024 8:53 pm

You’re a phrikken genius 👏

Haha…”grade school for future inmates”…..”squalorites”

Did you get avalon a turtle or a watermelon? Rollin with you, my guess is she deserves both, 😆!

If written today, would the only part that needed to be updated be the cost of the SUVs?

May 6, 2024 9:25 pm

Harvard has a 14% Black enrollment of Victimhood. A recent Cambridge PhD student did some research and found (surprise) that had merit been the deciding enrollment factor instead of Victimhood, the Harvard Black population would be .7%. But they did manage to even better the Black % in America by a basis point.

BTW, that student may have to go elsewhere for his studies as the school DEI officials feel he does not fit in with his schools agenda over merit, like Harvard.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 6, 2024 9:25 pm

WATERMELONS!!! HOW FITTING. Reminds me of the NYC Banker shooting you know who picking watermelons at a hunting lodge in AL. Gets arrested.


  lamont cranston
May 6, 2024 9:54 pm

You should rewrite that joke, it’s a good one but not too easy to understand.

Harrington Richardson-Biden Swirls The Shitter
Harrington Richardson-Biden Swirls The Shitter
  lamont cranston
May 7, 2024 9:15 am

Reminds me of an old joke. Southern Sheriff is called to the lake. They have pulled out a dead Black man wrapped in chains. The Sheriff says,”Ain’t that just like a …..r, steal more chain than you can swim with.”

May 6, 2024 9:44 pm

Avalon – Thank you for finding this. Admin – Masterfully written. It’s almost as if I were there. Thank goodness I wasn’t and sorry you had to be. Glad you made it out alive.

May 6, 2024 9:54 pm

He had to “make it out alive” several times over the years.

May 6, 2024 9:48 pm

Admin, if I remember correctly, you moved or switched jobs? Or something happened that you no longer have to ever take the 30 Blocks of Squalor detour again. I sure hope you have thanked the Lord several times for your good fortune, I think you’d be dead by now.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 6, 2024 9:50 pm

.Ah…memory lane; the West Wakanda wonderland. The good old days before the Pestilence.

It makes Auntie so nostalgic and sentimental.