A “State of Devolution”

Guest Post by Eric Peters

What are styled “conspiracy theories” are often compelling because they seem at least plausible – and when you combine that with the hope that they might be factual you have what is styled a “state of devolution.”

This is the conspiracy theory that Trump is in fact still president (never mind he’s running for president) and that everything that’s happened since the 2020 election has been part of a carefully orchestrated script by the “white hats” to “expose” the corruption and treason of those who stole the election . . . by letting them steal it. And then letting them pretend to run things while Trump and “the military” – led by Mark Miley, whom you’ll note is still chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and was appointed by Trump.

It is all part of the operation, you see. “Narratives” are being “deployed.” They – the “black hats” – are being “exposed.”

Wait. It gets better.

Trump is also not the guy who is responsible for turning the country into a continental prison; he left that up to the “black hats” who control the states, the better to “expose” their nefariousness. Never mind that it was Trump who declared the emergency that enabled the “Warp Speeding” of mRNA drugs that were exempted from the usual lengthy process of safety testing before they were pushed on people. No one was ever forced to take the drugs, you see. It was up to people to choose whether to take them. Including, apparently, the minor children who were forced to take them by their adult parents – who didn’t want to take them out of the schools that required kids to be injected in order to be allowed to return to school. And never mind that most of the adults had to choose between keeping their job (and possibly, food on the table) or keeping their bodily integrity.

Never mind the people in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines who were told to accept being jabbed – or be dishonorably discharged.

None of this was Trump’s doing.

It was all done by nefarious forces (true) that Trump did nothing to stop; nefarious people – such as Drs. Fauci and Wolensky – whom Trump enabled. But it was all part of the operation, you see.

Take care to note that proper insignia was missing from the uniforms of the “soldiers” who performed the 21 gun salute for the imposter who pretends to be president.

Farther and farther down the rabbit hole we go. But is there a white rabbit down there?

It’s easy to understand the appeal of “devolution.” It is the same appeal that appeals to anyone who is desperate to believe the facts are other than they appear, because the facts that are cannot be digested.

How is it possible that a hair-plugged ancient grifter “won” the election with more votes for him than were cast for Barry Obama? Who – irrespective of whether one likes or doesn’t like him – was genuinely popular? How could that senile old grifter – who hid in his basement for most of 2020 – have won over Trump, who (irrespective of whether one likes or doesn’t like him) drew huge crowds of supporters at every rally?

And how could they be allowed to get away with stealing the election so blatantly – so “in our faces”? It is an outrage!

Indeed, it is.

And that is why it’s so easy – such a relief – to believe in “devolution.” The country has not been hijacked by a gang of Marxist thugs and their coterie of useful idiots. The country is in safe hands. The gang of Marxist thugs and grifters is being slowly, inexorably maneuvered into a corner from which they’ll not be able to escape the wrath of sweet justice.

Just wait!

You’ll see!

What the devolutionists don’t see, of course, is objective reality. That Mark Miley (if a fart had a face, it’d be his) is indeed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and does not work for Trump. He works for the hair-plugged grifter who took the job from Trump. But never mind that! Miley is “special forces” and participated in Robin Sage – a training program for operations . . .

And that’s true – in a sense. Just not the sense the devolutionists think it is. There is a lot of money to be made selling hopium. Lots of clicks; lots of redirects to our sponsors.

Buy Gold Now.

It’s worth a mention that one of the head devolutionists is a guy named (appropriately) Kash Patel, who was a third-string functionary in the waning days of Trump’s last year as president. He and others like him – Dinesh D’ Souza’s another – have made bank on making people think Trump’s still in charge and the operator behind the scenes.

And that’s how “devolution” really works. And it’s worked really well, so far.

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May 22, 2024 5:27 pm

And now , Sundance with the bad news is aktually good report , enjoy the show.

May 22, 2024 5:42 pm

Dr’s Birx & Fauci lied to Trump. Trump knows this. His ego will never let him admit it publicly.

You would think a guy that owns casino’s could spot a play on the mark.

comment image

May 22, 2024 8:44 pm

One might think since there’s always someone else to blame Mr. Trump would admit it thus blaming everyone but himself. I really cannot figure out why he does not do so unless he is one of “them’. To go against the grain could be detrimental though as he might not be Selected this time.

May 23, 2024 7:23 am

Breaking News: Trump wasn’t selected last time!

May 23, 2024 11:03 am

All of the presidents in our lifetimes have been selected.

May 23, 2024 7:22 am

Yeah Trump’s problem is he was a naive politician that had never held any elected office before, understood there was a swamp, but not how deep and wide the swamp was and that he believed the wrong people and as a narcissist will never admit he was fooled or wrong, but that doesn’t mean he is a puppet.
To believe that you would have to believe Trump agreed to have himself and his family shamed with sexual stories, to have his rally interrupted by the Feds who killed and imprisoned his followers, his reputation besmirched, willing to endure two fake impeachments, to be called a sedition, insurrectionist and traitor and to endure multiple criminals and civil trials that were fixed, then have his money stolen with bogus excessive fines and judgments along with legal costs, even have his life threatened by the Government with lethal force, all to have another term as President so he can do their bidding!

May 23, 2024 11:05 am

He is an actor, a clown barker that will be paid billions for his treason to the USA and his loyalty to the jews. He doesn’t give a shit about anything you listed.

May 23, 2024 11:01 am

Trump is completely owned and controlled by jews, period. His entire life he has surrounded himself with them, they run all of his corporations and organizations, they are his own family, he filled his cabinet and administration with them. He associated with the Russian jew mafia throughout his career, the rothchilds bailed him out of bankruptcy and own his ass. He is a jew, WAKE THE F*CK UP!!!

May 23, 2024 11:28 pm

No wonder he got along so well with Putin! who is 6/7 that on jew-iness scale

I’d thrown in some other leaders but I don’t know where to start. It’s hard to find any other than pure functionaries who won’t surprise you with more and more jewish connections.

May 23, 2024 6:06 pm

That’s another of the Q tard lies: OWS saved us from being locked down for ten years!

May 24, 2024 1:58 am

Trying to rationlise the fact that Trump is one of them and YOU have been lied to and will not admit it sucker LOL.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 22, 2024 5:51 pm

You vote for him if you want to. You’ll get exactly what you deserve. More accurately, you’ll get MORE of what you deserve.

Can’t wait to see the tears!

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 22, 2024 8:40 pm

Yeah the Central Sodomizer is a Brandon fan…so there’s that.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 22, 2024 10:47 pm

Not a fan of either side but for once in his life TCS is right. You are going to get it good and hard. Better that Brandon gets in then there will be a least some opposition- not the congress but the common people. If Trump gets in the only opposition will be to the few good things Trump tries to do- if he does any. Only the government will wins- you will be fucked.

May 23, 2024 6:07 pm

Trump might get a few things right; Biden will destroy the country. Neither of these fools is going to change the final result.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 24, 2024 11:29 am

So why soil your white robes by participating in this pagan ritual of public self flagellation we call voting? As I see it, it is beneath the station of any man to submit to such humiliation.

Time for us to admit that, collectively, we broke it a long time ago.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 23, 2024 7:07 am

I can see you are a Biden Trans-man!
Don’t vote Trump, only leaves vote Biden, or are you a RFK jr supporter? Another radical leftist with an ever more radical left VP?

May 23, 2024 11:08 am

They are all enemies of the American people and the CONSTITUTION FOR THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA. WAKE THE F*CK UP.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
May 23, 2024 5:46 pm

Only bots think in terms of binary choices. I’m a free man. I do what the hell I want and I DON’T color inside the lines.

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 23, 2024 11:06 am


  The Central Scrutinizer
May 24, 2024 2:02 am

I must say, I ain’t too keen on this Central Scrotumizer geezer, but he is spot on with this comment. But as for the “tears”? No – the dumbfucks here will deny that they have been screwed over again and claim their orange messiah is playing 59 dimensional chess. LOL

  The Central Scrutinizer
May 24, 2024 9:13 am

Yeah, I am not voting for Trump. He’s bad. I am voting for the other guy. Not Biden either. He’s bad. I am voting for the other guy. Forget RFK,Jr. He’s bad. I am voting for the other guy.

Jackie Puppet
Jackie Puppet
May 22, 2024 6:23 pm

That Mark Miley (if a fart had a face, it’d be his) is indeed the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and does not work for Trump.


It’s truly sad that after 3 1/2 years of Biden really fucking up America, that there are those who still “trust the plan”.

What is Jeff Sessions up to these days anyway?

  Jackie Puppet
May 22, 2024 8:10 pm

Stealth Jeff! Didn’t Fatboy Brian Cates push that?

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
May 22, 2024 6:31 pm

Eric is channeling Nancy Lieder at zetatalk.com.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  lamont cranston
May 23, 2024 6:26 am

Nice reference.

2002 seems like yesterday.

May 22, 2024 7:43 pm

Buy Gold Now.


Wise, more tradable items?

Magnesium fire starters.
Bottles of distilled alcohol.
Bottles of poisoned alcohol.
Bags of Dryer lint.
Mosquito nets.
Bottles of quinine capsules.
Bottles of tylenol.
Ammunition as many rounds as you can get.
Cheap revolver pistols and ammo.

My guess?
If you had a big pile of these items and a tribe to help you protect it?
Your suffering levels will be way lower than the guy with a bunch of gold and silver, who only wants a burrito.

May 23, 2024 7:25 am

Don’t let anyone know you have any of that or a bigger tribe from the city will take it all from you, and kill you in the process when SHTF

May 22, 2024 7:51 pm

OK……Im confused by the ending of piece.
Are half-nigger dotheads running the show behind the scene ?

May 23, 2024 11:10 am

Pretty sure he’s a jew.

May 22, 2024 7:52 pm

Operation Warpspeed. His fault.

May 23, 2024 6:09 pm

And even the crazies behind Covid are pumping out the limited hangout apologies. The Dems will hang it on Trump and he’ll walk right into it.

May 24, 2024 6:37 pm

Well, if that is the one thing that really bothers you, ain’t no changing your mind.
Cause it is not true.
You think they didn’t already have that in the pipeline to hang around his neck? They put it in his ear that it would make him a revered hero. Had a cool name, too. “Operation Warpspeed”
Prolly why he hasn’t walked it back.

May 22, 2024 8:08 pm

Umm not to nitpick the vibe, but milley vanilley is no longer Chairman of joint chefs. The negro racist chair force guy is in charge now, and hates whites pipo.

Other than that buy popcorn and enjoy the show.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
May 22, 2024 9:17 pm

How about a state of capture, Eric. The federal government and many states are occupied.

Ursel Doran
Ursel Doran
May 22, 2024 11:37 pm

Trump’s Kangaroo court and the Judge that should be disbarred reviewed very well by an old pro.
“Today there is no check on partisan reporting of trials and exaggerations and personal opinions are rampant. The American public is the loser.” 

Simplicus Carpenterius / framius stupidicus
Simplicus Carpenterius / framius stupidicus
May 23, 2024 12:44 am

I seem to remember Trump publicly supporting alternative therapeutics like hydroxy and ” horse paste ” ( ivermectin )and ultra Violet light of all things (BTW why is there a blue light emanating down on my hand from some of those blower hand dryers in the gas station bathrooms?) . I also seem to remember that the vax didn’t roll out till after Biden stole the election . Here is another thing many just don’t seem to get , and that is that the permanent bureaucratic state , the diplomatic core ( State dept / CIA), and domestic intelligence services like the FBLie etc think that it is them that set policy and essentially run the government and to hell with any president who doesn’t get that and get in line with that . Not only will they find “six ways from Sunday “to get back at them for daring to challenge their unconstitutional self professed right to rule over us but they will also find 1000 ways to drag their feet and tie you up in red tape administratively should you try to do anything that cuts into their filthy lucre or diminishes their grip on power .
As someone else here has offered I think it highly likely Trumps yuge ego and what is considered political expediency(” never admit you made a mistake “, which I think is absurd but I’m not a politician ) just cant publicly admit he got rolled on that one .
In my opinion we are at defcon 1 here with the damn border invasion , no hyperbole. I’m willing to take a chance on supporting Trump just n that one issue .. Do what you want, believe what you want , but I think we dont have very long to wait before we begin to see just exactly what those millions of military age men were brought into the country to do by the absolute traitorous ( again no hyperbole ) Biden regime .Unfuckingbelievable ?!? Its gonna be a helluva fight .

Iska Waran
Iska Waran

There are at least three areas where Trump is better:
southern border
rolling back Biden’s electric car mandate
pussy grabbing

  Iska Waran
May 23, 2024 7:37 am

Oil/energy policy
Climate policy
Economic policy
Military policy
Foreign policy

I didn’t vote Trump over excessive spending (I don’t blame him for covid relief, that was congress and veto proof) and domestic spying, but Biden has been way worse on both. (No I didn’t vote Biden, I voted Jo Jorgenson)
Pussy grabbing is still better than young daughter showering, yet not one woman has came forward and said Trump grabbed my pussy. Locker room bragging.

May 23, 2024 11:16 am

Bragging? I’ve known a lot of players in my day and only a no dick, can’t f*ck, dork f*cking loser talks like that.

May 23, 2024 11:18 pm

Who the fuck cares about covid relief? They give that much to pissrael on a regular basis.

He was party to a scheme that ruined lives and killed and maimed our people.

He picked his team. It ain’t yours.


I wonder what that “warp speed” was all about. it is possible that it was an end around, force the knowledge of a vaccine being available(it had already been for quite some time, we know now) before mechanisms could be put in place to make it mandatory and have the dissenters put in FEMA camps for refusing. That was perhaps the plan for when the elections were stolen in 2020 and Trump was out of the way. I doubt we will ever know for sure. Just like who killed Kennedy, Apollo moon missions, 911. There will never be some higher trustworthy source who’s going to tell you these things. Your just going to have to shut out everything else, think about it, use logic and discernment and figure it out for yourself. And then just move on. You’re never going to convince any other sheeple that you know the truth. After all the years of fluoride, vaccines and TV mind control they just don’t the the capabilities to figure out what’s really going on.

May 23, 2024 7:58 am

They ain’t getting nobody in FEMA camps. Millions of armed pissed off people? Not gonna happen.

May 23, 2024 11:18 am

All I’ve seen so far is millions of armed lazy cowards.


You need to dig into trumps past life/history, he is a jew.


“I seem to remember Trump publicly supporting alternative therapeutics like hydroxy and ” horse paste ” ( ivermectin )”

because a chabad doctor who loved THE rebbe and preached to us goyim about following noachide laws also sold that snake oil

’I’m willing to take a chance on supporting Trump just n that one issue [border]”

because you’re a sucker

It’s not going to be a fight because the gullible will think something is being done about it.

May 23, 2024 7:46 am

This site’s commenters have devolved too. It used to have thoughtful, intelligent posts, now it is pretty much psy ops and Jew hate.

May 23, 2024 7:58 am

For good reason obviously.

May 23, 2024 8:04 am

yeah, where’s the khazarian hate man? That’s where it’s really at. MOAR!

May 23, 2024 9:38 am

It’s your opinion…doesn’t warrant a comment or a vote…my opinion.

May 23, 2024 11:18 am

Jews are behind all of this and deserve the hate and much worse.

May 23, 2024 6:10 pm

Are the Jews in the room with you now?

May 23, 2024 8:33 am

How sad that we sit around waiting on a political savior. Expecting to reform or refocus this jewish controlled system is a fool’s errand. No piece of paper or vooting harder will save us now.

May 23, 2024 6:05 pm

I still read some of the Q blogs just for a laugh. I love it when they say, “You’re watching a movie”. Tell that to the J6ers Trump abandoned, tell it to those who lost their jobs over OWS, tell it to the brave soldiers who got kicked out of the military for refusing the jab. My favourite one is that all this has to happen because the people have to be shown how evil the Deep state is. As if most sheep even know a DS exists.

May 24, 2024 9:10 am