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May 25, 2024 10:48 am

Regarding #4:


Down through history, NO true man of faith, who appeared as a teacher and prophet, was bent on establishing a HUGE ORGANIZATION to house his vision of God.

Such an idea would be unthinkable. A true prophet would immediately know the corruption that inevitably comes with building an empire to house his Word. Indeed, an empire that at points in its history would wield power over entire nations.

Stories of such “passings of the torch” and “keys to the Kingdom” are misinterpreted. Jesus was not urging what amounts to articles of incorporation and the founding of highly complex organizational structures.

For anyone who wants to look, the history of the Roman Church confirms how corrupt a religious empire can become. Declarations of heresy; torture; executions; pedophilia; broad censorship.

These cannot be excused as exceptions to the rule. They are intrinsic to gigantic organizations and how those organizations are run from the top.

(This link tag is included in the article: https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/medical-infanticide/ as pertinent illustration.)


The Roman Church: a betrayal of trust