COMFORTABLY NUMB (Oldie but Goodie)

Originally published in November 2011.

Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Is there anyone at home?
Come on, now,
I hear you’re feeling down.
Well I can ease your pain
And get you on your feet again.
I need some information first.
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb

As I observe the zombie like reactions of Americans to our catastrophic economic highway to collapse, the continued plundering and pillaging of the national treasury by criminal Wall Street bankers, non-enforcement of existing laws against those who committed the largest crime in history, and reaction to young people across the country getting beaten, bludgeoned, shot with tear gas and pepper sprayed by police, I can’t help but wonder whether there is anyone home. Why are most Americans so passively accepting of these calamitous conditions? How did we become so comfortably numb? I’ve concluded Americans have chosen willful ignorance over thoughtful critical thinking due to their own intellectual laziness and overpowering mind manipulation by the elite through their propaganda emitting media machines. Some people are awaking from their trance, but the vast majority is still slumbering or fuming at erroneous perpetrators.

Both the Tea Party movement and the Occupy Wall Street movement are a reflection of the mood change in the country, which is a result of government overreach, political corruption, dysfunctional economic policies, and a financial system designed to enrich the few while defrauding the many. The common theme is anger, frustration and disillusionment with a system so badly broken it appears unfixable through the existing supposedly democratic methods. The system has been captured by an oligarchy of moneyed interests from the financial industry, mega-corporations, and military industrial complex, protected by their captured puppets in Washington DC and sustained by the propaganda peddling corporate media. The differences in political parties are meaningless as they each advocate big government solutions to all social, economic, foreign relations, and monetary issues.

There is confusion and misunderstanding regarding the culprits in this drama. It was plain to me last week when I read about a small group of concerned citizens in the next town over who decided to support the Occupy movement by holding a nightly peaceful march to protest the criminal syndicate that is Wall Street and a political system designed to protect them. My local paper asked for people’s reaction to this Constitutional exercising of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Here is a sampling of the comments:

“What are those Occupy people thinking?! The whole concept is foreign to me. There are always going to be the haves and the have nots. Get over it. Blame yourself for not paying more attention in school or not working hard enough. Just wish people would take responsibility.”

“If they worked half as hard actually working as they do being a pain in everyone else’s ass, they’d be rich! Being born does not guarantee success or wealth. Only hard work does. Maybe we should let them all occupy a jail cell or two.”

“If the goal is to irritate hardworking suburban commuters on their way home, that sounds like the perfect time and location.”

“Let’s hope they don’t pitch tents and trash Lansdale. They need to look for a job, not occupy the streets.”

“I work, and even if I wasn’t working I wouldn’t (march); I would be out looking for a JOB!”

I was dumbfounded at the rage directed towards mostly young people who haven’t even begun their working careers and have played no part in the destruction of our economic system underway for the last 30 years. The people making these statements are middle aged, middle class suburbanites. They seem to be just as livid as the OWS protestors, but their ire is being directed towards the only people who have taken a stand against Wall Street greed and Washington D.C. malfeasance. I’m left scratching my head trying to understand their animosity towards people drawing attention to the enormous debt based ponzi scheme that is our country, versus their silent acquiescence to the transfer of trillions in taxpayer dollars to the criminal bankers that have destroyed the worldwide financial system. I can only come to the conclusion the average American has become so apathetic, willfully ignorant of facts and reality, distracted by the techno-gadgets that run their lives, uninterested in anything beyond next week’s episode of Dancing with the Stars or Jersey Shore, and willing to let the corporate media moguls form their opinions for them through relentless propaganda, the only thing that will get their attention is an absolute collapse of our economic scheme. Uninformed, unconcerned, intellectually vacant Americans will get exactly that in the not too distant future.

Greater Depression Hidden from View

“Look at the orators in our republics; as long as they are poor, both state and people can only praise their uprightness; but once they are fattened on the public funds, they conceive a hatred for justice, plan intrigues against the people and attack the democracy.”Aristophanes, Plutus


The anger and vitriol directed at OWS protestors by middle class Americans is a misdirected reaction to a quandary they can’t quite comprehend. They know their lives are getting more difficult but aren’t sure why. They are paying more for energy, food, tuition, and real estate taxes, while the price of their houses decline and their wages stagnate. More than a quarter of all homeowners are underwater on their mortgage and many are drowning in credit card and student loan debt. At the same time, government drones tell them the economy is in its second year of recovery and corporate profits are at all-time highs. Government statistics, false storylines, and entitlement programs are designed to confuse the public and obscure the fact we are in the midst of another Depression. Everyone has seen the pictures of the Great Depression breadlines, farmers forced off their land during the dustbowl, and downtrodden Americans in soup kitchens. The economic conditions today are as bad as or worse than the Great Depression. This Depression is hidden from plain view because there are no unemployment lines, bread lines, or soup lines. We are experiencing an electronic Great Depression, as food stamps, unemployment compensation, Social security payments and welfare benefits are electronically delivered to millions of recipients.

There have been over 12 million foreclosure actions since 2007, with millions of Americans losing their homes. Another 16 million homeowners are underwater on their mortgages as home prices continue to fall and the economy sinks further by the day. The value of household real estate has fallen from $22.7 trillion in 2006 to $16.2 trillion today, a loss of $6.5 trillion concentrated among the middle class. In contrast, mortgage debt has only decreased by $600 billion mostly due to write-offs by the banks that created fraudulent mortgage products to lure Americans into debt.

The unemployment rate in the United States reached 25% during the Great Depression. The government manipulated fictional unemployment rate reported to the public by drones at the BLS is currently 9.0%. They conveniently ignore the millions of people who have given up looking for work and those who have taken jobs as part-time pickle ploppers at McDonalds, when they previously assembled automobiles at GM. The true number of unemployed/underemployed is 23%.

Since 2007, unemployment has officially gone up by 7 million. In reality, the same percentage of the working age population should be employed today as in 2007 (63%). Since only 58.4% of the working age population is employed today (lowest since 1983), another 4 million needs to be added to the official unemployment tally. The fact is there are 240 million working age Americans and only 140 million are employed. This means there are 100 million working age Americans not working, but our government only classifies 14 million of them as unemployed. There is certainly millions of stay at home moms, students, and legitimately disabled among the 86 million people classified as not in the labor force, but you can’t tell me that another 20 to 30 million of these people couldn’t or wouldn’t work if given the opportunity.

The deception in government reported figures is borne out by the most successful government program of the Obama administration, which has been adding participants at an astounding rate. The Food Stamp program has been a smashing success as we’ve added 13.8 million Americans to this fine program since Obama’s inauguration, a mere 43% increase in less than three years. There are now 45.8 million Americans dependent upon food stamps for survival, 14.7% of the U.S. population. This program began in 1969 and enrollment always surges during recessions and declines during recoveries. But a funny thing happened during our current “recovery”. The government reported our recession over in December 2009. It was certainly over for the Wall Street psychopaths as they rewarded themselves with $43 billion of bonuses in 2009/2010. The number of Americans on food stamps has risen by 6.8 million during this government sponsored “recovery”. You’ll be happy to know that Obama’s good buddy – Jamie Dimon – and his well run machine at JP Morgan earns hundreds of millions administering the SNAP program.

Since 2007, Federal government transfer payments have increased from $1.7 trillion annually to $2.3 trillion, a 35% increase in four years. This is surely a sign of a recovering economy. Bernanke’s zero interest rate policy has stolen $400 billion per year from senior citizens and savers and handed it to the very bankers who caused the pain and suffering of millions. Personal interest income has declined from $1.4 trillion to $1.0 trillion, while Wall Street faux profits have soared. The game plan of the oligarchy has been to transfer hundreds of billions from taxpayers to bankers, report profits through accounting entries reducing loan loss reserves, pump up their stock prices and convince clueless lemming investors to buy newly issued shares at inflated valuations. The plan has failed. The zero interest rate policy’s unintended consequences have caused revolutions throughout the Middle East and massive food inflation across the developing world.

The single biggest reason the middle class feel frustrated, angry and like they are falling behind is due to the Federal Reserve and the relentless never ending inflation they produce in order to support their masters on Wall Street and provide cover for the trillions in debt spending by politicians in Washington DC. It is no surprise that beginning in 1980 when government spending began to accelerate much more rapidly than government revenues, the government decided to “tweak” how it measured inflation. The government reports inflation at 3.5% today. The truth is inflation is running in excess of 10% if measured exactly as it was in 1980. That’s right, we have a recession and we have inflation in double digits. No wonder the masses are restless.

The reason middle class Americans are being methodically exterminated and driven into poverty is the monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. Since 1971, when Nixon extinguished the last vestiges of the gold standard and unleashed politicians to spend borrowed money without immediate consequence, the U.S. dollar has lost 82% of its purchasing power using the government manipulated CPI. In reality, it has lost over 90% of its purchasing power. The average American, after decades of being dumbed down by government sanctioned education, is incapable of understanding the impact of inflation on their lives. As their wages rise 2% to 3% per year and inflation rises 5% to 10% per year, they get poorer day by day. The Wall Street banks, who own the Federal Reserve, step in and convince the average American to substitute debt for real wealth in order to keep living the modern techno-lifestyle sold to them by mainstream corporate media.

The oligarchy of moneyed interests have done a spectacular job convincing the working middle class they should be angry at 20 year old OWS protestors, illegal immigrants and the inner city welfare class, rather than the true culprits – the Federal Reserve, Wall Street banks and mega-corporations. This is a testament to the power of propaganda and the intellectual slothfulness of the average American. U.S. based mega-corporations fired 864,000 higher wage American workers between 2000 and 2010, while hiring almost 3 million workers in low wage foreign countries, using their billions in cash to buy back their own stocks, and paying corporate executives shamefully excessive compensation. The corporate mainstream media treats corporate CEO’s like rock stars as if they deserve to be compensated at a level 243 times the average worker. The S&P 500 consists of the 500 biggest companies in America and while the executives of these companies have reaped millions in compensation, the stock index for these companies is at the exact level it was on July 9, 1998. Over the last thirteen years workers were fired by the thousands, shareholders earned 0% (negative 39% on an inflation adjusted basis), and executives got fabulously rich.

Man made inflation has stealthily devastated millions of lives over the last four decades. When the weekly wages of the average worker are adjusted for inflation, they are making 12% less than they did in 1971. Using a real non-manipulated measure of inflation, the average worker is making 30% less than they did in 1971. Sadly, our math challenged populace only comprehend their wages have doubled in the last forty years, without understanding the true impact of inflation. Thankfully, the Wall Street debt dealers with a helping hand from Madison Avenue propaganda peddlers stepped up to the plate and imprisoned the middle class with the shackles of $2.5 trillion in consumer debt. So, while real wages have fallen 30% since 1971, consumer debt has increased by 1,700%.

Americans have been snookered into renouncing their citizenship and converting to being mindless consumers. Citizenship requires a person to be actively engaged in the community with obligations to fellow citizens and future generations. Consumerism requires people to love things, embrace debt, worry about what others have, and become driven by the accumulation of possessions and the appearance of wealth. The disgusting exhibition that Madison Avenue maggots have coined Black Friday is the ultimate display of consumerism. In a nauseating display of senseless spending driven by retail conglomerates, Americans act like Pavlov’s salivating dogs by lining up for hours to stampede over and pepper spray other consumers to get the ultimate deal on that Chinese made toaster oven, Vietnamese made laptop, Korean made HDTV, or Mexican made tortilla maker. They don’t seem to grasp the irony of going deeper into debt buying cheap crap made in foreign countries by the workers who took their jobs. The mainstream media proclaims a hugely successful Black Friday as millions bought crap they didn’t need with money they don’t have, while millions more ate their Thanksgiving meals in food shelters – unreported by the media.This repulsive manifestation of consumerism is applauded and encouraged by our government, as described by George Monbiot:

“Governments are deemed to succeed or fail by how well they make money go round, regardless of whether it serves any useful purpose. They regard it as a sacred duty to encourage the country’s most revolting spectacle: the annual feeding frenzy in which shoppers queue all night, then stampede into the shops, elbow, trample and sometimes fight to be the first to carry off some designer junk which will go into landfill before the sales next year. The madder the orgy, the greater the triumph of economic management.”

The masses have been brainwashed by those in power into thinking consumer spending utilizing debt is essential for a strong economy, when the exact opposite is the truth. Saving and investment are the essential ingredients to a strong economy. Debt based spending only benefits bankers, mega-corporations, and politicians.

Mass Manipulation through Propaganda

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays, Propaganda, 1928 

Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda to control the masses, would be so proud of his disciples running our country today. He clearly believed only an elite few were intellectually capable of running the show. Essentially, he hit upon the concept of the 1% telling the 99% what they should think and believe over eighty years ago. The mechanisms for controlling the thoughts, beliefs, and actions of the population are so much more efficient today. The conditioning begins when we are children, as every child will be bombarded with at least 30,000 hours of propaganda broadcast by media corporations by the time they reach adulthood. Their minds are molded and they are instructed what to believe and what to value. Those in control of society want to keep the masses entertained at an infantile level, with instant gratification and satisfying desires as their only considerations. The elite have achieved their Alpha status through intellectual superiority, control of the money system, and control of the political process. Their power emanates from eliminating choices, while giving the illusion of choice to the masses. People think they are free, when in reality they are slaves to a two party political system, a few Wall Street banks, and whatever our TVs tell us to buy.

Our entire system is designed to control the thoughts and actions of the masses. In many ways it is done subtly, while recently it has become more bold and blatant. It is essential for the ruling elite to keep control of our minds through media messages and the educational system. It is not a surprise that our public education system has methodically deteriorated over the last four decades. The government gained control over education and purposely teaches our children selected historical myths, social engineering gibberish and only the bare essentials of math and science. The government creates the standardized tests and approves the textbooks. We are left with millions of functionally illiterate children that grow into non-critical thinking adults. This is the exact result desired by the 1%. If too many of the 99% were able to ignore the media propaganda and think for themselves, revolution would result. This is why the moneyed interests have circled the wagons, invoked police state thug tactics, and used all the powers of their media machine to squash the OWS movement. It threatens their power and control.

“Experience has shown that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson

A highly educated engaged citizenry would be a danger to the existing social order. The 1%, educated at our finest universities, does not want average Americans to obtain a great education for a reasonable price. They want them to get a worthless diploma at an excessively high price tag and become debt slaves to the Wall Street 1%. They want uneducated, indebted consumers, not educated productive citizens. Our republic has been slowly perverted since the time of its inception. The insidious process had been slow and methodical until 1913. The establishment of the Federal Reserve by an elite group of bankers and their politician friends and the establishment of a personal income tax created the conditions that have allowed a small cabal of powerful men to dictate the course of our economic, political, social, and military policies for the last 98 years. Anyone that chooses to open their eyes and awake from the propaganda induced stupor can see the result of allowing a small group of corrupt authoritarian men using their power to pervert our government into tyranny. The majority remains oppressed, buried under trillions of debt, while the shysters reap obscene profits, poison the worldwide economic system, and walk away unscathed in the aftermath of their crimes.

The ruling oligarchy has become so brazen in the last few years that it has attracted the attention of the critical thinking minority. The advent of the internet has allowed these critical thinking few to analyze the un-sanitized facts, discuss the issues, and provide truth amidst a blizzard of lies. The proliferation of truth telling websites (Zero Hedge, Mish, Financial Sense, Naked Capitalism) has allowed truth seekers to bypass the government sanctioned corporate media. The pillaging of society by the politically powerful, corrupt 1% is plain to see in the graphs below.

The divergence in household income was not the result of hard work, superior intellectual firepower, or the media touted entrepreneurial spirit of the rich. It was the result of the 1% capturing the economic and political system of the United States and using it to ransack the wealth of the formerly working middle class. The fatal flaw which will ultimately result in a fitting end for the powerful elitists is their egos. They are psychopaths, unable to feel empathy for their fellow man. Enough is never enough. They always want more. Life is a game to them. They truly believe they can pull the right strings and continue to accumulate more riches. But they are wrong. They are blinded by their hubris. There are limits to growth based solely on debt and we’ve reached that limit. The world is crumbling under the weight of crippling debt created by these Wall Street psychopaths, while the corrupted bought off politicians try to shift the losses from the bankers who incurred them to the citizens who have already been fleeced. Nomi Prins captures the essence of our current situation:

“Today, the stock prices of the largest US banks are about as low as they were in the early part of 2009, not because of euro-contagion or Super-committee super-incompetence (a useless distraction anyway) but because of the ongoing transparency void surrounding the biggest banks amidst their central-bank-covered risks, and the political hot potato of how many emergency loans are required to keep them afloat at any given moment.  Because investors don’t know their true exposures, any more than in early 2009. Because US banks catalyzed the global crisis that is currently manifesting itself in Europe. Because there never was a separate US housing crisis and European debt crisis. Instead, there is a worldwide, systemic, unregulated, uncontained, rapacious need for the most powerful banks and financial institutions to leverage whatever could be leveraged in whatever forms it could be leveraged in. So, now we’re just barely in the second quarter of the game of thrones, where the big banks are the kings, the ECB, IMF and the Fed are the money supply, and the populations are the powerless serfs. Yeah, let’s play the ECB inflation game, while the world crumbles.”

Those in power are beginning to lose control. You can sense their desperation. Their propaganda is losing its impact as the pain for millions of Americans has become acute. The outrage and anger flaring across the country on a daily basis, reflected in the OWS movement, is just the beginning of a revolutionary period descending upon this nation. The existing social order will be swept away, but they will not go without a fight. They will use their control of the police, military and media to try and crush the coming rebellion.

 The Dream is Gone

“The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.” – Tacitus, The Annals of Imperial Rome

In addition to controlling the monetary system and brainwashing the inhabitants with relentless propaganda, the ruling class has used their control of the political process to impose thousands of laws, statutes, rules, and regulations upon the citizens. Again, an apathetic, distracted, trusting populace has been easily convinced that more laws will make them safe and secure. They have willingly sacrificed liberty, freedom and self reliance for the façade of safety, security and protection. The overwhelming number of government rules and regulations are designed to control you and insure your compliance and obedience to those in power. In a non-corrupt society inhabited by citizens willing to honor their obligations, government’s function is to insure property rights and defend the country from foreign invaders. Citizens don’t need to be herded like sheep with threats of imprisonment to do what is right. We don’t need 90,000 pages of regulations telling us the difference between right and wrong.

There were 400 pages of Federal Tax rules when the 1% personal income tax was implemented in 1913. Did the 18,000% increase in tax rules since 1913 benefit the average American or did they benefit the 1% who hires the lobbyists to write the rules which are passed into law by the politicians who receive their campaign contributions from the 1%? Do you ever wonder why you pay more taxes than a billionaire Wall Street hedge fund manager? Do you think our tax system is designed to benefit billionaires and mega-corporations when corporations with billions of income pay little or no taxes? Complexity and confusion benefits those who can create and take advantage of the complexity and confusion. Corporations and special interests have used their wealth to bribe politicians to design loopholes, credits, and exemptions that benefit their interests. The corruption of the system is terminal.

“The mistake you make, don’t you see, is in thinking one can live in a corrupt society without being corrupt oneself. After all, what do you achieve by refusing to make money? You’re trying to behave as though one could stand right outside our economic system. But one can’t. One’s got to change the system, or one changes nothing. One can’t put things right in a hole-and-corner way, if you take my meaning.”George Orwell

The American people are paying the price for allowing a few evil men to gain control of our government. The American people cowered in fear as the 342 page Patriot Act was somehow written in a few weeks after 9/11, introduced in Congress on October 23, passed the House on October 24 with no debate, passed the Senate on October 25 with no debate, and signed into law on October 26 by George Bush. A law passed by the ruling elite that stripped Americans of their freedoms and liberties was passed using fear mongering false patriotism propaganda to squelch dissent and the American people had no say in the matter. The government has used fear to keep the American people under control. We now unquestioningly accept being molested in airports. We shrug as our intelligence agencies eavesdrop on our telephone conversations and emails without the need for a court order. It is now taken for granted that we imprison people without charging them with a crime and assassinate suspected terrorists in foreign countries with predator drones. Invading countries and going to war no longer requires a declaration of war by Congress as required by the Constitution. The State grows ever more powerful.

Therefore, it is no surprise that Americans sit idly by, watching their 52 inch HDTVs,  as young people across the country are beaten, pepper sprayed, shot with rubber bullets and tear gas, and scorned and ridiculed by corporate media pundits for exercising their free speech rights to peacefully protest our corrupt system. The American tradition of civil disobedience is considered domestic terrorism by those in authority. Our beloved protectors in the Orwellian named Department of Homeland Security write reports classifying Ron Paul supporters and returning Iraq veterans as potential terrorists. If the powers that be get their way, the internet will be locked down and controlled, as it poses a huge threat to their thought control endeavors. Freedom to think, learn, question and organize resistance is unacceptable in the eyes of the elite. The country has reached a tipping point. Will enough right thinking Americans stand up and fight to bring down this corrupt system, or will we be herded silently to slaughter. The truth is there is something terribly wrong in this country. We are facing a myriad of problems that will require courage and common sense to overcome. We need only look in the mirror to find the guilty party. It is time to stop letting fear dictate our actions. Conflict is coming to this country due to the evil sanctioned by our corrupt leaders and the upright men and women who will bear the burden of destroying that evil.

Our civilization has adopted the worst aspects of the two most famous dystopian novels in history – Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World. The question is whether the population of this country is too far gone to recover. The answer to that question will determine whether the country chooses authoritarian dictatorship or a renewal of our founding principles. Aldous Huxley understood the three pillars of Western civilization fifty years ago and that their destruction would result in a collapse of our economic system:

“Armaments, universal debt, and planned obsolescence – those are the three pillars of Western prosperity. If war, waste, and moneylenders were abolished, you’d collapse. And while you people are over-consuming the rest of the world sinks more and more deeply into chronic disaster.”

The three pillars sustaining the American empire edifice of never ending war, ever accumulating debt and excessive consumerism are crumbling. The growing corruption and weight of un-payable debt have weakened the very foundation of our grand experiment. The existing structure will surely collapse. My entire adult life has tracked the decline of the American empire. I had become comfortably numb. I came to my senses and began to question all the Federal government/Wall Street/Corporate Media sponsored truths about eight years ago. Many others have also awoken and begun to challenge the false storylines dictated by those in power.

The young people leading the protests across this land are showing tremendous courage and a tenacity of spirit that has been dormant for decades among the lethargic, distracted, over-medicated public. Despite being subjected to government education conditioning, these young people have zeroed in on the enemy. They may not have all the solutions, but they have correctly identified the corrupt banking system as the central nervous system of this vampire squid sucking the life out of our nation. I will support any effort to shine a light on our crooked system. My three young sons deserve a chance at a better life than they will get under the thumb of this oligarchic criminal enterprise. As a child I caught a fleeting glimpse of the American Dream. I turned to look, but it was gone. I choose not to become comfortably numb. I choose to do whatever it will take to renew the opportunity for my sons to achieve the American Dream.

When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb

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November 30, 2011 9:00 pm

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December 1, 2011 3:48 am

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Just a little pic of the Greatest Generation.

Look at the slobbery. Ineptitude. Hat backward, pants B saggin…

December 1, 2011 7:34 am


I would love to get your reaction to the following interview with John Xenakis of Generational Dynamics I just listened to on Youtube:

Things get very “interesting” at about 12:18 in. I actually was astounded that someone is actually pinning this entire quagmire/mess on Generation X. Dumbfound? More “numbness”?

Anyways maybe you can reach out to the interviewer Warren Pollock. Xenakis comments seem to fly in the face of your analysis of Strauss & Howe’s work.


Muck About
Muck About
December 1, 2011 9:38 am

When it is all boiled down and all the BS is distilled out of it, what remains is what Robert Heinlein proposed way back in my wayward youth.

Politicians should not be elected. They should be _drafted_ at a pay of $1/year plus modest expenses (with a limit) for a very short annual legislative session. By _drafted_, I mean on a local level, the people choose a person they feel best can do the job and she/he gets to do it, like it or not. With so many dolts today, it may have to be that the draftees in turn draft someone to represent on a higher level.

Next, every young person, after high school, shall complete a minimum of two years service to the USA. Doesn’t matter what – Peace Corp, Marines, WPA program, Meals on Wheels and it doesn’t matter if your handicapped or have two heads, you get a job, 3 hots and a cot and put in your time. When you’re done, you get to vote. No workee, no votee… No exceptions.

I know, I know… worse than an Aussy abo’s dream time..

On Boomers and “control”. My generation screwed up big time by not kicking Johnson out of office when he didn’t stop the stupidity in Vietnam on a dime and then screwed up again by not raising so much sand when Nixon slammed the gold window closed that it suffocated him… I regret being so fucking young back then and self-involved in family and career that I paid very slight attention to what was going on politically and, of course, at the time, I didn’t know squat about economics or monetary or fiscal policy. Basically I was a damn good Engineer who was also ignorant as a boot about a lot of things and didn’t know it.

So we Silents also have our cross to bear due to cupidity and stupidity and do not walk away with clean hands at all.

Each generation has its’ own ditch to dig, potholes to fall into, flats to fix and crap to carry and the Boomers inherit a credit collapse, likely a burst of hyper-inflation and just when the crash happens, the poor Millennials will eat shit for a decade or so and the new Greatest (my great grandchildren) have to start things anew and dig themselves out of whatever hole the world is in by that time.

Life’s a bitch and then you die..


December 1, 2011 1:18 pm

Jim, when are you going to call out the Judeo-Bolsheviks -Zionists?

December 1, 2011 1:34 pm

Michael – When are you going to call the substance abuse hotline?

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 1, 2011 1:52 pm

Yeah, Michael, that’s pretty vague if not cuckoo…

“Anonymous” with the young JFK pic was me… compare and contrast with pics of millenial “punks” today. BBES.

Muck: It would drive Novista batshit, but I’m with you re Heinlein’s future. That’s such an awesome book!

December 1, 2011 2:02 pm

And the award for the most typical knee jerk reactionary response is…


December 1, 2011 7:30 pm

Colma Rising

Wrong call on that one — would RAH (started reading him in 1948, continued to collect all his books to the end, and beyond) have championed _conscription_? No, to earn the right to vote was only after having skin in the game. The focus with “Starship Troopers” was military, POV of young Rico. Recall that it was his father who joined up (for the first time) at the end of the book.

So the service even then was voluntary, if voting didn’t matter, you didn’t put skin in the game.

The wowsers of the time thought H was glorifying war … must have missed the bit that professional military did not get to vote, until they retired.

You could even say H was way ahead of his time, that he didn’t trust the sheeple to vote without earning the right.

My argument about conscription is (a) Constitutional and (b) based on the historical record: three warmongers needed conscription for their agenda vs. the American Revolution.

If a country is worth fighting for, no one needs to compel you.


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 2, 2011 1:38 am

Fuckin A, Novista, you are absolutely correct. Major oversight on my part.

That book has so many cool little things in it… or big things, really, that I will re-visit it.

The movie did it no honor depicting Rico and his pals as the quintessential arians as, like you mentioned, many called the book a warmongering work of fascism. NPH in a knock-off SS uniform? WTF? If it wasn’t a great gore-fest of a movie, I’d have to wonder even more. Leave it to a movie to fuck a book up… that’s nothing new.

Great story. In a way, it goes back to Muck’s post. I saw the machinations for human survival. Rico, the Argentinian Phillipino… The dedication of the book to sergeants… A civic work really.

Damned dirty bugs.

December 2, 2011 1:57 am


ahh – I spot the “Starship Troopers” reference there 🙂 I agree totally

Add to that though the ability to *voluntairly* choose not to participate. That way only those that care are counted. Voluntary service = citizenship and citizenship = *Manditory* voting.

Allow the same choices for immigrants after they’ve spent enough time as a permanant resident to ‘fit’ into the local culture as well. Most immigrants have come from somewhere else and actually *want* to be in your country, and as such are harder workers that are more keen to ‘do their duty’ than locals.

December 2, 2011 6:07 pm

@ Administrator: When do we get piece inspired by “The Wall” in its entirety??? I would love to help… maybe relate the theme of each song/act to a present day example. Afterall, the themes of the state v. the individual have yet to change. BTW- did you see Roger Water’s video on OWS??? it’s pretty good.
I would like to dedicate this one to the psycho-superflous-future-soccer-mom I just dump’d… and the FED of course.

If you should go skating
On the thin ice of modern life
Dragging behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear stained eyes
Don’t be surprised, when a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice

December 2, 2011 7:48 pm

Any war should be declared and have a draft.Anyone running for office should have served in the military.
I want to hear how free trade has benefited our country.People overseas cant afford to buy our products.And our jobs have left us for cheap labor we cant compete with.I hear people saying RP would isolate us more from the world,sounds good,make it here and sell it here.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 2, 2011 7:58 pm


You write that?

Anyway… congrats on the dump. Did she want your babies all of a sudden and shit?

December 2, 2011 9:25 pm

Colma Rising

+ lots on the additional comments. And ron still doesn’t get it — and other things. Fuck! RP wants to isolate us? Can anyone smell Faux and neocons in that lie?
Anyways, fuck him and the ground sloth he arrived on.

Important addition of entertainment, Colma, so obvious that it’s out of sight — one Casio CTK-501 midi keyboard. Bought it in 2002 and coupled it with computer and music notation software — a cheat, play what you can get right and edit the rest, heh. But, for doorsteads, the thing will run on batteries and it has 100 songs built in.

I reckon my next project is to see how many things I can convert to be powered with a 12V car battery and a couple cheap alternatives of being able to charge it. And there’s always my Goyz guitar. 🙂

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 2, 2011 9:35 pm


I want a keyboard! I have the old acoustic and drums… but a battery powered rythm section would be fucking AWESOME in a storm… until I could teach someone to go, at the very least, Boom-tap, Boom-tap on a bass and snare.

December 3, 2011 1:52 am

[bell tolls in the distance]

Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There’s a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we’ve been so many times

The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river

Forever and ever

The American Dream is dead.

December 3, 2011 6:07 am

Colma Rising

This could be a possibility:
Drum pad indicators light to teach you how to play
100 RHYTHMS (with auto accompaniment)
LESSON FUNCTION: Drum pad indicators light to teach you to play.
RECORDING FUNCTION: 1 song, up to 300 notes
Batteries: C-size x 6
AC adaptor: AD-12

This whole keyboard thingy came about because I tried once again to get in touch with a friend I lost track of in 1984! Past efforts on the web came to naught — this time, more clever search and checking cached copies yielded enough clues over an hour to pin down some relative, based on family name and location. So I wrote this person, snailmail, got email to my included info, and the contact info for my old buddy.

We worked on four different jobs, two in Cincinnati, to Saudi Arabia, and eventually ended up in Providence, RI at the same station but slightly separated times.

We’ve been doing a lot of catching up and he asked if I had ever recorded any of my music on a gnarly old spinet piano. No … but the next best thing was Casio, software Noteworthy Composer, and finding the old files. 90 songs, mostly midi and some corrupted files. Was able to regenerate those, and able to turn the midi into MP3 on computer with a 3rd party sound editor/recorder.

I haven’t even had that Casio out of the box in eight years. Will rectify that when this music project is done (real soon now) and see what capabilities it has itself.

If I find other possibilities on the web, will let ya know.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 4, 2011 10:00 pm

That’s pretty dam nice… the 12v idea is golden, too.

I’m really starting to get into the recording and editing idea… for the hell of it. The only guy I knew who had the greatest home-setup moved to Vegas a few years back.

I’m definitely looking into the keyboard. I used to be dead-set against “machines” for music, but I’m over that. (Too much Terminator and Brian Herbert books). The fact that they can be powered with pretty common, stockable batteries hasn’t crossed my mind and that’s almost a game changer for a little tech in a storm!

December 5, 2011 4:25 am

Colma Rising

Yeah, battery power of one kind or another, is a go. Whether off a car battery / regulator or rechargebles with suitable charger. I have a solar cell from electronics supply house and bits’n’pieces that I can cobble together as necessary; thinking doomstead adapting a car alternator and old bike for heavier duty operation.

This the software I’m using — creates a midi music score, even from computer keyboard / mouse, easier with midi keyboard input, of course. But one could write a symphony with this warez, if you spent the time.

I got interested in the pure electronic sound back when “Forbidden Planet” was released.

For a while, I was running a Roland monophonic synth to a Teac four-track reel-to-reel recorder, had full record/playback switches so you could layer sounds. Sometimes I’d mix four tracks down to cassette, do another set, same. I think the most I did in one session was 12 tracks on the final r-r tape, all of a minute’s rich density sound for hours of work. LOL, I still have that Roland, too.

I have one more song to regenerate from scratch for my friend, then I will pull out the Casio and see if it actually still works. If so, I may lash out for the midi-to-USB adaptor cable, to get it into the desktop machine. The old joystick port, D-15 connector is no more.

December 5, 2011 12:21 pm

Really interesting discussion about the global economy with Chris Martenson and GoldMoney’s James Turk:

December 6, 2011 9:22 am

Right on target as usual, Turd.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you (we) are part of the cognoscenti, and that most Americans are asleep at the wheel. This is not only arrogance, it is a defense mechanism, because the truth is much more frightening.

I meet and speak with a lot of average Americans in my job, and I have found that the vast majority of people are fully aware of the fact that collusion between Washington D.C. and Wall Street is ruining their lives. Truly outrageous crimes against the American people are openly discussed, daily, in the mainstream media. Congress has a 91% disapproval rating. People are angry, and they are afraid.

But they are not desperate.

All living things instinctively take the path of least resistance. As long as it is easier to live under tyranny than to oppose it, people will suffer. They will bitch and moan, but they will not take action.

I suspect that part of the anger expressed by average Americans against OWS is rooted in disappointment. I think, deep down, we all know that no amount of peaceful marching will change anything, and we are waiting for someone to try something different.

The politicians know it too. That’s why the Patriot Act stripped us of most of our rights, and the new Defense bill will take the rest. They expect us all to become terrorists. Sooner or later, we will.

December 8, 2011 9:09 pm

Been quite a while since I posted here, been following the OSF and Occupy Oakland movements, I might agree with what they’re protesting, but they are not giving themselves very good image, I hear constantly about how they’re trashing plazas, costing police and small businesses a lot of money, and even heard about them taunting police the other day… Plus that, i’m not certain setting up tents in public places qualifies as peaceful protest. So yeah, right protest, wrong methods.

Sorry if all of this has been posted already, I don’t have the time to read everything here at this very moment.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
December 8, 2011 9:14 pm

“Seeing” or “Following”, Plutori?

December 8, 2011 9:54 pm

Seeing, I wouldn’t ever join them, don’t have the time, nor the want to, like I said, they aren’t giving themselves the greatest image.

December 8, 2011 10:41 pm

Sorry I couldn’t respond in a more timely fashion…mom in law had heart attack, and I was hospitalized due to adhesions from multiple surgeries this year.


Tribalism is soooo obsolete.


Contemplate your closing sentence and Black Friday.

I fail to understand your reference to tribalism. As Americans, we should not be tribalistic. When the grandparents came over from Poland and the great-great-grands from Austria-Hungary, they gladly gave up on the concept of tribalism. Regarding the Tea Parties, well, I suppose if you consider that to tribal, you are entitled to your own opinion. Of course the OWS crowd would have to be lumped in with that concept also.
Regarding my last paragraph/sentence, I should have omitted OWS and replaced it with the Tea Party.

Best regards,

December 8, 2011 11:53 pm


Sorry to hear of your (pl) medical issues.

As far as tribalism, you express it yourself — it could apply to both TP and OWS. Seeing differences rather than common cause from my POV.

Concerned — well, that was another user I replied to. But he was just a drive-by.

and now I will reply to other comments

Colma Rising

As Red Skelton might have said: “A flock of ’em went over that time.” ref. Plutori, reading words with no idea of context. Droll.

December 9, 2011 12:03 am

Wyoming Mike,
My apologies about the time to respond…mom-in-law’s heart attack, my hospitalization, and having to write a Master’s Thesis took up some of my time.

I fail to understand why it is imperative that I agree with Novista, or anyone else for that matter. If I am in disagree with another, why try to force me to agree with that person? It is for that person and I to meet and converse on the topic. It would be kind of like me saying to you that you should give up on Ron Paul and jump in the water with Rove.

While I am not completely on board with Mr. Paul, I find that I agree with about 99.9% of his platform. As for Karl Rove, I do not know of many, if any Tea Partiers that can countenance him. For those that do agree with him…I could not speak for them; that is their issue and problem. As a leader of a Tea Party in Michigan, from March of 2009, (and I know most of the Tea Party leaders on a first name basis) we believe in the concept of a constitutionally limited republican style of government. I am a Constitutionalist and a conservative first. I love my country but fear it’s government. I and my fellow Tea Partiers in Macomb and Oakland Counties in Metro Detroit, MI spent the last 2 years fighting against the RINOs, and party hacks who would usurp our progress and call it their own.
Now sir, if I might ask a question. Why would you even consider that I am a part of the “Karl Rove Tea Party”? Whatever it is they believe in, is of course their business. Making an assumption about my beliefs is regrettable. Neither I nor the organization of which I head have no desire to irritate others…and we certainly do not belong to anything like what you have described. We take no marching orders from anyone any group. Regarding Iranian nukes…I have not wet my pants since I was two or three. I have almost died 6 or 7 times due to my genetic disease, so if the Iranians decided to launch their much vaunted nuke, or dispatch an EMP device, well, so be it. I can not stop them from their actions one iota. I have made peace with my God through Jesus Christ his Son.

I am really curious though…you asked if I “realized that they are ABSOLUTELY no threat? I do not stop to worry about Mr. Achmadinijad. He will do as he pleases. If you are asking me about it with such conviction, I wonder, do worry that they are an absolute threat? Neither you nor I have access to a red telephone or a briefcase with codes and keys, so why worry and ask if others worry. My hope is to influence the people I know to vote…to encourage them to do their own research and perform their due diligence before going to the polls. To become Precinct Delegates in the party of their choice. To realize that there is a concept of American Exceptionalism.
The Tea Parties that I am acquainted with all have policies and procedures that prohibit their advocating anyone candidate or party over another. We just can not help it that when we invite Democrats to come to our meetings they won’t. It is not policy to boo and hiss at those we disagree with.
Heck, I had a tete a tete with Peter Hoekstra (R) who is running to replace Debbie Stabenow (D) in the upcoming US Senatorial race. As the result of several questions I asked him about his own record, and those of a couple of other Tea Partiers, Mr. Hoekstra will no longer visit Tea Party meet & greet events. My question? How can you rationalize voting against the $850B stimulus bill, and then 3 months later vote for a $200B stimulus? His response? I do not recall that vote.

I was able to google it, and had his entire voting record in only a couple of seconds. Someone behind me jumped up and began to yell, “How the hell do you mean to tell us you do not remember a vote that cost the US Citizens $200B? Is your memory that short?” I then continued to ask how it was that a pork project for his district, $500,000 for the Kalamazaoo Harbor restoration in Saugatauk, MI was in that Stimulus bill. I then asked why the citizens of the county wherein the harbor is could not have floated a bond issue or raised a millage if the harbor was so important. I continued to thank him for saddling my sons and my grandchildren with taxes for which they could not vote on…Taxation without Representation. And sir, was not a revolution fought over a similar concept? Mr. Hoekstra, true to form as a former US Congressman, could not give an answer. Not even an alibi. He could not answer me one iota. This former Congressman, don’t me wrong is a good man. He has a conservative voting record of 94%. All I wanted to know was why he voted the way he did. Because he could not answer my question, I can not vote for him.

Wyoming Mike, rather then tell someone to “agree or get over it”, is a bit radical…more flies are caught with honey…I think you know that. The Bible says that a soft answer turns away wrath, and hell, you can make friends too.

Best regards, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Esinar – Agree with Novista, get over it.

Are you part of the Ron Paul Tea Party as I am, or part of the Karl Rove Tea Party that believes we should spend trillions and thousands of lives chasing 100 taliban through the desert and pissing everyone off along the way? Do you pee your pants at the thought of an Iranian Nuke, or do you realize that they are ABSOLUTELY no threat?

December 9, 2011 12:48 am

[img]C:\Users\Stephen\Pictures\912\MAYDAY\OBAMA HEAD 111207[/img]

December 9, 2011 11:56 am

@esinar, nice thoughts, thank you for sharing (no sarcasm in this either).

It is nice to find ANY other conservative, anti-big-government person in Michigan. Pleased to meet you.

I have but one question for you, about Hoekstra you state, “..Because he could not answer my question, I can not vote for him…”

So that means you are voting for Stabenow?

I know Hoekstra is not the best choice. But we HAVE to get Levin and Stabenow the hell out of office. Yesterday.

I won’t feel good about it either, but I have to try.

That being said if the unionists around here vote either Levin/Stabenow back into office AGAIN, I’m out. I won’t vote for Senate again, at all.

Again, nice to “meet” you.

December 9, 2011 12:09 pm


Pleased to meet you also! In which Congressional district do you live? I am in the 10th.

Regarding Hoekstra, I meant to say that in the primary I could not vote for him. We have at least 6 other highly qualified candidates, 4 of whom I would have no problem whatsoever supporting up until the primary. I especially like Clarke Durant. I am involved in the process also as a District Communications Representative for the MI4CS program now underway.

About my question to Hoekstra, anyone who obfuscates and prevaricates makes me wonder…that if he or she cannot answer a straight forward question about an event that occurred…how would they fair as fodder for the press and the Democrats. I, as a voter would be guilty for not supporting another candidate. My statement was not meant to indicate that I would vote for Stabenow. Far be it!

I hope that I have answered your concerns and questions,

Best Regards,

December 9, 2011 12:16 pm

Esinar, I’m in the 11th, McCotter, though “conservative” supports the card-check union bill and I cannot support that in anway. Regretfully, he ran against a liberal that also supported it. There really are not many good choices for me.

I own a business and know that that bill (card check), especially in combination with health care, is going to bury hundreds of small businesses in this state. Hope everyone likes their property taxes around here, cause with every failed mom & pop they go up. Fear we haven’t even begun to see “expensive” yet, even though we pay out the butt compared to the many parts of the country.

You have answered my concerns, and I had hoped that that is what you meant. Is that witch Stabenow up next fall? Glad to hear that you think we have better options. For some reason I was thinking she was in the next go ’round, not Nov ’12.

Warm regards to you too, esinar.

December 10, 2011 11:06 am

TeresaE ,
Stabenow is up for re-election in 11/12…this upcoming cycle. Are you a precinct delegate? McCotter is a State Senator…Stabenow is US. McCotter threw his hat out for the Presidency. I think he has completely taken himself out of the race. Our US Senators are Levin and Stabenow.

Best Regards

Financial God
Financial God
December 10, 2011 8:51 pm

Not all of the anger against the protesters was misplaced — at least some of them were calling for more power in the hands of the government to take from “the rich” and give to “the poor”, which really means screwing over the productive middle class while enriching the rentiers, both at the top and at the bottom.

Sometimes I think the best hope might just be seasteading or escape to new worlds — we need virgin territory on which to try out new, and better ideas. I’m not hopeful that this could be achieved in the U.S. without a violent revolution, and my greatest fear is that we would then end up with something far worse.

December 11, 2011 6:21 pm


You might want to read this:

As you say, “some of them were” … misguided, miseducated. One anaylsis suggests 70% of OWS are Millennials, hard to say I reckon. Anyway, if so, consider the generational shift from ignore the X-ers to the “protect the children” attitude that dominated the culturial milieu: from infancy to the Class of 2000, government schools, parents and the media gradually recognized that the Mils weren’t X-ers at all.

Unfortunately, what passes for education is what we have today, a failure of critical thinking that was never developed due to bad pedagogy, worse economics, false expectations embedded from their earlier years. Rather than blame the victims, consider the nurture …

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 24, 2012 11:50 pm

As you say, “some of them were” … misguided, miseducated. One anaylsis suggests 70% of OWS are Millennials, hard to say I reckon

Echo boomers. Yet they are correct in what they say. Old capitalism doesnt work. What, many, here seem to think.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 25, 2012 12:05 am

Davos is the OWS reasoning resolved. Go home OWS. You have won the day.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 25, 2012 12:10 am

Sometimes I think the best hope might just be seasteading or escape to new worlds -FG

Pray tell, oh God, what part of this above water world has not been discovered?

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 24, 2012 5:23 pm

It is hard to believe his statement that the Boomers are no longer in control. They dominate Congress. They dominate the corporate board rooms. They are at the point of maximum influence on our society. The Boomer age bracket today is 51 years old to 68 years old. -admin

Meh, I am not so sure, given that many of the aides and lobbyists, and the think tankers hire mainly people fresh from college. Often congressmen dont read the legislation or write it. It is done by aides, some of which work for other offices and parties.

It is my opinion that the ideological make up of DC has nothing to do with age and things will continue as they have before even as the boomers retire and die out.