
An American Nobody Stares Into Mordor

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

All throughout history stories have been told by those whose insights and experiences had inspired said stories. The bestselling book in the world, the Bible, for example, is full of stories and parables that have influenced generations. Accordingly, bloggers like me and others will often reference such narratives to utilize widely-known and commonly understood history, facts, and details to make our points.  Furthermore, these universal associations can be used as launching pads, so to speak, to expand upon other ideas and perspectives.

In my early teens, I devoured the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and his “Lords of the Rings” series beginning with “The Hobbit” and followed by “The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers”, and “The Return of the King”, respectively. I also read “The Silmarillion” which was a precursor to the other books and originating thousands of years before the fictional events of “The Hobbit”.

Over two decades ago, the “Fellowship of the Ring” movies were released in theaters. The original three films (“The Fellowship of the Ring”, “The Two Towers”, and “The Return of the King”) were directed by Peter Jackson and are widely considered as cinematic masterpieces today.

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Look out, Deep State! Your most seditious criminal conspiracies against Trump are about to be exposed—BIG TIME!!!

Via State of the Nation

Well whaddya know! The real
WHITE HATS are finally flexing
their muscles… … …
…and they are you and me and
countless other angry Patriots
who possess much more raw
power than the dark side seems
to understand.

Submitted by An Angry Patriot

And the real funny thing about this growing army of seriously armed and ammoed up angry Patriots is that the Plandemic perps are directly responsible for filling their ranks. HAHAHA!!!

Because every US service member who was kicked out of the military for not getting jabbed is totally and forever pissed off at you know who.

Of course, when the same dopes even threatened the millions of vets, who rely on the VA Health Care System for everything, with the Covid injection to obtain ALL of their benefits, they really stirred up the hornet’s nest.

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These whores will say anything for a buck. This lying fuck has a fucking degree in music and PhD in social work. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for the TOP economic advisor in the country. We are so fucked as a country. How does this guy sleep at night after spewing lies all day long on regime media outlets? Porn stars, liars and dementia patients are a perfect representation of a deviant empire of debt on its last legs. Enjoy the show and buy more ammo.

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The Biden Re-Election Strategy

Authored by Victor Davis Hanson,

President Joe Biden polls at or below 40 percent approval. Historically, such unpopularity has made it almost impossible for a president to be reelected.

Biden is not so much an octogenarian as an unhealthy and prematurely aging 80-year-old. It is America’s irony that he is fit for almost no other job in the country other than the presidency, which apparently allows for a three-day-a-week ceremonial role while others in the shadows run the country.

So how does Biden become renominated and reelected, as polls show he is behind in almost every critical swing state on nearly every issue?

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‘It’s Insane’: Big Telecom Pushes Bad Cell Tower Deals on ‘Literally Hundreds’ of Schools

Guest Post by

Schools looking for money are allowing telecommunications companies to put cell towers on school property, despite the health risks of long-term wireless radiation exposure. School boards often don’t tell parents until after the deal is signed.

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series on how the wireless industry is targeting schools for wireless infrastructure installation. Part 1 covers the recent surge and why parents are fighting back.

Telecommunications companies are targeting school properties as prime locations for installing cell towers, antennas and other wireless infrastructure — and many schools are taking the bait, said attorney Robert Berg.

Berg represents parents in multiple lawsuits challenging proposals for cell towers or wireless antenna placements at their kids’ schools.

He told The Defender that “literally hundreds” of U.S. school boards have signed long-term leases with telecom companies.

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The curtain may be coming down on Donald Trump’s show trial

Guest Post by Alex Berenson

Star prosecution witness Michael Cohen has proven such obvious liar under cross-examination that a guilty verdict is no longer certain, even from a partisan jury; what happens if Trump walks?

You’d think a guy who lies as much as Michael Cohen would be better at it.

On Thursday, under relentless cross-examination from defense lawyer Todd Blanche, Cohen drove the effort to make Donald Trump a felon for the “crime” of misclassifying accounting records over a cliff.

To recap: in October 2016, Cohen paid the adult-film actress Stormy Daniels $130,000 to buy her silence over her alleged affair with Trump. In 2017, Trump and his company paid Cohen $420,000, partly to reimburse Cohen for that payment. Trump is now on trial in Manhattan for 34 felony charges of “falsifying business records” because – in his own ledgers – the payments to Cohen were classified as legal services.

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AFRICA CLIMATE PSYOP – Gaza –BHP Bid – Africa Boom – ZAR Weak – Load Shedding? – Smart Meters – Eat Insects – Why Inflation? – How Rich is Rich? – Letter from South Africa – [05-18-24]

We have far bigger problems, people sleeping hungry, poor people all around me; I’m more worried about that than I’ll ever be worried about climate change.’ [Anon]

Continue reading “AFRICA CLIMATE PSYOP – Gaza –BHP Bid – Africa Boom – ZAR Weak – Load Shedding? – Smart Meters – Eat Insects – Why Inflation? – How Rich is Rich? – Letter from South Africa – [05-18-24]”

25 Year Old BofA Analyst Dies Suddenly Of Cardiac Arrest While Playing Soccer At Industry Event

Investigators are focused on whether the young man ingested a super spicy chip before the match. They have already ruled out any possibility that it was caused by the dangerous toxic Big Pharma jab mandated by his employer even though his chances of dying from covid were .0000000000000000000000001%. Please go back to staring at your iGadgets and not connecting the dots regarding these deaths.

A Paqui One Chip Challenge chip

Via ZeroHedge

A credit trader from Bank of America who was just 25 years old died suddenly on Thursday night while playing soccer at an industry event, a report by Yahoo/Bloomberg on Friday confirmed.

The credit portfolio and algorithmic trader, Adnan Deumic, reportedly “collapsed of a suspected cardiac arrest” and did not respond to medical treatment, including CPR, the writeup says.

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Will the ignorant masses ever connect the dots?  The mortality data for young people has skyrocketed since the rollout of the Big Pharma toxic jabs. Teenagers and 20 to 40 year olds do not die of heart attacks. But they are dying from heart attacks at an astounding rate now. The ruling elite can not allow the truth to get out. They must come up with alternative narratives as cover stories for their mass murder of millions.

They control all the mass media outlets. You can always tell when they have been tasked with producing a narrative the ignorant masses will believe. Today was such a day. It just so happens the identical absurd story line about a 14 year old dying of a heart attack from eating a spicy chip appears in hundreds of media outlets. Why would this story be amplified simultaneously, when it happened in September, 2023? I can guarantee you this kid was vaxxed, but that will never be asked by any faux journalist.

Anyone with critical thinking skills knows the vaxx killed this kid and has killed and injured millions more. And it will continue to kill and maim. Fauci, Birx, and their co-conspirators should hang for their crimes.

Stay away from those spicy chips, but make sure you get your 8th booster.

America’s Dairy Cow Replacement Inventory Collapses To Two-Decade Low

Via ZeroHedge

The nation’s food supply chain remains under stress. We’ve been sounding the alarm on America’s beef cattle supply dwindling to the lowest levels in over half a century.

Now, Bloomberg reports that dairy farms are pivoting breeding programs toward beef-on-dairy hybrids, capitalizing on the low beef herds amid last year’s crushing milk glut. However, this comes with mounting risks as the nation’s dairy herd begins to crack.

Hybrid calves are produced by artificially inseminating a dairy cow with semen from a beef bull. This has created a massive upside for struggling dairy farmers battered by volatile milk prices and an unforgiving glut in recent years. Midwest farmers last year were forced to dump tens of thousands of gallons of milk down the drain.

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Per John Lennon – Try to Imagine . . .

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Beatles front man John Lennon sang the famous song, Imagine – which was a kind of anthem for peaceful co-existence embraced by the very people who seem constitutionally unable to leave others in peace.

That is to say, Leftists.

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David Stockman on Why Washington DC is the War Capital Of The World

Guest Post by David Stockman

Ultimately, there is no mystery as to why the Forever Wars go on endlessly. Or why at a time when Uncle Sam is hemorrhaging red ink a large bipartisan majority saw fit to authorize $95 billion of foreign aid boondoggles that do absolutely nothing for America’s homeland security.

To wit, Washington has morphed into a freak of world history—a planetary War Capital dominated by a panoptic complex of arms merchants, paladins of foreign intervention and adventure and Warfare State nomenklatura. Never before has there been assembled and concentrated under a single state authority a hegemonic force possessing such unprecedented levels of economic resources, advanced technology and military wherewithal.

Not surprisingly, the world’s War Capital is Orwellian to the core. Its endless pursuit of war is always and everywhere described as the promotion of peace. Its jackboot of global hegemony is gussied-up in the form of alliances and treaties ostensibly designed to promote a “rules-based order” and collective security for the benefit of mankind, not simply the proper goals of peace, liberty, safety and prosperity within America’s homeland.

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