This may (or may not be) the last Muck’s minute here on TBP. Admin has made some money generating changes that irritate me to the point of just giving up on TBP. Primarily the random links stuck in the texts that cause pop-up ads that you have to stop and close. Very distracting. The one that broke the camels back is the streaming audio every time you make a comment, forcing you to turn off your computer audio to make it go away.

Sorry – can’t cope with both. We’ll see how it goes.

At any rate, Old Muck is, tonight, totally in despair over the Supreme court of this United States taking up the case of whether Obummer should force insurance companies to cover contraceptive supplies to everyone (regards of moral issues — gag!).

What a total thick layer of shit.

We must, in the SHORT run, get both State and Federal Government out of our bedrooms, sleeping bag, blankets on the sofa or anywhere else two people want to have sex.. Period. The State (at any level) has absolutely no delegated powers to control personal behavior in private between consenting adults whether in the bedroom, backseat of a car or a blanket it the woods or the front porch (if suitable steps taken that no one is offended).

NONE! The Supreme Court should rule that any law (passed by anyone) that concerns non-aggressive, totally mutually agreeable actions between contenting adults as unconstitutional and wipe them off the books. Sex, drugs, booze, race or anything else that is P-R-I-V-A-T-E………… Period again.

Now as to contraceptives. Why shouldn’t Obastard Care provide contraceptive support to everyone?

First of all, If your religion, mental state, marriage arrangement or personnel desire leads you to believe you don’t want to use contraceptives, SIMPLY DON’T TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE COVERAGE and DON”T US CONTRACEPTIVES! Just let it lay there, unused and, in your opinion, unappreciated.

But why the Hell do YOUR opinions enable you to take it upon yourself to deny others the Obummer Care option of conception if those other than you want to do it?

What this boil down to is religious “holy’r than thou” horse shit that makes certain people and religions want to dictate to others what they must do or not do.

We are far beyond that concept in the Western World today (and will be hopefully farther beyond such “moral ” constraints as time progresses.

To repeat: The Supreme Court has no business making judgements of any kind about sex, lack thereof, prevention of conception or any other of Obumper’s damn stupid Health Care Act except to rule whether the whole law – WHOLE LAW – is constitutional or not.

I believe it is not. But Old Muck’s opinion matters little in this fight. I’m too old to father children (or raise them) anyhow!


Old Muck





Muck’s Minute #5 Educational Catastrophe

Thoughts on our educational system and where it’s going to end up!


We all know the educational system in this country is in deep shit. From pre-K through college, tech school to vocational schools, public and private schools where charter schools tend to get a pass but very narrowly and over the past 15 years they are all suffering from grade slippage..

I’ve thought about that a lot lately, considering that the future of humanity depends upon the successful education of those generations that follow our own. Yes, I know!! In the long run we are all dead and after that who cares? I do, for one. A lot of others could care less, trying their best to “get it while they can”, leaving future generations to whatever mess those currently alive leave behind. To me, that’s a very short and unproductive point of view. None the less, the Boomers and Millennials are embracing ‘ME’ism” more than any other previous generations that I can document.

In fact, that “gimme” attitude is embedded in human nature so deeply, we may not survive as a race long enough to root it out. It’s been there for 5,000 years, so how do we stop now?

But I digress..

I’ve thought of another possible reason why our school system is obviously in decline from top to bottom. The children (thence going into adolescence and further into young adulthood) are – shall we say – less intellectually or motivationally endowed than those of us currently in the latter part of our lives? This is one of those areas where a blanket statement falls on its’ ass and must be qualified by stating this is not true for individuals as there are some really sharp Boomers and Millennials and fresh new Artists being being born as I speak.

But looking at the overall intelligence of younger generations, are we not slowly loosing ground? I think so. The real problem is that we, as a country, do not want to contemplate the fact that our kids are getting dumber. (Whether from environmental or social forces I cannot say).

But as a mass of people, overall, those following the middle-year Boomers and the Millennial generation are suffering from some vital content or imprint that we enjoyed that they do not.

Of course they are! Those vital ingredients are values and discipline and may be even in general intelligence. What a kick in the ass.

In my humble opinion, a large fraction of the loss of general intelligence (I.Q.), discipline and proper value implantation is in direct proportion of the current, slow but sure, death of the traditional family structure. The father/mother structure of the family core is not something that just popped up accidentally as the human race slowly evolved from hunter/gatherer through agrarian civilization to industrial prominence.

The family as a structure, one mom, one dad and children raised by both (sometimes well, sometimes not so well), slowly developed over thousands of years to become the most efficient, effective and permanent way to insure that one’s offspring survived to carry on the genes and behavioral patterns of the parents into the future, thereby insuring Natures’ primary directives of passing your genes (i.e. pieces of yourself) down the track of time.

We are, sadly, in today’s world, slowly destroying this family organizational structure, for whatever reason, and civilization in whatever form that we enjoy at this time is suffering for it as I write this.

The advent of the “Welfare World”, where people are awarded funding from the public purse, not expected to produce jack shit, gaining more income with every bastard child a woman bears continues to encourage irresponsible behavior, dependency on those who work and pay taxes (or those who just print money to cover the difference) and is, in any point of view, on a downward spiral of poverty, despair and eventual collapse when the “fiat money” is no longer acceptable to that very same nation of producers and providers.

Is there any way out of this deadly spiral of lower I.Q., ever more substandard education, welfare and poverty assistance?

In Old Muck’s opinion, this spiral can only be aborted by a general failure of the “system” that now runs our sad ex-Republic of the USA. The ignorance of the general public has exceeded the fondest dreams of politicians, the ignorance of students and those in the educational system far exceeds the ambitions of TPTB and they are encroaching higher into the food chain by dumbing down even college students by requiring such courses as “black history”, ”black studies” and “political correctness’ (No shit – the latter is a course taught at our local Community College) and such social engineering studies that provide nothing but bull shit to confuse the minds of students.

Win and condition the minds of students today and tomorrow you bear the pain.

We all have the responsibility to try and correct the problem – one person at at time if need be – by spreading the truth, the ideas and the moral beliefs that must be adapted to lift our national course from both economic and social collapse, through the swamps of bare survival to the sunlight of rational behavior and a higher way of life.

The last paragraph, I shrug my shoulders and say “Lot’s of luck!”.


Muck’s Minute #4

Yes, I’m pissed again.. MA


Blackmail actions by the Feds that affect you and I and your children..

This one is a special pissed off subject of mine. It never seems to get solved, it never seems even to get reviewed or studied by local school boards.

The school boards (Nation Wide) are so afraid of losing Federal Dollars that they have delegated responsibility for almost every school function (from Federally financed lunches to curriculums the Federal Department of Education specify must be taught and those that cannot be taught!  This is a bad mistake that will cost future generations of Americans dearly. The Federal Government has no business either stripping money from the taxpayer (or printing it) to finance state/local school organizations than they do groping my balls when I get on an airplane.

When the Federal Government does anything, through any of it’s “Departments”, it first confiscates the money (or prints it) from all of us (and business) thru taxation or fiat expansion. Then it returns some of it (less Federal and State leeches overhead) to the States, thereby allowing themselves to dictate terms on how the money is used. In other word, The Fed say, “You must use this money we confiscated you in the way we tell you to do it or we’ll cut off the honey pot and you can go to hell!”.

I posted some of this in a thread. I figured it needed a post of its’ own and if Admin. doesn’t feel that way, he may delete it.




I honestly have no clue as to whether the majority of blacks or hispanics will integrate themselves into the ideals of Americanism.

But I doubt it because the PTB and those pulling the educational strings are busy destroying the individuality, self-reliance and independence of any citizen they can mash under their thumb.

I am very sorry to say this, but I feel the American citizen (from age 5 up) is being dumbed down, taught to be dependent (i.e. not independent and certainly not self-responsible) and the farther we go down this path, the worse off we find ourself. The latest generation is a train wreck waiting to happen.  This is a dual problem.  First it’s a family problem in that the American family is falling apart with more and more single parents (remembering that it took 100,000 years to develop the most stable family unit (Mom, Dad and the kids) done through trial and error over millennium!).  The second problem is political correctness that requires that everyone, from where ever they came from and regardless of roots and race, is equal in intelligence, ability,  ambition, capability, drive and ambition.  Total horse shit..

The absolute disaster that has overtaken the traditional American family (Dad, Mom and kids) has as much to do with the destruction of the American way of life as unlimited creation of debt (printing money and issuing pseudo-debt that acts as the same thing). Housewives are getting pissed at the ever higher cost of necessities they attempt to purchase to support their families. Dad’s and Mom’s find themselves working two jobs to cover the Governments’ 1.5% inflation, when in fact is at 8% a year. Their children are now placed in Federally financed stupid, political correct bullshit schools that eliminate high performing students by forcing them to lower themselves (including boredom) into classes that insure that everyone passes at the lowest common denominator of intelligence within the class. Heaven forbid that an A+ student isn’t lowered to the D level of the black or hispanic child that just doesn’t get it.

BULLSHIT. All of it. It must be stopped. Our educational system MUST be upgraded to a system where exceptional students get move AHEAD of their less capable companions and given the opportunity to maximize their individual potential.

If this down’t happen, the American Educational System if doomed to continue to fail to the point where it is of no use to enroll students at all and the parents ( likely a few %) will take it upon themselves to both educate themselves AND their children by home schooling or starting a parallel school system to compete with with the so called “public schools”. I piss on Public Schools for they are run by political bureaucrats and coddled union protected teachers who barely teach the party line to produce a stream of children who believe in the ever benevolent Government and believe (if actions and experiece don’t convince them) the “diversity” and “equality of results” is a valid goal..

Horse-shit. Diversity is an accident of population and there is certainly no equal capability or equal results. Everyone gets to pursue equal happiness and success but NO ONE is guaranteed equal results (except through asinine “law).

We are being – as a country of individuals with variable intelligence and skills –  forced – by law – to insure that all the less intellectually gifted, of perhaps lesser drive to succeed, or just plain stupid are enabled to achieve the same happiness, skills and rewards of the more ambitious,intelligent and driven individuals among our population.  Total idiocy.

The ONLY WAY THIS CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN is force those ambitious, intelligent and driven individuals to be undereducated, discouraged to exercise their natural drive and striving not to achieve and at the same time to suppress any superior ideas less they stand out above the diverse lesser gifted people (a lot of them).

Please remember that ANYTHING you measure will fall on a BELL CURVE.  There will be a few totally unable to function as any useful level, a number that can function at a level where, with help, they can achieve a meaningful life, a larger number who are average and can make their way educationally and personally into a middle class life style, a much smaller number who are superior in intelligence and ability who will stand out above the average and a very few shining stars that blow away the statistics and eventually become the teacher of teachers and cause changes to the world no one ever thought of.

But, if we keep the dumbing down, we commit national suicide, reducing the best and brightest to the mediocre and humdrum, lowering our intellectual output, out creativity and our ability to guide the world in the way to every more sophisticated and free positive intercourse between Nations and people.

The United States could rise to unforeseen heights in the world if it would just stop trying to force results that are proposed by tiny minded people who are interested in personal gain and wealth and instead, JUST SIT BACK, realigning our military to defend our USA in the event of aggression (and leaving foreign countries to settle their own problems), maintain a minimal defense (with all military troops (except for intelligence types) based within our borders) and prepared to fight in self defense any future wars instead of insisting on getting ready to fight the LAST WAR and populating the world with our military presence.

Then make it very clear that if anyone – ANYONE – who initiated aggression against the USA including American citizens, or property  would get an immediate, significant and very convincing reaction that would prove that it would not be wise to attempt any similar action in the future.

And then elect responsible men and woman who have the future of the human race as their highest priority to both Congress and the Executive and make the procedures to kick the bad apples out much easier – preferable by referendum and popular vote. A referendum of members of the Senate or House could strip the offending congressman/Senator from performing his function – stop him/her from voting on legislation – and the automatic special election triggered thereby would determine if the Congress-person (House or Senate) retained his/her seat.

The Supreme Court decision that corporations who contribute vast sums to election war chests MUST be reversed. This decision simply legalized that the candidate with the most money wins the political race. This is obscene, especially when no method is provided to KNOW WHO DONATED WHAT to the individuals campaign.  This was one of the worst decisions of the Roberts’ Supreme Court since it was formed.  It is, again, obscene and should not be allowed to remain law.

The Roberts’ Court decision, “That any political office belongs to the highest bidder and you will never know who supplied the money to enable this!” — IS AN ABOMINATION, illegal under the Constitution and at total odds with any conception of free markets and honest elections.

If it continues, we are more than lost. We are citizens of a dictatorship with no effective Congress, a martial police force (backed up with Combat ready National Guard (mobilized at the direction of the State Governor) and within a few election cycles, will be denied control of our vote, our lives and our ability to exercise freedom of movement, the pursuit of happiness or the few other “rights” that remain teetering, unstable and precarious in all our lives.

This is no longer my country. This is not the country I served and sacrificed  years of my youth to serve. This is a country I do not recognize, where dumbing down our school children is the goal of schools in the name of “diversity”. Horseshit. Schools are used as kindergartens and baby sitters which is not – NOT – the purpose of schools. The purpose of schools is to TEACH and instill discipline in each and every pupils, not coddle them and allow them to disrupt the class so those who wish to learn cannot do so.

Parents, get off your asses and FORCE School Boards to do it right. Go monitor classes for yourself so you can see the abomination that has overtaken our classrooms. If you get no satisfaction, withdraw you children from schools and teach them “home school” — there is literally an on-line (and books) library of how-to and support groups to allow you to do just that.

We are in deep shit in a lot of areas. We are the only ones who can change it. When you see something that’s wrong, fix it. Need a lawsuit to do it? There are a lot of law firms our there just waiting for you to bring evidence to them to show that wrong is being done. Call around and see what legal help is available. Then stick it too them – as much money as you can strip the bastards of – and make sure the settlement cures the problems you brought the suit for.

Happy days!


A World of Hurt


Note to old veterans of TBP.. You probably won’t learn much new from the rant below. We’ve pretty much beaten the subject to death over the last few years. But I just boiled over again today and vented.. MA


Our debt crises.. Our welfare crises. Overseas wars. You hear it every day.. How do we deal with it all? What can we do to solve it? What will we do to get it behind us? Even temporarily?

What will save us from a Supreme Court that has legalized “elections to the highest bidder”, reduced the First Amendment to ash and a President that has trashed the Constitution at every turn and a Congress who will not stand up to an Imperial Presidency? Who will save us from a spiral of every higher inflation, unemployment and poverty? Since the Government can’t “fix” anything, only one thing can.

In one word, WAR.

Will going to war truly solve our economic malaise? Our exceptionally negative Debt to GDP ratio? The counterfeiting of currency and credit by the Federal Reserve? The continued trashing of our Constitutional rights?

Of course not, but it will accomplish one critical thing. It will frighten the vast majority of the non-thinking (ever poorer people) into getting behind the Federal Government in a “patriotic” manner that convinces and coerces the same uninformed non-thinking mass of middle and lower class American citizens that “sacrifice” and “doing without” is both the appropriate and least thing they can do in order to support America’s efforts to fight a War.. This will be encouraged and demanded in all the old fashioned ways by the Federal Government.

Who we fight is totally unimportant and not germane to the point (but I’ll speculate later). The fact is that the Federal, State and local governments of this country have over spent and scammed themselves into a totally non-tenable and unsustainable position of being completely unable to fulfill commitments made to foreign creditors, the general public, retirees, union members, government, private and public employees and welfare recipients. With a tad over 50% of the general population receiving some sort of Governmental assistance or payments how could they cover the bill other than print money to do it? Who else would pay for it? How about 49% of the population works full time, if they could find a job, to pay the other 50%?? I don’t think so..

These promises include Medicare with unfunded liabilities of $39 trillion(1), Medicaid at $84 trillion(2), a mere $74 billion for some 150 plus programs for “school aid”- a real bargain that(3), unfunded Federal Employee retirement fund equal to $1.6 trillion(4), and it doesn’t count the over 30% of the Federal budget that is spent supporting a military that is multiples in size of all the other nations of the world! (PS: That 30% also does not include the multitude of huge corporations that feed off the military to perform R&D, build weapons and ammunition and drones and such for the military’s use!)..

This cash is furnished, in a significant part, by the Federal Reserve which purchases – today – just about 100% of the Treasury Bonds and Bills issued by the U. S. Treasury to fake the assets (in the Fed books) to back our fiat currency in order to pay all those unfunded liabilities, broken housing bubble, military budgets, contractors, federal employee salaries, foreign aid, educational loan guarantees (that are about to default as the next bubble), bailouts to banks who would fail without them and everything else you can possibly think of. But don’t want to think about.

I’d say things are far beyond control. These small insignificant sums are just a sample of the few hundred $trillions of the total unfunded liabilities of the Federal, State and local governmental entities of these sorry wrinkled, scabby, busted United States. When you add them ALL UP, it totals over between $220 and $600 trillion (depending on which data you use) and climbing. This does not count the liabilities of mortgage backed securities and other garbage paper (which are being purchased at a $70 billion monthly rate by the Federal Reserve from Zombie banks) or the literally hundreds of $trillions of credit default swaps ($620 trillion at last estimate) and other phantom securities issued by those zombie of the financial world, who collect fees with every sale and know, that, if the counter-party can’t pay off, well, the Federal Reserve will! After all, they’ve paid off on everything else that’s gone broke, right? Anyone in jail or prosecuted? Nope! I hope “place” Holder sleeps well at night.

Can this absolutely obscene pile of debt ever be paid off? Of course not. It’s a Grand Oversized Cancerous Ponzi Scheme of massive proportions and is doomed to collapse upon itself sooner than later.

Ah, you say! Collapse is never going to happen in our America! We are too smart, too industrious, too vigorous and besides, the Federal Government is way too intelligent and too powerful to ever allow that to happen!

Ha! The jokes on you! It not only can collapse, it will collapse. The only question is when, not if. We, as a nation of “consumers” are no longer too smart, too industrious, too vigorous, too responsible or too self-reliant to fall on our collective faces.

History is literally stuffed full of fiat money collapse (debt default) from ancient Roman coin clipping to Zimbabwe’s 6.5 sextillion percent inflation rate in November, 2008. There is no historical exception to the rule that once a currency is converted to a fiat instrument (i.e. printed with no commodity backing), it ends up being inflated and depreciated to its’ intrinsic value; i.e. the value of the paper it’s printed on, or less.

The U. S. Dollar is a fiat currency, backed by nothing and will indeed end up being worth the paper it’s printed on.

It matter not one whit whether you use the term “printed” money or “credit” money, it’s all the same. Digital, paper or plastic, anything that is used to purchase real hard goods of any kind from land to toilet paper is “money”. As the money supply expands and loses value and everything costs more to bring home in a bag or stake out as a house foundation, you are being taxed, continuously and stealthily with nothing you can do about it. How do you vote “NO” on inflation? How do you vote “NO” on the subject of your purchasing power being reduced day after day, week after week, year after year? Why does the American public put up with such fraud and outright stealth stealing and dishonesty by the Federal Government?

#1. Because most of the uninformed “general” public has as much knowledge of economics as a tick. All they know is the price of gasoline, beer and their smart phone bill. Sorry, but the truth hurts sometime.

#2. The American public can no longer agree on the time of day, much less take sides on a vital issue such as printing money! Half of the “public” gets handouts from either local, state or the Federal Government anyhow, so why should they grump? What they really deserve is going to be what they get.

So it’s tough to defend yourself. You can purchase real assets (like agricultural land, gold or silver) or you can get mad. Sooner or later, there will be a sufficient number of citizens of this totally busted United States who get mad that it will attract the attention of the Powers That Be.. The Elite. Those who pull the puppet strings that make the President, Congresspeople and the Judicial System dance.

Then comes trouble. Cars burn, store fronts get windows broken, tires are lit off in the street, a few banks are knocked over and Walmart closes some stores because the shop lifting gets too much to bear on their bottom line. The natives grow restless and torch a few houses and buildings. Then the militarized police roll out their pseudo-combat vehicles and we look Greek (or Spanish or Egyptian or Italian to the rest of the world. Horrors!

The Elite does not appreciate nor desire more than a few percent of the citizens to get upset – after all, about 10% of the population drove the American Revolution back in 1776 – the rest being either Loyalists to the Crown or just typical disinterested people who wanted to be left alone to get on with it. 10% was not a lot of people back in 1776. Today, 10% would be about 3.3 million rabble-rousers that could make a lot of noise, break a lot of windows, roll over a whole bunch of cars and generally make a nuisance of themselves.

So, as far as The Powers that Be are concerned, “something” must be done.

Since the country is bankrupt to start with, we now have reached the point of no return. Inflation is probably running higher than tolerable (or the 10% wouldn’t be ticked off!), cities are weeping about their budgets and many are “bankruptured”, perhaps a state or two is busted and awaiting bailouts that will never come.. What to do? What to do?

Ah Haa! The Power’s That Be come upon a solution that has provided a pretend bail out for many a country throughout history that was high and dry and flat broke (think Germany in 1933). Think America in 1939. History begins to echo.

Let’s start a War! Lot’s of targets out there. Syria’s is being an ever bigger pain in the butt but we can’t touch Russia or China – they’re nuke city. But we need to find someone who is beatable “over there”, after all, we sure don’t want to fight a war on United States’ soil. After all, the last time we fought a war inside this country, we killed over a half million citizens and it took almost three generations to get over it and, by the way, we’re still suffering the aftermath of that civil war today.

I know! Let’s go after Iran and Syria both! That way, we can perhaps drag Turkey into it and not really tick off anyone else over there that we haven’t already made froth at the mouth! Saudi Arabia, being Wahabi Muslim anyhow (which are on the Sunni side of the street) and everyone else in the area being mostly Sunni Muslim anyhow, no one will object too strenuously if we kill off some Shiites if we’re careful not to blow up too many mosques.. (I also suspect that Iraq will once more boil over into civil war (remember the two wars there that we declared a “victory” and decamped?). More fun to come there sooner than later.

Perhaps a few “false flag” situations are staged to get the American public’s attention and suitable propaganda is broadcast to them that makes a convincing case that “if we don’t fight this war, civilization is lost” or some such baloney. After all, we’ve already fought two wars of “choice” over there, lost both and they both are like tar babies to get out of (which we haven’t managed to do yet).

Plus, the Powers That Be figure, this kind of WAR can capture the imagination of the millions of the unthinking masses that dwell in the middle reaches of the U. S. A. . If we tell them often enough and loud enough and long enough, they will believe that this WAR is necessary for their own wellbeing as well as freedom of the poor and oppressed, those who are persecuted for their religion, human rights, women’s freedom and education, blah, blah, blah ( shhhh!Never mention gasoline or oil or the fact we’re broke!). We can rally the ignorant dummies into accepting gas rationing, food rationing, perhaps a few brown outs here and there for good measure and make sure that all the Main Street Media stress that anyone not for this WAR is unpatriotic and not deserving of any handouts from the Federal Government. Besides, if you’re not for us, you’re against us and we just might throw you under the jail using HSA to imprison you as a terrorist! Not to mention monitoring what TV channels you watch and who you talk to about what on telephone or computer (which they are already doing)!

Also, as a good upstanding citizen of the U. S. A., don’t forget that saying anything or doing anything that leads the Government to believe that you are not 100% behind this Just and Necessary Military Action will result in great displeasure upon you – far beyond an ordinary grope at the airport – and you will be labeled non-patriotic and banned from most of the rationed goodies we’ve let everyone else have. Bad on you if you don’t think like your Government does!

Oh, and by the way, because of the WAR EFFORT, we’ll have to cut down on Social Security payments, Medicare, Medicaid, also Welfare, Unemployment, Education Assistance, School Lunches (and about a thousand other give-aways) in order to support our military in fighting this just and righteous WAR. You may also have to put up with gas rationing (since no one will take dollars for oil any more — shhhhh!) and grocery rationing (Chile just said “No dollars for grapes!” shhhhh!) but it’s all for a great NATIONAL CAUSE of WAR which we have to win because (1) “because” and (2) “because” and (3) “because” this too!

Do you think this is all too far fetched to believe? Sure you do! Just like the German’s believed in 1933 that when Hitler came to power, well, he wouldn’t do anything that went against fairness and goodness. Oh, he might toss a few Jews into jail to fulfill a campaign promise – but nothing evil, right?

I’m sorry to disabuse you of your belief, but Governments at all levels and all times have one thing in mind; their continued survival and command of power to control you and you and you. Once in power, power is what they care about and power is the dope that intoxicates those Elites and Powers That Be because power is the thing that allows those same Elites and Powers That Be to rape and pillage the financial and industrial systems to their benefit.

Their only desire, upon getting such power is to dictate to all those below them on the hierarchical ladder, as much as possible, what they do, how they do it, when they do it and even why they can’t do it and, oh by the way, pay me while you do it.

If you don’t believe this or understand it, you have not been living in these United States for the past 40 years. Ever since 1971 when “Tricky Dick” Nixon slammed the international gold window shut, defaulting on United States international debt to redeem our dollars in gold, we have been on the ever steepening slope to insolvency.

If you don’t understand that the “dollar bill” is a debt instrument that will never be redeemed with anything of value, you need to review your economic literacy.

That one 1971 default (check the charts!) has led to our downfall, removing the very last limiting factor for spending more than we produce that Congress and the Executive Branches of Government have taken advantage of, to the extreme, ever since.

Debt started to accumulate in 1972 and has increased into an exponential and hence unsustainable rate ever since. At the moment, it rises almost vertically and will, in the near future, S-T-O-P. At that point comes civil unrest and a knee-jerk reaction leading to WAR to distract the masses. “Shared” sacrifice (and reduction of “freebies”) will be the word and while men die, the PTB will try mightily to kick the can down the road just a little further, paying for it in misery, blood and death. The Three Horsemen will ride – for a violent short time.

And then even that will fail too.


Muck’s Minute #3


I sat down this evening with a perfectly good subject on which to pontificate Muck’s Minute #3.

After several Russian iced teas, The subject changed to what you read about today – assuming you have the patience.

Do you have any idea about how incompetent the Federal Reserve (and all the other “central bankers”) are in administrating our fiscal policy and the fiscal policies of those other countries of the world? Were you aware that our US Federal Reserve no only bailed out numerous banks and insurance companies in this country, they also bailed out central banks in a number of European countries and others as well? They did.

Unfortunately, our central bank(s) – the Federal Reserve and all the regional banks attached thereto, bailed out bankrupt banks in the USA, Europe and a dozen other countries scattered across the globe to attempt to keep the status quo running in place and prevent the collapse of the world banking system.

Did they have that mandate? Of course not. Was it a good idea? Not in my opinion. Was it necessary to prevent another global depression? Probably, except that the result of such intervention and money printing will just put off what is inevitable in the intermediate term and will much worse than the situation would have been if we’d had just allowed a reset after Lehman Brothers folded.

I am not in favor of a world-wide financial collapse by any means. Such violent actions tend to result in wars, destroying even the small possible to grow and prosper, dragging otherwise prudent and productive nations down the tube to bankruptcy and depression. Unfortunately, with todays massive “improvement” in technology, communication, interaction and interdependence it would appear that the world will likely survive or self-destruct all at the same time.

Likely, those in the heartland of human ancestry (i.e. Africa) will have a much lesser fall than the rest of us, simply because they are still mired in societies of hunter-gatherers, dictatorships, military governments and all the rest of the “governing styles” that limit the standard of living and wellbeing of their populations.

We, however; America, Europe, Australia, some South American and recently liberated Eastern European states – not to mention Asian countries – a mixed batch if there ever was one –
will catch it in the neck.

The Federal Reserve and Central Banks of countries in the list above have absolutely no clue what to do – thrashing around, wallowing in a mud wrestling contest – with Japan already using a snorkel to breath while under the surface of the mud – all trying to depreciate their currency more than the next guy to enhance devaluation so their products will be more marketable to the rest of the world.

In a word: insanity.

Not only is everyone trying to depreciate their own individual currency relative to other countries currencies to which they they export, they are trying to increase inflation of prices within their country (lowering its’ external value) so as to gain the benefit of screwing any middle class,internal savers and investors they have left AND depreciate the awful debts that are accruing on their national balance sheets. This includes the poor ex- USA. We are doing it too. In spades. The USA’s true inflation rate is running slightly below 8% and unemployment is at 24% (using data from Shadow If you happen to have $100.000 in a broker’s account and have no where to invest it that will earn more than 1.5%, you are loosing 6.5% of the purchasing power of that money A YEAR…… that $6,500.00 down the shitter.

I have concluded that either the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve keep two sets of book – one showing the mark-to-fantasy figures that are published and the other showing the true figures — Or our goose is cooked – big time. No one can formulate accurate data or plan constructive action or manage anything without accurate and true data. It’s impossible. If the Fed and Treasury are using Federal Reserve data – believing it to be true, we are well and truly doomed as every decision an action is based on false data which is GUARANTEED to fail.

Just like it has in the past.

Do we never learn from history? Not much. Mr Bernanke is bailing out to his bomb shelter at Princton University at exactly the right time. Too bad he couldn’t time anything else right.

The end game grows ever closer. Be aware..


Muck’s Minute #2


Diversity as Bullshit




There are all sorts of variety and heterogeneity of objects that fall under the common definition of “diversity” when it’s defined as:


diversity |diˈvərsitē; dī-|
noun ( pl. -ties)
the state of being diverse; variety : there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports.
• [usu. in sing. ] a range of different things : newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed.
ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French diversite, from Latin diversitas, from diversus ‘diverse,’ past participle of divertere ‘turn aside’ (see divert ).


In most areas – with the heavy exception of the media and people- diversity promises to deliver a melange of points of view, opinions and contrasts which allow you to browse alternates that in turn teaches you and provides a better opportunity for you to make an accurate evaluation of those actions which are based in reality.

Another area where “diversity” works well is in investments which allow you to spread risk throughout a wider span of market segments so that you have not committed all your fish in one barrel, so to speak.

The major environment where diversity falls flat on its’ face is with people.
Again, this I paint with a broad brush and there are exception too every rule. I never use a dogmatic or rigid series of statements to refer to single individuals. One can predict the behavior of crowds, in specific circumstances, very accurately. You can never predict the actions of any one individual within the crowd.

So I can say with assurance, when you mix races even those of parallel evolution but with different languages, customs and cultures, things will not go well, regardless of how hard politicians, do-gooders or anyone else tries to force everyone get along..

It won’t work. It never has worked and never will until we have bred the human race into one race where there are none or very few small differences between each other, our color, culture and behavior.

The human genes are extremely powerful little ladders which pass along survivor traits from generation to generation. The non-survival traits are eliminated rapidly and usually before they have a chance to be passed along to ones’ offspring.

For several millions of years, one of the survival traits was that the family and tribe were everything. Strangers were to be feared, on risk of death and disaster; those strangers sporting different skin color, speech (or grunt!), better weapons, more aggressive, different customs or in search of women were not your friend and were, if possible, driven off.

This was the behavior of the various branches of the human race (and other animals ) over millions of years. Strangers who don’t look like us, speak like us or behave like us equals ENEMY, not to be trusted and certainly not tolerated within the family/tribal group beyond what they might bring to the trading table and then, extreme caution was exercised to insure you don’t get rooked!

That’s why today, with all the efforts by Government and Schools (not so much business) to force blacks, whites, yellows, browns and reds together in a one educational path for all will not work and never will. Different abilities unfortunately dwell within genes as well. What is going on now is a universal degradation of educational standards to make all those diversified students equally stupid in the name of diversity of race.

Not going to work. Will never work.

The human genome rules all and tells each individual (large and small) that things are wrong here and I don’t trust those who are a different color, don’t talk like I do, and some (partially because to parents) seem to wish to align themselves as a separate culture within the American culture with weird names, modes of dress and traits that absolutely do not allow them to integrate themselves within the country they live in. Some of these “other tribes” also exhibit striking lack of respect for all, have an extremely poor work ethic and tend to commit most of the crimes committed again their own tribal members and those of other tribes around them.

The problem will get worse and worse until parents will no longer put up with their children intelligence being suppressed so “diversity” will “work” (whatever “work” means in this context).

It also means that, with parents backing or not, we need to stop doping up an eye popping 9-10% of our school kids to more easier dumb them down. In France, only 1/2 of 1% of children through all levels of school are diagnosed with ADHD, yet 9-10% of our kids are doped up to “make them more manageable” which is a horrible crime that should cause heads to roll and will not end well as more and more doped up kids do not learn crap in school just to make teachers jobs easier and make parents less responsible for keeping their kids straight and disciplined.

Genes and stupidity are working hand in hand to make a whole lot more things go bad. Yet no one talks about it, works on correcting course and we sin further in the mire every year.

So what are we going to do about it because it won’t go away and will indeed get worse as time passes?


Muck’s Minute #1


A long and detailed article in my local rag sheet (what passes for a local newspaper) caught my attention this morning and echos sounded down the years.

It was a fairly detailed article on the bogus market the U.S. Government has encouraged for growing corn to be converted to ethanol, in turn to be mixed with gasoline as a “green” solution to reduce vehicle CO2 emissions.

For years now, the Feds, having passed laws and approved vast incentives (i.e. bribes for farmers and gasoline refiners) at great cost and for very little results in the reduction of vehicle emissions. In fact, when you moved from 100% gasoline to a 90/10% mix of gasoline/ethanol, the first thing you notice is a two MPG loss in gas milage. Why is that? Ethanol does not have as much energy stored in it as gasoline so it essentially reduces the octane of the fuel you are using to power your vehicle, causing more fuel to be burned to achieve the same distance travelled (which, of course increases CO2 emissions from using extra fuel! Brilliant, no?).

Now, however, after a number of years of this stupidity, the methanol program has spun off great numbers of unintended consequences that could easily have been predicted if anyone has the brains to think about the entire loop from growing the corn to the costs of using less efficient ethanol in fuel.

Things are beginning to get out of hand. In the last 2 years, over one million (1,000,000) acres of tall grass prairie in south Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas and chunks of other states have been added to the numbers of acres plowed under for the sole reason of growing corn. This expansion of acreage devoted only to corn is expected and projected to double and double again as once started a government subsidy program is impossible to stop. And this needs to stop.

Echos again. Back in 1920, there was a recession in the aftermath of WWI. Farmers were in poor shape economically and so three things happened. Government subsidies and price supports for grains were put into place, banks were encouraged to loan farmers money at extremely low rates and thanks’ to technology advances pushed by WWI, farmers borrowed money to purchases newly available mechanized farm equipment which multiplied the amount of land they could plow, plant and harvest 300 times over. Instead of 40 acres and a mule, now a farmer could profitably handle 1000 acres and a tractor!

Right into the first years of the 30’s, almost all of the deep rooted prairie grasses were uprooted and grain and other water dependent crops were planted.

Only one fly in the ointment. Our mid-West plains country is, at best, semi-arid and requires the deep roots of tall grass to hold the soil in place between rains which can be intermittent at best. The mid-West plains are “high grass” country, most suitable for open range grazing of livestock.

Now, however, great areas of huge swatches of this grassy plain is being plowed under – more every year – for a mono-culture crop of corn which will go almost exclusively into methanol production.

In addition to driving up food prices, especially for pigs, cattle and their products because it is more profitable to sell the corn to methanol producers than feed livestock with it, the uses of fertilizers (made from natural gas) will explode because the ground itself throughout that middle third of America is not particularly good for much except growing grass.

We are now planting the seeds (pun intended) of another ecological disaster that just cries out to be remembered: The Dust Bowl of the 30’s when all that grass was plowed under, an unexpected (but not uncommon) two year drought left dry tilled fields to blow away in the winds that frequent those areas of the mid-West and destroyed a whole generation of farmers who simply abandoned the land as everything fell to pieces around them.

Can the same thing happen now, a short future away as we, yet once again, destroy the grasses of the great plains and sacrifice the ecology of almost one quarter of our county for the making of methanol? You bet your sweet ass it can.


The Flight to the Ephemeral


John Michael Greer is one of the deep thinkers of our time. He is “macro-man” in that when he looks at a particular subject, he not only sees and analyzes the immediate subject at hand, he also thoroughly identifies all the things that bear on the subject as inputs and analyzes as many outputs as is possible and what they do (including unintended consequences). In other words, he’s a big picture man… Enjoy!



by John Michael Greer (The Archdruid Report)

     I’d meant to devote this week’s post to exploring the way that new religious movements so often give shape to emerging ideas and social forms during the decline of civilizations, and to sketch out some of the possibilities for action along those lines as industrial society moves further along its own curve of decline and fall. Still, these essays are part of a broader conversation about the future of today’s world, and now and then some other part of that conversation brings up points relevant to the discussion here.

That’s as much excuse as there is for this week’s detour. A few weeks ago, the P2P Foundation website hosted a piece by Kevin Carson titled When Ephemeralization is Hard to Tell from Catabolic Collapse. Carson’s piece got some attention recently in the peak oil blogosphere, not to mention some pointed and by no means unjustified criticism. It seems to me, though, that there’s a valid point tucked away in Carson’s essay; he’s got it by the wrong end, and it doesn’t imply what he thinks it does, but the point is nonetheless there, and important.

Getting to it, though, requires a certain tolerance for intellectual sloppiness of a kind embarrassingly common in today’s culture. When Carson talks about “the Jared Diamond/John Michael Greer/William Kunstler theory of ‘catabolic collapse,’” for example, it’s hard to escape the conclusion that he simply hasn’t taken the time to learn much about his subject. “Catabolic collapse,” after all, isn’t a generic label for collapse in general; it’s the name for a specific theory about how civilizations fall—those who are interested can download a PDF here—which I developed between 2001 and 2004 and published online in a 2005 essay, and the other two names he cited had nothing to do with it.

Mind you, I would be delighted to hear that Jared Diamond supports the theory of catabolic collapse, but as far as I know, he’s never mentioned it in print, and the modes of collapse he discusses in his book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed differ significantly from my model. As for the third author, presumably Carson means James Howard Kunstler, the author of The Long Emergency and Too Much Magic—very solid books about the approaching end of the industrial age, though once again based on a different theory of collapse—rather than William Kunstler, the late civil rights lawyer who defended the Chicago Seven back in 1969, and who to the best of my knowledge never discussed the collapse of civilizations at all.

This same somewhat casual relationship to matters of fact pops up elsewhere in Carson’s essay, and leaves his argument rather the worse for wear.  Carson’s claim is that the accelerating breakdown of the existing infrastructure of industrial society isn’t a problem, because that infrastructure either is being replaced, or is sure to be replaced (he is somewhat vague on this distinction), by newer, better and cheaper high-tech systems. What Buckminster Fuller used to call ephemeralization—defined, with Bucky’s usual vagueness, as “doing more with less”—is, in Carson’s view, “one of the most central distinguishing characteristics of our technology,” and guarantees that new infrastructures will be so much less capital-intensive than the old ones that replacing the latter won’t be a problem.

That’s a claim worth considering. The difficulty, though, is that the example he offers—also borrowed from Fuller—actually makes the opposite case.  Replacing a global network of oceanic cables weighing some very large amount with a few dozen communications satellites weighing a few tons each does look, at first glance, like a dramatic step toward ephemeralization, but that impression remains only as long as it takes to ask whether the satellites are replacing those cables all by themselves. Of course they’re not; putting those satellites up, keeping them in orbit, and replacing them requires an entire space program, with all its subsidiary infrastructure; getting signals to and from the satellites requires a great deal more infrastructure. Pile all those launch gantries, mission control centers, satellite dishes, and other pieces of hardware onto the satellite side, and the total weight on that end of the balance starts looking considerably less ephemeral than it did.  Even if you add a couple of old-fashioned freighters on the cable side—that’s the modest technology needed to lay and maintain cables—it’s far from clear that replacing cables with satellites involves any reduction in capital intensity at all.

All this displays one of the more troubling failures of contemporary intellectual culture, an almost physiological inability to think in terms of whole systems. I’ve long since lost count of the number of times I’ve watched card-carrying members of the geekoisie fail to grasp that their monthly charge for internet service isn’t a good measure of the whole cost of the internet, or skid right past the hard economic fact that the long term survival of the internet depends on its ability to pay for itself.  This blindness to whole systems is all the more startling in that the computer revolution itself was made possible by the creation of systems theory and cybernetics in the 1940s and 1950s, and whole-systems analysis is a central feature of both these disciplines.

To watch the current blindness to whole systems in full gaudy flower, glance over any collection of recent chatter about “cloud computing.” What is this thing we’re calling “the cloud?”  Descend from the airy realms of cyber-abstractions into the grubby underworld of hardware, and it’s an archipelago of huge server farms, each of which uses as much electricity as a small city, each of which has a ravenous hunger for spare parts, skilled labor, and many other inputs, and each of which must be connected to all the others by a physical network of linkages that have their own inescapable resource demands. As with Fuller’s satellite analogy, the ephemeralization of one part of the whole system is accomplished at the cost of massive capital outlays and drastic increases in complexity elsewhere in the system.

All this needs to be understood in order to put ephemeralization into its proper context. Still, Carson’s correct to point out that information technologies have allowed the replacement of relatively inefficient infrastructure, in some contexts, with arrangements that are much more efficient. The best known example is the replacement of old-fashioned systems of distribution, with their warehouses, local jobbers, and the rest, with just-in-time ordering systems that allow products, parts, and raw materials to be delivered as they’re needed, where they’re needed. Since this approach eliminates the need to keep warehouses full of spare parts and the like, it’s certainly a way of doing more with less—but the consequences of doing so are considerably less straightforward than they appear at first glance.

To understand how this works, it’s going to be necessary to spend a little time talking about catabolic collapse, the theory referenced earlier. The basis of that theory is the uncontroversial fact that human societies routinely build more infrastructure than they can afford to maintain. During periods of prosperity, societies invest available resources in major projects—temples, fortifications, canal or road systems, space programs, or whatever else happens to appeal to the collective imagination of the age. As infrastructure increases in scale and complexity, the costs of maintenance rise to equal and exceed the available economic surplus; the period of prosperity ends in political and economic failure, and infrastructure falls into ruin as its maintenance costs are no longer paid.

This last stage in the process is catabolic collapse. Since the mismatch between maintenance costs and economic capacity is the driving force behind the cycle, the collapse of excess infrastructure has a silver lining—in fact, two such linings. First, since ruins require minimal maintenance, the economic output formerly used to maintain infrastructure can be redirected to other uses; second, in many cases, the defunct infrastructure can be torn apart and used as raw materials for something more immediately useful, at a cost considerably lower than fresh production of the same raw materials would require. Thus post-Roman cities in Europe’s most recent round of dark ages could salvage stone from  temples, forums, and coliseums to raise walls against barbarian raiders, just as survivors of the collapse of industrial society will likely thank whatever deities they happen to worship that we dug so much metal out of the belly of the earth and piled it up on the surface in easily accessible ruins.

Given a stable resource base, the long-term economic benefits of catabolic collapse are significant enough that a new period of prosperity normally follows the collapse, resulting in another round of infrastructure buildup and a repetition of the same cycle.  The pulse of anabolic expansion and catabolic collapse thus defines, for example, the history of imperial China. The extraordinary stability of China’s traditional system of village agriculture and local-scale manufacturing put a floor under the process, so that each collapse bottomed out at roughly the same level as the last, and after a century or two another anabolic pulse would get under way. In some places along the Great Wall, it’s possible to see the high-water marks of each anabolic phase practically side by side, as each successful dynasty’s repairs and improvements were added onto the original fabric.

Matters are considerably more troublesome if the resource base lacks the permanence of traditional Chinese rice fields and workshops. A society that bases its economy on nonrenewable resources, in particular, has set itself up for a far more devastating collapse. Nonrenewable resource extraction is always subject to the law of diminishing returns; while one resource can usually be substituted by another, that simply means a faster drawdown of still other resources—the replacement of more concentrated metal ores with ever less concentrated substitutes, the usual example cited these days for resource substitution, required exponential increases in energy inputs per ton of metal produced, and thus hastened the depletion of concentrated fossil fuel reserves.

As the usual costs of infrastructure maintenance mount up, as a result, a society that runs its economy on nonrenewable resources also faces rising costs for resource extraction. Eventually those bills can no longer be paid in full, and the usual pattern of political and economic failure ensues. It’s at this point that the real downside of dependence on nonrenewable resources cuts in; the abandonment of excess infrastructure decreases one set of costs, and frees up some resources, but the ongoing depletion of the  nonrenewable resource base continues implacably, so resource costs keep rising. Instead of bottoming out and setting the stage for renewed prosperity, the aftermath of crisis allows only a temporary breathing space, followed by another round of political and economic failure as resource costs continue to climb. This is what drives the stairstep process of crisis, partial recovery, and renewed crisis, ending eventually in total collapse, that appears so often in the annals of dead civilizations.

Though he’s far from clear about it, I suspect that this is what Carson meant to challenge by claiming that the increased efficiencies and reduced capital intensity of ephemeralized technology make worries about catabolic collapse misplaced. He’s quite correct that increased efficiency, “doing more with less,” is a response to the rising spiral of infrastructure maintenance costs that drive catabolic collapse; in fact, it’s quite a common response, historically speaking. There are at least two difficulties with his claim, though. The first is that efficiency is notoriously subject to the law of diminishing returns; the low hanging fruit of efficiency improvement may be easily harvested, but proceeding beyond that involves steadily increasing difficulty and expense, because in the real world—as distinct from science fiction—you can only do so much more with less and less. That much is widely recognized.  Less often remembered  is that increased efficiency has an inescapable correlate that Carson doesn’t mention: reduced resilience.

It’s only fair to point out that Carson comes by his inattention to this detail honestly. It was among the central themes of the career of Buckminster Fuller, whose ideas give Carson’s essay its basic frame. Fuller had a well-earned reputation in the engineering field of his time as “failure-prone,” and a consistent habit of pursuing efficiency at the expense of resilience was arguably the most important reason why.

The fiasco surrounding Fuller’s 1933 Dymaxion car is a case in point.  One of the car’s many novel features was a center of mass that was extremely high compared to other cars, which combined with an innovative suspension system to give the car an extremely smooth ride. Unfortunately this same feature turned into a lethal liability when a Dymaxion prototype was sideswiped by another vehicle. Then as now, cars on Chicago’s Lake Shore Drive bump into one another quite often, but few of them flip and roll, killing the driver and seriously injuring everyone else on board. That’s what happened in this case, and Chrysler—which had been considering mass production of the Dymaxion car—withdrew from the project at once, having decided that the car wasn’t safe to drive.

The rise and fall of Fuller’s geodesic dome architecture traces the same story in a less grim manner. Those of my readers who were around in the 1960s will recall the way geodesic domes sprang up like mushrooms in those days. By the early 1970s, they were on their way out, for a telling reason. Fuller’s design was extremely efficient in its use of materials, but unless perfectly caulked—and in the real world, there is no such thing as perfect caulking—geodesic domes consistently leaked in the rain. Famed vernacular architect Lloyd Kahn, author of Domebooks 1 and 2, the bibles of the geodesic-dome fad, marked the end of the road with his 1973 sourcebook Shelter, which subjected the flaws of the geodesic dome to unsparing analysis and helped refocus the attention of the nascent appropriate technology scene onto the less efficient but far more resilient technology of shingled roofs. Nowadays geodesic domes are only used in those few applications where their efficiency is more important than their many practical problems.

The unavoidable tradeoff between efficiency and resilience can be understood easily enough by considering an ordinary bridge. All bridges these days have vastly more structural strength than they need in order to support their ordinary load of traffic. This is inefficient, to be sure, but it makes the bridges resilient; they can withstand high winds, unusually heavy loads, deferred maintenance, and other challenges without collapsing. Since the cost of decreased resilience (a collapsed bridge and potential loss of life) is considerably more serious than the cost of decreased efficiency (more tax revenues spent on construction), inefficiency is accepted—and rightly so.

It’s one of the persistent delusions of contemporary computer culture to claim that this equation doesn’t apply once modern information technology enters into the picture. Nassim Taleb’s widely read The Black Swan is chockfull of counterexamples. As he shows, information networks have proven to be as effective at multiplying vulnerabilities as they are at countering them, and can be blindsided by unexpected challenges just as thoroughly as any other system. The 1998 failure of Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), whose publicists insisted that its computer models could not fail during the lifetime of the universe and several more like it, is just one of many cases in point.

The history of any number of failed civilizations offers its own mocking commentary on the insistence that efficiency is always a good thing. In its final years, for instance, the Roman Empire pursued “doing more with less” to a nearly Fulleresque degree, by allowing the manpower of legionary units along the Rhine and Danube frontiers to decline to a fraction of their paper strength. In peace, this saved tax revenues for critical needs elsewhere; when the barbarian invasions began, though, defenses that had held firm for centuries crumpled, and the collapse of the imperial system duly followed.

In this context, there’s a tremendous irony in the label Fuller used for the pursuit of efficiency.  The word “ephemeral,” after all, has a meaning of its own, unrelated to the one Fuller slapped onto it; it derives from the Greek word ephemeron, “that which lasts for only one day,” and its usual synonyms include “temporary,” “transitory,” and “fragile.”  A society dependent on vulnerable satellite networks in place of the robust reliability of oceanic cables, cloud computing in place of the dispersed security of programs and data spread across millions of separate hard drives, just-in-time ordering in place of warehouses ready to fill in any disruptions in the supply chain, and so on, is indeed more ephemeral—that is to say, considerably more fragile than it would otherwise be.

In a world facing increasingly serious challenges driven by resource depletion, environmental disruption, and all the other unwelcome consequences of attempting limitless growth on a relentlessly finite planet, increasing the fragility of industrial society is also a good way to see to it that it turns out to be temporary and transitory. In that sense, and only in that sense, Carson’s right; ephemeralization is the wave of the future, and it’s even harder to tell it apart from catabolic collapse than he thinks, because ephemeralization is part of the normal process of collapse, not a way to prevent it.

There’s an equal irony to be observed in the way that Carson presents this preparation for collapse as yet another great leap forward on the allegedly endless march of progress. As discussed earlier in this series of posts, the concept of progress has no content of its own; it’s simply the faith-based assumption that the future will be, or must be, or at least ought to be, better than the present; and today’s passionate popular faith in the inevitability and beneficence of progress makes it embarrassingly easy for believers to convince themselves that any change you care to name, however destructive it turns out to be, must be for the best.  As we continue down the familiar trajectory of decline and fall, we can thus expect any number of people to cheer heartily at the progress, so to speak, that we’re making toward the endpoint of that curve.

Not all such cheering will be branded so obviously by another rehash of the weary 20th-century technofantasy of “a world without want,” or that infallible touchstone of the absurd, the insertion of some scrap of Star Trek’s fictional technology in what purports to be a discussion of a future we might actually inhabit. There will no doubt be any number of attempts in the years ahead to insist that our decline is actually an ascent, or the birth pangs of a new and better world, or what have you, and it may well take an unusual degree of clarity to see past the chorus of reassurances, come to terms with the hard realities of our time, and do something constructive about them.

America’s non-banks —- The anointed

Another wonderful addition to the TBTF list – and we don’t even know haw many public companies are on the list or who they are!  

This will be guaranteed to throw yet more money printing/asset fudging and sucking up productive funds to kick the can of break the bastards up and liquidate then when fail just a few more feet down the ditch of insolvency.  

I hate it….
The number of too-big-to-fail institutions gets bigger


Jun 8th 2013 | New York |Courtesy of the Economist

ALTHOUGH the names on the list are supposed to be secret AIG and Prudential, two insurers, this week confirmed they are on it. So too did GE Capital, the conglomerate’s financial arm. These firms, and perhaps others, have joined America’s largest banks and clearinghouses in being designated “systemically important financial institutions” (SIFIs) by the new Financial Stability Oversight Council, a regulatory watchdog [ posters’ note: Another committee the help us out]. What that means in practice is that because they are thought to be significant enough to blow up America’s economy, they should get special attention.

An appeals process against being labelled a SIFI will last for 30 days, but discussions have been going on for years so it is hard to believe minds will be swayed now. The immediate consequence is that the firms will be regulated by the Fed [ poster’s note:  Now this is going to be a great addition to the Fed’s obnoxious powers, isn’t it!]

and subjected to tougher capital and operational requirements. Jack Lew, the treasury secretary, said the designations would “protect taxpayers, reduce risk in the financial system, and promote financial stability.” [poster’s note: Count on it doing the exact opposite.]

Others are less enthusiastic. “This is a catastrophe,” says Peter Wallison, a fellow of the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank, and a former White House counsel. Putting these institutions under the thumb of the Fed will inevitably undermine their ability to innovate, he argues. And joining the group of entities perceived to be too big to fail means they will enjoy an implicit government guarantee. That will put them at a funding advantage against smaller companies, he says, and imply that their products are government-backed, a huge help for insurers in particular.

Firms themselves appear to have mixed feelings about the SIFI label. AIG seems to approve; MetLife, an insurer that has not been designated, thinks that the higher capital requirements it brings could undermine the viability of some products. Much depends on whether SIFIs are now perceived to have an implicit guarantee, and on whether that can be monitised. It also matters how many other firms are designated SIFIs. Lots of financial firms in America are large: there are rumblings about money-market funds, asset managers and private-equity firms. Risk can move around the financial system. The question today is which firms should be on the list. Eventually it might be which to leave off.

Downside: After the Returns Stop Diminishing

A very short, sweet and to the point reckoning of, since we do not have a “free market” anywhere in the world, how one uses the ideal of a true “free market” as a benchmark against which we can measure the miserable market and banking structure we’re saddled with at the moment in time.  Quick read.  Good scoop..



Courtesy of Bill Bonner, The Daily Reckoning

The downside for Nazi Germany began almost as soon as it started. The regime shifted national resources toward armaments as soon as the Enabling Act of March 1933 gave Hitler the power to rule by decree. More spending on the military left fewer resources for the consumer economy. As more and more men, steel and coal went into military output, nonmilitary output declined, bringing down standards of living. The real wealth of the German people began to fall almost immediately. At first, the decline was modest. Economists didn’t notice it. They focused instead on rapid industrial growth, falling unemployment and belching smokestacks. But the typical German had less to eat, less to spend and less to buy. In the final years of the Third Reich, his standard of living was in free fall.

Few people wake up in the morning and say to themselves: “What I really want is a tank.” Nor do they turn to their wives and say: “Honey, we’re out of ammunition.” Military spending is a state concern, not a private matter. Very few individuals want to use their time or money on weapons or defenses. Security spending is regarded as a necessary evil. It does not increase standards of living. But how much of it is necessary? A politician may say, “We’ll be better off if we increase military spending.” A general may advise that the nation will be “safer” if it launches a new weapons program. But how do they know?

Normally, we know what things are worth only by observation. We watch what people buy and what they do. If a man chooses to spend all his time collecting stamps, we presume he likes it. If he chooses to buy an old painting or a new motorcycle, we presume he wants them. We can look at how he spends his money to determine what he desires… and look at prices to see what he thinks they are worth. People use their time and money as they see fit. If a gallon of gas is priced at $4 — on the free market — then that is what it is worth. If a dozen eggs are priced at $2, we can say that a gallon of gas is worth two dozen eggs. We have no other reliable measure.

If people are 100% free to produce and to spend as they wish, we can presume they get 100% of what they want. Whether it is good or bad, we don’t know. All we know is that prices reflect the relative values that people give to things and that the economy fully expresses their wants and desires. This is, of course, a fantasy. Nowhere on Earth… at no time in history… did such an ideal economy exist. Everywhere, in every epoch, there were restrictions, laws, regulations, theft, subsidies, slavery and other distortions. Still, it is worth keeping in mind this IDEAL ECONOMY. Like an honest man or a virtuous woman, it gives us a standard against which to measure our shortcomings.

If this is true, it raises the deepest questions about economic policy. It suggests that there shouldn’t be any. Even the wings of an angel state, brushing against an ideal market economy, are bound to cause distortions. Every act of central planning is an interference with individuals’ plans. Every state-level policy decision interrupts thousands or millions of private ones. There is no way around it. Buyers and sellers express their preferences. We can see what things are worth. If, on the other hand, the price is set or suppressed or sustained by decree, the information content in the price disappears. We don’t know what people really want. We don’t know what things are worth. We can only guess. Would they buy so much gasoline if the price were higher? How much corn would people consume if the feds did not require us to put it in our gas tanks? How much would you pay for a hospital stay if the industry were not so heavily regulated? We don’t know.

Any attempt to fiddle with the system, dictate prices, favor one industry over another or change preferences in any way creates a distortion that reduces net satisfaction, aka what people want. Meddling distorts the results so that people end up getting less of what they really want… and more of what someone else wants them to have.

But wait a minute. Suppose you take money from rich people and spread it around? Now, instead of one rich person getting a lot of what he wanted, 10 or 20 not-so-rich people would be able to get more of what they wanted. Wouldn’t that increase net satisfaction? Doesn’t the rule of declining marginal utility decrease the rich man’s enjoyment while permitting the poor men to enjoy their pleasures more fully? Perhaps. But something always seems to go wrong on the road to improving others’ lives.

You can presume, for example, that the rich are not consuming all they have. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be rich. So you can also presume that what is taken from them has some role beyond satisfying their immediate whims and wants. In fact, it is the capital that is used to build businesses, create factories and endow universities and hospitals; these are the excess resources that are invested to create more consumer goods and services. Take away this capital and will the society be as rich? Will net satisfaction go up or down? Who knows? But it’s not something we have to worry about. No government in the world undertakes simply to redistribute money from rich to poor. Certainly not the Third Reich.

No serious person argues that a command economy is the most efficient way to identify and produce what people really want. Instead, the meddlers argue that there are some things that are more important than economics… some things more important than what the people actually want. Hitler said so:

“The job of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is simply to set the national economic tasks; private industry has to fulfill them… Either German industry will grasp the new economic tasks, or else it will show itself incapable of surviving any longer in this modern age…”


I feel as bad as anyone for those injured and killed in the Boston Marathon bombing. I wish it had never happened and I wish there was some way to prevent similar things from happening in the future. But there isn’t.

The overall reaction to the bombing by our Media and the various Government segments all running in circles searching for the remaining suspect is an absolutely vivid illustration of how to bring the United States to its’ knees with perhaps a dozen people, a wee bit of planning on the part of the bad guys and the selection of a dozen vital locations to disrupt or destroy that are not guarded or watched by the massive army of local police, FBI or the HLS.

If the so called authorities indeed have killed one perp and are closing in on the second one, I’d be very upset if they blow away the second perp. They may not have a choice or the suspect may suicide but dead men cannot furnish information of any sort that might assist in explaining why the bombings went down, who financed it, where the perps were trained, etc.. The complete lock-down of the city of Boston, continued lock-down of a number of areas (as I write this), no public transportation, no taxi’s, people instructed to stay indoors, lock the doors and hide under the bed, not to mention the absolutely massive mobilization of swat-type troops and everyone from Government Agencies from local city, State to Washington D.C., has cost the country several billion dollars or more in economic activity.

Now, multiply this very small and limited act of terror by 12 or 15. Spread it out; one in LA, one in Seattle, a bomb in Denver, a boom in Phoenix, bang in NYC, pop in Miami, maybe a car bomb at a cruise ship terminal when the boat was loading and so on from coast to coast. With that kind of tactic, they wouldn’t even have to kill anyone. The U.S. Government and or ever over alert Media would go absolutely bug shit, 24 hours a day of pumping out rumors, quotes from people who know nothing and interviewing every publicity hungry chief of police and politician from coast to coast.

In my opinion, what this teaches Al-Quida or whomever the bad guys are that touched this off is that someone can shut down the whole country for days at a time with miniscule effort at multiple population centers (or an atomic power plant).

Since the shoot out that apparently killed the older brother used up hundreds and hundreds of rounds for suppressing a single shooter probably explains why the HLS has bought a billion rounds of ammo to allow them to use between 200-500 rounds per person they plan on taking out.

The 24 hour coverage of this activity lends joy to a terrorists’ heart. He thirsts publicity and credit for his despicable and evil actions and the damage to the morale of the people and the economic loss caused by the terrorist actions feed enthusiasm to recruit and deploy more of the same. His handler wants the publicity and credit even more!

Mark my words…. We will now lose more and more of our freedom in the name of “We are the Government and we’re here to protect you!”. They will NEVER be able stop such terrorists actions such as these except by accident, luck and their specialty, entrapment. Then they all stamped onto the scene after the terror action has happened (or aborted) and hopefully figure out what happened and if they are lucky, find the assholes who did it and capture them alive if possible (but not at the risk of losing a single good guy!).

You can bet these lessons are being studied by a whole lot of people in a whole lot of places who have no compunction about turning what they have learned from this into future efforts and campaigns.


Reflections on the Future of Mankind – Part II

Where we’ll end up – the long view




Muck About


Part II


Major Wars (Civil, I and II) were fought over land, resources and loot. The crusades? Obviously religious in the history books but they were truly fought in retaliation for hundreds of years of brutal and deadly Muslim expansion from the middle East and Northern Africa into Spain and Europe. There were huge treasure hunting and resource overtones and outcomes as well.    Hey, the winner of a war gets to rape, plunder and pillage a little, right?

When land or vital resources (oil, water, minerals or land that is arable and capable of growing crops or running livestock) runs short for any given population, without action, economic activity declines, hunger and deprivation sets in and standards of living drop unto death and the eventual destruction of that civilization.

Migration and flight/fight inevitably begins as will happen eventually between Bangladesh and India – India is already building a fence to keep the Bangladeshi out (and so is Burma) and I don’t even want to talk about India and Pakistan or India and China  (although the Himalayas do provide a impressive bit of a fence!)  and most deadly of all, if the populations have not been starved completely to apathy, war will follow when countries try to annex resources, arable land, water, et al of those areas and populations nearby. War also happens when migrants clash with those neighboring peoples who are inundated by fleeing populations. This is especially true of populations trapped so far below their abilities to improve their standard of living or even survive given the slightest interruption in the food chain (by nature or politics). After all, when there is nothing left to lose and life is not worth living, why not fight?  If I wasn’t so “mature”, I’m sure I would..

Think of what Haiti would look like and be like with no relief supplies, no security, no boats or planes bringing food and water and evacuating the injured, building shelter (however slowly) and rendering medical assistance.  Civilization is miles wide but has the thickness of three days with no food and one day with no water.   In other words, civilization is not very durable if anything goes wrong at the infrastructure level.

India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, several chunks of Central and South America and most of Africa are excellent examples of countries likely to implode if the intricate globalization of supply chains fail. As I write this, India and Pakistan have “made nice” over Kashmir all the while polishing and expanding an atomic warfare capability.

Iran may be close behind with both rocket and nuclear capability according to the war mongers among our elite powers that be (who I personally don’t trust to tell the truth if their life depended upon it!) . I can think of nothing that brings fear to my poor old black heart more than an Islamic Bomb – and it’s already there in Pakistan!

An Islamic bomb that falls into the hands of a suicide ridden Imam is one that cannot be stopped.  When an aggressor (or assassin) is willing to die in the delivery of his/her weapon, they are beyond defeat except by exceptional luck.

Control of land is the basis of the dispute in Kashmir, stirred up with the old Muslim/Hindu hatred of several thousands of years.. The next war, if it happens, will likely be nuclear in nature. Boom! Radiation and particle fallout is no respecter of national borders and the wind blows and blows in that part of the world. Let us hope that rational men can prevail But don’t bet your life on it since “rational” is not an important topic in that part of the world while “national” is of the highest priority.

Only a relative few, compared with overall population levels, within the huge numbers of people of those countries mentioned above are smart enough or rich enough to climb out of the pit. The smart Pakistani and  Hindu are the ones we see in our own diminished and ever poorer United States as physicians, scientists, mathematicians and other highly educated professionals. They have already “beat feet” to a better place. We would be much smarter to make it easier to vacuum this “cream of the crop” up for our use – but our Government is moving in the opposite direction, limiting immigration and restricting green card issuance even to highly trained scientists and engineers who try to come here (which may change in the appropriate direction shortly – I hope!).

In my humble opinion, this is so short sighted as to be classified as idiocy and incompetence.  This is a country of immigrants and constantly changing.  To deny good minds the opportunity to make us richer is – simply – nuts.  But then who ever said the Federal Government is sane..

China, at the moment, is making a valiant attempt to drag itself away from the abyss of a centrally planned economy and begins to now compete for natural resources with the rest of the developed world. They are doomed by demographics to failure as within a generation there will millions of men with no women to marry thanks to misguided “one child” policies.  Their population is aging even faster than ours which is another anchor around their national neck.

China is trying mightily to encourage wealth generation while retaining central control and ignoring human rights, environmental issues and freedoms.  I wish them lots of luck at any distance beyond the short term.

At the same time, every year, China must create 150,000,000 new jobs from a population of 2 billion and climbing. How long do you think that will last? Not very long I assure you. Don’t forget – for every Chinese who manages to raise his standard of living to the level now enjoyed by the United States, more and more pressure is put upon us economically through “globalization” and our standard of living is rapidly dropping!!.  This is now happening as we all know as higher paying manufacturing jobs have vanished overseas to lower wage countries and prices rise as competition heats up for available natural resources such as oil, copper, zinc, and steel and rare earth minerals. China has adopted Africa as its’ own playground and is investing heavily in many areas thereof to capture needed resources and doing a fine job of it too.  We fought a war in Iraq (remind me why, please!) and China is now sucking up Iraqi oil and didn’t lose a man in the process.

We, in this country are left with two wage earners sometimes working two or more jobs and prior to 2008 were borrowing more and more to maintain what is perceived to be an acceptable (i.e.”wanted”) standard of living. It is no surprise that our national savings rate was negative until recently. Now 1.0% or so —  but according to the BS numbers by the St. Louis Fed it’s 3.7%.  Wow!  Past years saw savings rates averaging 6-9%. Now we are in the midst of a financial debt/credit crunch of worldwide proportions that will insure that, thanks to misguided political efforts to “do something” and “kick the can”, we will be all be poorer by and by.

While we sometimes see media driven cheerleading of scientific and industrial production in these developing countries, the truth is that the vast majority of the population of these countries cannot and will not improve their standard of living significantly over their lifetimes or the lifetime of their children or children’s children. Resource depletion and shortages will see to it.  In most of Africa, people are doomed to live very short, nasty lives because they have never managed to progress economically or educationally (Islam has a part of the blame to shoulder here) to even start the process of climbing out of the pit they are in.  I somehow doubt that China (or anyone else) will furnish them a ladder to do it.  The Chinese are far too interested in digging holes in the ground to dredge minerals and drilling oil than making contributions to the general populations.  I’m sure the “rulers” of those dictatorships will do well, retiring to other and less savage places with suitable Swiss bank accounts.

As an aside, my Oncologist (I have CLL/Lymphoma that’s I’ve been doing battle with for 17 years – so far, I’m still here!) is a native of Haiti, an extremely smart man to whom I trust my life. He is President of a Charitable Foundation and flies to Haiti every other week.  Far away from Port au Prince, up in the poorest of poor mountain villages, his Foundation is building homes for Haitians that were displaced by the earthquake, quietly, no fanfare and no publicity.  He’s saving his own people one family at a time.  If you want to contribute, contact <> and you will find a true charity that’s worth your time.

Within these countries, there are simply insufficient resources and wealth to allow any but a select, very smart or very evil few to rise above the herd. The evil ones are the ones in charge who siphon off the relief efforts for their own and their crony buddies’ benefit and profits.

Eventually, as the size of the population continues to increase , the poorer masses will be heard from and that voice will be death and destruction. The fairly recent tribal violence in Rwanda (forgotten that already?  Shame on you!) that killed eight hundred thousand people is a good example – and gee whiz – in our country the Main Stream Media didn’t broadcast news about it and it was totally ignored. The exact same thing  happened in Sudan recently on a slightly smaller scale and while words and broken promises litter the bloody landscape, nothing is (or probably could) be done to stop it.  More misery and no solutions.

As an accepted fact, the poorer, less educated and more religious a country’s population is, the more offspring they will produce. The cultural and genetic drive to produce many children so that some of them may survive to hopefully take care of elderly Mom and Dad is both

irresistible and deemed necessary in these countries and cultures.

Population expansion , regardless of how fast it explodes will never overrun the Earth. Again, sooner than later, population density will contribute to our demise, either through resource exhaustion, pestilence  or war.

In the more densely populated areas of the world, pestilence is a likely result of packing too many humans in with too many of earth’s other creatures that are required to feed us. Look at China, India and Indonesia today. The National Institutes of Health openly estimates that a disease will cross over the animal/human barrier within the next few years (one already has – except it’s not sufficiently virulent to cause alarm yet) that will adapt to a human/human basis of transferal. Because this disease (such as the avian or “swine” flue) is new to the human race, no defenses are there to combat it and a vast world-wide pandemic will follow that has the potential of killing billions of humans. It is not a question of “If” this will happen, it is a question of “When”.

We were lucky with the last “swine flu”.  Will we be equally lucky the next time?  I’ll borrow a Grant Williams, “Hmmmmmm”.

One does not have to actively be involved in war to die from it, especially in our not so brave new world of nuclear and genetically engineered possibilities, biological and chemical agents none of which are contained at nor recognize national borders. The availability of such devices is only going to proliferate with time.

The new kids on the technological “better watch me” block are a totally different animals in that they can either destroy us or save us, depending upon how they’re used.

The two potential technologies with the most promise of either doomsday speculation or great advances for the human species is that of genetic modification and nanotechnology . Genetic modification has been going on in slow motion for centuries in many agricultural laboratories, gardens and kennels and is a chief reason why we are able to feed those multitudinous mouths of an ever expanding horde of people. But until relatively recently it has been used on veggies, plants, animals and trees and other slow growing and slow spreading things that offer an excellent chance of control. It has been done v-e-r-y  s-l-o-w-l-y.

Now however, we are applying genetic modification to corn, soy, dogs, cows, sheep, pigs, one monkey (according to rumor), frogs, viruses, bacteria and probably humans (Shhhh!) and now it’s being done really, really fast.  DNA and nanotechnology are two genies that are out of the bottle and racing each other to practical application.

Genetics is not a new science. Agriculture has been in the business of genetic modification for centuries and the major thing changing for them now is the speed at which these modifications can be made and tested – or not.

In days past, agronomists and animal breeders would breed and breed and cross pollinate (including sperm) and breed some more in order to select the traits in a plant, or tree or animal they desired to have. Dog owners have been modifying genes in dogs forever in order to create new subspecies of canines with critical (to the breeder) traits.   They have been successful in that dogs are the first species on Earth to totally subjugate their existence to another breed of animal – us.  They can no longer survive in the wild but must have us to nurture, feed, care for and play with them to live.

So what’s the big deal about modifying DNA or playing around with the human and plant and animal genetic makeup directly instead of just cross pollination or breeding experiments?

Well, for one thing, instead of just modifying a single species by breeding or selecting for desirable traits within that species, we now can do something better.

We can insert a gene from a luminescent insect (think lightning bug) into a frog. We get a glowing frog. How convenient! No more big lights required for frog gigging at night. (This is a true example of a genetic modification that has already been done some time ago).

The serious thing here is that we are no longer limited to single specie genetic sources for modification of a selected species. We can take a gene from a bug, virus, animal or plant and insert it into some other plant, virus, bacteria, animal or bug that is not related to the original genetic sample at all. We can now cross-modify from specie to specie and genus to genus and that is a whole new ball game.

This makes for some pretty broad experiments in modification of living things. Picture a human with owl genes – big sexy eyes and he can walk around in the dark without a flashlight. And think how the ladies will be wowed by the length of his eyelashes! How about a human with gills and a modified skin that makes him truly amphibious. Not an impossibility in the future and a great idea to populate the 6/10th of our world now under water.  Of course, I wonder what the modified human will think when he finds out about us land dwelling varieties!

There are two voices that can be presently heard on this very broad and complex subject. One voice is very loud and strident and full of end of the world as we know it screeching.

This voice includes the noisy output of all religious groups across the board and political persuasions that pander to those religious groups. It boils down to the fact that all religions are terribly threatened by the idea of us being able to grow a human being from the guts of a cell and an empty egg. Or that we may be able to modify a human being in some wild and wooly manner by inserting or removing genes of human DNA or some other species’ DNA to get something that “god” didn’t design. (Oh please forgive me for even mentioning “design”!)

You know the arguments – it’s immoral, against the word of god (used in the same sentence to try and make it sound better), tampering with nature, unnatural behavior that will lead to all manner of terrible things like designing humans to custom specifications.

Well, what’s wrong with that?

If we create a human being without “gods” help then how does the religious community make peace with something that is obviously not the work of their gods. Of course religions would either collapse or have to do big rewrites of “the gospel truth” should we discover evidence of life elsewhere in the Universe, but genetic science is here and now and SETI research is there and who knows when, so religion worries about what’s more immediate. (I love Steven Hawking’s reply when once asked “Is there a God?”. He replied, “I don’t answer God questions.”)

The second voice crying for caution has a much better point to make. It is scientific in nature and more truthful of its motives.

What happens if a genetic mistake is made that produces something that is extremely deadly or simply overwhelmingly successful and through an “oops!” or the purposeful release into the environment, we may have a big problem? Since it’s absolutely new and with no or only a partial real world genetic connection (and maybe no natural enemies), will it lay waste to us all?

That is a distinct possibility and examples of such experiments have already happened several times, though none of the results have escaped into the environment.  It has been dubbed “The Grey Goo” result of a too successful genetic or nanotech creation.

Experimenters at research laboratory at a University in Canberra, Australia, were working with a non-human disease called mousepox in hopes of discovering a way to control a hugely excessive and annoying mouse population in Queensland by preventing mice from reproducing. Mousepox, in itself, is a more or less innocuous virus that only affects mice and is not deadly even to them in its native form – kinda like human flu. You catch it, live with it and pretty soon it goes away unless you’re very young or old or have a crippled immune system.

These experimenters modified one single gene in the DNA of the mousepox and then grew some of the resultant mutated virus. To their astonishment ( and horror I expect), when introduced to the lab mice, it killed every mouse in the lab, quickly and thoroughly and mice given vaccine against the pox died just as rapidly.

I do not know the rest of the story as it vanished from scientific magazines and the MSM and I haven’t bothered to be a detective, but I would be very surprised if the lab was not decontaminated and stocks of the modified mousepox summarily destroyed (I hope).

For further information feel free go to Google and search “mousepox mistake”.

Think about smallpox being modified in the same manner. It affects humans and is an absolutely horrible killer. A university research laboratory in the mid-West has modified a gene within the smallpox virus to produce a protein that (get this now!) assists the virus in overcoming the human immune system! They insist (rightly so, I think, even though it makes me sick!) that in order to fight the virus they need to know what makes it tick. But now that they recognize this genetic bomb they’ve made, they say it is a possibility they “may be able” to modify the protein to enhance the human immune system to fight smallpox instead. Jeebus, I hope so. Smallpox is bad enough in its generic form.

Researchers at the University of Kyoto in Japan were recently working on a variety of HIV virus to investigate whether genetic modification by insertion of a human protein producing gene would slow down the virus by stimulating the human immune system. Instead, the mutated HIV virus they created was a super HIV virus that was much more virulent that any of the five strains of “common” HIV. It reproduced at lightning fast rates and was, in essence, a super killer. I hope they burned that one up too.

And all this is lurking out there right now. Today. And there will be much more on tomorrow’s menu!

Again, world renowned theoretical physicist Steven Hawking once said that unless the human race escapes the Earth’ gravity well and establishes itself on other planets or satellites within the solar system, that we would likely be extinct within 200 years from introduction, either by accident or design, of a genetically designed disease or a bioweapon run amok or simply an accident that escaped into the environment.

Steven Hawking is no dummy and when he fears something, I’m terrified of it (and so should you be!).  I think his “200 years” is much too conservative and a shorter 50-75 years should be used instead.

Yet there is no way to ever stuff a genie back into the bottle. Whatever tools humans discover, design and fabricate, they use. Whatever weapons humans design and are capable of building, they will use it; be it nuclear, biological, genetic, chemical or anything else..

As an aside, I am all for genetic redesign of humans myself.    How about humans that are genetically designed to thrive in zero G? They would be the ones to lead the way to the stars. When or if we reach the stars, who is to say that planets circling those suns will be compatible with our native and fragile human physiology? The odds are heavily against it. If we are able to genetically modify human beings, we can then populate those otherwise unlivable planets by literally making humans to match the environment of the world we wish to settle.

Would these genetically modified “people” still be human? Of course they are. They are based on human DNA and because they are designed for the world on which they live they are – surprise – exactly like we are. We evolved within our environment so that we are, if not perfect for the world on which we live, are at least well accommodated by it. All we would be doing is the same thing for extraterrestrials, only faster. What’s wrong with that? (But would they appreciate being modified when they grow up and find US here? Ah! That’s the question!)

I also have no objection to genetically designed trigger drugs or stem cell therapies that will cause the body to repair specific breakdowns within itself or stem cell generated spare parts that can be developed from cells of my own body to replace a failing heart, a bad kidney or a liver or an ear. Anything to allow me to live longer than my scheduled three score and ten would be welcomed! (Which I’ve already exceeded by a good number of years!)

I have no objection to custom DNA modified and genetically tweaked embryos to allow parents to pick a brown/blue/green/violet eyed, blond/red/black/brown/straight/curly haired, boy/girl baby that will have an IQ of 200+. Or one genetically enhanced so the child will never require a vaccination or fall prey to any currently known disease.

Would there be abuses of genetic modification of human embryos? Of course there will. So what?

If society determines that these rogue modifications are a bad thing, then catch those who are doing the bad thing and take their genes away from them – permanently – preferably by gentle lobotomy. But don’t trash an entirely new and most valuable science to keep out a few bad guys.

Why should anyone object rationally to such developments? All that would happen, if such genetic modifications were done would be the passing of some superstitions which, in my opinion, is not a bad thing.

The current political/religious/ethical debate (ethical being an interchangeable word for religion in some conversations but being pushed as some undefinable but separate discussion) is nearly 100% against genetic modification of any sort in order to save current religious beliefs and organizations from collapse.

But that mischievous genie is out of the bottle and countries ruled by little minds and populated by less than rational people that prohibit the continued research into cloning, stem cells and genetic science are destined to fail in that attempt.

Bad laws drive out good people and the experimentation and perfection of such techniques will merely go over the border, leaving the prohibiting country at an eventual huge disadvantage and unable to benefit from the great and wonderful things (and, I’m sure, suffer some bad ones as well) that will come from such research. Which is where the United States would be right now except that the science of stem cells has figured out a way to make an end run around the use of embryonic cells.  Now skin cells can be modified into stem cell fairly well and others advances will follow rapidly if quietly.  Eventually, if all works well, the sources of stem cells will become irrelevant.

Yet those countries who prohibit the science are at exactly the same risk from the mistakes, errors and potentially evil uses as are countries who sanction the research.

Cool, huh. Prohibit genetic research and loose an enormous range of benefits while risking the same disasters as if you hadn’t banned it! It sounds like something politicians are good at.

My thinking on the subject is that it would be far better for us (we are the good guys, even if we are fading a bit) to know all we can about genetic modification, DNA manipulation, stem cells and the whole nine yards, thereby being far better prepared to deal with the potential buggers that lurk therein and thereabout.

Genetic research is just like anything else the human race has come up with.

Prostitution for example. Far better to acknowledge its existence and its necessity in the scheme of things human and allow it to do business openly with as little hindrance as possible. Regulate it only as much as is required to protect the participating public and do that only based on scientifically peer reviewed evaluations of actual (not perceived) dangers. I know – fat political chance of that ever happening.

As yet another short aside, I once managed a NASA Site on top of a mountain near Ely, Nevada. Nevada enjoys the legal, supervised and regulated operation of brothels. In my three years of living in Ely, which had three houses of prostitution at the time, there was only one case of a sexual nature brought before the people’s court. It happened that a cab driver picked up a lovely young lady as a fare and during the ride, exposed himself to her in an obscene manner. The young lady, outraged by such crass behavior, turned in the cabbie who was subsequently arrested and fined appropriately. The young lady was employed by the Green Lantern as a prostitute and obviously preferred to leave her work behind when she was off shift (so to speak).

I was raising two teenaged daughters when we lived in Ely – which is tough mining town with a lot of transients. I never worried about them a minute when they were out and about as far as anyone accosting them or doing them harm. It just didn’t happen there (or anywhere else prostitution is legal and practiced openly and policed).

Tells you something about “morality” doesn’t it??

End Part II

Click here to read Part I

Reflections on the Future of Mankind – Part I


Where we’ll end up – the very long view.


Muck About

Part I


I am of the opinion – born of what I feel is a long, productive existence and a life that has been one extended study-hall of immense satisfaction – that unless the developed countries of this world and those people who live therein rapidly modify their actions and priorities, we humans are doomed to be yet another Earth dweller that will sooner than later vanish in a like manner of the Neanderthals, dinosaurs, dodos and the multiple thousands of other species that have dominated or lived upon and disappeared from the face of this Earth.  I also feel this modification of the current “Growth, Growth, Growth Forever” attitude and actions will and can never happen and the fate of the human race is not in doubt; we will be extinct (or hugely reduced in numbers) far sooner than anyone today believes or even considers.  We have already exceeded the sustainable rate of extraction and usage of resources of our small blue planet – including water, mineral and agricultural and further expansion of such resources will be at a very high price of not just money, but environmental cost as well – much higher than local populations can afford.

Not a cheerful way to start an thought exercise article, is it?

We will very likely be extinct or existing at significantly reduced numbers in a much shorter time frame than the dinosaurs (after all, they lasted millions of years) because of our own extraordinary technical skills, questionable intelligence  and the equally extraordinary stupidity of our beliefs, behavior and inability to really accept the limits of growth, cooperative problem solving across nations, the human beings central drive of “I’ and ”me” and the simple fact that there are too many rats in the box. That is, too many bodies worldwide to support, having exceeded resources and to get along with each other.

Dinosaurs topped the food chain on earth for many millions of years before they just happened to be riding this big blue and brown rock that was in the way of a not-so-big asteroid that put them all out of business along with about 90% of all other life on Earth and in its seas. Small mammals escaped this holocaust in some areas through fortuitous location and pure luck which allowed further evolution to eventually lead to us.

I feel it will not be long, by any measure of time, much less cosmically speaking, before the last poisoned and diseased band of nomadic humans fall, one at a time; until the last man, woman or child dies.

Mother Earth will get along without us just fine and in a few hundred thousand years, an alien visitor might not be able to find more than a few concrete (no pun here) remnants of the race that once ruled the world..

That lonely, painful and pitiful ending of the human race will occur on this Earth relatively soon and it is very likely,  no matter what we do. How sad it is.

As long as mankind relies more on maximized economic growth, superstition, wishful thinking and short term selfish personal gain than fact and science and an awareness of species survival, we, as humans are simply dead and don’t know it yet. Unfortunately, capitalism as an economic system is far too successful at generating wealth and growth and scientific progress than it is at focusing on the long term survival requirements of future generations and the human race in general.  Capitalism is the philosophy of profit right now, growth, capture of natural resources and never thinks for a moment of tomorrow – much less the long view of species survival.

I think that John Maynard Keynes statement, “In the long term we are all dead.”, should be interpreted in a much stricter manner than he intended. No doubt, shorter term too.

There are several areas where general modification of human behavior is required sooner than later merely to slow down the extinction  of the human race. Not to keep us alive here on Earth, you understand, but to slow down the process of killing ourselves while we can take action to prevent racial extinction.

First on the list of things to try and deal with is that infamous bugaboo “global warming”.

The subject of global warming is guaranteed to either bring yawns from those who have heard the arguments before and are bored to tears by the mention of it or screams from those who are passionate in their desire to have us all ride horses (which produce methane – another greenhouse gas) or walk everywhere we go and burn supper over a renewable energy source. It seems that the subject is too big for consensus by those knowledgeable enough to study and understand the data,  much less achieve any understanding by the great masses of people in the world who are not at all scientifically literate nor think with any critical ability and rely on “allah”, “god”, “government” or their so called “elected” (which is a joke all in itself) representatives to do their thinking for them and to determine their fate.

Scientists have proven without doubt that global climate change is a reality. The fact that anthropogenic heating of our atmosphere and oceans is not in question. Why it is happening is being debated (to death) and is, in fact, of no consequence whatsoever..

From temperature records recovered from Arctic and Antarctic ice cores, tree rings, ocean bottom cores, permafrost, ice sheet boreholes in Greenland the Antarctic along with other sources, science has proved beyond any doubt whatsoever that the current warming trend we are experiencing is not unique in our Earth’s history. Earth has heated up and cooled off relatively rapidly many times before, the last ice age terminating a mere 11,000 years ago – less than a blink of the eye as far as geological time is concerned. Barely time, in fact, for the ice to melt from between the toes of the last Neanderthal (which happened to be another failed experiment on the branching tree of evolution) and permit modern man to waltz onto the scene.  In fact, there are some facts that more than suggest that modern homo sapiens had a little hanky-panky going for them with Neanderthals on the way by!  We share DNA with Neanderthals and that can happen only one way!  We were likely smarter than our predecessors and just bred them out of existence. We’ll never know for sure but science is making great strides to try and find out.

Science has also proven that the major reason why our atmosphere and oceans are heating up this time is because humanity is burning fossil fuels at a furious rate while eliminating carbon sinks (such as rain forest) at the same time.

In fact, a close look at the temperature records hint that we may have been starting to slide into another mini-ice age way back in 17th century or so and the industrial revolution in the 19th century stopped the trend cold (pun intended) and reversed it.

Existing and efficient carbon sinks such as the oceans are becoming warmer, they are expanding as they warm and they are becoming more acidic from CO2 absorption much faster than predicted.  This, in turn, kills corals world wide, modifies mating capabilities of fish and is killing even the krill in Antarctica which ends up destroying the basis of our own food chain. Such destruction is causing an unholy mess in the Arctic as the ice melts, polar bears starve and all the Nations with Arctic Ocean frontage are fighting over who gets to drill and plow up the now open Arctic Ocean floor firstest and mostest!

Those fossil fuels lurking hither and thither under the Arctic seabeds, Canadian tar sands and elsewhere have accumulated in the Earth’s crust over millions of years. It took hundreds of millions of years for natural evolution, climate change, decay and huge pressures to form and store the hydrocarbon deposits and the deposits of chill, semi-stable methane hydrates now laying about on the Arctic seafloor. We are burning the oily portions of these hydrocarbons up billions of times faster that it took to create and store them in the first place. And another thing:  It doesn’t make a damn bit of difference whether we burn coal, oil in either its’ “natural form” or refined as gasoline or “natural” gas.  They all end up emitting CO2 and assorted pollutants such as soot when burned.  Period.  Further and even more serious, when the oceans warm sufficiently, those frozen methane hydrates will begin to evaporate, bubbling methane up and into the atmosphere.  A Summer occurence in the Canadian North every year! Methane is a much worse greenhouse gas than CO2 and will, in turn, accelerate greenhouse effects.

Fossil fuels are literally giant storehouses of carbon which is a component of hydrocarbon fuels that results in carbon dioxides, soot and monoxides when it’s burned. These hydrocarbons are locked into safe forms such as carbonates in rock and soil and sea bottom, oil and natural gas, methane in solid deposits on the floor of the oceans (the previously mentioned methane hydrates) in the Arctic and elsewhere and they were all placed there by natural processes that happens to lock up the carbon far from Earth’ atmosphere in such a way that it can’t cause trouble. Too much carbon dioxide or methane in the atmosphere (along with other more esoteric gasses both naturally occurring and of human creation) and we get the overused and abused “greenhouse effect”. More solar energy is absorbed by the atmosphere, ground and sea than can be radiated back into space, or otherwise dissipated.

It is also a demonstrable fact that in the past, rising temperatures of the Earth’s atmosphere and oceans are very capable of suddenly tipping Earth’ climate into a cooling phase that will eventually end up as an ice age. This transition into a cold phase can happen in as small a span of time as a decade.  When and how fast are unanswered questions, we only know of rapid oscillations in the geological past.

The observable fact that Earths’ atmosphere and ecology is a dynamic one versus something static, makes it very probable, barring the poisoning of those organisms that transform carbon dioxide into oxygen that we will never attain or even closely approach the status now existing on Venus. Venus is an example of a static environment and the “greenhouse” effect taken to extremes but it is very likely that Venus also never had the ecological opportunities of a closed oxygen/carbon cycle or even possibly plate tectonics and vulcanism in the first place. This last statement is still subject to some scientific argument but the arguments “for” are too weak to convince me.  The planet is too close to the Sun and too hot to start with.  A trip to the planet will be required to determine if plate tectonics ever had a chance to modify the surface features of the planet or not.

Mars likely had such a carbon/water (and even oxygen) cycle millions of years ago. We know there are vast quantities of water ice merely inches below the surface of Mars and it once flowed as liquid on the surface. Recent instrumentation mining on Mars has proven that drinkable water was, at one time, plentiful on the surface of Mars and I suspect that sooner or later, hard evidence of extraterrestrial life will be discovered.  Our robot explorers have found pretty absolute proof that liquid water once flowed on the surface in large quantities and that in numerous locations, contitions were favorable for life formation.

Methane has been detected in Mars’ atmosphere – and methane must be renewed in some fashion or it oxidizes and  vanishes over time. Most likely Mars’ water ice came from comet impacts and other infall from space over time as it did on Earth and was possibly, though not proven, maintained by an oxygen/water/carbon cycle such as we have today. Over time, due to lesser gravity, weaker magnetic field (more on this later) and less solar heating, the cycle was gradually broken and the atmosphere leaked away into space, leaving frozen water behind as a clue to what used to be.  Whether life had time to evolve on Mars has yet to be answered — but I’d bet yes.

However, on Earth, should those organisms that convert carbon dioxide to oxygen fail in their job, the ever greater buildup of carbon dioxide would indeed eventually turn the Earth into a static, blistering no-life world as more and more solar heat is captured, unable to radiate back into space and sooner (astronomically) than later, alter the very basics of the physics of our planet’s ecosystem.  We will be long gone before that happens.

How do I know personally that global warming and ocean expansion is alive and well? I went to Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands back in 1973, and worked for five years at the Biggest Bullseye in the world which was the terminus of the Pacific Missile Range that was located there. Twice a month (lesser) and twice a year (major) depending on the sun and the moon’s relative positions with regards to earth, there would be extraordinary low tides – just perfect to walk the reefs between islands searching for shells and to observe the wondrous sea life that inhabits the reef. Twice a year, during these extra low tides, the sea would actually recede to the extent that the reef surface was bare – no water at all – and the salt water would flow beneath the surface of the reef so one could stand quietly and listen to the reef “talk”, bubble, moan and gurgle as water made its way into and out of secret and normally flooded passages.

It was a magic place to live in more ways than one.

I returned to Kwajalein a second time in 1995, some 16 years later. No more does the reef “talk”. No more is the surface of the reef laid bare during these twice-monthly or twice yearly low tides. Now, at the lowest tides of the year, 12 inches or more sea water flow across its surface, drowning the magic singing of the reef. The Pacific ocean is rising as are all the oceans of the world. In the mid-1990s, on Kwajalein and other Marshall Island atolls, barriers had to be built along the windward side of these low islands. Storms waves that normally broke against the protective barrier reefs now sometimes flow clear across these low islands from the ocean into lagoons, uprooting trees and making permanent habitation impossible.

In another 30 years or so, these low islands will likely be gone forever, completely submerged or at the least uninhabitable because of storm surges that put the islands completely awash.

On average, the seas have risen 7-10 inches since accurate sea level measurements have been available (since radar bearing satellites refined the data).  That’s a lot of water, all of it from melting ice in Greenland, the Arctic, the Antarctic and glaciers.  Floating seas ice doesn’t count as it displaces as much water as is contained in the ice itself so sea ice melt is a null factor.

Further, last week (2/9/2013) a report was issued by climate  scientists and oceanographers that there will be further two foot rise in general sea levels within the next 30 years.  The particular study was a risk analysis of sewage treatment plants in Souther Florida and showed that within 30 years, most of Southern Florida and the three major sewage treatment plants will be isolated on little islands as the water rises.

Seas are rising roughly three times as rapidly as initial scientific estimates.  Get that?  THREE TIMES AS FAST!!

Of course, it won’t take 30-40 years for sea level rise to make itself apparent as storm surges and tidal action will disable these sewage plants, ports and much of populated Southern Florida.  there will be large tracks of land from the Gulf Coast through New England that will also be made uninhabitable (including NYC), as this general rise in ocean level progresses with as much impact, over time, as ice sheets durning an ice age.

Katerina, Hurricane Sandy, Staten Island and Long Island are excellent examples of storm surges couples with rising sea waters and how storm surges will eat us alive as time passes whether we “believe” in global warming or not!

This is all not to say that periodic changes in the Sun’s intensity, Earth’s orbital variations and a natural warming period of our Earth is not a contributor to the problem but we’re doing the most damage faster than natural changes in nature can do it.

If you take the trouble to study the a graphic of CO2 and methane concentration in the atmosphere over time, the ever rising levels of greenhouse gas is directly coupled to the Industrial Revolution starting in the mid-19th Century, with exponentially rising populations and the burning of fossil fuels. The effect is too obvious to be disputed.  We may be experiencing a normal solar cycle of earth heating and cooling but many scientists, myself included, feel that without human input to atmospheric heating, we’d already be 150 years into the next ice age.

These rising oceans will slowly make themselves felt along all continental coastlines world wide with Katerina, the destruction of New Orleans and the recent destruction along the New Jersey and New York shores from Sandy as dramatic examples.  Believe me when I say that New Orleans was only the first mega-distruction of an urban center.   New York and New Jersey followed and more will happen based on the luck of steering winds and Hurricanes and storms.  Next will come Miami (as explained above) or Corpus Christi, Jacksonville or Charleston, Houston or other coastal cities along the Gulf and Eastern Seaboard all depending on the capriciousness of rising sea levels and nature.

It will not be wind and tornados that do the damage but storm surges riding atop the tides that will provide the mother of all destruction of ocean front properties and the death of millions who cannot or don’t flee these storm surges in time.

Whole countries most likely to die first are the low, marvelously beautiful islands of Bahamas, Pacific and Indian Oceans that reside on both sides of the equator. They are mostly poor, sparsely populated and easy to overlook and ignore. Some of these island nations are now in negotiation to move their entire population to a mainland country.  Do you truly think this would happen if seas were not rising?

The biggest country at risk is impoverished Bangladesh. This hapless country, carved from India first as Eastern Pakistan and then as an independent nation is geographically situated on the delta of the Ganges River. Almost the entire country is only a few feet above mean high ocean tide. The Bay of Bengal into which the Ganges flows, is the home of the nastiest tropical cyclones you’d ever not want to see.

This country is doomed and so are the people in it that do not migrate.

When I was a boy, raised in Mississippi and Northern Florida, there was a poem about hurricanes we knew by heart:

June- too soon

July – stand by

August – it must

September – remember

October – all, over


Not so 65 years later. Now hurricane “season” starts the first day of June and ends the last day of November. Soon hurricane season will start in May and end in December. This poem, as originally composed, is no longer applicable.

So is global warming a doomsday threat? I doubt it. We will never do anything  to slow it down. We will experience flooded coastal cities and huge loss of life and economic disaster long before we’ve admitted and contained the ramifications of what we have done and Mother Nature has done in response.  What we desperately need to do on a global basis is to stop arguing over “whether global warming is real”, regardless of what caused it and start figuring out what we are going to do as a race to deal with what’s coming. We must not continue to argue and fuss over whether or not it is coming because it is.

So instead of arguing about whether “global warming” and all its ramifications is a fact, we simply need to start working on how we are going to deal with it.  Period.

The next thing on the list of doomsday subjects we need to recognize is population expansion.

The problem of too many people has been beaten to death in debates and is generally now ignored. It is a calculable fact that if one conservatively projects current world population growth for another 150 years, all things being equal in logistical support, food and such, the people at that time would be literally shoulder to shoulder covering all the exposed land masses on Earth. Way too many rats in a box.

Of course, this won’t happen. Paul Ehrlick and others predicted catastrophe years ago from population growth due to the lack of our ability to feed all those hungry mouths. That hypothesis that gathered rust in the junk heap of failed extrapolated predictive theories and a bad timing call is not being resurrected as better communication and surveys show that poverty and hunger are not expanding in lesser developed areas of the world. For some interesting exceptions : see Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed by Jared Diamond.

I personally think Mr. Ehrlick was simply too early in his predictions as was Mr. Malthus.  (Timing is a bitch!)

We are not exempt from resource exhaustion, hunger and poverty as our population continues to increase – first and not the  least in the so-called developing world.  Most of the developed world, The United States, Japan, Europe, Russia and China have entered demographic Hell and are losing productive population much faster than natural birth rates are renewing them.  The developing nations of the world – at the top of the heap –  are doomed to be populated by smaller, younger, stupider and less educated populations and much larger non-productive aging populations as time goes by – and it will happen faster than anyone realizes.   Unfortunately, the undeveloped (3rd World) countries and even as few mid-developing countries have populations that are expanding far faster than their abilities to house, feed and support them.

Technology, yet again to the rescue, is continually providing the means of higher agricultural production with lower costs with genetically modified bread and beans and there is no reason to believe this increase in agricultural productivity will slow down in the foreseeable future. (Barring tragic mistakes – but we’ll address that later).  It will also place these countries at the mercy of Monsanto and other hybrid seed producers, forcing farmers in the those country to use genetically modified seed every years instead of harvesting their own seed crops for the following years.  This will not end well.

Today, there would not be a hungry child or adult on the planet if the infrastructure was in place to enable delivery of food staples to the general populations of those hungry countries. In those countries where starvation is a real problem, the political barriers of civil wars, ruthless warlords, tribal leaders, religious genocide and greedy, immoral politicians are a much bigger barrier to distribution than lack of roads, bridges and other infrastructure.

Because of our (so far and failing) ability to feed more and more people, starvation has turned into a political problem, not one of food production.  At least for the next decade or two.  One severe world wide crop failure due to changes in climate and rainfall (not only likely but probable) can overturn things in a single growing season. So far, we are growing agricultural products in a distributed fashion to sufficiently buffer such changes but that is likely not to last as planetary climate change modifies atmospheric jet streams, storm patterns and wet/dry seasons all over the Earth.  Not to mention political use of food as a weapon as time goes on to wage war against those populations deemed a “bother” or perhaps considered to be hindering the continued expansion of developed nationality of advanced countries.

The higher productivity of agriculture is the reason why population density and growth has fallen off the table as a popular subject to debate (temporarily), even though it is still a vitally important subject of discussion and study. Additionally, religion that espouses moral opposition to birth control in any fashion (including abortion) is spreading throughout religiosity in both developed and developing areas of the world even as the USA swings to evangelical prominence.   Muslim populations are exploding.  At the same time, women’s rights are swinging to the fore and will probably win in developing countries, given the endurance and really tough female humans’ determination for self-direction.  In Muslim directed Islamic countries, no so much and we war may come in the long run pressured by population growth within less educated, highly religious and much poorer developing countries.  It appears that developed and more educated countries will simply commit suicide by birth rates so low as to limit their ability to hold their own against both legal and illegal immigration.  At that point, the original settlor’s of such developed countries will simply be overwhelmed by new comers, poorer, more ignorant but in over whelming numbers.

“Por español, oprimo numero uno.”

Worse luck, that, and our great-grandchildren will live to regret it as one result will be the lack of new workers to finance their old age.  And they will recognize the fact, slowly but surely.

On the other hand, one plus to the equation of population control lies in the developed countries better treatment of women including education.  The more educated a woman is, the fewer children she will likely have, which contributes to both the good and the bad of it all.  That is one reason that, in my humble opinion,  Fundamentalist Islam in any number of its’ incarnations is quite evil and immoral for they forbid females any control over their own bodies and forbid any education at all for females if they can manage it.  That is also why they will eventually fail ideologically as they are wasting one half of their population’s brainpower, creativity and soothing effects of feminine thinking and abilities by suppressing female education.  Islam is, sadly, at its’ base, a religion of death and world conquest, driven by selfish and ignorant men, bent on forcing the world to think and act as they do.  Islam has been fighting this war for several thousands of years and there is no end in sight. The EU is the latest to experience Islamic immigration and will rue the day they began pandering to this fundamentalist surge.  I await the outcome of that situation with non-baited breath..

What is far more likely the result of continued developing (as opposed to developed) national population expansion is war. Wars are fought over possession and control of land and resources, one of which is fixed and the other being used up and declining. There are, of course, other excuses for fighting a war, such as wars based upon tribal or religious differences or the simple urge to rape and pillage, but throughout the history of human conflict, the need for control of land and the resources thereon is the basis for war.

Need I illustrate? The Iraq “wars” were over oil and ego and failed thinking. We now have no presense in Iraq and it is now slowly slipping back into savagery as Shiite/Sunni warfare is increasing there daily and soon the Shiite majority in Iraq may join with the Shiite majority in Iran to form a new basis for Islamic expansion (i.e. Iraq/Iran = New Persia) with a large die off in Sunni Muslims in the process.  Not conducive to production of wealth or knowledge (or oil) in any way or form for either country. (besides, China is buying all the Iraqi oil they can lay their hands on – at our expense. Is that stupid or what!!).

WWII was over oil and mineral resources – Germany wanted them and had no way to pay for them after the ridiculous repatriation and “pay back” conditions placed upon it post-WWI.

WWI? Again, over resources that were unevenly divided in the then politically defined Europe. Vietnam and Korea? Artificial wars created by political stupidity in splitting up spoils of WWII. Vietnam and Korea were similar to the Middle East conflicts as after WWII the Middle East was carved up (mostly by the British, Stalin and FDR) into “countries” and no heed was paid to tribal differences, logical borders or past history.

In the Mid-East, this had to lead to the pain and agony that we are witnessing today as Islam fights to bring these tribal differences to heel under a crushing 1600th Century set of rules in a 21st Century World.

End Part 1



To be continued.




By Old Muck About (in a fit of temper!)


note: all emphasis made by the author..

Yesterday, I got a “free” copy of Bloomberg’s Business Week magazine.. Of course, it also included a come-on to subscribe, which, after thinking about it 10 milliseconds, I tossed in the trash.

Then I sat down to look it over. It curdled my guts with the initial column titled “Opening Remarks”.  You can’t get much closer to the front of a magazine than that.

In this totally asinine jumble of words, Mario Draghi, the Central Banker for the ECB was praised for saving the Euro by promising to buy unlimited sovereign debt from any and all bankrupt, deadbeat European  countries.

The piece went on to say that the jawboning was perfectly timed so that the “markets” (and I am no longer sure who or what makes up the “markets” anymore) were so impressed by this wonderful, economically sound commitment that they rallied (as they have in our own poor benighted U.S.A.) and, to date, no bankrupt country debt has had to be purchased – yet.

Key word, “yet”.

So, short one sentence that says, “Europe isn’t out of the woods by any means.”, Bloomberg has decided that Draghi and the ECB are just the ticket to eternal solvency by purchasing bankrupt countries debt.

Ring a bell? Kinda like the Fed is doing as I type – buying $85 BILLION dollars of U.S. Treasury debt and various “market based” instruments such as mortgage backed securities, credit default swaps, stocks and who the Hell knows what EACH AND EVERY WEEK 4-EVA……

I’ll give you a hint.. 4-EVA will not last nearly as long as our Fed (and their shills) seems to think it will.

The entire world — including normally sane Switzerland — has initiated a global race to the bottom in the useless and destructive attempt to go deeper in debt and devalue their currency to “grow their economy out of debt” and devalue that currency just a little faster than their trading partners so they can keep some productive capacity going and beggar their neighbor with a little trade.

It’s totally insane and will end very badly. This is not my opinion, by the way, it is mathmatics.

So I threw up all over the first column, tore it out and threw it away, then gingerly turned the page and there lay yet another blurb titled, “How to Resolve the Debt-Ceiling Crises”.

I will spare you the agony of a thorough review and just hit one or two of the low spots contained therein.

First, Bloomberg acknowledges (Ha!) that it is up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling so this country will not default on the $16.4 trillion National Debt. No mention is made of the $200 plus trillion of unfunded debt laying around out there with no way to pay it back except —– the way Bloomberg wants to do it!

Bloomberg next suggests that to eliminate all these pesky problems of “paying” off the deficits and “paying” for ongoing and new spending proposal is as follows:

“Congress should give the White House (i.e. Da Emperor) power over the debt ceiling so the U.S. can avoid a sideshow that threatens the ‘full faith and credit’ pledge made to those who buy U.S. debt”. (Which happens to be mostly the Federal Reserve).

They go on to say:

“So here’s another way to end the fight: tie spending decisions to automatic increases in the debt limit. When Congress passes a budget resolution or spending bill, it should also authorize a concurrent increase in the statutory debt limit to pay for what it’s authorizing.”

“This would have the added benefit of fostering fiscal restraint by linking spending decisions to the Congress that authorizes the money.”

Now please read the above two paragraphs again – only this time, read very slowly for comprehension and keep reading them until you understand that which is being put forth as a “serious” suggestion by a leading establishment magazine on how to solve our debt problems.

These people are fucking idiots less than well informed who, I’m deathly afraid, actually believe what they are proposing is a worthwhile thing to do! Could it be possible that TPTB (and Bloomberger is certainly one of those) is planting this crap in their tame and completely controlled MSM  widely published papers and magazines? Who is their audience? Herds of sheeple so brainless they cannot understand even the simplest economic facts? Surely no one in the financial industry at any level above trashcan emptier would give this garbage any credence. Would they? Are they trying to convince each other with this bullshit?

Perhaps the target audience are politicians and other government drones who truly don’t have a clue of anything economic and must, therefore rely on the likes of this junk magazine and its’ farcical articles to justify their destructive actions.

I’ve only managed to read the first two articles in this piece of shit Bloomberg Business Week and I’m almost afraid to turn to the next page to see what absurdity is regurgitated next.

So I will stop here, allow you to recover from your dose of shock and awe and I will dig further the garbage magazine  after lunch and three or four beers and maybe a nap. Perhaps I can get my mind to cooperate and stop running around in circles screaming, “Idiots, dumbasses, puppets, dog turds!” and other complementary thoughts on the quality of Bloombusted publication and those who actually subscribe to it and believe what’s in it.


Note: The above article was composed by Muck About and The Burning Platform assumes no responsibility for the comments made therein nor the conclusions drawn. Read at your own risk!

Federal Government Musings And Other Societal Observations

Hat tip to Zero Hedge and CalibratedConfidence

Reality is becoming more and more weird as we continue onto the Great Reset. We have playwrights spewing opinions across TV and their CPM slideshow presentations regarding how the US should manage its debt (with talking points from everything except the obvious, cut spending) and no one questions the source or the validity of the suggestion. People just assume that other “experts” know the real truth, “experts” who never pulled the trigger on a multi hundred thousand dollar trade let alone a multi million dollar trade hedged in ways that playwrights wouldn’t understand even with a FRED graph.

Our President yesterday took the stage in front of presumably middle class children, the same middle class the White House keeps in a closet and brings out every so often to show the poor and rich that in one corner of the US there is a middle class. Yesterday these criminal actors came on TV and played a role a certain BI editor could only dream of and spun a web of bullshit that even the CIA would want to take credit for. The “dear leaders” of this lemming culture that is Amerika know how to play the simple-minded, emotion driven populace. All of it is a crock of shit.

We can all point to some administration and highlight corruption or wrong-doing. When the US wanted to tax its citizens, did it stop at the first rate it chose? No. When the Gov’t started to expand the military-industrial complex, did it stop after Vietnam? No. When the US had its war on drugs, did it approach each substance rationally? No. When the US accepted Keynsian spending did it stop when spending became a National Security threat? No. When the US goes for the assualt weapons ban, is that where it will stop? No.

For the Gov’t to maintain its power and control over a growing population that has pockets of civilians who are using the advances we have in technology to share and collect information in an effort to fight the on-going information battle, it will need to restrict its citizens in another manner. So far the intelligence of the average American has been wittled down. Most won’t challenge the Holy American War Machine or follow a corruption line that tangents three other events because well, it’s just too complicated and complicated isn’t cool when Lil Wayne is considered poetic.

Biden mentioned in yesterdays live Soap Opera broadcast that the US has a “moral obligation” to do something about guns. Moral obligation? No obligation to the corrption stemming from false raids, over-zealous cops with weapons, or to the civilians killed overseas so this ignorant Amerikan public can have gas at $3.40 a gallon? Nope. And not many care to question events and not many care to have an original opinion. And they can’t. This world today is full of people who managed to learn how a bunch of other smart people who came before them did things. To quote a person who shall remain nameless “if I leave you in the woods with a hacket, how long until you can send me an email”?

The irony is Amerikans are energized against murder yet the largest part of our economy is the military-industrial complex which has been responsible for untold deaths and has worked to muddy the waters around investigations into corruption and illicit activities carried out with funds from the US taxpayers. But again, too complicated so it aint’ cool, oh look 24 inch rims! Word up! Did you hear about the Kardashian Oreo?

Currently the US is in a state where the ignorant amoung us can’t see how fucked up things are so they keep procreating while the smart people are going “wow, shits getting bad. I’m not bringing more Amerikan slaves into this world just so they can be pawns to the elite ruling class”. The ignorant among us are breeding at a faster rate than the intelligent and it’s causing this scenario where entertaining emotion from leaders is acceptable so long as we feel good at the culmination of the speech, no one questions substance or transposes the logic to previous situations. We are the new Rome. IE – while we are complaining about Assult Rifles and the deaths of little children, does the public not care about the Boarder Agent killed with a rifle given to Mexican drugs lords by our Attorney General which then subsequently lied to cover it and had the VERY PRESIDENT WE HAVE NOW use an Executive Order to seal the documents? Nope. Are you not entertained?

I can’t believe it’s this bad. Further on with the Holder bullshit, Mexico had 28,000 drug gang deaths. The same gangs Holder provided guns to. 20 kids in Connecticut or 28,000 people in Mexico. Amerkan’s, being as retarded as they are, fall for nationalism and assume the Mexican humans are less valuable than the 20 Amerikan kids in CT. What’s this about? We’re all the same species yet for some reason if you’re not Amerikan, if you’re not on “my team”, I won’t root for you. This is what we have evolved into? This is the best we can do with what we have? What a limited cognitive culture of lemmings we have, lemmings walking around with debt up their ears.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff used Operation Northwoods to start Vietnam which resulted in 58,000 Amerikan deaths and yet we have not restricted that organization because it hasn’t been a talking point on the one of the many state-run media outlets we have in Amerika. The ignorance of the Amerikan public is causing much larger transgressions performed at the hand of its government to go unchecked while willingly and clearly unconsciously enabling this more violent organization to have more power over the populace merely because of a misunderstanding around the relationship of proportional observation, meaning 20 kids carries more weight than 58,000 educated and economy stimulating Amerikan.

There is no hope for a better Amerika. We’re off the deep end. This is the best we have and the best we can. Until you scrap SSI and do something with the geriatrics in this country, we will continue down the debt slope into an ever certain slavery that we can see, unlike the invisible prision bars most Amerikans live behind today.

I have no simple way to wrap this up so I’ll say this: I hope to be around when it all goes tits up.