The Mind of a Statist

By Tim Stebbins

Let’s begin with a simple axiom:

The mind of a statist is impervious to the logic of liberty.

Because that is true, nothing that follows will penetrate the mental armor of a statist. I don’t write for them because they will raise the drawbridge and prepare to defend the walls of the prison they have built for themselves. I write for my people and their right to the same peace and happiness everyone else desires.

What then, is a statist?

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The Upside of Actual Violence

By Tim (xrugger) Stebbins

What follows are the musings of a man full to the neck with the blathering of the relentlessly virtuous statists currently seeking to bestride the world. I neither propose nor condone violence. I only seek to point out the possibilities inherent in its measured use. Let’s begin.

There is an old mantra that’s been puked up over the years by various dolts that “violence never solved anything.” What utter and complete bullshit. This sort of sophistry is usually hawked up like a hairball by those soft and squishy types incapable of actual violence. To paraphrase a meme currently floating around the internet:

“If you claim to be peaceful, but you are not capable of great violence, You’re not peaceful, you’re harmless.”

Now, I neither know nor care about the origins of that particular quote. The truth of it should be obvious to any person whose brain has not been reduced to a gangrenous clot from marinating in the sewage spewed by the majority of the modern media. The truth of human history is that violence has been, and will continue to be, the main arbiter of the myriad conflicts endemic to the human condition.

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By Tim (xrugger) Stebbins

My Brothers and Sisters,

What follows are the ruminations of an ordinary American, a working man of no particular consequence or importance except, I hope, to those who love me. Some of these thoughts I have expressed in somewhat different form in essays of the past. For those who may recognize the words, I offer my apologies for the repetition. For the intent and the content of my words, however, I offer only this: I am a reactionary and a racist, as you will, no doubt, come to realize shortly. I am certain of this because there was a time not so many years ago when I was neither. I saw the world differently then. I see the world clearly now. What I see are deliberate and calculated attacks against my people, the tempo of which is rapidly increasing. Any thinking man can see it. It is only those who do not wish to see that are blind. Take what you will from these words and leave the rest.

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Control, Coercion, and Collapse

By Tim (xrugger) Stebbins

It has been quite some time since I have written anything at all, let alone any commentary on the madness engulfing my country. I’d like to think that I’ve been suffering from a form of writer’s block, but that would saddle my psyche with the presumption that I am a writer. Perhaps I possess some small talent, but my efforts in the area of commentary are erratic at best. Prolific I am not. That being said, what follows is a re-write of a previous post blended with a previous comment. Both seem appropriate to the current state of affairs in this fractured nation. I leave it in the hands and heart of the reader to decide its value.

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The Ashes of Our Fathers

By Tim  Stebbins


“Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his gods”

Thomas Babington Macaulay

I have been trying for some days to get my head around what it is I want to say in this particular essay. I grow weary of endless discussion and pointless speculation about the current condition of this country. A different voice whispers in my ear. A different picture forms in my mind’s eye.

An increasing number of my countrymen, it seems, no longer possess the ability to look to the past with any degree of honesty. Nor are there many left able to look to the future with any degree of hope. We live in Orwell’s eternal present, adrift on a sea of ignorance and apathy, bereft of any mooring in the truth of our history, or any lodestar to guide us into our future.

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A Letter to My Countrymen

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins

My Brothers and Sisters,

In the darkest days of World War II, Churchill warned of “a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted by the lights of perverted science.” He was speaking, of course, of the disastrous consequences free societies would suffer should Hitler triumph.

Look around you now. Eighty years on are not those lights now evident everywhere? Do they not flicker and dance all around us? They shed no wholesome glow to drive away the night. They are the torches of the medieval dungeon, and the unforgiving glare of the interrogation room. They light the way to the portals of a totalitarian hell the like of which the world has never seen.

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The American Restoration

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for the Burning Platform

Let us assume for a moment that the war is over. Let us further assume that the Restoration has begun. The bloated corpses of erstwhile plutocrats, communists, and other leftist rabble festoon the lampposts of the nation. The deep state has been unearthed. The leadership imprisoned, shot, or on the run. Vast swaths of urban American lie in smoking ruins, including large parts of Washington D.C. The flotsam and jetsam of war,  the bloody detritus of internecine conflict, sloshes across the continent. The political landscape is irrevocably altered.

Should such a horrific vision come to pass, we would do well to be certain of the reasons we chose to fight. That brings us back to the here and now. The purpose of this essay is to lay out, as I see it, the broader vision of why we must fight. Perhaps a second part will serve to explore the details of what comes after. Make of these words what you will. I have finished my gut check and await now, with calm spirit, the coming storm.

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Gut Check

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

Gut check – Addiction & Recovery News

What does it mean to be a free man anymore? Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes goes to support the excesses of a profligate, overreaching, and immoral government? Am I truly free when the scum that make the rules do not abide by them? Am I not free then to ignore the rules?  Am I truly free when some cowardly dimwit at the grocery store looks askance at me for not wearing a filthy rag over my face? I know he is having an internal debate about whether he should confront me.

My hope is always that he decides in the negative, as I have had just about enough of this crap. Now, the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself. Marxists across the nation are celebrating the final nail in the coffin of the American Republic. Democrats held it. “Conservatives” have hammered it home. The outward forms of ordered liberty are dead and there is no recourse for the redress of grievances. It is time for every patriot to face the situation, without illusion or reservation.

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A Song for My People

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

In his essay Self-Reliance, Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: 

“To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men,–that is genius. Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense; for the inmost in due time becomes the outmost, and our first thought is rendered back to us by the trumpets of the Last Judgment … A man should learn to detect and watch that gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. Yet he dismisses without notice his thought, because it is his.”

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To a Free Citizen of the Sovereign State of Virginia

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

If you, my Virginian friend, are indeed serious about standing against the proposed tyranny of those whom a majority of your fellow “citizens” have seen fit to install as the arbiters of your liberty, then you have chosen a righteous, though perilous course. Much of the nation is watching what is unfolding in your state. What you are attempting is no small thing and should not be undertaken lightly. Quite simply, you are telling your rulers that you will not comply. They are not used to such effrontery by commoners and be certain that they are not amused.

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The Stormy Present

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

On the eve of Lincoln’s War, our 16th President said this,

“In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The government will not assail you…. You have no oath registered in Heaven to destroy the government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect and defend it.”

Are we once again peering into the abyss? Is the “momentous issue” once more upon us? In whose hands does it rest? Who, in this third century of the Republic are our, “dissatisfied fellow countrymen?” What is our duty, our “oath registered in heaven” with regard to the government, which we ostensibly control?

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Idea Thief

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

Plagiarism is the gentle word we use to describe an act of theft. It is the innocuous sounding term we use to describe an extremely ugly act. Plagiarism is stealing pure and simple. The actions of one person stealing another’s very thoughts and ideas and passing them off as their own has got to be one of the most venal, pathetic things a person can do. Those who struggle to express what they believe in a creative way, and make it accessible to others, do so because they are trying to find their own voice and have it be distinguishable above the general cacophony of opinion that clogs the internet. Every writer is obligated to respect the efforts of others that are doing the same. To rob the mind of another writer is a despicable act not to be taken lightly by the writing community. It is certainly not to be taken lying down by the victim.

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Red Line

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

I have been thinking a great deal lately about red lines, those Rubicon’s of thought and action that, once crossed, present little or no opportunity of a peaceful return to the original status quo. There are lines crossed by tyrants, which finally trigger the violent response of a people too long oppressed. There are lines beyond which not one more compromise, law, or government threat will suffice to maintain a precarious peace. The riflemen at Lexington and Concord understood that kind of red line.

I got to thinking also of Colonel Travis’ apocryphal “line in the sand” at the Alamo. His red line was an invitation to sacrifice and martyrdom. The men who stepped over that line crossed in an instant from their present reality into the mists of myth and legend. Such is the power of a red line.

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A Journey into Patriarchal Whiteness

Guest Post by Tim “xrugger”Stebbins

If I tell you a story, will you listen for a moment? Will you put aside the chaotic noise that surrounds you for just a moment? Will you open your mind just a tiny bit to allow for the possibility of truth to enter in? Will you brush aside the scales from your eyes long enough to hear my tale? You may replace them later if you choose, but in the meantime, will you listen?

My story is a tale of hypocrisy and evil. It has a beginning, a middle, and it will have an end. It is a litany of debauchery, moral blindness, and willful ignorance. It is also a story of redemption, and change, and a turning away from evil. It is, above all, a human story and is therefore, by nature, an imperfect and unfinished one. It continues to unfold in all its glorious uncertainty.

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A Response to Llpoh

A recent post of mine touched a nerve with a TBP regular. I have been gone a couple of days and only recently read the comment thread. This is his comment in full.


I stopped reading when xrugger laid this moronic turd: “The fact that modern day whites have absolutely nothing to do with the perceived injustices of their past“.

Yes, modern whites had nothing to do with what happened in the past. But the “perceived injustices” part ranks right up there with the stupidest shit ever posted on the site.

There is nothing “perceived” about it. Native Americans suffered enormous injustice, equal to any suffered by any people ever. and the repercussions of that echo through their society today. They were treated monstrously, and their populations were decimated. They were enslaved, murdered, raped, forced from their lands, killed by the thousands on the various Trail of Tears. Not one treaty of the hundreds made with the Indian was ever kept.

I have said many times that the Indians must move past it all., and must take responsibility for their plight, and that all welfare money they receive needs to be cut off.

But comments like that, putting “perceived” in front of injustice, in some form of attempt to suggest that the injustice never happened, or is a figment of the Indian imagination is some serious fucked up bullshit.

Xrugger should be ashamed.

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Hearts of Olden Glory

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

I used to subscribe to the notion of America as an idea rather than a distinct place founded by a distinct people. In the long days of my political and racial innocence, I believed that all people were capable of governing themselves and that ordered liberty was accessible to any nation or people willing to grasp the concept. Civility in both public and private discourse was the usual state of the nation and of my working and social life. I was a happy white man who lived, worked, and played around other, mostly happy, white men and women and that was good enough for me. I rarely spent any time pondering the grievances of others because I did not have any of my own.

That naïve world-view did not survive close contact with reality.

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