Concluding a two-year long investigation, the European Commission has ordered Apple to pay up to €13 billion ($14.5 billion) in back taxes for its subsidiaries in Ireland. The Commission argues that Apple received “undue tax benefits” between 2003 and 2014, violating EU state aid rules.

As our chart illustrates, Apple’s provisions for income taxes outside of the United States amounted to just $4.89 billion during said period. According to the European Commission’s statement, the company paid an effective tax rate ranging from 1 percent in 2003 to 0.005 percent in 2014 on its European profits during the time. To put that in perspective, Apple paid an effective tax rate of 26.1 percent in the United States in 2014, with income taxes adding up to almost $60 billion between 2003 and 2014.

Both Apple and Ireland have already denied the Commission’s allegations and announced that they are going to appeal against today’s ruling. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the end, as it may be the first case of a company being ordered to pay back taxes to a government that doesn’t even want the money.

Infographic: Apple's Foreign Tax Payments Since 2003 | Statista
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Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Wolfowitz and the lies that he told in the high government positions that he held are responsible for a massive number of deaths and massive destruction in seven countries. Wolfowitz has announced his vote for Hillary Clinton. Does this make you feel reassured?

The real surprise would have been Wolfowitz’s announcement in favor of Donald Trump. So why was what was expected news?

Trump has said that he doesn’t see any future in the conflict Washington has initiated with Russia, and Trump questions the point of NATO’s continuing existence. These peaceful attitudes make Trump into a “national security risk” according to Wolfowitz. What Wolfowitz means is that a peace candidate is a threat to Wolfowitz’s doctrine of US world hegemony. In the crazed mind of Wolfowitz and the neoconservatives, America is not safe unless it rules the world.

Hillary is a warmonger, perhaps the ultimate and last one if she becomes president, as the combination of her hubris and incompetence is likely to result in World War 3. On July 3, 2015, Hillary declared: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m president, we will attack Iran. . . . we would be able to totally obliterate them.” http://www.globalresearch.ca/hillary-clinton-if-im-president-we-will-attack-iran/5460484?print=1 The crazed Hillary went on from this to declare the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” Little doubt she thinks she can obliterate Russia also.

Continue reading “Can Americans Overthrow The Evil That Rules Them?”

The Specter of Suffering

The Specter of Suffering


Jews know how to suffer. Christians don’t, although they once did. Most libertarians don’t know how to suffer either.

While there’s no virtue in suffering itself, certain kinds of suffering are unavoidable if we want to change the world. (That is, to really change the world, not just to jabber about it.)

If you run away from suffering, anyone with a pin and a threat owns you.

Let’s be clear on this: Wanting to live in a new way opens you up to suffering. If you hope to avoid it and still attain liberty, you’re kidding yourself. It won’t happen. And to make this point very clearly, I’ll restate it:

Suffering is required; if you can’t hack that, stay home.

And while we’re at it, let me give you a few more stark statements:

  • If you care more about losing money than gaining liberty, you’re not going to get liberty.
  • If truth isn’t something you’re willing to be hated for, you’re not going to get much truth.
  • Entrenched hierarchies always oppose progress. They’ll want to tear down the things we build. If we can’t accept losses and rebuild… and then rebuild yet again… we’re not going to get past tyranny.

Please understand that I’m not endorsing masochism here; I don’t expect anyone to like losing money or to enjoy seeing something they built torn down. But if a negative reaction stops you in your tracks, if fear of “something going wrong” paralyzes you, please stay home until you’re ready to pay that price; you’ll only muck things up for yourself and others.

Continue reading “The Specter of Suffering”


Obama Admits 10,000 Syrian Refugees: Top Destinations Are Michigan And California

Tyler Durden's picture

Yesterday, the White House announced that the US had met President Obama’s goal of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country; it did so ahead of schedule.

One year ago Obama had sought a sixfold increase in the number of Syrian refugees provided safe haven in the United States. After a slow start, the administration was able to hit the goal about a month early and just a few weeks before Obama convenes a summit on refugees during the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly. He would have been hard-pressed to make the case for other countries to do more with the U.S. failing to reach a goal that amounts to about 2% of the 480,000 Syrian refugees in need of resettlement. Millions more Syrians have fled to neighboring states such as Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon and to countries in Europe since the civil war broke out in 2011.

Over 1 million Syrian refugees made their way to Germany, where the resultant social shock, and surge in violent terrorist attacks, have led to a plunge in Angela Merkel’s approval rating. That, however, has not deterred the US from seeking to admit thousands of refugees.

Continue reading “Obama Admits 10,000 Syrian Refugees: Top Destinations Are Michigan And California”

The Election Has Been Hacked: The Dismal Reality of Having No Real Electoral Choices

Guest Post by John W. Whitehead

The FBI is worried: foreign hackers have broken into two state election databases.

The Department of Homeland Security is worried: the nation’s voting system needs greater protection against cyberattacks.

I, on the other hand, am not overly worried: after all, the voting booths have already been hacked by a political elite comprised of Republicans and Democrats who are determined to retain power at all costs.

The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the police state will win and “we the people” will lose.

The damage has already been done.

The DHS, which has offered to help “secure” the nation’s elections, has already helped to lock down the nation.

Continue reading “The Election Has Been Hacked: The Dismal Reality of Having No Real Electoral Choices”

Just a Moment…

By Francis Marion



The sound of Bluegrass flowed like water out the cafe door and down stream along side currents born of Northern Cascades and the snow that still lingered amongst their craggy, watchful peaks. A cool breeze followed the setting sun up the valley and found its way in through the back door of the dining room while the band played softly, one by two, plucking on guitar and bass as farmer’s daughters scurried here and there bringing food and drink to traveller and resident alike.

“I’m sorry we’re full.” said a gentle voice from the front door to a pair of backpackers as a glass of stout found its place in front of my plate.

“We can wait,” they replied but the truth was that no one would leave for hours. Patrons picked slowly at their food and ordered more drinks as the band, a husband and wife duo, plucked another song, sipped their own brew and chatted with the guests in between.

Continue reading “Just a Moment…”

Huffington Post TERMINATED Me For Questioning Hillary’s Health

Syria: Their War, Not Ours

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

The debacle that is U.S. Syria policy is today on naked display.

NATO ally Turkey and U.S.-backed Arab rebels this weekend attacked our most effective allies against ISIS, the Syrian Kurds.

Earlier in August, U.S. planes threatened to shoot down Syrian planes over Hasakeh, and our Iraq-Syria war commander, Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, issued a warning to Syria and Russia against any further air strikes around the city.

Who authorized Gen. Townsend to threaten to shoot down Syrian or Russian planes — in Syria?

When did Congress authorize an American war in Syria? Is the Constitution now inoperative?

That we are sinking into a civil war where we sometimes seem to be fighting both sides is a tribute to the fecklessness of the Barack Obama-John Kerry foreign policy and the abdication of a Congress that refuses to either name our real enemy or authorize our deepening involvement.

Our Congress appears again to have abdicated its war powers.

Continue reading “Syria: Their War, Not Ours”

Civil Unrest in America and the World – Who’s responsible?

Via TRUTHstreammedia



Bonus video – Are we now being groomed for another large scale war?