Positive Thinking

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

I keep trying to feel good, and I try to see the good in my life, the things that I am grateful for, and the beauty all around me.

I don’t think I have a problem with this, as long as it doesn’t include trying to see the good in my government (Trudeau in Canada) or the good in the government of my country of origin (the United States—of which I am still very much a citizen).

I just can’t do that. There is very little positive there.

I understand, however, that this “looking for things to be grateful for” isn’t only about “things”—whether it be possessions (“I am grateful I have a roof over my head”) or concepts (“I am grateful I love my wife, and/or my children, and grateful for the love they give me”). It is also being grateful for opportunities and potentialities. This is when you can broadly state, “I am grateful for the goodness in people which will eventually prevail over evil.”

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The Physics of Karma Transcends the Perfidy of Billionaires

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

When I was in second grade, my class took a field trip whereby we walked through a cemetery and the county fairgrounds.  We were strongly advised not to throw rocks by our gym instructor who was assisting our teacher on the trip.  He was a large muscular man and had a Swedish-sounding name.  He said to us kids:  “Don’t even THINK about throwing any rocks!  If any of you do, you will be in big, big, BIG trouble!”

Well, he should have never given me the idea. Because while walking through the fairgrounds, there were so many metal roofs on the buildings.  So I picked up a round heavy stone and lobbed it as high as I could before it landed on what sounded like a giant cymbal.

“Who did that?!” screamed the teachers as over 20 tiny fingers pointed my way.  The big gym teacher suddenly loomed over me, blocking out the sun.  “Why did you do that?!” he asked me in a loud voice.

Of course, I had no answer for him other than “I don’t know” which I stated simply while squinting up at him.  But I remember the feeling very well.  Today, it would be summarized as:  “Because, F*CK you, that’s why”.

Thus began my life of crime.

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