London-to-Langley Spy Ring; The Roots Of Obamagate Become Clearer

Via Zero Hedge

A recent article by George Neumayr in The American Spectator provides an excellent forensic dig into the earliest stages of the US Intelligence Community’s surveillance of people in Trump’s orbit – and makes clear something that many pointing to a politicized “witch hunt” have long suspected; the Obama DOJ/FBI began looking into “Trumpworld” and the Russians long before the official timeline would suggest.

Moreover, the operation was conducted in close coordination with foreign counterparts, primarily the United Kingdom and Australia, but primarily the former.

All of this raises plenty of questions, but one conclusion about this epic fiasco requires no spying: the fingerprints of the British are all over it. –American Spectator

Here is George Neumayer explaining, how the “roots of Obamagate become clearer” originally published in The American Spectator.

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Trump Gloats: “Look How Things Turned Around On The Criminal Deep State”

Via Zero Hedge

Continuing his gloating from late Tuesday evening, President Trump taunted the FBI in an early Wednesday tweet musing “how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State.” Trump remarks on the irony of the FBI “getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before” after they went after “Phony Collusion with Russia,” which he called “a made up Scam”.

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