Russia Believes False Flag Will Lead to US Entry

UNLOCKED: What Russia Thinks Will Happen Next

Authored by GoldFixSubstack

INTRO: THE WORLD AS RUSSIA SEES IT: On May 16th, Dmitry Trenin addressed the Council for Foreign Defense Policy. In that speech were interesting comments on how Russians view the war with Ukraine as it relates to the United States. Here is our analysis on what the implications are, Russia’s true goals seem to be, and their effects on money.

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Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

No useful information about Ukraine can be obtained from Western media. The Russian military operates without the need of news releases, so little information is provided.

Last week Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said, “Of course they [Ukraine] can win this. The proof is literally in the outcomes that you’re seeing everyday.” Kirby must get his information from CNN. I don’t know of any battles the Ukrainians have won. I don’t know of any Ukrainian forces that are not surrounded and trapped, cut off from supplies. There are no offensive actions being conducted by Ukrainian military or Azov militia. Ukrainian military infrastructure and command and control systems have been destroyed. When the West delivers weapons, the weapons are destroyed on arrival as was the S-300 air defense system from Slovakia.