It’s empowering to know that some people get what’s going on. Some people can see past the liberal progressive rhetoric, the threats of being called a “racist”, to see what is really happening.

Cliven Bundy got a taste of what happens when somebody points out the obvious, especially what the liberal progressive socialists have put in place. Apparently being a racist is worse than being bought-off criminal politicians that are spending our country into insolvency, and droning innocent children to death. The democrats are the new slave plantation owners.

I encourage you to watch the video, it’s not what you may think….

Runaway Slave
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The “new plantation” is government dependency and a victim mentality, and 95% of the black community is on the plantation, but C. L. Bryant has made a documentary about how he and others had the strength to become “runaway slaves”. Now, they have formed a new underground railroad to help other black people escape from the plantation.

Government dependency is a fraud perpetrated on the black community by progressives … It is an atrocity … The most charitable analysis is that maybe some progressives had good intentions – in the past, but now, the evidence is overwhelming.

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April 25, 2014 2:30 pm

AWD ,nice try but most blacks are a lost cause.Just like the whites on welfare.Nothing will change these people until there is no more welfare and they have to change or die.

IraK reminding that Dems benefit from government goodies,
IraK reminding that Dems benefit from government goodies,
April 25, 2014 3:27 pm

Democrats… This is video that should be suppressed or, at least, ignored.

Democrats… Remember what a great relationship we have with Blacks. About 95% of them vote the straight party ticket in exchange for the crumbs we throw them. And don’t forget that what we feed our Colored faithful is mostly paid for by Republican and Independent taxpayers. How can it be better than that, others pay the bills and we reap the political benefits.

April 25, 2014 5:01 pm

Powerful message, but most blacks don’t understand how it could be. Not because they are ignorant, but because they just don’t know. Hopeless as there are no easy answers to get from here to there, so the people will always take the perceived easy way.

April 25, 2014 6:21 pm

AWD ,what the hell is wrong .I’m just pointing out the obvious.Meathead.Now go play with yourself.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
April 25, 2014 11:06 pm

Card802. They are ignorant of the real political context. Being ignorant is not being stupid. Albert Einstein was probably ignorant of the great majority of scientific advances that took place in his lifetime. He was not stupid.

Much of the time, there’s no shame in ignorance. It is a shame. It is dismaying that our terrible mainstream media and our government run schools won’t present information in an open and unbiased fashion. If they did, people would not be ignorant of what’s really going on and there would be very few people left on the figurative plantations of dead end, self-destructive ideologies.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 26, 2014 12:15 am

Democrats insist on defending your right to suck dick, live off welfare, kill unborn chirren, do dugs and go to prison. Totally the reason I’d vote for them forever. If I listened to the race baiting sell-outs. The uncle toms that make their living keeping the black man down on the plantation. Purveyors of the victim mentality.

April 26, 2014 9:31 am

AWD doesn’t handle dissent well. If you don’t suck his dick, he’ll piss all over you.

That’s calling it like it is, you asshole.