Don’t Get Sucked onto The Hope Train Again


Most of us know the President of the United States is not elected; rather they are selected by a mostly invisible cadre of elite power brokers who believe in growing their own power at all costs. In the end, an enormous amount of energy and attention is diverted to national elections precisely because it does not offer any chance for real change.

Right now new candidates like Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul are making grandiose speeches and promises of renewal to what everyone knows is a battered and tired nation.  Every four years the faces change, but the message remains the same. Their political action committees have names like “Believe Again” and “Our American Revival.” Well, I guess they do sound better than William McKinley’s 1900 campaign slogan, “Let Well Enough Alone.”

In 2008, Barack Obama exemplified that message as clearly as any candidate in recent memory. Hope and change were the promises then, first one, then the other. Put your hopes in me and my campaign, and I will bring you change. This is a common message in our society. The message of the modern political campaign is fundamentally religious. “Believe in me and I will give you new life.” Politicians for the most part do not appeal to our reasoning, but rather to our emotional desires for meaning and purpose. National politics is always a tribal activity. 

Of the two messages, hope and change, change is more ill-defined and nebulous. It can mean anything or nothing. Everyone can pour their vision for a better country into change. It can contain as many or as few specifics as necessary to sell the image the politician wants to project.

But hope is the more dangerous of the two terms. There is a widespread belief in the US that hope gives us strength and that by refusing to give up hope we are empowered to keep going and to be stronger as individuals. Our belief in hope is near sacrosanct. We tell ourselves, “We can never give up hope!” But hope conceived with the surrender of our better reasoning does not empower us, but rather those we place our hopes in. Hope is optimism, and as historian and philosopher Oswald Spengler once said, “Optimism is cowardice.”

Hope is a Mortgage

When we take out a mortgage on a house, there are many things in our life that we give up. We tie ourselves to that place. We constrain ourselves financially. We accept the responsibility that comes with maintaining a home. We do all of this because we believe these sacrifices will help us in the long term. Sometimes these sacrifices work to our benefit and sometimes they don’t.

Hope is a mortgage. Hope is not like a mortgage. It is a mortgage. By hoping, we suspend what is good for us now and look to a future we believe will be better as a result.

President Obama insist that hope is the fuel that inspired the founding fathers, the civil rights marches, and other agents of change. But this is a subtle twist on what the word really means. Hope is not fuel to engage in the now; it is first a passive state of mind. Hope only bears fruit when it encourages actions which are beneficial in the long run.

When a politician asks us to hope in their campaign, he insist it will make us stronger. But taking on hope is taking on a debt, and in the world of politics it is rarely repaid in full. Hope is the surrender of reason. You give of yourself in both time and money. For a politician who wants to become president, hope is a resource they harvest to fuel the zeitgeist, giving them an air of legitimacy on their coronation day.

Except for the pathetic few who maintain hope year after desperate year, the winning candidate’s promises are always exposed as fraudulent. The media laments this sad fact as the reality of politics, but never admits that hope was fraudulent to begin with. Politicians are called naive, but never liars. That is taboo. To do that might undermine the next prodigal son or daughter slated to rejuvenate the political system with new hopes and new debts of the soul.

Again and again change remains elusive, but that won’t stop the next politician from trying to seize on hope.

Promises of Voting

A few months ago, President Obama suggested the country consider implementing mandatory voting. “It would be transformative if everybody voted,” he said. “That would counteract [the effect of  money in politics] more than anything.” Supporters of mandatory voting hope it will rejuvenate the people’s power in the country and reduce the effectiveness of money in politics. How such a mandate would change the fact that there are only two viable political parties is never addressed.

By now, I suspect you are beginning to see that hope has a duality to it. It is the suspension of the now in favor of a future that we imagine is possible. But consider that today, we are slaves. Today we have no representation in our government. Today we are little more than pawns in the battles of massive power brokers who claim to be our leadership. President Obama asks us to hope, to suspend the present on a mortgage that the future will give us our freedom.

This promise of transformation comes from the “hoper” in chief, a man who has failed to deliver on meaningful change in 7 years of managing the machine. We continue to embrace this message election after election knowing the promise to be hollow. We suspend our critical faculties and pick a man to believe in — Ron Paul, Barack Obama, Ross Perot. We choose, then we hope. But hope is analogous to covering our eyes in the dark praying there are no monsters.

Fraud and Force

This flippant suggestion we require citizens vote is just the latest attempt to provide legitimacy to a government that has none. To quote anarchist Emma Goldman, “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.”

An illegitimate government can only control the population through two methods: fraud and force. Fraud is the preferred method of control. It is inexpensive, mostly because it can be widely implemented and minimizes resistance among the population. People keep paying their taxes, keep going to work, keep obeying the law, and through a series of mandates and incentives, the people are kept doing the things the government wants them to do.

When fraud is exposed, force is all the government has left, but you cannot deploy an army across a nation the size of the United States and expect to maintain the kind of control enjoyed today. If the fraud of representative government is exposed, it’s game over for them. This is why it is essential for the government to maintain the fictions of our national myths: We are free. We are strong. Authority is looking out for us. It does not abuse or use us as resources to enhance its own wealth and power.

Hope, Hopelessness, and Being Hope-Free

Many people believe that if we do not hope, then we are hopeless and subject to nothing but despair. Hope has this “accept it or face ruin” quality. No one wants to admit that being hopeful is foolish.

There is however another option other than hope and hopelessness. We can be “hope-free,” neither surrendering the present or giving into despair. We accept the world as it is, and work in the now to fix it.

Practically, this means accepting the illegitimate government for what it is today, while refusing to enable it’s continued operations. By refusing to vote, we expose its illegitimacy. We do not disarm or surrender by refusing to vote, rather we reclaim or sovereignty.

There is a popular meme that appears every presidential election cycle. It goes something like this: “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.” But the truth is exactly the opposite. By voting, you have consented to an illegitimate system of control. You have bought into hope, mortgaging your sovereignty today for a future that will never come to pass. The only ones who have a right to complain are the ones who refuse to consent and refuse to legitimize this system of barbarism.

The answer to the machine is and always has been human principle, the ability to act or not act with full knowledge that we cannot win. The machines of our time can only function if they can predict our actions. But if we refuse to act, refuse to vote and to give our consent, we reclaim our dignity even knowing the high cost.

Spengler wrote on human principle: “We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness… The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.”

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Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
May 18, 2015 7:58 pm

Sean K’s totally ASININE strategy:

“Refuse to Vote”

Absof**kinglutely brilliant Jackass!

Let’s all make it as easy as humanly possible for the rat bastards .01% to install their handpicked cronies without having to bother to even spend any of their ill gotten gains brainwashing the Free Sh*t Army either.

How about Sean K and others of his ilk either unass themselves from this Republic and move to some sh*thole where voting is simply not an option, if they feel that duty is such a burden, or otherwise STFU and not expose themselves as Free Ride Fares, leaving the burden solely on what few remaining responsible patriots that are left in America.


S. Rex

May 18, 2015 8:06 pm

Spartacus Rex

We’ve beaten the topic to death here. So I won’t get into it. Suffice it to say that if you think voting matters …. then YOU are the jackass.

May 18, 2015 8:36 pm

Tell my friends that any politician who can deliver on a $2 twelve pack has my support. Real hope and change from my 3 singles.

May 18, 2015 8:41 pm

Spartacus is the decider I guess that voting is a “duty”. Who died and left him king?

Duty: “a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility.”

Gee, sure am glad that old Spartacus sets what is moral, and what my responsibilities are. It would be horrendous if folks made those decisions by themselves.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
May 18, 2015 9:31 pm

@ Jamie

“Are you voting for Hillary or Jeb?

How cute.”

Neither. Which you could have easily deduced, but that would have eliminated the opportunity for the smarmy, sarcastic response then wouldn’t it.

Perhaps that penchant of yours for quotes is merely because such words are cheaply acquired, and any action regarding same on your part merely involves a mere “Cut & Paste’

Here, I will even save you that trouble:

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke

“Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.” John Adams

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may
cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.
John Quincy Adams

The rest of the whiners can either STHU or POUND SAND!


S. Rex

May 18, 2015 9:49 pm

I might vote this year. I will write in, “a blowjob.”

May 18, 2015 9:56 pm

Spartacus Rex says:

…leaving the burden solely on what few remaining responsible patriots that are left in America.

The word “patriot” makes me sick to my stomach, but I feel cleansed after saying “death to america” a few times.

May 18, 2015 9:59 pm

Admin – there seems to be a number of potential village idiots hanging around at the moment.

bb is the most prolific, and therefore gets the most attention. Hell, a post by starfcker earlier was world-class stupid, and in and of itself put him in the running, at least temporarily.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
May 18, 2015 10:07 pm

@ Jamie


“idiotic” insults cannot hide your ignorance of history, Jamie.

What, So you believe that the Founders actually had representation in Parliament then, Right Jamie?

In case you flunked U.S History, simply go online and google:

“The Declaration of Independence”

and actually read it for a change. (Hint: The last two paragraphs therein for you Tudor Turtle types)


S. Rex

May 18, 2015 10:10 pm

My vote WILL count for the betterment of humanity next election. I will vote for the one candidate I truly trust. I am writing in my own name, and I suggest you all do the same. If we each vote for ourselves it finally wont be a wasted vote. Can I get an amen?

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 18, 2015 10:12 pm

I don’t have to vote……Oreo shipped in a wetback to do it for me.

Like they say, if it made a difference it would be against the law.

May 18, 2015 10:14 pm

General – hell no! Some other dumb fuck might vote for me, too, and then I would have to serve. Fuck that.

May 18, 2015 11:08 pm

Rex ,don’t worry about these old goats. If voting didn’t matter then why does each party spend over a billion dollars on the presidential election? It must matter to someone.
I vote ever election . Whether I feel like it or not.
Admin ,Stucky , Lipoh won’t vote but they are the most law abiding citizens on the internet. They must believe in something.

May 19, 2015 2:43 am

Rex voting does matter in State and local elections. I have beaten this crowd a hundred times till they have stopped debating the issue. If you lay back and watch Admin & Stucky they will dog the shit out of Democratically controlled cities and States and then turn around and tell you voting doesn’t matter. Out of the top ten worst run, most fucked up, States in this here U.S. Of A only one is Republican and that’s Kentucky, my friend billies stomping ground, the only reason Kentucky is on the list God is punishing them for electing and re-electing that sad sack of shit Mitch McConnell! It’s sooooo easy to see.
Liberal politics and Conservative politics are not the same animal. What happens at the Federal level you might ask? TPTB control the media, the money, the message, and the members of the House & Senate. They have no interest in local politics their only concern is to control the money and they work at the top of the food chain. So by voting in local and State elections you can change what happens around you.

Side note, Admin and Stucky who are conservative minded individuals both live in Democratically controlled States. So in their defense I would stay home as well, why waste your time, the guy promising more food stamps is going to win every time.

In my State, for the first time in its history it turned Blood Red, all Republican. If we don’t get invaded by those communist fuckers known as Californians, who by the way can’t manage a glass of water, we should be in fair shape for a few years. Our new Republican Governor cut spending across the board.

May 19, 2015 2:49 am

Good Night Irene!

May 19, 2015 7:37 am

Can’t believe I read the article AND all the comments – and both sides are right, as Sensetti said.

At the national level it’s a rigged game, doesn’t matter who gets elected. If a candidate is not already on the take, upon taking office he’s visited by someone who tells him/her how it is… and from that moment on he/she has to raise their hand to ask permission to piss. Same at the state level.

It’s only on a city or county level that your vote counts. That’s why the massive effort by TPTB to keep us fighting each other over bullshit issues, and there’re all bullshit issues… if The People don’t band together, stop this constant left/right, liberal/conservative bullshit agenda bashing, then we’ll deserve the shit that’s headed our way – and it’s a deep ocean of shit; the latest desperate attempt by TPTB to eliminate cash tells you just how close this whole shit storm is…if that become law, then all hope is lost, there’ll be no place to hide, every transaction has a bank in the middle of it, and only a bloody revolution then becomes our salvation.

Desperate times.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 19, 2015 8:38 am


CONgress has done nothing to stop this train wreck that has ruined this country. Sensetti is the last of the idealists here on TBP that still believes in left/right …Repugnants/Demoncrats and Santa Claus. Voting in local elections has gotten us nowhere as we are enslaved and drowning in a police state crafted by the criminals elected to represent us.

Like I said above, if voting really made a difference it would be against the law.

May 19, 2015 8:38 am

Even local politics can be rigged folks. Around here, old line familys run the show, and draw the tax maps. Those on the south side of the road (yep, one road plus side streets, 3 of em) pay all the school tax. Tax from the next county over in fact. And there is only one family with kids on the south side. And they homeschool. Want a job at the highway dept?
BEtter be related. Thankfully, people can still be bought for a thirty pack or two.

May 19, 2015 9:26 am

Well then, Bea Lever, we are good ‘an truly fucked… hey, could be, but that’s the last remaining holdout… when that goes, if it has not already (and I refuse to believe that in this whole U.S. there are not holdouts) then there remains but one course of action.

“They” have not yet committed the un-pardonable sin of stirring up the proles, the next shoe to drop may (hope is the refuge of the hopeless) just do that.

May 19, 2015 10:57 am

The Bob’s from Office Space do an efficiency audit of Congress:

Bob1: “So, what is it you’d say you do here?”

Congressman (smiling condescendingly): “Well, we make the laws that run the whole country?”

Bob2: “So, you actually write the laws?”

Congressman (stops smiling): “Well, no. The lawyers do that.”

Bob1: “But you thoroughly read and understand the laws?”

Congressman (a little nervous): “Well…they are very long…thousands of pages each…I mean…sometimes I have one of my many assistants read it and give me a quick summary…or a memo.”

Bob2: “So, how do you know how to vote?”

Congressman (openly sweating): “Well…I have lunches almost everyday with various lobbyists, very important people, and they let me know whether it is a good bill or not…I mean…and they should know…the lawyers who write the bills work for them.”

Bob2: “So, basically, what I am hearing is that you garner a hefty six-figure salary, a seven figure “discretionary budget,” plus untold millions in fringe benefits and insider stock tips, to say yea or nay–based entirely on what some corporate shills tell you to do– a couple of dozen times a year?”

Congressman (screaming): I’m a people person, damnit!

Bob1: “So, what is it you’d say you do here?”

May 19, 2015 9:44 pm

Want to know the essence of what’s fucked up with our system? Two words: Control Files.
The neo-con fucks at the absolute top who we’ve never seen or even heard about (except Cheney, but he’s not Human) have a Control File on everyone who matters to them. So just in case someone honest slips into a decision-making position in government, out pops their Control File and they either get with the program or resign to “spend more time with their family”. Or they’re taken out. Ask JFK.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
May 20, 2015 2:45 am

@ “Gay Rights” Jamie

Say again Jamie?

Would you be having us believe that there is actually such a thing as “gay rights”?

I’m guessing your Mother has already passed on, otherwise she would be beating your
heathen a** senseless right about now.

“You still haven’t told us who we should vote for to change the course of our country.”

That’s the problem with you “Baby Boomers”

You never outgrew that “Baby” part.

What’s the matter Jamie, you can’t work your bolt, or just too damned lazy?


S. Rex

May 20, 2015 3:16 am

Sparticunt comes out with something entirely unintelligible. Go figure.

Spartacus Rex
Spartacus Rex
May 20, 2015 4:36 am



I see that you have been drinking from the toilet bowl again.


S. Rex