Happy Transgender Day – Forget Easter

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

If anyone dares to question why the United States will break apart and separate, you must move to California. Biden has just declared Easter is really Transgender Day. He did not give us a memo on how to celebrate. I guess we do not have to hunt for eggs or give presents. So, I guess we are all supposed to be cross-dressers today. We now have Biden effectively declaring Easter Sunday Transgender Day, which is basically a FU to all Christians while they are really saying take your religion and stuff it. The Biden Administration, like Marx, has effectively declared religion the OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE, and they have no respect for anything you believe.

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‘Dissolving Illusions’ 10th Anniversary Edition Challenges Vaccine Narratives

Via Mercola

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Story at-a-glance

  • The updated and expanded 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, empowers readers with information, encourages critical examination of vaccine policies and advocates for informed consent in medical decisions
  • “Dissolving Illusions” is a seminal book that critically examines vaccine science and history
  • The new edition includes 200 additional pages, offering updated insights and deepening the historical context of vaccine development and its societal impacts
  • The book challenges widely accepted views on vaccines, highlighting discrepancies between public health promises and actual outcomes, including the history of polio and smallpox vaccinations
  • Through extensive research, Humphries and Bystrianyk present evidence suggesting that improvements in sanitation and hygiene, rather than vaccines, played a pivotal role in the decline of certain infectious diseases

In this interview, Dr. Suzanne Humphries discusses the release of the 10th anniversary edition of “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History,” one of my favorite books on vaccines, originally published in 2013. I was honored to write the foreword for the update of this classic.

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Did the Covid Psyop Fail?

Guest Post by Todd Hayen

As you all know, I have not been one to believe that the tides are turning. But lots of people think they are. They cite many victories, in court, in the streets, with family and friends.

The fact that the agenda has not sent out a second wave of horror and fear propaganda is also rather telling to these folks. Where is the next pandemic? What happened to Covid’s diabolic never-ending run of mutations, what happened to Monkey Pox? What happened to Disease X?

Yes, all this could still happen, but it seems there have been more false starts—starts that didn’t go anywhere. But if so, you would think they wouldn’t have put them out there just to not have them continue. It’s been rather weird, like an electrical storm you see on the horizon with its threatening lightning strikes, but it never gets close enough to warrant closing the cellar door.

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Catching Up, AI & Power, and Trump Will Never Be Elected

Guest post by Capitalist Eric

Going Solo

I haven’t written in quite a while, been busy getting my own company up and running, after I discovered a serious issue that effects the data center industry (which I’ve been part of for the past 25 years or so).  The issue puts every company in every business sector at risk, and so I was morally obliged to leave the company I’ve worked at for the past six years, to raise both awareness in the industry and also deliver a solution.

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This is all part of their plan to destroy our society, community standards, the definition of normalcy, the family, and ultimately the nation. If you don’t think this will ultimately require an armed response, you haven’t been paying attention and don’t understand how Fourth Turnings play out.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – “The Matrix” released in theaters – 1999

Via History.com

On March 31, 1999, the writing and directing sibling team of Lana and Lilly Wachowski release their second film, the mind-blowing science-fiction blockbuster The Matrix.

Born and raised in Chicago, the Wachowskis both dropped out of college and started a house-painting and construction business before they got into the film industry. They collaborated on two screenplays, the second of which was made into the action movie Assassins (1995), starring Sylvester Stallone and Antonio Banderas. A year later, the Wachowskis wrote, directed and executive-produced their debut film, Bound. Critics praised the relatively low-budget crime thriller, about lesbian lovers who steal from the mob, and it became a cult hit.

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Another Swindle: Home Ownership Just Got a LOT More Expensive

From Peter Reagan for Birch Gold Group

Price inflation has been persistently robbing wealth from Americans since May 2021. That’s why it’s known as the “tax no one voted for.”

Higher prices are pretty easy to detect at the grocery store, gas pump, and in your energy bill each month. But a surprising form of price inflation has recently taken over the home insurance industry, leaving it scrambling.

Here’s a summary of the big picture:

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Democracy By Deception

Submitted by Seeking Facts

Guest Post by T.L. Davis

As we know, communists always accuse their enemies of what they’re doing. As the lawfare against Donald Trump falls apart, they’ve begun ardently accusing Trump of being a dangerous dictator, of being a threat to “democracy,” because of his refusal to accept the 2020 election as legitimate. They care so much about “democracy” that they have to fall in line with a globalist elite instead of voters, persecute Trump to sway the 2024 election, encourage all manner of cheating and interference in the 2024 election to save “democracy.” That’s literally their reasoning for these lawfare attacks, buying votes with taxpayer money, opening the border to bring in the 10-12 million voters Biden thinks he’s going to need to win the election, even with all of their attempts to imprison the opposition candidate.

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Biden and his traitorous hateful handlers, intent on destroying the culture and community of our nation, declare a fake bullshit day honoring the mentally ill on Easter Sunday, the holiest day in the Christian calendar. The incessant pushing of this trans agenda is meant to create chaos and anger, spitting in the face of normal Americans. Every person declaring themselves transgender is mentally ill. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Fuck Joe Biden and his transgender army .



Didn’t even Jesus the Christ tell US who the real threat to all of humanity would be?!

Via State of the Nation

Submitted by Revisionist Historians for World Peace

It’s totally true that whoever controls the money, the currency, the primary medium of exchange a nation, controls it all.

Starting with the Babylonian Banking Cartel, one tribe sought to accomplish exactly that feat worldwide, knowing that by doing so they would reign supreme over the entire planetary civilization.

When Jesus the Christ went into the Temple in Jerusalem and saw that it was being used as a profane place of business, “where the courtyard is described as being filled with livestock, merchants, and the tables of the money changers”, he flew into a rage.  With a whip in his hand he proceeded to overturn the money-laden tables and drive out those crass money-changers.

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It Could Take HOW LONG to Rebuild Francis Scott Key Bridge???

Guest Post by Stephen Green

Could it really take twice as long and four times as much money to replace the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge than it did to build it in the first place?

The Key Bridge was built at a cost (adjusted for inflation) of about $200 million. Replacing it could take a decade and cost $400 million to $800 million dollars, according to experts in what has become a dismal field.

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Imperium: Decline on the Way to Fall

Guest Post by Patrick Lawrence

President Joe Biden delivers remarks announcing CHIPS and Science Act grants to Intel to expand U.S. semiconductor production, Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at the Intel Ocotillo Campus in Chandler, Arizona. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)


I just read a most remarkable piece in The Seattle Times—remarkable for its bluntly nihilistic candor. The headline atop Ron Judd’s August 2021 essay for The Times’s Pacific NW Magazine gives a good idea of the writer’s point: “The decline of American civilization.” And the subhead: “There’s more bad TV than ever; it’s available everywhere; and it’s making us fat, lazy, selfish and stupid.”

News sometimes seems to travel slowly in these parts, but never mind that. If Judd’s observations were pithy three years ago, they have the gravitational pull of Jupiter as we read them today. Here is Judd bringing home his thesis:

Based on our current state of national dysfunction, cultural warfare and garden-variety public psychosis—more on this after a few commercial messages urging you to ask your doctor about a new wonder drug, Byxfliptaz—it’s undeniable that the mainstream American today possesses all the crisp, mental faculties of a Jell–O salad left too long out in the sun at an August picnic at Marymoor Park.

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BEWARE! Big Elections Thefts are always used as distractions from countless other election thefts routinely perpetrated by the Democrats.

Via State of the Nation

Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst

Not that elections in the USA ever mattered, but virtually everyone misses the most effective strategy used by the Uniparty since the first ballots were ever held in this Republic.

BIG and naked election thefts are always used for cover for the numerous other elections thefts that can be even much more consequential.

This is exactly what happened — BIG TIME — in the fog of electoral war during and after the 2020 POTUS election theft by Team Biden.  Hundreds of elections were easily stolen by the DEMs nationwide during that election cycle because everyone was so focused on Trump-Biden.

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