“Deficits mean future tax increases, pure and simple. Deficit spending should be viewed as a tax on future generations, and politicians who create deficits should be exposed as tax hikers.” – Ron Paul


The Debt Ceiling Reality Show approaches its grand finale in the next week. The world breathlessly awaits the shocking conclusion. The debt ceiling will be raised. The world will be saved. Wall Street will rejoice. Americans can focus on the important stuff again, like Casey Anthony’s upcoming book, who will win this week’s Toddlers and Tiaras pageant, and the latest app created for their iPads. Based on my observations over the last few weeks, I’m absolutely sure that 90% of the politicians in Washington DC would lose on Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Still, the mainstream media and the performing puppet politicians need to create a fearful frenzy among the masses to insure maximum public relations exposure for their lies, misinformation, and mistruths. Wall Street will exert their control over the debate by threatening to crash the market if they don’t get what they want (aka TARP). I generally ignore the talking heads on Fox, MSNBC, CNN, and CNBC, as I could learn more from watching Cash Cab than listening to ideologues spouting their talking points. But, last night I happened to see an hour or so of Fox, CNN and MSNBC. I saw the full spectrum of right wing and left wing rhetoric and fear mongering. These stations should be ashamed to call themselves news organizations. They do not even purport to report the news. They spew talking points generated by the left and right, depending on the station’s bias. Truth is unavailable on the mainstream media.

What the public doesn’t see is the rooms filled with PR maggots in the bowels of Congress generating talking points and testing them in over night polls of the public. Their sole purpose is to generate a message that will convince the public the fiscal debacle is the fault of the other party. The goal is to gain an advantage in the next elections. The long term future of our country is unimportant to the soulless autobots that get paid to misinform and mislead the masses. Leaving unborn generations with an un-payable debt so we can selfishly cling to benefits promised to us by corrupt politicians who only made the promises so they could be elected, is the ultimate in egocentric myopia.

The deceptive talking points created in smoky backrooms in Washington DC and vetted by Madison Ave maggots are easy to detect. Each side pounds home the exact same phrases on every “news” station:

Republican Talking Points

  • We refuse to increase taxes on all Americans to fix a spending problem.
  • Spending has been out of control since Obama took control of the White House (reference $800 billion stimulus package, home buyer tax credit, and Obamacare).
  • Say that Obama doesn’t have a plan and mention his ten year budget.
  • Tell the American people Republicans are fiscally responsible and the real party of change.
  • The people told them to change Washington with the 2010 election.

Democratic Talking Points

  • The Tea Party EXTREMISTS have hijacked the Republican Party and want to destroy the country by forcing the country to default on its debt.
  • The Bush tax cuts and the Bush wars are to blame for the entire increase in debt and deficits.
  • The Republicans want to protect the richest Americans while cutting Medicare and Social Security benefits for the poor.
  • The Democratic Party will never cut Medicare or Social Security.
  • The Democrats are willing to compromise and act like adults, while the evil Republicans resist all offers to strike a deal.

Depending on your ideology, you will find yourself agreeing with the talking points that strike your fancy. Don’t worry; they’ve all been tested on sample groups of ignorant Americans in order to strike the right nerve. As I listened to that bald headed prick – James Carville – screeching on CNN last night about Bush’s wars and tax cuts causing our economic peril today, I wanted to reach into the TV screen and throttle the weasel faced demagogue. The National Debt on the day Bush took office was $5.7 trillion. On the day he left office the National Debt was $10.6 trillion, a $4.9 trillion increase in eight years. Today, the National Debt stands at $14.4 trillion, a $3.8 trillion increase in two and a half years. That sounds bipartisan to me.

Bush certainly did get the U.S. into two wars of choice and his tax cuts, tax rebate checks and expansion of Medicare have contributed trillions to our deficits. He deserves scorn and contempt. But, I do recall that Democrats supported the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. I do recall that Democrats voted for the tax cuts. I do recall that Democrats were gaga about expansion of the Medicare program. A funny thing didn’t happen when Obama was elected. Defense spending did not go down. He increased spending on our war machine. His war budgets put Bush’s to shame. He doubled the war effort in Afghanistan. He upped the ante from two wars to three wars in Libya. The difference between most Bush and Obama policies has been indecipherable.   

Carville’s shrill diatribe against the Tea Party freshman in Congress was the most humorous piece of misinformation of his entire rant. He inadvertently struck upon the most revealing point of this entire debt ceiling farce. He said:

“These Tea Party congressmen act as if they don’t care if they are re-elected in 2012.”

And there you have it. These people are not doing what is in their own best interest to get re-elected. They have shocked the vested interests in Washington by sticking to their principles and not playing the games that left the country bankrupt. This is an outrage to non-principled shills like Carville and Rove. This behavior is declared EXTREMIST by the liberal pundits and self interested Washington hacks. People acting in the long- term best interests of the country are seen as EXTREME by neo-cons like Charles Krauthammer and moderate RINOs like John “Crash” McCain. The entrenched Washington ruling class is uncomfortable with any change. The establishment would prefer to lie to the American public again and let future generations worry about the $100 trillion unfunded obligations they’ve created.

Only in America would people trying to balance the national budget be branded extremists. Is the average American who spends less than they make an extremist? In the eyes of Washington politicians and mainstream media talking heads, you would be an extremist. Let’s peruse some facts and judge who the extremists are:

  • Federal government spending has risen from $1.9 trillion in 2001 to $3.8 trillion in 2011, a 100% increase. Federal government revenues grew from $2.0 trillion in 2001 to $2.5 trillion in 2008, before collapsing to $2.2 trillion today. GDP over this same time frame has grown 47%.
  • The annual Federal budget deficit in 2007 was $160 billion. Annual deficits between 2002 and 2008 ranged between 1% and 4% of GDP. Since 2009, annual budget deficits have exceeded $1.1 trillion and will continue to exceed $1 trillion as far as the eye can see. Annual deficits now exceed 10% of GDP.
  • The Federal government spends in excess of $1.2 trillion per year on the cost of present and past wars, or 55% of all tax revenues.
  • With a gun to their head from Wall Street banks, Congress handed over $700 billion of taxpayer money to the criminal banks that had just crashed the worldwide economic system with their casino gambling. These banks have been getting free money from the Federal Reserve since 2008 and have rewarded themselves with in excess of $70 billion in bonuses since 2008.
  • Obama handed $800 billion of pork to his constituents across the country in order to create 3.5 million jobs. The $800 billion is gone and we’re still waiting for the jobs.
  • The home buyer tax credit scheme cost Americans $22 billion, or $100,000 per additional home sold, and home prices are now 5% lower than they were before this worthless Keynesian scam. And prices continue to fall.
  • The Cash for Clunkers debacle cost Americans $3 billion, or $24,000 per junked car, as a payoff to Government Owned Motors and Obama’s union backers.
  • The taxpayer bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac has cost Americans $160 billion so far, with at least another $150 billion to go.
  • The Federal Reserve tripled their balance sheet to $2.7 trillion and is now leveraged 55 to 1, twice the leverage of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers when they failed. A 2% decline in the value of their assets wipes out their capital.
  • The government and Federal Reserve threatened the FASB into changing the accounting rules so the Too Big To Fail Wall Street banks could fraudulently report the value of the assets on their books, to appear solvent.
  • Obamacare will add 30 million people to the government controlled healthcare system, while adding mountains of new bureaucracy, and trillions of added costs.
  • And last but not least, the country goes $4 billion further into debt every day. Or for further perspective: $166 million per hour; $2.8 million per minute; $46,000 per second.

These are the facts of our current economic situation and the liberal mainstream media and slimy politicians like Chuck “I Love Wall Street” Schumer brand the Tea Party congressmen as EXTREMISTS for demanding an end to this out of control Roman orgy of spending. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so utterly disgusting and sad. The only serious proposal to reverse our course and steer away from the approaching iceberg was made by Tom Coburn a couple weeks ago. It was scorned by the ideologues on both sides of the aisle, as it slashed military spending, closed corporate and individual tax loopholes, ended subsidies, and really addressed Medicare and Social Security rather than changing the CPI index. It was DOA and so is this country.

The Boehner plan and the Reid plan are absolute jokes. The Boehner plan cuts $900 billion over ten years with, shockingly, a whole 2.5% of the savings in 2012. Why cut today when you can pretend to cut in the future? We are on track to add $10 trillion of debt over the next ten years and Boehner’s plan will only add $9.1 trillion to the national debt. That is cutting in Washington DC speak. Harry Reid’s plan is even funnier. His $2.2 trillion in “cuts” includes $1 trillion for wars that won’t be fought and the $375 billion of interest expense that won’t be expended for the wars that won’t be fought. No smoke and mirrors in that proposal. These revolting excuses for leaders have both proposed new commissions to recommend spending cuts that won’t be implemented. These brilliant ideas never grow tiresome and old.

The chart created by Mike Shedlock after Paul Ryan offered an alternative ten year budget three months ago shows you everything you need to know about who the real extremists in Washington DC are. The Ryan budget included much deeper cuts than anything proposed by Boehner or Reid and would still add $9 trillion to the National Debt by 2021. After examining this chart it is clear the establishment of both parties in Washington DC have no plan to cut anything. The good news is the national debt will never reach $23 trillion because our economic system will implode long before we approach that figure.  

When you see the old time party hacks and the shrill pundits declare that an agreement must be reached on these fake distant theoretical cuts, you know they just want to protect the status quo. These people have gotten rich from keeping the status quo intact. If EXTREMISM is living within your means, spending less than you bring in, addressing unfunded liabilities, and leaving a country where our children have a fair chance to have a decent future, then count me in the extremist camp. The time is approaching when we need to stand up and be counted. What kind of country shall we be? Do you care? 

“The issue boils down to this: do we care about freedom? Do we care about responsibility and accountability? Do we care that our government and media have been bought and paid for? Do we care that average Americans are being looted in order to subsidize the fattest of cats on Wall Street and in government? Do we care? When the chips are down, will we stand up and fight, even if it means standing up against every stripe of fashionable opinion in politics and the media? Times like these have a way of telling us what kind of a people we are, and what kind of country we shall be.” Ron Paul

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July 28, 2011 9:28 pm

Why is the military so off limits to spending cuts?Do we really need bases all over the world?The department of energy?do they actually do anything?the list of horrible bloated non performing agencys just goes on,its so easy to figure out,if the government is involved its bad.

July 28, 2011 9:56 pm

As the market finally takes a sober look around and notices that the American landscape is a far cry from the Fed induced Kansas mirage that status quo buffoons/criminals screamed was precisely so, I shake my 32 year old head.
The end is drawing near and the clowns have been brought in. But these gagmen refuse to leave the stage, as careers are placed before country. Slowing the rate of spending is nothing close to a massive reduction of overall spending. Do they not see that without country, without a strong union, the precious careers evaporate?
So once again, I shake my slightly less proud 32 year old American head.

Of all the capital joints, in all the nations, in all the world; these reps had to walk into mine.


July 28, 2011 10:11 pm

I care.

July 28, 2011 10:12 pm

Picked up on ZH already, I see… good job, Jim.

July 28, 2011 10:15 pm


Nice essay. Absolutely priceless analsysis, spot on and critical in all the right places. No matter what MSM outlet you happen to be unlucky enough to listen to, the criticism just flows everywhere to everything. There is no logic in it, just bullshit opinions. It is so utterly frightening these idiots are running our country.

It’s going to take some EXTREMISM to wake up the brain dead hacks in Washington and business as usual. Your writing, your documentation of this situation, whatever the outcome, is spot on. It seems to me you are getting bored with all the ass kissing going on at your beloved site, but you are feeding many people here the truth, and it’s not available in many other places. Maybe if anyone reads this and wants to repay the favor, they can start tearing each other apart again. Here’s some ideas that usually work: Gays (especially gay marraige), single parent homes, religion, muslims/anti-muslims, American consumption of imports, addiction, well that’s all I can think of, you got everything else pretty well covered. I try to stir shit up whenever I can, but I don’t get many takers.

Don’t forget people: It’s Jimbo’s sandbox, and he likes people throwing sand at each other, so get to it! He deserves it…

July 28, 2011 10:30 pm

It will certainly be interesting to see the call/put ratio at the end of the day tomorrow..

July 28, 2011 10:51 pm

How about the forbidden topic—-some 21st Century Glass- Steagall. We do this charade and leave the banksters free to lead us to the next disaster. Who among the financial elite is shorting America and betting on downgrade or default and how much money are they funneling to the pols/whores to buy the outcome?

July 28, 2011 10:57 pm

Jim…things will change when those in Washington are more scared of the people than the Washington elites they owe their political lives to ….that will take millions of people protesting in the streets.

July 28, 2011 11:35 pm

we have met the enemy and he is us.we do not deserve to do anything but just curl up in a big ball and die.most americans will wake up one morning and wonder what the fuck just happened—-fuck them and there stupid lives .gather your loved ones and family and hold on.

July 29, 2011 12:14 am

Let the Great American Fourth Turning Civil War begin!

The battle is the debt ceiling. But the prize is 2012 election. Just like the last civil war, where the battle is slavery but the prize is the South. Never mind the South was busted up to stone age by the troops. Such is the logic of war.

This civil war will have two stages. First, the federal politicians try to exterminate each other. They will propose various American perestroika to deal with debt ceiling and other nonsense. They will not fully succeed. Because, just in the nick of time, the war will spread to the states. Between the Fed and some states. Things will get complicated. How complicated? Just read the history of the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States after the USSR.

But relax, there will be a solution to America very considerable problems. It will come after the formation of the CISA. Confederated Independent States of America. That’s when some states will gang up and go their own way. Separate constitution and all.

Just like the EU? Shocking ! But, hey, how was the EU formed? It was formed by WW2!

July 29, 2011 1:34 am

“My own net worth could easily fall 30% on a stock-market collapse.”

Ok. It is great that YOU and many others have stock portfolios. The reality is, that many, especially those always-unmentioned-by-all low income workers do not have access to your wall street gambling system; it is just too pricey for many.

Also, and I know I risk being attacked for this, the Wall street concept of investing is really questionable itself. Often times it appears to be nothing more than gambling. It is also steeped in questionable morality, as many of the stocks people are invested in (and this goes for many who have their “portfolios” ran by their employers and rarely bother to look at what they are supporting, etc) deal with arms dealers, such as boeing, ratheon, lockheed martin, in addition to stocks in the private prison system, which one company of this ilk I checked on has a mission statement to the affect of “our goal is to increase prison bed numbers” and who lobby regularly on capital hill for more “laws” that will insure more prisoners (tax payers ultimately pay for this little twist of so-called “free-market”).

Another aspect rarely spoken about is the fact that American style “capitalism” is really corporatism, which is socialism in disguise and forfeits the real nature of free-market. The talking heads on corporate media love to spout off “free-market” this and that, but in reality US system, Wall Street included, is NOT free market.

As far as my understanding and reading on Social Security goes, I have found that there are numerous opinions and people saying they have all the “facts” on it. The closest I can get on this issue is that it WAS fully funded for years into the future. However, it was used for other “things”…which we all know what those are.

In a so-called “free-market” system in America (which does not seem to have anything to do with Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations) we actually have things turned up-side-down. The real welfare system is bottlenecked at the top. If you want to include Social Security as welfare then at the bottom the largest welfare programs are SS and Medicare (and medicaid). Other than that, the other programs for the “little” people are not that much in comparison.

Here is a breakdown of U.S. Welfare system:

For the top and for those that support the top such as military personnel:
Military Personnel and military industrial complex
Central Banking System
Farm subsidies
Tax loopholes for wealthy
Corporate Lobbyists
U.S. government workers
State and local government

Welfare for the little folk:
Food aid
Social security
Low income housing
TANIF (which is $440 a month for a family with one child…wow! what dead beats, and they cannot stay on it as before)

Social security was one of the few working programs, if it had been left alone. Now, medicare is another story, but then it is governed by Big Pharma and Big Insurance.

There are old people that do not have family. They unfortunately did not gamble on Wall Street. They DID pay into the system, however. The payout on SS is no different than someone who pays into an insurance policy, then collects far more than they put into it…however, nobody says anything about that.

I agree, we need to cut. Because the American people did not act in 2008, nor did they do anything to stop the Trillions of dollars spent on unnecessary wars, we now all have to pay!! But it is not the fault of the little folk. In a healthy system, there would be no reason that we could not afford a few social programs for the poorer of society…and there would be good jobs available which MOST people do want to work.

I’m not a sado masochist. However, there is a bit of sadist in me. I look so happily to the coming crash to see all those gamblers on Wall Street lose big time, and it will be doubtful that they will lose only 30%. Oh the joy……….I cannot wait.

July 29, 2011 3:08 am


You’re no sado masochist. It’s just the way many folks feel these days.

Take your epiphany of how things REALLY work, go back in time 20 years or more, multiply by 100 million people, and not only today crisis won’t happen, but America will continue to be respected and admired.

Instead people around the world, including the lost Amazon jungle tribe on their new iPhones, watch the show in DC like watching Uganda ex-president-for-life Baby Doc Idi Amen conducts his politics as wild and crazy sex orgy with his 15 wives in the presidential palace. At least Baby Doc, who was subsequently convicted with crimes against humanity, was doing a natural thing – sex. Those losers in DC are staging a global mad dog gun fight on, yes, an accounting rule to balance the stupid books which they screwed up. This is a 4th world failed state dog and pony show. Send these clowns to Congo and replace them with son of Baby Doc!!

July 29, 2011 3:55 am

Hey cathy – Seems like you’re attacking Admin for an article he didn’t write, but merely pasted into our comments section for our collective perusal. Are you new around here or what? Most of what you’re saying is more or less in line with the general opinion on TBP. I’ll forgive you this one instance… just this one time. Next time you fuck up, you get blasted.

July 29, 2011 6:47 am


Good accounting. It is nice to be a vicious extremist.

July 29, 2011 7:10 am


The little folks (The Free Shit Army) and their entitlement programs are unsustainable. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Military all need 50% haircuts. You cannot run a country by barrowing .43 of every one dollar you spend.

Entitlements and War Mongering eat up most of the governments budgets. The military alone is the #1 energy consumer in the United States. When empires flame out, one hopes you are on the runway and not at 35,000 feet.

Opinionated Bloviator
Opinionated Bloviator
July 29, 2011 7:23 am

“Propaganda, if it is to be effective, must be repeated constantly” J.Goebells

July 29, 2011 8:12 am


You should consider seriously the origin of social security. Despite that 1936 pamphlet saying “You are saving for your retirement,” how can this be? given the first paying in were actually paying for those who came before. And the younger workers are footing the bill for people like myself, at age 75. I haven’t done the math, but I can’t see any way my contributions since I got my SS card in 1948 actually covered my benefits.

“The first monthly payment was issued on January 31, 1940 to Ida May Fuller of Ludlow, Vermont. In 1937, 1938 and 1939 she paid a total of $24.75 into the Social Security System. Her first check was for $22.54. After her second check, Fuller already had received more than she contributed over the three-year period. She lived to be 100 and collected a total of $22,888.92.”

FDR’s Social Security never worked — any more than the original aged pension plan touted by Otto von Bismarck. His scheme set the retirement age at 70 — when the average lifespan at that period in the 19th cerntury was about 46 …

Indeed, the FDR administration had to delay the implementation for a year, due to the fact that people actually paid their income tax in the following year from earnings, and SS contributions would have been, in effect, a double dip.

Almost from its beginning, there’ve been patches, modifications, interpretations and major changes, including: The Supreme Court has established that no one has any legal right to Social Security benefits. The Court decided, in Flemming v. Nestor (1960), that “entitlement to Social Security benefits is not a contractual right”. Woah!

But many of your other points are generally held by a lot of people here. You won’t find any love for vampire squids and Big Anything, etc.

July 29, 2011 8:18 am

P.S., and in the time I was hacking my previous message, others appeared. Thus I have to elucidate a point (thanks to Walter E. Williams) —

“Social Security has been one congressional lie after another since its inception. Here’s what a 1936 Social Security pamphlet said: “After the first 3 years — that is to say, beginning in 1940 — you will pay, and your employer will pay, 1.5 cents for each dollar you earn, up to $3,000 a year … beginning in 1943, you will pay 2 cents, and so will your employer, for every dollar you earn for the next 3 years. … And finally, beginning in 1949, twelve years from now, you and your employer will each pay 3 cents on each dollar you earn, up to $3,000 a year. That is the most you will ever pay.” The pamphlet also said, “Beginning November 24, 1936, the United States government will set up a Social Security account for you. … The checks will come to you as a right.”

How times change, eh?

July 29, 2011 8:35 am

Thanks for the bipartisan article. Using Carville and Rove in the same sentence, priceless.

As for the fourth turning, why does it have to be a civil war. It seems that since this financial crisis is global in nature, the “civil” war will in reality be a “global” war, and it will occur due to a shortage of natural resources, when one country invades another for lack of food, water, or energy.

Granted, the risk assessment going into 2008 was that former soviet block countries would be unable to quell popular uprising when their governments become unable to feed the people. What happens when new governments form, still unable to feed the people, especially in the Middle East?

Cap, cut, balance is the best approach to the contrived debt ceiling crisis. Balancing the budget over a period of time, say 10 years should give the markets some level of confidence, and prevent the sudden shock to the system of cutting spending all at once. Raising the debt ceiling for the short term will allow continued discussion, that is, if the fear mongering can be set aside.

Call your representative’s and urge them to support a balanced budget amendment, otherwise, the debt ceiling will become our prison.

July 29, 2011 9:21 am

Jim, in “Who Are the Extremists” one point states “The Federal government spends in excess of $1.2 trillion per year on the cost of present and past wars, or 55% of all tax revenues.” Yet the “Cost of War” clock shows 1.2trn SINCE 2001. Your 1.2trn/year does not seem correct. The Dep of Defense budget for the year is around 700bn. Can you explain?

July 29, 2011 9:29 am

Another good post Admin-

It’s funny how congress has rightfully linked the debt ceiling to the budget, but in a bad way. We have a $1.6T hole annually that we need to address. So now both gangs can claim to make “cuts” to “reduce” the deficit, but in the end all they are doing is slowing down the process of digging the hole. This is the only issue that congress should have been addressing this year, and only now at the end is there a serious discussion. I’m not a fan of the Ryan budget (too many gimmicks), but at least he put his chips on the table.

I just heard on CNBS that if the debt ceiling is blown, we still “have to pay the military.” Why? Why is DoD spending so sacrosanct while food stamps are the devil’s issue? Funny how the “Bush War’s” are partially to blame for the issue, but no one ever suggests we close shop and come home (‘cept Dr. Paul).

July 29, 2011 9:45 am

And that’s just the “on budget” DoD expenses. There has to be at least one supplemental appropriations bill per year to pay for the wars that is not included in the budget at all.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
July 29, 2011 10:20 am

The House Judiciary Committee approved legislation on Thursday that would require Internet service providers (ISPs) to collect and retain records about Internet users’ activity.

CNET reported the bill would require ISPs to retain customers’ names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, bank account numbers, and temporarily-assigned IP addresses for 12 months.

The bill passed by a vote of 19 to 10, and is aimed at helping law enforcement track down pedophiles.



We are all pedophiles now??

July 29, 2011 10:41 am

My first time to TBP — linked here from 123 Gold. Excellent article, Jim! This aphorism went to my FB status (where I try to do my bit to educate the distracted):

“Leaving unborn generations with an un-payable debt so we can selfishly cling to benefits promised to us by corrupt politicians who only made the promises so they could be elected, is the ultimate in egocentric myopia.”

Equivocating on the meaning of Austrian in my handle, with that accent, “I’ll be back!”

July 29, 2011 10:58 am

AH: Du täuschst niemanden.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2011 11:23 am


Your avatar looks like a piece of poo with a string in it…

July 29, 2011 11:28 am

What we are seeing now is just the buzzards picking off the last flesh of the nation. Through an audit that was forced, it came out that Bernanke passed out 9 trillion to banks in the US/Europe and other places, which was on top of all the TArp and other welfare programs that became available for the Banking class after 2008. No outrage from the public. The outrage is consistently directed at the SS. As I said, I can see Medicare being entirely gutted, although something would need to replace it for those elderly people, unless people don’t care about them. Over time social security became a free ride for many healthy and able adults who were told on their psychiatric couches that they had a mental condition, most of which were created by the Psychology associations, and were handed disability known as SSI. Before we trash SS we should first clean up all the additions and attachments.

The bottom line is the corporate and financial system in the U.S. that has fed off the mainstreet of American. They have enormous tax loopholes, yet bitch consistently about taxes via one of their many minions that are paraded on tv daily.

We have about 12 secret service agencies in the U.S. The public says nothing. The public can’t define the dots let alone connect them, because it would require a lot of research. All the think tanks send their minions to the TV stations daily; and always…they are cfr or trilaterals.

If there were decent jobs in this country that had fair wages, people would not have the debts they do (for most part). My son who just graduated from college is constantly getting credit card offers, all of them somehow know that he is on his way to college, although we never told them this. Pretty sick.

Instead of talking about what YOU are going to get for your allegiance to Wall Street (which is not productive earnings btw) you might consider advocating for the end to those welfare programs on the first list I posted. But I don’t see any Americans doing that. They have been directed towards the “free-loader” poor.

Most of this zeros down to globalization. It is working for a relatively few people. It does not work for the rest, and the answer it apparently seems is for culling. There is a continual culling meme going on everywhere now. Even the bloated Brooks of NY Times had an article encouraging people to kill themselves.

A society that had a thriving working class would not be discussing the ss issue.

Anyone that knows anything about working for low wages knows that it is impossible to save 20% as Administrator suggests. You can’t do it, in fact you will have to go into debt to keep off the streets.

At this point I don’t care if I get blasted as ecliptex states. I’ve heard it all.

I would like to know what people want to do with all these “deadbeat” SS people and other low end welfare recipients. It sounds like they want a culling to protect their own asses. The fact that nobody is talking about these massive welfare spending programs for the rich, banks, corporations, military, etc, proves that the entire discussion (if that is what it can be called) is being directed by the big interests that benefit from the Wealthy classes welfare programs. Somehow the public feels safe and justified trashing some WIC mom that goes in the store and gets some free milk and cheese, rather than these vultures that have taken from them the most, which is entirely the wealthy corporate classes.

And one more thing. Check out where laws are being handled for Social Security. It is in the UK:

Yes, we are moving from a Rockefeller controlled society to a Rothschild controlled society. The shift is subtle but for the awakened types you will have noticed all those British accents increasingly prevalent in the U.S.

July 29, 2011 11:31 am

correction: “who just graduated from highschool”…..not college

July 29, 2011 11:31 am

Good article, Jim!

July 29, 2011 11:39 am


Shhhh….just channel your best Sargeant Schultz.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2011 11:44 am

Cathy: The things you say nobody talks about are constantly discussed here, believe you me. If you manage to survive the napalm of the comment section you will see this indeed.

Welcome to TBP, hippy!

Hollow man
Hollow man
July 29, 2011 11:46 am

I used to care but now I don’t giva a shit. Why should I. No one is stepping up. Think I will go ride my dirt bike and come back to see if we have collapsed yet. I am tired of all the whining from everyone. Give us liberty or give us death. We, as a people have chosen death.

July 29, 2011 11:46 am

There is a lot of income flowing into the purse of the US government but it has been mismanaged by the congress for years. The US government has much waste to trim out. Finally a group of non career congressmen has been elected to the house by the people that are fighting for a sane and balanced budget. They are being fought by the old establishment bought off politicians in congress that do not care about the health of the nation. We have to get rid of these leaches and install people that will spend our tax dollars wisely; not on wars and corporate welfare, but building a new economic structure for small business and employment. It does not cost money to eliminate oppresive regulations; in fact it saves money.

One previous commenter called social security welfare. I would like to remind this commenter that social security is not welfare. It is rather a pay as you go insurance program that has been raided over the years to pay for our undeclared wars and other government waste. If this money would have been left alone in a fund, it would have trillions in it. Most of the boomers that have paid into it for 40 plus years have not even collected yet.

By not raising the debt ceiling we are actually securing our future as a strong nation. This means congress will be forced to do their job by getting the spending balanced with income. The people realize that government is over bloated with programs that are controlling our lives we and want change; not the change our president wants, but change that strengthens our economy and our nation. We are done with the social democratic agenda forced upon us. We want to choose our own path for economic prosperity. This was what our government was originally set up to do. Our government has been hyjacked by these social engineers that plan and force change on unproven theories rather than timeless truths. It is time for them to get out of the way and this will happen naturally with a balanced budget. I hope in 2012 many more congressmen and senators will get elected that are interested in bring fiscal sanity back to government budgeting & spending. Then we can go after and recover all the money fraudulently given out of the public purse to special interests that have wrongly screwed the public. I think the jails are going to be filled up with a new kind of financial criminal that includes US senators and congressmen that have violated the public trust.

I think the people of this country got side tracked by our early prosperity, and many focused on building a prosperous life at the expense of igoring our responsibility of watching what our representatives in government were doing. The wealth of this country was so great we just did not imagine it could be wasted by the mismanagement and theft of our representatives. We stopped being informed; and as our forefathers warned, we are now in this situation of being the largest debter nation the world has ever known; with the threat of the bankers taking over everything we own.

But now the situation is so desperate for change that every citizen cannot ignore what is going on. This is good. The people are being forced by circumstances to wake up and smell the corruption.

On the positive side, the government is collecting over two trillion per year in revenue. If one looks at the employment rate there is still over 70% of people working full time and paying taxes. The government is not broke and the majority of the people are still working. This means we have the ability to fix the problems and stimulate employment opportunities. One may say if government is cut the unemployment rate will go up and add to the problems. Conversely I say, as government lays off people that expense of government goes down and more money is available for the creation of private jobs.

I sincerely hope the debt ceiling is not raised and the government is forced to cut its expenses. This means the congress will have to do its job of managing the budget, rather than creating arbitrary legislation that does not benefit the public. And the president does not have the ability to create jobs. He is the CEO of a government that will have to be reduced in size.

July 29, 2011 12:28 pm

Dear comrades, Bush the grim reaper and Obama the undertaker, I love how it is so easy for a fat cat to trash people on social security, how did it become an entitlement I thought it was called the social security trust fund? Now look who has stolen from this fund, Ronnie the rap master Regan and Georgie the frat boy bush stole trillions and left worthless I.O.U. s in their place. We have not had the rule of law since the frat boy was in office hence the term Republicrats, my definition of the new politician created by the Nazi Karl the hit man Rove. Now we have crooks and banksters stealing everything they can get their grubby little hands on, and a warning to all of you gold bugs out there, when the government gets through with the little people where do you think these junkies are going to get their next fix, they will come after your gold and give you a nice certificate from the government in its place. Welcome to KAOS and nowhere to hide for anyone rich or poor, the law of the gun will take over. Osama Bin Laden has won and America has died at the hands of the power elite crooks. End of a once great nation.

July 29, 2011 12:40 pm

It seems Washington and most of the people have adopted a version of St. Augustine’s prayer for the “Lord to make me Chaste and Continent but not today” but today it might go something like this.
Lord make everyone else Chaste and Continent but allow me to keep on keeping on! While the Lord
might have cut Augustine some slack in his path to redemption a sentient Lord, if such there be, would probably reach for the old ‘smiting rod’ upon hearing the whining of Americans. And so I fear it shall be.

The tech bubble and the housing bubble were as birthday party balloons popping compared to the pressure building up in the government debt bubble. If it explodes the shock wave will collapse the entirety of our society not just a sector here or there. Instead of our president hectoring us daily with his lame partisan antics and the Speaker returning the favor those two better get in 9/11 mode and address the nation jointly with a serious lecture. They might even begin by announcing they will not
seek re-election so they can, for once, concentrate on doing what we pay them for- run the country not run it into the ground.

July 29, 2011 12:58 pm

Toddlers and Tiaras. Maybe someone can explain it to me, I can’t believe people are willing to spray tan and put makeup, fake nails and fake teeth on their 2-3 year old daughters so that they can parade in front of male and female judges. It is strange to me.

July 29, 2011 1:10 pm


Kiddie porn wannabees…

July 29, 2011 1:51 pm

Avalon – you’ve got to see the movie Little Miss Sunshine. It will explain it all.

July 29, 2011 3:06 pm

You continue harping on as if you think everyone here supports the corrupt bankers and politicians that have been robbing us blind, please read some other articles to see that you are incorrect. The blame gets spread pretty evenly to all involved.

You say it is impossible to save 20% and I call BULLSHIT! Anyone can save, it is all a matter of personal choices between needs and wants. Work hard, pick up extra hours and make choices. I’m so tired of people saying “poor me, I don’t make enough money so I am a victim” – NOT TRUE! Want to save money, make hard choices. Every person I hear say that typically has a few kids, big screen TV with a cable or satellite connection, cell phone, high speed internet, and any number of other things that have somehow become entitlements. If you believe you can’t save, then you are part of the problem, just another person too lazy to make the hard choices waiting for the government to rob someone to pay for you. What I see coming down the road is really going to suck for you, because people like me who have worked our butts off and made hard choices so we could prepare for the future will no longer be carrying the load for you, you’ll have to learn to do it on your own. I’m done – done supporting people too lazy to make hard choices for themselves and done letting the politicians and banksters rob me blind, I’m not supporting you or them anymore, go figure out how to do it yourself!

Culling of the poor? Really?!? You need to read more to see who you are talking to. The people on this site for the most part are not wealthy, just hard working people who have seen the corruption and crap going on around us. No one is suggesting letting people die of starvation in the streets, but rather than legislated robbery, let me choose who and what programs get my support. I am 100% with you about the wealthy class welfare, but I believe in no welfare; what I do believe in is charity. If you are hungry, ask for help, I’ll gladly give you a huge basket of produce from my garden, but there is no way in hell I’ll give you money to go piss away on crap; at the same time don’t keep coming to me for food when you aren’t doing anything to earn or grow it yourself. The problem with welfare for the “poor” is that the way the system is currently set up it encourages dependence rather than independence and all that dependence just lets the crooks in DC keep the scam going.

Okay, I’m done my rant. But please, don’t EVER, EVER, EVER say something is impossible – all that means is you are either too dumb or too lazy to figure out how to do it.

July 29, 2011 5:30 pm


I have no idea where you are getting off thinking you know me and my lifestyle. For your information I have no TV, no cell phone, no satellites. The only thing I have is internet, which I need for my business I own, all of which are paid for by me, with not one dime from government aid. Everything I own is paid for except the house.

Like I said, I am a sadist, I will enjoy watching people like you self destruct and kill yourselves. Or maybe you are one of these financial “geniuses” that orchestrated this economic crisis; and in that case I would not be too uppity because eventually you and your families are going to get yours. I have my popcorn ready.

and with that I will take leave. Sick and evil people are on this site. Good riddance.

July 29, 2011 5:40 pm

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2011 5:44 pm

Cat Fight! Cat Fight!

July 29, 2011 5:48 pm


You are epitome of why people around the world are saying about Americans: “they are going to get what they deserve”. You are such a stupid idiot it is beyond belief. This whole Welfare system for the rich has depended on bottom classes. You are as dependent as anyone in this nation. You can’t figure that out you are so into your ugly ego, most likely a guy using a womans name. I would say more but I don’t want to get arrested. I’m sure you’re a snitch type too, probably a supporter of Breivik. Such an idiot you can’t understand that economies work as webs, and nobody is really independent. You would have to be living in the forest for that. What a disgusting excuse for a human. Do us all a favor and go kill yourself…useless trash.

July 29, 2011 5:49 pm

Fuck off Colma, you’re all a bunch of psychopaths on this board. Go fuck yourself then kill yourself.

July 29, 2011 5:52 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

July 29, 2011 5:52 pm

I heard that the American men’s balls have all been clipped and stored in a vault under capital hill. Why don’t you cowards go get them back, you fucking eunichs? Too worried about your fucking portfolios and how much money you will make on the suffering of others, no doubt. What a bunch of cowards.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2011 5:57 pm

Such strong language from an admitted sadist, cate!

You’re doing good… keep up the figurative fighting, pull no punches and I won’t call you a bitch for dragging me in your cat fight, ok?

Carry on…

July 29, 2011 5:57 pm

Wow, Cathy, bitter much?!? You really need to read what is written before jumping to judgements. I refuse to have a battle fo wits with an unarmed opponent. Feel free to return to TBP when you wake up.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
July 29, 2011 6:09 pm

Yeah, Cathy, what Marianne said. You’re quixotic gallantry is misplaced.

No rich folk here… middle class populists myself.

Your statement about American men is indicating to me you’re foreign. If you’re not latina, I think you’re deluded… Are you British? Of all the annoying eurotrash accents for a woman to have, it’s British. You’d figure a Brit can speak fucking English but for some reason I can’t understand a fucking word.

Carry on…

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