Where life had no value, death, sometimes, had its price. That is why the bounty killers appeared. For a Few Dollars More


“Tell me, isn’t a sheriff supposed to be courageous, loyal and, above all, honest?” – Man with No Name – For a Few Dollars More

Whenever I get an idea for an article I plan to keep it short and sweet. But it never seems to work out that way. Once I start typing, the articles tend to grow exponentially. It happened again with my attempt to make sense of how the United States of America managed to screw our finances up so badly, that an epic collapse is within view to people with their eyes open to facts and the truth. You don’t end up in the predicament we find ourselves in today due to a couple minor mistakes over a short time frame. It took thousands of horrible choices, colossal doses of delusion, a heaping of stupidity, and a mountain of denial over decades to put us on the brink of economic collapse. An unholy amalgamation of demographics, fiat currency, debt, taxes, power and greed have led us to this point. Next we experience collapse, revolution and ultimately, retribution.

Since I’ve identified four major rationales for our impending doom, I’ve decided to write a four part series that can be read in small doses, rather than one enormous article. I don’t want anyone to miss tonight’s episode of Dancing With the Stars, get distracted from the Royal Wedding preparations, or skip the best reality TV show ever – Ben Bernanke’s press conference, while reading an 8,000 word article about the end of America. The four part series will have a Clint Eastwood theme. For a Few Dollars More will address the Baby Boomer impact on America’s decline. A Fistful of Dollars will examine how the creation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax in 1913 set us on a path to ruin. Outlaw Josey Wales will scrutinize the looting of America by a small group of powerful, connected, super rich men lurking in the shadows, but pulling the strings on our puppet politicians. Lastly, Unforgiven  will detail the impending collapse of our economic system and the retribution that will be handed out to the guilty.

Over the last few weeks there seems to be consensus among many financial bloggers, whose credibility is far more trustworthy than the corporate mainstream media, that the country is teetering on the verge of economic collapse due to the complete capture of the government, financial, regulatory, and media by a small group of oligarchs. They have also been described as the super rich, plutarchs, ruling elite, and scum sucking leeches. The bloggers that I have the utmost respect for, including Jesse, Charles Hugh Smith, Mike Shedlock, Yves Smith and Gonzalo Lira have all come to the logical conclusion the horrific economic situation of the country is a direct result of the greed, corruption, fraud, and plundering by a powerful connected group of rich financiers operating without fear of being brought to justice by the authorities.

While pondering the ruminations of these dedicated truth tellers, I was reminded of the Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western For a Few Dollars More. The quotes above are representative of living in the USA today. There are supposed to be courageous, loyal and honest sheriffs that protect the citizens from crime, corruption and evil doers. But, just as we saw in the Old West of Clint Eastwood movies, the sheriffs are always corrupt and bought off by the evil cattle barons. In a world where life has no value and you can’t rely on law enforcement to protect your interests, the citizens eventually will need to turn to bounty hunters to take care of the bad guys. The bounty hunters of truth reside on the internet. They reside at Zero Hedge, Jesse’s Café Americain, Of Two Minds, Mish, Chris Martenson, and dozens of other anarchist websites. When you can’t trust your government, your bankers, your church, your media, or mega-corporate CEOs, you need to seek the truth where it can be found. The insightful bloggers who courageously print the truth on a daily basis have unanimously concluded that a small band of powerful elite have accumulated undue influence and control over this country, having brought it to the verge of economic collapse. How did this happen? Who is responsible? Why were they permitted to gain this power?

Boomers Come of Age

“If those in charge of our society – politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television – can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves.” – Howard Zinn

Whenever I direct any blame for our economic woes towards the Baby Boom generation they react as expected. They blame the GI Generation for creating the welfare state. They declare that Generation X and the Millenials are just as greedy and self centered as the Boomers. Boomers are great at blaming, ridiculing and acting pompously, while taking no responsibility for their actions and more importantly their inaction. This generation cannot avoid their responsibility for the state of affairs. They like to take credit for their stand against the Vietnam War and their protests against the man during the 1960s. They don’t like to take credit for turning into materialistic, greedy, selfish, short-term focused bastards. When a generation of 76 million people decides to go in a particular direction, the country will go in that direction. While blaming FDR and the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy for creating the unfunded Social Security and Medicare liabilities, the Boomers have been voting since the mid-1960s and have been in control of corporate America and the levers of government since the early 1980s.

The U.S. Congress is dominated by Baby Boomers today and has been dominated by this generation since the 1990s. The Senate has 60 Boomers out of 100, while the House of Representatives has 254 Boomers out of 435 members. Boomers occupied the White House from 1992 through 2008. They have had the political power and control of the agenda for two decades and have failed miserably. Rather than do what was best for the country for the long-term, they took the expedient, easy, vote getting route. Promise more than you could ever deliver and let future generations worry about the consequences. Not one true noble statesman has arisen from this generation of myopic, self centered “Me Generation” political hacks. Even as the country nears the precipice, they continue to address the great issues of the day with talking points supplied by other Baby Boomer PR maggots from Park Avenue. These weasels care not for the country, but worry only about poll numbers and the next election cycle. An apathetic public, dominated by the Baby Boom generation, has the attention span of a gnat. As long as they can make the lease payment on their Escalade, use one of their 15 credit cards at the Mall, be entertained by 600 cable TV stations, play with the latest iSomething, live in their McMansion for two years without making a mortgage payment and consume massive quantities of fast food, then any thoughts of future generations or civic duty are unnecessary. Live for today has been the rallying cry for the Boomer generation. Pot was their drug during the 1960s. Debt has been their drug since 1980.

The drug (debt) dealer for the Baby Boom generation has been the Wall Street mega-banks, coincidentally, run by Boomers. The entire corrupt financial industry is being run by Boomers. The CEOs, CFOs, and the thousands of Harvard MBA VPs that created the fraudulent derivative scheme to bilk billions from clueless municipalities, pension funds and American taxpayers are all Boomers. It is no coincidence that the great debt delusion began in the early 1980’s. Jim Kunstler captured the essence of Boomer transformation:

“The Baby Boomers came back from the land, clipped their pony tails, discovered venture capital, real estate investment trusts, securitization of “consumer” debt, and the Hamptons. Greed was good.”

The Boomer CEO hall of scam has been built on the brilliance and financial acumen of Lloyd (god’s work) Blankfein, Charlie (keep dancing) Prince, Jamie (friend of Obama) Dimon, and the king of the Boomers, Hank (the system is sound) Paulson. These mainstays of crony capitalism led the Boomer charge of greed, greed and more greed. The Baby Boomer generation has been the proverbial pig in a python working its way through the decades as presented below. By 1985, Boomers had entered the work force in full force with the entire generation between the ages of 25 and 42. It will be a great day when the python craps this pig of a generation out the other end.

It is not a coincidence the National Debt growth has far outstripped GDP growth since 1980. Boomers had been spoiled their whole lives and felt they deserved the goodies today while passing the bill to future generations. They voted for politicians who promised them more benefits, more programs, more subsidies, more tax breaks, more military adventures, and more pleasure. And this was “paid for” with more debt. Thirty five years of government debt declining as a percentage of GDP was reversed over the next thirty years starting in 1980, pushing it past the 90% tipping point in the last year. The country is over-indebted to the tune of $9 trillion on a current basis and $100 trillion on a long term accrual basis.

There is no better picture of Boomer decadence and myopia than an historical view of the national savings rate. The parents of the Boomers understood the meaning of sacrifice and investing in the future of the country. During World War II they bought US War Bonds to support the cause. From 1950 through 1985, the savings rate consistently ranged between 7% and 12%. Americans had this odd notion that if you saved more than you spent, you actually got ahead in life. Excess savings were used to invest in new plants and equipment that were used to produce goods and employ more Americans. By 1985, the Boomers considered these notions as quaint and old fashioned. The savings rate methodically declined until it went negative in 2006, just prior to the worldwide financial conflagration. Our inspirational Boomer president George (Mission Accomplished) Bush while waging two wars of choice, asked for the ultimate sacrifice from the Boomers. He solemnly urged them to buy a GM SUV with $0 down and 0% interest for 7 years, so we could defeat the terrorists. The Boomers who ran GMAC were more than happy to make loans to people with no income so they could “purchase” a $40,000 ostentatious gas guzzling hog. They were doing their patriotic duty for the good of the nation. It brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it.

The Boomers not only heeded George’s call, but they did him proud by buying 8,000 sq ft McMansions with $0 down and negative amortization ARMs. Luckily, the executives at the mortgage origination sweatshops were Boomers. They found no good reason to verify income or assets before loaning someone $600,000, because they knew their fellow Boomers at the rating agencies would rate the bundles of these toxic shit loans as AAA so the Boomers on Wall Street could sell them to greater fools. GMAC’s exemplary subprime mortgage arm – Ditech, did a bang up job getting migrant Mexican workers into $450,000 homes in California’s inland empire. As the tsunami of bad debt swept toward shore, delusional Boomers across the land borrowed $500 billion against the inflated value of their McMansions and installed granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances, home theatres, elegant patios, Olympic sized pools, and with the excess home equity, leased a BMW or two. The first devastating tsunami wave hit in 2008 and wiped out billions in faux Boomer wealth. Instead of learning a brutal lesson and reverting back to saving and frugality, the “never say sacrifice” Boomers ventured out to where the waves had subsided looking for more trinkets and treasures.

Tsunami Warning by Mobile Phone

The next tsunami wave is on its way. The delusional Boomers will be surprised again.

The Boomer persona has been formed over the last five decades and the country will deal with the consequences for decades to come. The clean cut Beaver Cleaver children of the 1950s turned into the pot smoking Dobie Gillis of the 1960’s, then into the slimy Gordon Gekkos of the 1980s and ultimately into the eternal wealth seeking Gollums of today.



This Boomer debt orgy over the last thirty years would have made Caligula blush. Of course, none of this could have happened without the Creature from Jekyll Island. I will address this aspect of our fate in Fistful of Dollars – Part Two.

Now for the righteous indignation from the Boomers that think I have unfairly lumped them all together as one. Their reactions are predictable. Even though they have had the means, the power and the time to reverse the course of USS Titanic, they plowed full steam ahead into the abyss. The GI Generation is dead. Generation X doesn’t hold the reins of power. The Boomer generation needs to look in the mirror to recognize who is to blame.  I’m sure there are a few good Boomers out there somewhere, but as a generation they have failed this country and our unborn generations miserably.

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Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 8:11 pm


Don’t heed the thumbs down… just a bunch of crotchity old boomer farts. You have a thumbs up from me.

Llpoh: I hope you weren’t calling my “My Generation” post a pile of doo…

I thought it was clever.

Of course, llpoh is fully exempt from the BBES mantra.

Also, llpoh is dead on about our “new crop” in Congress… they folded like Spinks when Tyson was just warming up. What a bunch of poontangs.

April 26, 2011 8:16 pm

Colma – you got a pass for even knowing who The Who are. The Flash/RE shit doeth stinketh, however, and needs to be buried in the sandpit.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
April 26, 2011 8:17 pm

“RE resorts to pictures since he has no facts to refute my article. “-Admin

Where pray tell did I endeavor to refute your article? I don’t have any issue with the thesis that Boomers are Idiots. The point I am making is that its not just USA Clowns, you have Clowns in Europe and Jokers in Japan. Not only that, but prior to the Boomers, we had clowns and jokers that got us into WWII, and still earlier ones that got us into the Great Depression, ones before that who gave Da Fed control over the money supply, and still earlier ones than that who got us involved in the Civil War. Boomers aren’t especially dumb people either by location or by the era of their birth. Idiots exist everywhere on Earth at all times, this message board is clear evidence of that fact. LOL.

Boomers are Idiots because the vast majority of people walking the planet at any given time are Idiots. The whole idea here is just Captain Obvious. Tell me something I DON’T know. Of course most Boomers are idiots. Most PEOPLE are Idiots. Boomers are just a subset of the larger population of Global Idiots.


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 8:18 pm


(Flash and RE ponder what to say to defend their generation)

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 8:23 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

(Flash has a lesson for that punk boogereater Colma)

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
April 26, 2011 8:29 pm

Thank God the Younger Generation has their shit together. They’ll save us.

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April 26, 2011 8:33 pm

The boomers act like all the guests residing in San Quentin when asked about their conviction. “Oh, no sir, I am innocent. ” Few if any of them will ever admit that they wrecked and ripped off this nation. They act like they built this country and made it great. They are for the most part a delusional ilk.

I would say that their worst trait is that have no problem with lying and cheating. There was a time in this nation when a person’s word was their bond. Well, all that got washed away in the great boomer flood. A hand shake means nothing to the boomer species, a mere formality at best. Never trust a boomer. They are liars to the core and will rob you blind.

They also made rudeness into a form of art. They were the first generation to treat old people like shit. They abandoned their parents to warehouses and stole their hard earned money spending it on drugs, booze, whores, pornography, etc… Is it any wonder their children hate them so deeply?

May Providence deliver us from this brood of pure evil.

April 26, 2011 9:12 pm

Dear Mr. Quinn,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for all the great work that you do here. Your thoughtfulness and integrity are like a welcomed breeze on a hot afternoon.

“There are occasions on which it is noble to dare to stand alone. To be pious among infidels, to be disinterested in a time of general venality, to lead a life of virtue and reason in the midst of sensualists, is a proof of a mind intent on nobler things than the praise or blame of men, of a soul fixed in the contemplation of the highest good, and superiour to the tyranny of custom and example.” Samuel Johnson

With gratitude and sincerity ,


Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
April 26, 2011 9:17 pm

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Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
April 26, 2011 9:17 pm

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April 26, 2011 9:21 pm

Xer – a little ass-kissing is ok. But when you put tongue to crack it is considered bad form and will be derided. And do not forget, Admin will turn on you like a woman scorned the minute you dare disagree with him.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 9:23 pm


I agree. I’ve never been so annoyed as to watch a generation throw their parents under a bus without blinking their lids over their dollar-sign eyes.

And their answer is always “those people were mean” or “I can’t handle the stress” or “what else am I supposed to do”.

My grandparents risked everything to get to this country and make it a great place. They spoiled their kids to ease any hardship… you know, food on the table hardship… and those brats thank them with broken families and insumountable debt for their offspring.

Still with excuses.

April 26, 2011 9:24 pm

“Cliff was saved from Boomerhood by the skin of his teeth.”

Whew, some people still use the old boomer demographic (1946-1964). I have always felt more in common wtih gen-x, because my life was like being late to the party after all the good stuff was gone and ending up with the last bit of foam from the keg. I saw how the boomers acted in the 60’s and have always wondered what happened to their love of liberty and eschewing of material wealth, especially after the Gekko ’80’s. I was impressed with Ron Paul in 1988 and became a Libertarian soon after, maybe as a reaction to the boomers and their hypocritical lifestyles.

Thanks for the response and the chuckle. I have lurked here for about a year and thought I would open my yapper and join the fun. You run a great site it is on my daily read list. I’m sure I will get my baptism of fire when I try to find something to debate about with all of the fascinating and intelligent commenters here. I read the comments with the same voraciousness as the articles and that is a good thing.

April 26, 2011 9:32 pm

Only a moron would blame the current fiscal calamity brought on by 200 + years of central planning by those who stand to gain the most on one generation.Why not just blame it all on the Pisces? What a fool will believe…SHEESH!

Xer , your out of your league.Put you diaper back on , crawl back into you crib , insert thumb in anus and cry bah……bah.

April 26, 2011 9:39 pm

XER says:

Dear Mr. Quinn,

BBWWAHHHHH.. Why don’t you just tell Quinn you’d like one up the ass?

Yes I feel much more secure knowing your sissy-assed, butt lip smacking ,earring wearing , gender confused bed wetting generation of milksop fools are at the helm of this colossal failure of Republicanism.
Go back to your jump rap kid.Men are at work trying to save your worthless ass,.

April 26, 2011 9:43 pm

Xer – I told you so. The butt kissing crossed the line, and now you are a target. Flash has called you out. Kinder/gentler won’t cut it now.

April 26, 2011 9:50 pm

I like this article quite a bit.

But one thing that does concern me is the scapegoating of the boomers (i am a X’er/Nomad). While I am no big fan of the boomers, the problems are much bigger then just Them. while the Boomers have provided much of the Clueless leadership, the X’ers have not really stepped up and led. Instead we’ve mostly bitched and complained but that is about it.

Every generation at some level is going to be a disappointment. Because each generation is filled up with often selfish and misguided folks. we are just as clueless as the Boomers. we have bought the big ass cars and overpriced houses. we did say much when the jobs got shifted overseas. we bought the crap at wal-mart and target, on overextended credit cards, that we end up throwing out a year latter.

Biggest difference between the X’ers and the boomers, is there are a lot more boomers, so they cause more damage because of their sheer numbers.

the whole premise of our social “safety net” requires each generation be bigger then one being supported. the problem is the X’ers do not have the numbers or resources to support the Boomers through their retirement.

Because of the boomers numbers but also leadership, the nations agenda has been set with their “best interests” in mind. this agenda is to maintain the “safety net” at all costs, regardless of the damage to future generations.

for the most part us X’ers have acted like dogs waiting for the table scraps. the funny part is Obama is the first X’er president and he has been a total disaster. still with an X’er as president the interests of the Boomers prevail.

In many way the X’ers were a generation without parents. This has been a huge disadvantage in really taking leadership roles. Instead of stepping up we subconsciously keep looking for “Daddies” and “Mommies” to lead the way.

Obama is a poster boy for all this. A man that grew up without a father, who is unable to make decisions, swayed more by ideology passed on by various collegian Mentor-Daddies , then a personal sense of what is right and wrong.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
April 26, 2011 9:52 pm

Another damn fine read. The younger generations might give them a run for their money, but the boomers are the classic “me” generation. They have been running the country for most of my life and damn near every single major social and economic decision was either flat out wrong or avoided and neglected to the point of absurdity. Immigration, energy, health care. entitlements, deficits, infrastructure…. You name it, they tip toed around it and fought over gays god and guns.

LLPOH, you are dead on about those tea party fuckers. I may have to hedge my prediction regarding the 2012 elections. I am no longer confident in my Hillary vs Palin call. When the situations change, so must any reasonable prediction. It was my belief that the American populace would elect the vilest most shallow ignorant shit available and my prediction reflected that. I did not count on The Donald. Therefore, 2012 might end up being Hillary vs The Donald.

April 26, 2011 9:59 pm

Punk – how’s the farmhouse problem going? Hope you get a resolution. You are spot on re the outlook – pick the stupidest, inbred motherfucker and bet on him/her to win. It has been a sure thing in recent years.

Here is Flash/RE:

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 26, 2011 10:00 pm

Admin-great piece. Looking forward to the next instalments.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
April 26, 2011 10:10 pm

Big Family meeting next weekend. I hope to climb around the house with a contractor soon. Another problem is a general lack of leadership among the family. (huh!?) No one is really in charge of the thing, everyone is invested in their own shit. Truly a microcosm of the country.

I saw that pic not to long ago and it reminded me of a TBP fight. Love it.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 10:19 pm


For as much as I like ripping on Boomstainers, I also concede that Gen X has amounted to little more than a mini-me to the Dr. Evil that the boomstainers are…

But before anyone jumps to conclusions, I must say that I’m the ass-end of gen x. My girlfriend is a millenial, as are most my friends. By osmosis, I too am a millenial… friends my age are growing old and grumpy, entitlement-oriented and lazy. Pathetic.

I refuse. My girl keeps me young. My friends don’t let me be lazy. In the dead of the recession, when I was off work early every day, I took a liking to sitting around and getting drunk. One of my millenial friends, a Ranger, kicked me back into shape. He came and pointed out that my combat effectiveness was in the toilet when I’m fat and drunk. He got me back to the gym and back to the firing range. Bless him… he wasn’t afraid to tell me what is. Now I’m not a fat old drunk but a lean mean fighting drunk!

What am I getting at? The kids these days will suprise the fuck out of you… I’ve seen it with my own two eyes. Walking contradictions… wondering where the next McArthur will come from and when… they have knowledge that they’re being taught revisionist propaganda. PC is out the window, but most are quite friendly multi-racially. Good kids at heart, often, but suprisingly galant when crossed with obvious moral disintegration… willing to fight the good fight.

It’s a shame they have to shake their heads at their boomer grandparents sometimes.

howard in nyc
howard in nyc
April 26, 2011 10:22 pm

i was born in 56, and claim membership in that ‘tweener’ category. cause i hate boomers, having rejected them and their big talk/no backup act as nixon shut the door on the 60s.

as a kid, i saw what young boomers were doing in the sixties, rejecting war and aparthied, refusing convention, taking to the streets to stop the madness of the imperial direction of the nation. i couldn’t wait to be old enough to jump in the scrum.

by that time, it was all over. and the boomers lost. they pussed out. after a handful of deaths, at kent state and in scattered other locales, they backed the fuck down. as soon as vietnam went away, and they were all too old to be drafted anyway (the carrot of compromise the silents tossed us, and we couldn’t agree fast enough), cut our hair and went to graduate school.

with a cynical, ‘well, it’s all fucked anyway, so i’ll just get mine; who cares if i lie a little, cheat a little, and even vote for a pragmatic man like carter or clinton?’

(had the civil rights movement been founded and driven by boomers, they would’ve folded the tent after mississippi ’64; even after king was murdered, the push continued. only to be destroyed by the deadly combination of success, white guilt, socialist ‘ideals’ (like robbing peter to give to shaniqua anything other than an education can possibly be an ideal) and thieving liberal political opportunists. but i digress. got off that train long before the derailment.

decades later, when i came to see that (as generational theory maintains) it was impossible for the 60s ‘revolution’ to succeed, i had already turned my back on the older boomers for their failures and surrenders of the early 70s. shit, after kent state, there should have been a million longhairs marching on the white house like it was grant park two years earlier. they could’ve shut down the whole country.

anyway, i burned my boomer card in 1973. a few times went down the road of convention and getting mine, but never fully bought in. and i suppose i had too much respect for the value system that was the foundation of the rise of the nation to greatness during the 20th century to buy into the nihilism of gen x.

in my profession, the institutions built to last decades, devoted to actually serving society, i’ve seen boomers destroy, slowly and painfully. with no awareness of the ill they were committing. now only protests of how it is someone else’s fault (the politicians, the insurance companies, the public for failure to appreciate how great the boomers are running amok in the medical towers built by the silents).

my point is, i ain’t no fucking boomer, despite my birth year. even if i had walked the boomer path (although i don’t think that was possible for me), i would at least have the morality to own up to my responsibility. i only have to admit that by age 35, i had given up trying to fight the bastards, so i quit fighting them. don’t blame me; i voted for john anderson.

April 26, 2011 10:45 pm

Howard – you do know we aren’t talking about these boomers:

[imgcomment image[/img]

but rather these boomers:

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With your background, just thought I better check.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 10:47 pm


You are an honorary Xer.

You like Dead Kennedys, Primus and the SF Giants.

Case closed.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 10:50 pm

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Howard… this pic had me laughing my ass off when I read your blog.

April 26, 2011 11:07 pm

I’m a boomer born in late 1958. I agree with the claim of the article but don’t consider myself falling victim to the boomer mentality but have come very close on a few occasions. I must credit my parents and grandparents who lived through the depression and always taught us to save for a rainy day. However, I have suffered some “mild, joking abuse” by my friends and neighbors by not following the crowd. Two quick examples: About 15 years ago I bought a TV to replace the 20 yr. old one that failed. It was a 15 inch Sharp that we put in our family room costing $100. We had a Rose Bowl party and invited a neighbor who played football in the Big Ten. I got never ending abuse when he showed up and asked WTF kind of TV is that to watch a Rose Bowl game.
A second example is driving past a wedding party taking pictures in a park before the reception. I was driving my 1991 Ford Tempo purchased from my Aunt for less than $1000 with my wife. When they recognized me driving by on my way to the reception, a few of them (rather drunk) pointed my car out and said ” Hey there’s Tom driving a fucking Ford Tempo” Then I caught hell at the party from others who had seen me saying they expected me to be driving a BMW or Vette not a Ford.
Now that same person is married at the ripe old age of 50 and has 2 kids under the age of 5. Saw him last month and his outlook on money has changed as he is living paycbeck to paycheck now. Sweet Revenge.

April 26, 2011 11:09 pm

“We went to graduate school.”

And many came out of the laboratory as corporate Frankensteins Ah yes, the boomer MBA! Once this sub species of boomer was loosed on the American work place, it was only a matter of time. These monsters enshrined in corporate culture the mantra that the human being was the true enemy of profit and capital. Lovers of money and haters of people. They became the Einsatzgruppen of corporate America.

Welcome home Howard. and thank you for your honesty.

April 26, 2011 11:25 pm

Xer – you are gonna have me crawling all over your ass shortly with the combo boomer/MBA shit and your lovers of money/haters of people bullshit. I am a boomer, a MBA, and a business owner. Some of it may indeed be true, but in my book a lot of that kind of crap is politics of envy. The fact is, the American people by and large have let their work ethic and skills slide. MBAs/business people are indeed in business to make money. They cannot run businesses at a loss. They need good resources to make money – and the prime resource is skilled, hardworking, educated employees. These prime resources have become more and more rare, and so business people look for alternatives. Sure, cheap overseas labor is an enticement, but the US would be much more competitive if it had stayed a world leader in education and skill base. We wouldn’t be screaming about the heartless business folks near so much if the population in general hadn’t let standards fall so far:

“The three-yearly OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) report, which compares the knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds in 70 countries around the world, ranked the United States 14th out of 34 OECD countries for reading skills, 17th for science and a below-average 25th for mathematics.”

17th in science and 25th in mathematics. Now isn’t that special. Go forth and compete with that against the billion low wage Chinese out there, and see how you do.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 11:44 pm

llpoh: ” Sure, cheap overseas labor is an enticement, but the US would be much more competitive if it had stayed a world leader in education and skill base. We wouldn’t be screaming about the heartless business folks near so much if the population in general hadn’t let standards fall so far:”

I’m sitting in a college class room as we speak, typing away behind a modern computer. Don’t point out the fact that I’m fucking off… I have an A and know everything the teacher’s about to say. That aside:

Education has been fucked off because everybody and their sister thinks they’re entitled to a passing grade… most professors don’t “like” to fail anyone if they show up. They have that Spockian view that positive reinforcement will have better results than harsh punishment. Everybody thinks an “F” is punishment, instead of an honest metric.

This mentality cascades through the system. An example: English courses are required General Ed. Professors pass kids who can barely finish a thought on paper with a “C”. By the time I go to a 4-year next semester, I have to again take a writing test because the institution has no confidence in the system’s ability to properly grade!

College degrees are watered down so much that the “Bachelors” of 30 years ago is a “Masters” today. ALL of my professors at community college are PhD’s… many from Berkley and Stanford. The “Masters” of 30 years ago is a PhD!

Some dipshit looked at the falling rankings of our per-capita college graduates and said “We have to change this” but somehow, this has translated into a bullshit system of letting people who would have dropped or been laughed out of a classroom walk with a 2.0 average and a degree.

I blame spockian boomer socialist mindsets for this.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
April 26, 2011 11:45 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]


Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 26, 2011 11:59 pm

[imgcomment image?t=1303876425[/img]

(RE, aka Dr. Doomstead, jousts with no one)

April 27, 2011 12:00 am

RE – good advice. You should follow it.

April 27, 2011 12:13 am

llpoh,” I feel your pain.” ( Classic Clintonism) But in all fairness, it was hard for them to maintain any kind of work ethic as MBA theories began to take hold in the camps, I mean the work place. “Human resource” sure has a nice ring to it. I suggest you watch Sir James Goldsmith’s interview with Charlie Rose in 1994. There is a classic exchange with Goldsmith and uber boomer monstress Laura Tyson. Tyson was well rewarded for her crimes against the American worker. I am sure she enjoys watching concentration camp films on the weekends.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 27, 2011 12:14 am


Funny, you caught my stab in the final sentence. My feeble attempt to stay on subject.

At any rate, the quantity of college degrees take a backseat to quality, in my opinion. Let’s say you hire someone with a degree to engineer something or another in your plant… they supposedly should have the education necessary to do the job, but you 3.0 GPA hire is really as proficient as a 2.0. You’re fucked. You have to hold their hand the whole dam time and teach them what you assumed they knew.

I think we, as a society, need to take a deep breath and asses what’s really going on in the education department…

What else is new. People just don’t appreciate actually knowing things, they just appreciate the labels. That’s Orwellian in it’s own right.

April 27, 2011 12:26 am

Xer – so MBA’s are responsible for workers being lazy (you said “But in all fairness, it was hard for them to maintain any kind of work ethic….”)? That is some dumb ass shit pouring out of your keyboard now. BTW, Laura Tyson wasn’t an MBA – just one of a long list of fuckwit economists.

April 27, 2011 12:27 am

Colma – you are right again. But good luck getting anything done.

April 27, 2011 12:35 am

Admin invited people to come into GenX. I’m joining. Here’s why.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 27, 2011 12:37 am


Nothing will get done, I’m afraid. I just hope I can get in a good grad school so I can actually learn more in a rigorous setting.

One thing… the quantity of Hard Science degrees needs to go up. It’s one thing to pass C work in the Lib Arts, but unconcionable for work where the proverbial 1+1=2.

America’s irrational fear of Mathematics must end.

It’s the “grading on a curve” that is shooting us in the foot…

April 27, 2011 12:38 am

SSS and friend:

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 27, 2011 12:39 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 27, 2011 12:59 am


This is more like it, mate.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 27, 2011 1:13 am

I love this website. You’re all the coolest, down to earth geezers to chat with.

Fuck Facebook.

April 27, 2011 1:14 am

SSS – I thought this was you:

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 27, 2011 1:15 am

Thanks Colma. SSS would thank you too, if he pull his face out of the tits long enough.

Colma Rising
Colma Rising
April 27, 2011 1:47 am


I’m afraid that SSS will be inseperable from tonight’s set of tits.

Dave L
Dave L
April 27, 2011 8:18 am

You give the boomer generation credit for their ‘stand against the Vietnam War and their protests against the man during the 1960s.’ But those who stood up for those causes were never a majority of boomers. I say this not to further condemn boomers, but as additional explanation for how the generation could have gone so horribly astray. The majority never was on an altruistic or idealistic path.

April 27, 2011 8:28 am

If you booger eating , thumb sucking, bed wetting generational conspiracy theorists truly want to learn the source of Western decline, look no further than Woman’s suffrage.
How did we go from a patriarchal society of self -reliance to the one governed by the emotional whims and feeling of the nesting matriarchs?
The feminization leading to mainstream collectivism of American began with mass voting of women.
Women’s suffrage and government growth

Using data from 1870 to 1940, Lott and Larry Kenny studied how state government expenditures and revenue changed in 48 state governments after women obtained the right to vote. Women were able to vote in 29 states prior to women’s suffrage and the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. Lott found that the impact of granting of women’s suffrage on per-capita state government expenditures and revenue was startling.[25]

His research indicates that women’s suffrage had a bigger impact on government spending and taxes in states with a greater percentage of women. Even after accounting for variables such as industrialization, urbanization, education and income, per capita real state government spending, which had been flat or falling during the 10 years before women began voting, doubled during the next 11 years. The increase in government spending and revenue started immediately after women started voting in national elections and 19 additional state elections.[26]