Obama wins. Say SOMETHING, goddammit!

I actually went to bed at 9PM last night. Didn’t want to deal with the blow-by-blow bullshit. So, I just found out a few moments ago that Obama won a 2nd term. Un-fucking-believable.

Was surprised to not see any new topics about the win. Maybe everybody is too depressed to post. Maybe no one truly gives a shit … but I kinda find that hard to believe.

Anyway ……. let’s GO!! Say something, goddammit. So, ….

1) This vote was as much about WE THE PEOPLE as it was about the Presidency. WE, the people, voted for failure and more free shit. The values of the original republic are officially dead.

2) Exit polls show that the majority of Obama voters STILL blame George Bush for their economic malaise. Stupid stupid motherfuckers.

3) Romney won the real estate. Obama won the cities. Thank you, Negroes, for giving us four more years of your Free Shit Messiah.

4) Start PREPPING!!! Make sure you buy guns and bullets first.

5) We’re fucked six ways to Sunday. The next four years …. I am afraid.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 7, 2012 8:48 am


You pricks in NJ cost Romney the election. We’re a photo op nation. This photo won Obama a 2nd term.

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No longer Uncle Sam's bitch
No longer Uncle Sam's bitch
November 7, 2012 8:56 am

My mini 30 is loaded and I’m ready to go, We need to wake up and take our country back.

November 7, 2012 9:04 am

Damn!! How fat is Christie gonna get??

Anyway, we are in good hands with Obama. He was the best choice by a long shot.

I ain’t a queer and this might sound queer for a man to say about another man but I love barack Obama. I just love the guy and I wish him many years of success

November 7, 2012 9:05 am

Fuck Stuck, what else is there to say? Obama was a virtual tie as far as the popular vote, but we know the people don’t vote in the president.

Yes we are fucked, most of us knew this, but when you are standing there looking at the headlights of reality you are a bit frozen. You are correct again, as usual, keep prepping, keep your mouth shut to others about what you are doing, let the zombies come. Goddamn goddamn goddamn, this is really happening.

November 7, 2012 9:09 am

I’m too stunned to do much. Just woke up to a bad moon rising. If that incompetent imbecile can be president, AGAIN, after all the shit he pulled the last four years, we are truly beyond hope. The 47%, plus the union government employees put him over the top. Still, I can’t believe it. The sooner we collapse the better. Another $4-6 trillion on the debt. All hope is gone that we might save ourselves.

It’s like that feeling you get, when you’re fighting cancer (not that I’ve fought cancer), the grief and anger, and then one day, you finally accept. Now I/we have to accept that we really are doomed. The FSA rewarded Obama for the free shit, free phones, housing, welfare, disability, and he’ll be handing out more free shit than ever before.

Obamacare will not be repealed. We are doomed. The people that actually have jobs, work, and pay taxes are shitting themselves right now. Taxes, government drone pensions and salaries are going up, up, up. If you thought we had socialism before, just wait. Unrestrained Obama will reshape this country into a socialist/communist dream-state, a nightmare for people who work and try to make a living. Don’t think he can fuck it up any worse than it is now? Guess again. The show is just getting started. Holy shit, God, please protect us.

No longer Uncle Sam's bitch
No longer Uncle Sam's bitch
November 7, 2012 9:09 am

The time for prepping is over, NOW is the time to act, prepping isn’t going to take this country back, Think of where we would be If we stood around and just prepped for the British. FIGHT NOW!!!!

November 7, 2012 9:20 am

It’s ok man. It will be ok.


November 7, 2012 9:22 am

Who is John Galt?

November 7, 2012 9:34 am

I think it’s a very dangerous time right now for the President. I didn’t vote for him, and I don’t like much about him, but I don’t wish him personal harm…and I don’t think it would be good for the country if harm came to him.

There are bound to be some nutjobs coming out of the woodwork. I just hope the secret service guys do their job.

And I hope there’s no race violence..or any other kind of violence. That would make the situation worse. Way worse.

November 7, 2012 9:39 am

if you have a serviceable firearm you should be buying ammo not guns, they will never ban guns but the government will try to skyrocket the prices on ammo through taxes and other tricks, buy ammo now, it will be the lowest price you will pay in your lifetime

November 7, 2012 9:39 am

To Flash,

Our forefathers had it right succession is really the only solution; the differences between the entitlement mentality and the independent self made individual are giant chasm that no bridge built by human hands can span.

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I cannot understand this woman’s point of view, I cannot align myself with her political beliefs, we have absolutely nothing in common, she is a foreigner to me as much as someone who lives on the other side of the world and speaks a different language. I am also sure she would feel the same way towards me.

There’s no common ground for us to stand under the same flag and I am good with that.


November 7, 2012 9:45 am


Confucius say, He who cannot beat them must join them!

November 7, 2012 9:55 am

I can’t believe there are 17 comments and nobody hit this. You all must be shell-shocked.

“Something goddammit”

Happy now?

November 7, 2012 10:06 am

Now that I’ve gotten the smartass out, all I can say is, “no shit.”

1. If I believe that elections are corrupted – which I do, the powers that be needed Obama in office because of his uncanny ability to feed the masses shit yet convince them it tastes good. The Republicans have NEVER had it so good. Think of the 24/7 critical coverage of Bushie, while O has followed his plans, increased them, the press went dark and the liberal rabblerousers (Cindy Sheehan, War is good under a Dem, evil under a Rep) went home.

2. The seniors, Jews, unions, welfare moms, college students, cops, teachers, city planners, city inspectors, green energy, tax abated, financial, etc, were NEVER going to vote to change the status quo. O has been the KING of kicking the can, and printing $$$$, to benefit the status quo.

We weren’t even given (or didn’t choose, depending on your belief in the system) a freaking choice. Mittens and McCain were RINOs at best.

I’m sad, but I would’ve been sad if Romney won too.

As long as we the people adhere to the spectacle and refuse to look beyond our “choice” to the truth (the PTB decided for us), ain’t nothing fixing us.

I am truly at a loss as to how we can plan and go forward. What the hell do I tell my kids to strive for? Is there anything truly left to strive for? Job at the politburo or DHS?

Just WTF America, WTF?

Oh, and gov troll, enjoy your paycheck. How do you people sleep knowing that your entire existence is a mockery of the very basic laws that made our country the greatest on earth? Oh, that’s right, you don’t care, you believe your inept bosses, their inept bosses and their corrupted by elite bosses, are doing the right thing while breaking the simplest of freedoms down. Enjoy.

Chatham Police
Chatham Police
November 7, 2012 10:07 am

Good advice Stuck.

We know about your gas station incident. Inciting violence during a state emergency is punishable by drone extermination.

We’re watching.

November 7, 2012 10:10 am

No longer Uncle Sam’s bitch (government troll)

I can imagine, now that Obama has once again been handed the keys to the Kingdom, that the surveillance and crushing of dissent will begin in earnest. I think we can expect small traps, like this idiot, and then full-on provocation, after which TBP will be shut down. I can’t imagine Emperor Obama will have any remorse in fully utilizing NDAA and all the other laws and edicts he put into place the last term. Hell, he’s been vindicated and supported in these efforts.

So, it’s back to socialism as usual. I don’t care much anymore, I’m going to enjoy the last few days at sea and my vacation. People are going to get what they voted for. The Republicans are a joke, worse than a joke, and they’ll get what they deserve. Romney was a shame, barely electable, matched against an incompetent, golf-playing rube who he still couldn’t beat. The power-brokers are at a loss. Romney still has $400 million, poor guy. Will probably vacation for a year.

We are going to see taxes, the likes of which have never been seen before. Obamacare will see to that, plus every other scheme the democrats can come up with. The bumbling idiot Obama is really going to make a permanent mess of things, tens of thousands more businesses going bankrupt, millions more people unemployed, more and more government control, regulation, and spending.

Well, it’s about 85 degrees outside on my veranda, overlooking the Caribbean sea. A light breeze, a few clouds in the sky. No worries, mate. A great book to read, a fine cigar, excellent coffee and chow, and all is well, at least for now. It’s going to be fun to ream Obama’s ass for another four years. I can’t begin to imagine all the things he’s going to fuck up, and how badly, but I’m very confident it will be many, just about everything.

This is a new low point for our country, but I’m sure it will go much lower. Just looking at the people on this ship proves that. Our population is depraved consumers, overconsumers. There will be a price to be paid some day, but not now. Have a great day, I will try; to shrug off the miserable news of Obama, and all that will come in the next four years. $20 trillion in debt. Will it get that high? or do we collapse first? So many questions. Ah, maybe later, seize and enjoy the day!

November 7, 2012 10:12 am

Obama’s winning strategy was (1) to buy as many votes as possible and (2) claim the economy is slowly improving. This was accepted by enough of the public to win the election.

The massive federal deficit spending has slowed the economic slide we are in, but when real market forces(if they even exist anymore) overwhelm government efforts, look out below.

November 7, 2012 10:15 am

Fuck all that. Where was the other choice. A dude who has magic underpants? Romney? Give me a fucking break. Obama won because the powers that be gave us a douchebags to vote for. The same reason he got to be president in the first place. He beat two unbelievable jerk offs in McCain then Romney.

Both Republican candidates offered zero inspiration, zero change, they both made Bob Dole look dynamic. The system is rigged, so sit back, get some popcorn and watch the decline of the empire.

November 7, 2012 10:16 am

Its not that I wanted Obama to win, its that I didn’t want Romney to win. So at least I have something to be happy about. We are still screwed, which was the case no matter who won. Oh happy day …

November 7, 2012 10:21 am

I’ve been trying lately to wrap my mind around the imminent collapse of Western Civ. Mr. Fineman helps us understand that its quaint notions (you know, Ike marriage and church), are relics to be discarded for the glorious new multicutural, multiracial world that awaits. What better evidence could there be than observing a disparate group of people plan a Springsteen concert! Woo woo!

Little did I know that Barack Obama is the promised Messiah who will unite all the tribes in peace and prosperity. Here I’ve had it wrong all these years (ignorance borne from lifetime exposure to church no doubt). I thought the Messiah was that other guy. Ah well, I will await while Obama charms us into complete catastrophe. Better hunker down.

November 7, 2012 10:21 am

I was stunned when Slick Willie was first elected, and in total denial for 2 years after he was re-elected. This time, not so much. 2 days ago most of us agreed it did not matter which of the two clowns won the election. I still think it matters little.

Personally, I would have preferred Romney in the short run (I think). In the big picture, I think the presidency is like a hot potato, whoever ends up holding it when the shit hits the fan will wish they weren’t “it”. Unless they take us into a V/The Wall-like totalitarian state. Now there’s a cheery thought.

November 7, 2012 10:23 am

Violence is not going to have to be advocated here or anywhere else; it’s coming regardless. Whether it comes from economic collapse, excessive taxation, excessive govt. intrusion, stomping on of civil and constitutional rights, institution of a police state either implied or unimplied — violence is coming.
And the sooner the better. Like cancer, the sooner it’s cut out and removed the better the chances of treatment and survival for the patient.
If Romney would have won, nothing much would have changed except he MIGHT have slowed down the march to socialism/communism. I don’t think that he would have put liberal/progressive.socialist judges on the Supreme Court, but who in the hell knows. Anyway, it is what it is and we had best prepare as best possible. That includes the mental adjustment for many that we’ve just been taken And let’s not overlook the fact tha Congress has been complicit in all of this. If we’re headed down this path it’s because that’s the way THEY want it.

November 7, 2012 10:29 am

Well, we were fucked either way….The difference is we will continue to be fucked with shards of glass instead of sand.

mark branham
mark branham
November 7, 2012 10:36 am

Fear(the only message the repubs got) lost; the people won.

If there’s hope for rebuilding the republic, it could only come from Obama. The 100% sure path to financial, social and societal collapse, romney, is no more – limbaugh and the rest of the right wing crazies are now irrelevant.

I put the chances for renewal at 50%. Either way, it’s likely to be resolved in the next 4 years. So, to all you doomsters out there, you’ll not have long to wait…

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
November 7, 2012 10:44 am

Stucky, you must still have been clinging to some hope. Not me. Hope is a barrier to acceptance.

I’m not upset about Obama’s re-election because I no longer think it matters. We’re screwed, and that’s been baked into the cake for several decades. Acknowledging and accepting this doesn’t mean I like the situation – I’m just being truthful and realistic to recognize that there isn’t much I can do about it.

I don’t know what’s going to happen next – probably nothing dramatic, just a long, drawn-out decline. Someday that may change but not while I’m still alive. But oh well, in the grand scheme of things I still have First World problems compared to most of humanity.

November 7, 2012 10:47 am

I did not vote for either candidate, but I did vote. However, one thing is for sure; that is the last presidential election I take part in under the current format. Whether it’s the D or R’s leading it does not matter, the entire fucking race and it’s winner comes down to a few wishy-washy geriatric bunko playing dumbshit mother fuckers in Florida and Ohio and brainwashed asshole 18 to 20 somethings who use the word “like” a minimum of 3 times per sentence and draw inspiration from snooki and the kardashians…….

The republican party is doomed and will continue hemorrhaging voters until they stop nominating half retarded geriatric war hero’s or abundantly wealthy silver spoon mother fuckers with a charming smile that run on the same platform as the opposition.

November 7, 2012 10:50 am

My guns are to defend my family from criminals and people who dont have any food and want mine.
I really dont have that much,but i have figured out that most people i meet have almost no extra food in theyre homes.I never did see myself fighting soldiers in any way.If anything i picture them protecting our rights.
I like pump shotguns,i feel very well armed with my 870 in my hands.

Dorkus Maximus
Dorkus Maximus
November 7, 2012 10:52 am

We were 100% fucked by Nov. 5th, 2012, we’re still 100% fucked on Nov. 7th.

The difference now is clarity. The people who voted Obama in 2008 could maybe be forgiven because the media sold them a false “bill of goods.” 2012 Obama voters knew what they were voting for and they want socialism. We now know with certainty that the republic is dead – not because of Obama, but because a populace that would elect a blatant Marxist is depraved and beyond redemption.

The two burning questions now are (1) what kind of abomination will replace the republic and (2) when does the stuff start hitting the fan.

My guess is that trouble really begins when Obamacare starts crushing our phoney-baloney economy. I think that could happen as soon as Jan. 2013, but I’m always way too early with these projections. Depends on how long money printing continues to work (it can’t work forever). The tipping point is the same – when the rest of the world decides it no longer wants any more of our phoney-baloney dollars.

What replaces the republic is true fascism (the combination of the public and private sectors – not nazism) and the emergence of a new aristocracy.

The decision we all face: fight the inevitable or join them.

November 7, 2012 10:52 am


Your pick of whether they die from health care rationing, EBT failure, riots, drone strikes, or getting trampled to death by the remainder of the FSA when someone yells “free food!” in a crowded campaign rally.

November 7, 2012 11:08 am

2016 prediction: A son of Romney or another Bush will lose to Hillary Clinton who will announce she is a lesbian in 2015. Bonus prediction: Broward county in Florida will still suck ass.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 7, 2012 11:18 am

Im still trying to figure out how bailing out the FIRE sector thru tens of trillions of loans, here and abroad, buying up toxic assets and now 40 billion a month for more MBS. How is subsidizing energy and agriculture and Walmart

Maybe it is for the 10%. But its not spreading the wealth it places it in fewer and fewer hand. More like Privatism.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
November 7, 2012 11:19 am

*s/b: How is subsidizing energy and agriculture and Walmart is socialism?

Dorkus Maximus
Dorkus Maximus
November 7, 2012 11:46 am

Subsidizing energy, agriculture and Walmart (though I fail to see how we are subsidizing Walmart – please explain) is technically fascism, not socialism.

Fascism and socialism are both marxist cancers and are both HOV lanes on the road to serfdom.

Our socialism is Obamacare, Welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, social security, SSI/SSDI, AIDC, earned income credit, free cell phones, 50% of population paying no taxes, “urban” programs up the wazoo – and on and on and on and on.

It’s all enforced at the barrel of a gun. Try not paying your taxes if you doubt it.

November 7, 2012 12:13 pm

Dan – Hilary will marry Tammy Baldwin in the White House.

Roscoe aka working man
Roscoe aka working man
November 7, 2012 12:15 pm

Im trying to find a way or something to like And or trust him .i would like to hAve a reson like the people who votted him in again and i know it not because hes black ,so help me see the same things that You do .i got laid off off and i cant get the goverment help so that do i do to like him the way every one else that does

November 7, 2012 12:19 pm

My advice for the republican party is to drum up an ancient actor who’s face has more wrinkles than Clintons ball sack (u be the judge of which Clinton I mean) and put him on stage to interview an empty chair……oh crap, they tried that, well I’m at a loss then.

November 7, 2012 12:38 pm

Mostly I’m planning…..and thinking.

Roscoe aka working man
Roscoe aka working man
November 7, 2012 12:49 pm

In or b4 4 more year under Obama aka terrores best keep secret .. méxico will be trying to keep amaric ans out !!!!! 4 MORE YEARS THERE WILL BE MORE WORK AND JOBS IN ELSALVADOR THAN HERE IN THE USA BUT HEY O WELL I DIDNT VOTE 4 HIM !!!!! I VOTED FOR COAL,OIL ,AND AMERICAN ENERGY INDAPENDEN