We’ve got some smart people on TBP. Let’s hear your predictions about the economy, debt, war, taxes, employment, and next president.

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November 7, 2012 3:28 pm

The political system here in the USA (and in most of the world) is so screwed up and corrupted I have not followed politics or voted in ANY town, state or government election since Ross Perot lost the election to BILLY Clinton. Many say that Billy grew the economy and helped to bring the budget under contol – BULLSHIT. BILLY’S presidency was the benit of THE INTERNET REVOLUTION, and that is the sole reason that BILLY presided over what was for a very short time a BOOMING economy. No politician on the face of the globe can claim that they were responsible for any economic growth ! The economy is ‘organic’ and therefore not under control of polititians. However, politicians can and do destroy the economy on a daily basis.

November 7, 2012 3:31 pm

I decided long ago that I would live my life as best I can, try to do good for myself and my family, help others less fortunate than myself and most importantly ” try to beat the bastards at their own game wherever possible”. This is my version of FREEDOM.

November 7, 2012 3:52 pm

shedlock is correct, rand paul and christie are the future of the GOP and why the GOP won’t be in my future either…

harry p.
harry p.
November 7, 2012 3:53 pm

anonymous was actually me

November 7, 2012 3:57 pm

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Dorkus Maximus
Dorkus Maximus
November 7, 2012 4:11 pm

What would a marxist WANT the USA to look like in 2016?

He would want a centralized power elite in charge everything – so look for a NYC-DC power axis to develop where it’s hard to tell who’s the politician and who’s the CEO

He believes that “the way to crush the bourgeoise is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation” – so look for as much taxation and inflation as they think they can get away with.

Look for excessive police power to be used on people in the “red” states.

November 7, 2012 5:04 pm

Did anyone here know what Smokey’s real name was? With that bit of info and a rough idea of where he lived, you can find a remarkable amount of info about him.

To stay on topic, I’m not sure what Amerika will look like in 2016 but I hope that Obummer’s victory will bring us closer to collapse that Romney would have. Not that I want to see a collapse, but it’s coming anyway and I figure the sooner we hit bottom, the sooner we can get moving in another direction. This slow, downward spiral sucks ass!

November 7, 2012 5:13 pm

The stats on this election are troubling for the GOP. They have lost a significant portion of their Libertarian wing, with their machinations against Ron Paul. I voted GOP in the last three elections, voted for Johnson in this one (along with Admin). They have lost women, Hispanics, the young, and haven’t had African Americans since the civil rights era. The party is run by the Christian Taliban and the neo-cons. You have basically taken the party down to old angry white guys, and they are dropping as a percentage of the population each year compared to the groups the GOP is alienating. Does the GOP recover, and if it doesn’t, does another party take its place? Do the Libertarians expand on their most successful election ever by including some of these groups, maybe attracting a Rand Paul or other well known names?

November 7, 2012 7:46 pm

The Libertarians cannot win, because they can’t raise money from corporations, and without it, you can’t win a major political office in this country. This is why the smartest and best libertarian of all, RP, chose to run as a Republican in the first place, imho.

My prediction is that the Republicans will very soon get around to fielding their own black candidate. They just need to find someone who has reached the appropriate age without acquiring a criminal record or boinking his secretary or committing sexual harassment in the workplace. This rules out most hetero black men, unfortunately. Colin Powell is about the only one I can think of offhand who might pass the media background dirt-digging.

They need Hispanic representation too. It’s becoming more important everyday, as the Mexican-American FSA seems to double in size every 3 months now. They will get that Bush kid into the act very soon. George P. Bush.

November 7, 2012 7:57 pm

Four years from now? My prediction is for an alarming drop in those willing to pull the wagon.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
November 7, 2012 8:12 pm

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November 7, 2012 8:20 pm

Hey – All seeing and all knowing Admin smelled a rat “No longer Uncle Sam’s bitch” and ran that trouble making ‘government plant’ right the fuck out of Dodge !

November 8, 2012 8:55 am

Great posts all. Not uplifting, but sadly accurate. For me, there is only one possibility to prevent a disaster. The threat, by one state, to secede. If one state said they would pay their exit tax to leave a sinking ship, it could change things. Texas is too big for such a maneuver. Either North or South Dakota would be ideal. Small (for now!) and malleable population. BTW. I don’t wish for the Greek like riots and violence. But I do recognize that us Red Staters are heavily armed. NY,NJ, ect. Might be fucked, but I don’t care. Riots won’t last long here. One last thiing. You folks from high tax, no gun states are always welcome here. Just leave your politics home. Don’t fuck up our states.

November 8, 2012 9:25 am

As to my own thoughts above…….keep the flag at 50. Allow Puerto Rico in…Allow South Dakota to leave. Just like a night club.

November 8, 2012 3:17 pm

I envision Amerika in 2016 as being some horrible fusion of Woodstock in Depends adult diapers, North Korea with Obama installed as Dear Leader, and the LA Riots as the FSA decide to burn and loot anything that is left of productive citizenry.

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November 8, 2012 3:31 pm

There will probably be a growth of 15-32% of butterflies year round and not just part-time butterflies, new butterflies that are full time. Sunshine will finally and forever be equally distributed as well as fluffy snowfalls on Christmas Day. Every high school football team wins a state championship every year. Economically just fantastic. We’ll have a -15% unemployment rate with many people having two positions that pay above average wages and offer cradle to grave benefits. A new form of energy will be found in the form of fairy farts. It is said to be completely renewable, non-toxic and in fact healthy, and will provide the nation with 30% double-plus excess energy, even after all cars have become electric. We will become one of the leading energy exporters in the world with our new fairy fart technology. A new weight loss solution will be found called giving-a-fuck-about-life and it will prove to be an absolute success.

I’m ecstatic. We have a bright future and soon we’ll be a united world under the banner of 100% perfect everything!