Fred should see the roll down gates and barred windows in West Philly to confirm his description of a culture in decay.


Surrender in the Culture Wars

It All Over, Don´t it?

September, 5, 2013

 By Fred Reed

How the hell did it happen?

I lived, 1951 to 1956, aged six to eleven, in the  Arlington suburbs of Washington and, ´56 to´57, in smalltown Athens, Alabama,  and eighth grade through high school in rural King George County, Virginia, graduating in 1964. Another  country. Another world. What happened?

The  Arlington of then was entirely white, peopled largely by men several years back  from World War Two, enjoying the fantastic surge in prosperity following the  war. The dominant culture, the only culture, was that of Reader´s Digest, clean  cut, honest, and confident. We watched the Mousketeers, all soap and good manners.  We joined the Boy Scouts, and were told to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,  courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. We  were, at least sorta, most of those. Pornography meant monitoring the advance  of Annette Funicello´s bustline.

At age eight  I walked every morning the perhaps six blocks to Robert E. Lee Elementary  School, alone. Why not? There was nothing to be afraid of. My friends and I  rode to Westover, the shopping center on Washington Boulevard, and left our  bikes on the sidewalk for hours while we read comic books in the drug store.  Why not? Nobody stole bikes.  My family  never locked the doors of the house. Why should we? There weren´t any burglars.

And in  summer evenings thirty kids, girls and boys, played hide-and-seek across  several blocks, and parents didn´t give it a thought. Why should they? It was  safe. We were the dominant culture, the only culture, and we didn´t do  pederasty, engage in gang attacks, or muggings, or drive fast on kid-littered  streets. It wasn´t our way. If we had suffered a natural disaster, no one would  have looted. It wasn´t what we did.

I´m not sure  what would have happened if a gang of high-schoolers had robbed a candy store.  It was impossible, because we didn´t do such things. A child molester? I don´t  know. It would have one way or another been a case of God help him and he never  would have been seen again. The culture didn´t tolerate child molesters.

And now, and  now….

And now I  read daily of armed police patrolling the halls of schools, of parents walking  their kids to school because children aren´t safe by themselves, of metal  detectors at the doors, of flash mobs of, er, teens robbing stores. Instead of  homogeneity we have diversity, which means you have to buy a new bicycle twice  a year. Leave on unattended for ten minutes, and it disappears.

How did we  get here? Why do we put up with it? Bastardy in this white, once civilized  society is now said to be at thirty percent: A middle class with a slum morality.  You have to be crazy to leave your keys in an open car, which we once regularly  did. There was no reason not to.

The answer  of course is that the post-war culture is no longer dominant. When all of a population  agree that certain things are not acceptable, such as assaults, looting, mob  robberies, and thievery, they don´t happen. After those horrendous tidal waves  hit Japan, there was no looting. It isn´t part of Japanese culture. After riots  in America, after Katrina, there was and is massive looting. The culture no  longer enforces it standards of behavior.

A virtue of  a dominant culture is that it doesn’t have to be imposed. It polices itself.  During my five years in rural Virginia, we all had guns. The substantial number  of blacks in the county had guns. Nobody ever shot anybody else, either on  purpose or accidentally. It wasn´t something we did. It wasn´t in the culture. White  or black.

When the  dominant culture doesn´t condone crime, there will be very little crime. This  is why the European-American constitution of Tom Jefferson could specify trial  by jury. A jury trial takes a lot of time and effort, which a society can  afford only when there is little crime. Today we have trial by plea bargain  because jury trials for our rate of crime would have the entire country  empanelled constantly.

In Arlington,  and Athens, and King George, we had close to no policemen. That´s how many  policemen we needed. We behaved well because it never occurred to us that we  might do otherwise. As kids we drank beer illegally, ignored speed limits, and  some of us shot an occasional deer out of season—but that was it. We didn´t  rape, kill, rob, or assault teachers because it wasn´t in the culture. The  dominant whites did not beat the blacks into comas, nor vice versa.

Fear of  punishment had little to do with it. We might get into a fist fight, but we  didn´t pick up a brick or a length of rebar. There were things we just didn´t  do. Had one of us said “Fuck you” to a teacher, the entire moral weight of the  county would have fallen on him.

This is why  as cultures break down, or mix with less civilized cultures, more and more  police become necessary. So do locks, bars, alarms, cameras and, for the  remaining virile, carry permits. Hello.

Here is one  reason why multiculturalism seldom works. Suppose that one culture has a strong  work ethic, fairly strict sexual morality, low illegitimacy, low crime, respect  for study and proper use of the national language. Suppose that another culture  is precisely opposite, or approximately opposite, as for example the Moslems in  France. If the first group is truly dominant, and imposes its standards—you will  do your homework, kid—the second group may successfully assimilate.

But suppose  that the dominant group isn´t really that dominant and can´t, or won´t, impose  its values. How—in a school, say—do you mix the toilet-mouthed with the  well-spoken, girls who expect to marry before giving birth with fifteen year  old single mothers pushing strollers into class? Or if the courts have decided  that “motherfucker· is an entire language to itself, and that eradication of  the word would constitute imperial culture-abuse? The effect will always be to  lower the civilized group to the uncivilized.

Here we are,  and there is no turning back. All that made the old culture what it was is now  held to be elitism, sin most dreadful, and all that we held to be wrong is now  said to be “authentic,” whatever that means, or else the consequence of  ineluctable social forces.

Buy the  ticket, take the ride.

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September 6, 2013 8:52 am

Thank you Neegrows.
Thank You Mexicans.

There. I said it.

September 6, 2013 8:54 am

I am truly hopeful that when the Great Backlash erupts that we will once again claim our culture and our values AND our government and we can stop this New Norm bullshit and get back to the America that was once so great. One that had no Central Bank and no career politicians. One that was ruled by and followed the Constitution. One that had morals and standards and regulations that held white collar criminals at bay and actually punished them for their misdeeds. Is that too fucking much to hope for?

September 6, 2013 9:05 am

Well, when the spoiled brat red diaper doper babies decided that “anything goes” in a culture of “moral relativism” and “if it feels good do it”,


their political partners in crime buy votes by enabling bad behaviour and call those who support and demand civilized behaviour by all members of the society “square” or “haters” or “racists/sexists/whatever phobists”,


when bleeding heart libtard proglodytes open the borders, the insane asylums and the prisons in the name of “human rights’ or “social justice” or “fairness” with absolutely no regard for the consequences,


when the majority of the population that behaves in a civilized manner and tries to call out this cultural decline is PC pussy whipped into submission by the fascist liberal media/political/educational elites,


September 6, 2013 9:09 am

No thanks, Fred. I wont buy the ticket of diversity, vibrance, blackness or whatever else you want to call it. We all know that there are profoundly evil white people in America. Simply look at Wall Street, the b anksters, FED, govt, &tc. But I truly believe that they are the minority. In any case, I will continue to live my life as honest and respectful of others as I possibly can, until it’s not an option. And when living this way is no longer an option, I can only hope that there will be some of us still around that will, at least, attempt to take back our country. We may not succeed but the USofA is still worth fighting for.

September 6, 2013 9:39 am

Rose tinted glasses in a lot of ways. A lot of that homogeneity was the work of excellent propaganda and McCarthy era bullshit.

September 6, 2013 10:05 am

Most of the time I like reading Reed’s “back in my day” take on things. But I think he is flat out wrong on this one. I don’t think multiculturalism is the only reason. I would think the blame would still fall on the culture wars. You cannot institutionalize students and expect this not to happen. You cannot turn the play ground of learning the hard knocks of life into the snitching ground where children don’t learn to solve their problems. You cannot adopt a zero tolerance policy for teenagers on drinking, sex, or fighting. The world is not a zero tolerance place. This is solely why we have 18-22 year old college binge drinking and hook up culture. A lot of my generation were overly coddled. They were not treated like young adults that were expected to someday be good citizens. Nope, most of them were controlled by their parents until the day they started college. Then they didn’t have the skills to set their own limits.

September 6, 2013 10:09 am

Egalitarianism, “- – – -dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” has been the most evil meme foisted the masses. The only way you can make things equal is to lower everyone to the lowest common denominator. The public schools have done an outstanding job of lowering it’s clientele to ward the lowest common denominator. Multiculturalism is producing the same effect of lowering the culture to the lowest common denominator. You will get what you will tolerate.

September 6, 2013 10:38 am

Trying to reconstitute this country to “the way things were” is going to be just as impossible as trying to recapture that wicked fart you let fly on that rollercoaster six years ago and put it back in your ass. It ain’t gonna happen.

The only way we’ll see those days again is when we pass this point on the arc of civilization again – in about another thousand years or so, or if/when we discover another vast and inexpensive energy source. Stable societies are based primarily upon stable communities, based upon stable families, based upon stable people. That’s the opposite of what we have now since people and families cannot remain stable in a world of instability surrounding their employment prospects, their cultural expectations, and their physical security expectations – both from each other’s and from their government’s violence against them. None of these things could be considered stable at the present moment due to rampant criminality, energy depletion and environmental contamination, and the horrific political structures designed around selfish profiteering instead of enforcing ethical and moral truths.

September 6, 2013 10:50 am

It’s only cultural decay from the perspective of white people; you know, the people that founded, built, enriched, and created this country (white men). From the perspective of women and minorities, what we have now is cultural bliss, where they control the dialogue, direction, and funding of this country and the socialists running it.

Baby boomers did away with morals, ethics, social strata, spirituality, and values that made this country something great. Minorities and women used the lawyers and laws to gain entitlements, affirmative action, and a thousand other small edicts that must be followed by government regulations, or face the consequences. As Pat Buchanan said, white males are the only people allowed to be discriminated against any longer.

And so, our country looks more and more like the country the minorities came from, and less and less like Europe, where whites came from. It’ll be a jungle before long.

Hollow man
Hollow man
September 6, 2013 11:56 am

Right on AWD.

September 6, 2013 12:58 pm

The America I grew up in is gone and we will never get it back.It’s going to be a scary place to live.Like most third world nations.

September 6, 2013 2:08 pm

Fred acts as if West Side Story took place sometime in the 70’s.

When is Fred going to address the fact that it was white male politicians who were responsible for making all the changes that poor Fred Despises?

Fred’s beloved culture and Fred’s beloved tribe sold out to greed and power and influence – buying their re-elections by pandering to the lowest common denominator.

And now here we are – listening to Fred bemoan the loss of his culture because Fred’s cohorts sold out the Nation for some shiny beads and fat bank accounts.

September 6, 2013 3:12 pm

Fred lives in Mexico, now, and can piss and moan about what used to be anytime he wants.

This is not the world or nation I grew up in (nor do I expect it to be) but I find I don’t like where it is or what it’s doing.

That’s why humans grow old and die. The world beneath their feet change into something unrecognizable and they become more and more uncomfortable and alienated too it. Then they die and next generation (for better or worse) gets to tread the same path to eventual oblivion.

It’s natures path and whether each generation takes a stand for the good of mankind or a stand of “me, me, me” is up to them and those who follow ether benefit from it or suffer. Right at the moment, there are a whole lot of human beings who are going to suffer and die off in the next decade or two and we did it to ourselves.


September 6, 2013 3:32 pm

I have absolutely no doubt that the USA is in severe cultural decay. Further, I know that “multiculturalism” is a large part of the reason for this decay.

However, while I like my white culture, we should not be overly chauvinistic and think it is the only functioning culture. In their home countries many other cultures work tolerably well – Arab culture, sub-Saharan African culture (with wide variations), Mexican culture, etc. I think a major source of the decay is that many cultures condone, whether expressly or tacitly, doing things to “others” that are forbidden to be done to the “in group.” Go to Morocco or Saudi Arabia, rape a local woman and see what happens to you. It will not bear any resemblance to what happens to an Arab rapist in most European countries. Go to Nigeria as a local, impregnate a 15 year old you aren’t married to, and see what the consequences are. I could go on, but you get the point. Many if not most groups tolerate behaviors towards “others” that are not otherwise allowed. This is where multiculturalism becomes a suicide pact. Which is where the USA and most of Europe now finds itself.

September 6, 2013 6:14 pm

How can we continuously indulge our basic insticts and still remain fully rational. Even if some of those acts contradict that which comes from being rational. Neurologically we cannot be fully immersed in our emotions and feelings and still be rational.

I tend to agree with the thesis of the article. However it’s not just about race. The sexualization and decay of the culture, for example, was not orchestrated by ‘foreigners” coming here. It was done for money. Like pornography, for example. The fact that we are desensitized to some of the hard core stuff that is out there is clear evidence. Some of that shit would have shocked people a few decades ago. Today, if you show any kind restraint, you have issues. The problem is that not everyone is able to handle that kind of shit without it affecting their mind, but bc it’s common we kind of ignore it. Like eating McShits, looks like food and doesn’t kill me instantly, it’s not that bad.

It’s always about money and power.

September 7, 2013 1:04 am

Don’t ask why the old days were better than now, because that is a foolish question. Ec 7:10

Fred starts out with a fluffy sort of cotton candy article but the comments round it out to a filling meal.
Mucky actually made a substantial contribution but then I have always agreed with his point of view, it is where I started in college. It was only later that I fell off the humanism wagon.

I mention that because of the old theological saw, no one can trace their family tree back to the point where great great granny married a monkee. Likewise, no one can point to the time when things went askew and society came crashing down. Every generation likes to look back to their yute and say, those were the days…that is called nostalgia; we read an article here on TBP about how nostalgia was once considered a mental deficiency, shell shock or ‘cowardice’ according to Patton.

September 7, 2013 1:33 am

Stucky says:

“Thank you Neegrows.
Thank You Mexicans.”

I have said before that Crackers consider the term ‘Mexican’ as slightly derogatory. My Granny said that a certain person complained to her that people called him chino, chino (chink, chink). She said, well you can call them Mexicano, Mexicano.
No matter what people call you, it can be considered rude if the offence was intended or if you took offense: honey or sweet cakes may seem harmless but some people do take offense.

Hey, Stuck, I will be going to the quad in vegas for the weekend but I will log on at their kiosk in case you post your promised polemic.

September 7, 2013 4:03 pm

Success leads to complacency.

Complacency leads to intellectual and philosophical rot, which lead to “anything goes” and social collapse.

Anyone who thinks these cyclical trend can be forestalled must think a living thing can be static. No living thing (or process made up of living things) stays the same.

We don’t lack energy, or land, or any raw material, any more than the USSR lacked intelligent people, minerals, etc. to generate a successful, prosperous society.

Principles of organization, folks. Or better, philosophical principles. When aligned with nature’s laws they produce optimal systems, and when (like during the last 150 years) people try to repeal nature’s laws (e.g., via Progressive systems meant to bring Heaven to Earth via “good government”) they grease the skids toward the Four Horsemen.

Decentralized government. Free markets. Enforcement of rights to property. Enforcement of English Common Law crimes (and not the morass of fiat law now crushing us). These align a society with nature.

SNAP, Section 8, LINK, AFDC, and all other welfare-state systems try to repeal nature.

Nothing repeals nature.

September 7, 2013 4:15 pm

dc.sunsets says:

“SNAP, Section 8, LINK, AFDC, and all other welfare-state systems try to repeal nature.

Nothing repeals nature.”

they had those things in ancient Rome.