Kunstler becomes more like the people of TBP every day. He now scorns the NYT. He thinks Obama is a feckless idiot. He hates bankers. He sees through the lies of the warmongers. He loves gold. If we could only get him to like NASCAR.

Gassy Politics

By Jim Kunstler

      First: Paul Sabin’s stupid op-ed in The New York Times Saturday shows how intellectually bankrupt and pusillanimous the “newspaper of record” has become, in step with the depraved and decadent empire whose record-keeper it supposedly pretends to be. Sabin is flame-keeper for the theories of the late cornucopian demi-god Julian Simon, a business school professor whose great idea stokes the wishful thinking that has overtaken a class of American leaders who ought to know better, and spread through the public they serve like a fungal infection of the brain. The core of Julian Simon’s great idea is that material resources don’t matter; human ingenuity will overcome all limits.

Maybe that’s a temporarily comforting thought for leaders in business, media, and politics, who don’t want to face the realities of peak resources and climate change, but it guarantees a harsher economic outcome since the wishful public will do nothing to prepare for the very different terms of daily living that are already shoving them into hardship and desperation.

Julian Simon, who died in 1998, is best remembered now for a bet he made in 1980 with biologist Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb. The bet was supposed to determine whether the converging difficulties of our time should be taken seriously. The two men picked a menu of commodity metals and bet whether the price would rise or fall by 1990. Ehrlich bet that scarcity would drive the price up; Simon bet that they would go down. Simon won the bet only for temporary circumstantial reasons, namely that the last great discoveries of cheap, easy-to-get oil ramped into full production by the mid-1980s and pushed a final orgy of global industrial development until 2008, when things really started falling apart. By then, Julian Simon has been dead for a decade.

Simon’s idea lives on in the wishful thinking around shale oil and gas, which have led the American public and their leaders to believe that we’re in an “energy renaissance” that will lead to “energy independence.” Just the other day, Senator John McCain made the inexcusably dumb remark that the US is now a net oil exporter. This is a man who ran for president five years ago, talking completely out of his ass.

Now oil is well over $100 a barrel, a price that the American economy, as currently configured, cannot endure. That price is crushing the kind of activity we have depended on lately: the house-building and lending rackets associated with the creation of suburban sprawl. $100 oil is especially corrosive to the problems of capital formation, because without more racket-driven “growth,” we can neither generate new credit, nor pay the interest on old credit. We’ve used accounting fraud in banking and government to cover up this failed equation. But it has only led to greater deformities in markets and a general fiasco in the management of money all around the world, and it is spinning out of control right now. If these conditions were to crash the global economy and the price of everything fell in a deflationary depression, with oil back under $60 a barrel  — then it would not pay enough to frack the shale rock, or drill miles under the ocean, or do any of the very expensive operations of what’s called unconventional oil recovery.

For The New York Times to keep hauling out the sorry-ass figure of Julian Simon to “prove” a specious and dangerous point surely shows the limits of one thing: intelligence in the media. Because of that and other related failures in the transmission of ideas, this is now a nation that cannot construct a coherent narrative about what is happening to it.

Now, second: Syria. The world has pretty much lined up against President Obama’s proposal to issue a cruise missile spanking to Syria for supposedly gassing its own citizens. Nobody thinks this is a good idea, some for reasons of tactical advantage and some on the idea’s basic merit, or lack of. Mr. Obama pulled his punch over a week ago by standing down and taking the issue to congress for approval. I’m convinced he did that because he would have been impeached for launching an overt act of war — despite similar actions by his recent predecessors. The proposed spanking was a bad idea from the start. There was no visible threat to the national interest from Syria’s bad behavior within its own borders. The gas attack was a terrible act of depravity, but firing missiles into Syria wasn’t going to bring back the dead. It was only going to cause more death. There’s no advantage to the US for supporting either side in the Syrian civil war. The spread or deepening of any kind of disorder in that region will threaten a critical portion of America’s oil imports.

In the background of this, things are becoming unstuck in the seriously ill and constipated realm of international banking. The aforementioned deformities caused by central bank interventions, market manipulations, Too Big To Fail carry-trade rackets, and misreporting of financial data have begun to shred currencies in nations at the margin (India, Brazil, Indonesia) and that illness may prove contagious. The global economy depends on some basic faith that major financial institutions are sound, and that they trade in sound instruments that represent real wealth. That is all being called into question now, and how long will it be before a general paralysis freezes the entire letters-of-credit system that underlies global  commerce?

The Syria soap opera has also managed to upstage the imminent mud-wrestling match between congress and the executive branch over the national debt limit and related matters of government spending. These problems appear for now to be completely intractable.  If the government overcomes the latest version of this recurring dilemma, it will only be due to generating even more layers of accounting fraud to an already well-papered piñata that is just waiting to be smashed. While this goes on, the American public gets pushed deeper and deeper into a financial abyss, haunted by re-po men, lying bank officers, verminous lawyers, and chiseling hospital administrators.

All this is a recipe for a political explosion. What happens if the US Government starts gassing its own citizens? It happened in 1967. That one only made people cry. Maybe next time, they’ll use a different kind of gas.

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September 9, 2013 10:16 am

The US will never gas its own citizens – that was the hallmark of a methodical, efficient, and somewhat scientific government.

No, the US has shown through the last 150 years to prefer brand new, spectacularly gruesome ways of killing people, such as the electric chair, napalm, and the atomic bomb (and, separately, to use the products of science with no scientific thought as to their best application). Therefore, when the US gets around to killing its own citizens, I predict it will use some brand new and gruesome method – perhaps high power microwaves, or laser weapons, giant robot dogs, or nano-robots that add orders of magnitude to the ancient Chinese “death by a thousand cuts.” That is the direction of the future USA.

September 9, 2013 10:19 am

The technological idea of linear thought from the T4T is what I think of when reading this – am I the only one who is curious about the 2008 declaration of T4T by many/most though feel like its more of an unraveling 3rd…..maybe its just where I’m at, my situation, etc. Just seems the pressure is building all around yet…nothing. Makes me nervous. The other day I was driving wondering what roads will be used as the bridges go to hell, thinking how odd it will look to see the overgrown weeds, etc., then I thought that’s nothing – how about fields now full of crops, full of weeds due to a zero ability to backstop farm losses, springs loans, wicked price volatility, counter-party risk, etc, etc.

September 9, 2013 10:46 am

Kunstler, as well as many other liberal progressives, are finally awakening to the nightmare of their support of our fascist mulatto president. It’s still their fault, they voted for the dipshit, so what are they going to do about it?


September 9, 2013 10:50 am

Liberal progressives, movie stars, rock stars, the MSM, blacks, Mexicans, Jews, women, millennials and many others still support Obama and his war and WW3.


September 9, 2013 10:54 am

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September 9, 2013 11:12 am

Jim, Bradbury was fiction, here’s some unpleasant reality:

(“Big Dog”)

September 9, 2013 12:32 pm

You guys, I can’t even stand to hang out here anymore. I am too fucking pissed off to find out anything else is wrong. I’ve been spending a lot of my time calling every office (every local one + DC) of my senators and representative ripping it to their feckless assistants — giving hour long diatribes on the history of the Consitution, monetary policies, representative government, the specific voting records of each party involved, the deficit, undeclared military engagements, how we are spread across the globe terrorizing everyone, as well as specific criminals in Washington DC and NYC who should be in prison and exactly why, as well as why all of Congress should be fired (they don’t do their job – currency/declaring war – they just spend money and cause chaos). If you think my heated posts here have been harsh and lengthy…. You have no idea how I am making these fucktard interns I talk to earn their paychecks. I just can’t take it anymore.

Everywhere I go I see fat, stupid, sick people. I see Mexicans. I see crumbling buildings and pothole decaying roads. I see stupid kids who can’t read or write. Fugly transsexuals. Piercings, tattoos, and cheap Chinese crap on store shelves. GMO bullshit in everything, even “organic” foods contaminated – the genome of our precious food crops have been permanently tainted. Anytime I am in a crowd I feel disgusted… Surrounded by obese, greasy, retarded people. There is almost no one “normal”, intelligent, sane, clean, and not-hopped-up on drugs (pharmaceuticals or recreational). When is this fucking crash going to happen? I can’t fucking take it anymore. None of these people should even be alive – it is against the natural order of planet Earth. The travesty is on a deep primal level at this point. The weak, the sick, the stupid, and freaks proliferate. The natural difficulties which are meant to weed out the dumb, diseased, and disgusting have been replaced by 24 hour pharmacies, welfare, and “tolerance”. I can’t fucking take it anymore. We are living in a fucked up back asswards country that is 100% WRONG on every level. I am ashamed to be associated with it. I am horrified to be trapped here. Guys, I honestly can’t take it anymore. My misanthropy and longing for the whole system to reset have reached epic proportions.

September 9, 2013 12:44 pm


Great rant. Take a deep breath, meditate. I understand exactly how you feel, but that doesn’t change things. At least blogging and complaining is cathartic.

September 9, 2013 12:56 pm

@SAH –

I’ve been told that you are just a tally mark in the “yes” or “no” column. They truly don’t give a fuck about what we have to say.

Embrace the rage.

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September 9, 2013 1:09 pm

You are one of the bright spots in my world, AWD. You can actually make me laugh about everything. Lately, I just can’t even deal. I am so fed up I haven’t even been going on the Internet for the most part for the past month (not even TBP). I already quit TV and radio completely about 8-10 years ago. Right now I am boycotting news completely. I don’t even want to know. I am doing this for my peace and sanity. It’s NOT enough though! Even though I am deliberately not taking in “News” just walking around in society (as explained above) explains everything. This crash is too slow. I can’t imagine continuing to live in this current society… The absolutely horrific part is, I am pretty sure it will get even worse and go on for a long time. Fat Juggalo Freaks on rascals and hover rounds everywhere having gay weddings with their transgender polyamorous partners on disability for “chronic fatigue” syndrome hopped up on drugs with their fat ADHD kid getting free school breakfast and lunch and hopped up on pharmaceutical meth. I mean, that’s what it is. You know it AWD, you get it, and I love you for it. Can we run away together? For real. To an island that is not fat-scooter accessible? We can leave it all behind. *sigh*. Well. I am sure I will be back at TBP someday soon. I am going to continue blocking all media for a while and see if It helps. Shit is fucked up and bullshit. See you guys around. <3

September 9, 2013 1:54 pm

Kunstler needs to look in the mirror. He and his associates were at the vanguard of social engineering in the U.S. They attacked every social institution in the country that held us together, attacked Christianity, turned our schools into PC/MC indoctrination centers, shut down free speech, vulgarized the arts and architecture. His ilk created the welfare system that now breeds millions of parasitical people that lack both the intellect and stability to work or even stay out of trouble. His people turned our cities into war zones by coddling blacks and Mexicans.

But it gets better, his side worked against any national energy policy, worked against real energy independence and instead promoted war against nuclear and coal.

September 9, 2013 2:08 pm

Cynic, many people do bad things at one stage in their life and later feel regret. That is how I interpret Kunstler. He should start working harder to fix it though.

September 9, 2013 3:50 pm

I must ask “where was the outrage when Saddam Husain was gassing the KURDS back in the mid 1980’s” ? Oh yea, I forgot – he was the USA’s puppet back then. So we looked the other way. What a fucked up country we have become !

September 9, 2013 4:34 pm


Don’t get too down. Enjoy what time is left.

There’s so many obese tattooed freaks walking around it’s mind boggling. The baby boomers destroyed all morals, value, ethics, and spirit in this country. All that’s left now is people squeezing out kids to get welfare and lawyers getting rich committing fraud for people on disability. And 30 million government union drone parasites. The government is a cancer on the people of this country. It’s not going to end well.

There aren’t any decent jobs, and with $56 trillion of public/private debt in the USSA, there is no hope. We’re living the last days of the biggest debt bubble in the history of mankind. When it all collapses, it’s going to get a lot worse.

It’s good to disconnect from all the bullshit sometimes. I keep posting this picture, and every day it seems to be more and more true. It’s easy to imagine the gates of hell have been opened, and all it’s former occupants are now walking the earth, waiting for the final judgement to come. There’s many more than anyone thought.

Hey, meditation really does work, provides some separation from the world. Keep the faith, don’t get dragged down. I gotta believe there is something better on the other side, if we live that long.

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September 9, 2013 5:18 pm


The mexicans are here as a retaliation for permanently fucking up the 500 or so different types of corn that will soon cease to exist by the introduction of GM corn that for hundreds of years have been a staple in their diet (Thanks Monsanto). Actually, who gives a shit. Things are too fucked. It’s not like the U.S govt started fucking around in other peoples govts yesterday. Latinamerica included.

September 9, 2013 7:06 pm

Our government promotes “the survival of the unfit”. It really is 100% opposite of nature.

September 9, 2013 9:18 pm

SAH – and here I thought I was the only one who made you laugh. You are just so fickle.

But seems to me you have transitioned quite well to the Dark Side, and I have not had any disagreements with you in ages. Damn, the worm has turned.

Hope you do not stay away. And I agree with you re contacting our “reps”. I do it often – but in writing. I am afraid of what I might say if I called – and that shit most probably is recorded.