US has been sharing unfiltered intelligence with Israel, including the private data of American citizens – according to a confidential document that was part of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaks. It shows that Washington set no limits as to how its ally could use the information.

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September 12, 2013 11:29 am

In a prior thread, SSS asked me what I thought about Israel. I didn’t respond mainly because I thought the question was facetious. I will answer it now.

What Israel does to it’s minority population of arabs or to people in conquered or neighboring lands is none of my business and other than universal humanitiarian concerns, I couldn’t care less and wouldn’t even comment on it, except that through my tax dollars, their blood is on my hands too. For that I curse them all.

From my viewpoint there is but one solution to the parasite and cancer that is Israel. We must excise it completely and cast it aside. We must completely sever diplomatic relations with Israel and rescind our recognition of that state. Merely cutting aid and subsidies isn’t enough anymore. The zionist lobbies in he US must be crushed and destroyed and there is but one way to do it. Dual citizenship for Israelis must be terminated. Only after these actions can an honest appraisal be accomplished to determine the damage that Israel has done to this country and then we can have the discussion we should have…namely whether such crimes rise to the degree that war on that government is not only justifiable but mandatory.

September 12, 2013 12:46 pm

“NSA and Israel

Submitted by Pivotfarm on 09/11/2013 20:21 -0400”

Pivotfarm left out the fact that Israel has a long track record of reciprocating with the USA.

The USA has benefitted greatly from shared Israeli intelligence.

Sounds like a fair exchange to me but for those who are ungrateful and thow their friends under the bus its just another walk in the park.

September 12, 2013 12:54 pm

napari, israeli intelligence certainly helped remove some ugly bauhaus skyscrapers from NYC:

but not so much these guys:


September 12, 2013 3:04 pm

Napari, do you really shill so hard for Israel that you find it ok to hand over illegally obtained information on US citizens to them? Seriously, get the fuck out of my country.

September 12, 2013 3:36 pm

Z wants to over-ride the Constitution, by denying “Zionists” their constitutional right to lobby. He also, along with others, wants to cast aside the tenents of all men being equal under the law, making selective laws targeting the “Zionist” aka Jews.

The first of these two wants is astonishing.

The second of these things is very much similar to the actions of that great humanitarian Hitler.it is simply astonishing that he would propose acts targetting Jews and no one else.

Want to make dual citizenship illegal, or prohibit govt employees from being duals? I have no problem with that, so long as it is a law covering all nationalities.

The proposed breach of the Constitution so as to target Jews is truly despicable.

September 12, 2013 4:21 pm

Israel is no friend of the U.S. The only reason we bend over for those buggers is simply due to their influence within our political parties, especially the Democratic party – whom they are the principal funders of to the tune of 70%. And yeah they aren’t afraid to play the “anti-Semite” or “Nazi” cards when someone points out their horrific influence on foreign policy that has left the ME a train wreck and dead Americans all over.

How to fix it:

1) Get rid of dual passport holders in our government. Ban dual passport holders also from advising our government.

2) Stop making AIPAC a partner in vetting presidential candidates. Stop making candidates fly to Israel to get their approval. This is groveling to a religious state whose religious elite considers Goys as sub-human creatures only fit for exploitation.

3)In fact get rid of all foreign PAC’s. They have zero business influencing our politics.

3) Start a removal of Israeli spies in the country. Israel has one of the biggest spy rings in the U.S. besides China. And guess who they sell the stolen military tech to? China. We caught the fuckers several times trying to sell our weapons systems we gave them directly to the Chinese.

September 12, 2013 4:41 pm

Llpoh, for you to make a constitutional argument out of dual citizenship is ridiculous. The US does not officially recognize dual citizenship and as far as I know never has…in fact I believe it was once illegal as it brought doubt on loyalty to the US. It is entirely legal for the US to deny dual citizenship on a selective basis and it is routinely done today, for example as in the case of an Iranian-American who wishes to serve in the US military.

As it stands, Israel is demanding today to be added to the list of countries the US allows it’s nationals to enter the US without a visa. Naturally they have no intention of reciprocating and in fact routinely denies entry visas to US citizens for any reason it chooses, such as journalists or pretty much anyone with middle eastern heritage who are suspected of harboring anti-zionist views.

September 12, 2013 5:01 pm

Z – you moron. I clearly stated you are proposing to strip Jewish Americans of their constitutional right to lobby. I said nothing about eliminating dual citizens being unconstitutional. I notice you do not address that. You also propose to target just Jews.

If the US wants to eliminate having dual citizens, so long as it is for everyone, I could care less.

What do I care what Israel demands. They can demand, we can ignore.

Again, how do you defend stripping people of their constitutional right to lobby? Sound of fucking crickets.

September 12, 2013 5:06 pm

I CLEARLY said I have no problem denying dual citizenship in my first post. Z then comes back with his total bullshit about how I said it was unconstitutional. I said no such thing.

I also clearly said people have the constitutional right to lobby, and he proposes taking that from Zionist Americans.

Would love to hear his answer on that. I will not hold my breath tho.

September 12, 2013 5:34 pm

Llpoh, Too easy. If members of AIPAC and related organizations were required to register as agents of a foreign government, which they obviously are, they would be prohibited by law from contributing to US political campaigns.

History lesson for Llpoh:

1) The Kennedy Department of Justice orders the American Zionist Council to register as an Israeli foreign agent on November 21, 1963.
2) JFK is killed on November 22, 1963
3) AIPAC is founded (specific date unknown) between Nov 22 and the end of 1963.

Any questions?

September 12, 2013 6:39 pm

Cynical30 says:

Napari, do you really shill so hard for Israel that you find it ok to hand over illegally obtained information on US citizens to them? Seriously, get the fuck out of my country.

Cynical30 Seriously when did it become your country? Are you going to make up your own constitution? Go fuck yourself!

What I said about the shared intelligence between the USA & Israel has been going for many decades and is factual history you dumb fuckin retard.

Frankly, some of you deserve what you get for having zero common sense and throwing friends under the bus.

September 12, 2013 6:46 pm

So, to get around the constitutional rights of citizens, Z would simply, and arbitrarily, say that “Zionists” are agents of another country. He would deem them agents simply because of their beliefs. So not only does he propose to strip US citizens of their constitutional right to lobby, he would do so because they are excercising their constitutional right to free speech,which he effectively also would strip from them.

He also is saying that the Jews killed Kennedy.

Seriously, what a laugh.

People have the fucking constitutional right to lobby. They have also the fucking constitutional right to say and believe any fucking thing they choose to say and believe. Z proposes to strip people of these rights by creating out of thin air a label of foreign agent.

If a person can be proved tobe a spy or to be committing treason or whatever, prosecute their ass. But because you do not like what they say or believe does not give you the right to take away their constitutional rights.

I couls in the end not give two shits about Israel. If they fall over tomorrow I will not give it a moments thought.

But I sure as hell care about people proposing to over-ride the Constitutional rights of a US citizen simply because they disagree with their political or relgious beliefs. That is some seriously bad shit.

Z has shown himself not only to be an anti- semite, but to also be a fascist with no respect whatsoever for the Constitutional rights of US citizens.

And his conspiracy theory bullshit proves he is a fucking nutjob.

September 12, 2013 7:55 pm

Where are all of the TBP libertarians? Yoohoo – you guys out there?

On this thread we have folks advocating stripping Constitutional rights from US citizens, and hardly peep one is heard from the TBP libertarians.

I guess their hatred of Israel exceeds their love of the US Constitution.

Ron Paul would be so proud.

September 12, 2013 8:04 pm

Excuse me what Constitution are you speaking of, in case you didn’t noticed it was prostituted by our Lawless congress years ago

September 12, 2013 8:12 pm

Anonymous – I am speaking about the one I believe in, and the one that was written so many years ago. I for one believe in it. And I for one condemn any and all efforts to destroy it.

I also believe it should be allowed to function. I am not afraid of allowing free speech, lobbying, etc. Those things are the hallmark of democracy.

If we have politicians that are more concerned with re-election and the money received from sources such as AIPAC, then we need new politicians. We do not need a new Constitution. The one we have will do just fine, thanks.

September 12, 2013 8:29 pm

Your constitutional rights extend as far as the length of your arm. Free speech is still available in small pockets such as here. Where people can still have discourse and try to remedy or rationalize the madness. Faith in this government is dying because it is fraught with a bundle of deception, greed, & bought and paid for self interest groups and the people know it. We are absolutely sick of the perpetual lies that continually fumble out of their mouths.
The have done all they can to rob liberty from men who believe that is what the Constitution granted us.
I quote
Robert Burns
Lay the proud usurpers low!
Tyrants fall in every foe!
Liberty’s in every blow!
Let us do, or die!

September 12, 2013 8:53 pm


If I understand you correctly your argument is: At no point can a citizen group’s lobbying effort intended to benefit Israel while being perceived by some as a disservice to our own be considered treasonous?

When do we get to stop being Israel’s bitch and do what is best for the American citizens?

Not everything that is good for Israel is necessarily good for America.

There is something seriously sick and twisted about our slavish devotion to that country and I for one am over it.

September 12, 2013 9:04 pm

Olga – what the fuck part of it is unconstitutional to limit AIPAC’s lobbying do you not understand.

The constitution grants its citizens the RIGHT to lobby. No ifs, ands or buts. AIPAC, distasteful as you, e, or anyone else finds it, has the fucking Constitutional right to lobby.

Treason is defined thusly: “The crime of betraying one’s country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.”

Far as I can tell, AIPAC is not doing that.

The problem is not AIPAC. The problem is politicians are corrupt and are being bought and sold, and are folding to pressure of a minority of constituents. Not only by AIPAC, but by corps, banksters, etc.

People have the right to lobby. When you start depriving one group or person of its/their rights, where does it fucking end?

The Constitution grants the right to lobby, and it sure as hell does not put limits on such right.

Do not like the influence of AIPAC? Get your own fucking lobby group and make your point known.

AIPAC is well organized. Folks could learn a lot from it.

I am in no way supporting their (AIPACs) position – I could not give a shit. I am supporting their Constitutional right to lobby. That right extends to Z, Olga, etc. Go for it, and quit the fuck whining, and quit trying to subvert the Constitution because AIPAC is proving better lobbyists than you are.

And get some fucking honest politicians. THAT is the problem. Not AIPAC.

September 12, 2013 9:08 pm

“Far as I can tell, AIPAC is not doing that.”

That is your opinion, mine is different.

September 12, 2013 9:20 pm

Olga – prove it. Given you want to deny someone their constitutional right, I suggest it will require a bit more than your humble fucking opinion. Got any proof? Any proof at all that US citizens who are members of AIPAC are trying to overthrow the US government? AIPAC is sure trying to influence policy – but again, the Constitution grants that right to its citizens by enshrining the right to lobby.

My position was not an opinion, it was a statement of fact. I know of no proof that members of AIPAC are committing treason. And you have no such proof.

September 12, 2013 9:25 pm

You are absolutely correct – I have no proof.

What I do have is the opinion that what is best for Israel is not necessarily best for America.

September 12, 2013 10:44 pm

Olga – with that I can whole-heartedly agree. And I totally agree we – the govt that is – should not be swayed by such a small lobby group – AIPAC is in reality a time percentage of the population.

Politicians need to tell them to fuck off, and be prepared to take their chances on losing their financial support. Hell, it might even win them votes.

September 12, 2013 10:45 pm

We should ban dual citizenship for all, regardless of which other nation is the “dual” for the individual. There should be no split loyalties. (Not that I really expect much loyalty from our single citizens either.)

Any group lobbying for the benefit of a foreign government should be severely regulated and have their access to federal officials curtailed. Regardless of which foreign government they are lobbying for. Violations should be treated as espionage and result in multi-decade prison terms.

We need to undo all the “soft money” and general campaign financing sleaze and bribery that exists in the current system. The “Citizens United” decision may well have been the fatal blow to any semblance of democracy here. Not just in relation to one small middle eastern country.

We need to treat anyone spying on us as an enemy. Unfortunately…. we are not starting from the best moral footing in doing so. But ultimately we need to do it anyway.

September 12, 2013 11:05 pm

P- just where in the Constitution are you finding the ability to regulate lobbying? Or are you suggesting the first amendment be deleted/altered?

Specifically, the Constitution forbids any such regulation on lobbying, to whit:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW ….. Pretty damn clear if you ask me. If people are agrieved at the treatment of Irael, or of anything for that matter, they have the Constitutional right to so petition.

If there is any amendment that should not be screwed with, it is that one. From the First Amendment flows freedom. I say let it flow.

September 12, 2013 11:11 pm

Again, I have no issues re banning dual citizenship. It will not change the activities of AIPAC in any way, but I see no problem with stopping dual citizenship.

Further, I do not personally see a problem with stopping the flow of campaign money. I believe that the Supreme Court (Citizens United) has effectively said that the donation of money is effectively free speech, etc., and I suppose they have a point, but it seems to me that they drew an interpretation as opposed to a literal reading of the Constitution. Wish they had made a different decision.

September 12, 2013 11:24 pm

Just read this thread. It is indeed a pleasure for me to announce ….

WHAT LLPOH SAID. Damn, that was easy.

Sorry, Zara and supporters. Llpoh played the trump card. The Constitution. Well done.

September 13, 2013 12:04 am

Llpoh was superb today. The constitution card he played silenced his opponents.

September 13, 2013 12:53 am

LLoopy said: “Specifically, the Constitution forbids any such regulation on lobbying, to whit:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.””

llpoh, by your logic it would also be unconstitutional for the federal government to have any regulation regarding advertising, the practice of law, accounting, medicine (in respect of diagnosis, prescription, and any treatment not involving physical action by the doctor), or any other profession or trade involving advice given orally or in writing, etc. By extension, after the adoption of the 14th Amendment and the incorporation through it of most of the Bill of Rights, it should be unconstitutional for any state to regulate law, accounting, some aspects of medicine, and many other professions which are widely regulated. We should find ourselves in a happy unregulated utopia with lawyers, doctors, engineers, accountants, and others, subject only to caveat emptor, and no more, lest we abridge their constitutionally protected free speech.

Further, you focus on Congress, appropriately since that is the text of the First Amendment. Did you know that at the time of the Constitution’s enactment, some states had official state religions, supported by taxes collected by the state, and this was not seen as problematic? This went away after the adoption of the 14th Amendment and some expansive interpretation of it, but to play along with your simplistic literalistic interpretation, there should therefore be no bar on states regulating lobbying, or any other speech, in any way they might wish – the bar is only upon Congress (until, perhaps, some future data at which the SCT rules on the exact facts at issue and incorporates a constitutional prohibition on state regulation of lobbyists).

C’mon, this is high school civics level stuff (at least at better high schools, of which there are fewer and fewer… but I digress). Provisions have to be interpreted in ways that make sense. Prohibiting regulation of free speech does not mean that anything that in some way involves speech is immune to regulation or government sanction. (While we’re at it, go yell “FIRE!” in a crowded theater.) ***There already exists regulation of lobbyists at the federal level and in most if not all states.*** I have not noticed that regulation of lobbyists has been overturned by the SCT under 1st Amendment grounds. Further, anyone working on behalf of a foreign government is, with respect to that work, not protected by the Bill of Rights and may be regulated or prohibited by law in ways that would not be valid with respect to work on behalf of US citizens, or their own behalf assuming they are a US citizen.

So, there you go. You raised an objection of the sort that might be brought by a decently bright and attentive 11th grader. It is wrong for the reasons stated above.

September 13, 2013 12:59 am

Pleasant discussions tonight.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 13, 2013 1:01 am

Time to sit back and…

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 13, 2013 1:20 am

P – I fail to see the connection between regulating the practice of medicine and lobbying.

As to states having official religions, unless they were forbidding or requiring certain relgious beliefs, again I do not see your point. You might be interpretting the first amendement as demanding separation of church and state, but I do not see it.

Although Aipac may well be doing Israel’s bidding, it is not a direct agent employed thereof.

I find your argument without merit. SSS says I win. Good enough for me.

September 13, 2013 2:27 am

I could not have stated it so clearly and succinctly but I agree 100% with LLPOH.

The solution IMO is to remove the money AND lobbyists from DC. If you can’t campaign in a polling place I see no reason to lobby the elected in DC. Let the lobbyists lobby the elected in their respective states and districts. Lobbyists should be executed on site if caught in DC.

September 13, 2013 4:18 am


September 13, 2013 4:21 am

BTW Olga, at 9:25 you had me at “you are absolutely correct”. 🙂

September 13, 2013 4:32 am

P – btw, I was an extremely bright but rather inattentive 11th grader. Seems that I discovered this thing called girls. Little head was in control of big head.

September 13, 2013 11:11 am

I’ll go with the Kennedy Justice Dept. AIPAC represents the interests of a foreign government and ought to be required to restricted to the activities that all other foreign governments and their agents possess. I have had it with treasonous Jews (notice I did not say ALL Jews, so Llpoh, you can take your anti-semitism and shove it up your ass), and their fellow travellers. Fuck them.

As for the conspiracy to off JFK, there is motive and circumstantial evidence. Of course one could say that there was motive on the part of Joe DiMaggio. Lots of suspects out there, but in this case my hunch is that certain zionists probably played more than a small part in the assassination.

September 13, 2013 12:07 pm

Nothing is private except what is going on in one’s own mind. And this is questionable since so many cannot seem to keep their thoughts to themselves and their mouths shut.

Our socializing is built on negativity. Negativity is cultivated in the mind. Then it is blurted out for all to hear. Media generates billions of dollars on propagating it.

Listen to our leaders in government. They thrive on negativity. That is their form of diplomacy. They will get us in a war because of it. We have no Statesmen. The American people seem to like to hear negativity. But what if….

September 13, 2013 1:28 pm

So the US government grants 100% access to all information to the Israeli government, takes a hopium pill against all odds that the Israelis destroy all communications involving US government business and people on TBP forum want to believe its the Israelis fault!?

Where is the logic in that?

The problem isnt the Israelis its our own US government.

I-N-S-I-D-E J-O-B with C-O-V-E-R-U-P but the media doesnt want you to figure it out. Get it?


September 13, 2013 2:00 pm

Sara thinks the zionists killed kennedy. Good luck with that theory!

Thx for the laugh! 🙂

September 13, 2013 6:14 pm

Fuck you Napari. I don’t need a new constitution. The one we already have suffices in saying that our rights are being infringed by our own government, therefore handing this illegally begotten data to any fucking body is therefore illegal as well. Even if it’s some little, dusty foreign nation that has never done a goddamn thing to benefit us except provide a backdrop story for Don’t Mess With the Zohan. Fuck you and fucking get out of my country you double agent traitorous fuck.

September 13, 2013 7:05 pm

Cynical30 You are seriously fucked in the head are you related to sara?

September 13, 2013 8:12 pm

Cynical30 – I remember that Smokey held you in high regard. That has held you in good stead with me. Until now.

But who do you think you are telling an American to get out of America? He has right to free speech same as you.

Why don’t you take your stinking spic ass back to that shithole Puerto Rico? I lived there. Fucking Ricans on the whole are lower than whale shit. Seems you inherited that gene.


September 14, 2013 1:31 am

After reading what everybody has to say …..i just know all of you are intellectually inferior to me and i feel find.thank you all so much for sharing.

September 14, 2013 2:03 am

Glad to know we are inferior to someone who cannot spell “fine”.

September 14, 2013 11:51 am

I put find there just for you lipoh.happy now

September 16, 2013 9:47 am

LLPOH – I’m a New Yorker faggot. Only been to PR once when I was 6 for 4 days. Still, I’d rather swim to that island and make it my permanent home then move to that urine-scented, foreign country known as NYC.

And why not tell an “American” who’s allegiance is to a foreign country over the US? NSA spying = illegal, but handing it over to Israel is cool? Fuck you too LLPOH. I respect freedom of speech and both you & Napari have the right to express any views you want. I also reserve the right to accost you assholes if your views are fucking stupid & nonsensical. You dumb motherfuckers KNOW that the NSA shit is beyond the pale, but as soon as Israel is tacked on to this ongoing travesty you get all high and fucking mighty. You asshats should really move there, or maybe we should just annex the motherfuckers since they have more pull in congress than we do. You two are like some pussy-whipped limp dicks when it comes to Israel. Fuck you and die you pole smoker.

September 16, 2013 10:10 am

Right from the beginning of the post:

US has been sharing unfiltered intelligence with Israel, including the private data of American citizens – according to a confidential document that was part of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaks. It shows that Washington set no limits as to how its ally could use the information.

If one takes a minute to think about it why blame Israel? Its the fault of the US government.
Nitwits all the way.

September 16, 2013 10:16 am

Actually believe it or not I don’t really blame them. They are doing what makes sense for them to be honest, and if the NSA is offering they’d be dumb to NOT take it. I suppose I’m just really angry over the whole affair. We really are being treated like the enemy and it pisses me off. I bet all of our posts here are getting logged into some kind of permanent file.

September 16, 2013 11:22 am

wow, on that I would agree! well said Cynical30 cooler heads may prevail after all.