Were you expecting this Fourth Turning to fizzle out? We are approaching the point where someone does something stupid and all hell will break loose. In the 1860s a citizen could walk into the White House. Today a citizen would be mowed down by the president’s mercenary army. Of course, we know DHS considers all veterans as potential domestic terrorists. The regeneracy moment has been delayed by the unprecedented actions taken by the corrupt corporate fascist establishment since September 2008. The massive money printing campaign by the Federal Reserve and Keynesian government debt financed spending only temporarily deferred our meeting with destiny.

I believe the revelations of mass spying on the American people by Edward Snowden is the trigger for the regeneracy. There are now a growing vocal number of Americans who no longer trust their government. The self immolation of John Constantino, a 64 year old black veteran, on the National Mall has been given the silent treatment by the MSM, as they are nothing but a propaganda mouthpiece for the establishment. The establishment is frightened and they will lash out when confronted.

The EBT system crashed yesterday. The Obamacare websites have been crashing for the first two weeks of its rollout. Financial systems have been going down for weeks as Wall Street attempts to pillage what is left of middle class wealth. The government is dysfunctional and broke. Politicians and Wall Street bankers have no credibility. The people despise them.

Today, veterans have torn down the barricades surrounding the WWII Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. They have now barricaded the White House. This symbolic gesture is the first volley in this coming war against the establishment. The regeneracy of this Fourth Turning is the people versus the government. The government started the war with their un-Constitutional mass spying on the people, their un-Constitutional search and seizure in Boston, and their blatant attempt to seize our guns and control the internet.

All efforts to defeat the government are now in play. Computer hackers should unleash their fury by crashing the EBT system, the Pentagon’s systems, Wall Street’s systems, and the NSA Utah Spy Center systems. Veterans are leading the charge in Washington. Truckers did their part yesterday in Washington. Shutting down commerce will bring the establishment down. Debt is their lifeblood and our chains. Cut your debt. Don’t use credit. The people can do their part by starving the system. Take your money out of the Wall Street banks. Reduce your expenditures and do not support the mega-corporations that control our economy. Barter with others, cutting out the government tax vampire. Starve the beast.

Do whatever you can to disrupt the government. They are your enemy. Future generations are depending upon us to do our part.


Notify of
October 13, 2013 4:43 pm

I love it. These guys fought, and their buddies died for this country. And now they are once again fighting for this country, against the fascists running it. Enemies, foreign or domestic. They know who the enemy is, the fucker lives in a big white house in the criminal capital of the USSA, Washington.

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IraK, says this is Obama's great chance,
IraK, says this is Obama's great chance,
October 13, 2013 5:40 pm

I see these October days as offering tremendous opportunities for The President.

First, President Obama should reject all Republican efforts to compromise on the debt ceiling. As they’re losing support over this issue, the Republicans are likely to cave which will be a great victory for President Obama. The President will be able to strut and gloat while that pink-tied pussy, Rep Boehner, will slink down in the polls and take his party with him. Hopefully that will mean the end of the Republican Party, the party of business and priviledge. Certainly it will spell the party’s doom in the next several elections.

If the government defaults, not only will the GOP be blamed, our President, in the chaos that follows, should be able to crush his enemies and consolidate his power. Further it will be a good excuse to expand our war for democracy in the Middle-East.

A default will lead to chaos and riot, but that’s been planned for. Unsettled times will give our President his chance. Stronger police forces, use of the military, widespread arrests, filling FEMA camps, military prosecutions and their consequences will remove the enemies of the State. The internet should be shut down. Influential dissidents should be arrested using the powers of the Patriot Act. That was the American way under Lincoln. Wilson and FDR followed suit. Obama should too.

Probably Syrian and/or Iranian terrorists will use the opportunity to attack us. That’s only to be expected of those Muslims who are intent on conquering the world. If that happens, I think the President should use the opportunity to attack Syria and then Iran. He should also give consideration to taking out Russia and China before the former gets too bold and the latter too powerful. Our motto should be, “Israel and America, one and the same, now and forever.”

Remember, “Who Dares, Wins.” If the President wants to beat the Republicans, American dissidents, the Russians, and the Chinese, he needs to act quickly, boldly, and forcefully. A successful 21st century American omlette can only be made by breaking a lot of eggs.

October 13, 2013 5:59 pm


IraK says I'd like to have been a sniper,
IraK says I'd like to have been a sniper,
October 13, 2013 6:06 pm

Seeing snipers on the roof of the White House gave me a thrill. American snipers are some of my great heroes.

I strongly recommend the book “Sniper” by Chris Kyle. He recorded the most career sniper kills in United States military history. Kyle performed best under fire. He recorded a personal-record 2,100-yard kill shot outside Baghdad in the Iraq war. That’s a mile and a quarter hit! “Marine Sniper: 93 Confirmed Kills” by Charles Henderson is another of my favorites. So too is “Sniper: American Single-Shot Warriors in Iraq and Afghanistan” by Cavallero and Larsen.

One of my life’s regrets is that I never had the chance to serve in the US military. Had I done so I would have been willing to kill Chinese, North Koreans, Vietnamese, or Muslims. It wouldn’t have mattered much to me. Like our White House snipers, I would have been willing to take out whoever my government ordered me to shoot. I’d have been a good soldier…No, I’d have been a great one.

Fortunately there are a lot of people like me in America… good soldier types, willing to follow orders, do the bidding of their betters, and not question authority. I’ve been one and I can tell you it works. I’m a team player who’s sucked up and I’ve succeeded fabulously.

October 13, 2013 6:23 pm

Obama signs bill ‘in secret’ making FREE SPEECH ILLEGAL!

October 13, 2013 6:30 pm

I particularly liked this picture of the protest. Not much space between these vets and Obama. Wouldn’t take much for the bum rush into the house and what we are all hoping will happen.

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October 13, 2013 6:41 pm

This is a bit reminiscent, if on a much smaller scale, of the 1932 eviction of the Bonus Army by Gen. MacArthur, on orders from President Hoover. It is also of note that the earliest supporters of Adolph Hitler were disgruntled WW1 veterans. This is probably a recurrent event throughout history but I can’t offhand think of other examples except perhaps the gladiator army of Sparticus.

October 13, 2013 7:46 pm

If they do a bums rush the SS will machine gun them dead in record time. Don’t think for a minute they don’t have at least a dozen automatic weapons and a couple of .50 calibers on the protesters at any given time along with a few missile launchers.

Make no mistake Obama has a team of hardened killers surrounding him at any given time – mostly ex-SEALs and DELTA types and they have immunity to kill anyone who they deem a threat to the president.

October 13, 2013 7:48 pm

I am so tired of Obamas crap and now his thugs are set too fire on U.S. vet’s.. Its time to take our house back…

October 13, 2013 8:01 pm

Yea, 50-60 gunned downed vets slaughtered on the White House lawn would polarize a few million people, active military and vets. They feel for and protect their own. Something is going to happen sooner or later. People have had enough.

People around here have put up “Impeach Obama, save America” posters on their lawn. I was thinking putting up posters isn’t going to do shit.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
October 13, 2013 8:05 pm

Our Dear Leader probably isn’t even there. After all, the golf course is open.

Has there been a more vindictive, divisive political figure in our lifetime? I think not.

Reverse Engineer
Reverse Engineer
October 13, 2013 8:24 pm

One has to suspect if there is a Default things will unravel in a big hurry.


October 13, 2013 8:44 pm

AWD says ” I was thinking putting up posters is not going to do shit”

Au contraire my friend, yard signs will mark the targets for the Drone strikes.

October 13, 2013 9:06 pm

Certainly the “Nobel Peace Prize winner” wouldn’t allow snipers to shoot at fellow Americans…it might ruin his poll numbers.

October 13, 2013 9:12 pm

this link/page is being ignored and blocked by Main Stream Media (MSM) and is TOTALLY blocked by FaceBook. Yes for real. pretty scary that Big Brother (BB) is SO able to be SO invasive!!

October 13, 2013 9:14 pm

this link/page is being ignored and blocked by Main Stream Media (MSM) and is TOTALLY blocked by FaceBook. Yes for real. pretty scary that Big Brother (BB) is SO able to be SO invasive!! and now I’m having a hard time even posing this…feel like we have made ourselves become under Stalin…Castro…

October 13, 2013 9:18 pm

JIm: I got a sneak peek at the DHS FEMA camp lists, and you are scheduled for Building #7 in Allentown, PA. Be packed and ready to go by Thursday of this week. Don’t bother bringing soap. They will provide all shower necessities….ONCE!

October 13, 2013 9:35 pm

That good Dave L

IraK, who supports America and Americans even if others don't,
IraK, who supports America and Americans even if others don't,
October 13, 2013 10:41 pm

You TBP commentators are a curious lot.

As I write this DaveL is 6-0 favorable for suggesting that the Administrator will be arrested October 18th, lodged in an Allentown, PA FEMA camp and then implying that Jim will be killed in a gas chamber shower room.

Two of five posters like TheCynic’s comment that if the veteran protestors do a bums rush (get forcibly evicted) “the SS will machine gun them in record time.”

However, no one likes my comments praising our American soldiers for being loyal troops, carrying out lawful orders, and protecting our President from threats to his life and our country.

Also, no one (22 of 23) likes my other comments supporting President Barack Obama, his suppressing rioters and rebels, and his squelching our enemies, the Russians, the Chinese, and those who threaten Israel.

From your comments and votes, one would think that you, my fellow TBP commentators, want to see the Administrator arrested and liquidated, veterans around the White House shot up and shoved out, and the world turned over to the Russians, Chinese, and all who threat our American values and our way of life.

October 13, 2013 10:59 pm

IraK smokes Goyim pole.

October 13, 2013 11:04 pm

What’s is humor for 500 Alex

October 13, 2013 11:39 pm

For historical reference ….I defer to Gil Scott Heron

October 14, 2013 12:30 am

On top of Obama’s House? I thought this was the People’s House. Did Lying Barry Buy it without our knowledge?

RETRACT that statement. It’s NOT OBAMA’S HOUSE…as you D*** WELL KNOW!

October 14, 2013 12:57 am

IraK, says this is Obama’s great chance, says:

“dissidents should be arrested using the powers of the Patriot Act. That was the American way under Lincoln. Wilson and FDR followed suit. Obama should too.”

1. you forgot Hoover.
2. as for snipers, no mention of chas. whitman? btw, one of the crew chiefs came in talking of that mile plus shot. wow.

October 14, 2013 1:03 am

IraK, who supports America and Americans even if others don’t, says:

“From your comments and votes, one would think that you, my fellow TBP commentators, want to see….the world turned over to the Russians, Chinese, and all who threat[en] our American values and our way of life.”

they fervently pray for such a day of revolution in writing here on tbp.

October 14, 2013 1:31 am

Just watched “White House Down”. So realistic, it was spooky, but the plot was hokey. Special agent saves black Prez’ life while destroying the WH and taking care of the thugs hired to kill him. Turns out that a Dick Cheney type was the bad guy.

Interesting how often the bad guy is portrayed as someone who looks and acts like Cheney. And often the baddie Prez looks like Ron Paul. If you tell me it is all a coincidence, I’ll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn that I own.

October 14, 2013 6:51 am


October 14, 2013 9:06 am

Art, I noticed recently that Facebook blocks TBP links. It appears that FB and TBP arch enemy 😉 ,Norton antivirus, have teamed up. I was very upset when access to an article Jim wrote about my Dad was blocked on FB.

The warning alert will allow the person to ignore the warning and click through anyway, but I’m sure it frightens off many people.

The Dude Abides
The Dude Abides
October 14, 2013 9:06 am

Admin wrote: “Shutting down commerce will bring the establishment down. Debt is their lifeblood and our chains. Cut your debt. Don’t use credit. The people can do their part by starving the system. Take your money out of the Wall Street banks. Reduce your expenditures and do not support the mega-corporations that control our economy. Barter with others, cutting out the government tax vampire. Starve the beast.”

You’re almost there, Admin. All of the above are modifications to CONSUMPTION. However, long-term they will fail if they are not accompanied by modifications to PRODUCTION. To this end, if you have the space and means to do so, you need to PLANT A GARDEN. Nothing can help people discover the spirit of self-reliance quite like providing some of your own sustenance. As guerrilla gardener Ron Finley says, “Growing your own food is like printing your own money.”

Also, barter is a good first step, but you need to go further. When you have something you don’t need anymore, or more of something than you can use, give it away. Especially with neighbors. This will help you to develop a gift economy where you and your neighbors get into the long-lost habit of just helping each other out not because you’re looking for an immediate return, but because it’s the right thing to do.

October 14, 2013 9:10 am

Unicorn with rainbow mane attacks snipers on Whitehouse aiming weapons at protesting vets-CNN pissed, “WE missed a feature story because we weren’t covering the protest!”

October 14, 2013 10:47 am

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Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
October 14, 2013 11:12 am

Don’t worry about the “snipers” on the roof so much. There put up there for a visible show of intimidation and for the rabble to focus on.

The real monitoring going on and weapon systems there remain hidden. Some in plain sight.

The hidden dense systems inside the fence here allow the “man” inside to be more than adequately protected without needing a conspicuous wall of Marines around the fence perimeter.

Do you really think the white house still has that many functioning fireplaces and chimneys, do you?

October 14, 2013 12:13 pm

It’s amazing to me that these are the only two political types that showed up for this protest. Obama’s approval rating is at 37%, Congress at 5%, people are desperately looking for a leader to impeach Obama and restore this country to some sort of sanity.

People are looking for a leader, you know, somebody that has ideas and plans, and actually leads. Obama is a narcissistic psychopath, not a leader. He’s never accomplished anything is his life. The affirmative action president who turned out to be a fascist psycho. And nobody steps into the breach except vets. Shows how pathetic this country has become.

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Richard Wagener
Richard Wagener
October 14, 2013 12:35 pm

Who is Obama? Try to get into the Military or get a security clearance without a birth certificate. Obama has access to ALL of our Secrets. You try and buy a gun w/o ID. Obama was given the biggest weapon on earth the U.S. Military W/O ID!

October 14, 2013 12:46 pm

I found (and copied) this comment from another website. I believe it to be written by someone employed by the DHS. For what it’s worth:

xxxxxxxxx says:
October 10, 2013 at 7:25 am

DHS is a house divided. About 1/3 of the DHS folks I know side with the administration and the other 2/3 will stand with the Constitution and the People if/when the time comes.”

October 14, 2013 2:05 pm

Hmm, I’ll bet there were NO snipers on the WH roof when the ILLEGALS were marching on the Mall.

Yup, the very same Mall where US CITIZENS were removed from.

Please note that the ILLEGALs march was attended by DEMONCRATs and applauded by Obama. Now you know who your REALLY cares about.

It is MORE than time for a BIG FUCK YOU to be delivered to the WH. Like STOP paying your taxes, right now, stop producing, right now. Denninger is absolutely correct on this. You don’t have to go full Barnhardt, but start somewhere.

October 14, 2013 2:10 pm

Excellent point, HZK. Illegal aliens, which cost taxpayers $200 billion a year, are more supported than people that fought for this country. I wonder what the brass inside the military think of Obama and the liberal progressive shitheads.

Bungling bureaucrats dole out billions in tax credits to illegal immigrants

Billions in payments overlooked by agency’s leaders, Congress

The federal government’s decision to pay out billions of dollars in tax credits to illegal immigrants likely was made by midlevel bureaucrats and has never received full congressional scrutiny, according to a study that the Center for Immigration Studies is releasing Monday.

The report, written by CIS fellow David North, says the Internal Revenue Service doled out $4.2 billion in what is known as the “additional child tax credit” in 2010 to those using an individual taxpayer identification number, or ITIN, which is usually a signal of an illegal immigrant.

October 14, 2013 2:11 pm

Some good WWII memorial pics here.

Chris Christie moonlights as a WH sniper?
Who knew?

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October 14, 2013 2:52 pm


The Big Gun and Big Gut combo usually accompanies a Little Dick.

Just a little professional observation made over the years……….

harry p.
harry p.
October 14, 2013 3:04 pm

it’s not chris christie, the guy in the pic is too “small”

I think it is the fatass from that stupid show that my wife watches (one of them) Mike and Molly

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he definitely needs to lay off the “tactical bacon”

October 14, 2013 3:11 pm

The bull-dyke is much more frightening. That fat ass dude probably wheezes from overexertion caused by standing. That stalk probably wiggles a lot when he’s firing that M4. Probably couldn’t hit shit. Plus, pulling the trigger most likely strains his finger as the only part of his body that gets exercise is his thumb, from the twenty remotes he has to control his programming, and perhaps his forearms from the grip he uses on his spoon so he can shovel more shit into his shitty shitface.

The woman…she’ll be the one to beat the shit out of you after you’re captured. What a pathetic lot.

October 14, 2013 4:04 pm

It’s NOT Obama’s house, it’s OUR house! They need to get that right.

October 14, 2013 4:44 pm

“The United States wants to enlist its 3.4 million Girl Scouts in the effort to combat hurricanes, pandemics, terror attacks and other disasters. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a campaign Tuesday to entice the blue, brown and green-clad multitudes to be even more prepared, with the promise of a new patch if they pitch in,” reports AFP.

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