The most potent MIRACLE CURE ever … and this time I really mean it

Actually, I don’t know jack-shit about this product. Never even heard of it before today. But, I am constantly on the search for the latest and best nutrition-newz.

I read it today on Lew Rockwell. The article is written by Dr. Mercola.  I do like the content on Mercola’s site … but, I don’t particularly like Mercola.  He repackages and sells other people’s stuff … and doubles the price.  I know this for a fact.  He would also pick a kernel of corn from his daily shit and sell it to you as a blah-blah-superpill if he could. He’s a Marketing and Sales Whore.    The article is here;

But, there is a guy I respect a lot – as do several of you – Mike Adams from Natural News.  When Mike speaks, I listen.  I also listen to YOU guys  (except SSS, bb, and TheCynic) … and I am curious if any of you have first-hand experience with the product.

Long article. Sorry about that.  Fascinating to me, though … especially the ga-ga-craaaazyness Mr. Adams exuberates over this product.


(NaturalNews) Every once in a very great while, I discover a natural supplement so astonishing that I feel compelled to share it with you. Mother Nature created this natural supplement eons ago, and it’s been present in trace amounts in aquatic ecosystems for over a billion years. In this article, I’m going to reveal the name of this natural medicine and what health benefits it provides to us. But first, before revealing the name, I want to share some of the numerous health benefits with you so you get the full picture of just how significant this substance can be in enhancing your health.

Did you ever notice how the drug companies get excited when they find a drug that just slightly alters the risk of a single disease? I remember hearing all the hype about a particular cancer drug made by Big Pharma. It was called a “miracle” drug that needed to be fast-tracked so it could start saving lives. When I looked at the research, however, it only turned out to prevent cancer in one woman out of two hundred (a 0.5% reduction in the risk of breast cancer). Gee, that’s not much get excited about. And yet they called it a “miracle” drug!

Well imagine if there were a natural substance that operated at many different biochemical levels at once, providing all the following health benefits (yes, from a single source!):

• Reduces proliferation of breast cancer tumor cells by 40%
• Protects the brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s
• Greatly reduces inflammation and joint pain
• Reduces oxidative damage to your DNA by 40% (even at low doses)
• Greatly increases endurance, muscle recovery and workout performance
• Reduces the risk of cancer
• Reduces blood sugar level in diabetics and prediabetics
• Improves fertility while decreasing the rate of stillborn births
• Promotes cardiovascular health, reduces C-Reactive Proteins (CRP)
• Reduces or eliminates carpal tunnel syndrome
• Boosts immune function and helps the body resist infections
• Protects the stomach from ulcers and invasive bacteria
• Protects the kidneys from damage due to high blood sugar
• Causes cancer cells to commit suicide (apoptosis)
• Greatly improves sperm quality, motility, and sperm count
• Prevents asthma by normalizing histamine levels
• Protects the body from highly oxidative foods like fried foods

In addition, I’ve found that this natural medicine supplement:

• Greatly protects eye health, reduces cataracts and prevents UV damage to the eyes

• Makes skin look younger and functions as a natural internal sunscreen that prevents DNA damage and sunburn

• Protects the body from the dangerous oxidizing effects of Vioxx and COX-2 inhibitors, meaning that is can actually reduce the harmful side effects and deaths caused by other anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals

Now, if all that is really true — and I’ll show you in a minute that it is true — that would make this one of the most miraculous medicines ever discovered by modern science, wouldn’t it? For any one substance to prevent and treat so many different diseases — and to protect the human body in so many different ways — is nothing short of truly miraculous. So why isn’t this nutrient front-page news?

The answer, of course, is because it can’t be patented. This natural substance (which I will reveal below) is created by microalgae, so it’s not something that was invented by a drug company scientist for patenting purposes. And the sad fact of the matter is that drug companies aren’t interested in medicines that can’t be patented, no matter how helpful or miraculous they may really be.

And yes, all the health benefits I’ve described for this supplement are, indeed, quite true. And they’re backed by clinical trials and research papers that are fascinating in what they contain, and yet have never been picked up by the mainstream media. In other words, this nutrient may be the most powerful natural medicine you’ve never heard about!

Maybe you have heard about it already, but here’s something else…

It’s possible, of course, that you have heard about it. Especially if you’ve been reading NaturalNews for some time (I’ve mentioned it on this website many times before). But until recently, I never fully understood the health benefits of taking larger doses of the nutrient.

Previously, I was only taking 2mg – 4mg per day. But for a while now, I’ve been taking 16mg per day (400% more than before), and I’ve discovered something truly astounding: The health benefits of this natural medicine keep increasing as the dose increases (to a limit, of course). I’ve found that 16mg a day is the ideal dosage for me to experience maximum benefits from this supplement… benefits that include outstanding athletic performance, a significant reduction in muscle soreness and joint pain, radical improvements in resistance to UV sun exposure, stabilized blood sugar and many more.

So what is this mystery nutrient? It’s astaxanthin, a deep red-colored phytonutrient synthesized by microalgae called Haematococcus. It’s grown in fresh water using sophisticated techniques that encourage the algae to grow its own powerful medicines that protect it from oxidation, UV radiation and other environmental stresses. When harvested from the algae and concentrated into a liquid, astaxanthin becomes the most powerful antioxidant known in the natural world, demonstrating 550 times the antioxidant power of Vitamin E, for example.

Now why is antioxidant power important? Think about it: Much of what goes on during the aging of the human body is due to oxidation. Every time you breathe, you’re inhaling some oxygen, right? That oxygen reacts with your cells to create energy, but the byproduct of that energy is the creation of free radicals. These free radicals cause DNA damage, nerve cell damage, accelerated aging of internal organs and more.

The way to stop those free radicals is with antioxidants, which bind to them, neutralizing their damaging effects. Astaxanthin, it turns out, is so good at halting free radicals that it seems to confer miracle-class health benefits to the human body… benefits that might be described as “anti-aging” or “reversing disease.”

Right to the muscles and tissues that need them

It gets even better: Unlike most antioxidants, astaxanthin is fat-soluble, meaning it gets carried by fat molecules directly to tissues and organs in your body where it can do the most good, like your retina, your brain, your breast tissue, prostate tissue, and skeletal muscles. You know what makes the flesh of salmon pink? Astaxanthin. And guess what gives salmon the seemingly superhuman ability to achieve marathon swimming feats, leaping up waterfalls against the current? Astaxanthin, of course. Without astaxanthin, salmon are mere average performers, and their survival rate drops to less than one in five. But with astaxanthin, they become superstars of the aquatic world, performing feats of physical strength and endurance that, in proportion, dwarf the greatest achievements of the world’s top human athletes. (And their survival rate on salmon farms leaps from 17% to an astonishing 98%!)

You see, when astaxanthin is present in muscles and other tissues, it prevents oxidation right where it’s needed: Right at the site of stress or potential oxidation. Ever notice how you breathe more air when you’re exercising? That’s more oxygen you’re pumping through your tissues, and more oxygen means more oxidation. So the more you exercise, the more you need powerful antioxidants like astaxanthin. This helps explain why some athletes who work out hard but don’t supplement with superfoods and antioxidants seem to age faster than everyone else. Exercising without antioxidants is like putting yourself on an aging acceleration program!

The fact that astaxanthin goes right to the muscles gives it the ability to protect muscles from all sorts of degenerative conditions. A horse suffering from a severe muscle conditions called rhabdomyolysis, for example (which can also be caused by statin drugs), was given 30mg of astaxanthin a day. In merely a few weeks, he was 100% symptom free and running again! (The owners were no doubt astonished.)

In fact, astaxanthin has been used in all kinds of ways to enhance the health of animals. In animal tests, it has been shown to:

• Greatly increase the longevity and survival rate of salmon and chickens
• Increase egg production by a whopping 300% in salmon
• Significantly lower salmonella infections in chickens
• Reduced infections by increasing immune resistance in every animal it’s been tested with
• Accelerated the growth of farmed salmon by 600%! (Seems impossible, but it’s true…)

The animals who have been fed a small amount of astaxanthin in their diet, it seems, experience phenomenal health benefits. Every type of animal given astaxanthin lives longer, grows faster, exhibits greater fertility and shows much stronger immune system function. Do these sound like benefits you’d like to experience, too?

Supercritical extraction means no toxic solvents!
Speaking of high quality ingredients, I think it’s important to know how nutrients are extracted from their natural sources. Sadly, some companies use toxic, explosive chemicals to extract their nutrients. A famous provider of DHA oils, for example, uses highly toxic hexane to extract the oils. That’s just plain awful.

Supercritical CO2 extraction, on the other hand, is safe and far more “natural.” It uses compressed CO2 to pull out key nutrients, after which the CO2 evaporates harmlessly into the ambient air (from which the CO2 was gathered in the first place). Thus, it introduces no new chemicals into the environment, and it leaves nothing in the resulting product that might be harmful to you. This process — called “supercritical CO2 extraction” — is the best extraction process in the business, and it’s used on premium-quality supplements like neem oil. It also happens to be the process used by Cyanotech to extract their astaxanthin from the Haematococcus algae.

That means this astaxanthin contains no toxic solvent chemicals whatsoever! That’s one of the many reasons why we gave it our Editor’s Choice award: Because it’s an honest product, with zero chemical contaminants (or as close to zero as you can get on the planet today), that offers astounding health benefits. Cyanotech’s astaxanthin deserves every bit of publicity we can bring it. I truly consider it to be one of the most important nutrients ever discovered for human health.

My top 4 nutrients for human health
Speaking of top nutrients for human health, would you like to know what I think are the top 4 most important nutrients for human health? They are:

#1: Vitamin D
#2: Omega-3 fatty acids
#3: Astaxanthin
#4: Turmeric

Vitamin D is crucial, of course, due to its miracle-class ability to halt cancer (77% of ALL cancers are prevented by vitamin D alone!), to ease depression, boost bone health, enhance heart health and much, much more. It’s the single most impressive nutrient I’ve ever found. Nothing beats vitamin D in terms of the number of important health benefits derived from a single substance.

Next comes omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven to be miraculous, too, in terms of preventing cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, depression and much more. Plus, you can get these from plant sources (like chia seeds or flax seeds) or animal source (fish oil, krill oil, etc.).

And now, astaxathin joins my list as the third most important nutrient for human health. It is the “King of the carotenoids,” as they say, and it has the ability to ease systemic inflammation, protect the eyes and brain from oxidative damage, prevent cancer, protect the body from dangerous foods, enhance skin health and even protect the skin from excessive UV sun exposure. It’s truly miraculous.

I’ve heard some ignorant conventional medical doctors (and FDA bureaucrats) say there are no miracles in the world of supplements, herbs and natural medicine. The only miracles in the world, they claim, are found in pharmaceuticals. I think that’s nonsense: Nature is full of miracles! Growing a baby in the womb is a miracle. Automatic skin repair following a scratch or scrape is a miracle. The nanotechnology in your immune system is a miracle. The building of a highly complex organism from microscopic DNA is a miracle, too. Nature abounds with miracles! And astaxanthin is simply one miracle among many that have been provided for us by Mother Nature.

How to take astaxanthin for maximum effect

Since astaxanthin is a fat-soluble carotenoid, the best way to maximize its circulation in your body (and thereby make sure it gets to all your cells, tissues and organs) is to take it with some healthy fats. What kind of healthy fats? Plant-based fats, of course: Coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, chia seeds, flaxseed oil or even fish oil if you want to go that route. Taking astaxanthin with fat causes it to be efficiently transported all around your body and delivered to the places where you body needs healthy fat.

And where does your body need healthy fat? Almost everywhere! Every cell in your body, for example, contains fat molecules in its membrane. And did you know that your brain is made of a whopping 60 percent fat? It’s true: Your brain is mostly fat and water. So does it make sense to protect your brain with natural antioxidants that can cross the blood/brain barrier and protect your brain cells from oxidative damage? You bet it does, and that’s why astaxanthin produces such astounding health benefits for your brain. That’s why it has been shown to prevent the deterioration of the brain cells that lead to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Are you taking enough astaxanthin? I took astaxanthin on and off for a couple of years at a very low dosage: 2mg or 4mg. And I never really noticed much of an effect. The reality of astaxanthin’s health benefits didn’t kick in for me until I started taking significantly higher doses like 16mg per day. At that level (which is just four tiny gelcaps per day, they’re the size of BBs), all kinds of benefits started to kick in. I was able to run farther, exercise with greater intensity, and yet wake up the next morning with surprisingly little soreness. It was like my body was suddenly functioning at a fitness level way beyond what I was used to.

I can still remember running along the path through the open desert here in Arizona, passing by the Chaparral bushes (which can cure many cancers, by the way), smelling the rich, fragrant flowers of the local mesquite bushes (which are the sweetest smell in the whole world, as far as I’m concerned), and suddenly realizing that I wasn’t even breathing hard. I was running at a healthy pace, just gliding along the desert pathway, kicking up sand, leaping across small rocks, under the blazing desert sun, and I didn’t even feel tired. It was like I had an oxygen infusion keeping me energized and alert. It was like my heart could pump a never-ending supply of energy to all my muscles. The feeling was truly amazing.

Sure, I take a lot of natural supplements. I drink aloe vera every day (my recommended source for premium-quality dried aloe gel is by the way), and aloe helps your blood carry more oxygen. And yes, I don’t eat oxidizing fried foods, or trans fatty acids, or sugar, and I don’t take pharmaceuticals of any kind, and yes, my blood flows like water because I gobble a lot of fish oils, and I get all kinds of vitamin D from the sun. So sure, I have a lot of factors going into healthy blood (astaxanthin certainly isn’t the only one) that creates this athletic effect, but the point is I’m only human, just like you, and if I can make my cardiovascular system pump along effortlessly, filling my cells with seemingly unlimited oxygen during exercise, then you can experience similar benefits. We’re 99.98% genetically identical, after all. My heart is pretty much the same as your heart. The only difference is what we choose to feed it!

Now don’t get me wrong, in no way am I saying that after you pop a couple of astaxanthin pills, you will turn into Superman and you can start tearing up the hills of your local hiking path. The benefits of astaxanthin are very real, and I have no need to exaggerate them, so here are some things you need to know about astaxanthin to make sure you understand what it can and can’t do for you:

• It doesn’t work overnight. I took it for 30 days before I really started to see significant results. You probably won’t feel any difference for a few days after you start taking astaxanthin. It takes time for the carotenoids to find their way to your tissues. Once you begin to feel some benefits, those benefits will typically increase for several weeks, so you’ll feel better as you continue taking the astaxanthin. At some point, the benefits will level off and as long as you keep taking the astaxanthin, you’ll stay there, experiencing those ongoing benefits.

• Astaxanthin won’t counteract unhealthy habits like smoking cigarettes, eating fried foods or drinking a fat-laden Starbucks “coffee” that’s really more like a 600-calorie milkshake. Don’t take astaxanthin as an excuse to pursue unhealthy foods or lifestyle choices (like smoking).

• Don’t go overboard with your exercise in an unsafe way. Always work with a qualified health practitioner concerning ANY changes in your exercise or diet. Ease into your exercise slowly and carefully. It’s better to slowly ramp up to more exercise over time than to injure yourself because you got overly excited and went too far…

• Astaxanthin needs to be taken throughout the day for maximum effect. I take 4mg every 4 hours. That way, I’m getting a healthy dose of astaxanthin at every hour of the day.

• Always take astaxanthin with healthy fats. Since it’s fat-soluble, it needs fat to hitch a ride to your body’s cells.

• Remember that if you eat fried foods (including so-called “healthy” snack chips fried at high temperatures), you will “use up” a lot of the antioxidant power in astaxanthin, leaving less to help the rest of your body. Unhealthy foods are often highly oxidizing, so even though I don’t recommend eating fried foods, if you do, you may want to consider taking an extra astaxanthin capsule at the same time to protect your body from the fried foods.

• Not to make this too scatalogical, but at 16mg per day, astaxanthin will turn your poo slightly red, just like when you drink beet juice. Drink some chlorophyll too (which turns your poo green) next December, and you can poo in vibrant holiday colors! (Only recommended for the easily amused…)

• There’s virtually no way to overdose on astaxanthin. Remember, this isn’t a drug. It’s something that’s been in the natural food supply for millions of years. The studies that have been done show virtually no toxicity even at ridiculously high doses. However, based on what I’ve read it seems that the benefits of astaxanthin reach a point of diminishing returns after about 20mg per day for a human being, so that’s why I take 16mg a day: It’s enough to generate wonderful benefits, but I’m not going overboard with it. In one study, they gave 30mg per day to a horse! So probably, it’s a fair guess to say you would need less than a horse. The lighter you are, the less you need, of course. I weigh 190 and take 16mg. If you only weigh 110 pounds, you might only want to take 8mg or 12mg per day. Even 4mg per day produces some benefits, by the way.

You can also just buy astaxanthin at your local health food store, of course. Or you might have other online retailers if you’re living in the U.K., Australia, Canada or another country. Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me where you get your astaxanthin, just make sure of one thing, which is VERY important: Always by “natural” astaxanthin, not “synthetic astaxanthin.”

You see, there’s a lot of synthetic astaxanthin on the market, too, and it’s made from — if you can believe this — petroleum! It doesn’t provide any health benefits, by the way, just like synthetic vitamin E or synthetic B vitamins. They’re all garbage, if you ask me. Only the natural stuff really works to protect and enhance your health. So wherever you buy astaxanthin, make sure you’re buying only natural astaxanthin.

Which sources of astaxanthin I really trust

Another note: As a journalist, I’ve toured the Cyanotech facility on the Big Island in Hawaii, and I’ve seen their quality first-hand. I’ve met the people, photographed the processing facility machines and watched how they clean, dry and pack both astaxanthin and spirulina. So I’ve seen it all first hand at Cyanotech, and I know they do a really great job. I have NOT seen any other facilities making astaxanthin, so I can’t say whether or not any other companies are doing as good a job as Cyanotech. Therefore, I personally only buy Cyanotech’s astaxanthin because I know I can trust it. I also know they batch test their products to make sure they don’t contain heavy metals or other freaky contaminants.

The brand name for Cyanotech is “Nutrex.” That’s the brand of astaxanthin I recommend

Learn more:

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 21, 2013 1:34 pm

if it sounds too good to be true……..

October 21, 2013 1:43 pm

“There’s a sucker born every minute”

P.T. Barnum

[imgcomment image[/img]


The magnesium oil seems to work. Muscles less sore after my patented 2hr workout.

October 21, 2013 1:46 pm

I’m with Tim on this one. Panacea’s do not exist. Our bodies just aren’t wired that way. That coupled with how this article just screams “marketing press release” and I’m instantly pessimistic that the stuff has any significant positive effects at all.

October 21, 2013 1:47 pm

I’m with Stuck and Ray…If I can just keep from choking to death after swallowing these 89 supplements every morning..

Meet the Google executive who plans to cheat death: Ray Kurzweil takes 150 vitamins a day so he can ‘hold out long enough for invention of robots that will keep humans alive’

Meet the Google executive who plans to cheat death: Ray Kurzweil takes 150 vitamins a day so he can ‘hold out long enough for invention of robots that will keep humans alive’

Futurist Ray Kurzweil explains the biology of the body is like computer software that needs upgrading
Key is a ‘bridge to bridge’ system where you maximize current methods in order to live until life-lengthening technology is at its greatest
Kurzweil is currently taking 150 vitamin supplements per day
We will eventually hit a stage where robots will subsidize our immune system

October 21, 2013 1:49 pm

OK TPC, …if supplements do the body no good, just stop taking any salt at all..

October 21, 2013 1:49 pm

“astaxanthin is a fat-soluble carotenoid”

Fat soluble compounds reach toxic levels very quickly, as was seen with Vit. E., yet this guy recommends taking 16mg a day? Call me after you have a seizure.

October 21, 2013 1:50 pm

@AWD – I’ve taken to taking an epsom salt bath on saturdays after my weight training, (M and W are endurance) and the bounce back is like I’m a teenager again.

October 21, 2013 1:51 pm

“OK TPC, …if supplements do the body no good, just stop taking any salt at all..”

That was the most half-hearted attempt at stirring shit up I have ever seen from you. Get your act together man, you have a reputation to maintain.

October 21, 2013 2:26 pm

I read about astaxanthin recently also. The supplement amount in the capsule is 4 mg as I recall. Too much of anything is not good for you. I take vitamin D3 everyday though as a routine.

October 21, 2013 3:28 pm

I found a miracle food! It’s full of natural vitamins, minerals and complex carbohydrates that are processed by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The best part of it is that what it doesn’t directly cure, it makes you either procrastinate or not give a fuck about. It’s called beer.

October 21, 2013 4:06 pm

Stucky… I hope you haven’t downed the whole bottle yet, being such a moobalicious specimen of Glorious Manhood:

What are the risks of taking astaxanthin?

Side effects. Astaxanthin may hinder an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. As a result, it may keep testosterone from changing into the hormone DHT in the body. This might cause a number of side effects, such as:

Lower libido
Male breast growth
Erectile dysfunction

October 21, 2013 4:28 pm

Just checking. I figure I’ll start dieting and chasing miracle cures if I ever have to move up to C cups. As for now, it’s craft beer, non-GMO cheeseburgers, an occasional vitamin, and spritzing the old cock-n-balls with magnesium oil every morning. According to the TBP Medical Archive, I should be fine.


October 21, 2013 4:29 pm

@admin,reffing KD’s piece.

I used to bake artisan bread several times a week , but after reading so much bad press on the toxic effect of gluten/carbs/ wheat I stopped eating it at all
. Although I’ve changed nothing else in my diet, I dropped 20 pounds over several weeks…and I only weighed 180 to start… now I have the physique of a concentration camp prisoner and none of my clothes fit…so if you don’t want people to think you anorexic or be forced buy a complete new wardrobe , keep eating that bread.

Big Ben
Big Ben
October 21, 2013 4:58 pm

Mercola has “sold” this one before.

I’ve tried it.

I got tired of waking up at 3:00 AM.

October 21, 2013 5:08 pm

Give it up Stuck…. Eat less and exercise more. Reduce the carbs and up the veggies (take Xanax and Prozac for the first three months) and join a gym. Fret not, you will start to feel better after three months.

Then NEVER eat anything unless you are hungry. Period. Learn how to eat to live, not live to eat.

Now you may ignore everything I’ve said and pig out as you wish..


October 21, 2013 5:12 pm

@flash – My wife has a wheat allergy (not gluten….just wheat). Strangest damned thing. Anyways, she quit eating bread and wheat based carbs (pastas) 100% for a few months. She ended up losing 15 lbs w/o doing a damned thing.

We found some decent (not great, mind you) wheat free pastas and breads, but her weight still keeps creeping down despite the fact that she still drinks pop all the time.

Soda pop and bread. A person kicks those and they are pretty much guaranteed to lose 20lbs in a month or two.

Which is fine by me. Meat and cheese are all a person needs imo

October 21, 2013 5:26 pm

TPC, I eat lots of meat with plenty of fat, else it’s dry and tasteless( see Ribeye) , eggs , loads of cheese and plenty of fresh vegs..and still lost 20 pounds…that has been the the side effect of cutting bread from my diet. In the past several weeks , I had to drill two more holes in all my belts to shorten the length.

We need four essential things to survive..

Vegetables/ Roughage

All the rest is extra weight.

October 21, 2013 5:28 pm

There is no miracle cure. True. However, some discard ALL research bc they compare the effect of natural products to drugs. Most natural extracts and compounds are not meant to be used like drugs as in blocking the effect of some specific receptor, enzyme(s) or some specific symptom. Rather, they are best to be used in synergy with other natural compounds or diet as they tend to have an effect on many systems or biochemical pathways. That is the way the body works, and that is the why drugs have many more side effects (and often do not restore normal function).

When used in isolation (eating junk, expecting miracles), or symptom chasing, they often fail. But to say that they don’t work (as in they have no effect) would be like saying they there is no difference between eating a soda and drinking vegetable juice.

October 21, 2013 5:30 pm

You can survive on fat, but you can starve to death eating only fat free protein..

Rabbit starvation, also referred to as protein poisoning or mal de caribou, is a form of acute malnutrition caused by excess consumption of any lean meat (e.g., rabbit) coupled with a lack of other sources of nutrients usually in combination with other stressors, such as severe cold or dry environment. Symptoms include diarrhea, headache, fatigue, low blood pressure and heart rate, and a vague discomfort and hunger (very similar to a food craving) that can only be satisfied by consumption of fat or carbohydrates.

October 21, 2013 6:05 pm

LOL…AWD, you’ve been staring into the abyss way too long…step back and take a breather.

October 21, 2013 7:29 pm


Regarding wheat: in the old days my carb-loving self would eat two pieces of toast for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and some pasta, rice or potatoes accompanying meat for dinner, maybe with rolls or French bread on the side. Now I indulge in that glorious sourdough bread or a quesadilla between flour tortillas a few times a week. Maybe out to dinner for an occasionl plate of pasta. I don’t feel deprived that way, but have still reduced carb intake by a lot, and the weight stays off. All-or-nothing is hard to live with.

Rodney, on you living uh long tyme,
Rodney, on you living uh long tyme,
October 21, 2013 9:18 pm

Ah don’ know nuthin ’bout that astaxanthin sheeit but ah can tell you what kept muh motha fuckin

uncle Darnell breathing an jiving until he wuz smok’d by honky po-po when he wuz 67. Muh motha

fuckin uncle said, “Ah done lived so long cuz o’ muh motha fuckin 1-2-3 rule. Ah never drank mo’

than one pint o’ whiskey, smoked mo’ than two packs o’ cigarettes, or had mo’ than three beotches

in one day an’ let dat be uh lesson ta you.”

October 22, 2013 5:50 am

for all you on TBP here is what bb takes ,MEGA MEN ENERGY +METABOLISM {GNC}.Got every vitamin + every thing you could think of this side of moon.40 dollars a bottle…..get you some.

s. petersen
s. petersen
October 22, 2013 9:05 am


Dear Dr. Mercola;
I was flat as a board but after using your miraculous product my breasts swelled to such a size that I got caught in a revolving door. Thank you, you are so wonderful, kiss kiss kiss! Peggy

Dear Dr. Mercola;
I used to be so fat I couldn’t get out of bed and then my wife put me on a diet of astoxanthis. Now other women find me attractive and irresistable. Oh, boy! Bob

Dear Dr. M.
I developed massive pus-oozing boils on my butt but I dissolved them with your amazing product. Dr. Mercola, you have saved my life! Now I have resumed my exotic dancing career! Candy

Dr. Mercola:
I was sexually insufficient so I tried the medication. Now I have to contain my enormous member in a wheelbarrow in order to walk. It’s miraculous – the product knows just where to go!

October 22, 2013 3:58 pm


Where do you buy your astaxanthin? What company or brand. Thanks.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
October 22, 2013 5:56 pm

Hmmm, I wake up at 3 am a lot, but did so before I started taking the stuff the article is about. Buying a non-Mercola brand sourced and made over here in New Zealand. Will need to check into the toxic effects possibility, have not come across that before and I always read up on dosage and so on for known side effects.

Just read an article that Ray Kurzweil takes 150+ supplements a day in his quest to live long enough for the next technology bridge to life extension.

I take a fair bit of stuff, including lots of vitamin D3, that stuff in red wine (too lazy to get up or open another tab in my browser right this second), krill oil, all the “regular vitamins”, etc. etc. Also take a fair bit of ground turmeric and ginger mixed in organic yogurt. Knock on wood, all I can say is that I have never felt better and that I have not been sick with a cold or flu in 2+ years and this while riding a commuter tain to work during the winter with all kinds of people hacking and coughing around me and coworkers getting sick, etc.

I also exercise by rising my bike through some beautiful country.

Debbie Daniel
Debbie Daniel
December 18, 2018 3:22 am

LOL..I laughed reading this. because I loved your writing of this article. I too feel the same about Mercola and Mike Adams. Mike Adams now sells a brand that he has personally tested for heavy metals. I really like the ingredients. he only sells 12mg. Great article BTW. Only thing I was really looking for was there any side effects, diarrhea, etc etc. Just want to make sure what could be ahead if taking too much to quick.

March 31, 2019 10:42 pm

Right on Great Info and i also take MSM 2 teaspoons Morning and night for detox ! This works you have to just do it !!! Blessings