LLPOH’s Attempt to Respond To Yojimbo’s Question on Careers for the Young

Yojimbo, one of the original TBP Wise Men, asked me a question about what do I think young people should target as careers. I have spent a great deal of time thinking about this as my kids are entering young adulthood, and I hope their lives are not ones of endless struggle. I am not sure I have an answer for Yojimbo that is anything other than a generic guess, and a wild guess at that, but I will do my best, and I will try to reflect in this article what I have told my kids, and what I believe in general.

I believe that the economic position of the US relative to the rest of the world is going to fall – dramatically. I have previously stated that I do not believe it is possible for 5% of the world’s population to continue to consume 25% of the world’s resources. It simply will not continue. Either the entire world will consume many times more than it does – which will not happen – or the US will consume relatively less. I believe that the US, if it is lucky, may be able to consume perhaps 10 to 15% of the resources, going forward. So in that scenario, standard of living is likely to fall to 40 to 60% of its current position. That will be an unpleasant experience for most.

I believe that the US “middle class” institution is an unsustainable and unrealistic ideal. That hundreds of millions of people can live, by world standards, affluent lifestyles while possessing mediocre intelligence, skills, education and work-ethic is an unrealistic expectation. World competition will see that that scenario does not continue.

I also see the “distribution of wealth” commentary as false. Wealth will continue to accumulate in very few hands. Attempts to prevent it will be destructive – to penalize the best, brightest, and most hard-working in order to benefit the least, dullest, and laziest will have negative affect. That is not to say that steps should be made to prevent a system where upward mobility becomes entirely impossible – in other words, hereditary and class systems need to be dealt with in order to prevent wealth from accumulating via hereditary and class stucture. I believe the nature of skill, ability, work-ethic, etc. will ensure that a huge disparity of wealth exists. The simple fact is that people of average intelligence, skill, and ability or even those at the 80 or 90% mark, are vastly less able than those at the 99% level. The difference is extreme and is marked. People in the top 1% of intelligence are simply capable of reasoning far beyond someone just cracking the top 10%. And if those folks are also hard-working and well-skilled and trained, then they will be vastly more successful in general. And it will not even be close.

I recently went on a tour around a large part of Europe, where I saw unemployment rates for young adults consistently around the 50% level. And that included highly educated individuals. Many of these individuals had targeted careers in what had previously been the blue-chip government sector. Those jobs are no longer available. Nor are law positions, engineering positions, and especially university teaching positions, or positions relating to “liberal studies”. And the European kids do not know what else to do – they are accustomed to a welfare state lifestyle. The ones I spoke to talked bout moving to the welfare states offering the best benefits. Imagine that. Cannot get a job in your own welfare state, so you move to another welfare state where you cannot get a job, but where welfare pays better. Imagine the joy those states will feel, and how long that will last.

So, all of this is just background to what I believe young people should do. What I believe is that the young should not focus on “careers” but rather on skills and abilities and education – the right type of education. They should come to understand what hard-work is, and they should become extremely versatile individuals. They should be part country boy/girl and part computer geek.

– they should take up manual jobs at a reasonably early age, so that they become accustomed to hard-work.

– they should work their way through college so as to avoid education debt, if their parents cannot fully fund college.

– they should study computers, science, mathematics, and have a good English education. In other words, they need to be well educated in the 3 Rs, augmented by science and computer science.

– they need to understand that in order to thrive, they are going to have to compete ruthlessly against not only their countrymen and women, but against the population of the world. They need to understand that only the most capable, most hard-working, most prepared, and most versatile will do well in the coming economy.

– they need to learn fiscal responsibility, and avoid debt at all costs. Instant gratification is something they need to avoid their entire lives.

– they need to ensure that they keep up with technological developments. By this, I do not mean they need to buy every new igadget. I mean they need to understand and keep abreast of what cloud computing is, what 3D printing is and how it may impact business, etc. They need to know not just how to use products, but what tech drives the products.

– I think they need to abandon the idea that they need “a job”. They do not need a job – they need to support themselves. A job is just one way. Their own business is another – as a small business person, an independent contractor, etc. I cringe when folks talk about there being no “jobs”. That is a very limited view of making a living.

– They need to keep their personal lives clean. By that I mean they need to keep out of debt, off drugs, etc. They need to align themselves with people that are hard-working and goal-oriented. Perhaps most importantly they need to find/choose spouses that are on the same page – hard-working, thrifty, dedicated, and versatile. Failure to do this will be disastrous.

As for careers that may be good choices – I do not know. I used to think that medical careers would be stable, but I no longer think that. I think that there will be new jobs/careers coming, but those jobs will require versatile people with excellent tech and communication skills.

And so, in sum, what I think is that in order to have the best chance, young people need to abandon the idea that they are entitled and that life is and should be comfortable. They need to embrace competition, and they need to educate and skill themselves in tech and traditional math, science, and English. I think that they should become accustomed to hard physical work, as there are times that may be required. I believe that skills and abilities will be more useful than choice of career.

As an aside, Yojimbo asked about apprenticeships. Personally, I believe that they will not be especially beneficial. They will provide certain skills, but most will lack much tech (ie computer) training, and a breadth of education/skills will not be available through apprenticeships. Looking at the “old style” apprenticeships – pattern and tool making, auto mechanics, fitter and turners, etc. – many have disappeared or are disappearing. I think that carpenters/plumbers/electricians will still be needed, but I think opportunities may be limited. But I may be wrong.

So, in summary, I believe that young folks need to acquire the mindset of those that lived in the Great Depression – willing to do whatever it takes to survive – augmented by very high skills in math, science, English and tech. And they need to be ruthless competitors – only the most capable will thrive in the coming economy.

I know this is all pretty vague. I do not have a crystal ball, but I believe very hard times are coming, and that the world will be a place vastly different from the one that young people have known to date. For most, they will not be prepared, and they will suffer life-long as a result. What people do by age 25 largely sets their plate for the rest of their lives. I believe that the prepared may actually end up doing very well. I think that those who are prepared for the times that come will eat very well on the carcasses of the sheep that are not.

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December 12, 2013 10:32 am

Llpoh’s list closely matches up with my own goals. I’ve been successful in meeting said goals, and met with success professionally as a result.

I will add my 2 cents for jobs:

Do not pigeonhole yourself. You can’t afford to. If you are a millwright, then learn some basic electrical design/engineering to go with it, and get good at reading blueprints.

If you are hellbent in getting a college degree, then get applied experience. Either via internship, or by taking a blue collar part time job in the industry so you actually understand what is going on.

Supplement education with free online offerings. Wikipedia, Kahn academy, duo lingo…these are just a few. There are innumerable online resources and guides for everything from car repair, to writing website code.

In this day and age of free and easy information there is no excuse to not have a marketable skillset.

December 12, 2013 11:16 am

I was asleep at the wheel for so long and I read this and I feel like a failure as a parent.

I had noticed a substantial increase in the number of flyers in my door placed by people looking for any type of work and now all I see is mine and my kids’ competition.

The game has changed and I didn’t see it coming in time and now our futures will be limited because I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t adopt and bestow the appropriate mind-set.

December 12, 2013 11:23 am

Nice Llpoh,very much enjoyed it.

Only one thing to add for those inclined to get a college education, this comes from my headhunting and career advising:

Start off at a local community college BEFORE going to your 4 yr college.

Go forth to your university and get info on requirements, talk to their advisers, find out which community colleges credits transfer seamlessly

If your goal is a 4 year degree, do NOT get an Associates (unless there is a clear financial reason to get one, some fields have careers starting with a two-year, then find a company that will help you pay for the 4 year!), and do NOT take “core” classes as they will NOT transfer and you find yourself re-taking classes, and worse, repaying for them. Core classes generally never transfer from the institution you earn them at.

Stay at home while in your 2 year school; work, save money and, most importantly, pay 30-50% less for classes that transfer.

Not to mention that many of the prestigious colleges that would not even look at your high school completed application will throw open the doors for you as a junior. No way in hell could I have gotten into U of M as a Freshman, but when I was headhunting I ended up being recruited by multiple leading universities, including U of M, whom wanted me to finish my education with them. Amazing how few students ever make it to their Junior year.

Calamity, you are 100% correct, there are few to no family-supporting jobs, absolutely. BUT, what stops people from working two part-time jobs? Or, one part-time job while “working” 30-40 hours on your own business/earnings? What is stopping those that have extra time from filling that time with money-making endeavors? I have never understood it when a friend/family bitches and moans about being broke yet they refuse overtime, or another job, just to sit at home and yell at their kids, eat, watch tv and surf the web. I’m only “broke” when I’m physically working every hour other than sleep hours and still can’t make it. Which, trust me, has happened many times which led me to increasing my skills so I could find a better paying gig.

And yes, if “everyone” listened to Llpoh, then his advice would quit working.

Luckily for the (very) few that do listen, they are amongst the 5% or so, of humans that will ALWAYS take the actions required to be successful in the real world.

See, in school, especially in college, you are surrounded by a majority that do all, or most, that is required to be successful. This leads a person to believe that MOST will do what is needed to be successful.

Reality is that outside of academia and gubment, 99% of the opportunities in this world favor that the truly successful do MORE than the bare minimum AND forge out into the non-syllabus, non-procedure manual, uncomfortable places, to become truly successful.

It is not comfortable, nor easy, to work two or three jobs. Not comfortable, nor easy, to find income where no “job” exists. Not comfortable, nor easy, to let go of long-held beliefs systems that are holding you back.

BUT, for the majority that do these things even if not comfortable they will find themselves much better prepared in life than the great masses.

If you truly want to be successful in this world, you truly have to quit measuring yourself against other “normal” people. “Normal” means lazy and apathetic now. Why does anyone like to be like that?

December 12, 2013 11:57 am

Billy nailed it with #1. That’s what my sons did and they’re thriving.
Llipoh nailed it on his point about with whom to partner. Pick wrong and drag an anchor forever.

Calamity nails it with her comments about how this time it really is different.

When everyone else goes and jumps in a lake, they’ll drag you along and push you in. If everyone else is borrowing the Pushers’ Crack-cocaine-credit to buy houses, they will drive up the price of houses (and rents) and unless you want to live in a tent under a bridge, you have no choice but to pay irrational costs for shelter.

Ditto college. The cost of tuition and especially room & board is a rank scam. Forcing freshmen to live in dorms is part of it, as is pushing loans, loans, loans, loans. University employees are running away with the $$$$ as are lenders.

The current state of affairs is Bizarro World. The essentials cost way too much, honest work is way too scarce and our money is being debased like no time in history. All of this constitutes a set of perverse incentives that warp nearly everyone’s behavior in self-destructive and unsustainable ways.

Sadly, I suspect it’s only going to get uglier. People are going to have to be much smarter and self-disciplined to just stay in place as this Pig-of-an-economy stalls out and flat-spins into ground.

December 12, 2013 12:49 pm

Thanks for the great thread LLPOH.


December 12, 2013 1:21 pm

Wow, when did I advocate not working? All I said was Llpoh and others were over simplifying the current situation. We have not collapsed and most people are still in a delusion about the current state of the country. Trying to side step the real economy when leaving out parts of the story is not going to work. You can not ignore the 1.2 Trillion in student loans or the fact that most service jobs are supported by the FED meddling in commercial real estate value. Those two markets are the only thing preventing a youth revolution in this country. Any deflation in these markets spells the end to this carousel ride.

Also, can we stop comparing our economy to the great depression? They are not the same thing. During the great depression gold and silver still meant something. There were still plenty of independent businesses. Home value and the stock market was not propped up by the federal government. They were not living with 40 years of manufacturing decay. A bankruptcy like Detroit was not common. We are living through different times. I think once this ship sinks it will be a lot worst than the great depression.

December 12, 2013 1:37 pm

Calamity, you are 100% correct, there are few to no family-supporting jobs, absolutely. BUT, what stops people from working two part-time jobs? Or, one part-time job while “working” 30-40 hours on your own business/earnings? What is stopping those that have extra time from filling that time with money-making endeavors?

You are absolutely right about working two part time jobs or investing you efforts in other endeavors. But we cannot ignore the circumstances that is making that a reality. This is the first time in American history that full time work is hard to come by. Most of this is due to government meddling. I would love to work full time and get over time. Most people stay away from over time not because of laziness. They stay away from it because within the current laws overtime becomes moot. After more than 5-10 hours of over time that money is over taxed to the point where you don’t end up ahead. I don’t work over time for that reason. Every time I have ever ended up in overtime I was put into a higher tax bracket and lost all the overtime pay to taxes. Quite a discouragement.

The only problem I can see with two part time jobs is that is heavily discouraged. Most companies refuse to work with your schedule. Add a family and children into the equation that becomes a hard act to juggle. I have also seen that many young parents end up paying most of their second part time job paycheck in daycare expenses.

December 12, 2013 2:45 pm

@ Pirate Jo

You said “Don’t have kids.”

Why shouldn’t we have children? You’re not doing your future unborn children, or whites, any favors by not having them.

I do not understand where this “Life sucks, so I’m not going to have any children” nonsense came from.

Those who made this Republic came to this continent with little more than what they could carry and their own two hands. They hacked their living out of the wilderness, bearing their children along the way and undergoing hardships we could not even begin to empathize with. How could we find some indefensible place, build a home with little more than an axe and sweat, grow what little food we could and then defend all that from constant attack? Throw in starvation, pestilence, disease, predation, droughts, crop failures, economic upheavals and outright war…

And YOU don’t want to have kids because you think they will have a tough life.

Life is supposed to be difficult. Harsh. Even brutal and short.

In the past, such conditions forged Heroes. A people so hard and tough, today they are legend – literally the stories we tell our children to inspire them to greatness…

And yet, because of the views of people like you, our numbers fall every day… soon, there won’t be enough of us left to defend against the swarms of invaders that even now cross our borders…

In the interest of the Pax Dei and Treuga Dei, I will not attack you directly and leave this as it is… for now.

December 12, 2013 4:03 pm

Pirate Jo’s entire post:
“Don’t have kids.”

Billy, how do you get “And YOU don’t want to have kids because you think they will have a tough life.” from her three word post? You also assume she is white and has some interest in doing whites a favor.

You’re just a presumptive, racist prick and proof that whatever comes after the reset will end up just as fucked up as it is now. Sieg Heil motherfucker!

Billy the racist……..further proof that humans are just a fucking plague on this planet and I’m pretty sure that whites are responsible for far more of the fucked up shit in the USSA than any other race. Stand tall! Be proud!

Fuck me blind!

December 12, 2013 4:10 pm

Billy removed the black cock from his mouth just long enough to mumble more racist shit like:
“And yet, because of the views of people like you, our numbers fall every day…”

All I can picture when I hear you spout stupid shit like this is you and yours being ass raped by a multitude of non-whites while living an interminably long life as their fucking slaves.

Be sure to wipe your chin Billy. It’s not polite to speak with baby batter dripping off your chin.

December 12, 2013 5:09 pm

Great stuff.

I believe that the shutters will open soon, and the young will be seeing a new reality.

I am very pleased to see that almost everyone that know the difference between jobs and work. The young will come to know it, too. It will be a painful education. Playing with iphones will not pay the bills when free shit stops flowing.

Card – thanks esp. To you for your kind words. There are some who do not want to read the truth especially if it conflicts with their excuses as to why they are not thriving personally. They look for someone to blame rather than realizing the answer is to get up off their fat asses and change their circumstances. Not a lot of those types around here, but there are some. They are the sorts that will be eaten (figuratively) when it gets tough. Those willing to do whatever it takes will thrive. There will be more opportunities then than now for the hard working to thrive. In my opinion. Hard times do present opportunity.

December 12, 2013 5:12 pm

LOL! I don’t hate you Billy. I welcome your bullshit as exquisite examples of the worst the white race has to offer. You are too fucking pathetic for me to waste my time hating you. You have enough hate for everyone Billy. Now put that big black cock pacifier back in your pie-hole or you’ll miss the happy ending and end up getting slapped around by your black master again. I’d call you a piece of shit if I didn’t think the shit would be offended by it.

December 12, 2013 5:15 pm

Holy shit! It looks like I have Billy channeling his inner bb!

December 12, 2013 5:24 pm

Ask the American Indian which race fucked this place up then give all your shit back to the Indians and move your worthless ass back to Germany.

December 12, 2013 5:27 pm

Billy – you really should stay on your meds. You really need to take it down a notch. It loses its impact when you use a shotgun. A rifle is better suited.

And you have severely underestimated IS. He is a smart, talented, self- sufficient individual. He is tired of your racism. Come to think of it, so am I. Play the ball, not the man.

You are capable of good insight at times. But when you go off grid, things fall apart. As I said, there are plenty of opportunities to target jackasses. Leave the good folks alone why don’t you?

December 12, 2013 5:28 pm

“In fact, every race OTHER than whites has a lobbying group or front group advocating for them.”

Yes they do……….all at the behest of your white, liberal-progressive brothers and sisters.

December 12, 2013 5:33 pm

I said:
“Ask the American Indian which race fucked this place up then give all your shit back to the Indians and move your worthless ass back to Germany.”

And I meant to add that as the racial purist that you apparently fancy yourself to be, giving your land and possessions back to the Indians and getting the fuck out is the VERY LEAST you should do.

December 12, 2013 5:36 pm


You: “I don’t hate you Billy. I welcome your bullshit as exquisite examples of the worst the white race has to offer. You are too fucking pathetic for me to waste my time hating you.”

Really? Because your first post to me was obviously filled with bile and hate. You can’t backpedal now and blow it off, trying to be aloof and shit… You hate me. Your first post shows it. The least you can do is be honest for a change and own it. That you go to such lengths to deny the obvious only illustrates the depth of your own delusions, willful ignorance and dishonesty.

You again: “Holy shit! It looks like I have Billy channeling his inner bb!”

Again, really? Because your first post was equal to mine… again, you have to own these types of things instead of pretending you’re above it all when your posts declare otherwise… You can’t be a hate-filled anti-white genocidal libfuck and accuse others of being hate-filled… you could erect monuments to your hypocrisy.

Oh, and I notice you avoided everything I said, instead choosing to focus on the one thing where you thought you could get some traction… why is that? Can’t refute what I say? Know that I’m right and arguing a lost cause will only show you for what you are?

Come on, Mr. Smug Self-righteous Asshole… challenge me on the points I make.


December 12, 2013 5:39 pm


Look, he came out swinging, spewing shit as a reaction to a post I made that was NOT “racial”… when I want it to BE “racial”, you’ll know.. I reacted to his holier-than-thou bullshit…

Therefore, you need to address Mr. Smug-assed Shitbag and counsel him before me…

December 12, 2013 5:47 pm

Ok Billy, I’ll do you a solid because I really hate to think of your black master whupping you for losing concentration while sucking him off…………I hate you Billy………..feel better?

December 12, 2013 5:48 pm


“I said:
“Ask the American Indian which race fucked this place up then give all your shit back to the Indians and move your worthless ass back to Germany.”

And I meant to add that as the racial purist that you apparently fancy yourself to be, giving your land and possessions back to the Indians and getting the fuck out is the VERY LEAST you should do.”

Oh please. Take that “Indians were just sitting around communing with nature and smoking shit… and then EVIL WHITEY showed up and butchered them” and shove it. It’s bullshit and you know it.

Want to argue facts? Fine. Let’s play “Who was here first”. Go back far enough and you run out of Indian artifacts and remains… about 8 to 10,000 years back, if memory serves. Perhaps a bit more. Then, there is a gap in the archeological record of several thousand years. Then the trail picks up again. This second, deeper level can be traced directly to prehistoric Europe, HAS been traced to prehistoric Europe. But, because it’s not politically correct to say that whites occupied North America before the Asiatics who crossed the Bering Land Bridge, everyone pooh-poohs the hard evidence…

Even IF Indians were here “first”, they weren’t benign.. they conducted genocidal tribal wars for hundreds of years before we showed up… even evidence of cannibalism in the Southwest. When whites showed up, it quickly devolved into a smashmouth race war – men, women and children were massacred on both sides, BY both sides, so don’t dare pretend Indians were all innocent and shit…

We won. They lost. The Indians I know at least respect whites as a fellow warrior culture and there’s no hard feelings because they lost… only apologist whites like YOU have a problem with it…

December 12, 2013 6:14 pm

You guys make peace on earth, good will to men even a more remote possibility than I imagined.

December 12, 2013 6:14 pm

Yeah Billy, your response to Pirate Jo was not racial. Riiiight! Congratulations Billy, you have officially surpassed bb in utter fucking stupidity.

I’m not going to argue for or against any of your racial bullshit Billy. That is your mountain to climb alone here on TBP and you dig your own hole quite nicely. I’ll settle for making you look like a fool when you bring it up.

What really mystifies me though is that you are quite obviously a proud racist but you get so butt hurt when you are called a racist that you launch into a race hating tirade then claim it’s, and I quote, ” NOT “racial”” Umm hmm!

Were your racist, family banishing grandfather still alive I can only imagine that he would read this shit and advise you to shut the fuck up before you disgrace the family even further…….like that is possible.

Jesus tap dancing Christ Billy………you epitomize hypocrisy, ignorance and stupidity and you spell it out so nicely for everyone to see yet you remain blind to it. Simply amazing!

December 12, 2013 6:21 pm

Gayle, peace is an unnatural state just like a wealthy middle class, retirement for the masses and QE infinity. It is however a noble idea.

December 12, 2013 6:24 pm

And just to keep Billy from stewing in anticipation of a response from me………..I’m off to run a few errands and then work. Sweet dreams Billy! Maybe I’ll feel up to flipping you some more shit in 12 hours or so.

December 12, 2013 6:56 pm

“Yeah Billy, your response to Pirate Jo was not racial. Riiiight! Congratulations Billy, you have officially surpassed bb in utter fucking stupidity.

I’m not going to argue for or against any of your racial bullshit Billy. That is your mountain to climb alone here on TBP and you dig your own hole quite nicely. I’ll settle for making you look like a fool when you bring it up.”

Translation: “I got fuck-all to refute anything you’re saying, so I’m just going to heap more abuse on you in a pathetic effort to discredit you.”

“What really mystifies me though is that you are quite obviously a proud racist but you get so butt hurt when you are called a racist that you launch into a race hating tirade then claim it’s, and I quote, ” NOT “racial”” Umm hmm!”

The two brain cells you have are currently confused. I did not claim my YOU-hating tirade wasn’t racial – YOU just said that. Why? Probably because you got nothing else and are trying to use it to, again, pathetically try to discredit me.

“Were your racist, family banishing grandfather still alive I can only imagine that he would read this shit and advise you to shut the fuck up before you disgrace the family even further…….like that is possible.”

No, he’d probably hunt you down and gutshoot you. And I’d probably stand there and hand him more ammo….

“Jesus tap dancing Christ Billy………you epitomize hypocrisy, ignorance and stupidity and you spell it out so nicely for everyone to see yet you remain blind to it. Simply amazing!”

Translation: “Nuh-UHH! YOU are!”

You’re following “Rules for Radicals” perfectly, IndenturedShitbag… when all else fails, accuse your opponent of what you yourself are guilty of. I point out your obvious hypocrisy, delusion, etc, and you turn around and call me the same…

I just can’t believe that Llpoh considers you intelligent… if he didn’t post it, I wouldn’t believe it. You’re more like an extra Y chromosome carrying Uncle that nobody wants to talk about and they keep locked away with a helmet on…

“And just to keep Billy from stewing in anticipation of a response from me”

Hardly. I doubt I’ll come back to this thread at all. I’ve said my piece, challenged you to refute what I’ve said (and you refused like the bitch coward you are) and I’m not apologizing for shit… whatever you got to say after this will just likely be more pathetic, unfunny bullshit you think is witty.

“I’m off to run a few errands and then work. Sweet dreams Billy! Maybe I’ll feel up to flipping you some more shit in 12 hours or so.”

Whoring your Mangina out behind a dumpster isn’t really “work”… but, I guess if you got no skills and no prospects, letting degenerates pound you in the ass for money is about the best you can hope for…


December 12, 2013 7:23 pm

“they should study computers, science, mathematics, and have a good English education. In other words, they need to be well educated in the 3 Rs, augmented by science and computer science.”

Best piece of advice he offers, and he nails it with that one sentence. The rest of it is yaddah, yaddah, yaddah and that includes most of the comments in the thread.

Mining engineering, especially petroleum, plus math, including statistical math, chemistry, physics, and computer science are the quickest pathways to a 6-figure income, meaning less than 10 years in the field, sometimes in 3 years (petroleum engineering). Try ……. ANY school with “School of Mines” in its title, plus University of Arizona, University of West Virginia, and the like which have excellent courses of study in the field of mining and other sciences. MIT and the like are out of reach for nearly everyone. Forget ’em.

Not college material? Learn a technical skill in one of those fields. You too will be in the comfortable middle class almost immediately and certainly in less than 10 years. Hard work? Sometimes, you bet. Laying oil and gas pipeline ain’t easy. Foreman of a pipeline crew, not that difficult job.

Thus endeth the lesson for the day.

December 12, 2013 7:52 pm

@IS – I had a long conversation with my wife the other day about man’s nature and the need for war.

Her idea, not mine.

December 12, 2013 8:27 pm

There’s a race war coming you better know that. People are tired of the violence coming out of the Black community. Look at the knock out game, that’s not a bunch of whites. In my State Capitol I can show you all black neighborhoods you better not venture off into, but I don’t know of one all white neighborhood where anyone would be unsafe regardless of color. Why do you think that is? As a whole would you say blacks are a hard working respectful bunch of folks that contribute to society? If not are you a racist? Blacks as a group are earning the disdain that is and will be heaped upon their reputations. Blacks don’t even respect Blacks did you hear me? Black on black crime is rampant, I see it every week here. This stat is from memory so take it for what it’s worth- In 2012 9000 black homicides in the US and 93% was black on black. So from my point of view blacks are working overtime to earn the disrespect. What say you?

December 13, 2013 1:38 am

Sensetti – there is genuine debate to be had. Billy is of the opinion that blacks are of a different species than whites. Seriously. That is a bit extreme, don’t you think? He claims they are not even homo sapiens.

December 13, 2013 2:51 am

Racist Biwwy said:
“We won. They lost. The Indians I know at least respect whites as a fellow warrior culture and there’s no hard feelings because they lost… ”

Whatever it takes for you to sleep at night dumb-ass.

I’m not going to argue for or against your racist shit Billy but I am going to call you out on it EVERY fucking time I see it on TBP. We can just consider it “my thing” kinda like SSS’ no nipple rule.

Given your propensity for spewing racism I’d be willing to bet that you received a court martial, were stripped of rank, possibly did time in Ft. Leavenworth and were dishonorably discharged. The military does not look kindly on racism.

My offer still stands……….Anytime you want to dust off your shriveled little nutsack and take your racist bullshit on the road to Detroit or Atlanta, I will pay for round trip air travel out of my own pocket so that you can enlighten the multitudes. Should you survive the experience I’ll even spring for the ambulance ride and after your recovery I’ll spring for another trip to the Sioux Nation so that you can enlighten them with your expert knowledge of their respect for our warrior culture and we can find out if they harbor any hard feelings in person.

Your ignorance knows no bounds.

December 13, 2013 3:33 am

Indians respect whites? First I heard of it. The Indians I know hate what was done to them. Whites were not a warrior culture. They were despicable animals that treated Indians inhumanely, and they behaved entirely without honor. No one can respect that.

Whites won? If you call genocide winning, I guess so. If you call lying, cheating, murdering men, women, and children and breaking every treaty and peace pact every written or agreed, I guess they won.

What was done to Indians ranks as one of the greatest war crimes ever committed.

Indians respect whites for that? Are you fucking kidding me! Indians respect the whites that committed those atrocities the same way families whose children are killed by drones respect Americans.

My people walked The Trail of Tears. You think we respect the people that did that to them?

Unfuckingbelievable. What a fucking dunce Billy is at times.

December 13, 2013 3:36 am

Billy – there are plenty of hard feelings. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

December 13, 2013 4:22 am

Llpoh, go up and read a few of his shotgun blasts to me. Billy has stepped right up and welded the “TBP Resident Idiot” belt to his own ass. I’ll bet bb even starts picking on our resident racist now.

Don’t waste your time scolding Billy here llpoh, he has decided not to return to this thread and relive his shame. Did he say he’s from KY? Maybe his parents were brother and sister and it’s not his fault?

December 13, 2013 6:15 am

Sensetti, I realize a race war is coming. Am I going to have to kill a black American or a legal or illegal latino in this race war? If so, why?

Billy mistakes me for a white apologist. As far as I know, my ancestors did not arrive here until just before the turn of the century I have nothing to apologize for. I was born, raised and spent my entire life in the company of many different races. I was at least 13 years old before I encountered what I consider to be overt racism. Prior to that, blacks, whites, asians, latinos, indians etc were all just people people in my mind. They were my friends, neighbors, classmates and my parents co-workers. I never once had the notion that any one of them was inferior or superior to any other in any way. I’ve known admirable members of many races and I’ve known scumbag members of many races.

From age 13 till now, I’ve literally been astonished and flabbergasted at the levels of racism in this so called “Melting Pot”. People talk about the wasted potential of aborted babies but I think of the wasted potential of the living, on all sides, who denigrate THEMSELVES and each other by wasting so much time on the color of skin or other “defining” racial features. I’d rather watch a bird fly or teach a kid how to find the north star, or close my eyes and enjoy a cool breeze on a hot day when I’ve been working my ass off or even just scratch my ass for a minute, than waste a single second of my life on perpetuating or participating in racism.

I’ll admit that I’ve never personally encountered anyone who talked down to someone (Pirate Jo) about failing to do their part for racial purity like Billy did. I was shocked! It made me mad. I honestly don’t hate Billy for it because you don’t achieve that level of racist hatred unless you are born into it. You cannot wash filth like that off. It becomes it’s own form of melanin. I saw it all over the south during the eight years I spent there. And, like I said earlier, he really is too pathetic for me to waste my time hating him.

The part that pisses me off is the unearned punishment that I have to endure by being branded a fucking racist by a hundred million people I’ve never even met who want to knock me out for kicks or even kill me because of ASSHOLES like Billy who contribute to the simmering hatred which spawns this shit by stirring the fucking pot! They do more harm to their own race than they can ever begin to comprehend. They are as equally responsible for the knock out attacks as the racists who do the actual knockout. He and his ilk practically masturbate over the thought of the coming race war. What the fuck do we need assholes like Billy coming out on the winning side for? To perpetuate the shit into the next 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th turnings? Woo fucking hoo!

You cannot possibly get more fucking ignorant than that shit and that is (part of) why I believe we are a plague on this planet! I guess when you get right down to it, I need to know WHAT’S THE FUCKING POINT and WHY DO I HAVE TO BE PUNISHED FOR IT? Where does it end? When does it end? DOES IT EVER FUCKING END? How many hundreds of millions or BILLIONS of people have to be exterminated for their race? For something they have NO FUCKING CONTROL OVER! Do I have to be one of them? Does Billy have to be one of them? WHY?

How much potential is lost to this shit?


With unbelievable sadness, I can only conclude that human extinction cannot come quick enough because the truth is, it will never end! Humans do not deserve this magnificent planet and this magnificent planet certainly does not deserve humans.

Gayle made a great comment about peace on Earth and goodwill toward men and her point was not lost on me. It really is a great comment and she is entirely correct but so was my response about peace being an unnatural state.

December 13, 2013 6:27 am

They should put all racists into a giant pit and supply them with all the weapons and ammo they can use. Then just let ’em go at for as long as it takes. The winner gets a bullet to the head!

December 13, 2013 7:17 am

IndenturedServent and Llpoh,

The last few comments were spectacular, too bad only of few here read it, no matter as the wrong people would never understand or agree anyway.

December 13, 2013 8:28 am

I-s I have not read very comment on my way to work but I will. Couple points for discussion.

The evidence points to blacks as a group being a violent people. The most violent cities in this country are black, Detroit being number one and Pine Bluff Ark number two per capita, South Africa most violent country in the world.

Blacks have inner breed with whites for generations, obama comes to mind. I am no geneticist but I don’t know how the different species theory would play into that.

IMHO blacks are more racist than whites,

I live in the south and I tell you the lids gonna blow off, I don’t know what will start it but it will get out of hand. The day the Zimmerman verdict came down I was astonished at how many whites were packing guns that day. I know women who don’t pack on a regular basis and they had a gun that day, that’s when I knew this shits serious. As previously stated I know an educated black couple who’s prepping not for an economic collapse but for a race war, they have food and water and are going to hide until the storm blows over.

Tension between the races is growing, how will the young Minnie’s play into this, I tell ya they all have Rebel flags on their trucks.

Remember Harrison Arkansas is World Wide Headquaters to the KKK, and I work around the black violence everyday, so my observation may be skewed, it may be very different where you live.

Humans are a tribal by nature.

December 13, 2013 8:43 am

I’ll be back Sensetti but I’ve got physical therapy and then I’ve got to head back to work for a few. I’ve been up for 19 hours straight so far but I’ll be back to discuss your questions as I find it just as fascinating as I find it sad.

December 13, 2013 9:52 am

Okay, you all convinced me to rejoin this thread.

But ONLY if we act like adults. I’ve had shit thrown at me, threw it back, only to have it thrown at me again. Not bawwing or butthurt about it, just stating a fact. If you all REALLY want to talk about this like adults in a rational manner, I’m in. The second folks start throwing shit, I’m out. I’m trying real hard here to be civil, so if you all are sincere, then let’s do this…

December 13, 2013 9:57 am

In the spirit of Pax Dei and Treuga Dei, as well as civil discourse, I will even eat crow and apologize for the remarks I made towards I_S.

December 13, 2013 10:04 am


Someone just apologized on TBP.

This place is going to hell in a hand basket.

Where’s Smokey when you need him?

December 13, 2013 10:25 am

That was me my icon Changed for some reason

December 13, 2013 10:28 am

Back momentarily before heading out but I ain’t apologizin’ for shit. I remain 100% sincere regarding everything I said about the racism. The baby batter chugging and pole smokin’ comments were all hyperbole of course but an important part of the delivery so I’m not sorry for that either.

If you can’t run with the big dogs, best stay on the porch.

And Billy, I sincerely mean I’m going to roast your ass every time your racism starts showing. Maybe I’ll get roasted in the process but shit happens! Don’t like it? Take it somewhere else!

Oh yeah, only pussies apologize on TBP! Not my rule, just a fact of life.

December 13, 2013 10:35 am


As far as Indians respecting whites as a fellow warrior culture, it has been my experience that this is true on balance.

I’ve spoken with the Cherokee that live to the south of us, and consensus is that even though they might not like whites personally, there is respect there.

I’m thinking that you, personally, feel the way you do about the whole matter and you’re letting the “you’re not us, so you can’t possibly know” get in the way. I DO know. Like I told you before, my best friend is a Cherokee. I almost married an Oglala Sioux.

Like I said before, when whites arrived here in the 16th century, it quickly devolved into a race war. I’m not condoning anything that was done by both sides, but if you’re going to start citing atrocities, the Indians have their fair share of it. Nobody’s hands are clean when it comes to that and to pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

So, yeah, I DO know what the fuck I’m talking about.

December 13, 2013 10:38 am

@I_S Damn, billy put you back on his Christmas list and you bitch slapped the boy. I bet he don’t make that mistake twice.

December 13, 2013 10:44 am


“Back momentarily before heading out but I ain’t apologizin’ for shit. I remain 100% sincere regarding everything I said about the racism. The baby batter chugging and pole smokin’ comments were all hyperbole of course but an important part of the delivery so I’m not sorry for that either.

If you can’t run with the big dogs, best stay on the porch.

And Billy, I sincerely mean I’m going to roast your ass every time your racism starts showing. Maybe I’ll get roasted in the process but shit happens! Don’t like it? Take it somewhere else!

Oh yeah, only pussies apologize on TBP! Not my rule, just a fact of life.”

You’re not going to sucker me into a shit-throwing contest.

What you misinterpret to be me acting like a ‘pussy’ is me respecting the ancient traditions of our people, set down over 1000 years ago.

If you cannot respect that, then I don’t give a fuck what someone as ignorant as you are thinks or does at this point.


December 13, 2013 10:57 am

“Indians respect whites? First I heard of it. The Indians I know hate what was done to them. Whites were not a warrior culture. They were despicable animals that treated Indians inhumanely, and they behaved entirely without honor. No one can respect that.”

Well, I can’t wholly agree with that. While that may be largely true, it is not entirely true, particularly when you throw out terms such as “despicable animals” and “behaved without honor.” Not all true. There WERE some honorable and powerful whites who tried mightily to find a way to live peacefully with the Indians in this country. And it started very early.

Let’s begin with George Washington and his Secretary of War, Henry Knox. Both Washington and Knox tried to strike a fair and peaceful deal with Indian tribes living in U.S. territory. That includes the Southern tribes …. Cherokee, Choctaw (I believe this word rings a bell with you, LLPOH), Chickasaw, and Creek. I can’t remember the name of the treaty with the Southern tribes, but Washington got it approved by a hostile Congress simply based on the power and respect Washington commanded at the time. Corrupt southern governments and the flood of white settlers headed west, particularly in Georgia, shredded the intent of the treaty, and there was nothing Washington could do about it.

The antithesis of Washington’s attitude toward Indians was personified by Andrew Jackson and Martin “Trail of Tears” Van Buren. Both considered Indians as savages and sub-human and acted accordingly. Their conduct was indeed despicable and, frankly, inhuman.

Let’s skip to the post Civil War period. A careful reading of history will find that Ulysses Grant also tried his best to find a peaceful and honorable solution with the Indian tribes in the western U.S. He signed an 1868 treaty that granted virtually all of southwestern South Dakota to the Sioux nation of tribes. That got fucked up in 1872 when a guy named George Armstrong Custer led a huge expedition through the Black Hills and three geologists on the expedition discovered gold. The stampede of prospectors and settlers were beyond the control of soldiers stationed in the area (and who wouldn’t have tried to control them anyway). In 1876, Grant’s “Peace Policy” with the Indians blew up in his face after an event called The Battle of Little Bighorn. And Grant turned the situation over to a guy named William Tecumseh Sherman, his army chief of staff. Sherman was NOT known as a friend of the Indians, and things went downhill rapidly.

While I find your statements to be about 90% true, LLPOH, I just wanted to present the other 10%.

December 13, 2013 11:52 am


You said: “While I find your statements to be about 90% true, LLPOH, I just wanted to present the other 10%”

I beg you to read the list of “atrocities” committed over a period of some 600 years – roughly 1300 to 1900.

Indians massacring indians. Indians massacring whites. Indians and whites allied with each other massacring other indians. Indians and whites allied with each other massacring other whites. And finally, whites massacring indians…

600 years of this shit is a long, long time… it’s nowhere NEAR 90/10. Very far from it. It’s also why I don’t buy the “whites did this to indians” sob story…

Read on and let me know what you think… I would like Llpoh to read it as well. Perhaps he will learn something…

December 13, 2013 11:53 am

Slavery is by nature a paternalistic (although often cruel) system.

After the slaves were freed, the paternalism expressed itself in extreme prejudice towards the perceived weaknesses of the Blacks. They were not held to the same respect or accountability as any other group, often abused in the process.

Over time, as White guilt became entrenched, the governing class twisted the paternalism into “helping” the Blacks. The Civil Rights movement was highjacked by liberal do-gooders who set in place the destructive policies that bear such bitter fruit today. The system is now so deeply entrenched that a Black leader who would exhort his people to live a mature responsible life would be excoriated by them.

This is how I perceive things, and so yes, I hold the white culture ultimately responsible, for it is the one who runs things. Blacks, however, continue to choose their destructive ways despite ample evidence of the terrible consequences.

This is admittedly an oversimplification of an extremely complex situation.

December 13, 2013 12:05 pm

“OMG. Someone just apologized on TBP. This place is going to hell and a hand basket.”

It’s “going to hell IN a hand basket.” You need to apologize for that major faux pas. Heh.

Billy and Indentured Servant still going at it. With a little more effort, you two can beat the three-day record flash and I set a couple of years ago. Take that!!!! No, you take that!!!! It was fun. People were pleading with us to stop.