Hardly any men in the West Philly households. That seems to be working out real well.


Is Maureen Dowd Obs0lete?

The Evidence Speaks, Loudly

By Fred Reed

December 22, 2013

“Without men, civilization would last until the oil needed changing”–Federicius Aurelius Superomnem, 345 B.C.

Oh god, oh god. Death, taxes, migraine, sinlus drainage, beriberi, and Maureen Dowd, the resentment columnist at the New York Times. On the web I find her at some feminist bitch-in, called Are Men Obsolete? She has this to say to men:

“So now that women don’t need men to reproduce and refinance, the question is, will we keep you around? And the answer is, ‘You know we need you in the way we need ice cream….you’ll be more ornamental.”

I was delighted to think that I might be ornamental, no one having suggested the concept until now.  I could have used it in high school. Maureen herself is beyond being ornamental, having that injection-molded look that follows the seventh face-lift, probably accomplished by the surgical use of a construction crane.

But I will say this to her:

Listen, Corn Flower. Let’s think over this business of obsolete men. Reflect. You live in New York, in which every building was designed and built by men.  You perhaps use the subway, designed, built, and maintained by men. You travel at in a car, invented, designed, and built by men—a vehicle that you don’t understand (what is a cam lobe?) and couldn’t maintain (have you ever changed a tire? Could you even find the tires?), and you do this on roads designed, built, and maintained by men. You fly in aircraft designed, built, and maintained by men, which you do not understand (what, Moon Pie, is a high-bypass turbofan?)

In short, as you run from convention to convention, peeing on hydrants, you depend utterly on men to keep you fed (via tractors designed by men, guided by GPS invented, designed, and launched by men, on farms run by men), and comfy (air conditioning invented…but need I repeat myself?)

I do not want to be unjust. It is not in my nature. While men may be obsolete (unless you want to eat) I cannot say, Apple Cheeks, that feminists are obsolete. They are not. Obsoleteness implies having passed through a period of usefulness.

I do get tired of your hissing and fizzing about the noble sex to which I belong. Mercy, I cry. It is not my fault that Michael Douglas didn’t marry you. He didn’t marry me either, but I don’t hate men because of it. (In fact I am grateful to him, and doubtless he to me).

Don’t misunderstand me. I have nothing against ill-bred viragos—feminism has its place, though I’m not sure where. But let’ me be clear, Buttercup. I don’t want to seem rude—nothing could be more alien to my character—but I do think that you and your littermates might essay a civility exceeding that of menopausing catamounts. In fact, Sweet Potato, if it were not for my innate courtesy I might say that being at once useless and insupportable is stretching things.

A jot—an iota, a tittle, a scintilla—of gratitude might be in order. Should you look around you, you will note that everything that keeps you and the sisterhood from squatting in caves and picking lice from each other’s hair was provided for you by—the horror—men.

Is it not so, Rose Bud? Can you name one thing, with a moving part, that was invented by a feminist?

It seems to me that you gals are like African bushmen, but without their dignity. A bushman looks at a television (Invented by Men: IBM) in astonishment, and says, “Wah! Bad juju! Spirits inside!” He knows he doesn’t understand it and does not presume. His degree of understanding, I suspect, is exactly yours.

But I suppose the shrewery are so busy honking and blowing about socially-constructed this and gender-roles that and patriarchal the-other-thing that you don’t understand that there is anything to understand. Is it not so? When you sit at your computer spewing bile like a legged gall-bladder, are you aware of 2500 years of mathematics, chemistry, solid-state physics, engineering, information theory—all invented by men, the bastards—that go into the blinking screen?  Your vituperative ingratitude, Sugar Britches, is undignified.

But perhaps, you might say, I am being ungentlemanly—though I would hardly know how.  Perhaps, as we said in Alabama, you ain’t got the sense God give a crabapple.

Maybe, Petunia, you and your frothing friends could profitably come to terms with realty. Women make perfectly good dentists, surgeons, reporters, lawyers, musicians, editors, and all sorts of things. They can do some things better than men can (Dentistry: smaller hands, better fine-muscle control) In Latin countries they do these things civilly (consult your dictionary). And I applaud anyone making headway in this world on his, her, or its merits.

Yet as a matter of observable fact (a category apparently having no place in feminism), we men—patriarchal, capitalistic, macho, immature, savage, testosterone- poisoned, et cetera—seem to come up with everything important that comes up. (I won’t touch that one with a pole.) (Wait, I meant….) For example: The transistor, William Shockley and his group.  Microsoft, Bill Gates. Intel, Gordon Moore and Robert Noyce. Apple, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Dell Computer, Michael Dell. Public-key encryption, James Ellis, Clifford Cookis, and Malcom Williamson at GCHQ in England and later Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman of RSA Security. The World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, a Brit at CERN. Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Yahoo, Jerry Yang and David Filo. Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. The list could go on for another yard or so.

It will stay that way, Lotus Blossom, for the same reason that women will never be offensive linemen in the NFL. They can’t. If they could, they would have. If you disagree, I suggest you apply to the Redskins. They need any talent they can get.

Now, if I were left alone, I would say none of this, having no desire to make women feel bad. But you and yours will not leave me alone, Maureen.  I am perfectly happy in a world of female doctors and techs and what have you. When women act like what used to be called “ladies,” I act like what used to be called “a gentleman.” It used to be that if at the airport I saw a woman struggling with too much suitcase, I would say, “May I give you a hand?,” and put the suitcase where it needed to be. The woman would say, “Thanks,” to which I would respond, “Happy to help.” And that would be that.It sould have nothing to do with machismo, and much to do with a suitcase. Now, I’m not sure I would do it.

OK, I’m bluffing. I would do it. But, Sweet Pea, I hope you have mastered parthenogenesis. It is your only hope.

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December 23, 2013 8:01 am

Isn’t this the same Fred Reed who didn’t believe in the Theory of Natural Selection and wrote about it a few weeks back?

Did he actually come to the conclusion that there is more variation amount the male population then female? That that outcome produces more selective pressures that enable more genes? Nature doesn’t want experimentation with the incubators , just stability.

I do believe that the Fred Reeds of this world are prima facia evidence of Robert Trevor’s theory of self deception. How best to lie to ones self so as best to lie to others. You might say Cognitve Dissonance is an evolved trait much as his example of camouflage on insects.

December 23, 2013 8:32 am

Hey Mark, do you have a vagina?

December 23, 2013 9:42 am

Feminist suck, their just not very good at it.

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December 23, 2013 9:53 am

I have worked in construction on and off for over 30 years. I have encountered two, exactly two women on construction crews, both electricians. I have never encountered a woman machine operator, mason, form worker, framer, plumber, roofer, sidewaller, plasterer, tiler, carpet layer, hardwood floor installer, painter, glazier, HVAC installer, finish carpenter, etc. I am sure that their are a few out there, but they are the exception, the rare exception. Much of construction is filthy hard work, and the vast majority of women will not or cannot do it for an extended amount of time. If you live in a house or an apartment you may want to rethink that obsolete male thing.

December 23, 2013 10:10 am


December 23, 2013 10:11 am

I was having a conversation(argument) with a feminist once. She is a 150lb fire(wo)man. Not a lesbo, but her emasculated husband may as well have a vag by this point.

I used to work in hardscaping. Laying brick, and building retaining walls. Many of those blocks weigh +120lbs. I commented that we had had three women go on the job site with me, and all three of them didn’t last the morning.

I never gave them more than I thought they could handle, while I was moving around the heavy equipment, and/or blocks they were tasked with the lighter tools/grade stakes and other stuff.

I was not unfair, never yelled and never belittled. Why would I? Even their meager help was better than me having to do it all myself. But we never stopped moving. We never stopped working. Lunch was a half-hour at 13:00. Work day was 7-18:00.

Essentially, a woman couldn’t keep up. I gave the example of the 120lb blocks, the gals I had couldn’t carry them, or if they could it was 1 or 2 and then they were done.

I would have found a better way than just carrying them!,” remarked the Firebitch.

“Oh really?,” I shot back, “and what would you have done differently? The customer had requested we didn’t drive on her lawn, and the blocks are too bulky for the dolly.”

“I would have explained that we have to move the blocks closer or else we can’t build the wall. Its too far to carry. Work smarter not harder, something you men can’t comprehend.”

Long story short, I got a good laugh and she got more and more mad as time went on. Bostonbob is right; the vast majority of women cannot do sustained manual labor, not of the quantity that men can.

I didn’t know this, but in the state of Missouri, any weight of 50lbs or more qualifies you for a “team lift” – you can stop working to get someone else.

The only people I’ve seen use this option are lazy Wal-mart employees and damn near every female ever.

As our society slips back away from being service-based feminists will find themselves in more need of men than ever.

December 23, 2013 10:15 am

It’s amazing, stupid twats running around topless and writing on themselves. Without having her tits hanging out, do you think anyone would pay attention? The life cycle of a female is very limited. They are having sex earlier all the time, then they peak in their early 20’s, and it’s all downhill from there. Some are still desirable in the 30’s, some, but not many, then they become dried up, boob droop bags of wrinkled flesh, wishing they had some element of beauty left. Nobody wants them anymore, so hey, why not channel all that hatred at men that no longer desire them? Women have about 10 good years in ’em, and that’s about it. They don’t get better with age.

December 23, 2013 10:28 am

Dowd is a lonely and embittered woman.

Like all such women Dowd blames her ills on others, and has an unpleasant view of her own gender—at least, those women who are not New York Times columnists and their acolytes—and simply cannot understand why she is still single. Her insane conclusion is that the modern male is frightened of the modern female.

True story, … at a White House correspondents’ dinner Dowd blurted out to a cohort — “I can’t believe I’m 46 and not married…”

There you have it. She hates the gender with dicks because she can’t get one.

Given the choice to have sex with Maureen or masturbate for two hours with a a glove studded with razorblades, 99.999% of the world’s men would choose the latter.

The sad reality of the life of Maureen Dowd and the lives of all like her is that they chased the false goddess of feminism. They came to see marriage and children as a form of slavery, and the only way that a woman could be truly free was to pursue a professional career—that of writer, academic, executive and lawyer. But during all that time spent avoiding the misery of marriage and children their own biological clock was tick-ticking away, until that terrible moment when their ability to bear the next generation had passed forever.

Therein lies the horrible pain and the terrible pity of that sad sack of human bones, Maureen Dowd. She suffers for her children that never were and can never be. She rages against the dying of the light that she herself has extinguished.

December 23, 2013 10:40 am

I worked framing for several years, after framing until 3:30 I worked with one of the crew roofing until dark. I was the number 2 man, my job was to load the roof. 85 lb bundles about 150 per roof, these were large apartments. Over 6 tons of roofing usually in 1 or 2 afternoons, I never ever have seen a women roofer on any job ever. Not many men will do this work. Almost no white guys left doing it, mostly Ecuadorian around here, but this was back in the 1980’s, before we got lazy and were invaded.

December 23, 2013 10:42 am


Raquel Welch in 2013 at the age of 73. She’s the same age as my mother. WTF? She still got IT

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December 23, 2013 11:02 am

I disagree with the author on one point, feminism is obsolete. I hate its whole agenda. Feminism is a rich bitch problem and always has been. I am sure baby boomer women are going to be really disappointed by Millennial women. Most I have seen don’t care for what they “fought” so hard for.

Let me be clear, it was men who invented and manufactured all of the modern appliance of convenience that allowed women to work outside of the home in the first place. Prior to the 1960s, most women did not have the time to pursue a career. Men were not holding women back. They were not demanding a woman stayed home. The only that changed was that the work women typically did pre-1960 took a hell of a lot more time. Dish washers, vacuums, washer and dryers eased the household work considerably. Right now it would take me maybe two hours to clean my whole apartment and do a few loads on laundry.

This whole revisionist history of women irritates me. Most of the women in the 1950s (i.e. “Mona Lisa Smile”) are portrayed as shallow and simple. All the need is someone to show them the error of their ways of not being ambitious enough to work in a man’s world. It is total bullshit. The women of the 1950s were not shallow, they grew up in the Great Depression and saw their men die in a huge war. Feminist need to stop trying to pull the wool over women’s eyes. My great grandmother was the first woman college graduate in my family in the 1930s. She became a school teacher and had two boys. My great grandfather was a machinist in a factory in Lansing. They lived pretty good lives without feminism.

December 23, 2013 11:17 am

Calamity, your cognitive and reasoning skills seem to be exceptionally clear today, well done!!

December 23, 2013 11:37 am

Dmitriy Kanarikov with wife and son. Damn foreigners, you just can’t trust them, you don’t know what they will do.

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December 23, 2013 11:50 am

@Calamity – Most millenial women I know wish they could be stay at home mothers. Many are actively seeking that role.

To a woman, their husbands are backing this decision. So many of us have grown up in broken homes, we vow not to let our children go through the same damned thing.

We won’t have kids until my paycheck can comfortably support all 3-4 of us. We are close to that point.

I’m looking forward to it.

December 23, 2013 12:01 pm

TPC I completely agree. That has directly influenced my own choices. I will not let my children grow up with absent parents that are too damn busy working and running up their credit cards to buy shit.

Every time I get “advice” about my work and what I should do is just ignorance. I am fully invested in finding work ventures that keep me inside the home. I think many millennial women will choose the same route, finding opportunities to work online so they can raise children.

Hopefully a freelance movement could go a long way in furthering Milliennials in work and family. I also think a lot of men would embrace freelance if their jobs allowed it as well. I doubt many men would like to continue the trend of 60+ hours of work at the office, when they could do the same damn thing with freelance. I know many men who wish they had the opportunity that men use to have of work 40 hours and then spending time at home with their families.

I think deflation is going to happen through Millennials working less. I know many that don’t want the consumer culture. They don’t want to dedicate all their time to a corporation that can kick them to the curb at any moment. Family and Friends is much more important then leasing a new car and having a new house.

December 23, 2013 12:12 pm

I’d embrace freelance if the government didn’t make it almost impossible. God damn they really crush the small business owner.

“I know many that don’t want the consumer culture.”

Don’t want it, and can’t afford it. 20 years ago people like my wife and I were loading up on shit tons of debt and shackling themselves to a house they couldn’t afford. Shit like this drove the “boom” of the 90s.

Now? Now people like us are buying homes worth less than half what they could afford, driving 10 year old vehicles, and fixing things themselves rather than just buying new thingamajigs.

Fuck the consumer culture. Most of my food comes from local farms, new furniture comes from a guy that builds the stuff in his garage (simple, but well made, and matches my craftsman house beautifully), and the car….well, the car is going to be driven until its time to put the old girl down. Right now its costing me about $600 a year to keep it running. Thats nothing compared to what a damned car payment would cost me.

By the time the thing dies I’ll be damned near certified for fixing 2003 Ford Focuses 🙂

December 23, 2013 12:23 pm

Calamity says: I think deflation is going to happen through Millennials working less.

TPC says: We won’t have kids until my paycheck can comfortably support all 3-4 of us. We are close to that point.

No deflation is going to happen when the money printing blows up. You Minnie’s don’t get it, normalcy bias has your brains in a vice. It gets worse going forward for the next 20 years, all your tomorrow’s will be worse than today.
This coming crash will make the depression of the dirty 30’s look like a cake walk. Society will rip in unimaginable ways, there’s no fix, and no peaceful way out.

Prepare accordingly,

December 23, 2013 12:28 pm

That is why we have such a generational disconnect. Old Boomers are waiting for that boom to bounce back so they can cash in on retirement. Gen Xers are just trying to survive with what they have and hope their families come out unscathed. And Mills have grown accustomed to simplistic desires. We have been described as only caring about technology, despite the fact that technology is the only industry that has gotten cheaper over the years. The real reason deflation is going to be rampant is because Millennials have already taken on the trend of not consuming, being frugal, and becoming savers instead of debtors. Even if the FEDs inflation policy is killing us now, I am looking forward to interest rates to go up so I can invest in low risk investments such as CDs.

I am still driving the car that I took my drivers test in high school. Most of the things I buy are either made from high quality material and taken care of, or something made in the U.S. I really don’t need anything. I don’t want to continue the disposable culture.

December 23, 2013 12:34 pm

“No deflation is going to happen when the money printing blows up. You Minnie’s don’t get it, normalcy bias has your brains in a vice. It gets worse going forward for the next 20 years, all your tomorrow’s will be worse than today.”

Hyperinflation does not have to occur the same way as Germany. It can be slow, and it is already here. My mom used to tell me when I was a kid that a coke and a candy car from the store would cost her a quarter. When I was a kid a coke and a candy bar cost 1.00. When I was in high school it cost roughly 1.50 ( 12oz can .75 and regular size candy .75) Now, it costs 3 dollars and you are better off buying a 2 liter and a 6 pack candy to offset the cost per unit instead of individual purchase.

The printing press right now is to prop up Wall Street. Without it we would already have deflated.

December 23, 2013 12:48 pm

On my way to a lunch engagement but I will say this. To hold the line the Feds must continue to expand their balance sheet, when that expansion stops it’s game over. The Feds are saying they are going to cut QE by ten billion a month after the first of the year.

Check and Checkmate

December 23, 2013 1:10 pm

If you all are waiting for the time when your paychecks will support a family, you got a loooooong wait…

You will NEVER be able to “support a family” the way you think you will. There will always be something, somewhere, that needs either your undivided attention or your undivided money, or both.

My wife and I wanted children… sadly, we tried several times and it always ended in heartbreak. Finally, we were rewarded with one son. And I could not ask for a better son.

But economically? Where we were doing okay, afterwards we were scraping by. I went without new clothes for too many years to remember… in fact, I cannot remember the last time I bought myself new jeans. Always patch and sew the ones you have, using scraps cut from the previous pairs. New boots? Hilarious. I get the ones I got now resoled every few years…

Fact is, you will sacrifice for your children. You will gladly and willingly go without so that they can have what you do not. We don’t buy junk like video games or computer games or Iphones or all that shit. We get our son good, rugged clothing (because boys tear through clothes… Einstein proved it, I think) that will last. Good boots and shoes. Food of decent quality. Books. Music.

I spent almost 300 dollars on a 42″ x 48″ slate chalkboard salvaged from an old school. Used my Jedi Master Woodworking Skills to put a nice white oak border around it and mounted it in the den. We use it for his schoolwork – going over maths mostly, but also his cursive writing. Like a tiny classroom. It’s easier to write big on the wall than it is on paper… and I find it’s easier to understand, too.

My vehicle? 1973 Ford F250. Slurps gas, but so what? It’s reliable and stupid simple to fix. I will continue to drive it and fix it until it falls to pieces or burns to the axles… and then I’ll go get another one. New vehicles suck ass. When I bought it and called up my insurance company to get it insured, I was quoted a higher rate than for what my wife was driving (a mom-van). Reasoning? My truck was made of “better stuff” than modern vehicles, so that somehow justified the higher rates.. meh..

Still, it’s better than selling my soul into eternal debt…

If you want kids, have them. Have them NOW while you are young and strong enough to deal with the sleep deprivation, the stress… don’t wait till you’ve lost your edge…

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
December 23, 2013 1:14 pm

“Are men obsolete?”

Intelligent people don’t give this type of question any consideration or credibility whatsoever.

December 23, 2013 1:31 pm

She just needs a good hard fuckin’……… front of a Carnival crowd.

December 23, 2013 1:41 pm

There are two occasions when price will be immaterial; one when you don’t have two nickels to rub together and when you have a mountain of nickels and the item doesn’t exist or is not available due to government interference in the market. I see more and more people falling into one of these categories.

December 23, 2013 1:56 pm

@Billy – If I can’t support a wife and child on +100k a year in rural MO then I’ll find a country where its possible.

I’m a chemist with a fair amount of expertise in microbial fermentation, bench top chemistry, various forms of liquid and gas chromatography as well as a smorgasboard of other skills.

And I’m 27. Kids probably at 30 or 31. Between now and then I’ll clear off debt, solidify a SHTF game plan, and determine whether or not I think the US will slide off into the abyss.

According to S&H, by 2016 we will have a good picture of whats going to happen, and things will be resolving (for better or for worse) in the 2020s.

“It gets worse going forward for the next 20 years, all your tomorrow’s will be worse than today.”

I’m not a defeatist. I will plan for a collapse (as much as anyone of normal financial means can) and I will also plan for a recovery.

As for every day being worse than before, bullshit. Every day of my life is better than before. Every day my life gets better. This is not due to materials or what other people tell me. Its due to how I feel as a person.

For all you know I might be perfectly happy carving out an existence in a society where I can finally embrace atavism and social norms be damned.

December 23, 2013 2:06 pm

Of course every day is better for TPC, he’s only 27 and he has a hot wife. I can barely remember 27.

December 23, 2013 2:11 pm

BTW TPC I did not have my first kid until 31 second at 34. I would have loved to have them younger, but that age was fine and I was in much better financial shape by then. I can now afford to help them financially with college. My son has 1.5 years left towards his Chem E degree, my daughter is going to study Chinese and government next year. Dangerous combination.

Fool on the hill
Fool on the hill
December 23, 2013 2:26 pm

One of the main reasons women have a lot of power is THE JUDGE HAS A WIFE!!

Show me anything a broad has done to advance civilization that doesn’t involve using her erotic leverage.

Done some stupid things in my seventy four years but Getting married wasn’t one of them.

There was a theater on Arch street in Phillie where women marketed their only asset.

Trenton Royal Opera Company!!

December 23, 2013 2:32 pm

Of course bitches like this have an audience. I’m sure her ideas and hatred are taught in school, especially college. Feminists have quotas to fill. They are the biggest beneficiaries of affirmative action. They don’t have to compete based on merit, they only have to be part of the 50% of the population that MUST be represented in the work place and government job market.

You can see everywhere in our society these hateful women now in positions of power, further pushing their agenda on the unsuspecting public. They are the pettiest of tyrants, using any virtue against you, if you are male. They’re miserable because they’ve gotten what they wanted, and oh, my God, it’s a hollow victory, based on deception and fraud, and what sex you happen to be born with.

And now we struggle mightily under the yoke of unqualified people in positions of power and authority, minorities and women, a diverse sexist-free workplace, where males cannot even enjoy free speech anymore without the threat of losing their jobs, being chastised, and ruined for all practical purposes.

Yet we allow these women to speak, and spew hatred, and try to elevate themselves to some position above everyone else without a peep, without a shred of discourse, because doing so would be sexist, or worse, racist. The natural order of things is severely distorted now, and as long as this filth is issued from the “women” who think they know better, things will continue to worsen. They are beyond being charlatans and frauds, but are given audience, because nowadays that is “what’s right”. As always, one has to ask “where will this all end?” I can’t imagine it can get much worse, but it will. Someday the natural order will be restored, one way or another. Wait for it, you don’t have much choice.

December 23, 2013 2:32 pm


No offense meant… I was just illustrating our own experiences. Which, weirdly, echo my father’s experiences.

Sounds like you and I are on the same path.. you have the advantage of being on the path earlier in life than me, but still. Kudos.

We waited until we were in our early 30’s before having our son, too. Let me tell you – the energy and durability you had when you were in your early 20’s? You’ll wish you had it back.

You’ll learn to recognize other new parents just by their look and walk – like zombies. The thousand yard stare from sleep deprivation. Deep circles under their eyes. Residual baby barf on their clothes. Unkempt hair. Perhaps mismatched socks. Even their smell – they smell like baby wipes…

I spotted a guy staggering around like a zombie down at the grocery store (this was when we were new parents)… I walked up to him…

Me: “How old?” (He instantly knew what I meant)
Him: “12 weeks.”
Me: (Nodding in sympathy…)
Him: “You?”
Me: “4 months….”
Him: (Nodding in sympathy… )

It’s okay… everyone goes through it. You’ll get used to it. Or else you’ll have a psychotic break. You’ll even look back on it and laugh at some point…

By the way… You’re a bonafied chemist?

When TSHTF, we will have a need for a bonafied Chemist… get together a chemist, a machinist, a mechanical engineer… not too much you can’t do or create with those 3.

Like this —-> KCl + NaClO3 → NaCl + KClO3

And this… Fe2O3 + 2 Al → 2 Fe + Al2O3

You’ve probably read them, but check out the books by Tenney L Davis, Thomas J. Moffatt, Jared Ledgard and Ian von Maltitz…. and others like them.

I’m no Chemistry Ninja, but I can find my way around pretty good. Certain…. things…. will be necessary in a SHTF situation. If you can’t get it, you have to make it. Which means you need to know where to find the precursors….

You’re gonna be right handy to have around in a SHTF situation… might even say “popular”…

By the way, the Germans used a mix of beeswax and KClO3 early in WWI for their stick grenades… don’t know the ratio or if it was supersaturated… might want to file that away for future use… just sayin’….

December 23, 2013 2:53 pm

It wasn’t offense, I just wanted to illustrate that I already put in the time. I sacrificed my 20s and late teens so that when I hit 30 I’d be able to give my wife and children a father who is home, and puts enough money in the bank account that we are all comfortable.

@your equations: Salt, and I think the second is thermite

I work in a feed mill. Turns out you can do a lot of cool stuff with various nitrate sources….

Can make blasting caps out of stuff you find at wal-mart, and explosives out of other raw feedstocks. Lets be realistic, if the US does go all Nazi germany, it will be impossible for them to deny revolutionaries from getting their mitts on explosives. Information is too easy to come by, and raw chemicals aren’t that hard to find either.

December 23, 2013 3:00 pm


First was potassium chlorate. Second was thermite. All sorts of things you can do with those…

You can’t stop the signal…

What is known cannot be made unknown… if you can bake a cake, well…

December 23, 2013 3:13 pm

Ah, I looked at NaCl and thought it was odd you were synthesizing it (I just don’t see a situation where its hard to come by lol).

Potassium chlorate for explosives makes a lot more sense.

December 23, 2013 5:29 pm


Yeah, KClO3 is pretty easy to make… household bleach, a heat source and potassium chloride.. that’s it. You can get potassium chloride as that fake salt sold for folks with high blood pressure… forgot it’s name.. NoSalt? Whatever… yield is pretty low when you precip it… electrolysis has a greater yield, but takes longer and you need a DC power source…

Some of the more exotic stuff, like picric acid, is a bit more sophisticated, but not undoable… you just need to follow the proper safety protocols. And NO SMOKING!

December 23, 2013 6:28 pm

Why is the topless chick wearing pasties? Apparently it’s ok to see her boobs, but not her nipples. Doesn’t make sense, neither does the stupid message written on her.

December 23, 2013 6:29 pm



I was over at Selco’s site aways back, and when he was going through his year of hell, he said that THE MOST SOUGHT AFTER stuff was booze (everyone wanted booze), pot, narcotics, etc.. then everything else. Oh, antibiotics was up there, too.

Thing is, when TSHTF, folks are gonna be so damn miserable that they will seek out a means to separate themselves from that misery, by any means necessary… not saying I’m gonna be making shine or growing weed or whatever, but I do know I ain’t no Heisenberg.

Guys like TPC are classically trained chemists. I’m more a ‘meatball’ chemist. I know what works and what doesn’t work and if I have clear instructions on how to do stuff, I’m usually okay by myself…

December 23, 2013 6:39 pm


Extreme ends of the bell curve will determine the total outcome. White male and a skew toward German Jews will rule the roost. Get over it.

Fred Reed a denier of natural selection posits anadotal evidence to support it. Daah.

Somehow it’s his brain faux pas from a few weeks ago that was causing him consternation. Liking to oneself is expensive in terms of calories. Not something one would predict unless we evolved a benefit of it. That is Robert Trevers point.

Fred Reed is his own anadotal evidence.

December 23, 2013 7:06 pm

Dood, I’m just jealous of your meatball chemistry skills. What better way to defeat the FSA hordes than home-made explosives? Nobody will see that one coming. I prefer my scoped .270, why give ’em a chance to get within shotgun range?

December 23, 2013 7:21 pm

I don’t know who Federicius Aurelius Superomnem was, but in 345 B.C. in what could oil possibly need beingchanged in besides a lamp?

December 23, 2013 7:42 pm

@ Zara

Erm.. Greek fire?

The greeks actually did invent a primitive flamethrower and incindiary grenades… it could even burn underwater… the secret was lost during the Byzantine empire…

Other than that? Uh… working on it…

December 23, 2013 7:59 pm


No need to be jealous… just need to start looking in the right places.

Ragnar Benson’s books are good for starters. As is FM 31-210. Stay away from those stupid “Anarchist Cookbooks”… waste of time and money and you’ll kill yourself. Then you can branch off with some of the authors I listed above… I especially like Ian von Maltitz’s books.

Some of the best books I got are the scholarly works written for chemists… Urbanski’s work (Vol I and II), Davis, Klapötke, Matyás, Akhavan, etc… most of this stuff is available online for free in PDF format…

December 23, 2013 8:08 pm

Scott says: Why is the topless chick wearing pasties? Apparently it’s ok to see her boobs, but not her nipples.

Yes Scott that is correct, it’s the only way around SSS’s no nipple rule, pasties or paint, one or the other.

December 23, 2013 8:18 pm

sensetti, I don’t get the whole nipple thing. What the fuck is wrong with showing a nipple if you are showing everything else?

Pooter not Cooder
Pooter not Cooder
December 23, 2013 8:32 pm

Luckily there is no butthole rule, AWD posted a wall full of them suckers.

December 23, 2013 8:58 pm

Z, I don’t know axe triple S, apparently if you apply even the slightest amount of camo it’s good ta go.

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December 23, 2013 9:38 pm

I love feminine women. Simply adore them.

Maureen Dowd is a life support system for a pussy. She has no other reason to exist IMO.

December 23, 2013 9:57 pm

Bouncy booby kill-billy, nice work

December 23, 2013 9:58 pm

I’m getting bruises on my face from watching those gifs…

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
December 23, 2013 10:01 pm

check this out AWD.

Dunno how accurate this is but WITF is going on with DD?
comment image

December 23, 2013 10:09 pm

The problem with women is that it is in their genes to submit. They want a man to throw them on the bed and have his way with him. That is unless they don’t…and often a man has no way to know. Not all that women are like that of course, but they don’t tell you that in advance.