I just finished deleting Calamity’s 120 posts and her account on TBP, at her request.

You old fucks won. You successfully ran her off the site. Well done.

You won’t have to deal with her different opinions anymore. The nerve of some youngster questioning your beliefs. She needed to be smacked down. And you shit throwing fuckers were just the bunch of old men to do so.

Maybe you can run a few more contributors off the site, so you can have a Boomer circle jerk. Who needs worthless millennials anyway? They are only our one last hope. Let’s just shit all over them and tell them how worthless they are. That’s the ticket.

You won. Glory in your victory. You’ll never have to deal with uppity Calamity again.

Back to your regularly scheduled TBP circle jerk.






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January 9, 2014 7:04 am
January 9, 2014 7:10 am

” Let’s just shit all over them and tell them how worthless they are.”

Is that not what Calamity and other minnies (not all) do to the boomers on this site? For fuck sake, they profess to wanting to kill the boomers or at least see them die as quickly as possible.

In her first few weeks on TBP she could not even keep her own story straight. She wanted to spout her own brand of bullshit in a forum where she knew full well that she’d be called on it but she didn’t want to be called on it. She came here expressing a desire to be a writer/blogger with atrocious spelling, grammar and syntax but flipped a fucking bitch when anyone pointed it out. That’s like wanting to be an auto mechanic but not wanting to obtain the skills needed to do the job. Even on her last video post SAH came to her aid offering sincere and spot on advice and got shit on.

January 9, 2014 7:22 am

admin, Although I didn’t follow the Calamity wars,I have to say if she’s not strong enough to weather a verbal dust-up on the internet , then I dare say she’ll survive the socioeconomic shitstorm that’s ahead.
FWIW,When I was young ,if I had had a place to go like TBP awash with the collective wisdom of so many varied personalities where I could bounce my sometimes foolhardy idea and have those that’d been there, advice me on the feasibility of my vision I would have considered myself truly blessed .
The boomers on TBP aren’t the average run -of-the mill asshat boomers and it’s likey if Calamity’s skin was a little thicker she would stick around and learn to take what she can use and ignore the rest.
Sticks and stones and all that…

January 9, 2014 7:32 am

flash, I’d have been just like Calamity if I’d discovered a site like this back in my 20’s. I was just as pig headed as she is. I regret that wasted time. She will too.

January 9, 2014 7:47 am

That is too bad, as I enjoyed some of Calamity’s insights, and she did put some effort into her rants.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
January 9, 2014 7:57 am

Admin, if you still have her contact information, you might suggest that she begin contributing to the website fakenation:


I enjoyed her posts.

January 9, 2014 7:58 am

I/S , as an inexperienced youngster wisdom is often hard to identify until reality creeps up and blind-sides you into reaction.

Speaking of setting goals and creating challenge…..I thought I knew of some bad-asses, but here is the kink of bad-asses:http://ninetymilesfromtyranny.blogspot.com/2014/01/badass-of-week.html

All youth need some challenge to give their existence meaning ..and neither wealth nor comfort can provide such..

Hollow man
Hollow man
January 9, 2014 8:02 am

No one will in an ything in the end. She should chill out though. A lot of people want me dead cause of my birthday At least that is what they say. Well……”.bring your happy asses to west Texas then That should be her atttitude. Dont run and hide.

harry p.
harry p.
January 9, 2014 8:22 am

i watched most of her video but then i blinked an it had 100 comments adn then i blinked again only to see it was gone before i commented on it.

i’ll stray from the rest and say its too bad, her posts were admirable and I think there were improvements in her writing the more she did. plus she was one of few who wrote regularly and she had a knack for getting the monkeys riled up in a frenzy.

the video itself was all over the map (the majority of what i watched) but i give her credit for having the balls to videotape herself talking about anything for 10 mins and posting it here. i can say I wouldn’t dare that and i bet most that criticized her opinion wouldn’t have either. The only other person I know who posts videos with himself in it are JJ3 in regards to some of his music/lyrics.

admin, if you have her email and wouldn’t mind, let her know she can post anything she wants on my two-bit site.

“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt

January 9, 2014 8:41 am

Does anyone have a link to Calamity’s blog. I’d like to see this famous video that caused the melee which drove Calamity to toss in the TBP towel…or would anyone care to summarize?

January 9, 2014 9:00 am

I made an attempt to give her credit for the courage to post that video regardless of the content. It took guts to do that. I appreciate every regular that posts on this site regardless of their views.

I hope Clam comes back not because I agreed with everything she said but because she’s a part of TBP.

Clam if you read this ask yourself this. If you don’t stand up for the Minnie’s who will? Sure there’s other forums to do that but TBP could be a spring board for you. Just because boomers disagree with you doesn’t mean Minnie’s will. You should only be concerned about the Minnie audience and what they think.

January 9, 2014 9:06 am
January 9, 2014 9:52 am

The post requesting Calamities deletion was not from Calamity but from the site troll(s). The Gravitar/Avitar was not Clamities but the site troll(s). Right click on any Gravitar, open in a new tab and one Gravitar will show “false Gravitar”. This is the site troll.

January 9, 2014 9:55 am

Thanks Sensetti . I’ll check it out.

harry p.
harry p.
January 9, 2014 10:03 am

and to all who did their part to run off clam-jam i sure hope you are planning on writing or posting something of substance to pick up any slack.
you all have your homework assignments, get to work.

January 9, 2014 10:03 am

Goes to show you can’t have a thin skin on TBP. Not one person that I can remember EVER said she should be banned from the site or otherwise kicked off. She enjoyed offending people, but couldn’t take being offended. I think she’s troubled and lost, spiritually speaking, like many millenials. They followed to “path to success” but there is no success (good jobs) anymore. She also had no respect for anybody, including other women. She seems to me to be on a self-destructive path.

And the only rules of TBP are that there are no rules. You have to put up or shut here, that’s just the way it goes. Unlike her Facebook page and her own blog, she couldn’t control what happens here and who made comments. Millennials have a tough path ahead of them. They’ve been brainwashed and support liberal progressives and big government, and hopefully it isn’t too late for them to realize what this will get ’em. Calamity will do fine in a more structured environment where she controls everything. She didn’t last long in the Wild West of TBP.

January 9, 2014 10:09 am

Too bad. Calamity was a breath of fresh air, and she certainly was different. Very different She could stir up a shitstorm in a New York minute. It only took about 30 seconds of reading one of her posts before you’d say to yourself, “Uh oh, here we go again.”

She might be back. One of her last comments on the “Student Loans” video thread, if it was really her because the avatar was the ubiquitous avatar assigned to those who don’t sign in, was a pic of a person holding a sign, “I’ll be back in two weeks.” We’ll see.

January 9, 2014 10:24 am

I’m clueless, I had no idea there was such a firefight going down. Calamity! Come back, don’t leave us here alone with Stucky!!!!!

January 9, 2014 10:25 am

When Clam comes to mind, so does the old adage, “Children should be seen and not heard.” She could take a beating though. She will be back…assuming she has actually left.

January 9, 2014 10:28 am

“The post requesting Calamities deletion was not from Calamity but from the site troll(s). The Gravitar/Avitar was not Clamities but the site troll(s).”

I don’t think that’s correct. Everyone who doesn’t sign in gets the same avatar. Even though Calamity wasn’t signed in when that request was made, Admin could tell whether it was really her or not, probably from a unique computer IP number.

Evidently, it was her, and Admin carried out her request. Admin will be the first to correct me if I’m wrong ….. the word “Alzheimer’s” will appear in his response.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
January 9, 2014 10:30 am

I think she was wise not to waste her time on the boorishness she experienced here.

January 9, 2014 10:31 am

Is this like a fake funeral for a fake departure? Cue RE for some internet forum “wisdom” like after the epic Smokey / Stucky knock-down drag-out brawl.

Calamity got comments she didn’t like, and she mostly replied to them with a string of “fuck you” messages. And it takes about 5 seconds to go to Wikipedia or Google to look up the definition of derivatives so you can decide if you’re using that word correctly in context. People who want to rant for 11 minutes on a topic that they couldn’t bother spending 10 seconds researching are a huge part of the problems with the US today.

January 9, 2014 10:32 am

I watched a little of Calamity’s vid -a little because I have very limited bandwidth and choose not to waste it on subjects that hold little interest to me- and I must say, regardless your opinion of the content of Calamity’s youtube vid, she gets a kudos from me for the very fact she has the ‘nads to open herself of the the level of public scrutiny she did just to make a her case….whatever that was.
I hope her experience on TBP was and will continue to be a learning lesson that she uses as a whetstone stone in honing her rhetoric to sharpen her her message…whatever that may be.

We boomers will indeed all eventually die, but regardless if we all died tomorrow that will do nothing to alleviate the minnies dire necessity for making the hard choice between freedom or slavery today.
If they as a generation continue to think and act as the sing-song statists the mewling milksop Howe gleefully claims them to be, then it’s likey they will become the very self-preserving obese wage slaves gaming the system there parents eventually became….and I see nothing to prove otherwise.

January 9, 2014 11:00 am

Calamity – farewell! You have always represented “my people”… The common girl, working food service to make ends meet. You are like the common sense girls I waitressed with when paying my way through college. Even if I disagree with some of your points, the portion I agree with just confirms in my mind that the problems are obvious enough for anyone to see. You have a lot of potential, so keep striving for your dreams. Maybe you need to first determine what your personal dreams are.

The most important part of your potential (and great advantage we have over these old kooks) is TIME. Don’t waste yours. Figure out 2-3 things you really want with all your heart, and be relentless (my 3 in order of importance are: my children / fitness and appearance / wealth and investing). Being “adrift” is depressing, especially when society is sucking shit. You need something you have direct control of and influence on, something which has meaning to you beyond this 4th turning…. It could be anything that you feel passionate about to the point of obsession… But you will never find that in the bottom of a liquor bottle, the bottom of the Olive Garden unlimited salad bowl, or the bottom of Stucky’s cavernous man-boob cleavage.

I don’t blame you for wanting to call it quits here, TBP is no passion to have in life. Find ways to fill your “real life” with so much passion and personal meaning that something like TBP can rank as just a “silly diversion / side hobby” … Then the shit flinging and hatefulness are “meh, whatever” in comparison. I cannot take anything these geezers fling at me very seriously because I know exactly who I am and what I am worth — I can’t force them to be correct. I sense you haven’t come into your own yet, as a woman, as a young adult, as an American… and that you have not yet carved out your own area in life and staked your claim with unyielding force and tenacity. You and I don’t belong here at TBP, we are not the demographic, we are outsiders in the old boys club. This doesn’t bother me very much, because who can be like me anyway? I am a superior specimen, an überfrau ala Nietzsche. Of course I don’t belong here, I am a singular entity. Once you find who and what you are, and can invest complete confidence in yourself, no one will ever truly shake you again.

Take care, Calamity. Go find yourself, then come back and kick some ass once you have life figured out and are truly unflappable.

January 9, 2014 11:19 am

I withheld my criticism, she wasn’t in the mental state to receive honest criticism. I’ll go ahead and put it here, as I’m sure she will eventually read this.

Her writing improved during her stay on TBP, however I feel like we did our part in sheltering and guiding with such basic and essential tools of communication.

There comes a time when a person must be honest with themself and recognize a sophomore effort when they see one.

Her video was a good first draft, but before it was plastered on the internet she should do us the courtesy of a little effort. She took 11 minutes to say what could be said in 3-5 maximum. It was 40 seconds before we even knew what the topic was supposed to be. She would hit a point, and then go off on a 2 minute tangent before getting around to the next point.

Then there were the presentation issues, which SAH pointed out in as encouraging a manner as possible. If you are trying to send a message, then your appearance should support that message, not detract from it. Were I in her position I would have been in a suit and tie.

I watched the thing three times, and a fourth time with my wife. I gave Calamity her time to shine, but unless she’s willing to put in the effort to produce quality videos she should continue to focus on her writing.

On a more general level:

She got embroiled with personal battles with LLPOH over piddly shit, and once in a frenzy she would lash out at everyone, including those who were being polite, respectful and helpful.

She would dish the shit out, but then couldn’t take it. Furthermore her narrow-mindedness and hatred towards boomers was just as juvenile as the flak millenials take from several resident big dogs here. She couldn’t recognize when she was being deliberately goaded, and couldn’t recognize when she needed to get up and walk away from the keyboard.

There comes a time when the rants and insults stop being amusing and turn into the annoying tantrums of a spoiled brat.

I don’t know whats going on in her personal life, but I think she needs to take some time away from TBP to screw her head on a little tighter before coming back. Get drunk. Call us all bastards. Promise yourself to never come back. Whatever.

But at the end of the day, that little display of TBP love was not our fault. It was hers. The old fucks didn’t drive her away, she did it to herself.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 9, 2014 12:41 pm

Calamity will be back.

Book it.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 9, 2014 12:57 pm

I appreciated her insights & wish her well. Like Admin says, we need more like her on here.

January 9, 2014 1:11 pm

As a barely boomer (54 tomorrow) and mother to three minnies I appreciated her efforts if not her attitude – and I learned from her and I suspect she has grown – I hope she is proud of what she accomplished.

But it does take some discernment to learn where to spend one’s spiritual currency, i.e., where to spend your time and what to pay attention to. The desire for thin or thick skin aside it’s important she ask herself why leave rationality aside and devolve into name-calling and insults.

Either people agree or they disagree and then either respond with rationality or emotion – but she chose to pay attention to the non-rational responses and then spent her time responding in kind rather than rationally allowing for the disagreement and dismissing and ignoring the attacks. Perhaps she’ll grow out of it.

January 9, 2014 1:52 pm

I will say from experience that yes, you basically have to have a “I don’t give a fuck attitude” about what people think about what you have to say. You just can’t get upset when you make a video and have something to say that you believe in and others don’t agree or ridicule you. At first I would respond to every yahoo that would post a comment like WTF is this, how ridiculous or something along those lines. Then I realized it’s a waste of time. Although last week I got into an argument on g+ when I posted that letter from the Nazi soldier that made you think it was an American soldier writing it. Back to this point in a minute.

When I first started writing lyrics (again) I was focused on mainstream dogma bs. I really believed in global warming and the other lies that they told us. I wrote this song on global warming and while I still think that the lyrics are great and it would make a great song, I would probably change some of the lyrics to reflect what I have learned in the past couple of years after stepping behind the curtain. It was covered by a youtube friend and I think turned out amazing.

Pretend Prophet covered by Lewanch

But then OWS happened and I started writing lyrics on that thinking yes this is what I have been waiting for, a popular movement that would appreciate my lyrical message.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0kbcIp–C0 Here’s my hourly wage workers of the world unite lyrics

Then I saw a sing that said End the Fed and someone recommended this website http://www.shadowbearcafe.com and I began my real re education. As I began to piece together the truth I was able to recognize the truth better and I started following the links at the bottom of the articles on the site I mentioned. This is actually what led me to this site.

Then I found Lew Rockwell and kept hearing them talk about Murray Rothbard and Von Mises.

So I started reading some of their books and essays.

I realized that what they had to say made a lot of sense. So I kept reading and devouring everything i could find on this subject, from zero hedge to alt market to economic collapse blog to the daily reckoning. (Coincidentally this new found desire to learn all I could on this subject coincided directly with my newfound faith in God and my desire to accomplish what God had put me on this Earth for) I honestly can’t explain why anyone would be so interested in this stuff without some divine guidance.

Over time, about 2 years I am now able to truly get behind my arguments and be willing to defend them as I have come to believe that a libertarian/anarcho capitalist type of system is the best way to move humanity forward by giving people the freedom to pursue their dreams without interference from the govt.

So now, no matter what I write and what kind of response I get in return I have a solid base upon which to defend my arguments and a desire to represent that point of view. Which I believe I did rather well in defending agains the guy on G+ that I mentioned earlier.

After an insane amount of rambling, my point is that I don’t think that Calamity has reached the point yet where she has found the ultimate truths which in reality makes it very hard to defend your position, whatever it is. I ran into the same thing when I first tried to defend what I had to say in my song writing. Someone would question me and I would try to defend my position and then I would end up just saying Fuck you! LOL

So Calamity if you are reading this, try to find your truth that you want to defend and then read as much as possible on that subject until you are practically an expert. Then when people try to slam your content you can defend yourself in a rational manner, which in the long run will pull people to your cause.

The Liberty Bard http://www.youtube.com/jenklefritz


January 9, 2014 1:53 pm

I — (as in a subset of “Old Fucks Win Again) — I ran her off??? Bull-fucking-shit!

1) Accusing “Old Fucks” merely perpetuates the Blame Game. Blame, blame, blame …. waaaah!! … “it’s THEIR fault I left.” In other words, she bears zero responsibility for HER decision? This is bullshit.

2) I was an early supporter. It was me who said she was “hot”, and I even posted her nice picture. And on a few occasions I told some of you curs to back off. (Of course, this did not last.)

3) Not me, not you, not anyone EVER asked Clam to leave or to be banned.

4) She can DISH IT OUT with her “fuck you’s”, and “just die already”, and “I hate all of you”, and “your opinion doesn’t interest me”, and her dreams of poisoning everyone she doesn’t like, and her general I-know-more-than-you-cuz-you-don’t-know-shit attitude.

5) But, she CAN’T TAKE IT. The curse of Thin Skin.

In conclusion ….

1) Her leaving has nothing to do with us, and everything to do with her. Plain and simple, she is a quitter.

2) It’s a shame she left if for no other reason that she was an article contributor — something several of you STILL don’t do — and this takes a load off Admin.

3) It’s a shame when any regular leaves. I hope she makes a return.

January 9, 2014 2:00 pm

Miss misery you still don’t know why you’re so miserable but claim to be superior to every one.That’s just great.Remember Nietzsche went insane at the age of 42 from V D and you compare yourself to that godliness degenerate.No wonder your miserable.You become just like what you worship miss SAH.

January 9, 2014 2:23 pm

If you would like to follow Calamity go to her website;


There, you will find all the articles she asked Admin to delete, also the video, and her new youtube channel.

January 9, 2014 2:52 pm

I for one am sorry that Calamity felt like she had to leave, as some other regulars have felt the need to do so in the past as well. Unfortunately for her some of the spats she got into she nearly begged to get a fight started and you all obliged, so shame on her for not being able to handle the fall out she created. Her opinions and posts spurred discussion which is what this blog is about in the first place, will she come back, hopefully, I believe she enjoyed venting her anger at the TBP residents.

January 9, 2014 3:11 pm

I use to join in the discussions until I realized that anyone disagreeing with the general philosophy of the majority on the site would be unmercifully attacked on a personal level. I am a Boomer. I was attracted to the site due to the many interesting articles, some I agreed with, some not.
I started to answer the critics back in the manner in which they had attcked me to show them you don’t have to be an Einstein to argue in their manner, any one can cuss and make crap out of another instea dof answering their argument.. After a few times I decided, who needs this shit. The comment page was truly ruled by a group rude, nasty people who did not want anyone to interrupt their comfortable circle jerk. People like that are best left to themselves.
I blame the Admin for allowing it to take over the site in the beginning and now he is left with the result. Once the site grew by all the like minded people it could find, growth by appealing to a larger audience was doomed. It also had the effect of reducing the comment section to a one sided argument. Try learning anything from that. Nastiness should have been nipped in the bud from Day one. Once it was allowed and encouraged,,it took on a life of it’s own. “Just let me put in in a little.” Yeah, that always works. :o)
I still enjoy some of the articles so I stop by periodically. Ther are a lot of readers on this site that are very intelligent.Too bad so few of them have learned how to discuss things in a civil manner. .

January 9, 2014 3:18 pm

I want to weigh in on one topic: who drove Calamity off this site? I have to agree she did it to herself.

Early on, I did have the dubious distinction of having a couple of Big Dogs call for me to be banned from TBP. I told them that unless Admin wanted to ban me, that they could suck a hairy chode and learn to deal with my presence. Admin never banned me, he is a true champion of free speech and doesn’t play favorites between big dogs, doppelgängers, noobs, and even stucky’s man boobs all get an open forum… And he hasn’t banned anyone I know of in my time here, even the supremely obnoxious and stupid people.

Calamity ASKED to be deleted. Everyone here, even admin himself occasionally takes breaks or goes inactive. Some of us even take our break with the threat “I’m never coming back, fuck you all”… But we don’t go so far as to ASK to be completely deleted, and basically commit TBP suicide. Calamity hit a whole different level of TBP disillusionment, and while the discourse here is hardly civil, think her response has much more to do with her personally than it does with any of the Cretans that call this place their social media home.

If Calamity were just a bit younger, she would likely be dropping out of middle school and falling into a deep depression right now over being bullied on Facebook, Snapchat, etc. IMO the issue is with whatever she lacks in her “real life” that makes her take this shit so personally, hence my previous post on this thread where I made the truly sincere suggestion that she find a real life purpose and meaning. Online “bullying” only becomes a life or death issue if you have no life. It’s sad, really. I wish Calamity all the best, but she did choose this exit for herself, no one ran her off of anything.

January 9, 2014 3:30 pm

SAH, Llpoh once tried to get me banned from here due to my effusive anti-semitism and the effect such had on TBH’s sterling reputation (I am giggling as I write this). Not only did Admin hold fast the wheel but today Llpoh and I are buddies…and all without my changing a whit. Thus you never know and attitudes can change. Clammy has an inquisitive mind but she is wearing the self-importance and overconfidence that only youth and inexperience can confer. In a few decades she might mature into a decent thinker and writer.

January 9, 2014 3:33 pm

I’d like to know A) Why Calamity was attracted to TBP in the first place and B) Why she chose to stay after she had a few tastes of what the place was like?

She obviously made a choice to stay and participate but I’m not sure why. She was different from the 70% of minnies who apparently want bigger govt. She clearly understood who the enemy was/is. She stated that she wanted to write to help wake up her fellow minnies and I get that but why here? There is a shortage of minnies here and the majority of regulars here are already aware.

Much like llpoh, I spotted her inability to keep her own story straight but I largely let that alone. I commented about her atrocious spelling/grammar a few times and got skewered by not only Clammy but a few of the regulars. At some point she apparently got the message. Perhaps she took a class or had someone proof reading her posts but there was an obvious improvement in her writing. I commented about the improvement by telling her that her latest post was much improved and a pleasure to read. I did the same for another post she made.

Lately she just came off like a royal bitch. She even attacked Iska Warren and dc sunsets and those guys do not bother to get involved in the petty battles that take place here. WTF!!? All comments, good or bad were shit on by her. Methinks she has had some recent turmoil in her life outside TBP. I know she mentioned no longer being employed as a waitress. Perhaps she got canned or quit and the lack of reliable income is stressing her out. That is usually a pretty traumatic experience. She just comes off as overly angry, arrogant, ignorant and insolent. She is her own worst enemy. I recognize it it because I could have been her twin in my 20’s.

I know she will get it figured out and I wish her well. Just confused the shit out of me.

January 9, 2014 3:46 pm

@b – Civil discourse is best saved for teaching environments. This is not a teaching environment. If ideas are not challenged and berated then they remain unpolished. TBP’s vile commentors serve as the grit to polish off the rough edges from ideas and delusions. Without them this becomes a mamby pamby cumbaya circlejerk, on par with Faux News and those jackasses over at MSNBC.

Make no mistake, the regulars here are not stupid individuals and often serve up truly awe inspiring insults alongside useful advice. Those who can not shake off the bullshit and absorb the advice are not the sort who would survive anyways.

Calamity and I are literally the same age, with many of the same experiences over the last decade. I went one direction, she went another. I felt her fire offered a nice counterpoint to my more stable nature. Both millenials, both with very similar viewpoints, but with radically different methods for presentation.

As I said above, she started getting caught up in a frenzy more and more often, to the point where she was scared and attacking all who commented, no matter the content of said comment.

Rants are funny. Tantrums are not. Whats worse, her tantrums lower the already low opinion of many towards millenials. While this is great for me personally and professionally, its a stereotype I get sick of overcoming whenever I want to have political or economic discourse.

Hopefully she takes a break, screws her head on right, and comes back for another round.

January 9, 2014 3:47 pm

“Admin never banned me, he is a true champion of free speech and doesn’t play favorites between big dogs, doppelgängers, noobs, and even stucky’s man boobs all get an open forum …” —SAH

That’s the second goddamned time you’ve brought up my man boobs. Do it one more time and I will post my hairy boobs in full glory …… including nipples, SSS be damned. You will never recover, so be vewy vewy careful.

I asked for someone to be banned once. It might have been SAH. Admin’s response was basically “fuck off”. I have never brought up a ban request again.

January 9, 2014 3:48 pm

I dunno, is TBP a “Master’s Class” of Doom or “Entry Level”? Not everybody may be ready for prime time but that doesn’t mean we should drive them from the room, IMHO.

I did not follow the “Calamity Wars” very closely, but I really don’t think that anything she posted was any worse than, for example, Smokey.

January 9, 2014 3:54 pm

Clammy and all minnies were all given trophies for having a pulse. Reality (life) hands out very few trophies and we are now seeing the effects of this failed libtard progressive philosophy. I’d be fucking pissed as well. Hell, I was pissed when that shit first got started. I had a neighbor (legal mex. immigrant) at the time who had an eight year old son involved in Little League. The kid was a natural and enthusiastic player. The “trophies for a pulse” thing started about two years into his involvement and my friend had several discussions with his son regarding the trophies and encouraged his son to refuse the trophy unless he felt like he earned it. The son did refuse them until he ended up on a third place team. Despite busting his ass practicing as a pitcher and playing hard, that was as good as any team he was on ever got. I think it is the only LL trophy he ever took home.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 9, 2014 3:59 pm

…but I really don’t think that anything she posted was any worse than, for example, Smokey. -HZK

TBP is South Park with an economic bent.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 9, 2014 4:11 pm

Calam was convinced that the Government was behind the student debt.

No. Wall street private banks, JPM Citi-Group, private entities Sallie Mae and STU are the ones loaning out money to anyone that can labor in a puff of oxygen.

Yes, student debt has skyrocketed, but since the end of Glass Steagal which Buttonwood Tree Nutters were paid millions to defang. I’m not even sure that these loans are guaranteed by the Gropermint seeing as you cant file bankruptcy to be rid of them.

This was my point and why I called the video ‘dumb’

She was trying to inform people, thats good, she just didnt have the facts together. Pell grants are not loans. They are not derivatives, I guess you could call it stimulus of educational centers, if you want.

Most of the colleges taking these loans are not public colleges, they are private for profit colleges.

I understand Calams bitterness toward govt. I am as well, but a whole lot of this Student Loan Asset Backed Securities scheme comes from the usual suspects of Buttonwood tree.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 9, 2014 4:13 pm
Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 9, 2014 4:14 pm

All these pussy self proclaimed libertarians that can’t stand to get their panties in a bunch really piss me off. Grow a pair. We’ve got a real crises here, and this is truly one of the only places where people can debate freely and discuss the issues like our Goddamn founders did.

Damn, I hate rule implementing pussies. Fuck you B! Asshole.

P.S. Nothing personal, asshole & God Bless Smokey!!!

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 9, 2014 4:28 pm

Lastly, while I’m ranting, I find the folks on here to be the most intelligent group of folks I’ve found anywhere as a whole. Even Kill Bill is coming along. The reason I stay is the non-censorship. We’re not going to win this war if we let a small group of whining pussies like B get their way.

God Bless!

January 9, 2014 4:59 pm

At least C was brave enough to show her face and state her opinions.Sah claims she is beautiful and takes good care of herself but she will not show her face.I would rather look at and listen to nice looking woman anytime over a man.Now what do us old goats have to look at.?

January 9, 2014 5:22 pm

Fuck you bb!