The Primal Bitch of Income Inequality

By Glenn Fairman


Being an Economic Progressive apparently means rarely having to say you’re sorry. For even when the jig is up in some liberal Promise Zone fantasyland, you’re still the top vulture of the carrion food chain. On the other hand, in the world of accountable men, any CEO or Captain of Industry whose dismal economic track record even remotely resembled Barack Obama’s would have long since been ridden out of town on a rail, after having been regaled in an honorary suit composed of tar and feathers.

But be that as it may, there is to be no relief on the horizon for those who will not bend their knee to Baal, for Progressivism’s most fanatical native son has returned golfed and rested and ready to pontificate on the sinful state of our national covetousness. Like a Tropical Vortex spinning America into a veritable Golgotha of debt and malaise, “The One” has at last come down to us from Mauna Kea with fiery putter in hand. But despite all the manic fanfare heralded by the auspices of swooning damsels and tingling legs, it turns out that Prophet Obama’s 2014 economic prescription calls for more of the same baleful “hair of the dog” from now till 2016, or Doomsday — whichever cometh first.

Ever since he descended from the third heaven on a rainbow in 2008, Obama’s procrustean answer for all that ails America has been an unflinching dose of Keynesian strychnine poisoning. And apparently, we have not suffered enough since he would now have us double down on an economic inhaler spiked with another stimulating dose of Zyklon B. Indeed, this president is in every way imaginable the ideological archetype of pulp-fiction’s second-rate single-minded villain: a Post-Modern Judas who is driven to redouble his perfidious efforts, even as he has forgotten the scope of his ill-conceived aims. Possessing little save the clumsy but calculated weapons of class warfare in his Lilliputian bag of tricks, Obama’s precarious vantage point atop the earth has earned him the demagogue’s dark augury: the unique understanding that he can prevail only by turning man against brother — even if such a contest sets the land aflame.

But even now, as the terracotta foundations of the vaunted House of Soetero are dissolving for all the world to witness, he proudly mounts that pale steed once more to champion the tattered banner of Income Inequality — the Marxist Provocateur’s surest gambit. After having so richly won the incandescent hatred of the waning productive echelons of America, and having purchased and secured the fealty of Wall Street tapeworms and Corporatist “Last Men” with taxes purloined from our nation’s toilers, Obama will once more draw political refreshment from the poisoned well of envy. Having eschewed liberty for equality and desired the flask half empty over the full draught of economic vigor, the Progressive Prince, in the name of debauched compassion, will soon commence again the filling of Progressive rat holes with reams of worthless paper spun from our Federal presses — all at our cooing grandchildren’s expense.

If Obama is to ever keep his ramshackle beast from a crashing ruin, then the redistributed diets of Unemployment and Welfare must become the career paths for men and women with nothing to lose but their dignity, and for no price — save an unwavering loyalty to one’s trusted and benevolent Kenyan pimp. And moreover, on the busted back of a near-terminal American economy that is reeling with nearly twenty percent of its workers unemployed or underemployed, and where EBT cards are as ubiquitous as Kardashians, Obama’s hot pursuit of an additional twenty million (voting) alien mouths to feed is really the only “prudent” policy star to steer one’s true believers by: even if that star be named “Wormwood.”

I would like to say this if I may. In our political science classes we became familiar with rights and duties and how they accompany one another as dual sides of a coin. Both imply obligations that affect the give and take transactions within civil society. But as republics expend their virtue and wax into feral democracies — the final state before servitude, the citizens’ moral duties evaporate in the minds of the immoderate mob, and government becomes the sole bearer of sweets for its spoiled children. Soon, the duty of the citizenry to maintain its own virtue and to uphold its part in the social contract vaporizes the obligation that is incumbent on the bearer of rights, and this breakdown severs the government’s burden to respect those self same rights as they dance a tango of decline. If you do not agree with this analysis, merely look around you at the state of America circa 2014.

Such reciprocation also must apply to economics. If we are to unquestioningly drink in the moral suasion argument that is inseparable from the Progressive’s eternal bitch against income inequality, shall we say nothing about the productive inequality amongst the masses of adult Americans? Is the moral onus of breastfeeding the able-bodied always to remain upon the backs of those who have played the game squarely, and is the servitude of poor wretches laboring in thralldom to the sly and indolent consistent with the ironic legacy of the Great Society: that guilt-stained bordello of misanthropy that has passed itself off as social justice? Since the wisdom of Aristotle has shown us that there is no greater injustice than to judge unequal things equal, how then do we square the incongruity that those who have shirked their responsibility for being productive in their own lives should perpetually receive the pilfered fruit wrung from busy hands? And conversely, how do we square justice if those who have put their shoulder to the plow are compelled to plow all the more for the romantic fulfillment of some Progressive dullard’s moral/political abstractions?

In continuing this thought experiment, what if all that which a people produce is ultimately counterproductive and anathema to the city? Shall the wise regime subsidize the anarchical, criminal, and destructive behaviors that thrive and perpetuate under cover of entitlement? It seems that ignorance and immorality are the two things that are not in short supply amongst those whose hands are perpetually and indignantly waiting to be filled, and who care as little about their hand-out’s origin as they do about their sick and wasted lives that are carelessly lived hour to hour, day to day. The notion that government should condone and succor its blighted creations for the sake of manipulating power is the greatest cynical evil that it can contrive. So often, these moral catastrophes lie soaked in alcohol and seething despair and have little to do with obtaining a recharged EBT card and everything to do with looking into the mirror and perceiving oneself as a societal victim, ad infinitum. Who can deny that when we see the true roots of income disparity in full relief without maudlin sentimentality, such inequality comes fused together with a string of horrid habitual choices that we can trace like Ariadne’s thread back to government’s improvident compassion — a block-headed tutelage for spiritual slavery forged in the lowest regions of calculation and despair.

To the Progressive eye, which sees the very worst in America’s constitutional vision, the future must be redeemed by putting the past to the torch. And if for them this ideological revolution means a moral rebellion against the civilizational ramparts of our national virtues heralding productivity, goodness, and excellence, well, then let the devil take the hindmost. Ordered liberty was never a viable option for a population whose highest aspirations were the relentless pursuit of wealth, the existential pleasures of the listless parasite, or the self-referential life devoted to full-blown narcissism. How tragic that when a people think and live like there is no tomorrow, there frequently is not one to be had. Barack Obama, a political character so naturally predisposed to the art of wielding the hammer of equality, perhaps wonders why it is so monumentally difficult to govern that intransigent half of America who burns white hot for his dissolution. The sage Victor Davis Hanson has put the answer bluntly: “History has shown that a government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector’s creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.” Mr. Obama, we think that enemy happens to be you.

Glenn Fairman writes from Highland, Ca. He can be reached at and

This piece originally appeared in American Thinker

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January 18, 2014 9:53 am

I support Obama’s fight against income inequality.

Let’s start with llpoh. I want half his money. Now!!

Then I’m going after Admin …

January 18, 2014 11:00 am

stop with the hate and division. can you not see your hypocrisy?

January 18, 2014 11:09 am

“the redistributed diets of Unemployment and Welfare must become the career paths for men and women with nothing to lose but their dignity”

And don’t forget disability, the gold plated entitlement program. We have more people on disability (12 million) than the entire population of Greece.

Obama and the liberal progressives since LBJ have enslaved the entire population with nothing better than debt and welfare/disability/unemployment.

We went from a free society where work mattered, family mattered, the law mattered. Now we’re a fascist socialist/communist country were wealth is redistributed to people too fat and lazy to work, too immoral to form families, and criminal cronies that the laws don’t apply to. And Obama and his fascist terrorist organization, the NSA, are going to finish us off. Don’t speak up or object, because the NSA, the IRS, the DOJ will rain down hellfire on you, and NDAA that Obama signed into law will result in you being hauled off to torture, never to be heard from again. And people don’t care, as long as they get free food, free healthcare, free cash, free everything. No turning back now, how stupid are we to support freedom and democracy. It’s been long gone for some time now.

January 18, 2014 11:16 am

On Monday, I wonder how Billy is going to celebrate the Martin Luther King holiday. I’ll bet he goes to a Soup Kitchen to feed some hungry Neegrows.

peckerwood, when was the last time you actually saw your dick?

January 18, 2014 11:44 am

“Possessing little save the clumsy but calculated weapons of class warfare in his Lilliputian bag of tricks, Obama’s precarious vantage point atop the earth has earned him the demagogue’s dark augury: the unique understanding that he can prevail only by turning man against brother — even if such a contest sets the land aflame.”

One long sentence, but speaks volumes. What better case for the anti-christ? Introduction of gay marriage, meanwhile dissolving the traditional family by rewarding welfare breeders for having children out of wedlock, over 100 million, more people breeding under Obama’s reign than the entire population of many G-10 countries. Destroy morals, ethics and the family: step one.

Step two: removed all human nature, remove instincts to work and produce by paying people to not work and stay home. Obama has removed human nature from humans, and they have been willing recipients. It costs more than $1 trillion a year, but it’s not Obama’s money, so he doesn’t care.

Step three: Now that he’s turned people in zombies whose only purpose in life is to consume and reproduce, he turns people against each other via class warfare. And further, creates a “war on women” to divide the sexes, causing more hatred. And worse, foments racism with race baiting tactics which results in an active race war right before our very eyes.

Step four: All that’s left of citizens is their feelings and opinions. Obama controls these through fear, using the sword of Damocles threat of the NSA, the TSA, the IRS, the DOJ. And worse, the MSM, enforcing political correctness, thought control, and the crushing of any dissent. Thought control has been programmed into people in liberal progressive government controlled education facilities, universities, movies and TV, and every other source of “entertainment”. And religion and spirituality become an outlawed public sin (despite what they do in private), wiping out the very strength of people’s souls.

Step five is, of course, to seize ultimate power now that the population are hollowed out sub-humans utterly under the control of the government on every level. All that was good and right about this country is gone. And somewhere done the road, coming soon, will be the wars and mass murder that always follow in the game plan of the anti-christ. Believe it or not, it’s happening right before your eyes, and we do nothing. When will people see Obama for what he really is?

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January 18, 2014 12:37 pm

Speaking from someone who is at the absolute bottom, I don’t mind income equality in and of itself. I think it can create an incentive in some people. That said, I also think there is such a thing as too much money. When you have enough to BUY a government, that is too much.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 18, 2014 1:05 pm

From AWD’s home security camera
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Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 18, 2014 1:09 pm

I want half of Stuckos car.

January 18, 2014 1:16 pm

“……can you not see your hypocrisy?”—–Peckerwood.

No, I can’t. Perhaps you can explain it to me: where’s the hypocrisy here in not wanting the force of government to steal my hard-won earnings in order to give it to some lazy dickhead who doesn’t want to work?

Progressives that whine about income inequality and Social Justice never seem to provide an answer to a question posed by Walter Williams:

What’s “just” has been debated for centuries but let me offer you my definition of social justice: I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn. Do you disagree? Well then tell me how much of what I earn “belongs” to you – and why? Walter Williams

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 18, 2014 1:21 pm

Shit, Obama is a modern day neo-capitalist

Laws are written to subvert your pay and pass it onto some CEO at Blue Cross, Walmart, or big AG.

January 18, 2014 1:26 pm

Very few people seriously object to income inequality. No one seriously expects the same rewards for low skill levels, light work load, or work that many people are willing and able to do, that accrue to top professionals, successful entrepreneurs, inventors, and entertainers.

“inequality” per se was never the problem.

The problem comes when you have a government under oligarchal control that creates a class of people whose excrement does not smell, who are guaranteed against their own failure and malfeasance, and who are licensed to steal from the rest of us.

That’s what we have now: a two-class society, with a tiny, politically connected plutocracy that literally can do no wrong and is licensed, through its government-enabled and protected cartels, to skim the rest of the population in every transaction in life from the largest to smallest… and the rest of us, who increasingly cannot win for losing.

The bare bones of our Mercantilist Corporate Welfare State were put into place over two hundred years ago, during the administration of George Washington, by his Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton, whose vision for the future of the new republic was of a Mercantilist Empire complete with corporate welfare for businesses considered beneficial to “the common good” or “public interest”; military intervention in other countries in order to build our empire and take their resources; military conscription, and, YES YES, the appointment of a permanent ruler. A king, in other words, ruling over a government that would be warranted to intervene in the economic and personal lives of its subjects.

Jefferson had a different vision-that of a Free Republic in which citizens would rule their own affairs and the government would exist only to prevent people from preying on each other by means of fraud and force.

We can see whose vision won. In fact, the die was cast rather early on, and by the time Hamilton’s true heir, Abe Lincoln, came along, the nation was fertile ground for corporatism and empire-building, with total loss of the liberties our forbears fought and suffered for, and the reinstatement of top down governnance designed to funnel the wealth of our nation, and every other we could invade, to the 1%.

January 18, 2014 1:45 pm

“any CEO or Captain of Industry whose dismal economic track record even remotely resembled Barack Obama’s would have long since been ridden out of town on a rail, ”

I gotta strongly disagree on this point
that incompetent CEO would have left with one hell of a golden parachute
and would be enjoying retirement on his private Caribbean island right now

on the corporate level
failure IS rewarded
at least in this country

January 18, 2014 2:13 pm

“that incompetent CEO would have left with one hell of a golden parachute
and would be enjoying retirement on his private Caribbean island right now”

That there would be the root of the widespread resentment of “income inequality”… and these Golden Parachutes would not be likely in a country where major corporations were truly on a level playing field with upstarts, smaller corporations, and the rest of us.

When I failed in a small business, there was NO safety net to catch me. In Illinois, owners of failed businesses and independent contractors cannot collect unemployment even if they paid in and were listed as “employees’ of their corporations.

However, when someone like Trump fails in business, or Long Term Capital goes insolvent, these crony capitalists call on every resource at the disposal of our government to make them whole and put them back in business at the level they were before they failed.

When I speculate and my trades go against me, I get my face ripped off. If I make a trade error while running a trade that results in a large loss to my firm, it gets taken from my paycheck.

But when major financial houses literally lend $10 for every $1 in collatoral to anyone who can breathe, and all the floaters and swaps and options they’ve sold against the debt unravel, they are rescued at our expense and get to keep their multi million dollar bonuses and mansions and yachts…. and power.

Restore a truly level playing field, and public resentment of the rich will fade. Nobody minds how much someone else is making when he or she feels that the field is open to talent and ability.

Restore a level playing field and let people keep their wealth instead of seeing it stolen from them and funneled to the ruling oligarchy by means of Fed-induced inflation, and we will need a tenth the welfare we are paying out, if even.

January 18, 2014 2:22 pm

Having been a republican (now independent) but still conservative, I also completely understand the danger we face from massive debt and lack of growth of decent jobs.

But the worst danger is for too many citizens to be subservient to government by too easily accepting monthly checks instead of demanding (and forcing) reform at elections – reform that would allow them far more opportunity to find good jobs rather than be helpless and dependent on government.

What’s often the root of the problem is human nature. Most citizens want to have good jobs that allow them to save (and spend) money to prosper. Unfortunately. there is a substantial minority who like the idea of getting a monthly government check without having to work even though they could be FAR more prosperous with a good job.

Citizens like this (and BOTH democrats AND republicans) who court these voters (and enable them) to get re-elected are what is destroying our country along with all other voters who remain loyal to our two major political parties who are controlled by big special interests.

Those who try to confuse or distract this by claiming that democrats or republicans are to blame for our country’s problems are only making things worse.

Someone mentioned President Obama wants to form a commission to deal with lack of growth of good jobs. Commissions regarding anything in government are a waste of time and usually produce nothing but a whitewash or intentionally misleading results – while politicians can claim to be trying to “help” find solutions.

Here’s two solutions to BEGIN to rescue our economy and country:
1. Vote out all democrats and republicans since they are destroying the middle class
2. Get out of bad trade deals such as NAFTA, Transpacific Partnership, KORUS, and others that have outsourced almost 6 million jobs since 1993.

Of course their are many more crucial reforms but unless voters are willing to replace members of our two major parties and demand trade reforms, nothing else will matter since the middle class will keep going down the drain and no amount of lies about economic “recovery” will prevent economic collapse. The federal reserve only contributes to this via enormous money-creation.

If citizens truly believe all is well because they receive a monthly government check and therefore no reform is necessary, our country’s fate is inevitable since citizens who won’t make reform happen only enable their own destruction.

January 18, 2014 2:30 pm

We need to roll back the Mercantilist Corporate State and institute true Free Market Capitalism.

I do not say “restore” free market capitalism because we have never really had it.

However, even the most erudite among us fail to discern the difference between Hamiltonian Mercantilism, which is the system we have lived under almost since the inception of this country, and Free Market Capitalism, so it is unrealistic to expect that the typical educated middle-class professional citizen can make such a fine distinction, let alone the less educated population.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 18, 2014 2:55 pm

Stucky says:

“On Monday, I wonder how Billy is going to celebrate the Martin Luther King holiday. I’ll bet he goes to a Soup Kitchen to feed some hungry Neegrows.”

Hell, Billy will spend the whole day at home foaming at the mouth. I say we coordinate an all day support group for him on Monday. Save him from having to watch an all day Roots telethon.

January 18, 2014 3:28 pm

continue to be played with the partisan bullshit. you haters aren’t going to do to well if/when the SHTF. you will be the first to be smoked out of your bunkers. a better idea would be to try to get along with your peers. chances are you have a lot more in common with any random person using an EBT card, than you do with a Koch brother.

Obama is no progressive either. the last “liberal” president was Carter. there is barely any difference between the parties any more. as far as i’m concerned, we might as well be in GWB’s
4th term.

January 18, 2014 4:15 pm

Hey peckerwood?

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January 18, 2014 4:22 pm

Billy , you are the only one I have met in person or on internet that knows the truth about MLK and will say it.He had a case of moral leprosy like no other in the public.Everything we were told about nothing but more damn lies.The jews that helped him were communist and their goal was to use blacks and the legal system to undermine white Christian society which they hate.Their biggest win was 1965iimmigration act which they knew would change the population of America .It was subversion of the most disgusting kind and it has worked.Look who is in white house.Now the goal is to flood America with more third world bottom feeders to kill what’s left of traditional american society.This will end with a split , divided ,fractured nation at war with it’s self which is what the leftist ,socialist have wanted for a hundred years.This has been led by JEWS using white and black idiots.

January 18, 2014 4:44 pm


I think this is the first time I tend to agree with you.

Except I will offer one caveat: They didn’t want equal treatment. Never did. They wanted PREFERENTIAL treatment. And to be in charge. Still do.

It will take more than courage to survive what’s coming.

January 18, 2014 5:05 pm

Peckers wood is an Obama supporter.

January 18, 2014 5:27 pm


Are you a college basketball fan? You follow the Wildcats? They had a tough, but nice, win against TN.

My Hoosiers beat the #3 team in the nation (WI) earlier this week. Today they lost to bottom-feeder North Fucking Western. Our coach, Clappy The Tan Coach, is a fuckin’ disgrace to the game.

I am overcome with grief. I may not be able to post again this year. Unless we beat Michigan State this Tuesday …. but I have a better chance of getting in MaryAnn’s pants.

January 18, 2014 5:28 pm

Obama’s wood supports peckers.

January 18, 2014 5:35 pm

same subject matter. no partisanship. no racism. i support Obama? huh? can you even read?

January 18, 2014 5:50 pm

@ peckerhead

“same subject matter. no partisanship. no racism. i support Obama? huh? can you even read?

Little late to the game, ain’tcha?

That very story was posted here days ago… got over 100 comments if memory serves.

Why don’t you do a little looking and find it… read the comments… then you’ll be caught up with the rest of us… that is, if you’re not a sock-puppet or doppel….



January 18, 2014 5:54 pm


My awesomeness was 404’d!!!


This will have to do, peckywood..

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January 18, 2014 6:01 pm

i usually don’t read this forum. so what.

in fairness to the author, i did not find the article racist, but some of the comments were.

i believe that the PTB will use any issue at their disposal to divide the populace. that is the point of my first comment. promoting partisanship at this point is playing into their hands.

January 18, 2014 6:10 pm

A yes, the old whiney “RAAYYCISS!” spew…

Want to call me RAYYCISS? Go ahead. I am. So what?

Your Word of Power has no more mojo… You are now powerless. Want to take this argument into “RAYCISS” land? I can guarantee that I will destroy you. I don’t run and cower and blubber apologies like the spineless pukes your kind are used to…

So, go ahead. I’ll even give you first move…

January 18, 2014 6:15 pm

Martin Luther Coon day is my favorite holiday. It means absolutely nothing, I have to work, and because my employer recognizes it I get another day off. One of my choice. If he’s such a fucking prince, why haven’t his FBI files been made public?

January 18, 2014 6:40 pm

all you have going for you is your anonymity and your ignorance Billy. you nutless phucks are a dime a dozen on the internet. do you think anyone is intimidated by cowards like you? so what are going to do – call me some more names?

see you chumps later. i have Monday off, so today is just like having another Friday. thank you MLK, for all you have done for the black man, and also for getting me a day off from the rat race. i’m going to go pour some bourbon in a glass, and toast your ghost!

January 18, 2014 6:50 pm

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January 18, 2014 6:57 pm


Supposed to be stamps FOOT and leaves!!

LMFAO!! I was thinking of food stamps…

Oh, here’s another one for pecky.. .

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January 18, 2014 7:02 pm

here’s peckerhead

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January 18, 2014 7:16 pm

Pecky is the rough equivalent of those gorillas that use sign language to ask for grapes…


January 18, 2014 7:24 pm

here’s billy

comment image

January 18, 2014 7:25 pm

aw i fucked that up.

January 18, 2014 7:30 pm

you get the point. peckerhead loses.

January 18, 2014 7:33 pm

LMFAO archie!

Ed Harris rocks… but I have green eyes.

I’m more like this..

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January 18, 2014 7:33 pm

Pecker panicked and pressed pause

January 18, 2014 7:52 pm

It was communist Jews that started the whole movement.It really had nothing to do with helping blacks.Jews don’t give a rats ass about blacks then or now.They are seen by the Jews as foot soldiers in the Jewish war against white Christian society which they hate. They put up the money ,the lawyers and push the legislation through congress.Now they mostly use the mass media and government as their weapons of choice.They did the same thing in Russia and then in Germany.Thats why they were so
Hated.They have a long history of subversion.Remember,Marxism and Communism came out of The Jewish Talmud which is full of hate towards non Jews.

January 18, 2014 7:52 pm

hehe billy, yup, you don’t fuck with ed harris. though i admit that guy on walking dead is pretty badass.

January 18, 2014 7:56 pm

Mass media ,government and courts .Using the courts to by pass congress and public opinion.

January 18, 2014 8:41 pm

Billy you’re a gem. You don’t know Smokey, but you say the exact same thing he did about MLK, almost to the word. And fuckbrains like peckerhead don’t want to hear it, because they’ve been brainwashed by liberal college professors and think they know something since they’re now $30k in debt for the privilege of being brainwashed, but are unable to think for themselves. Maybe parrothead would be a more apt description, as he simply parrots the same old tired storylines. Truly pathetic waste of carbon and oxygen.

January 18, 2014 8:48 pm

Billy I totally agree. I have zero sympathy for the Black Bastards. I look forward to the collapse related to the fact that’s when the trash will be taken out. Animals masquerading as humanity will be dispatched in short order, law and order will replace senseless violence, street by street, city by city.
It takes hard work to clean up a mess but I know a bunch of Rednecks ready, willing, and able to get the job done.

January 18, 2014 8:54 pm

Not to change the subject but did you know Obama is going to send the subsidy to the individual as a tax credit and they will in turn pay their premiums throughout the year?

January 18, 2014 8:56 pm

The poverty in the USA is not based on race, it’s based on what areas have been de-industrialized the quickest. Those at the bottom of the totem pole are last ones hired, 1st ones fired.

Until people get off the racist BS & Dumbocrats vs. Decepticons/Republican nonsense, the economy will collapse. What effects the poor effects all poor & will spread with more offshoring & robotics replacing more & more people.

January 18, 2014 8:57 pm

Is there a point to this thread? If there is, I am missing it.

PS, Thumbs up to the monkey skull fucking a goat gif.

January 18, 2014 9:02 pm

How Do I Get the Money?

If you choose to get the premium tax credit in advance, the government sends the money directly to your health insurance company on your behalf. You’ll never actually lay your hands on the money. Your health insurer credits that money toward your cost of health insurance premiums, decreasing how much you’ll pay each month.

If you choose to get the premium tax credit as a tax refund, the money will be included in your refund when you file your taxes. This could mean a big tax refund. But, you’ll pay more each month since you’ll be paying both your share of the premium and the share that would be have been covered by the subsidy if you’d chosen the advanced payment option.

January 18, 2014 9:02 pm

That was correct, this was captured by my home security camera. It clearly shows KillBill skull fucking a goat. Turns out he got tired of being jacked off by a Thai women. If I catch him in my neighborhood again, I’m gonna fill his ass full of magnum 00 buck.

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January 18, 2014 9:05 pm

The link will not post. google it up —-> Obamacare subsidy