The Primal Bitch of Income Inequality

By Glenn Fairman


Being an Economic Progressive apparently means rarely having to say you’re sorry. For even when the jig is up in some liberal Promise Zone fantasyland, you’re still the top vulture of the carrion food chain. On the other hand, in the world of accountable men, any CEO or Captain of Industry whose dismal economic track record even remotely resembled Barack Obama’s would have long since been ridden out of town on a rail, after having been regaled in an honorary suit composed of tar and feathers.

But be that as it may, there is to be no relief on the horizon for those who will not bend their knee to Baal, for Progressivism’s most fanatical native son has returned golfed and rested and ready to pontificate on the sinful state of our national covetousness. Like a Tropical Vortex spinning America into a veritable Golgotha of debt and malaise, “The One” has at last come down to us from Mauna Kea with fiery putter in hand. But despite all the manic fanfare heralded by the auspices of swooning damsels and tingling legs, it turns out that Prophet Obama’s 2014 economic prescription calls for more of the same baleful “hair of the dog” from now till 2016, or Doomsday — whichever cometh first.

Ever since he descended from the third heaven on a rainbow in 2008, Obama’s procrustean answer for all that ails America has been an unflinching dose of Keynesian strychnine poisoning. And apparently, we have not suffered enough since he would now have us double down on an economic inhaler spiked with another stimulating dose of Zyklon B. Indeed, this president is in every way imaginable the ideological archetype of pulp-fiction’s second-rate single-minded villain: a Post-Modern Judas who is driven to redouble his perfidious efforts, even as he has forgotten the scope of his ill-conceived aims. Possessing little save the clumsy but calculated weapons of class warfare in his Lilliputian bag of tricks, Obama’s precarious vantage point atop the earth has earned him the demagogue’s dark augury: the unique understanding that he can prevail only by turning man against brother — even if such a contest sets the land aflame.

But even now, as the terracotta foundations of the vaunted House of Soetero are dissolving for all the world to witness, he proudly mounts that pale steed once more to champion the tattered banner of Income Inequality — the Marxist Provocateur’s surest gambit. After having so richly won the incandescent hatred of the waning productive echelons of America, and having purchased and secured the fealty of Wall Street tapeworms and Corporatist “Last Men” with taxes purloined from our nation’s toilers, Obama will once more draw political refreshment from the poisoned well of envy. Having eschewed liberty for equality and desired the flask half empty over the full draught of economic vigor, the Progressive Prince, in the name of debauched compassion, will soon commence again the filling of Progressive rat holes with reams of worthless paper spun from our Federal presses — all at our cooing grandchildren’s expense.

If Obama is to ever keep his ramshackle beast from a crashing ruin, then the redistributed diets of Unemployment and Welfare must become the career paths for men and women with nothing to lose but their dignity, and for no price — save an unwavering loyalty to one’s trusted and benevolent Kenyan pimp. And moreover, on the busted back of a near-terminal American economy that is reeling with nearly twenty percent of its workers unemployed or underemployed, and where EBT cards are as ubiquitous as Kardashians, Obama’s hot pursuit of an additional twenty million (voting) alien mouths to feed is really the only “prudent” policy star to steer one’s true believers by: even if that star be named “Wormwood.”

I would like to say this if I may. In our political science classes we became familiar with rights and duties and how they accompany one another as dual sides of a coin. Both imply obligations that affect the give and take transactions within civil society. But as republics expend their virtue and wax into feral democracies — the final state before servitude, the citizens’ moral duties evaporate in the minds of the immoderate mob, and government becomes the sole bearer of sweets for its spoiled children. Soon, the duty of the citizenry to maintain its own virtue and to uphold its part in the social contract vaporizes the obligation that is incumbent on the bearer of rights, and this breakdown severs the government’s burden to respect those self same rights as they dance a tango of decline. If you do not agree with this analysis, merely look around you at the state of America circa 2014.

Such reciprocation also must apply to economics. If we are to unquestioningly drink in the moral suasion argument that is inseparable from the Progressive’s eternal bitch against income inequality, shall we say nothing about the productive inequality amongst the masses of adult Americans? Is the moral onus of breastfeeding the able-bodied always to remain upon the backs of those who have played the game squarely, and is the servitude of poor wretches laboring in thralldom to the sly and indolent consistent with the ironic legacy of the Great Society: that guilt-stained bordello of misanthropy that has passed itself off as social justice? Since the wisdom of Aristotle has shown us that there is no greater injustice than to judge unequal things equal, how then do we square the incongruity that those who have shirked their responsibility for being productive in their own lives should perpetually receive the pilfered fruit wrung from busy hands? And conversely, how do we square justice if those who have put their shoulder to the plow are compelled to plow all the more for the romantic fulfillment of some Progressive dullard’s moral/political abstractions?

In continuing this thought experiment, what if all that which a people produce is ultimately counterproductive and anathema to the city? Shall the wise regime subsidize the anarchical, criminal, and destructive behaviors that thrive and perpetuate under cover of entitlement? It seems that ignorance and immorality are the two things that are not in short supply amongst those whose hands are perpetually and indignantly waiting to be filled, and who care as little about their hand-out’s origin as they do about their sick and wasted lives that are carelessly lived hour to hour, day to day. The notion that government should condone and succor its blighted creations for the sake of manipulating power is the greatest cynical evil that it can contrive. So often, these moral catastrophes lie soaked in alcohol and seething despair and have little to do with obtaining a recharged EBT card and everything to do with looking into the mirror and perceiving oneself as a societal victim, ad infinitum. Who can deny that when we see the true roots of income disparity in full relief without maudlin sentimentality, such inequality comes fused together with a string of horrid habitual choices that we can trace like Ariadne’s thread back to government’s improvident compassion — a block-headed tutelage for spiritual slavery forged in the lowest regions of calculation and despair.

To the Progressive eye, which sees the very worst in America’s constitutional vision, the future must be redeemed by putting the past to the torch. And if for them this ideological revolution means a moral rebellion against the civilizational ramparts of our national virtues heralding productivity, goodness, and excellence, well, then let the devil take the hindmost. Ordered liberty was never a viable option for a population whose highest aspirations were the relentless pursuit of wealth, the existential pleasures of the listless parasite, or the self-referential life devoted to full-blown narcissism. How tragic that when a people think and live like there is no tomorrow, there frequently is not one to be had. Barack Obama, a political character so naturally predisposed to the art of wielding the hammer of equality, perhaps wonders why it is so monumentally difficult to govern that intransigent half of America who burns white hot for his dissolution. The sage Victor Davis Hanson has put the answer bluntly: “History has shown that a government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector’s creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.” Mr. Obama, we think that enemy happens to be you.

Glenn Fairman writes from Highland, Ca. He can be reached at and

This piece originally appeared in American Thinker

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January 18, 2014 9:08 pm

Mr Z ,the.point for me is it was not blacks that came up with race shit in the beginning.It was communist Jews and white leftist.Not all Jews but the most radical.

January 18, 2014 9:09 pm


Who give a fuck who gets the free shit “subsidy” from the government. Somebody has to pay for it, ie, taxpayers. Obamacare will be the “one toke over the line” entitlement program that will send this country into collapse. It’s obviously a scam, from top to bottom, with little or no money actually going to the providing of healthcare.

And when you go out in public, you quickly realize how much healthcare the morbidly obese USSA population is going to need in the years and decades to come. And you know what I love the most? The fucking morbidly obese baby boomers, with racks on the back of their Lexus SUV’s to hold their scooters so they don’t even have to walk anymore, not that they can walk anyway because they’re so fat. And I’m paying their fucking scooter as are you. Things can’t collapse fast enough for me.

January 18, 2014 9:31 pm

bb, and et. al. I don’t give a fuck about your jew bashing nor do I about MLK bashing. I don’t give a flying fuck what kind personal life King led, but only a moron would not think he had a beneficial influence on race relations in the US. If you want to blame someone who really fucked up blacks (and everyone else as well, finger El BJ. His grave must be around here somewhere. One of these days I should make a pilgrimage to it and take a dump upon it. I’ll have to do some research.

January 18, 2014 9:36 pm

I’ve probably said this before but the guy who really screwed the pooch was WW2 Japanese ace Saburo Sakai. During one of his patrols, he came across two C-47’s and shot one of them down before he ran out of ammo. The other one was carrying Lyndon Baines Johnson. Pity.

January 18, 2014 9:40 pm

@ Econ

“The poverty in the USA is not based on race, it’s based on what areas have been de-industrialized the quickest.”

Interesting theory. Tell me, which parts of the Appalachian mountain range have been “de-industrialized”? I mean, save the coal mines?

Because the last time I drove through the mountains, all’s I saw was mountains, trees, water, here and there a smallish house or trailer… DE-industrialized? Dude, it’s NEVER been “industrialized”…

My argument isn’t that poverty is race-based. It’s what each group does when impoverished. Yesterday, I posted a list of the top-25 most dangerous “impoverished” neighborhoods in the US… most dangerous, despite having arguably more free shit and opportunities rained down on them…

Give you a hint: None of the neighborhoods were in the App. mountain range.. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

January 18, 2014 9:43 pm

AWD I can’t believe they will send poor people a big fat check and think they will buy healthcare. What fucking idiot came up with that?

I am going to open a travel agency, gonna be a bunch of PO Folks in Vegas hitting the slots

January 18, 2014 9:46 pm

Chicago and SS – good posts!

January 18, 2014 9:48 pm

How come I did not get credit for calling out that fucking piece of shit King years ago? Smokey and I provided hours of truth on that cocksucker.

The university where he copied his PHD knows he did it – a review board said so. By memory they advised stripping him of his PHD, but the administration said it would be pointless or some other bullshit.

He was a black Clinton. Just not as naturally smart. They could be brothers otherwise.

January 18, 2014 9:58 pm

Well that’s just great, Llpoh. Let’s destroy the main black hero of the 20th century who actually said the right things at the right time. Jefferson didn’t free his fucking slaves. Shall we shit on his legacy as well since he was obviously a hipocrite? What if Jesus turned out to be a pedophile? On second thought, it would mesh well with the church founded in his name, so nevermind.

January 18, 2014 10:16 pm

Z – are you serious? King was a piece of shit. A total fabrication. No substance all lies.

One of the things that pisses me off is that many people claim as long as a politician is doing a good job, they do not care that they are womanizers, drunks, etc.

Well, I fucking care. Character is everything in my opinion. Integrity. Honor. Trustworthiness. These things matter. I hate political correctness. Call it like it is.

At some point, people have to mature and become something better. Young folks make mistakes. I surely did, and do. But I have put much behind me. And King did things that even mistake prone young folks of character would not do – he claimed other people’s works as his own, and he cheated endlessly on his wife. Those things are disgusting.

We need leaders of character. We need them badly, and it is high time we hold these cocksuckers up to the light. We do not need false leaders. We need the real deal, and we will not get them if we accept low-life substitutes.

January 18, 2014 10:18 pm

Billy, 1964 was the year that LBJ became president. I win.

January 18, 2014 10:18 pm

Mr Z ,much of what he said, wrote and claim to be was based on lies and deception.His real goal was the subversion of American society.He was communist POS claiming to be a preacher of the gospel.It was
Lies and more lies and you say this bastard is a hero.Good lord.

January 18, 2014 10:20 pm

Look At This Chart: 91.8 Million…That’s How Many People Are Not Working In America:

Of job sectors with the highest growing raw number of positions 9 out of 10 will pay $35,000 a year or less with little to non-existent benefits:

Low wage capitalism with a dab of cronyism: Of job sectors with the highest growing raw number of positions 9 out of 10 will pay $35,000 a year or less with little to non-existent benefits.

January 18, 2014 10:23 pm

XO Marty Pascal feels the same way about the crew as I do about the fucking Minnies who elected Obongo… twice…

January 18, 2014 10:24 pm

Llpoh, let me repeat myself. By denigrating King, what do we have to gain? I don’t care what the truth is, truth means nothing once it enters the political realm. In this country you have many millions of people, and not all of them black, who hold MLK as a hero. What purpose is accomplished by destroying it?

January 18, 2014 10:26 pm

Billy – we posted at about the same time. I get into a lot of disagreements because I believe character is of primary importance. A man that will cheat his closest loved ones cannot be trusted not to cheat you. A man that lies and cheats to promote himself cannot be trusted. They must be spurned and ridiculed and driven from positions of power. Their legacy is tainted. Be it Jefferson. Be it that motherfucker Andrew Jackson who is so loved because of his position on banks, even tho he was responsible for thousands of indian deaths. Be it that cocksucker King.

I do not think it is too much to ask that we find leaders of character. We should not settle for less, and we should not hide the truth.

January 18, 2014 10:29 pm

Billy. I surrender. Down Periscope is a terrific movie. I know a guy who served on a boomer sub who said it was quite an accurate portrayal of submarine duty. He told me that when you are down there, all kinds of crazy shit goes on. I believe him.

January 18, 2014 10:29 pm

Z – we are not denigrating shit. That implies we are being untruthful.

Again, it is fucking simple. We need leaders of good character. If we do not hold them up to the light and report on them honestly, we are promoting the current system where we get liars, thieves, and those without integrity and honor.

We must demand more.

January 18, 2014 10:32 pm

Well fuck you all. This isn’t the first time I have stood alone and it won’t be my last.

January 18, 2014 10:50 pm


With all due respect, the Catholic Church IS christianity. All the rest are apostate.

January 18, 2014 11:13 pm

Mr Z,that’s a lie.You don’t know anything about real Christianity or the history of the church.There is one church.The one that believes Jesus Christ is God,
That he is who he said He was.God in human flesh.

January 18, 2014 11:15 pm

Christianity, as according to Merriam-Webster:

1: the religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the Bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, and Protestant bodies

2: conformity to the Christian religion

3: the practice of Christianity

Catholicism, as according to Merriam-Webster:

1: of, relating to, or being a Christian church having a hierarchy of priests and bishops under the pope, a liturgy centered in the Mass, veneration of the Virgin Mary and saints, clerical celibacy, and a body of dogma including transubstantiation and papal infallibility.

Hey Z?

Notice the phrase “or being a Christian church”….

“A” Christian church… meaning there is more than one Christian church.

All due respect, but your opinion is not fact.

January 18, 2014 11:17 pm

Mr Z ,truth means nothing to you .Are you admitting that you are a habitual liar?

January 18, 2014 11:33 pm


Fact is, early Christians were a loosely organized group. They had several Round-Robin’s to try and figure out what their new “church” was going to be, what it’s belief system was, whether it would incorporate Mosaic Law or not, etc.

It really wasn’t until the Council of Nicea, some 300+ years after the death of Christ, did they really get their shit together. Once Constantine made Christianity the state religion in 380, it made things worse.

Check this out: “During Constantine’s reign, approximately half of those who identified themselves as Christian did not subscribe to the mainstream version of the faith.[45] Constantine feared that disunity would displease God and lead to trouble for the Empire, so he took military and judicial measures to eliminate some sects”

See, by then you had Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire, both of which had competing factions of Christianity that had equal claim on being “legitimate”. When Rome fell in 410, pretty much all communication between the two ceased. So, you had the Catholic church in the west in Rome, and Eastern Orthodox in the East in Constantinople.

Both went their separate ways and, since both pretty much got their start around the same time, both are equally legitimate. I’m not going to go into the Protestant Reformation or Martin Luther or any of that…

It’s all just different interpretations of the same truth… to me, it’s like singing a song in a different key. All are equally legitimate and so long as you’re “on the team”, I seriously doubt God is going to quibble about minutiae… but that last bit about God quibbling is my opinion…

January 18, 2014 11:33 pm

Billy, “On this rock I will found my church.” Need I say more? Admin understands this truth. He has refused to contribute any more to it, given it’s manifest corruption, but he hasn’t said, “fuck this shit, I’m a baptist now.”

I’ll cut some slack to the orthodox and ancient middle eastern strains. My vitriol is directed at the primarily US fundy whackjob variant of “christianity” which is an obvious heresy.

January 18, 2014 11:45 pm

One last thing, Zara…

Back in the 30’s, the Communists realized that the Catholic Church was too strong to be taken down from the outside. It had to be done from within, to destroy their credibility. So, their policy was one of infiltration- get as many paedophiles, sickos and communists inside the Church as possible.

Some female Commie (whose name I do not recall) even testified in front of Congress during the McCarthy Hearings in the 50’s that this was their intent all along… she ADMITTED it, in front of God and everyone…

Fast forward to the 80’s and shit just blew up about paedophile priests.

The thing that I couldn’t stand was that they tried to cover it up instead of dropping the hammer on those degenerates and then purge the rest… I don’t know whose idea it was to pay off people or cover that shit up, but it was a bad idea… still, they tried to protect the church and it’s reputation.

You want to blame the Catholic Church for going for the coverup? Be my guest. You want to paint all priests as paedophiles and blow off the fact that the Commies infiltrated them on purpose, for the specific purpose of destroying the church? Nah… ain’t gonna let you do that pard…

January 18, 2014 11:55 pm

Billy, I really don’t give a fuck. My opinion is that christianity, in all it’s forms, is bullshit. God would never require that we bow to a Jew in order to achieve salvation.

January 18, 2014 11:57 pm


“Billy, “On this rock I will found my church.” Need I say more?”

Dude, now you’re being just straight-up disingenuous. You KNOW he was referring to Peter as the beginning… your little quote HARDLY proves that the Catholic church existed at the time, and moreover YOU KNOW IT. You’re simply throwing shit out there in the hopes of winning this little head-butting contest we’re having…

“Catholicism” as a recognized church didn’t exist for hundreds of years – at least until Constantine wiped out all other competing sects and factions after 380 AD. That there is FACT, son. You want to call it “Catholic” after 380? Go ahead. But to call it “Catholic” two seconds after Jesus told Peter that? Dude… not even you are that disingenuous.

Fact is, Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox both got their start at the same time and grew concurrently. BOTH claimed to be the one true church, and both have serious claim to that… the early church, before the Council of Nicea, was just a bunch of squabbling sects all arguing about what they should be doing… and nobody held sway. If you studied Catholicism, you would know this.

You want to go after the fundies? That’s your call.

January 19, 2014 12:08 am


“Billy, I really don’t give a fuck. My opinion is that christianity, in all it’s forms, is bullshit. God would never require that we bow to a Jew in order to achieve salvation.”

No, you’re getting your ass handed to you, so you play the Nonchalant Card to try and make it look like this is all relative. I backstop what I say with historical fact, while you just flap your fucking soup coolers about what you THINK shit is when you really don’t have a fucking clue, do you?

Come back when you want to have a serious discussion…

I’m gonna go watch Dawn of the Dead.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2014 12:11 am

peckerwood says:

“stop with the hate and division. can you not see your hypocrisy?”

premature peckerwood was preternaturally prescient

Methodical Man
Methodical Man
January 19, 2014 12:13 am

This comment thread is proof positive why there will always be massive income inequality. The proles can’t stop arguing about religion and race to overthrow their masters. In fact, as the table scraps that fall off the elite’s tables scraps get smaller, the more the squabbles. By design?

January 19, 2014 12:18 am

All the founding fathers were Protestant .Most believe the basic beliefs of the Reformation.This nation ,this culture was founded on the Christian belief system.White European culture is Christian culture and Christian culture was founded on CHRIST and the New Testament.MrZ ,this is what you hate.

January 19, 2014 12:21 am

Billy, I have no idea what “fucking soup coolers” are, but I like the sound of it.

January 19, 2014 12:32 am

Dawn of the Dead , I like that movie.I just finished watching Zombieland with Woody Harrelson and it had some real funny parts.I think you would like it.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2014 1:11 am
January 19, 2014 1:22 am


“Billy, I have no idea what “fucking soup coolers” are, but I like the sound of it.”

It loses the funny when you have to explain it…

But, explain it I will.

How do you cool hot soup? You cool it by blowing on it, right? Using your lips. Therefore, “flapping your fucking soup coolers” means to talk shit, to babble, blow smoke, etc… ‘flapping your soup coolers’ is a term that goes back many years in the military… I have no idea who started it or when, but it has always been there…

January 19, 2014 8:39 am

“Fact is, early Christians were a loosely organized group.” ———– Billy

Fact is, “Christianity” was ONE HUNDRED PERCENT JEWISH for the first two decades after Jeebus’ death. The Apostles were Jews … they never ever considered themselves anything but Jews … albeit Jews who believed Jeebus was the JEWISH Messiah. Even the established Jewish leadership of the day — Pharisees and Sadducees — considered the followers of Christ just another Jewish sect.

The earliest possible break between Jews and Christians occurred at The Council Of Jerusalem in 50AD … almost two decades after Jeebus’ death! But even then, the JEWISH council merely decided that Gentile converts were not obligated to keep most of the Law of Moses …. primarily, circumcision. The Council STILL maintained the necessity of keeping many Jewish traditions; prohibitions on eating blood, meat containing blood, etc. In short, Christianity was still Jewish at its core. The final break with Judaism would come several decades later, after the Temple was destroyed in 70AD … and the arrival of the Apostle Paul.

In terms of “Upon this rock” …. the Catholic Church really really fucked up what the original meaning was. It is so simple, when looked at IN CONTEXT. Here is the formula;
—— 1) Jeebus ask the apostles “Who do you say I am?
—— 2) Peter says “The Son of the Living God.”
—— 3) It is THAT statement upon which Jeebus will build his church.


“When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. He saith unto them, But WHOM SAY YE THAT I AM? And Simon Peter answered and said, “THOU ART THE CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD.” And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

January 19, 2014 12:43 pm

Overthrow the Speculators:

Money, as Karl Marx lamented, plays the largest part in determining the course of history. Once speculators are able to concentrate wealth into their hands they have, throughout history, emasculated government, turned the press into lap dogs and courtiers, corrupted the courts and hollowed out public institutions, including universities, to justify their looting and greed. Today’s speculators have created grotesque financial mechanisms, from usurious interest rates on loans to legalized accounting fraud, to plunge the masses into crippling forms of debt peonage. They steal staggering sums of public funds, such as the $85 billion of mortgage-backed securities and bonds, many of them toxic, that they unload each month on the Federal Reserve in return for cash. And when the public attempts to finance public-works projects they extract billions of dollars through wildly inflated interest rates.

Speculators at megabanks or investment firms such as Goldman Sachs are not, in a strict sense, capitalists. They do not make money from the means of production. Rather, they ignore or rewrite the law—ostensibly put in place to protect the vulnerable from the powerful—to steal from everyone, including their shareholders. They are parasites. They feed off the carcass of industrial capitalism. They produce nothing. They make nothing. They just manipulate money. Speculation in the 17th century was a crime. Speculators were hanged.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2014 2:06 pm

Stucky says:

“In terms of “Upon this rock” …. the Catholic Church really really fucked up what the original meaning was. It is so simple, when looked at IN CONTEXT. Here is the formula;
—— 1) Jeebus ask the apostles “Who do you say I am?
—— 2) Peter says “The Son of the Living God.”
—— 3) It is THAT statement upon which Jeebus will build his church.”

Thank you mucho lot, el stucko. After this dumpster dive of a thread, it’s satisfying to find a nugget of digestible information. (As opposed to the stuff that gives me indigestion).

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 19, 2014 2:18 pm

Zarathustra says:

“Jefferson didn’t free his fucking slaves. Shall we shit on his legacy as well since he was obviously a hipocrite? What if Jesus turned out to be a pedophile? On second thought, it would mesh well with the church founded in his name, so nevermind.”

One of the stupidest leaps of logic ever taken by anyone since evel knievel attempted to jump the snake river canyon.

January 19, 2014 5:22 pm

Obama is not our savior,for there is only one who can save us-his name is Jesus.We need to seek forgiveness from God for trusting a man for our help and deliverance,instead of trusting our Lord.May God have mercy upon us,and hopefully it is not too late.