Ah yes…the transformation of America, just as Dear Leader promised! We all know BHO has been a dictator that knows no bounds. Here’s a picture that’s worth a thousand words…and then some!


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January 19, 2014 6:47 pm

AWD ,Obama and his kind are not going to let you sail away .You are to be arrested and sent to Re -education centers where you will learn the errors of your former reasoning.Then ,they are going to make you treat poor people for free in some hell hole inner city like Camden NJ and you will be thankful…Obama says ..Do not be deceived for I am not Mocked, for whatever a man sows that he will also reap..you have a long history of mocking Obama.

January 19, 2014 6:50 pm

I voted for Ron Paul thinking that it was America’s last chance.
It was.

January 19, 2014 6:54 pm

Most people who bought Obamacare insurance already covered

Jan 19 2014, 02:20

At least two thirds of the 2.2M people who purchased health insurance from exchanges under Obamacare through December 28 already had coverage, preliminary surveys indicate.

In a McKinsey study, just 11% of people didn’t have insurance previously. Affordability and technical problems were among the reasons why people didn’t buy plans.

Around 48M Americans didn’t have health insurance in 2012; Obamacare is expected to reduce that figure by 25M.

Meanwhile, the government is delaying yet another provision of the Affordable Care Act – one that prevents employers from offering better health benefits to senior management than to other staff. The reason is that tax officials haven’t yet issued the regulations that companies need to abide by.

January 19, 2014 8:05 pm

Admin – now there is something I dod not know. That all employees have to be offered – whatever that means – the same health care benefits.

If it means that if I want to hire a CEO to replace me, and the guy I find wants a Double Platinum Triple Diamond With a Ruby on top policy that costs $25,000 a year, that I cannot get it for him – that is a stinking pile of shit.

If it means that I must offer the same policy to others, if they want to pay for it out of their own pockets, that is fine by me. I will have to do some research.

What a fucking fuck.

January 20, 2014 10:51 am

How could people think Obamacare could work? It’s like pensions, dependent on suckers buying it & not needing it. It’s a mathematical ponzi scheme, like multi-level marketing.

Then again, the whole fucking US economy is now a ponzi scheme.