The only thing that the “war on drugs” has succeeded at is putting people in prison and quadrupling the number of police, lawyers, judges, and spending. We’ve pissed away trillions on this farce, ruining millions of lives and further bankrupting this country.

And as Colorado has shown, legalized pot hasn’t destroyed anything other than restocking fees, since they can’t seem to keep product on the shelves. Ron Paul doesn’t talk about ending drug prohibition anymore, but it’s about freedom. Instead, we have the NSA and a fascist police state accountable to nobody except Obama. As with all the “wars” our government engages in, The American people suffer and have less freedom and money.


Can We Be Sure The War On Drugs Is Worth Fighting?

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/19/2014

Did you know the war on drugs is founded on racist principles? Prof. Stephen Davies shows the historical thought process behind banning drugs. One of the main reasons drugs were banned initially is because people were concerned drug use would lead to interracial relationships. Can you imagine someone making that argument today, when half of the welfare babies are mixed race, mainly mulattoes? Yet it was a principle reason for some of the laws banning drugs that we still have. Other reasons for banning drugs included fear of conspiracies and the misguided notion that the government somehow has a right to the productivity of its citizens. All three of these reasons are truly absurd, but all three were historically used as arguments that contributed to the war on drugs. If these are the arguments on which the drug war is founded, can we be sure it’s a war worth fighting for?







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January 19, 2014 8:13 pm

Hmmm, I have never seen LSD in powder form. In pure form it is a clear liquid that is traditionally served by adding a drop or two to a sugar cube, hence the phrase, dropping acid. It can also be incorporated into a tab or pill. Since the liquid itself cannot be concentrated, the only way you could get a powder would be to grind up pills, but what would be the point of that?

January 19, 2014 9:56 pm

The drug prohibition was spawned at about the same time as the Federal Reserve, in an era that saw ever greater government intrusion into our economic lives, while intrusions into our personal lives, unfortunately, were pretty much the rule from revolutionary times forward and ramped up as the frontier began to close in the period 1850-1900, and the leaders of our rapidly industrializing society became ambitious for empire and world domination.

The urge to control and exploit other humans never dies. The advocates of drug laws cited increasing urban crime rates and the need for a disciplined labor force, among many other reasons, to justify the rapidly proliferating laws governing strictly personal behaviors, and the religious people were always ready to advance a repressive regime.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
January 19, 2014 11:41 pm

The war on drugs is really the war on people.

It’s time to stop treating adults like helpless children, which means expecting them to be responsible for their own decisions. This would end the incarceration of peaceful drug users, undermine the black market profits and violence associated with those markets, and reduce the militarization of our local police.

It’s all so logical, which is why it won’t happen anytime soon.

El Coyote
El Coyote
January 20, 2014 12:19 am

Dr. Spivey: Well, the real reason that you’ve been sent over here is because they wanted you to be evaluated… to determine whether or not you are mentally ill. This is the real reason. Why do you think they might think that?

McMurphy: Well, as near as I can figure out, it’s ’cause I, uh, fight and fuck too much.

January 20, 2014 3:47 am

I hear you Z. I saw a gallon jar of liquid a guy was making blotter with one day and we used to get gelatin “window pane” or “stained glass”. My circle of friends referred to it as “fry”. Never saw powder before. The tar heroin looks a bit suspect as well.

January 20, 2014 9:25 am

IndenturedServant says:
I hear you Z. I saw a gallon jar of liquid a guy was making blotter with one day and we used to get gelatin “window pane” or “stained glass”. My circle of friends referred to it as “fry”. Never saw powder before. The tar heroin looks a bit suspect as well.

I’ve seen once pure LSD in small black/green cristals called “micropoints”. not exactly powder, but close to.
absolutly scary as shit in term of power. one cristal the size of a grain of sand, and it’s a direct ticket to the moon for 12 to 15 hours. some more and your brain fry like a Mc Nuggets
the closest thing from poison. CIA approved, I bet.