It Would Be A Good Start

I make no bones about it, I can’t stand copfuks/pigfuks as well as their apologists, copsuckers.  It wasn’t always that way but once I became a young adult I saw the majority of them for what they are, power hungry sociopaths.  But I don’t want to not respect them, I don’t want to not respect anybody.  But the power they yield, their reprehensible actions, their demand for a double standard and their paramilitary behavior require me to do so; in good moral conscience I cannot respect violent authoritarian gang members, which is what copfuks are.

If things changed as Eric Peters described below I will gladly revisit my stance on them, but I don’t plan on holding my breath.



I grew up in an America with cops in the background. Most people – being not criminals – had almost no interaction with them and when they did it was generally civil and far more important, almost always on equal terms – with the cop respectful of the citizen.
peacekeep 1

It goes without saying that’s all gone now. Cops are a menacing omnipresence – and when they deal with us, it is usually order barking Command Voice style. You do not discuss, much less dispute. You Submit and Obey. Or else.The least recalcitrance – merely to question anything – is often sufficient to bring down a Fallujah-style escalation. People are routinely dragged out of their cars, roughly thrown to the ground, pummeled, kicked – and much worse than that. Often, over trivial things. Police even in small towns have become indistinguishable from soldiers.

It is out of hand – obviously so – and if left unchecked will grow much worse, much sooner as the vortex picks up speed. What was inconceivable 20 years ago is routine today. What will be routine 20 years from today?

We face a choice: Either we accept being treated as “indigs” by an army of occupation that accepts no limits to its authority and which regards us as disposable as themselves as untouchable. Or we step back from the abyss before it’s too late. We recover our senses. We no longer accept the unacceptable.

Here’s how, in a few simple steps:

* Cops must be bound by the law –

As citizens, we are told that ignorance of the law is no excuse. That it is our obligation to know the law. Surely, the same ought to apply to those charged with enforcing it. Yet cops routinely ignore the law, even when it is pointed out to them in literal black and white. Many states, for example, have open carry laws. It is legal to wear a gun in plain view in public. Yet cops will often waylay at gunpoint, detain, disarm and question individuals who have done nothing in violation of any law – who are merely open carrying in full compliance with the letter of the law. They will justify this illegal assault by referencing “concerns” – either their own or those expressed by some unnamed person who “called in.”

Similarly, cops now routinely abuse people for lawfully taking video/audio in public. They will back each other up, too.

A cop must be as willing to defend legal action as he is prepared to defend against illegal action. This includes intervening against fellow officers when he knows they’ve committed a crime or are acting in a way that does not comport with the law. If it is intolerable for a citizen to break the law, it is doubly so when a cop does – because he may do so with relative impunity.

Until the doctrine is established and respected that the law applies equally to everyone, including cops, there will be increasingly less and less respect for cops – who increasingly hold themselves above the law.

And us in contempt.

* The Right to Resist –

Self-defense is perhaps the most basic human right, without which other rights are largely meaningless. One of the worst abuses of our era is the denial of this elemental right when a physical assault is perpetrated by a person acting under color of law. If a cop does not have the legal right to lay hands on a citizen, to violate his personal space (including his personal property) then the citizen has every ethical right to resist. To walk  away – and to defend himself against aggression if he is aggressed against.

His legal right to resist must be acknowledged in law.

That means if a SWAT team got the wrong house number and executes a no-knock raid in the middle of the night, the sleeping (and innocent) citizen should be considered within his rights to defend his home and himself, even if it results in the unfortunate death of a cop.

The burden is on the cops who got it wrong – not the citizen who acted out of justifiable fear for his life.

If a cop attempts to seize your person or things without legal cause, you ought to be able – legally – to defend yourself to the extent necessary. If citizens witness out-of-control cops administering a beat-down, they have the same right to intervene that would obtain if they witnessed a gang of thugs beating on an innocent.

Special costumes and badges should not render the wearer  a member of a privileged caste whose person may not be touched even when they have crossed the line and committed an act that if committed by any other person would be defined as criminal.

This business of demanding supine submission to every barked order is unworthy of a free society. It is in fact a mortal threat to a free society.

Cops must be reminded they’re not special. That our “safety” is just as valuable to us as their “safety” is to them. And that if they go after someone physically, they’d better have good – defensible – cause. And if they do not, that their victim has every legal right to defend himself – and will not be punished for having done so.

This doctrine, once established, would re-establish a balance that has been lost – and which must be recovered.

* Personal Liability –

Ordinary citizens are vulnerable to civil suits when their reckless or criminal actions result in harm/damage to others or their property. They are personally liable. This acts as a strong incentive to be prudent, to act responsibly. The same incentives are vitally necessary to assure police restraint, curb the worst abuses – and effectively deal with those who do abuse their authority.

As things stand, the reverse is true.

Cops have every incentive to not behave prudently, to act recklessly – since they know that any consequences will probably not be born by them directly. They will not lose their house, have their wages garnished for the next 20 years. If there is a lawsuit, the county  – the taxpayers – will pay. The cop may not even lose his job. And if he does, there will be probably be a new job in another county, another state.

This cannot continue.

All police must be held personally liable for gross misconduct. Knowing that violating someone’s rights could lead to the loss of everything is just what’s needed to keep cops from violating people’s rights. Anything that insulates police from being held personally accountable is an open invitation to ever-greater escapades of abuse. We expect much more in terms of personal accountability from airline pilots – whose careers can be ended at a stroke if the faintest whiff of alcohol is detected on their breath.Doctors have to self-insure against malpractice – and may be sued into ruin if they botch an operation. Surely, those entrusted with lethal weapons and legal power to use them ought to be held to a comparable level of personal accountability.

Most of us manage to behave ourselves – and never find ourselves on the wrong end of a civil suit. Surely, it is not asking too much to ask cops to behave with similar restraint – and to be held personally accountable when they do not.

As cops so often advise us: If they haven’t done anything wrong, then they’ve got nothing to worry about.

* Higher standard for use of deadly force –

It is an awesome responsibility to carry a gun. To threaten its use even more so – and to actually use it, an irrevocable act that is acceptable only in the most extreme circumstances and which ought to be subject to rigorous scrutiny afterward.This is the standard applied to civilians.

Why should it not apply to police?

Cops ought to be held to a standard at least as high as that expected of ordinary citizens – and arguably, to a much higher standard. This in fact used to be the case. Unholstering a gun was regarded as a major escalation requiring objective justification – as in, an imminent lethal threat. Cops today have become all too trigger-happy (as evidenced by the recent case of cops blasting away at a van full of kids because the mother/driver fled a traffic stop).

“Officer Safety” cannot be a license to kill. Cops must relearn restraint. And when they cannot restrain themselves, the law must restrain them as fully, as completely as any mere citizen.

No more double standards.

No more “special rights.”

It would be a start.

Throw it in the Woods?

Original HERE.

Author: harry p.

A Gen X mechanical engineer who values family, strength, discipline, self-reliance and freedom who is doing what he can to protect his family, belittle morons and be ready for the tough times ahead. Discipline=Freedom

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January 23, 2014 8:15 am

Harry ,your cop hate is going to give you health problems if your not careful.You can rage all you want but nothing is going to change unless we return to our roots as a nation.As long as violence , lawlessness and ever form of moral depravity is glorified in the media crime is going to get worse and cops will get meaner.The cops I know at the rifle range are
all in their 40s or 50s and very nice to me.I enjoy shooting with them.

January 23, 2014 8:50 am

Reduce the rules, reduce the power. The morass of legal and penal codes in this country makes slaves of us all.

January 23, 2014 9:31 am

Very good observations. It is not the cop. He is but a tool of the state. It is the corrupt masters of the system that allow this to continue by not putting these thugs in prison,

Throw one or two of these animals in jail and all this would stop overnight.

January 23, 2014 9:32 am

The last one……I’d need more info to say its way outta control. The other two, fuck yes. But I have to agree, it seems most of the law enforcement is acutely aware of their power. Their humor and demeanor is typically revolving around force of will/etc. Have you noticed how they always seem to have come from a sports background – where they can impose their will on another player? Problem is, they’re still on the field, your the other player, and they write the rules of the ‘game’ as they go.

The icing on the cake is the fact that this stuff goes on with the camera rolling. Thats the really scary aspect as the commentator pointed out. Seriously, what the fuck happens when there is no film?

January 23, 2014 10:41 am

What Happens When You Talk to Cops Like They Talk to You

(Why the man is dressed as a carrot is not explained …. )

January 23, 2014 10:42 am

That was me ..

January 23, 2014 10:42 am

LE abuse is getting very expensive. No drugs were found. The taxpayer gets the bill.

Man Subjected to 8 Anal Probes Awarded $1.6 Million Settlement:

January 23, 2014 10:55 am

“the depravity in the typical media does contribute but so does worshipping at the altar of all things copfuk, decrying them as “heroes” and “public servants” ————- harry p

Indeed, it is a problem of BOTH them (the media) and us (the watchers). How many cop teevee shows have been produced? How about over 600?

How many have you watched? I quickly went through the list and was fairly surprised at how many fucking cop shows I’ve watched. (the first 20 are my favorites.)

1- Monk
2- Cold Case
3- The Fugitive
4- Columbo
5- Walker, Texas Ranger
6- Hill Street Blues
7- NYPD Blue
8- Law & Order
9- Law & Order: Criminal Intent
10- Law & Order: SVU
11- Perry Mason
12- Andy Griffith
13- Dragnet
14- Barney Miller
15- Without a Trace
16- Starsky and Hutch
17- Criminal Minds
18- Heat Of The Night
19- Car 54 Where Are You
20- Baretta
21- Adam-12
22- Ironside
23- Hawaii Five-O
24- Police Woman
25- Bones
26- The Mod Squad
27- 48 Hours
28- The First 48
29- Charlie’s Angels
30- Magnum PI
31- MacGyver
32- Murder She Wrote
33- Southland
34- Castle
35- Rockford Files
36- Kojak
37- The A-Team
38- Miami Vice
39- The Mentalist
40- Flashpoint
41- CSI: NY
42- The FBI
43- Cops —————– (most loathsome show of all)

Now, here’s the thing – how many of these shows glorify cops? Pretty much every one of them. How many consider cops to be a problem? Pretty much none of them.

Thousands upon thousands of hours of mind-programming brainwashing horse-crap; “Police are your friend!!!” There is zero doubt in my mind that’s why most of the population still supports pigfuks. The Masters have the Sheeple trained like lab rats. An entire nation suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

But, despite way to many hours of me watching their shit, they have failed. Fuck cops!!!!!!!!

January 23, 2014 11:44 am

The number of cops has QUADRUPLED thanks to the war on drugs. Like a bunch of barnacle infested crabs, they’re all trying to claw their way up the ladder of power and higher pay grades. The losers are the ones on the street, too stupid to pass simple written tests to advance. And stupid people are, by and large, the most dangerous people. They’ll cut each other’s throats to get promoted and make more cash. Most are from the military, and couldn’t really do anything else in life (like all government employees). Add to that the interrupted sleep patterns because of the shift work, the lack of respect from the public, and the Mexican and black savages they have to deal with, and the stress pickles their brains, turning them into psychos. They’re as dangerous as the people they are supposedly protecting us from. But, not to worry harry old boy, as towns, cities and states go bankrupt, they’ll be laying off cops by the millions.

January 23, 2014 11:47 am

The Grand Rapids video. On youtube almost all the comments refer to the dumfuk donut eaters.

But, no one mentions the whore cunt rat bastard “concerned citizen” who ratted on the guy. On the streets, or in prison, rat-fink bastards are usually dispatched to the Great Beyond post-haste. It seems to be the correct punishment most times. I hope that Sperm Sack bitch rots in hell.

January 23, 2014 11:54 am

I wholeheartedly agree with everything Harry.

Except the part about the abyss, we long ago launched ourselves over that edge.

The Supremes have ruled – time and time again – that a cop killing an innocent whom was dumb enough to try and defend themselves from violent assault, is within his rights.

Cops are fired for shooting kittens and squirrels, given medals for shooting teenagers and innocents.

Crazy times we are living in.

January 23, 2014 12:15 pm

It’s a good set of suggestions, but it’s not going to happen. Prepare for what IS going to happen.

January 23, 2014 1:24 pm

They don’t have a sense of humor, either…

I got pulled over on I-75 a few years ago. Was I speeding? Fuck yeah. He caught me fair and square. State cop comes up to my window.

State thug: “License, registration and insurance please.”
Me: (In my best Obi Wan Kenobi impression… WITH HAND WAVE!) “You don’t need to see those..”
State thug: …. (blank, uncomprehending look)
Me: (sigh) “Fine. Here. You guys got no sense of humor…”

January 23, 2014 1:34 pm

20+ years ago I was driving with a friend from IN to NJ. We took his car, a new Firebird. He disconnected the odometer (to keep miles down when he resold the car.) He told me that 3,000 RPMs is about 65-70 mph. He lied. It was over 80. The speed limit in PA was 55.

Of course, we got pulled over. The conversation went something like this (NOT kidding);

Cop: “Do you know how fast you were going?”
Me: “No.”
My friend: “Maybe. Why don’t you hum a few bars?”

The cop didn’t think it was funny. I got a ticket. I lost a friend.

January 23, 2014 6:34 pm

Local police are being militarized by the DHS with “training” designed to shift the objective from “protect and serve” to “civilians are all un-captured criminals” Every encounter is the opportunity for said capture. This is a result of an out-of-control military/industrial complex.

We’re also living in a world where administrations are starved for money, and the police force is used as a means to enhance revenues. I’m sure most of you reading this blog regularly have heard about the “Viper” teams patrolling interstate highways in search of cash/vehicles/guns to confiscate. Getting your stuff back after the fact is sometimes not worth it.

I’m afraid we will never return to the days when police forces treated the people they’ve taken an oath to protect with the respect they are due.

January 23, 2014 10:04 pm

“I’m afraid we will never return to the days when police forces treated the people they’ve taken an oath to protect with the respect they are due.”

We will, one day. I expect some fireworks between now and then. It may take a century or three.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
January 24, 2014 1:11 am

This is how they “fight crime” in Miami Gardens, a largely black and hispanic town north of Miami: you just keep arresting

Of course, not one of the elected officials resigned in shame and disgrace.

My personal take is that the only way to stop all this is through recall elections. Recall elections end political careers so politicians take them seriously. Or just wait for the pensions to bankrupt the cities and states and then our freedom will come back.

March 21, 2014 1:40 pm

Just wanted to drop this in. Talk about your special rights