Republicans are once again about to slit their own throats, letting millions more illegal immigrants into this country and/or granting them “amnesty”. Several studies have shown the 50% of Mexican immigrants immediately sign up for some type of entitlement program the minute they get here. And immigrants vote almost exclusively for Democrats. Crazy Annie presents a pretty powerful argument about how the GOP is committing suicide, all for some cash no doubt…..


January 29, 2014

By Ann Coulter

As House Republicans prepare to sell out the country on immigration this week, Phyllis Schlafly has produced a stunning report on how immigration is changing the country. The report is still embargoed, but someone slipped me a copy, and it’s too important to wait.

Leave aside the harm cheap labor being dumped on the country does to the millions of unemployed Americans. What does it mean for the Republican Party?

Citing surveys from the Pew Research Center, the Pew Hispanic Center, Gallup, NBC News, Harris polling, the Annenberg Policy Center, Latino Decisions, the Center for Immigration Studies and the Hudson Institute, Schlafly’s report overwhelmingly demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigration policies spells doom for the Republican Party.


Read the rest of the article


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January 30, 2014 3:19 pm


What is it about not posting full copyrighted articles that you don’t understand?

I just got reinstated today and you try to post a full article from another website.


January 30, 2014 3:35 pm

Nice. I was going to post A FEW PARAGRAPHS of this article.

I started a somewhat similar them a while back titled “Un-White America: Will Blacks and Hispanics lead the USA to ruin?” 112 comments and some heated exchanges.


It was based on a Fred article titled “A White Demise”


January 30, 2014 3:48 pm

Here is why illegal immigration will never be “solved”:

Big Business wants raw immigrants because they will work for peanuts and don’t complain.

Politicians wants the immigrants kids as a voting block after a lifetime of taxpayer funded goodies. 2/3 of all Mexican immigrants remain on social assistance in the second generation, for example – so whomever can be Santa Clause to this group has a voting lock.

The home countries have NO interest in fixing their own countries as long as the “troublemakers” can go somewhere else – and send a ton of USD back to the home country, so they have no interest in immigration reform or border enforcement.

The military wants illegals as they can “earn” their citizenship through military service and are thus motivated to be good soldiers and not screw up.

The universities don’t mind illegal aliens as the taxpayers will pay so the tuition bills get paid.

Hollyweird loves the illegals and their causes as it makes the actors feel they are doing something meaningful in their lives

The only people who really have “skin in the game” is the US taxpayer. It is the taxpayers that are forced to to fund the illegals AND suffer the secondary effects of illegal immigration such as depressed wages, trashed schools, a broken healthcare system, increased crime and nobody speaking English.

Yet the taxpayers have exactly ZERO input into the entire immigration process and are painted as racists, haters, and xenophobes when their concerns are voiced.

“Thank you for calling the US Government Immigration Concerns Line. If you speak English, press 9 and go fuck yourself. Have a nice day and send your tax money on time!”

And so it goes in Libtard Land.

January 30, 2014 3:55 pm

It makes no difference. Congress could write all the laws they want to really secure the borders and order the deportation of everyone without American citizenship. The executive branch will not enforce the law. GHW Bush.Clinton,W Bush and Obama have all refused to enforce the law. That is why we have 12 million illegals in the country. The politicians (prostitutes) have been bought and paid for by their elite masters and brow beaten by the whore media. Nothing short of total collapse of the elite system will secure our borders.

Be prepared, Above all else be armed.

January 30, 2014 3:56 pm

Do you know if you stand too close to Ann Coulter you risk having her Adam’s Apple putting your eye out?

“What does it mean for the Republican Party?” ——- from the article

Yeah, baby. THAT’S what’s important, saving the Republican Party. Fuck America, right Ann? Fuck you and your Republican party to hell.

“Hispanics and Asians, have little in common economically, culturally or historically. But they both overwhelmingly support big government,” ——- from the article

So now this Republican cuntface ho is going to shit all over Asians? When I think of free shitters, who don’t work hard, who don’t keep families intact, who don’t sacrifice for years to start a business with their own money …… yeah, the first group I think of are Asians.

“Sorry, Americans. You lose” ——- from the article

Yup, as long as fascist corporate whores like you have a platform reaching millions we do indeed lose. Please go hang yourself.

January 30, 2014 4:04 pm

” .. if that takes to much effort on your part, then just don’t post the fucking article.” —AWD

C’mon. Take it easy. Just copy and paste the actual link. Problem solved.

“And to the five people (and counting) that voted thumbs up to Admin’s public humiliation, BLOW ME” —–AWD

It wasn’t a public humiliation, it was a reminder, I believe a second one. You’re too sensitive on this. I voted thumbs up. Humiliating you had zero to do with it. Admin just got his certification back!! The thumbs up was a way of agreeing that he shouldn’t lose it again, and that you should try harder to remember the new way of posting. That’s all. Lighten up, Francis.

January 30, 2014 4:12 pm

What the fuck is wrong with Mexicans?

Why in fucksake would you want to be an American citizen?

—— We don’t enforce the immigration laws we have … except in a token manner.

—— You get caught, all we do is ship you back. You can sneak in anytime again.

—— You get all the free shit bennies you need without being a citizen anyway.

—— When TSHTF wouldn’t you want the freedom to go back to Mexico without being indebted to the IRS….. FOREVER???

Juan El Whatever … wanna take a shot at this?

Jackson, who wants to extend one other benefit to illegal aliens,
Jackson, who wants to extend one other benefit to illegal aliens,
January 30, 2014 4:13 pm

Providing free drivers licenses, medical care, school feeding programs, in-state college tuition, and unemployment benefits to illegal aliens apparently aren’t largess enough for the Democrat and Republican branches of the Big State party. Citizenship seems the next logical step. But did you expect anything different from your legislators who won’t listen to you about anything?

One benefit the United States should provide to illegal aliens is free housing. Illegal immigration is a crime so we kind hearted Americans and our only-too-generous Congressmen should act accordingly. Extending a grasping hand to the foreign scofflaws and then providing incarceration housing is the what’s best for wetbacks solution.

January 30, 2014 4:19 pm


January 30, 2014 4:28 pm

Say it like Scotty: “Dammit Jim, I’m a doctor, not a web designer!”

January 30, 2014 4:29 pm

No problem AWD. I get the frustrating part. Just trying to cheer you up. Really appreciate all your posts and efforts. A lot.

January 30, 2014 4:32 pm

Fuck, not Scotty, Bones!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 30, 2014 4:33 pm

We have party caucuses next week up here on the tundra. I plan on introducing a resolution as follows:

“Be it resolved that if Speaker John Boehner tosses out the ‘Hastert Rule’ as it applies to immigration/border security reform, he should immediately lose his speakership, be hung, disemboweled, drawn and quartered and cast into the bowels of Hell.”

I don’t expect it to pass, but you never know…

January 30, 2014 4:33 pm

“Francis?” ———– card802

Quoted by Sgt. Hulka in Stripes

January 30, 2014 4:45 pm

The GoP has been braindead for years. We have some doctors here, why don’t YOU remove it from life support so the rest of us can move on and try and forget all the bad memories associated with it.

January 30, 2014 5:05 pm

The simple fact is that Republicans are inbedded in DC and therefore are brain dead. They have NO fucking clue what goes on in the real world.

What part of CONSERVATIVE do they NOT understand??????????

Fucking freaks, they can all go to hell.


January 30, 2014 5:06 pm

BTW, Tito’s vodka at 4 is lovely.


January 30, 2014 5:32 pm

“The military wants illegals as they can “earn” their citizenship through military service and are thus motivated to be good soldiers and not screw up.”

Don’t think that’s true. What IS true is that you can be a foreign citizen and join the U.S. armed forces, but you first have to prove that you are a legal resident of the U.S.

It’s also true that honorable service by a foreign citizen will give you a leg up if you later apply for citizenship. I know. I wrote a letter of recommendation on behalf of a Salvadoran citizen (he worked for me when I was stationed in El Salvador) who served in the U.S. Army during the 1960s and returned to his home country. His citizenship hearing in a South Carolina court lasted about 5-10 minutes, and he flew home as a U.S. citizen.

January 30, 2014 5:38 pm

Tito, I don’y know that number, can you hum a few bars?

January 30, 2014 6:02 pm

Ron Paul was THE last chance.
Game over, doesn’t matter who drives the rusty car over the fiscal cliff. Both parties are Toonces The Driving Cat.

January 30, 2014 6:34 pm

Thanks for all you post AWD it’s very much appreciated

January 30, 2014 6:43 pm
January 30, 2014 6:49 pm

I believe It’s all part of the globalization effort. I can believe that some of the politicians don’t know bc many are empty suits. However, most are probably corrupt and as long as they get their donations and reelection, they don’t care. They’re millionaires. They will try to, and probably will, ram through the TPP agreement, and eventually there won’t be much difference between the standard of living in Mexico and in the US. Or anywhere else, that seems like they’re plan. Why pay people more for a job that can be done in Laos for $1 a day. With so many people around the world begging for a job, why not? The global supply of workers is huge, demand low. Greed is good. Hey, profits will soar…..back to justin bieber.

January 30, 2014 7:07 pm

The GoP only got away with the shit that it has for so long because most republicans are simply fucking morons. Time and time again they vote for the same assholes based on empty rhetoric because the “democrat” will be even worse and the vast majority of the time, the GoP incumbent is as bad or worse.

Israel is a perfect example. The majority of rich jews in this country contribute to the democrat party, its’ candidates and vote democrat, yet just a few bucks tossed at the GoP, mixed in with some crazy religious nonsense has completely taken over the GoP so that it is the real party of Israel and all of the baggage that comes with it (including the war on terrorism).

The GoP hasn’t done jack shit to reduce federal power since Warren Harding. It is corrupt, it is evil and it needs to just die and blow away.

January 30, 2014 9:12 pm

AWD ,you big cry baby , GET off your.lazy butt and learn how to post the articles correctly.I enjoy reading most of what you post and I am sure there are others .So
Do it for us.

January 30, 2014 9:23 pm

AWD replace ( with this <

(a href="") Click here (/a)

The a href starts the tag and the /a ends it.

You should get this

Click here

January 30, 2014 9:28 pm

<a href kate misses me Kate misses me

You put the text AFTER the url the a href tag referenced to.

January 30, 2014 9:31 pm

Kate Misses AWD

You put a parantheses in the url after .com

January 30, 2014 9:36 pm

Click view on the toolbar

Click view

Click page source [html coding]

Hit f3 enter AWD

Hit enter.

Look at the code. Your clever. You will figure it out.

January 30, 2014 10:23 pm

The Rs are about to destroy themselves. I guess they’ll get paid off nicely, but their party is dead. I’ve been an R since 1994. They’ve progressively gotten worse since 1996, when I campaigned for them, put up signs, cold-called people, and turned down a job as a precinct chairman-I was just a college kid at the time and not even local, just visiting my folks part-time. But I got to see the backstabbing, the sneaky, underhanded way they dealt with folks locally who weren’t their favorites or who didn’t completely toe their line. They perverted the city council process, which was supposed to be non-partisan, but they steered support to candidates who were on the good list and screwed others who weren’t. But that couldn’t possibly be politics in all communities, right?
Anyway, I stayed loyal until this last election when I was just too disgusted to support Robot Romney. That stinking turd was one turd too many. I hated McCain, but the other option was unthinkable. Last election, I wrote in Ron. I knew he had no chance, but 2 bad choices is no choice. Oh, and I hate how they turned their national convention into a soviet-style lock-step process for Romney, no individual thought, no debate allowed. Scumbags.

But I’m tired of having no choice-either the milktoast R picked for me or the insane D picked for me by the same interests. I don’t believe a 3rd party has any chance in hell, but I can’t just not vote, either-I was always taught that was the essence of a participatory political system.

Things may change now that the Rs are hell-bent on destroying their party. They’ll chase off their base, who will either never vote again, go 3rd party, or… vote D?

It’s sad to see how they’ve sold out so thoroughly. Watching Rubio become a turncoat after so many people got their hopes up. Watching them waffle when they could have killed BarryCare. Watching them fold like cheap suits over the budget and the debt ceiling. Watching them utterly fuck up every time they’ve got guaranteed gold in their hands and the dems are utterly handicapped. They would shoot off their own feet, just to spite the conservatives in their own party.

I guess my options are the libertarians and maybe the new whigs. I kind of liked what I read about them a year or two back, but they’re so esoteric, they’re probably less popular than the CPUSA and whatever Nazi party we may have.

January 30, 2014 10:40 pm

Gilberts, I didn’t want to get into this the other night, but I firmly believe that you have to vote for the person, not the party. There are men and women of principle (like Ron Paul) who won’t sell out to the puppeteers behind the scenes of power today. R or D doesn’t matter; they’re all subject to corruption once they get to Washington. Those that refuse to be bought, refuse to become part of the matrix are the good ones. There are some good ones who have been elected, but they get roped in and then they’re worthless. It’s up to us to keep moving them in and out until they get the point… we won’t stand with them becoming “just another pol.”

Ron Paul never gave in, although he did run as a Republican. And there are Libertarians, Independents, Greens and other minor-party candidates who are just as willing to be bought off.

That’s why the character of the person matters more than any label the system tries to slap on them.

January 30, 2014 10:52 pm

I agree-but for a long time I’ve accepted there were only 2 real options. Either vote D and get Socialism, or vote R and get Socialism Lite. Voting for the person doesn’t help if you vote for the right guy and the wrong guy wins by default. They’ve got it too sewn up to believe an upstart has a serious chance. That’s the system as it stands. This last time the stench was too strong NOT to write in.

Voting a new guy into office every few years also doesn’t send much of a message, since the same type of scum will be in line to replace him. Folks were dead certain Rubio would be their knight in shining armor until he sold them out. And remember Newt? Back in the 90s, people thought he was a pitbull-until he started talking about how persuasive Bill Klinton was. Even if you replace them after a few years, they’ve still had a chance to get in and do what the moneyed interests pay them to do. And they’re going to draw that fat pension for life. And it’s nearly impossible to beat an incumbent. The money is on an incumbent’s side from day 1.

And let’s not forget the nice, high-tech voting machines. They’re ripe for cheating. In fact, they’re so easy to cheat, the wonder is they aren’t so full of malware, extra circuits, and other tampering that they just fall apart on election day. Apparently, you can open one up to tamper with it in seconds. Last election, I remember reading there were entire districts of Philly where not one single R vote was cast.

January 30, 2014 10:56 pm

Actually, ever read/hear about Confessions of an Economic Hitman? The author explains how he went around the world making world leaders offers they couldn’t refuse. He also did a documentary where he explained how a well-dressed man would visit a politician, offer him a cigar, and explain how he had 20 million dollars to give him if he would do what he was told or else someone else would end up with the money. He also explained how CIA paramilitaries would quickly move in to find a more reliable leader to take the 20 million. These games are how the US controls the 3rd world and how so many South American leaders were replaced in the last 50 years. I find it hard to believe our own politicians don’t get a visit from some nice Mephistophelean gentleman who offers the sun and the stars or a painful exit from this world.

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
January 30, 2014 11:09 pm


I have spent years learning, besides being an A/P, and becoming an IT person.

Good Lord, how boring sitting behind a desk monitoring TCP/UDP packets.

So few know how these things, TCP/UDP packets work.

The govt, or virus defenders, such as McAffee and their process hogging programs will not defend you. They only do AFTER the fact.

Perhaps admin will, gracious host he is, allow me to dwell, boringly, how to see what is really happening in your system. And how to identify ports, and open them, become a honey-pot, if you want, that are related to your personal security though I am old and cannot guarantee timely posts

That said, anonymous, is not your political or informational protector or saviour. Anonymous, be whatever they might think as to expand your online freedom, limits it by bad behaviour.


January 31, 2014 7:09 am

Haven’t we been hearing this same story about dirty immigrants since the Irish started coming ashore in the 1850’s?

Same song. 150 years.

January 31, 2014 12:40 pm

SSS…this is what I know is true based on personal experience in the military .

You can come to this country a a foreign national….join the armed services…go through AIT training ( I was a 39E…special electronics devices repair ) graduate from AIT and then told…ah…you’re not a citizen therefore you can’t get the security clearance in order to work in this MOS ….you have the option to get out of the service ( it was a violation of their contract ) or become a truck drive etc. The 3 foreign nationals that were in my class all got out and joined their countries army…Including one Jordanian !

Methodical Man
Methodical Man
January 31, 2014 5:02 pm

Admin, you must not want advertisers or just want to turn your site into a poo flinging fest with declining viewership.

1) Would Ann Coulter appreciate posting half her article branded with an obviously racist 19th century picture above it? I would not mess with her or her message like that.

2) Would ANY advertiser appreciate their ads right beside said racist image? OK, a few would, but not any networks.

3) Why is there even a racist image here on an otherwise informative post? Do you even understand that image can be scraped and go out with your feeds? I can only figure you want the bad rep because you obviously read this one.

And right after you get back on with Google? I give it month….

January 31, 2014 5:16 pm

Methodical Man

I don’t give a fuck what you think. The image is a poster from the 1800’s depicting reality. Does reality offend you?

I also don’t give a fuck what Ann Coulter thinks. She’s a fucking shrew in my book. AWD posted her drivel.

Google guidelines were followed. Not tits and only a portion of the article was posted.

Too bad your delicate sensibilities were hurt. Go over to Huffington Post where they always play by the rules.

By the way douchebag – January was the highest visitor count in TBP history. My viewership rises every month.

Methodical Man
Methodical Man
January 31, 2014 5:37 pm

What a bunch of knee-jerk assumptive comments. As Libertarian, I do not care what you think me, the photo or Ann Coulter. I like your site and would like to see it gain even more ground, and you’d be wise to take some advice.

January 31, 2014 5:45 pm

MM, Until Ann Coulter recants her NeoCon foreign policy views, she is the enemy to me.

January 31, 2014 5:47 pm

Methodical Man

Do you contribute to this site either financially, with original articles, or more than the passing post? Probably not.

So I guess you still feel it’s you “right” to give advice. You know what they save about free advice … it’s worth exactly what it costs.

You say you read here often. I doubt it. Otherwise you would know how fucking sick and tired everone is of the “racism” charge. Or, maybe you do know, and you’re just being a jerkoff, thinking we give a flying fuck about your sensibilities.

Lastly, you just come across as a World Class Prick. I’ll bet $5 Obongobucks you’ve been told that more than once.

January 31, 2014 5:54 pm

“…you’d be wise to take some advice”. Methodical Man, take my advice and quit digging your grave. admin, on occasion, brings out the tire iron and goes to work on self-righteous dickfaces like you. proceed at your own risk.