What Would You Do for “Truth”?

What Would You Do for “Truth”?

progress truth

I closed a recent post by saying this:

If you’re not willing to suffer for your beliefs, you’re not much of a believer.

To that I will add that the statement remains true, no matter what types of beliefs we’re talking about. Either we have the guts to stand by our beliefs or we don’t. (Which is why a lot of people avoid them – they haven’t the guts to choose.) Holding to our beliefs under fire is the crucial test – not of our beliefs, but of ourselves.

Anytime you move the world forward in some way, you will receive a backlash. In a world like ours – a world neurotically devoted to stasis – that is almost unavoidable.

Have you ever noticed that when people complain about tax collectors or the police, they look around first and lower their voices? The reason why is ultra-obvious: They expect those groups to seek out and hurt people who oppose them.

Why We Suffer

In societies that dedicate themselves to law and punishment, people learn to neurotically avoid all blame. That’s the big problem with “law” – it demands that you remember tens of thousands of rules and punishes you if you fail to obey them. That leaves all of us subject to punishment at every moment of our lives. And that’s a recipe for stress and neurosis.

On top of that, people very well understand that by changing their opinions or actions, they are judging their previous choices as “bad.” And bad, of course, means that you can expect punishment.

Since everyone in a “modern society” grows up learning that changing opinions invites punishment, they come to instinctively avoid it.

What all of this means is this:

For all practical purposes, progress is grounds for punishment, and talk of progress is both suspicious and dangerous.

Yet here we are… and here all sane, healthy people are… trying to move forward.

The sad truth is this:

If you wish to progress, those people who’ve bought into the system will instantly see you as a threat and will therefore oppose you.

Sure, these people should grow up and do better, but the system has trained them in this behavior all their lives. My dad, for example, was a very bright man and definitely not a coward. But when he once asked me what I was doing that evening, I mentioned that I might attend a meeting of libertarians, and he said, “Ah, crap. You’re gonna go to jail.”

My dad may have leapt to a conclusion, but he very rightly understood that going against the status quo brings trouble.

(I didn’t actually go that night, and believe it or not, I’ve only attended one or two official libertarian meetings ever.)

The Price We Must Pay

As I say, in the current situation, moves forward will be opposed, and that means you’ll have to accept pain. That sucks, but it doesn’t suck worse than the alternative, which is a neutered stasis in a permanent semi-slavery.

And please don’t think you can avoid the pain and still make any meaningful progress. What’s going on when we move forward is that we suffer for our virtues. The only way to avoid that is to turn away from those virtues. And that means diminishing ourselves.

Don’t do it – your life is worth more than that.

We may as well accept that we’re enemies of the status quo, and our lives therefore involve risk.

Anyone who is serious about goodness becomes an enemy of the system. Anyone who is serious about liberty is already an enemy of the system. We can either accept that or evade that, but it will not go away.

If we accept it, we make ourselves better and we eventually make the world better.

If we evade it, we degrade ourselves and we degrade the world.

Let’s choose not to be harmless serfs. We’re so much better than that.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 31, 2014 10:27 am

Solid post. To sum up: You get hit more & a lot harder when you carry the ball. Unfortunately, there are not very many of us out there, and somebody needs to score the damn touchdowns against these evil men that have stolen our Country.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
January 31, 2014 10:30 am

By the way, this is what happens when hard nosed Americans get involved in politics. I know this asshole, I fought this asshole, my Arizona buddies beat this asshole. And he went down without a fight, all in the name of a bigger retirement. http://azstarnet.com/news/state-and-regional/gop-leader-steps-down-citing-time-demands-and-tea-party/article_a2604e94-876d-51cf-9a7d-2c48ac8e8ac7.html#.UukgtIjdsZE.email

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
January 31, 2014 10:47 am

I believe we are screwed.

Therefore, I suffer.

January 31, 2014 11:17 am

Suffering is for pussies.

Real men and women seek only pleasure.

Pirate Jo
Pirate Jo
January 31, 2014 11:47 am

Why Stucky,

You hedonistic libertine. I agree with you completely.

It still sucks that we are screwed, but I am getting used to the idea. It’s like lower back pain – it still bothers me once in a while, but not as much as it used to.

Time to go think about bacon.

January 31, 2014 11:50 am

“If you’re not willing to suffer for your beliefs, you’re not much of a believer.”
—————- from the article

100% true.

HOWEVER, do you know what Real Believers are? I’ll tell you; close minded.

In the thread “Real State of the Union” platoplubius insists that EVERYONE who doesn’t keep an open mind about literally ANYTHING is a dangerous person. His pal matslinger believes every cockamamie conspiracy under the sun. They are very very open-minded. But would they, or anyone, suffer or die for those beliefs? Of course, not.

On the other extreme you have Die Hard True Believers, for example, religious folks, ANY religious folks; Mooslim, Christian, Joo, that fat guy Bhudda, whatever …… these folks are ALWAYS ready to die for their beliefs. Are they open-minded? Of course, not. Ever try to convert one? Damn near impossible. “I believe what I believe and that settles it.”

Bottom Line: Ya can’t be both willing to die for your beliefs AND be open minded. It’s like oil and water, that shit just don’t mix.

Then again, maybe that’s NOT a bad thing. We all have a knee-jerk kick-in-the-gut reaction to being called “close minded”. It’s possibly the worst insult ever. “Yeah, OK, I suck diseased donkey dick, but don’t call me close-minded!!!!!”

Okey Dokey, sure, fine, and all that. But the article title is “What would you do for truth” …. and the author says you must be willing to suffer for it ………and while that does answer the “do?” question ……….. it answers exactly NOTHING regarding HOW to get to the truth. As for me, answering that question is much more important than being willing to die because I was so close-minded that I never discovered it. .

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 31, 2014 11:54 am

In an empire of lies truth is treason. BC-LR to all

January 31, 2014 1:00 pm

Cop supports the Constitution, TSA makes him pay: http://www.usaprepares.com/government-corruption-2/tsa-harasses-shane-harger-constitutional-chief-of-police-usaprpepares-com-instructor-chief-and-entire-olice-department-wrongfully-fired

Police Chief Shane Harger of the Jemez Springs, NM Police Department was placed on administrative leave and ordered to disband his police department today.

Harger returned from the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association Convention on Monday, January 27, 2014 with a sense of knowing that, he as well as 38 other peace officers, shared the commitment to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from enemies both foreign and domestic. He and the other 38 men and women signed the Resolution of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (see below).

The following morning, Harger was informed by Sheriff Douglas C. Wood of Sandoval County, New Mexico, that Harger was to dismantle the Jamez Springs Police Department.

January 31, 2014 1:54 pm

Sure is nice not seeing any posts by matslinger.

January 31, 2014 5:24 pm

Matslinger ,Stucky you kiss my ass you big ape.

February 1, 2014 3:01 am

Damn Stucky, did run matslinger off? I missed whatever led to that. It must have been bad for you to declare him the new village idiot. I disagree with that btw but there’s no arguing with da judge.