LLPOH – If I Were King

If I were king, I would do the following. I am sure it would be a disaster, and I have not given these royal decrees the many months of deliberation they deserve. They just sound good over a nice bottle of scotch. These decrees would result in great immediate pain for many – too bad for them. Glad I am king and can exempt myself from any pain they may cause.
There would be incalculable unintended consequences. Some I do not know how I would implement – I would leave those minor details to the poor minions who would have to do the implementing. I believe that it would bring forward the collapse that is inevitable, but might well minimize the total pain. I would, in no particular order:
– Eliminate public unions

– Eliminate government funded retirement schemes for public servants

– Eliminate all corporate taxes

– Eliminate payroll taxes, including social security. And hence ultimately eliminate social security.

– Require everyone to self-fund retirement

– Eliminate food stamps, and implement mobile food banks distributing the necessities of life – rice, beans, flour, powdered milk, etc.

– Implements Sheriff Arapaio’s prison program everywhere

– Immediately expel all illegals

– Eliminate the anchor baby rule

– Eliminate signs in Spanish, or classes taught in Spanish, etc.

– Remove all military from conflict, save in events of invasion that threaten world war

– Implement a flat tax from dollar 1 of earnings, at say 20% or 25%

– Eliminate all personal tax deductions, save for charitable contributions

– Limit maximum wages that a company can pay an employee, say to perhaps $5 million
– Require schools be in session year around

– Require concentration on math, English and science in school

– Stop funding non-essential university courses – ie. the arts, etc. would need to self-fund

– Require teachers to pass exams in order to teach

– Change OHS laws to reflect general societal risk, instead of being much more rigorous as they are now

– Severely punish nations that allow dumping or theft of intellectual property

– Require a balanced budget

– Eliminate farm subsidies

– Reduce the number of Congresscritters by half

– Limit public servant salaries to national average wage

– Disallow voting for public servants

– Eliminate all gun laws

– Require banks to hold appropriate reserves

– Eliminate capital gain tax rates and charge at personal tax rates

– Implement corporal punishment for certain crimes – graffiti, theft, etc.

– Require national service for all 18 year olds

– Require anyone receiving government assistance to work for such assistance

– Eliminate political donation by any group, and limit the amount any individual can donate to say $100 total per year

– Make Congressional/Senate terms say 5 years, with no re-election

– Eliminate executive orders

What other things should/can be done? What would other kings do?

And I am sure that many, many holes can be shot in my decrees. I am a benevolent king, so I will hear all complaints. You need not fear retribution. Really.

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February 18, 2014 6:14 am

I would support a flat tax of 9% on all incomes from $10,000 up, but nothing like 20%. 20% is confiscatory in the low income brackets.

If we eliminated ALL deductions, we would collect much more money from more people at a very low tax rate, than we do now with current brackets. Not only would people who borrow little or nothing to buy houses, and elsewise do not incur “deductable” expenses not be forced to subsidize the behaviors of others, but we could most of all dispense with the machinery of tax calculation and collection. The IRS budget and workforce could be reduced by 75%.

February 18, 2014 7:03 am

Apologies if I missed it but first and foremost should be the elimination of central banks. That in and of itself would take care of most of the other items on your list with little or no effort. Public stoning until dead should be implemented for anyone who mentions central banking in any kind of positive way. Anyone caught with written plans or conspiring to create a central bank should be fed to Stoneciphers dogs…..alive!

I would go with a flat sales tax on everything and eliminate all other taxes. The more you spend, the more you pay. Donations to charity would not be taxed.

February 18, 2014 7:03 am

King , is that all? You want to be Emperor but you would probability end up like Caligula.

February 18, 2014 7:07 am
February 18, 2014 7:44 am

How about backing our currency with a tangible asset rather than an IOU.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

Ban Keynesian economics from being taught or practiced.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

Dismantle all federal departments.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

No more government student loans.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

Dismantle the ACA.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

Dismantle the NSA.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

Allow banks and corporations to fail, not bail them out.

Devise a hot woman grading system and allow public nudity for only hot women.

February 18, 2014 7:46 am

You left out profit sharing. How is anyone supposed to “self-fund retirement”. Oh, yeah, life expectancy will be a lot shorter with no worker protection, just work until you drop dead. Gee, that’s what we have now

What you don’t understand, or maybe you do, is your life could end today. Are you born again of God’s spirit? Are you saved? Is Jesus your Lord, and do you believe God raised him from the dead? If you answered yes, then you have eternal life, and the days we spend on this earth pale in comparison to what God has in store for us for all eternity.

The Devil has other plans, which we see coming to fruition more each day. I choose life.

February 18, 2014 8:27 am

Plan on guarding the borders with the troops brought home. Implementing these changes would be the beginning of heaven-on-earth and every one else would want in.

harry p.
harry p.
February 18, 2014 8:43 am

some of those are great, gun laws, SS, anchor baby for which I say YAY!
some are ok like food stamp stuff, school requirements (govt should not be involved iwth school at all) and cutting of congress critters (i would just prefer the 17 amendment be repealed), signs in spanish for which i say MEH…
and some like Sheriff Arapaio’s prisons, conscription/service for 18 yo’s, I say BOOOO, OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!
where do you address the Banksters, Federal Reserve?

but the last one I have to say “HUH”, isn’t the list you came up with nothing more than a list of “executive orders”. I guess it isn’t 100% illogical as long as that is the final decree so no futher changes can be made

Personally if I would be King/President (because nowadays that really is the same thing)
-Abolish the Fed, Income Tax and IRS, every Federal Reserve and IRS worker would be required to walk through the 30 Blocks of Squalor each dragging 500 lbs of FRN’s wearing nothing but a t-shirt that says “I Hate Niggers, Whatcha Gunna Do “Bout It Monkey?”
-End all Alphabet Agencies (DEA, CIA, Dept of Ed, Dept of Energy and so on)
-All troops come home and bases are closed
-End all gun laws (every god damn single one of them)
-Require all police officers to take an IQ test, passing requires a min score of 110, they become “Bobbies” and no longer carry firearms, they have zero special rights, no union and any act unlawful act would be treated teh same as every one else (example, wrongful arrest would become kidnapping).
-I would establish a joyous holiday for Abraham Lincoln where facts about his tyranncial reign would be read publicly. It would be celebrated on April 14th.
-all secret service/protection details for any govt official would cease immediately
-All school/property taxes would be made illegal
-eliminate all govt assistance of any kind, teh “assistance” can only be funded by govt stealing money thru taxes and enforced by thugs. but those taxes no longer exist and the enforcers that remain are the only people barred from having a firearm.
-All climate change propagandists would be shipped to Antartica indefinitely. They can return when they come back with true objective evidence taht it is in fact happening, humans are causing it as well as a solution. Or opening admit they are lying scheming frauds adn anthropomorohic global warming/climate change is fruadulous money and power transfer scheme.

I expect that I would have trouble making much legway through this list before there are an uprising in which I was disemboweled, hung, drawn and quartered by the very angry FSA

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February 18, 2014 8:50 am

I like your kingship up to the point of the national service bullshit.Why institute kids into a servitude of stupid unless they specifically want to piss away several years of there lives saluting inferiors and graveling before assholes? But all in all , long live the King!

BTW, good article on immigration here.First you lose your culture,next you country.

I’ve spent my life in financial journalism—it offered some protection against the Left! But even I was amazed, when I started the researching for what ultimately led up to my 1995 book Alien Nation, to find that the consensus—the consensus—among academic economists was that immigration was of no significant aggregate economic benefit to the native-born.

It offers no significant fiscal benefits—in other words, it won’t save Social Security or the welfare state in general.

It may boost economic growth, but that’s essentially all captured by the immigrants themselves.

In other words, there is no real economic case for immigration.

For some amazing reason, this academic consensus simply had not influenced public debate.

And it’s still not influenced public debate—nearly twenty years later. But it’s been replicated across the First World—see, for example, the House of Lords report in 2008. The Economic Impact of Immigration, April 1, 2008..

Or the OECD report International Migration Outlook 2013. (They call it migration, like it’s birds flying around).

So what this means is that the First World is being transformed for nothing.

There is something even more striking about the technical economic debate. In every developed economy that has been studied, we find that the overall economic benefits of immigration to the native-born are nugatory, but what doesn’t seem to be widely grasped, even among economists, is that, although the overall economic benefits are nugatory, it does cause a redistribution of income among the native-born—because of its marginal impact on wages.

In the U.S. it is estimated that about 2-3 percent of GDP has been transferred from labor to capital, and that is a big number—in a $16 trillion economy, 2-3 percent is about $300-$450 billion.

This explains the ferocity of the current debate in the U.S. Businesses are pouring money trying to push through a bill which will not simply provide Amnesty but will also double or triple legal immigration. That’s an enormous windfall profit to the owners of capital, people like Mark Zuckerberg.

What we are looking at is a possible looting of the American economy very similar to the looting of the Russian economy that took place when the Soviet Union collapsed, albeit aimed at income rather than assets, by just changing the terms of trade.

So the immigration debate really in some ways is a posthumous vindication of Karl Marx. It can be explained in crude class terms.

The people who are opposed to immigration and who suffer from it are the working classes. But who cares about them? That’s what it comes down to. Certainly not the Labour Party or the liberals in the U.S.

What’s going on here is rent-seeking by the owners of capital. Obviously, no libertarian can support that. More broadly, of course, it’s what Hans-Herman Hoppe has called “forced integration.” The host populations oppose this social engineering transformation. It’s universally a project of government elites.

February 18, 2014 8:53 am

Llpoh, Is this your platform? Hope we can believe in?

Card, your delirious.

February 18, 2014 9:10 am

If you eliminated executive orders, you better make it your last because there is no other way you could issue your previous decrees without it and once done, methinks you would regret that decision and rescind it.

I do recognize that issuing an executive order banning executive orders is very Monty Pythonesque.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 18, 2014 9:11 am

I was for Llpoh until I saw Card802’s platform. Llpoh’s platform could probably be voted into effect tomorrow if we could have two simple and reasonable conditions for voting: a $5 poll tax and a simple numeracy test. If you can’t answer 8X9 and if voting isn’t worth more than a happy meal, you shouldn’t get to vote.

February 18, 2014 9:24 am

I like many of your ideas, I don’t think that compulsory service is a good thing. I enjoyed my time in the service and would like more people to be willing to do it, but entrusting my life to the unwilling is not something I’d enjoy. More than that, if there are not enough people who care enough about their country to defend it, or believe strongly enough in a war to fight it, then the war probably shouldn’t happen. Just my opinion.

February 18, 2014 10:41 am

If the petro-dollar ends, the American way of life will be something that will be destroyed.

The inflation will be over 100% because Americans are getting their lifestyle subsidized by the rest of the world.

This is a very complicated issue… but to be summed up quickly, the world has already started trading commodities and oil, not in the petro-dollar.

And if the petro-dollar finally does die, the American way of life is gone.

LLPOH a massive die off would occur if your plan was implemented, half this country can’t feed itself. Millions of worthless free shit army Dimocrats would die off. Wait …….let’s do it……great idea.

It’s going to happen anyway, the petro dollar is dying. WAR is on the way, fourth turnings are bloody, this one will be no different.

February 18, 2014 10:47 am


If you King, you would only be King for a day. The next day you would become Dictator. You know it’s true.

They say you can’t run a country like you do a business. If that’s true you would be a king like that Midas fellow.

February 18, 2014 11:03 am

To all.reptilian Meatheads that give me a thumbs down it is apparent that you don’t know history.In order from.Lipoh to implement those into law he would have to have the powers of a dictator or an.emperor.He would have to take away all the free shit from everyone including corporations.That would piss off a lot of very powerful people who would then take revenge.LEARN YOUR HISTORY MEATHEADS of the TBP.

February 18, 2014 11:54 am

Its a solid list thanks for putting it out there. Lets vote on it!!! Ha, no vote for us plebs, oh well, still makes you a benevolent king IMO. Indentured Servant brought up a key point, if the central bank stays, your ability to govern will be hobbled, at least judging by recent experience and historical evidence.
Your point is powerful and could make lloph’s decrees moot or could be the needed catalyst for change. Loss of Petro Dollar standard could reduce all of the minor squabbles were dealing with now, to childish bickering over last cookies. Still his exercise is productive and his list encouraging, the problems addressed are current and real. Regardless of collapse its time for a more equitable, meritorious, democratic, dispersion of power and governance. Perhaps loss of king dollar will create the vacuum that will allow some of these ideas to become policy. God knows there certainly is no chance of any of them happening now, especially the more trans-formative points.

February 18, 2014 11:59 am

A pretty solid list, I would change a few out but overall I like it.

February 18, 2014 1:57 pm

eliminate income tax and go back to what the founding fathers intended

February 18, 2014 2:36 pm

‘There would be incalculable unintended consequences”

Looking at your list, all the changes would be for the better. That list is just a matter of sanity, of which this country currently has ZERO. Well done, you’d get my vote. Fuck the moochers, the parasites, the criminals in Washington, the freeloaders, the FSA, the 30 million union government drones. Fuck ’em with a hot poker.

February 18, 2014 2:56 pm

All I could hear while I was reading this was “If I was king of the forrreeeeesst!!!” Sung by the cowardly lion from Wizard of Oz. No reflection on the author of the original post!
My thoughts:

I agree with many, but certainly not all, of your decrees, oh mighty king.

Corporal punishment for certain crimes:
My issue with this is the meting out of said punishment. There is no way to accurately gauge the severity from one punisher to the next. And, physical punishment such as this can often backfire. Who decides the amount of lashes? Which portion of the body?

Immediately expel all illegals:
People who were brought here by their parents when they were very young, say under 12, have no means or ties to their country of origin. This would be useless and cruel. Many may not even speak the language. Eliminating anchor babies would solve the problem within a generation.

Severely punish nations that allow dumping or theft of intellectual property:
That would require, in many instances, the involvement of the military (what you in another decree didn’t want) and prove darn nigh impossible to implement or prove. Waste of resources.

The others look pretty good. However, once the corrupt implementers of said decrees get involved, all bets are off. We had, once upon a time, the best government possible. It was screwed up by only one group: US. I believe we have most likely passed the point of no return and are now on a one-way bullet train to a national, if not global, enema. Such is the way history works. We are not unique, and are doomed to repeat history.

February 18, 2014 3:10 pm

There are other decrees I forgot to put in. Damned if I can remember them now.

Re mandatory service, it works pretty well for the Swiss. It would be my intention to move away from standing army to a militia. To do that, folks need to be trained. Plus there is nothing wrong with requiring everyone to provide service to their country, in my opinion. While in their year of service, they could do good public work – work in national parks, assist with public projects, etc. i am not drafting them to war – just to provide a year of service to their country. Plus, it would do them good, by and large. Physical training. Learn to shoot. Learn to live away from home. Self reliance. Etc. it was not meant to be for several years, as flash assumed.

I put little in there re banks as I know little of that system.

Re the tax stuff I mentioned, it would eliminate almost entirely two totally non-productive sectors. There would be no need for tax accountants or tax lawyers. And who would need an IRS.

I see nonanonymous reared his idiocy again. I guess he thinks people are too stupid to be responsible for themselves. If folks cannot learn to take care of themselves, too bad for them. If they want profits, they can start a business. But that is too difficult for him to grasp.

A couple other decrees

– stop all foreign aid
– charitable contributions deductible only for local charity
– a heavy tax on interest earned by business would need to be devised to prevent hoarding of cash over long periods as a means for the rich to avoid indefinitely declaring dividend income. They need to reinvest the cash, thus creating growth, or take it out as income. I do not have the details worked out.

This was meant as a bit of fun and light entertainment.

February 18, 2014 3:14 pm

Dumping and theft of intellectual property can be dealt with simply by refusing to accept any goods or services whatsoever from those countries. Or from countries that deal with them. It would be short term painful but it would work.

February 18, 2014 3:32 pm

“Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be KING, and the KING isn’t satisfied till he rules everything”

All Hail King Llpoh

February 18, 2014 4:49 pm

You need a decree that prohibits any public monies for babies born out of wedlock.

February 18, 2014 4:54 pm

AWD – I would abdicate soon enough. I do not need power or glory. A nice sunset accomanied by mu alcoholic beverage du jour in the company of my family is more than enough for me. Well, that and a nice steak or two to grill up afterwards. My needs are relatively simple. Not cheap necessarily, but simple. Who needs the headache that comes with power? Not me.

February 18, 2014 5:00 pm

Gayle – along with a decree disallowing public money for anyone who drops out of school, and anyone ever convicted of a felony.

Harry – what is wrong with Arapaio’s prisons? They are cheap to run, and no one wants to go back in. Which is the whole point. I am for punishment, and care little for rehabilitation. Call me old fashioned that way.

Re administering corporal punishment, a simple device could be designed to swing the 6 foot cane. And a standard punishment of say 3 or 6 lashes for the crimes described. That would be more than enough.

February 18, 2014 5:08 pm

I’d vote for King Llpoh. Oh! Wait! There’s no voting? Darn. This political stuff is so complicated.

February 18, 2014 5:14 pm

A major problem is that the people that are kings, emperors, presidents, etc. are people that actually want and strive for the job. As a result they are not really interested in doing the job, but rather want the power, glory, and benefits that come with it. It tends to be an “an all you can steal” type gig, and steal they do. Ever heard of a poor dictator?

February 18, 2014 5:56 pm

llpoh, love the compulsory service idea! Besides training as a militia etc it would go a long way towards broadening peoples horizons. Most of the low life scum in this country live in the same ten square block area they were born in. I would move those serving compulsory service around once or twice to show them just how big and beautiful this country is and to show them that opportunity abounds beyond “the hood”. I think this was one of the greatest follow on effects of WWII.

February 18, 2014 6:07 pm

T.Russevelt woulda’ took you down notch ..would be king…phttt…..injuns getting mighty uppity..

“In 1886 Roosevelt criticized Native Americans, stating: “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian.”In 1886 Roosevelt criticized Native Americans, stating: “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. The most vicious cowboy has more moral principle than the average Indian.”

The Timely McKinley Assassination

February 18, 2014 7:31 pm

Hmmm. An interesting post (“meant as a bit of fun and light entertainment” explains LLPOH in a comment in the thread) and interesting comments from readers.

Not one person questioned King LLPOH on fundamental individual liberties (freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, etc) guaranteed by the Constitution. N.O.T. O.N.E. P.E.R.S.O.N.

What happened to our liberties? LLPOH doesn’t explain, and no one bothered to ask. I just did.

And I’ve been hit with every political slur possible on this site, from Nazi, to fascist, to jack-booted government drone, to a booger-eating spy (ok, that one was pretty funny). But I’ve never lost faith in the wisdom of our Constitution and have defended it many times here. Including now.

February 18, 2014 7:44 pm

SSS – well, I did return the right to keep and bear arms. I did suggest returning to a system where there is not legalized theft from one person to support another, which is no where to be found in the Constitution. I did suggest returning to a militia and reducing the standing army.

Those rights you mentioned are enshrined i the Constitution. The one right I would amend is the right to petition. That right has transformed into the right to lobby. And the right to lobby has transformed into the right for secret rich people/entities to donate extreme amounts of money to political entities/politicians, and so effectively buy votes. I would eliminate that – only individuals can donate money, and I would cap it. I would make it illegal to hire someone to lobby for you. Companies can petition, but would not allow them to donate money.

I firmly believe petitioning is different than lobbying.

Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 18, 2014 7:51 pm

These are by and large the same things I would do if I was king.

I would also rebel against this king. He sounds like a jerk.

February 18, 2014 8:04 pm

The king is a jackass for sure. When are you gonna post your article, Punk? Also, you never answered my questions about how you are doing and how your business is going. Glad you are hanging around.

February 18, 2014 8:15 pm

I forgot to revisit Chicago’s post, where she suggested 9% tax rate. The total of all wages paid in the US is around $6 or $7 trillion. Currently, the US spends what, $3 trillion per year. At 9% the US would collect around $600 billion in taxes per year.

I do not think, even with all the things I might cut out, that $600 billion will cut it. A twenty percent rate, commencing from dollar 1, would generate Around $1.2 to $1.4 trillion. There is a chance that fed expenditures could be cut that far. But it would be initially a brutal excercise indeed.

But the growth of productive jobs would be enormous, in my opinion, and non-productive jobs would die off by the millions. The country does not need tax accountants, tax lawyers, IRS agents, etc.

It would be painful for those that are beaurocrats, but it would turn the economy into a productive one. Also, a fair few jobs would free up by ejecting the illegals.

I reject outright the position of those that say how unfair it is that young illegals that have lived in the US be ejected. That is the fault of their parents. To pass responsibility for their actions onto others is ridiculous. It will not be fun for them, but it is not my fault.

We need to return to the realm of personal responsibility, and to not take action because we continue to assume responsibility for others is illogical.

February 18, 2014 9:06 pm
February 18, 2014 9:08 pm
February 18, 2014 9:09 pm
February 18, 2014 10:28 pm


I was not taking a shot at you or your post. I agree with many of your “edicts,” but not all.

The main point of my 7:31 pm comment above was to point out to my legion of so-called liberty loving critics that THEY fell short in spotting the lack of any mention of the protection of personal liberties in your list of kingly edicts. They love to jump in my shit because of my views on illegal drugs, but when it comes to missing the forest for the trees, they’re too busy staring at leaves.

February 18, 2014 10:31 pm

SSS – No problemo. I was not intending to stomp on Constitutional liberties. I would change the one re lobbying, as times are now so far changed as that one, with respect to campaign doations and big entity influence, has resulted in massive corruption.

February 18, 2014 10:44 pm

These guys don’t sound like libertarians, years ago they would have been called Birchers (JBS).

February 19, 2014 12:33 am

King SSS’s edicts:

1. Abolish the Department of Education.

2. Abolish the EPA.

3. Abolish the National Forest Service and return all lands to the states.

4. Abolish the Energy Department.

Problem solved. Republic saved. You’re welcome for my wisdom.

February 19, 2014 11:05 am

Maybe this post should be what should be done after the failure. Not sure with the current political situation if there is a saving.

February 19, 2014 11:24 am

King Zara says,

“First the verdict, then the trial!”

February 19, 2014 3:01 pm

Illpoh, I believe we could reduce our expenditures, by increments, to under $600B if we did the following.

Some reductions would be immediate and others would be incremental.

Candidates for steep reduction or total elimination:
1. Housing and Urban Development – total elimination
2. All housing subsidies, from Section 8 to FHA loans to “implied” government backing for Fannie and Freddie backed loans, to HAMP, to HUD loans for large multifamily construction, and any other housing assistance I forgot or don’t know about- total elimination
3. All bailouts or back door assistance of any description for the nation’s banks- total elimination. If the bank is insolvent, put it under SIPC and protect depository (savings and checking accounts) up to any amount by moving them to smaller, solvent banks and credit unions, which can be done in a day.
4. Department of Education- total elimination.
5. Dept of Labor- total elimination
6. Homeland Security- total elimination
7. Bureau of Reclamation- total elimination- if a state or a locality wants to build and maintain dams and aquaducts in the middle of deserts, they can do it on their own dime
8. Dept of Transportation- 50% reduction, with goal of total elimination within 5 years
9. “Defense” spending (i.e. empire building and maintenance) reduce by 50%. We need to return to the Eisenhower Minimum. Close most of the 1000 bases we maintain abroad, if not all. Demand complete accountability from all defense contractors- we need to justify obscene cost overruns for systems that work badly or don’t work at all. End our useless wars of aggression.
10. IRS- reduce budget by 50% for starters. That dept. won’t need even half its staff or budget if we have a 9% flat tax. Maybe not even 20% of what it now commands.

All of the above is just to start. I’ll be back with more, but lunch hour is nearly over.

February 19, 2014 5:51 pm

llpoh: Flights of fancy are fun take now and then, aren’t they!


Punk in Drublic
Punk in Drublic
February 19, 2014 6:43 pm

LLPOH, Your’re right. I’m a jerk.

Business is about the same. I lose a customer, I pick one up. I go through minor fits of organization… I’m not trying hard enough, I know this. I can manage myself in the daily work half of it, but the business half of running the operation is still more of a “seat of my pants” kind of system.

The little voice of LLPOH the business man in my head has not been happy with me. Lets put it that way.

Personally, I’m really great. Got a girlfriend who is just great. A total bleeding heart liberal. English teacher. Frightfully smart. A very mean editor. I’m back on the farm, living in the 200+ year old farmhouse, freezing my arse off. Deliberating with myself on whether I can raise a family AND fix this place up. Or if I even want to try. Its quite an overwhelming prospect…

February 19, 2014 6:54 pm

Chicago – the savings you identify are as follows:

Dept of Housing 46 billion
Education $71 billion
Labor $102 billion
Homeland Security $55 billion
Transportation 98 billion times 1/2 = $49 billion
Defense $672 time 1/2 = $336 billion
IRS 11 billion times 1/2 = $6 billion
Reclamation $1 billion
Bailouts, etc? Not in the budget per se, I suspect.

Total savings you have identified: Approx. $660 billion, vs a budget of almost $3 trillion. If you eliminate Medicare/medicaid, and SS, you can get that up another $1.8 trillion.

So, Chicago, if you totally eliminate SS, Medicare, Medicaid, and the departments you have specified, you can get the budget down to $600 billion. But if you exempt the first $10,000 by approx. 150 million people, your 9% rate will not cover that $600 billion. It will only generate around $450 billion in revenue.

To entirely eliminate SS/Medicare/Medicaid is some pretty tough love. Probably needs to be done. But wow, there will be some serious screaming, rioting, killing, etc. to go with.

February 19, 2014 6:58 pm

Punk – glad you are on your feet personally. It had to be very difficult for you. Re business, that you are still hanging in there is great. It is difficult, as you say. Doubly so when you have had to deal with other issues.

You must be quite torn re the farm – you must be extremely attached to it, but conflicted re the cost and maintenance of it.

You need to get your new gal to come post. Wait til she gets a load of me. She will think someone lit her hair on fire.

I really have missed you. So glad to see you.