I really didn’t want to post this, its so sad, but the information has to be spread, in an effort to help curb this kind of deplorable behavior.

This is a continuation of the story posted here:…

After weeks of accusations, the public is now getting the chance to see a video that was taken the night a local man died in police custody.

Nair Rodriguez, Luis Rodriguez’s wife, said from the beginning her husband was beaten by police.

On Tuesday, her attorney’s office released the video, allowing everyone to decide for themselves what happened to him.

In the video, Nair Rodriguez is heard calling for her husband to tell her if he’s okay.

However, he did not answer.

Watch video here:…

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Jackson, on asserting "I have my rights,"
Jackson, on asserting "I have my rights,"
February 25, 2014 8:59 pm

For more than three decades I sometimes reviewed police-citizen contacts. This was in a county/major city area with a population now of 170,000/70,000. Over those years I saw cop-citizen contacts become more confrontational. Mostly, I think, it was because of pushy police. Good Old Boy cops with a social conscience were replaced by Gung-Ho Gooks with a confrontive attitude. Resisting Arrest and Disobeying a Police Officer cites/arrests sky-rocketed. A few folks got cop-killed too. Fortunately most, but sadly not all, were trash. But counts or no accounts, none deserved being offed by a cop.

I tell my kids and others, if you’re stopped by the police, put your hands on the steering wheel and then it’s yes-sir, no-sir after that. You may think you have rights but don’t push it; cops think otherwise.

February 25, 2014 11:25 pm

Why the down comment ratings? He is giving advice to survive a police encounter. Being middle class used to help too but not for long. I do see these guys go way overboard and wonder if they are on roid rage. I going off the handle when good training should reduce the need to do this. All for now.

February 25, 2014 11:40 pm

“However, he says the officers did not use excessive force based on his knowledge of police procedure.” ———- from the article

Innocent man killed — no, MURDERED — and there was no excessive force. Uh-huh.

“We are still waiting on the medical examiner’s report to be finalized. The medical examiner’s office said it could be several weeks before that happens.”

If a pigfuk dies (yea!!!) you get the report in a day or two. I guess they need “several weeks” to doctor up the report.

Some people count sheep to fall asleep. I count dead copfuks.

February 25, 2014 11:41 pm

You can tell from the way the cop who talks to her first that he knows the guy is dead. Anyone trained in interview technique can hear it in his voice. And he does all the stuff you would expect him to… he reassures, then starts to distract her — including asking her about her disagreement with her daughter, to get her mind focused on that and the anger instead of watching how her husband is just sitting there, not breathing or responding to the medics. The phone is focused on the ground, even once they stop trying to block direct shots at Luis. She finally notices he’s dead when they load his limp body on the stretcher and freaks out.

This has to stop.

February 25, 2014 11:49 pm

The easiest way to avoid being killed by copfuks is to invite them to do it. Tell them calmly, “shoot me, you’ll be doing me a favor.” They are trained in how to deal with this. You will most likely end up spending a night in jail on suicide watch and probably an hour or two with a “counselor” but you won’t be physically harmed, and with no other charges, be released the next day.

Learn the insanity of the system and you can benefit from it.

February 26, 2014 12:11 am

Yo fuq! Nobody in da 30 blocks gets offed by da po-po….. Take uh tip from Rodney ad his niggas.

Support you local po-po……take care o’ they needs….. an’ dey’ll he`p you out…..cuz it helps dem out

just like yo mammy duz you..

February 26, 2014 8:13 am

This shit is happening everywhere. These fuckers are totally outta control. They are afraid to go into really bad neighborhoods because of “officer safety” or some such rot. They have plenty of time to hide in the bushes with their radar guns and give citizens a ticket for “5 over”. The time will come, probably sooner than later, when these Pieces of Shit will look to the citizens for support. It’ll be time for a great big “FUCK YOU”

February 26, 2014 8:22 am

It looks to me like the dude had a heart attack.

February 26, 2014 8:59 am

Also, what’s up with the pigfuk demanding the lady show her ID??? “Show me you papers, bitte!!”

You want my ID? Here’s my ID you copfuk.
[imgcomment image[/img]

February 26, 2014 9:58 am

You guys would be so proud.

Yesterday my wife went out for lunch with friends at a local sandwich shop. It turns out its owned by a retired cop, and is frequented by cops.

The food was ok, but she hated his fucking cop attitude, being looked down on, being hit on, and his fucking cop friends too.

Now I just need her to swap the order of “fuck” and “cop” and voila! A TBP poster!

On topic: Unlike V for Vendetta its going to take a lot more than a cute little girl in glasses getting mowed down by LEO.

February 26, 2014 10:38 am

Zara said “The easiest way to avoid being killed by copfuks is to invite them to do it. Tell them calmly, “shoot me, you’ll be doing me a favor.” They are trained in how to deal with this. You will most likely end up spending a night in jail on suicide watch and probably an hour or two with a “counselor” but you won’t be physically harmed, and with no other charges, be released the next day.”

Zara…that’s the dumbest thing I’ve read. in a long time. Do that and you could lose your right to own a gun…FOREVER .

February 26, 2014 11:17 am

I am present at a couple dozen police take downs a year. I have never witnessed cops take an individual to the ground who’s compliant and reasonable. If an individual is non compliant and resists they go to the ground everytime. In my area when a cop is called some fucking idiot is out of control everytime. Go ride a shift with an inner city cop, they deal with the craziest people on earth.
Were they justified in taking this guy to the ground, I have no idea, but someone called the cops related to the fact the situation was out of control.

February 26, 2014 11:31 am

“I have never witnessed cops take an individual to the ground who’s compliant and reasonable.”
———— Sensetti

We must live in different countries.

February 26, 2014 12:22 pm

Stucky I am telling you what I see with my own eyes.

harry p.
harry p.
February 26, 2014 12:23 pm


you obviously don’t live in the USSA, i just read about a guy being tackled and assaulted by 4 pigfuks because he didn’t listen to them whiel they were barking commands behind him. except the man was deaf and when he saw them he tried to use sign language, they decided this was an aggressive action and assaulted him. he tried to get space between him and them so he could continue signing. this resulted in 4 fat fucks on top of him, tasering him and beating him unconscious.
and compliance is for dogs and slaves,
copfuks are supposed to be “public servants”, if anything they are supposed to be the dogs in that analogy
fuck all copfuks, pigfuks and copsuckers.

harry p.
harry p.
February 26, 2014 12:26 pm

i think i found why you don’t see pigfuks abusing people who are compliant and reasonable
[imgcomment image[/img]

you’re welcome

February 26, 2014 12:38 pm

Harry are you calling me a liar

harry p.
harry p.
February 26, 2014 12:40 pm

ultimately the copfuks are going to be the owners of their own destruction because there will be a point in time where their presence will be treated differently than it is now. people for the most part are terrified but once the norm is to be killed by them people are going to react differently, as in this clip from the movie “Children of Men”
(jump to the 3 min mark)

and when it starts no tears will be shed by people who recognize how horrible, dishonorable and fascist those piles of pig feces are. (no offense to pig feces)

i would like to know how the man died, if i had to guess it was from not being able to breathe, 1200 lbs of donuts on your chest isn’t an ideal situation for breathing.

harry p.
harry p.
February 26, 2014 12:48 pm

since we aren’t conjoined twins and I don’t have access to your NSA files I can’t say that you are lying. I also can’t verify that you don’t live in a secluded shack in the appalachian mountains and have encountered/seen 1 arrest every 10 years.
i also don’t know if you have short term amnesia or alzheimers.

but seriously, just like there were people who were sure the world was flat i don’t doubt you believe what you think you see or have seen but it is not representative of what is going on in this nation almost everywhere.
as i tell everyone who doesn’t see what is going on. first i ask where you live because it might be a haven away from the bullshit that the rest of us deal with and then i still warn them to keep their guard up when around copfuks because they are likely to have a false sense of security when around the Stasi.

February 26, 2014 12:50 pm

The Copfuks will be the front line when TSHTF…..they’re being primed as we speak.

February 26, 2014 1:13 pm

“Stucky I am telling you what I see with my own eyes.” —– Sensetti

Fair enough. Thumbs up then.

I assume that “with my own eyes” means IN PERSON … and excludes what my own eyes see on TV, youtube, etc.

By that measuring rod then I also have never seen a police take-down with my own eyes. Never seen a police shooting either.

Your personal observations aside, you do appear to be a cop apologist.

harry p.
harry p.
February 26, 2014 4:13 pm

funny you brought up that scene from V for Vendetta, a coworker mentioned a different example of “assault by copfuk” and I mentioned that scene as well earlier today.

February 26, 2014 4:22 pm

Stucky says Your personal observations aside, you do appear to be a cop apologist.

I only referred to my personal observations so how can you extrapolate from that comment a global view. Come on Stuck
I am the one usually summoning the cops after I have been unable to reason with an irate individual.

Back in the day had a cop shove a pistol in the back of my head while I was spread eagle face down on trunk of car. I quite having problems with cops when I stopped fighting in the bars.
No I don’t like cops but I see the BS they deal with, you gotta be fucking crazy to want to be a cop.

Stuck why were the cops called to this location? I missed that

February 26, 2014 4:42 pm

Sensetti, it’s in the news coverage.. five officers restrained Rodriguez — two on-duty and three off-duty who were moonlighting as security at the movie theater— after a domestic abuse call was made by someone at the theater (we don’t know if it was one of the off-duty cops or another bystander). The call was placed after the mother slapped her daughter. Luis was trying to calm his wife down, but the cops blocked him. He tried to step around them to get to his screaming wife even though they asked for ID, and that’s when they took him down and started beating him.

It’s another case of attack first and ask questions later.

February 26, 2014 5:12 pm


It just SEEMS to me that by saying you’ve never seen a take-down that it was a rarity in all other places.

And then by insinuating that the copfuks were possibly justified in doing the take-down, well, that seems sympathetic as well. You’re assuming they are innocent until proven guilty. I assume immediate guilt.

A girl listens to music and gets thrown down. A old man who doesn’t understand English gets thrown down and beaten up. Both those vids were posted here. You ever watch Dickweed Spike Lee’s “Cops”? Those fuckers are throwing down folks every episode, often just cuz they can.

I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

On the other hand, there’s nothing wrong with being sympathetic to cops …. if that’s what one really believes. I think it’s stupid, short-sighted, insane, etc. But, not necessarily “wrong”.

February 26, 2014 5:27 pm

If this is a rarity,then why the fuck does it keep happening every single day? Along with some white person getting shot, beaten, set on fire by a gang of black yuffs, there’s always a story about cops shooting, beating or setting someone on fire. There is no accountability in either situation, so it just keeps happening and will continue to happen, day after day. Cops don’t have to follow the law anymore. The Supreme court just gave them more permission to enter your house. Our rights are being taken away every day, and nobody does a thing about it. Followed by the obligatory lawsuit, which the cops don’t pay, the taxpayers cough up the money. What happens when a society degenerates.

February 26, 2014 10:48 pm

Meanwhile in Oakland, Ca the cops do nothing. Yet if YOU touch a LEO asshole you get cuffed and stuffed possibly beaten and thrown in jail.

February 27, 2014 12:53 pm