The Impeachment Issue

Guest Post by Monty Pelerin

The question of the day, at least in my mind, was the question of the day four years ago. When will the Democrats turn on Barack Obama?

Even the most cynical among us regarding political ethics and integrity know there is some point when the supporters turn. Bruce Bialosky discussed this issue in an excellent piece:

We are all guilty of providing a wide leeway to a politician that we favor. If the politician is someone we support, we restrain ourselves when something becomes public that would have us in a tizzy if done by someone with whom we dislike politically. That is referred to as “cutting someone some slack.” But there is a limit for everyone like there was for Anthony Weiner or Larry Craig. When will the grownups in the Democratic Party say enough is enough with Barack Obama?

How Bad Is It?

There is no economic recovery; nor can there be one given Obama’s policies. ObamaCare is a known disaster, acknowledged as much by many of its supporters and those most vulnerable to voter wrath. Creatures will continue to crawl out from under rocks as this monstrosity unfolds.

Obama is now readying to present a budget that claims that his first five years represented “austerity” and it is now time for government to begin spending again. Delusional is the only word that comes to mind regarding this belief.

The word “tyranny” is increasingly used to describe Obama’s style of governance. He clearly believes that his branch of the government is more equal than the other two branches. He did not believe that until he became president.

Scandal fatigue is another factor. No other Administration has been so embroiled in the number, magnitude and Constitutionally pertinent scandals. No other Administration has “stonewalled” investigations like this one. Richard Nixon was threatened with impeachment and asked to resign over what looks like jaywalking compared to the egregious improprieties of this Administration. Forty-year old ethics (which weren’t much when Nixon held office) would have forced impeachment hearings and probable resignation in Obama’s first term.

Internationally the world doubts whether the US can be trusted. Long-term allies distance themselves; long-term enemies are emboldened. Obama’s kumbaya version of diplomacy has been an utter failure. Realpolitic has overpowered his fairyland vision.

American has never been held in less esteem by the international community. Obama now ranks behind the hapless Jimmy Carter in terms of international respect. The world is substantially more dangerous as a result of his leadership (probably not a word that should be used in the same paragraph with “Obama”).

Is It Bad Enough?

As the Democrats approach a potential Waterloo election for them, political self-interest and survival could cause them to force a Weiner, Craig or Nixon moment upon Barack Obama. For several years I believed that would occur and that it would have occurred before now. I no longer believe it will happen. Three reasons have changed my opinion:

  1. The Democrat Party has no easy solution to their problems. Having this President impeached is the right thing to do, given the Constitutional and (potentially) criminal violations that have occurred. That action would create an enormous blot on the Party that would linger for years. “Kicking this can down the road” is a way of not incurring that damage now. From a political (not ethical or legal) standpoint that is probably a prudent decision. After all, this albatross is gone in about three years.
  2. I suspect, without any evidence, that the White House has information on every power player in Washington as a result of NSA monitoring. Most, if not all, of these powerful men and women have scandals, illegalities or other improprieties in their closets. The NSA can and probably already has obtained information on them. Congressmen that fit this category are easily dissuaded (blackmailed) from creating problems for the President. One wonders whether this tactic was used against General Petraeus, Chief Justice Roberts and others. Surely, the large numbers of high-ranking military removed from office would not all sit idly by and watch the country deteriorate.
  3. Even if the prior point were false, Obama believes that he is “above the law.” He also appears to be clinically delusional. It is doubtful that a Congressional delegation providing him with a “go to Nixon” meeting would do any good.

Mr. Bialosky ends his piece with the following:

It is time for Democrats to stand and say no more. If you don’t do it now there could be permanent harm to our democracy. Certainly some of you will no longer be in office come this November because the American people will certainly say enough is enough.

Sadly, it was time long before this to say “no more.” It wasn’t done then and it will not be done now unless there is some piece of evidence that is so egregious that the Dems will judge it more costly to not act than to act. Even so, 25% of the country will continue to support Obama regardless of the evidence.

That is the state of our democracy. Ignorance has already permanently harmed it. An informed electorate would never have elected this man in the first place, and certainly not twice!

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 4, 2014 5:11 pm

“When will the Democrats turn on Obama?” The day he stops being black.

March 4, 2014 5:18 pm

Almost 6 years in …. hasn’t happened yet ….. won’t happen.

Pissing Up A Rope Committee

March 4, 2014 5:26 pm

Yup, its an abomination….I mean, an obama-nation – is there a difference. Meanwhile, back in the Ukraine….

March 4, 2014 5:34 pm

I feel like a kid asking ‘are we there yet?’, we’ll never get there – EBT and the FSA will only grow – how long till the food can’t be purchased with EBT, as in, it won’t buy anything – not until then will this thing buckle imho. Until bellies are empty, the band will play on. We’ll bitch and rant, they’ll sit and bitch – and then its on, but not yet. So how long can a price sensitive market… food, take it? The other stuff matters, but nothing like the cost of calories, but – the rest is and will soar. So are we there yet?

March 4, 2014 5:38 pm

President Biden…

That would be hilarious. Pathetic too.

March 4, 2014 5:40 pm

Impeachment will not happen. Fuggetaboudit.

March 4, 2014 6:06 pm

Impeachment will not happen.Forgetaboutit

March 4, 2014 6:18 pm

How could you even speak of impeaching the half baked black bastard that would be rayciss. We are going to need his wisdom to out maneuver Putin. Obamacare is finally starting to work as his economic plan comes together. If we can just get a couple more strategic social programs in place we will have years of prosperity in front of us. Chill out he’s got this.

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March 4, 2014 6:31 pm

Wish in one hand, shit in the other. See which one gets filled first.

Not one elected CONgress beast has challenged the Great Obammy’s illegal executive orders (ie changing Obummercare law unilaterally time and again). So given his illegal activities go unchallenged, do you really think there is any chance that enough votes can be raised to impeach his sorry ass?


March 4, 2014 6:39 pm

I’ll throw peaches at the little bitch, just get me in throwing range.

March 4, 2014 7:37 pm

I am so tired of this motherfucker I would register as a Republican and vote for Romney and that little twit Ryan.

March 4, 2014 9:59 pm

Getting rid of Obama won’t solve the problem, which is deep, deep, deep, rotten to its very core government. How many CON-gress critters can you name who are truly honest and endeavor to represent the real interests of the American people. Ditto on heads of any of the 3 letter agencies, Justice dept and Supreme court.
If this nation doesn’t have a serious flush in the next 3 years we’re toast as a country.

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan
March 4, 2014 10:10 pm

America’s founders gave us a constitutional republic, NOT a democracy. That is a huge part of the problem.

Once mob rule overtook individual rights, and the FSA realized it could vote itself free stuff paid for by others, the cake was baked. Now the only question is when this whole thing implodes.

Imagine Black Friday – the day after Thanksgiving – where the sheeple trample one another for cheap Chinese crap. Now multiply that by 1000 and throw in rioting and curfews for good measure. That’s what awaits us.

March 4, 2014 10:13 pm

Steve – great comment. My sentiments exactly. The Free Shitters have reached critical mass. We iz now fully fucked.

March 5, 2014 7:14 am

Last night, after fixing the sink for my democrat voting parents we had this very conversation. I always joke with my mom that after “we” allowed women to vote, America went downhill.
But we talked seriously about higher taxes, the ACA affect on individuals and business, their medicare being robbed to help pay for the aca, allowing those that take from the system to vote for even more, etc, they understood and agreed.


After reading the above article and the comments? Hell no, we are too far gone to ever change direction now. What a mess, and what a shame. If there is a thing as a fourth turning, this one should be one for the record books.

Gubmint Cheese
Gubmint Cheese
March 5, 2014 9:05 am

Besides our beloved halfrican ,That POS Eric Holder needs to go too!