Why the Founding Fathers Made Their Own Money

Why the Founding Fathers Made Their Own Money

rebellion money

It is an interesting historical fact that people who take part in rebellions tend to coin their own money – not when the rebellion concludes, but as it starts.

There is good evidence that silver half shekels, like the one pictured above, were actually minted on the Temple Mount during the Jewish Rebellion against Rome in 66-70 AD. (The wonderful Biblical Archaeology Review ran an article on the subject.)

And this case is hardly unique; there have been many rebellions that promptly issued their own currency. Here is Massachusetts currency from 1776, issued early in the American Revolutionary War:

rebellion money

The primary reason that rebels create their own currency is that monetary control is far more of a force than people realize. Baron Rothschild was not being overly flamboyant when he said, “Give me control over a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” Being able to manipulate a money supply is a fantastic power, affecting every part of an economy. If you know in advance that the money supply will go up (diluting its value) or contract (concentrating its value), you immediately gain a massive advantage over everyone else – and you can target this advantage to help or hurt almost any group you choose.

Because of this, a rebel group that is tied to their opponent’s money has nearly lost before the battles begin. Serious rebels learn this quickly.

The Modern Rebellion

The rebellion that we’re all part of is not an armed rebellion, but a moral rebellion. And, interestingly enough, our rebellion understood very early on that money was a primary factor in our enslavement.

The roots of our rebellion go back as far as the first oppressed man or woman who thought clearly about morality, whenever that was. In modern times, however, we can trace our rebellion back to the 1940s – a time in which Mises had already been examining the foundations of money, Hayek was interested in competing currencies, and Rand was examining the morality of money.

(I’m passing over very many good people in the above paragraph. May they forgive my brevity.)

In our lifetimes, we’ve had David Chaum’s work on digital cash, Orlin Grabbe’s work (both theoretical and practical), e-gold, Pecunix, networks of exchangers, subsidiary services, and, most recently, crypto-currencies, beginning with Bitcoin. Our moral rebellion is not slowing down.

What matters about all of these currencies (and many more I haven’t mentioned) is that they are all rebel currencies. Sure, a few criminals and Ponzi operators have made use of our technologies, but that’s simply unavoidable. How many crooks use government money? (Answer: all of them.)

Rebel Morality

I think it’s important to make a few points about this moral rebellion of ours:

  1. This is not about attacking anyone or even attacking the current systems of oppression. Yes, every individual has the right to self-defense, but what we’re after here is not to lord it over anyone else, but being left alone to live as we wish.
  2. We must treat our fellow men and women with respect, even if they are wrong. If they want to be ruled by a state, that’s their choice, and we have no right to rip it away from them. (If it crashes without our coerced “support,” that’s not our problem.) If we think that people are being stupid to choose state serfdom, we should convince them that other ways are better, but we cannot force them to live our way and still call ourselves moral.

Our rebellion money has actually done a fine job of supporting these two moral points. The supposed failures of these currencies were primarily that they couldn’t withstand coercive and violent attacks. In other words, they worked very well; their “problems” were attacks from the status quo: a system of coercion and violence, masquerading as justice.

What we are now seeing is a moral awakening. Young people are questioning the systems that supposedly sustain them but actually use them as slaves.

When people begin to see the world in moral terms, they quickly perceive the deep immorality of the status quo – a system that is utterly dependent upon coercion and deception. If there is a root to the continuance and success of honest, rebel money, this is it.

In the end, our battle is this: morality versus coercion and deception.

Paul Rosenberg

[Editor’s Note: Paul Rosenberg is the outside-the-Matrix author of FreemansPerspective.com, a site dedicated to economic freedom, personal independence and privacy. He is also the author of The Great Calendar, a report that breaks down our complex world into an easy-to-understand model. Click here to get your free copy.]

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March 13, 2014 3:26 pm

Is this a pro-Bitcoin article?

If Bitcoin is real currency …. then is Internet porn real pussy?

March 13, 2014 3:41 pm

We don’t have money, we have Federal Reserve notes, which are IOU’s.

The only true money is gold and silver. After the global economy collapses, we’ll once again use gold to back a currency.

Otherwise, it’s as worthless as monopoly money

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March 13, 2014 3:44 pm

I call bullshit ,treat all people with respect .What a load of shit.I suppose we are to treat Socialist ,Communist ,progressives ,liberals and millions of the FSA with respect for being parasites.How about all those guys on Wall Street that create no real value but get paid multiple millions or billions .Maybe my heart is growing stone cold but I have no respect for any of these people.I do have a raging disgust and contempt .

March 13, 2014 5:18 pm


Have you actually READ the words of Jesus? It may be time to brush up.

March 13, 2014 6:01 pm

Tim ,what is it you want from me ?I believe in God ,I believe Christ is who he said he was but that doesn’t change my human nature ,sin in my heart or the evil in this world system.Everytime I look at the 10 commandments I am reminded of how evil I am and how HOLY God is .You on the other hand are the worse kind of hypocrite.You call other people racist and then claim you’re not one but that’s a lie.You don’t want to live around blacks ,Mexicans or Muslims but you want others to live with them.Right?*So you can feel good about yourself.So go fuck yourself and take your racial/ religious hypocrisy with you.

March 13, 2014 6:05 pm

bb – I give you thumbs up. Well-played.

I am considering writing up a well thought out piece on race relations, but I don’t know if I can handle the blowback. I’m feeling a little fragile these days.

Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
March 13, 2014 6:33 pm

Also interesting note, the British purpose engaged in economic warfare with the colonies by printing their currency in an attempt to create hyperinflation.

From Continental Dollar wikipedia entry:

Another problem was that the British successfully waged economic warfare by counterfeiting Continentals on a large scale. Benjamin Franklin later wrote:

“The artists they employed performed so well that immense quantities of these counterfeits which issued from the British government in New York, were circulated among the inhabitants of all the states, before the fraud was detected. This operated significantly in depreciating the whole mass….”

March 13, 2014 6:38 pm

Tim ,you should keep it to yourself .There’s no way to have a talk about race relations.That’s all we have been doing for 50 G-damn years and what has it accomplished .Nothing in the end but bitterness.Things have been completely turned around.The most.racists ,vile ,ignorant people are now called victims .Then people like you come around and make excuses for these degenerates or try to make people feel.guilty for something that happened 300 years ago.I don’t owe these people anything,I don’t feel sorry for them or you for that matter.I have no empathy or sympathy for blacks.I don’t want.to live around them or.be around them in groups and I have even more contempt for people like you that say I should.
I didn’t start out like this but I have heard enough of the racial lies and bullshit from media ,blacks themselves and white people like you.So yes keep it to yourself.

March 13, 2014 6:45 pm

Thanks for the encouragement, bb. I’ll start working on it tonight.

March 13, 2014 6:57 pm

Tim , I already know what you are going to write.It’s already been said a thousand /million times.
Why waste your time ?Write something interesting about Texas that’s not about race .You are a pretty good writer so you can come with something.R E does it all the time and that’s what I like about him.Last Sunday he wrote about the Alaskan roads.

harry p.
harry p.
March 13, 2014 7:09 pm

We almost seem to argue but on this thread you have had some damn fine comments. thumbs up

March 13, 2014 7:30 pm

Guess my encouragement to bb has paid off. He is now posting some interesting stuff.

Well done, bb. I knew you were in there somewhere.

March 13, 2014 7:44 pm

The “Temple Mount” is not the temple mount. The temple was completely razed by Titus during the Jewish revolt; not a stone remains. What does remain is Fort Antonia (why would the Romans destroy what was already theirs?), and to call that “the temple mount” is nothing but a lie. Consequently if the Jews decide to rebuild the Temple, they can do it any time they wish without disturbing the Dome of the Rock mosque. Here is an image of what the Temple Mount looked like and it’s position relative to what exists today:

comment image%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Faskelm.com%252Ftemple%252Ft980504.htm%3B795%3B603

March 13, 2014 8:04 pm

Llpoh says:

“Guess my encouragement to bb has paid off. He is now posting some interesting stuff.
Well done, bb. I knew you were in there somewhere.”

He actually started out this way. I guess he needed Papa LLPOH’s encouragement. What I like about bb is that he will not escalate a shitfest to a nukefest. He does know how to throw shit though.

March 13, 2014 8:06 pm

Tim says:

“Thanks for the encouragement, bb. I’ll start working on it tonight.”

Include me out. I don’t want to lose perspective again and start shitting on my bros.

March 14, 2014 1:11 am

The pairing of printing up real currency (note it is silver shekels, aka real money) with revolution is natural: the existing power structure uses up any inherent “Faith” in their currency as the content of silver or gold diminishes.

Those revolting from that power structure must have something of real value to offer vendors/suppliers, plus gaining their confidence by using real money that can’t be debased by substitution with base metal or issuing fiat paper.

It is a very ancient pairing, and there is an excellent exhibit at the wonderful Shanghai Museum (FREE TO ALL!) of real money: gold and silver, plus “fiat” currencies ancient Asia issued…and there are at least 3 exhibits dated back from @ 150 B.C., of various revolts, led by those issuing gold coins. Real money. NO THIRD PARTY RISK.

What’s that? Ask a Mt. Gox bitcoin holder. Gold: it’s what’s for Real Money. ALL BEEF. Bitcoin: ALL HAT. Sure, you can speculate it is “different”….so were tulips.