My, how things have changed. All you have to do is support traditional marriage, and you are crucified by the “gay mafia”. You can lose your TV show, your job, your reputation. God help you if you support traditional marriage. The moral degeneracy of this country continues unabated.


Gay Mafia inspired by Puritan Witch Hunters

This week, the head honcho of Mozilla got the ax for making a private donation in support of traditional marriage. How dare he!

Judge William Stoughton, unrepentant prosecutor of the witch trials, produced a statement on this new partnership and all it entails:

We are pleased to join with the Gay Mafia to purge any dissenters from our midst.

All who believe marriage is between one man and one woman shall now be emblazoned with the scarlet letter ‘T.’ If the Traditional Marriage Heretic shall not willingly be emblazoned, they shall be subjected to any of the following methods of torture:

Hanging or drowning (If God supports traditional marriage, he will save you);
Pressed to death with stones, placed on the Heretic by members of the LGBQT community;
Kept in a basement dungeon (standing room only) until skeletonized;
Banished to the furthest outskirts of the town;
The Heretics’ names will be posted on the Scarlet T Facebook page. Then the worldwide Internet Community can call the Heretic’s employer and demand they be fired.

*Under no circumstances shall the Traditional Marriage Heretic be permitted to maintain employment.*

We also recommend that the word ‘Hate’ be redefined as, ‘anything we disagree with.’ ”





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April 6, 2014 7:29 pm

it used to be that gays, who are called “quee-ahs” up here, simply wanted to be left alone, to do gay things or whatever. most people, including myself, didn’t have a problem with that. live and let live. but now, with the militant wing having taken over, they scream from the rooftops (or atop the gay float at the gay parade in a city near you), “LOOK AT ME! I’M GAY, YOU’RE GAY, WE’RE ALL GAY. AND IF YOU DON’T LIKE IT WE’LL BURN YOUR FUCKIN’ HOUSE DOWN!”

apparently, it was not enough to have civil unions. they had to go whole hog and lunge after the “prize” of marriage. in doing so, they have changed the lexicon, and the social landscape. i am sure tranny marriage will follow. we’re doomed.

April 6, 2014 8:09 pm

Queers won`t dare mess with Muslims. Can you imagine what a gay pride parade in Dearbon would stir up?

So be it as my name indicates we have already passed the point of no return. SHTF to soon follow.

April 6, 2014 8:14 pm

oh no, a person you never met was made some political statement that was not liked by the workers of the company and had to deal with the consequences. The employees didn’t want him and managed to remove him, probably with a whole bunch of office politics and manuvering on the part of someonegunning for his position, not some clandestine political network.

If you make a statement, knowing that it will be controversial, don’t be suprised when other people don’t like it and you suffer social consequences. Thats how it works for everyone. Wake me up when it’s an actual problem. Until then, quit playing marytr.

April 6, 2014 8:28 pm

I once sucked a guy’s dick on a dare when I got drunk while in the Air Force.

It ain’t that big a deal.

Tastes like chickun.

April 6, 2014 8:43 pm

bambam, the man in question donated $1000 in favor of prop 8. that’s all he did. prop 8 was simply a vote in favor of traditional marriage. the view that traditional marriage is controversial is absurd on its face–did not our dear ruler adhere to this view until recently? traditional marriage is in fact so normal that no one disputed it in all corners of the earth for all of human history until 10 years ago.

April 6, 2014 8:47 pm

Hey Stucky, keep those stories to yourself.
I feel ill.

April 6, 2014 8:53 pm


no, it was not common in its present incarnation. In fact for most of human history mankind was polyamorous in some form or another. Cousins were the prefered partner for a time, particularly in victorian times, and marriages were often arranged. “Tradional Marriage” is about as traditional as TV dinners.

April 6, 2014 8:59 pm

yeah, what econman said. stucky, i love your honesty, not so much in this case though, unless you’re kidding of course.

i mean, just think what llpoh can do with that information in a future battle.

April 6, 2014 9:05 pm

“no, it was not common in its present incarnation.”

ok, point well taken. but that’s a thin argumentative point you’re making, a bit weasel-like. can you tell me when marriage meant anything but a union between a man a woman?

April 6, 2014 9:15 pm

Maybe people should be more concerned with the fact damn near everyone will be unemployed in a few years?

April 6, 2014 9:21 pm


Tradition doesn’t nessicarily make something right. So I’m not sure tradition should entered in either side. But gay marriage has existed before, in ancient rome and china (“cut-sleeves”).

Ironically, it was actual recognized by the catholic church. It was changed after the church banned married clergy. Before that gay marriage existed and was encouraged by the church among the clergy to a certain degree. A straight priest would leave hiers that would compete with the church for property, wheras gay priests wouldn’t. Amazing how fast the holies change their views when they smell money.

April 6, 2014 9:36 pm

Here’s one paper. It’s not 100% in line with other articles I’ve read, but the basic take-away was that views on sexuality were just as diverse in the past as they are today.

April 6, 2014 9:44 pm

bambam, sorry, i have been reading about ancient rome for 20 years and there was no “gay marriage” in ancient rome. no record of it as far as i can tell. in fact, they chided the greeks, in particular the athenians, for homosexual behavior. in fact, plato himself ridiculed his own countrymen for homosexual behavior. no doubt homosexual behavior existed (it always has), but this is a far cry from the institution of “gay marriage”, a concept wholly and totally absent from antiquity.

as for china, i don’t know (they have a ponderous history), but i doubt it–they are a “traditional society”. i spent 4 months there–the chinese are as traditional as you can imagine. as for the catholic church, since i am not one, i don’t know either but i find it hard to believe that “gay marriage existed” within their confines. if you could provide references i’d concede the point.

this quibble of ours is quite apart from your contention earlier that what the mozilla guy did was “controversial” and was deserving of his being cast out.

April 6, 2014 9:49 pm

archie, was it not the emperor Hadrian who not only had a gay lover, Antinous, but erected a statue to him?

April 6, 2014 9:54 pm

Stuck – you cocksucker (I guess that is no longer an insult but rather a statement of fact), why would you EVER have told us that!? You know TBP readers have a long memory, and that will be used against you at every turn.

April 6, 2014 9:55 pm

zarthustra, we are talking about gay marriage, the topic at hand, which in my view has never existed in human history proper. if you could point to one single gay marriage in ancient rome i will shut up. i will await your evidence.

April 6, 2014 9:58 pm

The media is being dominated by vocal minority interest groups. We are doomed.

Fuck the gays and the lesbos and the diversity proponents and the environmentalists and the anti-fishing groups and the tree huggers and the anti-Christmas organizations and the ant-Easter mob.

All of the minority interest groups can kiss my hairy ass. Political correctness can lick the sweat off my balls.

Sons of bitches one and all.

April 6, 2014 10:09 pm

You’ve been reading for 20+ years and never heard of one but I found a link and article listing examples (from a disapproving catholic website none the less) in 5 minutes. Right…

Tell me, do you read the words underneath the coloring book pictures as well?

April 6, 2014 10:20 pm

archie, the importance of marriage throughout history was to protect and define inheritance and heirs. Since gays could not produce heirs and there were no social bennies tied to marriage until recent times, I really don’t think anyone gave a fuck about it, even gays.

April 6, 2014 10:34 pm

zarathustra, you just made my point–there was no gay marriage in ancient rome. thank you.

bambam, your link is laughable–was that your gay cousin’s website, which transformed gay sexual relationships into marriages? of course, you probably agree that the whole edifice of greek civilization was a rip off from the africans, a la bernal, the great fraud and buffoon? i suppose lincoln was gay, and so was reagan and uncle sam himself right? honestly, the gay mafia is ruthless and will lie until the end of the world.

and unfortunately, you still have not managed to muster up any evidence that what the mozilla exec. did was “controversial”. game, set, match. archie.

April 6, 2014 11:18 pm

Bambam , your a dick sucking fag yourself . You suck another man’s dick and then you let him fuck you in the ass .No wonder you and your kind are so damn miserable.I would be to.

Stucky ,I hope you were just kidding.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 6, 2014 11:50 pm

Stucky says:

“I once sucked a guy’s dick on a dare when I got drunk while in the Air Force.”

The moral here is, don’t get drunk in the Air Force. Sgt Aslin said, a real buddy is one who goes and gets a blow job and brings one back for his bunkmate. I’m watching NBL on Univision right now so the testosterone is definitely flowing.

Stuck, if I can ever figure out how to post a pic, I got a funny one, seriously.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 6, 2014 11:51 pm
April 6, 2014 11:53 pm


1) I am not a veteran; I have always loathed the military.
2) I have never been drunk enough to suck on a dick.
3) I think I was right about the military.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 7, 2014 12:09 am

llpoh says:

“…why would you EVER have told us that!? You know TBP readers have a long memory, and that will be used against you at every turn.”

True or not, you guys missed the punchline. It was funny. As gross-out humor,it is pretty tame. How about the guy eating pussy, he found chunks from the last guy who had vomitted. Perhaps El Stucko is reading the tea leaves and preparing for the day when Heteros are rounded up and castrated.

The beautiful blonde hears something disgusting and says, ugh, I’m getting a visual. Fuck that, I hear shit, I do not go for the visual. Of course, that was nature’s gift to women so they can arrange furniture in the house.

April 7, 2014 12:24 am

BB, Bam bam may or may not be gay. But you are for sure a douche bag. It is a fact that a certain percentage, around ten, of the population is gay. It’s not something you decide to be. What they want are the legal rights associated with marriage. It’s too bad the notion is associated with religion or other belief systems. There should be a legal right so they can have the same benefits, like taxes, benefits,inheritance,etc… I have friends and co workers who are gay and have no problems with it. The problem I have is with you southern pea brain douche bags that hog the comments on what should be a more popular blog but is hampered by the likes of you. No, I’m not gay.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 7, 2014 12:38 am

JustSayin says:

“The problem I have is with you southern pea brain douche bags that hog the comments on what should be a more popular blog but is hampered by the likes of you.”

Do you mean queers are offended by bb’s insensitivity and therefore suppressing a blog that ought to be more popular? Are you having trouble posting your own opinions? Why not ask the Admin to censor all the cocksuckers who are hogging the comments?

April 7, 2014 12:46 am

Like I was sayin …

April 7, 2014 1:02 am

Just Sayin’ is echoing the media bullshit. Ten percent gay my fat hetero ass. That is a fucking lie put out by homos wanting to make it appear that their love of a dick up their asses really isn’t that unusually.

This will probably be a gigantor graph, but there is not one area in the US where there is 10% gayd – except that cesspool DC. At best, the gay population is around 3%. The largest study ever put it at around 2%.

The 10% figure is total bullshit made up to push the fucking gay agenda.

Blow it out your ass, asshole.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 7, 2014 1:33 am

Oops, I was wrong, I didn’t check before I typed that. Say three percent with fifteen in San Francisco and thirteen in Atlanta. Still doesn’t change the size of your pea brains. Now go change the oil in you pickup, drink a bud, watch some NASCAR, and slap your wife around a bit.

April 7, 2014 1:45 am

justsayin’ is wrong on about a lot of things –

I get a pro to change the oil in my Audi, I drink nice single malt, I prefer to watch baseball or my kid play (soon to be NCAA) basketball, and I am too shit scared to lay a finger on my wife (not that I have ever hit a woman and never intend to).

You gay apologists have far worse stereotypes than any that oppose the gay lifestyles. Same old gay propaganda – say you do not like gays, or their agenda, and you must be some kind of knuckle-dragging cretin.

That is the game of the fucking gay propagandists – they are the ones putting out the stereotypes.

I do not give one shit whose fudge they pack or groove they smooth.

But their bullshit about marriage is just that – they want a word redefined. It is total horseshit. Marriage is defined as between a man and a woman. Make up another name- fudgepackiage, tonguelickiage, hell – I do not give a shit what they call their unions.

It is the minority groups that are the Neanderthals – they think they have the right to disparage, abuse, and threaten anyone who disagrees with them.

They can go fuck themselves one and all.

April 7, 2014 2:10 am

I drive a BMW, thinking audi next, get my oil changed at the dealership. I don’t drink, smoke pot every now and then, and have two great kids that went to college to get educated. Both have good jobs. Your attitude towards gays sucks. You think they are second class citizens. I don’t believe they are. I don’t look at people as gay or black. I look at them as who they are. There are blacks, whites, gay, and straights that I wish would disappear off the face of the planet because they suck and don’t contribute to the betterment of society. You guys put all blacks and all gays in one bucket. That’s where we disagree, and that’s where I know I am right.

April 7, 2014 3:37 am

I look at them as a fucking group trying to push their lifestyle down my fucking throat. They can kiss my ass.

Just at a guess, sounds like one of justsaying’s kids is a pillow biter or hangs out at the local tongue and groove. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

I do not persecute anyone for anything. But because i do not like the gay lifestyle – which is my fucking right – does not make me some kind of whipping boy for the gay apologists. And I do not like their lifestyle, and find their sexual proclivities unpalatable. Again, that is my right. If they do not like it they can go piss up a rope.

I do not put all gays in one bucket. But there is a huge gay agenda, and it pisses me off.

April 7, 2014 6:05 am

Justsaying , I think the gay lifestyle is about as vile as people like you who make excuses for this depraved behavior.No civilization has ever approved of this behavior even if some of the leaders were involved in this depravity.You are as ignorant of history as you are theology. (For this reason God gave
Them over to vile passions…Romans 1:24-32.Homosexuality itself is a judgment from GOD.Homosexuality
Itself is the punishment .Some men have been given over to their shameful passions .Thus they receive in themselves the penalty of their error which is homosexuality.Bambam is a living example of God’s wrath being revealed in his person.These people and you are at war with God ,nature and society.That’s why you constantly attack traditional society.No matter how much society gives it will never be enough.

April 7, 2014 6:29 am

Justsaying ,you are nothing but just another loud mouth liberal piece of shit.It’s people like you who approve of this behavior that make it worse for homosexuals that want help to come out of this sinful habit that they live.Note that while society tends to rational this Sin ,God judges all sin.Here is God describing you …..Romans.1:32..knowing the righteous judgment of God ,that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but approve of those who practice these sins….So Justsaying, you approve of homosexual behavior and God says you deserve death for encouraging and approving such behavior.Justsaying you are liar and homosexuality is a lie and anything else you say is a lie .I do have some sympathy for people enslaved to this sin but I have nothing but contempt for people like you.Now go away you vile thing.

April 7, 2014 7:43 am

How am I an example of god’s wrath? I’m a healthy guy who is happy with his life and enjoy spending time helping my family out on the farm. Any chance you could pray to god, get him to curse me harder?

The 10% number does not mean gay, it means same-sex attracted, and yes is a little high. It was developed in the kinsey reports as an estimate.

April 7, 2014 8:00 am

Good post AWD .

I posted this over on the CIA ( jank on SSS) thread. Take the time to fire back at the intolerant sickos over at Mozilla by dumping Firefox for another browser. Pale Moon is an excellent choice although there are others.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Vox has some info on Palemoon here:

got rid of Mozilla Firefox yesterday and replaced it with Pale Moon. Verdict: I probably would have done this for technological reasons, not ideological reasons, if I had known about Pale Moon before. Basically, it feels about 10-15 percent faster than Firefox, which has become increasingly crufty over the last few years and was offering new beta updates literally every week.

April 7, 2014 8:17 am

shooting back…

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 7, 2014 8:35 am

This is what passes for public education.It’s damn past time to start defending traditional family and Christian morals or kiss them goodbye forever.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Fauquier parent demands removal of ‘Two Boys Kissing’ book from high school library
Friday, Apr. 4 | By Mark Grandstaff | Google+
“Two Boys Kissing,” by David Levithan
A parent’s request to pull from high school libraries a book about the struggle of gay and transgender teens has triggered a public hearing on whether or not the book should remain available to Fauquier public high school students.

April 7, 2014 8:39 am

A keen observer snapped a photo of Mr Eich under gentle questioning from the left:
[imgcomment image[/img]

April 7, 2014 8:54 am

A tall guy man walks into a bar in Kentucky and sits down next to a somewhat imposing man.

“Uh… hi,” he says (he’s from out of town).

“Hello,” says the tall man. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Sam,” says the man.

“My name is McStuck,” says the tall man. “I’m known around here.”


“Yes. You see that house on the hill as you come into town? I built that house with my own two hands, stone by stone. But am I known as McStuck the house builder? No!”

Sam takes a reverent sip of his beer.

“Down by the lake there is a very fine boat. I built that boat myself, with my own two hands, board by board. But am I known as McStuck the boat maker? No.”

Sam is by now alive with anticipation.

“But,” says McStuck. “You suck just one dick…”

April 7, 2014 9:25 am

I used to study the brain, the computations the brain does, and neuro philosophy. There was one study that focused on this jelly fish that had a minimal set of neurons. When BB speaks, I think of that jelly fish.

April 7, 2014 9:54 am

Stuck , just clear up one thing and then we can let it rest .Did you swallow?

April 7, 2014 10:12 am


I said it tasted like chickun, did I not?

Coming out is such a difficult thing. Do you still like me? Well, do ya? I’m still the same guy you liked (or, hated) two days ago. I haven’t changed. Have you?

April 7, 2014 10:48 am

With the NSA trying to penetrate everyone’s back door, that should tell everyone America’s becoming “Homoville”.

No wonder Vlad laughs at Obomber. He’s our 1st woman president.

Hillary would be the 1st minority male president, & if Jeb Bush gets in, we’ll have the 2nd retarded president (the 1st was his brother).

Btw, don’t drop the soap in DC.

April 7, 2014 10:50 am

When bb posts, I think he is a dumb Doctor Who, moving through time & blog comment sections in his ship, The ReTardis.

April 7, 2014 10:56 am

Fucking degenerate faggots…

Take a pair of bolt cutters or a rusty straight razor and fix the fucking problem, permanently…

April 7, 2014 10:58 am

Btw, I owed the Gay Mafia some gambling money.

I thought they were going to break my kneecaps. They actually looked @ them & said I needed to moisturize better. Then they rearranged my furniture in a non-Fung Shui manner. They put up hideous wallpaper all over my house! Amazingly, all their goons told me they were dressed “fabulous”. I didn’t get it.

Next time, if I don’t have their money, they’ll force me to vogue & watch Brokeback Mountain over & over. I said, just kill me instead, or send me to Guantanamo.

April 7, 2014 11:00 am

How am I an example of god’s wrath? I’m a healthy guy who is happy with his life and enjoy spending time helping my family out on the farm. Any chance you could pray to god, get him to curse me harder? — Fagfag

God’s awful busy…

So he sent me.