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Via Doug Ross

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April 7, 2014 7:41 pm

Sounds about right.

I would gather them up, do a fly over Southern Mexico, strap a parachute on ’em and push them out the door. No need to land.

April 7, 2014 8:24 pm

Why bother with a parachute, they would just come back.

April 7, 2014 8:27 pm

Latinos are known for their passion, they’re just trying to fit in with the typical democrat voter a little too well?

#9 is huge in the construction industry, in my area specifications are written that one member of the drywall crew must speak English. When residential was booming a lot of builders used crews of illegals for the interior painting and whites for the exteriors so as not to attract attention.

Not sure about other states, but in Mich they have a “no match” law. If Jose’s SS number does not match with his name at the end of the year the contractor has 90 days to prove there was a mistake or fire Jose. If not the contractor faces a $10k fine.
What happens is after 89 days the contractor fires Jose’ on Friday and hires Jose’ (the same man) on Monday where they start the process all over again with a different number.

Just think of all the former taxpaying Americans that are unemployed because of this process. Both draw from the system, neither supports the system. This is progress?

April 7, 2014 8:37 pm







Fucking scum… and both parties in Mordor are complicit in the destruction of the US. They got pretty much ONE FUCKING JOB. And that job is to protect the borders of These United States. Not only are they NOT doing that, they are doing their best to remove the borders and make US citizenship a punchline… they are guilty of fucking treason, and I will call them traitors to their fat fucking faces…

April 7, 2014 8:43 pm

Hagar – I said “Southern Mexico”. Mexico is 2,000 mile long. It would take ’em awhile to walk back. I do not want to kill them, just discourage them. If they come back, next time drop them is Southern Argentina.

April 7, 2014 9:06 pm

The weak minded blame the people who respond to incentives. The able minded ones question why the incentives were ever created in the first place.

April 7, 2014 9:08 pm

I’ve employed plenty of Hispanics, and I’m very careful about documentation. There’s now a website to verify employee status but in the past there was none. And for a fact some of those illegals came to me with perfect documentation.

So, in the old days, there could be severe penalties for employing illegals, but at that same time, schools, hospitals, social services offices etc. all give out freebies without limit to illegals. WTH,,,,govt has better access to citizenship documentation than some cowman like me.

btw, average number of children born to Hispanics that have worked for me is somewhere over four, all paid by the state. I’m on the Oregon Calif border.

April 7, 2014 9:26 pm

This country wasn’t founded or built by Mexicans, but they’ll be in the majority in a generation. We’re paying for them to reproduce like cockroaches, and almost half will get on welfare. Obama is even letting them out of holding cells to roam free (his “catch and release” program). They aren’t illegal aliens, they’re “undocumented democrats”. Nobody holds the criminals in Washington accountable for what they are doing, and the fucking MSM is sympathetic to their plight. I’m pretty sick of it, and paying taxes. California has more people on welfare than have jobs. They’ll hasten our collapse, and will add nothing to this country. This country is over. Might as well change the national language to Spanish and get it over with.

April 7, 2014 9:51 pm

The weak minded blame the people who respond to incentives. The able minded ones question why the incentives were ever created in the first place. — Zara the fucking moron

You idiot, there WEREN’T any “incentives” when the invasion ramped up back in the early 90’s, except maybe Maria grunting out an anchor baby… the majority of “incentives” were a response to the invasion, not the causation of it…

Dumb fuck. You like sounding all wise and shit, like some old man of the mountain that us poor proles climb so we can catch every utterance of wisdom that falls from your anointed lips… when in actuality you are one stupid motherfucker… If I remember right, you claim to be a Zoroastrian. A Zoroastrian? Fuckin’ really? You couldn’t have picked a more obscure belief system? That shit the ancient Assyrians believed in too mainstream for ya? How about the belief system of the Eskimos? I heard they got some shit going on!

April 7, 2014 9:56 pm

Billy, if your God is better than mine, then please explain this fucked up world we inhabit. You are a bright guy, but your awareness of things is very limited, most likely because you think you have all the answers and I can tell you, you don’t know shit. Why don’t you try opening your eyes for a change.

April 7, 2014 10:11 pm


“My” God, like I just invented that shit…

Dude, your belief system is a fucking affectation – like some douche wearing a monocle or speaking in a fake British accent… you are so fucking full of it.

Of course, you ignored the part of my post where I showed how fucking WRONG you were and how pretentious you act, choosing instead to focus on the one thing you think you can get traction with – my personal belief system..

Fuck you Zara… ain’t happening.

I hear the Sub-Saharan niggers need some converts.. they believe in tree spirits and Juju and shit… care to join them?

April 7, 2014 10:18 pm

Billy’s just pissed off because Kentucky is losing at half time.

April 7, 2014 10:22 pm

Stucky says:

Billy’s just pissed off because Kentucky is losing at half time.

No. Billy is like the majority of people. He is incapable of rising above the myopia of his own culture (upbringing).

April 7, 2014 10:24 pm


+1 (yeah, that was me giving you one), because you made me laugh.

But I ain’t watching the game… the only reason I care about UK winning is talk shit rights. We’ve got damn little to brag about – horses, bourbon, basketball, coal… I don’t really give a fuck about the game and couldn’t tell you the name of anyone on UK’s team.

I was watching “We Were Soldiers Once, and Young” where we whupped that gook ass in the Ia Drang valley, but that’s over now… just got the local news on.

April 7, 2014 10:27 pm


Billy is a smart guy. So are you. Shitfests between two really smart guys are ALWAYS the most enjoyable.

Back to the game! (I’m cheering for UConn).


April 7, 2014 10:32 pm

No. Billy is like the majority of people. He is incapable of rising above the myopia of his own culture (upbringing). — Zarafucktha

Yeah, oh wise and all-knowing bullshit artist… you know everything, right?

Let’s point the lens back at you, shall we? Assumes the Zoroastrian belief system as an affectation, because it makes him DIFFERENT and somehow “special” in a world where most folks follow the Big 3. Mostly because there is nothing special or outstanding about him. A life of mediocrity. Narcissist of the first rank. High on the smell of his own shit most of the time. Totally incapable of admitting error – not because he actually believes he is right, but because of how he would look in the eyes of others. Admitting error would fly in the face of the “all knowing and wise” follower of Zoroastrianism he has spent so long cultivating…

How muh doin’ so far, asshat?

April 7, 2014 10:33 pm


I recorded last week’s 20/20 and watched it this evening. They did this story about Obamacare and its effect on folks in Appalachia, specifically, West Virgina. Man, oh man, there is some real poverty there. Ms. Freud said to me (honestly), “This is America??”. I said, yeah, we can’t provide jobs and HNIC destroyed the coal industry but we can send a billion dollars to Ukrainians. Stoopid fucking retards run this country.

Truth be told, I don’t much give a shit anymore about college basketball either. I only used to care about one team (IU), but we have Clappy The Clown for a coach and I’m done with it.

April 7, 2014 10:33 pm

Fuck Methtucky

April 7, 2014 10:35 pm


Dood! You’re rooting for those chumps from UConn? Say it ain’t so!

April 7, 2014 10:38 pm

Billy, your analysis is shit. It is more than shit, it is the pathetic meandering of someone who is so comfortable in his belief system that any threat to it is existential. Combine that with a love of militarism and that is rather scary and sad. I really pity you.

Having said that, we could probably have a good time as long as we limited ourselves to a discussion of pre-WW2 automobiles (but I would probably kick your ass in that regard as well).

April 7, 2014 10:41 pm


Most folks don’t believe me when I say the words “dirt floor poor”. They think I’m joking. Not more than a half hour from here, there’s folks with no running water, no flush toilets, no electricity, two sets of clothes (work clothes and Sunday clothes), maybe one pair of shoes…

It’s bad. But they are solid people, most of em. I wouldn’t give you a plug nickle for the entire population of Detoilet, Apelanta, LA, New Yawk Shitty, etc.. but those folks in the mountains? They endure. They will still be here when TSHTF is long over with and the rest of us are gone…

Fucking Zara The Phony can run his cock holster all he wants – I wouldn’t trade one of those Appalachian folks for a million phony-baloney Zaras…

April 7, 2014 10:47 pm

Zara, I’ve never really heard much about zorastriacism outside of 2 paragraphs in a high school history class. What is a good site to read-up on how its actually practiced today? Are there any major schisms, and if so which one would you say is the right one?

April 7, 2014 10:51 pm

it is the pathetic meandering of someone who is so comfortable in his belief system that any threat to it is existential. — Zarasucktha The Phony

A threat is “existential”? BAHH-HAHAHAH!!

According to Merriam Webster:

Existential – adjective

1: of, relating to, or affirming existence
2a : grounded in existence or the experience of existence : empirical
2b : having being in time and space

Dude, in the words of Inigo Montoya – “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Dude… you’re a laughingstock… just stop. My stomach muscles hurt…

April 7, 2014 10:53 pm

Oh look… Fagfag throws Zarafucktha The Phony a lifeline…

Yeah, good luck with that..

April 7, 2014 11:00 pm

Wait a sec, bam bam, I’m not quite through with Billy yet.

Methtucky is one of about six states that has more people on welfare than who have jobs. His lovely Appalachian folks are doubtless many of them. I have been there very recently and have seen the decay first hand (grayson county). I wonder if even the illegal mexicans avoid the place; there is certainly no demand for landscape maintenance there…

Okay, bambam. This is the best place on the internet to start:

zoroastrianism is very ancient and it intertwined with history, in ways in which some americans would be familiar, but not of the source. On the other hand, it has become entwined in culture where it exists that sometimes contradicts the teaching. Regardless of what you may think of it, it is one of the major religions of the world and is certainly worth studying.

April 7, 2014 11:05 pm

Hey Zara,

I take it all back. I want to convert to Zoro-whatsisism really bad!

So far, the requirements for acceptance into your belief system seem to be being a gargantuan douche and actually owning a Swami hat..

Afraid I can’t do the “douche” thing, but I can buy a big ole Swami hat – with a bigass feather!

Like this one.. but I seem to have forgotten “Looking like a complete fag” in the requirements… oh well.

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 7, 2014 11:08 pm

Thanks Zara. One more question: Do most follow it in a heriarchial manner ( priests, bishops, etc.) or a more individual manner (like wiccans)?

April 7, 2014 11:15 pm

Bambam, it is entirely individual. Ahura Mazda promises no reward to those who follow him, nor any punishment to those who dont. It is complete free will.

April 7, 2014 11:15 pm

Oh, how cute…

Zarafucka can’t get any traction attacking me directly, so he resorts to attacking the place I live like the little bitch he is…

Jeezus… if the rest of the Zoro-whatsis’s are as big o’ pussies as you are, it’s a wonder you all weren’t wiped out by the Girl Scouts a long time ago…

Hey, what’d you think of that fucking BITCHIN’ Swami hat?!? That fucker is the size of a beach ball! I bet you got one just like it and better yet – the chicks dig it! AmIrite?!?

April 7, 2014 11:45 pm

Bambam , stay away from these fake false religions .They will only cause you more harm.I have a family member who is a fag and is into Buddhism .He is one fucked up fag.I really don’t know what to do with him but he is family.He got some kind of infection from homo sex and almost died last year.He is always asking me for advice but when I give it he never follows through with what I tell him.I just dont know.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 8, 2014 12:25 am

Ai, Chihuahua. I just got my green card. I am now a proud member of Sam’s Club. Hey, bb, quit hoggin’ all the tuna. when the shit hits your ass, we will conveniently self-deport, it’s only right, que no?

April 8, 2014 1:46 am

Whole sections of California have stopped looking like the former America and have become Mexico. This has occurred on the taxpayers’ dime and it is part of the plan to bring the USA to its knees. Admin’s chart demonstrates the efficacy of the attack.

I’ve got nothing against, Mexicans. I do have a lot against hordes of them streaming over borders and breaking the law to do so. Jeb Bush reassures me it’s all about love, though. I am so sick of being patronized by the political class that I could vomit. If only I could put together a stream of obscenities worthy of Billy’s pen I would do it right here.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 8, 2014 2:11 am

I owned a Mazda once. ’91 323. Five speed. Lemme tell you, chicks dig a guy in a ’91 323. Still, I don’t think I’d join a religion run by a dude named Mazda. Plus, I could never join a religion that isn’t explicitly clear than all active gays go straight to hell.

April 8, 2014 6:57 am

Dramatic, Little Known GOP Rule Change Takes Choice Of Presidential Candidate Away From
The invasion of the Golden horde is an act of love, even if that free loves results if the addition of millions more recruits for free shit army. Keep voting Republican, I’m sure the corporate welfare, endless wars, the growth of the police state and the ongoing and encouraged illegal invasion will work itself out in someones’ lifetime…just maybe not yours.

Jeb Bush: Many illegal immigrants come out of an ‘act of love’

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said Sunday that many who illegally come to the United States do so out of an “act of love” for their families and should be treated differently than people who illegally cross U.S. borders or overstay visas.

Rank And File Republicans And Hands It To Party Elite
For those who may not recall those late August days in 2012, the Republican Party arrived in Tampa dedicated to creating a seamless launch for the national presidential campaign of its standard bearer, Governor Mitt Romney, and to do all it could to insure at least the appearance of a united party as it moved toward the November election.

To make that happen, Chairman Reince Priebus—along with a number of national committee members on the Mitt Romney bandwagon—made the determination that anyone or anything associated with libertarian Ron Paul was bad news for the GOP’s chances and, as such, were to be avoided at all costs.

And you think that these breathtakingly dishonest idiots are going fix everything that Obama has wrought? Or anything, anything at all? The odds are very good that they’ll make things considerably worse, as was the case with the Bush administration. Don’t vote Republican if you value freedom, small government, or the Constitution. Don’t be under the illusion that Republican rule will make things any better at all. Republicans are every bit as guilty of the destruction of the United States of America as their Democratic partners in crime.
Vox Day

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 8, 2014 8:59 am

Gayle says:

“If only I could put together a stream of obscenities worthy of Billy’s pen I would do it right here.”

My buddy would only exclaim, Santa Maria! the there’s Dawg!

April 8, 2014 9:23 am


God knows every day there is more to cuss about. I’ll be practicing my skills. Thanks for the helpful graphic.


If this kind of treasonous circus continues, I see no reason to haul my ass into a voting booth in 2016.

April 8, 2014 10:20 am

T4C, I won’t be bothering to vote unless there is a worthy third party candidate on the ticket..

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April 8, 2014 10:21 am

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April 8, 2014 10:24 am

Two entries from a future history book:

The Romans devalued their currency, taxed people to death, and gave welfare to the masses (bread and circuses). They were wiped out by the barbarians at the gate.

The USSA devalued their currency, taxed people to death, and gave welfare to 112 million people. They were were wiped out by the Mexicans crossing the border.

April 8, 2014 10:29 am


I voted for a worthy candidate (Ron Paul) by exercising the write-in option in 2008 and 2012.

If you think the Dems and GOP will ever allow a “worthy” 3rd party candidate to get elected you are smoking some good shit.

April 8, 2014 10:37 am

“If you think the Dems and GOP will ever allow a “worthy” 3rd party candidate to get elected you are smoking some good shit.”

Correct, they never will “allow” that to happen, that’s beside the point. We should never care what a politician will allow, never.

If more people would just vote third party the message would get across that we are allowing them the privilege of serving us.

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa I must be high. Never happen.

April 8, 2014 8:15 pm

I’m still kinda surprised to hear how people are so pissed about illegal immigration. It’s been around before I was born, and will continue to be. The ruling class of this country doesn’t really give a shit about anything but lining their pockets (if they ever did). Nationality and Citizenship to them are concepts for suckers and the servants, those not in their class. They can live anywhere. If they had spent half the “public” money they have spent in wars and maintaining foreign bases in the last five decades (building our “righteous” nation) maintaining immigration in check, it would have never happened.

But they let it happen because it benefits them, and gives their population lots of cheap ishit and other crap to keep them sedated. It allows them to take other’s natural resources for our and their benefit, many times in exchange for “helping them” exploit natural resources, while their “friends”, the big corporations, exploit the cheap labor with the promise of progress. Often complicity with their corrupt leaders or threatening them with a “revolution”, if they don’t want “help”.

With the benefit of technology for being able to exploit the global labor market like never before, they know that you’d be a sucker to pay more for it if you don’t have to. This group are the same people that control the banking system, that pick candidates and that dictate global policy. It is not a coincidence, it’s easier to blame the immigrants for most people. So it’s a win win, they keep control of the system and make big dough, indebt the rest of the population, and have someone the population can blame. Our population thinks the abundance we have enjoyed so far comes just from the fruit of our hard labor, nothing else, but it is the fruit of these same expansive power that has allowed to happen. We’re part of a global game we didn’t set up. It just appears that within the pawn ranks, we have classes too.