Chinese Toast: The Rant

Off the microphone of RE

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Published on the Doomstead Diner on April 22, 2014


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…Besides that they are making Oil deals with the Ruskies, building Nuke plants, high speed rail lines and entirely New Cities from the Ground Up. Never mind that nobody lives in those cities and at the prices they sell the apartments for nobody but Hedge funds can afford them on a typical median income for a Chinaman of $10K a year. That is compared with median income in the FSoA of around $84K. HTF are Chinese supposed to buy apartments selling at $300K on an income of $10K a year? Forgetting interest and buying food and electricity to keep the lights on, the average Chinaman would have to cough up his entire paycheck for 30 years to campout in one of these White Elephants. Reality is of course that the prices will crash, and plenty of folks who invested in the building of them will lose their shirts, not to mention their underwear and socks…

For the rest, LISTEN TO THE RANT!


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April 22, 2014 9:32 am

These rants are great. Keep up the good work.