GASP!!! There’s RAYCISSM in Professional Basketball !!!

Well, dahum!!

The LA Clippers owner certainly showed a poor lack of judgement. I mean, when 95% of your employees (the basketball team) are black, and you are in the public spotlight, maybe you should just watch what the fuck you say! Ya, think?

But, as far as the EXTENT of his rayciss comments? PFFFFT!  Ain’t no thang. I give it a a very low 1.5 on a 10 point scale. Our own Head Nigger In Charge has said FAR worse things ….IF you read between the lines …. and certainly his “pastor” of 20+ years was also far more precise in his venom for white folk. And don’t even get me started on that nigger-with-a-badge, Eric Holder.

What’s actually much more interesting than the rant itself is the REACTION of fine Neegrows everywhere.  The outrage!!! The hurt feewings!!!  The shame!!! The anger!!! The betrayal!!! Racial disharmony in ‘Murica? You shitting me, muthafucka??

Give me a fucking break, you shitfaced hypocrites. There are a bazillion you-tube vids, articles on the net, MSNBC, the White House, and enough data to keep you busy for a year that shows Niggas are every bit as rayciss as white folk, if not more so. Your faux outrage, however, is so …. charming.

You do see what is going on here, right?  It’s called “projection”, a psychological technique of defending yourself against some unpleasant characteristic  by denying its existence in yourself … while simultaneously attributing it to others.For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. These niggas ain’t nuthin’ mo than da pot callin’ da kettle black.

One thing about his girlfriend. What a self-loathing gold-digging twunt!! She’s about 40 years younger than her “boyfriend”.  And, she is half-black! So, her rayciss boyfriend slams blacks and what does she say at the end?  Here, — “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” She don’t be wantin’ to give up dat gravy-train, eh?  He should have said, “Yeah, come here and suck my dick you skank ho.”

Reaction from Snoop Dogg, PhD., Scholar, Statesman, English Lit Major

Other headlines from around the net;

Shaq —– It’s Repugnant

Magic —– He’s Shameful

Al Sharpton —– Take Clips away from Sterling

Olbermann  —– Clips Should Be Boycotted

Chris Broussard (ESPN analyst) —– Sterling an antebellum slave master

Fux Newz —– falling all over themselves sticking up for black folk ….. their black viewership will likely double to 8 neegrows watching

Billy —– FUCK YEAH!!!!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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April 27, 2014 11:04 am

This old yid sure pissed off da knee grows. In the immortal words of Fred Reed “so what?”.

January 12, 2017 10:08 am

ROTFF—-The NBA,aka,The “Nigger’s Basketball Association”,what a pathetic sport,this league is all about illiterate felons slamming a basketball through a hoop and then pounding their chest to the rap that is constantly played in those hellhole arenas!

April 27, 2014 12:33 pm

‘muricans have become so dumbed down that they can no longer even read between the lines …what the old jew cracker was sayin’ was “bitch please stop flaunting the fact that you’re a skanky goldbricking whore by appearing with all the black players your fuckin’ on my dime and TV game show” …that’s all.

April 27, 2014 12:56 pm

He was obviously set up. Who recorded it, who released it?

That ho be takin him to the bank now…..

April 27, 2014 1:29 pm

So what ,I don’t want those son of bitches anywhere near me either.Even the rich ones.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 27, 2014 4:18 pm

Flash is spot on, I’ve nothing else to add.

I do want to say that if I was Sterling, I’d pick T4C, there’s some arm candy with a brain even.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 27, 2014 4:20 pm

A lover’s quarrel and all the ‘metiches’ – people who don’t have any business in the argument but love to opinionate anyway – come out of the woodwork.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 27, 2014 4:30 pm

You do see what is going on here, right? It’s called “projection”, a psychological technique of defending yourself against some unpleasant characteristic by denying its existence in yourself … while simultaneously attributing it to others – from the Intro

I see it all the time in the comments, someone even dictated that whenever a commenter accuses another of having a small dick, it means the commenter has a dick insecurity.

April 27, 2014 5:07 pm

What a stupid thing to say, but he said it. So did Cliven Bundy. Maybe whites have had enough of the shit, abuse, murders, rapes, the thug culture, the utter hypocrisy of blacks—calling themselves the n-word all day long. Obama’s the biggest hypocrite of all; he’s only half black, and playing the race card and handing out free shit is about all he knows how to do. Whites are also sick and tired of affirmative action, quotas, and all the other set-aside for blacks. As the recession and economy gets worse and worse, people are going to be less and less tolerant of the race card.

And the more they throw the raciss word around, the less power it has.

Nice rant Stuck. What whites say in private all day long is finally getting out into public discourse. If people don’t like it, too bad. Blacks have pushed, pushed, and pushed some more, and there’s going to be push-back and consequences. They brought it on themselves. Fuck ’em.

April 27, 2014 5:14 pm


Even Ivory soap is no more than 99 and 44/100% pure, so what are the holier-than-thou adherents to the religion of liberalism supposed to do? No one is without sin — not even the left’s patron saint, Barack Obama, who has said things when the mic was live that he wishes he hadn’t.

This boils down to a major “purity” problem for liberals. By this I mean that everyone who follows lockstep in the teachings of Saul Alinksy and his disciples is automatically 100% good, and anyone who doesn’t is 100% evil. There are no shades or gradations, no exceptions.

Wherein lies the problem. This two-state solution seldom plays out to the left’s satisfaction. We saw this in 2012, in the case of George Zimmerman, who turned out not to be white nor demonstrably racist in the eyes of the FBI. We saw it again just this past week in the wholesale condemnation of rancher Cliven Bundy, who it now appears has a higher opinion of blacks than Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do of Jews.

Speaking of Jackson, Sharpton, and Jews, these strange bedfellows are in the headlines again, as yet another story that exposes the myth of purity unfolds. Donald Sterling (né Donald Tokowitz), Jewish owner of the L.A. Clippers, was recently chosen by the Los Angeles NAACP Branch to receive its Lifetime Achievement Award on May 15th.

That was before TMZ released an audio in which Sterling schools his girlfriend, V. Stiviano — who ironically is black and Mexican — on the need to keep the various races separate. “I’m living in a culture,” he tells her at one point, “and I have to live within the culture.” At another point, he is less circumspect, chastising Stiviano for wanting “to broadcast that you’re associating with black people. Do you have to?”

The revelation prompted Jackson and Sharpton to insinuate themselves into the NAACP decision. Jackson urged the league to “respond and respond quickly” — and importuned the players to do something during the game to “show a sign of indignation,” recalling that Miami Heat players wore hoodies as an expression of outrage over the “injustice to Trayvon Martin.”

Sharpton, in a statement to Euroweb, said:

The NBA must investigate L.A. Clippers owner, Donald Sterling’s, recent racial comments that were caught on tape and discipline him. No one should be allowed to own a team if they have in fact engaged in this kind of racial language. We are prepared at National Action Network to rally in front of the NBA headquarters if this matter is not immediately dealt with.

Sharpton and Jackson were both curiously silent when another basketball aficionado made strikingly similar comments on the need for “cultural purity”:

You just can’t come in the neighborhood. I’m for democracy and letting everybody live but you gotta have some respect. You can’t just come in when people have a culture that’s been laid down for generations and you come in and now sh*t gotta change because you’re here? Get the f**k outta here. Can’t do that!

That sentiment was part of a rant delivered in February by New York Knicks fan Spike Lee.

Returning to the commotion over Sterling, his views and attitudes on race are nothing new. In 2006, he was sued the U.S. Department of Justice for housing discrimination. The government’s case turned on his refusal to rent to non-Koreans in L.A.’s Koreatown and to blacks in Beverly Hills. Why wasn’t the NAACP aware of his discriminatory practices sooner? One possibility is that the group sought to overlook Sterling’s less-than-sterling past because he is a Democrat, who contributed to the political campaigns of recalled L.A. mayor California governor Gray Davis and former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley.


April 27, 2014 5:32 pm

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Vatican Canonizes Two Dead White Guys, Ignores Obama

While some undoubtedly ignorant people today made much ado about the nothing engendered in the Vatican’s redundant elevation of two dead old white males into so-called “sainthood”, reasonable people are asking a more important question: “Why was Barack Obama ignored?”

“It is obviously blatant racism,” said a non-white hispanic writer for the famous and intellectually impressive New York Times. “After all,” he added with less outrage than we had expected, “Obama won a NOBEL PRIZE FOR CHRISSAKES! If THAT doesn’t qualify him for sainthood, what the hell does?”

“And by the way,” he continued with more outrage than we had expected, “why the hell are you asking a MALE writer? Why don’t you talk to some WOMYN, you sexist neanderthal?”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) stated for the record, “This proves what I’ve been saying since I thought of it a couple of minutes ago,” Reid said. “The Catholic Church is nothing but another front for the Koch Brothers. ‘Koch’ and ‘Pope’ are both spelled with 4 letters with an ‘o’ as the second letter. Do I have to draw you a picture?”

Surprised by the controversy, apologists for the Catholic Church were quick to proffer the weak excuse that candidates must have miracles attributed to them, somehow implying that this requirement would rule Obama out.

But even these non-believers have to concede that Obama’s mere election to the presidency in mean, racist America was a divine event in itself, a supernatural occurrence only overshadowed by Saint Barack’s greatest wonder of all, the Miracle of Free Healthcare for Everyone (aka the Affordable Care Act.)

According to MSNBC’s resident expert on religion, “The ACA beats that loaves and fishes thing Jesus did by a mile.”

In midtown San Francisco, a grassroots religious activist whom we inadvertently awakened from midday meditation induced by medicinal marihuana, offered this blunt assessment: “What did these John Pope guys that the Catholics are all worked up about do? Fix a couple of broken fingers? Barack Obama raised a whole car company from the dead! Yeah, GM is alive and Osama is dead! In your face, John Pope!”

But while distressing in the short term, the anger and outrage Americans are feeling at today’s slight by the Vatican may ultimately be a blessing in disguise. Analysts think it may finally bring about a much needed reassessment of the role played by some of the traditional so-called religions in our daily lives.

Perhaps it is time that the country dispenses with the practice of archaic, superstitious religious practices funded by right-wing billionaires and institutes a state-administered people’s religious tradition where saints can be democratically elected instead of chosen by a racist, homophobic oligarchy. Not only will this bring about more diversity in the ranks of those declared to be saints but will allow non-religious people, long excluded from taking part in canonical activities, a greater voice in the way in these affairs are governed.

After all, why fool around with a sort-of-god when you can have the real thing?

April 27, 2014 5:36 pm

The media is turning on President Obama

By Michael Goodwin April 27, 2014

With multiple crises spiraling out of control around the world, stories about the Obama presidency are taking on the air of postmortems. What went wrong, who’s to blame, what next — even The New York Times is starting to recognize that Dear Leader is a global flop.

“Obama Suffers Setbacks in Japan and the Mideast,” the paper declared on Friday’s front page. The double whammy of failure pushed the growing Russian menace in ­Europe to inside pages, but even they were chock-full of reports about utopia gone wrong.

One story detailed how the White House was facing the “consequences of underestimating” North Korea’s Kim Jong-un. Others recounted the continuing Syrian slaughter and the murder of three Americans in Afghanistan.

The accounts and others like them amount to an autopsy of a failed presidency, but the process won’t be complete unless it is completely honest. To meet that test, the Times, other liberal news organizations and leading Democrats, in and out of office, must come to grips with their own failures, as well.

Obama had a free hand to make a mess because they gave it to him. They cheered him on, supporting him with unprecedented gobs of money and near-unanimous votes. They said “aye” to any cockamamie concept he came up with, echoed his demonization of critics and helped steamroll unpopular and unworkable ideas into reality.

Some of his backers knew better, and said so privately, but publicly they were all in. Whether it was ObamaCare, his anti-Israel position or the soft-shoe shuffle around the Iranian nuke crisis, they lacked the courage to object.

They said nothing as Obama went on foreign apology tours and stood silent as our allies warned of disastrous consequences. Even now, despite protests from a succession of Pentagon leaders, former Democratic defense hawks are helping Obama hollow out our military as Russia and China expand theirs and al Qaeda extends its footprint.

A king is no king without a court, and Obama has not lacked for lackeys. The system of checks and balances is written into the Constitution, but it is the everyday behavior of Americans of good will that makes the system work.

That system broke down under Obama, and the blame starts with the media. By giving the president the benefit of the doubt at every turn, by making excuses to explain away fiascos, by ignoring corruption, by buying the White House line that his critics were motivated by pure politics or racism, the Times and other organizations played the role of bartender to a man on a bender.

Even worse, they joined the party, forgetting the lessons of history as well as their own responsibilities to put a check on power. A purpose of a free press is to hold government accountable, but there is no fallback when the watchdog voluntarily chooses to be a lapdog.

The sycophancy was not lost on other politicians and private citizens. Taking their cue from the media, they, too, bit their tongues and went along as the president led the nation astray and misread foreign threats.

From the start, support for Obama often had a cult-like atmosphere. He sensed it, began to believe it and became comfortable demanding total agreement as the price for the favor of his leadership.

That he is now the imperial president he used to bemoan is no long­er in dispute. The milking of perks, from golf trips to Florida to European vacations for the first lady, is shockingly vulgar, but not a peep of protest comes from his supporters.

The IRS becomes a political enforcer, but that, too, is accepted because nobody will risk their access by telling Obama no. You are either with him or you are his enemy.

The evidence is everywhere that his ideas are flawed, that his view of economics, diplomacy, the military, history, science and religion are warped by his own narcissism. He doesn’t even talk a good game anymore.

Yet it remains a fool’s errand to hope he will correct his ways. He is not capable; he looks in the mirror and sees only a savior.

It is equally clear that those who shielded him from facts and their own best judgment did him no ­favors. Out of fear and favor, they abdicated their duty to the nation, and they must share the burden of history’s verdict. After all, America’s decline happened on their watch, too.

April 27, 2014 6:51 pm

I wouldn’t call the guy a racist, just a narrow-minded bigot. He isn’t saying blacks are inferior, just that they come from a different culture that doesn’t mix with his. For some blacks this is true with me as well. I sure as hell wouldn’t be comfortable around a bunch of ghetto gang-bangers, but I have no problems whatsoever with blacks who talk and act like I do and the same thing goes for any other race/ethnicity.

He’s really fucked himself though; nobody will ever want to play for him again.

April 27, 2014 7:05 pm

I would like to take this opportunity to say to all of those that think the new Pope is some kind of Messiah (you listening, Admin) that his recent decision to elevate the two dead Popes to sainthood is despicable. Those two were enablers of the rampant child-molestation that occurred under their watch.

The new Pope is an asshole. I am not surprised.

El Coyote
El Coyote
April 28, 2014 12:04 am

Zarathustra says:

“I wouldn’t call the guy a racist, just a narrow-minded bigot.”

I’ll go with flash’s interpretation and the rest is simply Sterling’s attempt to instruct a dumb chick who 1. ought not argue but obey as a good employee and 2. only repeats the liberal media line without taking into account that Sterling has folks around him who are sensitive to appearances. People who call him to question WTF is he doing with a mulatta and who wonder at his mental state, is he another J.H.Marshall? Instead of following his instructions, she wants to argue with him on things that cannot be excused in his world and those in it. He makes an attempt to tell her that he isn’t racist but certain things cannot be made public, publicized on social media. Snoop Dog is reacting to her reality but does not empathize with Sterling’s situation.

April 28, 2014 12:11 am

El Coyote, You’re probably right.

April 28, 2014 2:19 am

LIpoh , .The last time I checked the Catholic Church is world wide and has millions of members.The church has done a good job at getting rid of the sexual criminals within it’s leadership.The church with all of it problems is still one of the greatest forces of good on this planet.(Listening Lipoh ).Just because admin is an anarchists reprobate is no reason to pick on the church.I say this with conviction.

April 28, 2014 4:46 am

Don’t you have to have performed a miracle to be sainted? But I’m not going to disappear down that fox hole.

BB, the catholic church is the world’s biggest slum lord, and has been ripping people off for 2000 years. The true church should be founded in Jerusalem, yet, there it is in the former capital of the Roman Empire.

I’ll let you figure it out. If you haven’t yet, I’ll clue you in, Christianity was compromised with Paganism in the 3rd century AD to form a state religion. The perversions of paganism are numerous and I won’t attempt to recount all of them here. However, it’s consistent with the church promoting world wide rape of young children and hiding the serial rapists.

I read recently there’s a pedophilia scandal brewing in Hollywood, LA. Then the story disappears. I suppose the racism of Bundy and the Clippers owner are more newsworthy. Is this another case of not biting the hand the feeds you?

April 28, 2014 6:51 am

Dude’s a filthy squid, but he is entitled to think whatever he wants.

The rest of these hypocritical thought-crime fucks can all go suck a dick in hell… breathlessly reporting that OH MY GAWD! SOMEONE SAID SOME SHIT ABOUT NEEGROWS!

Yeah? So? Whooptie shit.

April 28, 2014 9:40 am

Yeah, there’s irony in there somewhere.

April 28, 2014 10:59 am

“When ignorant folks want to advertise their ignorance, you don’t really have to do anything you just let them talk”

Thus bolstering his argument.



April 28, 2014 12:45 pm

NA , people always say bad things about the church but the church is the only institution that millions of people have when bad things happen.When the world economy collapses most people will have nothing and once again the church will still be here to help .You may be needing water ,food and medical care NA.Where will you turn for help?

April 28, 2014 2:31 pm

She seems like a sweet girl. And even a Chicago public school graduate can spell her name – V

Donald Sterling
Donald Sterling
April 28, 2014 1:47 pm

Yes. Oi Vey! I really stepped on my schwantz. That half-black Mexi schiksa is a gonna cost me $20 million. Or, one day’s work.

And to think I could have had this nice Jewish goil for a fifty dollar lobster dinner. Oh, the humanity!
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April 28, 2014 1:47 pm

He’s a bleeding heart liberal Jew democrat as well. Pretty damn funny Stuck…

National Association for the Advancement of Crooked People (NAACP)
National Baboon Association (NBA)

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April 28, 2014 2:17 pm

NBA Owner Donald Sterling In Sex Scandal

Los Angeles Clippers boss admitted he paid woman for “sucking me all night long”

Just what the NBA needs, another sex scandal: Donald Sterling, the miserly tycoon who owns the Los Angeles Clippers, testified last year that he regularly paid a Beverly Hills woman for sex, describing her as a $500-a-trick “freak” with whom he coupled “all over my building, in my bathroom, upstairs, in the corner, in the elevator.”

Sterling’s graphic testimony–which came during a two-day pretrial deposition in connection with a lawsuit he filed against the woman, Alexandra Castro–will surely nettle basketball commissioner David Stern, who normally has to explain away the behavior of 20-something athletes, not married 70-year-old club owners worth nearly a billion.

While acknowledging that, “maybe I morally did something wrong,” the Clippers owner was not shy when it came to describing hour-long sessions with Castro, whom Sterling credited with “sucking me all night long” and whose “best sex was better than words could express.”

Testifying that he was “quietly concealing it from the world,” Sterling had a blunt appraisal of his “exciting” relationship with Castro: “It was purely sex for money, money for sex, sex for money, money for sex.”

April 28, 2014 2:28 pm


That doesn’t surprise me at all…

Miserly Joo squid gets “married”, then pays some mongrel for degenerate boot-knocking.. meanwhile, he puts the brakes on her bringing any uppity knee-grows to any nigger ping-pong games HE’S paying for. I bet she got a case of the ass, tried to leverage money out of the miserable, wrinkly old fuck and he told her to get bent… so she outed him.

Joo pays for degenerate sex? No problem. Joo gets leveraged for cash? Aw HELL NAW!

Why should he give a fuck? He’s got zillions of shekels… if things get too hot for him over here, he can just board a private jet for Israel and go live there…

Fuck all these motherfuckers… every… last… stinkin’…. one of them…

By the way, the skanky ho in question is just fucking revolting… just the thought of coupling with that nasty ass mongrel is some fucked up repugnant shit… I’d rather cut my dick off with bolt cutters than dip it in that diseased piece of shit….

April 28, 2014 2:40 pm

Half Mexican and half black, a Jewish liberal progressive’s dream…..

April 28, 2014 3:32 pm

The last time I watched the NBA these two guys were playing.

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how can anyone spend time out of their lives watching grossly overpaid tattooed animals running around a court?

April 28, 2014 4:02 pm

They want a league of their own. How touching……Who’s stopping them? Who’s stopped them from doing this for the last 50 years? Oh yea, racist white devils and Jews….

Knicks great calls for all-black league amid Clippers race fiasco

By Marc Berman April 27, 2014 |

Knicks executive and former player Larry Johnson had a decidedly different but still strong reaction to the racially insensitive remarks Clippers owner Donald Sterling is alleged to have made.

On Saturday night, Johnson tweeted: “Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!’’

The initial indication was Johnson was calling for an all-African-American league complete with black ownership. It wasn’t the first time Johnson, who is black, concerned himself with the fact the NBA’s ownership is mostly white while its players are mostly black.

April 28, 2014 5:17 pm


I’m honored you would not only quote me, but actually agree with me… that it takes an outrage of this magnitude for it to happen says much. Goes to how much your average white guy will have to endure before he wakes the hell up… (not that you just now woke up, Stucky…. just sayin…)


They’re supposed to be our ‘equals’ in everything… if they truly were, they would have formed their own leagues by now, without the influence of evil whitey or squids and would have been shatteringly successful… but they didn’t, did they?

That an all-negro league in “post-racial” Amerkia isn’t considered in and of itself “rayciss” just goes to show the massive cognitive disconnect most libfucks have…

Let them form their little all-black league.. see how long it lasts before “management” starts siphoning money out of it, becoming preoccupied with “muh dik” with the cheerleaders, massive fraud, graft, theft, mismanagement, shootings, mayhem….

I think it would be fuckin AWESOME! If there was a good to excellent chance a bunch of niggers playing ping-pong getting into a beef and shooting each other, I’d watch that shit!



That would be fucking awesome…. BAHH-HHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

April 28, 2014 5:41 pm

I don’t get it. Didn’t baseball have negro leagues for years. Then Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, blacks integrated into the league, have proceeded to make billions of dollars in income over the years and everyone should be happy. Now Larry Johnson wants them to have their own league, completing the circle. Well there are plenty of very rich black entrepreneurs, who can put up the money and start their own league if they are so offended by one old, rich Jewish guy. We know this will not happen, but it would be fun to see it come about. In the end it would probably turn out to be a case study in how not to manage a professional sports league. Would they only allow black coaches, team doctors, spectators. The possibilities are mind numbing. It’s amazing how stupid people can be.

April 28, 2014 5:55 pm

Who knew Gary Shandling even owned a bassetball team?

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