GASP!!! There’s RAYCISSM in Professional Basketball !!!

Well, dahum!!

The LA Clippers owner certainly showed a poor lack of judgement. I mean, when 95% of your employees (the basketball team) are black, and you are in the public spotlight, maybe you should just watch what the fuck you say! Ya, think?

But, as far as the EXTENT of his rayciss comments? PFFFFT!  Ain’t no thang. I give it a a very low 1.5 on a 10 point scale. Our own Head Nigger In Charge has said FAR worse things ….IF you read between the lines …. and certainly his “pastor” of 20+ years was also far more precise in his venom for white folk. And don’t even get me started on that nigger-with-a-badge, Eric Holder.

What’s actually much more interesting than the rant itself is the REACTION of fine Neegrows everywhere.  The outrage!!! The hurt feewings!!!  The shame!!! The anger!!! The betrayal!!! Racial disharmony in ‘Murica? You shitting me, muthafucka??

Give me a fucking break, you shitfaced hypocrites. There are a bazillion you-tube vids, articles on the net, MSNBC, the White House, and enough data to keep you busy for a year that shows Niggas are every bit as rayciss as white folk, if not more so. Your faux outrage, however, is so …. charming.

You do see what is going on here, right?  It’s called “projection”, a psychological technique of defending yourself against some unpleasant characteristic  by denying its existence in yourself … while simultaneously attributing it to others.For example, a person who is rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. These niggas ain’t nuthin’ mo than da pot callin’ da kettle black.

One thing about his girlfriend. What a self-loathing gold-digging twunt!! She’s about 40 years younger than her “boyfriend”.  And, she is half-black! So, her rayciss boyfriend slams blacks and what does she say at the end?  Here, — “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” She don’t be wantin’ to give up dat gravy-train, eh?  He should have said, “Yeah, come here and suck my dick you skank ho.”

Reaction from Snoop Dogg, PhD., Scholar, Statesman, English Lit Major

Other headlines from around the net;

Shaq —– It’s Repugnant

Magic —– He’s Shameful

Al Sharpton —– Take Clips away from Sterling

Olbermann  —– Clips Should Be Boycotted

Chris Broussard (ESPN analyst) —– Sterling an antebellum slave master

Fux Newz —– falling all over themselves sticking up for black folk ….. their black viewership will likely double to 8 neegrows watching

Billy —– FUCK YEAH!!!!