Sociopath Officials and Establishment Idiots

Submitted by SARTRE


Few will dispute that careerist politicians often demonstrate psychopathic behavior. In the article, Who Controls our Government? The Psychopathic Corporate Elites of America, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null attempt to answer several fundamental questions:

“Is the problem, therefore, we the people? Are we at fault for having been seduced by those in power to sell us blank bill of goods, drugs, products and policies that are more harmful than beneficial? Are we at fault for having deceived our selves by being convinced that their illusion is the truth? Or is the elite, the best and brightest in Wall Street, Washington and throughout the top stories of the multinational corporate networks, the real obstacle to a promising future for all? Are the oligarchic elite, including corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans in all branches of government, not in fact a special breed of psychopath with no moral compass, striving solely to maintain their power, control and wealth? In this article we explore this phenomena with two leading experts on the psychopathic nature of our CEOs, business leaders and politicians who rule America from their residences on Psycho Street.

What may be revealing to the average person is that many of the same sociopathic characteristics exhibited in the policy manipulators exist in the general population. Martha Stout, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist and former Harvard Medical school instructor and author of The Sociopath Next Door. The article, Psychopaths and sociopaths share many characteristics: seem to coincide, cites she “estimates that one in 25 people, 4 percent of the population, are sociopathic. Dr. Stout describes sociopaths as those who, through grand schemes of contrivance, manipulation and deceit, seek to undermine and manipulate simply because they can.”The tendencies for government officials, who prefer the designation authorities, project their dictatorial attitude upon a compliant public. “Most disturbing of all, Stout says at least six out of 10 people “will blindly obey an official-looking authority to the bitter end.”

The essay, Age of the Psychopaths, by Michael Colhaze links the operations of the power elite to an authoritarian culture, which ordinary citizen willingly obey.

“As Prof. Robert Hare coined it so simply yet fittingly: Serial killer psychopaths ruin families. Corporate psychopaths ruin societies.

Particularly if the latter have aligned themselves, due to bonds of blood and faith, with the political psychopaths, which means in fact that a whole country has fallen into the hands of men who normally would be locked away in a mental hospital. What is more, under the cover of an imaginary terrorist threat illegal laws have been promulgated that have curtailed the guaranteed democratic liberties. Crowned by the so-called NDAA, a Christmas present signed by the Neocon lackey, does the whole body signify a legal garrote that has turned the USA into a virtual police state.”

This malady of assimilation and submission is the result of decades of cultural engineering and social propaganda, going back to the application of Edward Bernays’ psychological mind control, upon a naïve citizenry.

“No serious sociologist any longer believes that the voice of the people expresses any divine or specially wise and lofty idea. The voice of the people expresses the mind of the people, and that mind is made up for it by the group leaders in whom it believes and by those persons who understand the manipulation of public opinion. It is composed of inherited prejudices and symbols and clichés and verbal formulas supplied to them by the leaders.”

In the book, Why People Obey the Law, Tom R. Tyler concludes with the following erroneous assumption that an intrinsic duty to obey, exists.

Why People Obey the Law makes the argument that the relationship between the members of groups, organizations, and societies and the authorities and institutions which govern them need not be based upon an instrumental exchange of rewards or be a threat-based approach to social control. It is also possible to engage the values of the population, which leads to a self-regulatory stance toward governance, in which people voluntarily defer to authorities and institutions because they view doing so as part of the obligation they have to their leaders.”

How can governance ever be self-regulating when the entire system operates under a delusional mental illness? Establishment idiots that rationalize compliance, when government “public servants” turn into despotic tyrants, usually are timid cowards or seek to extract some kind of perceived benefit from their psychopathic masters. These “so called” civic employees are perpetuating the political psychosis of the cognizance dissident society.


Then factor in the deranged “true-believers” who bow down to an absurd reading of scripture. In Romans 13:1–7 and the problem of bad governments, Deacons and Dragons writes:

“I think there is the basis here for active Christian resistance to governments that have gone profoundly wrong. When a government has so abandoned its task of enacting right that it can no longer be seen to be an “authority”, then there is, I suggest, room for resistance to be the right action. However, I say this very cautiously, because the far more obvious approach to this kind of situation in the Bible is to suffer. The Christian martyrs in Revelation suffer under unjust rulers; they don’t try to blow them up. Nevertheless, I think there is more to be said than this. O’Donovan reminds us that John of Salisbury, in the twelfth century, spoke of the duty of tyrannicide! This, I tentatively suggest, is how we might understand Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s involvement in the attempted assassination of Hitler.”


Nonetheless, this drastic approach offers little hope, when the institutional technocrats are administrating their demonic edicts and imposing draconian burdens on the serfs, under this new feudal system of oppression and theft.

The absurdity in obeying an illegitimate authority should be self-evident to any rational person. However, there are so few stable and sane individuals, who exercise conduct by conscience, that the sociopaths can easily control the masses, by keeping their autocratic officials following orders.

The perfect example of government hooligan goons from the Bureau of Land Management was unmistakably on display at the Bundy Ranch recently. In spite of this illegitimate storm trooper federal deployment, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questions the BLM’s authority to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line.

“I am deeply concerned about the notion that the Bureau of Land Management believes the federal government has the authority to swoop in and take land that has been owned and cultivated by Texas landowners for generations,” General Abbott wrote. “The BLM’s newly asserted claims to land along the Red River threaten to upset long-settled private property rights and undermine fundamental principles—including the rule of law—that form the foundation of our democracy. Yet, the BLM has failed to disclose either its full intentions or the legal justification for its proposed actions. Decisions of this magnitude must not be made inside a bureaucratic black box.”

Before anyone gets excited about pushing back the District of Criminals Federales, the true and lasting test, requires that internal non-compliance must start and gain momentum within each level of government agencies. The career climbers operate under the psychopath principle to attain a confirmed reliability position in their respective sociopathic organization. Making your bones is an important ritual in any crime syndicate.

All the time the dumb down public pays tribute to the forces that use psychological mind control and law enforcement brute force to subdue any dissident elements that dare resist. Refusing to bow to an illicit system is a sure sign of defiance. Institutionalizing such threats in a government funded mental asylum may seem appropriate to the “PC” enabler, but why waste the money when a “double tap” gun shoot can eliminate the opposition quickly. This kind of thinking is operationally sound within the perverted and sociopathic agency culture that most government exponents support. There is a reason why the public is stupid. As the standard of living deteriorates even more and the prospect of genuine individual liberty becomes but a faint recollection in the memory of the nation, the average peon becomes but chattel to the establishment.

Doug Casey, of economic and social commentary renown offers this deduction about the sociopaths running the U.S.

“Conversely, statism and collectivism, by restricting liberty, tend to reward stupidity. Remember that political leaders are oriented toward controlling other people; they’re clever about it, but they’re basically stupid about the rest of reality. Nonetheless, their animal shrewdness is enough for them to gain and keep power over others. The immediate and direct consequences of that political power are gratifying for those who have it; the indirect and delayed consequences, however, are disastrous for everyone.

But wait. It sounds like stupidity is related to evil. Which it is. Stupidity is a signpost of evil. It’s why it often takes a while, when things are going badly, to determine whether you’re dealing with a knave or just a fool.”

Almost begs the question does the American public love evil, since they demonstrate so emphatically that they support this corrupt sociopathic establishment.

SARTRE – April 28, 2014

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April 29, 2014 12:03 pm

“Most disturbing of all, Stout says at least six out of 10 people “will BLINDLY obey an official-looking authority to the bitter end.”

Amazing. Take out ‘blindly” and I believe this is true, “99% of people prefer to be followers”.

Why? Leading is; hard, scary, uncomfortable, takes you out of your comfort zone, opens you up to all kinds of criticism, and very risky. It could even cost you your life. That’s just a partial list. If I was forced to sum it up in one word I would say “effort”. And in Amerika today no one likes effort.

Amerikans can’t even make the effort to actually THINK about whom they are voting for. Most of us are Pavlovian Dogs. Free shitters vote free shit. Niggers vote nigger shit. Crackas vote cracka shit. Burritos vote burrito shit. All without thought … even if the name on the ballot is Hitler … or, Obama. And that’s why Hillary will be your next POTUS.

April 29, 2014 2:43 pm

Absolutely Stuck.

Years ago I read a great article on how to survive a public shooting.

The guy was private security, ex-military, and blunt. Loved the article, wish I could find it.

What has stuck with me:

1. Did you just hear something that sounded like a shot? Assume it IS a shot and beat feet – NOW! Looking stupid is better than being dead. Many people die in these public shootings because when they hear the first gunshot – or three – they naturally assume it is anything EXCEPT a gunshot and do nothing, then get dead.

2. If you KNOW that the crowd is running the wrong way, or that the crowd is now the danger, be prepared to go against them to save yourself and your family.

I’m sure he had lots of other great tips, but basically his survival thoughts were to accept every potential dangerous situation as a real danger until proven otherwise, and don’t doubt yourself just because everyone else is too stupid to realize they are in danger.

We, the American people, probably ALL citizens/serfs, are no longer entitled to rights from our creator. We are a herd that must be medicated and indoctrinated and controlled. Lucky for the 99% they freaking love being in the herd and not having to think or work to survive.

For us few that feel the exact opposite, we are screwed. From our doctors, to our inspectors, to our insurance agents, repairmen, local grocer and pharmacy, we are now treated like nothing but herd animals where it is perfectly acceptable to destroy a few individuals to keep the rest of them calm and compliant. I guess we need to wake up to the fact that the majority of our neighbors have NEVER opened a book once their formal education ended. That alone tells us all we need to know.

Hence the death of small business. Compliance comes with lack of choices, and jobs, and fiat.

Scary stuff it is. Scary, scary, stuff.

April 29, 2014 3:00 pm

U.S. Regulatory Costs Are World’s No. 10 Economy


After years of rapid growth during the Obama administration, the cost of federal regulations is now bigger than the entire economies of all but nine countries in the world.

That’s according to the latest annual report on the regulatory state issued by the free-market Competitive Enterprise Institute, titled “Ten Thousand Commandments.”

Compiling reports of compliance costs from various government agencies and outside sources, author Clyde Wayne Crews found that the “regulation tax” imposed on the economy now tops $1.86 trillion.

By comparison, Canada’s entire GDP is $1.82 trillion. India’s is $1.84 trillion.

The problem, Crews notes, is that the combined cost of this “tax” never shows up anywhere in the federal budget — or any other official report — even though it is now bigger than individual and corporate income taxes combined.

As a result, “policymakers find it easier to impose regulatory costs relative to undertaking more government spending,” Crews notes, “because of the lack of disclosure and accountability for regulatory costs.”

Among the findings in the report:

On a per-household basis, federal regulatory costs average $14,974, which is more than the typical household spends on just about anything else.

When regulatory costs are combined with federal spending, Washington’s share of the economy rises to an eye-popping 31%.

There are currently more than 3,000 rules in various stages of implementation at 63 federal agencies; 191 of the rules are “economically significant,” which means that they will impose more than $100 million in annual compliance costs.

Read More At Investor’s Business Daily:

April 29, 2014 3:29 pm

AWD, and the truth shall be ignored.

31% to feds, add another 10-15% to state and local regulatory and tax, now realize banking/finance sector is claimed at 8%, but I think that is understated, and health care at 18%. Before we get out of bed to go to work we owe nearly 70% of our efforts to these mobs.

I’m sure a healthy economy is right around the corner. No production has to equate to a higher standard of living, right?

Thieves and morons.

April 29, 2014 4:52 pm

“After years of rapid growth during the Obama administration, ….” —- article submitted by AWD

Rapid growth? Huh? What?? Say that again? Which fuckin’ country is he talking about?

April 29, 2014 10:11 pm

Stucky, the growth is of regulations, not the economy.