Was anyone paying attention this week when Senator Bernie Sanders asked Grandma Yellen straight out “are we a capitalist democracy or an oligarchy?”. She evaded the answer (video below), but we all know the truth. The 0.01% own and run this country. Everyone else is just debt serfs or tax milking cows.

The laws are for us, not them. How much longer the little people will put up with this farce is anyone’s guess.


“Is The U.S. A Capitalist Democracy Or Oligarchy?” Janet Yellen Doesn’t Know

Submitted by Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

During this week’s Senate hearings, Janet Yellen was asked by Senator Bernie Sanders if the U.S. was a capitalist democracy or has morphed into an oligarchy. While readers of this site already know the answer to this question, which was recently proved empirically by a Princeton and Northwestern academic study, it was still stunning to note her unwillingness to answer the question.

I will give her some credit for not flat out lying about it. She inherently understands that the U.S. is a corrupt, shameful oligarchy, but as head of the institution most responsible for this transformation she simply cannot tell the truth. It is incredible that things have fallen so far that a U.S. Senator felt compelled to ask such a question, and even worse that such a powerful official couldn’t vehemently and decisively deny the claim.

Where I take exception with Sanders, is that he appears to live under some strange sort of hypnosis that makes him think only Republican oligarchs are problematic. Of course no sane person should draw any serious distinction between establishment Democrats or Republicans. Furthermore, he also makes the mistake of focusing on the 1%, when the real problem resides in a far smaller 0.01%, which I described in my post: Where Does the Real Problem Reside? Two Charts Showing the 0.01% vs. the 1%.

See for yourself:


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May 10, 2014 10:37 pm

EMINENCE GREASE as used in the article – but never defined – is the “power behind the throne”.

Dick Cheney was an EMINENCE GREASE for Bush junior who had no clue about most everything. That’s why we got enmeshed in Iraq for no reason when the EMINENCE GREASE fucks up. (and Cheney fucked up – but to great profit for the defense industry which was far more the goal that doing anything good for the world.)

There are probably 300 of these assholes running around Congress and a thousand more dwelling in the dank and moldy rat holes around state governments. They pay off politicians (legally, if possibly and illegally if no other way exists) to do their bidding and that’s why they are called eminence grease.

They smooth the way for whatever their masters command. Blackmail, bribes, gentle payoffs or favors.

It’s the New American Way… Enjoy your fucking – because when that’s over thay’ll will just trash you while in pursuit for easier prey.


May 11, 2014 8:16 am

Teaching the kids well,we are..

Crony Chronicles: I Want To Be A Crony

May 11, 2014 9:56 pm

Bernie Sanders actually is a Socialist, but he says stuff more in line with capitalists than the fake capitalists in both fascist parties.

Sanders is for lots of social programs for The People…but only if the country has the fucking money to implement them!

He’s a socialist, but he understands MATH. He’s better than Insane McCain or Obomber or Mittens Romney, although not better than Ron Paul.

May 11, 2014 9:58 pm

What’s hilarious is that Valerie Jarret woman is saying the same BS that GW Bush said.